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time does the woman usually have breakfast

8:00. 10:00. 7:00.

does this conversation take place

a restaurant. a bank. a shop.

is the relationship between the two speakers

assistant and customer. and employee. and daughter.

did the girl do last Sunday

was ill at that time. left her mother alone. stayed with her mother at home.

did the woman buy her brother for Christmas

bought him a watch. has not bought him a present yet. bought him a book.




has the woman been

. . .

color is the new sofa

. . .

does the woman think of the old sofa

's old-fashioned. 's too narrow to sleep on. doesn't match their furniture.


does the man feel after going to the gym

. . .

does the man do about bird-watching

divides the birds into groups. makes lists of rare birds. writes reports on the birds. long does the man spend on bird-watching every week

3 hours. 6 hours. 8 hours.


kind of program is Lollipops

news program. music program. sports program.

will be on at 8:00

to Square One. ' Letters. 's Company.

can the listeners hear an interview

9:00. 10:30. 11:00.

is the last broadcast

. . forecast.




16. —What shall we do tonight then

—,whatever you want.

yourself 's a deal problem 's up to you

didn't make clear when and where the sports meet would be held.

and see me whenever .

are convenient will be convenient

is convenient for you will be convenient to you

had to bring the project under construction to end because of lack of money. ; an B./; / C./; an ; the

,your computer has broken down again!It doesn't sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars.

reason he was late for the meeting was he was held up by traffic jam during the rush hour.

; because ; that ; that ; because

though your health isn't that good,you don't have to take too much medicine.

money was beginning to but there were no jobs to be found.

out out out out

24. —Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency

—Well,you know,English is my .So it is my best choice.

Dao, on the coast of the Yellow Sea,is an important port of China.

be situated situated

the foot of the mountain .

village lies lying a village a village lie a village

had to return to his home in Beijing because his flight .

cancelled been cancelled be cancelled been cancelled

success was a long story,but ,he succeeded after many failures.

detail force brief vain
