牛津高中英语 模块十单元一wordstudy (1)

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M10 U1 Words(1)(p1-5)

Made by JX Teaching aims:

1.To enlarge students’ vocabulary

2.To enable students to master the usage of some important words.

Teaching procedure:

Step one: 联想记忆

1. Ethiopia n. 埃塞俄比亚--- _____________ adj. 埃塞俄比亚的n. 埃塞俄比亚人

2. politician n. 政客--- ___________ n.政治---__________ adj. 政治的

3. statesman n. 政治家---pl __________---___________ n. 女政治

4. wrestle v. 努力对付和解决;摔跤---___________ n. 摔跤运动

5. agency n. 专门机构---___________ n.代理人,经纪人

6. pregnant adj.怀孕的;充满的;意味深长的---___________ n. 怀孕,深意

7. irrigation n. 灌溉---_________ v. 灌溉

8. enterprise n. 企业;事业心,进取心---_____________ adj. 有事业心的,有胆识的

9. conventional adj.传统的,常规的---______________ n. 大会;习俗

Step two:词汇用法

1. long-term/short-term adj. 长期的/短期的


term n. 学期;期限;术语


2) 在某人任职期间________________________

3) 化学/科学术语_________________

词组:in the long/short term __________________

in terms of ______________

be/keep on good terms with sb. ____________________

come to terms _____________________


____________________________________________________________________________ 5) __________ achievement, last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing grade.

A. In terms of

B. In case of

C. As a result of

D. In face of

2. gravity n. 重力,地心引力;严重性; 严肃

1)Newton’s law/theory of gravity _________________

2) 我认为你没有意识到形势的严重性。____________________________________

3)say with sudden gravity ____________________________

3. headline n.(报纸的)大字标题

headline news 头条新闻

hit/make the headlines 成为重要新闻

1)The scandal was in the headlines for several days. ___________________________________ 2) 刘翔中途因脚伤中途退赛成为了重要新闻。


4. pressure n. 压;压力_______ v. 压,按

air/blood pressure ___________________

under pressure (from)__________________

put pressure on …/…under pressure(to do something)________________________________ bring pressure to bear on sb (to do sth) 对某人施加压力(使之做某事)

pressure sb. into doing sth. 迫使某人做某事

1)工业发展已给环境带来了(巨大的)压力。______________________________________ 2) 我不想迫使你做出决定,但是我们没多少时间了。


5. wrestle v摔跤;奋力对付;努力处理;全力解决

wrestle with sb. 与…摔跤;奋力应对,对付解决…

1) 他把对手摔倒在地上。_______________________________

2) Armed guards wrestled with the intruder. ___________________________________

3) 她整个周末都在绞尽脑汁处理这个问题。________________________________________

6. dilemma n. (进退两难的)窘境,困境

be in a dilemma _____________ get out of a dilemma____________



7. beyond prep. (表示位置)在…的那一边;(表示时间)超出;(表示范围限度等)超出,非…所及;除…以外(常用于否定句和疑问句)

5.beyond doubt 毫无疑问

beyond doubt = without doubt

He is without/beyond doubt the cleverest student I’ve ever taught.


She is without/beyond doubt a great musician.



I don’t doubt that …我不怀疑……
