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初中三年全部英语动词+doing和+to do 句型全汇总, 值得收藏!

在初中英语学习中,想要取得高分语法和单词这两座大山一定要过,今天老师分享的是初中英语最常考全部英语动词+doing和+to do 的总结,千万别再弄混了。




sth.练习做某事doing practise 3.


doing完成做某事finish 5.

害怕做某事doing of afraid be 6.

忙于做某事doing busy be

doing盼望做某事to forward look7.

doing做某事怎么样about doing、./what about how8.

(in)doing花时间做某事time some spend9.

花钱做某事buying(in)money some spend10.

doing想做某事like feel11.


doing感谢某人做某事for sb thank13.

doing感谢做某事for thanks14.

cooking/cleaning/reading/shopping/washing做点饭、打扫一下卫生、读点书、逛逛街、洗洗衣服15. do some

划船滑冰、swimming/fishing/shopping/skating/boating去游泳、钓鱼、逛街、go 16.


doing情不自禁做某事help can’t18.


做某事有趣sth..doing fun have20.

sth做某事有困难doing difficulty have21.

sth做某事有困难doing trouble have

做某事有困难sth doing problem have

doing浪费时间或金钱做某事time/money waste22.

doing代替做某事of instead23.

错过做某事doing miss24.

doing坚持做某事to on hold25.

doing集中精力做某事to attention pay26.


doing 到该做某事的时间了for time It’s28.

到该做某事的时间了sth.do to time It’s

sth有人正在做某事doing sb is There29.

习惯做某事sth doing to used be30.

sth被用来做某事doing for used be31.

experience具有做某事的丰富经验of lot a32. have

sth允许做某事33 sb allow doing

sth推迟做某事doing off34. put

成功做某事sth doing in35. succeed

doing以做某事结束up36. end

doing放弃做某事up37. give


sth.最好(不)做某事do(not)better had 1.

你可以做某事吗?sth do(not)please you would 2. sth.为什么不做某事?do not why3.

sth.为什么你不做某事?do you don’t why

sth.?我们要做某事吗?do we Shall 4.

sth.让某人做某事do sb let5.

sth使某人做某事do sb have sth.do sb.make6.

sth感觉某人做某事do sb feel7.


该是做某事的时候了sth.do to time It’s 1.

sth做某事花了某人时间do to time some sb.takes It 2.

邀请某人做某事sth.告诉、叫、想、鼓励、do to sb.want/encourage/invite/tell/ ask/3.

sth.?你想做某事吗?do to like you Would 4.

sth做某事好/不好do to good/bad It’s 5.

sth.对某人来说,做某事好/不好do sb.to for good/bad It’s 6.

sth.足够+形容词做某事do to enough+adj.+be7.

sth.某人准备好做某事do to ready is sb.8.

做某事对某人+形容词(做这件事对你好)sth.do to sb.for adj.++It’s9.

(你做这事真好)sth某人做某事+形容词do to sb.of adj.++It’s10.

想、喜欢、决定、想、希望做某事sth.do/decide/want/wish/to like/love would11.

sth.想让某人做某事do to sb.like/love would12.

sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事do do rather than to13. prefer

out.go than rather home at stay to prefer又如:I writing.to reading

prefer I.意思同write than rather read to prefer例如:I

better.red like red.=I prefer,即:I better再如:prefer=like

sth怎么、什么时候、在哪里、要不要做某事do to when/where/whether how/14.

do 迫不及待做某事to wait can’t15.

… 太怎么样而不能做某事do to…too16.

do害怕、准备、能够、确定做某事to/ready/able/sure afraid be17.

sth到该干某事的时候了do to time It’s18.
