


小学生演讲稿| 感恩演讲稿| 感恩父母演讲稿| 感恩教师演讲稿| 学雷锋演讲稿



my name is steven . i’m 10 years old, today my topic is my family .

i have a happy family . there are three members:my father , my mother and me . my parents love mevery much .

my mother is chinese teacher . she is very tall and thin . her face looks small and her eres are very beautiful . my mother is very warm and friendly to others , but she is very strict with me .

my father is a professional accountant . he works hard every day . he likes playing football . i usually play with him . we enjoy ourselves every time .

my dream is to be a police officer when i grow up . everyboy , please cheer me on !

thanks ! thanks you very much !


以我爱公司我爱我的家为主题的公司员工演讲稿 尊敬的各领领导,各位评为、同事们: 你们好! 今天,我演讲的题目是《我爱xx,我爱我的家》! 春天正踏着轻盈的脚步走向我们而来,在这阳光明媚,春风荡漾的日子里,我们有缘相识在xx,相聚在xx,是xx给了我们展现自己的机会,是xx给了我们演绎人生的舞台,我们应该珍惜这个来之不易的机会,用我们的生命去阐释我能美丽的人生。 崔总说过:忠诚于事业就是忠诚于自己,责任与荣誉并存。这是对xx文化的最深刻的注解和阐述。 历经六年的发展,纵观xx从形成期到现在和蓬勃发展期,我们都深深的体会到了“文化是明日的经济资源,只有无限的文化才能生生不息”的道理,今天,我们见证历史与精英们共同磨砺智慧的灵光,未来历史将见证我们,与大家一起分享收获的磬香。 站在今日的辉煌,我们翻开xx的重重历史,艰辛而成功的走过了六个春秋。在这20xx多个日日夜夜里,有成功的喜悦也有失败的挫折,然而正是这20xx个昼夜,才铸就了今日的辉煌,铸就了今日的xx! 成功只能代表过去,如今,在城市化,消费升级和科技发展的效应带动下,xx已经进入可新一轮的发展周期,正面临着新的挑战,也是战略机遇。在这一轮的发展过程中,随着张家港、广州、内蒙古公司的陆续投入运营,我们xx正向着集团化公司迈进,并在世界二

甲醚这个项目中充分发挥着自己的综合竞争优势。我们正站在新的起点上,实现新的跨越,攀登新的珠峰。 对于我们的员工而言,恪尽职守那是义不容辞的责任,如何提高我们的综合素质,如何做好我们的本职工作,这是我们工作的重点,才是真正将自己融入了企业的新发展中。 放眼于当今的中国,是要提高国家的竞争力,以信息化带动经济化。缩小范围来讲,对我们公司而言,就是要从可以带动人才化,以人性化带动管理化,这对我们公司提出了更高的要求,在这种形式下,我们要不断创造新的起点以适应社会的变迁,时代的更替不断充实自己的知识与技术,同步与时代的思路去灌输自己的工作学习中,令自己永远走在世界的最前列! 此时此刻,xx就像冉冉升起的太阳,绽放出无限的光芒,又像是一艘艘航行在浩瀚的大海中的巨轮,乘风破浪,向着胜利的彼岸进发。让我们共同努力,上下齐心,趁着xx迅速发展的春风,站在新的起点,谋求新的发展,为建设新时代的xx而分发图强,为xx的美好的明天而奋勇前进吧! 我爱xx,我爱我的家!


青春励志英语演讲稿4篇 青春是我们挥洒汗水的时期,青春是我们追梦的时期。青春无悔,在自己的青春时光要做到不要留下遗憾。那关于青春励志的英语演讲稿该怎么写?小编为大家整理了关于青春励志的英语演讲稿4篇,欢 迎大家阅读。 青春励志英语演讲稿篇1 Leading members and judges, young friends: Hello, everybody! My name is XX, and we are pleased to be able to discuss the pursuit of excellence, dedication youth, this topic, I am going to talk about today is "willing to sacrifice, the fire ignited youth." Let the fire burn eternal youth, so that life lightning across the horizon, with all the enthusiasm in exchange for time, there is no end to the dream of youth! I really appreciate the "Agni youth," these words inside, and has been encouraging with its own study, work and life. I think that youth should be burned, give off light only value! Burning of one's life may also be corrupt, in that case, I do not want to corrupt, not corrupt, I would like to burn up! Friends present here! You like it? Youth is our most beautiful season of life, she is breeding in early spring of life, demonstrating a warm summer, with

三分钟 英语演讲稿

三分钟英语演讲稿 dear students: how are you! in the previous several exams, i have gained good results, first of all thanks to my efforts, of course, learning is also very important. next, i gave you about my learning experience. i feel good in order to learn first-come interested in learning. as the saying goes: “interest is the best teacher.” with interest will be motivated to learn, the more naturally learn better. second, in order to improve learning, we must master the correct way to learn, learn to digest, giving top priority, this is the most important. in learning, our minds must have three words - “why!” smart people know that; wise men know to listen to; smart people know to ask. the last is sure to be hard work, this is the most important, eve n thomas edison said “genius needs ninety-nine percent perspiration.” school should seriously lectures, and pay attention to more independent thinking, do not know want to ask, to exercise their thinking skills. careful and meticulous to teacher assignments, must not be careless. there is, to take notes, preview before class the best, first have a preliminary understanding of the text, which for the next class can more easily absorb. after-school must also be reviewed, and consolidate the knowledge about good teachers, and lay a solid foundation. the ancients have said: “reviewing the old, to be a teacher.” not also the truth? best to pay attention to work and rest. only care about the death of reading is of no use to let my mind relax properly for the job such as playing baseball, listening to music, watch tv news. finally, i want to say “do not you go stronger than others, then you have to and they are better than weak, you challenged yourself to stay on a par before himself, and you will reap better than others.” i finished the speech thank you!


我爱我的公司演讲稿 公司是大家工作的地方,热爱公司就要像热爱家园那样。小编精心收集了我爱我的公司演讲稿,供大家欣赏学习! 我爱我的公司演讲稿范文1 尊敬的各位领导,亲爱的同事们: 大家好!我是来自汽车零部件的王xx。今天的演讲的题目是《我的成长,从神剑开始》。 那是20XX年的冬天,我来到了神剑,当时只是一名实习生,没有任何的工作经验。有的只是我的稚气与懵懂,在这里,我从稚气走向成熟,从懵懂走向了稳重,这些变化都离不开企业给我的帮助。为此,我感谢神剑科技给了我这次学习的机会。 我毕业于一座大专院校,学的是机械制造与自动化专业。目前在精工分厂的数控班,在学校里掌握的只是书本上的知识,对于数控操作技术方面欠缺实践。我的师傅李厚富,是我们数控班的班长,也是我们厂的技师,他从机床的每一个操作键到如何使用各个编程代码,从最简单的操作实践到如何从事生产加工。他总是耐心的为我们讲解,一次讲到G71的使用编码,他为了让我更好的了解,在手上画了一个图,直至我明天为止。在他的指导下,我在一天天的成长与变化。 师傅如父亲般,对我十分严格,有一次在加工江淮汽车左支架的时候,中心孔总是偏离,在检验发现问题找我解决时,我是一头雾水,此时刚好师傅路过,我就问他。他没有立即解决问题,而是教了我解决问题的方法。"善于问问题是好事,可是如果不用大脑思考你就永

远不会进步"。是啊,师傅说的很对,从事数控加工,需要的是胆大心细,只有靠自己努力,才能取的更好的进步。去年的七月份,我实习转正后,参加了公司的培训,培训期间。我们深入各个生产区域参观学习,从基本上了解整个企业的组成部分。学习了企业的各项管理制度与文化理念,这些都是书本上没有的东西,它凝聚了公司四十多年的发展砺炼,强烈震撼了我们的心灵。其中在室外体能拓展训练,大家相互配合共同完成了一项又一项挑战。是我感悟到整体协作的力量。这次培训使我更加热爱神剑这个大家庭。 成长为一名正式员工,企业为我提供了发展,从工作生活各方面为我们着想。聆听我们的内心想法,解决我们的各项困难。身处其中我深深感受到了这个大家庭的温暖。在这里我看到了为完成某型号任务,大家加班加点,紧张忙碌的场面,在这里我看到了职工遇到困难大家伸出援助之手的感人场面。初来神剑,我只是一张白纸,在领导和同事的帮助下,在企业这张纸上抒写着自己的人生篇章。 炎炎夏日,我们分公司的搬迁工作也在紧张进行当中,这次搬迁的任务重大,也是企业发展的一次重大调整,作为其中一员我很有幸能见证企业的第三次创业。如同看着自己一步一步走来,神剑给予我的,我将铭记,我相信我所选择的。我也相信神剑的明天会更好。我爱我的公司演讲稿范文2 尊敬的各领领导,各位评为、同事们: 你们好! 今天,我演讲的题目是《我爱xx,我爱我的家》!


我的家乡是个美丽的地方,他有一个美丽的名字—****.这里有一个风景名胜区—****. 它就象仙境.这有很多高山,山上有很多树.一眼看去都是绿色的,青山绿水.有很多奇形怪状 的石头.像少女,像老婆婆,像动物,有老虎、猴子、狗,老鹰等。有一个很高的石头象春笋一 样,我们都叫他石笋。他是世界上最高的石柱。我家就在****边,河里有很多鱼。我很喜欢 吃****鱼。蓝蓝的天,新鲜的空气。人们都喜欢在这拍照片,画画,来这度假。多么美丽啊, 我爱我的家乡。欢迎您来****,欢迎您到****来。 my hometown is ****.it is a beautiful place. it stands beside a wide river named “****”and is rich in fish and rice. my hometown is not only the place where i was born, but also the place i’ve never been able to leave.a few years ago, i moved to other places to begin my college life and work. when i left, i felt i was as a left mother child. it has brought me lots of happiness. i love my hometown. it is small and quiet. my hometown is very beautiful and lovely. you can see the flowers, grass and trees everywhere. when you walk in the street, you can feel the gentle wind touching your face and breathe the fresh air. the climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoor activities. i love the night of summer. people sit in the gardens of their houses or in the small restaurant, chatting, drinking and enjoying the delicious food which is abundant in our place. i love the sunrise, the gentle breeze brings us the fragrance of the flowers, the golden sunshine makes our hair slimmer and my heart will be filled with hope and happiness! i love this feeling. i love my hometown, not only because of its beauty, but also because honest people there, including my family. 我的家乡是* * * *。这是一个美丽的地方。它座落在一条宽宽的叫****的河流边,盛产 鱼和稻米。我的家乡是不仅是我出生的地方,也是我无法离开的地方。几年前,我搬到其他 地方开始我的大学生活和工作。当我离开的时候,我觉得我就像离开了妈妈的孩子。我的家 乡给我带来了很多的快乐。 我爱我的家乡。它是小而安静的。我的家乡是非常美丽和可爱的。你可以看到花,草和 树到处都是。当你走在大街上,你能感觉温和的风触摸着你的脸,新鲜的空气沁入你的心扉。 这里的气候很温暖,很适合做一些户外活动。我喜欢夏天的夜晚。人们坐在他们房子的花园 或小餐馆,聊天,喝酒和享受我们这边特产的美味食品。我喜欢日出,柔和的微风带给我们 花的芬芳,金色的阳光使我们的头发轻盈,我的心充满希望和快乐!我喜欢这种感觉。我爱 我的家乡,不仅因为它的美丽,更因为淳朴善良的人,包括我的亲人们。 虽然我离开家乡已多年。但无论我去哪里,我永远也不会忘记我的家乡。它给我的一切, 虽然其他地方也可以给我。但是我的爱不会改变,因为它是我的故乡。我会永远爱我的家乡。 欢迎你到我的家乡与我一起分享家的感觉。 my hometown my hometown is beautiful place it stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. it has many tall buildings and wide streets. there are trees and flowers everywhere. but it has not always been like that. in the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. for the working people there were only dark, unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. nearly everyone was poor and many had no work. i love my hometown, and i love its people. they also have changed. healthy and happy, they are going all out to build socialism.


篇一:英语励志演讲稿范文 英语励志演讲稿范文(一) ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i‘m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is ―youth‖. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you some questions: 1、do you know what is youth? 2、how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals. years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ?s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what‘s next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart there‘s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. thank you! 英语励志演讲稿范文(二) good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am joy and glad to give you a speech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen. psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life . 英语演讲稿开头 尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享??honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!i feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today im going to look together with you into this question:?? :good morning everybody!its my honor to speak here,and i am very glad to share my topic with you. then today id like to talk something about......(大家早上好!能在这里做此次演讲我十分荣幸,也很高兴能跟大家一起分享我的主题,今天我想演讲的是......) (译文:女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到05级英语演讲比赛的现常首先,请允许


三分钟英文演讲稿范文 篇一 honorable judges and dear friends, my name is maer dongyan, i’m very happy today to stand here to share my speech, my imagination, and my story as an air traffic controller with all of you. i, as a 35-year-old air traffic controller, have been working on the tower for nearly ten years. through these years’ working, i really come to love this job. besides, as the husband of my beloved, the father of my 8-year-old daughter, and the son of my old parents, i also love my family, a happy family. however, it has been really hard to coordinate my work and my family. it’s generally considered great to be an air traffic controller by the public, for the job is believed to be well-paid and quite easy. i was also one of them before i started the work. but things have been entirely different from what i used to think. as an air traffic controller of the new century, we’re facing tasks and barriers greater and harder than ever, that is, we have to ensure


公司员工演讲稿:我爱公司,我爱我 的家 公司员工演讲稿:我爱公司,我爱我的家 尊敬的各领领导,各位评为、同事们: 你们好! 今天,我演讲的题目是《我爱xx,我爱我的家》! 春天正踏着轻盈的脚步走向我们而来,在这阳光明媚,春风荡漾的日子里,我们有缘相识在xx,相聚在xx,是xx给了我们展现自己的机会,是xx给了我们演绎人生的舞台, 我们应该珍惜这个来之不易的机会,用我们的生命去阐释我能美丽的人生。

崔总说过:忠诚于事业就是忠诚于自己,责任与荣誉并存。这是对xx文化的最深刻的注解和阐述。 历经六年的发展,纵观xx从形成期到现在和蓬勃发展期,我们都深深的体会到了“文化是明日的经济资源,只有无限的文化才能生生不息”的道理,今天,我们见证历史与精英们共同磨砺智慧的灵光,未来历史将见证我们,与大家一起分享收获的磬香。 站在今日的辉煌,我们翻开xx的重重历史,艰辛而成功的走过了六个春秋。在这2000多个日日夜夜里,有成功的喜悦也有失败的挫折,然而正是这2000个昼夜,才铸就了今日的辉煌,铸就了今日的xx! 成功只能代表过去,如今,在城市化,消费升级和科技发展的效应带动下,xx已经进入可新一轮的发展周期,正面临着新的挑战,也是战略机遇。在这一轮的发展过程中,随着张家港、广州、内蒙古公司的陆续投入运营,我们xx

正向着集团化公司迈进,并在世界二甲醚这个项目中充分发挥着自己的综合竞争优势。我们正站在新的起点上,实现新的跨越,攀登新的珠峰。 对于我们的员工而言,恪尽职守那是义不容辞的责任,如何提高我们的综合素质,如何做好我们的本职工作,这是我们工作的重点,才是真正将自己融入了企业的新发展中。 放眼于当今的中国,是要提高国家的竞争力,以信息化带动经济化。缩小范围来讲,对我们公司而言,就是要从可以带动人才化,以人性化带动管理化,这对我们公司提出了更高的要求,在这种形式下,我们要不断创造新的起点以适应社会的变迁,时代的更替不断充实自己的知识与技术,同步与时代的思路去灌输自己的工作学习中,令自己永远走在世界的最前列! 此时此刻,xx就像冉冉升起的太阳,绽放出无限的光芒,又像是一艘艘航行在浩瀚的大海中的巨轮,乘风破浪,


1分钟关于家庭英语演讲稿3篇一个幸福的家庭是多么的美好。以下是整理了1分钟关于家庭英语演讲稿3篇,供你参考。 1分钟关于家庭英语演讲稿篇一 hello, everyone, i’m liu dongdong. i’m a student. there are three people in my family—my father, mother and i. my father is 40 years old. he is a worker. i think he is a good worker. because he works very hard. he gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. so he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets home. he likes reading newspapers. he usually reads it after supper. so he gets lots of news. my mother is 38 years old. she is a worker too. she works in a very small factory. she is not tall and she has two big eyes. she loves me and she is good for me. she always buys some books for me. she wants me to be a top student. she also cares for my diet and life. i’ m 15 years old. i wear glasses. i like reading. i always read books after school. i like singing, too. my favorite singer is jay chou. his music is very nice. what do you think of him i also like making friends.

演讲稿 青春励志英语演讲稿五篇

青春励志英语演讲稿五篇 下面是小编整理的青春励志英语演讲稿,欢迎大家参考阅读。 青春励志英语演讲稿篇一 Saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too ping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite . having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around! the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when


三分钟英语演讲稿 三分钟英语演讲稿 三分钟英语演讲稿1 I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English. I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us. I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well. If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too. I am sure that I will realize my dream one day! Thank you!

我爱我的工作演讲稿 演讲发言

篇一:《我爱我的工作岗位》演讲稿 演讲稿《我爱我的工作岗位》 各位领导、各位同事: 大家好!今天,我要演讲的题目是《我爱我的工作岗位》。 热爱工作,说具体点就是要做好自己的本职工作,把点滴的小事做好,把分秒的时间抓牢。从我做起,从小事做起,从现在做起,这就是敬业,这就是爱岗! 说实话,行政助理是一个很平凡的岗位,没有销售部门的闪亮业绩,也没有售后服务的光彩夺目,更没有决策部门的运筹帷幄,有的只是一个后勤保障应有的服务,为大家服务,为公司服务,仅此而已。 但我还是热爱这份工作,因为它给我带来了莫大的快乐,每一项工作对我来说,就是一段快乐的时光,文件的草拟是对我所学知识的综合考察,活动的组织是对我能力的锻炼,服务大家则是对我工作的肯定等等,每当一项工作完成,就标志着我向前迈出了坚实的一步,一种成就感油然而生,是来自内心深处的,让人惬意。工作使我快乐,快乐让我更好的工作。 是这样的,它只是一个平凡的岗位,却让我收获了很多,有了长足的进步,同事们,让我们热爱自己的工作岗位吧,为生物制品的美好明天,奉献出自己一份微薄之力。谢谢大家! 篇二:我爱我平凡的事业演讲稿 我爱我平凡的事业 工业园实验学校xx 泰戈尔在诗中写道:“花的事业是甜蜜的,果的事业是珍贵的,让我干叶的事业吧,因为它总是谦逊地低垂着它的绿荫。”带着对绿叶精神的追求,带着对教师的崇拜,带着对教育事业的憧憬与热爱,六年前,我义无反顾地选择了教师这一职业。

路在脚下延伸,而我刚刚起步!不管漫长的路上荆棘丛生或是布满沼泽,我都一如既往,绝不退缩。几年的风风雨雨酸甜苦辣,为人师者的种种滋味尝遍过后,我越来越感觉到,自己离不开这个职业。 古代大教育家孔子呕心沥血,以教为重的精神教育着我;现代伟大教育家陶行知先生从教几十年,始终安于“粉笔生涯”的献身精神、鞠躬尽瘁的高尚情怀激励着我,增强了我热爱教育事业的信念。我爱我平凡而又神圣的职业。我愿作红烛,我甘为人梯,我愿在这个工作岗位上,默默无闻,辛勤耕坛。古人云:“一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树林;终身之计,莫如树人”,塑造灵魂这一神圣的使命是金钱所无法衡量的,我庆幸命运赐给了我这个职业。 身为一名人民教师,我经常问自己这样一个问题:要做一名优秀的教师,应该具备的最重要的条件是什么?是优美的语言?是广博的知识?还是丰富的教学经验?在实践的过程中我发现:作为一名优秀的人民教师不仅要有优美流畅的语言、广博的知识、丰富的教学经验,最重要的是要有爱心。 师爱是教师对学生无私的爱,它是师德的核心,它是熊熊的火炬,点燃学生的梦想;它是指路的明灯,照亮学生前进的路程。 鲁迅先生有句话:“教育是植根于爱的”。爱是教育的源泉,教师有了爱,才会用伯乐的眼光去发现学生的闪光点,对自己的教育对象充满信心和爱心,才会有追求卓越和创新的精神。全国劳模、北师大林崇德教授认为,“疼爱自己的孩子是本能,而热爱别人的孩子是神圣!”教师对学生的爱,从本质上说是一种只讲付出不求回报、无私的、没有血缘关系的爱,是一种严慈相济的爱。 这种爱是极其神圣纯真的。这种圣洁的爱是教师培桃育李的感情基础,学生一旦体会到这种真情友谊,就会“亲其师、敬其师”,从而“信其道”。 教师的爱与尊重是照亮学生心灵窗户的烛光,只有以爱心才能教会学生去爱身边的每个人,爱身边的一草一木。 教育家马卡连柯曾经说过:“爱是一种伟大的感情,它总在创造奇迹,创造新的人。”如果我的学生是蜜蜂,我甘当采蜜的花朵;如果我的学生是花朵,我一定做好护花的绿叶;如果我的学生是卫星,我一定当好把他们送上万里征程的火箭;如果我的学生是火箭,我一定当好一名火箭兵,用我坚实的肩膀,顶着


我的家庭英语演讲稿 我的家庭英语演讲稿该怎么写?下面是的我为大家精心整理的“我的家庭英语演讲稿”四篇,供大家阅读!希望能够帮助到大家!! 篇一:我的家庭英语演讲稿 Everyone has a family. We all live in there, and from there to get warm, there are six people in my family, my mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sister, and me. We live a happy life together, our house has many interesting stories, especially mom and dad. My father works hard. He is a driver, he always do his best to handle each car, try to make them comfortable. Sometimes, he worked too hard to forget to date. My mother is a very bad memory. She would do a lot of housework, but sometimes because of her carelessness while doing something wrong. For example, one day, she use the washing machine wash his clothes, and finally found himself forgot to water in the washing machine. Now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, the father thought as usual to get up early, but because he doesn't set the alarm clock the day before yesterday, so he got up late, when he woke up, he hurried to brush my teeth wash my face and went off to work, my father left, mother said to me mysteriously, "he must be back in a moment." "Why?" I am very surprised. "Because today is Sunday, his holiday." Mom just then, a little later, my father came back, and went to bed again, because he is too tired. You see, what an interesting family! I hope you have a family like me. 篇二:我的家庭英语演讲稿 hello,everyone! my name is steven . i'm 10 years old, today my topic is my family . i have a happy family . there are three members:my father , my mother and me . my parents love mevery much . my mother is chinese teacher . she is very tall and thin . her face looks small and her eres are very beautiful . my mother


中学生两分钟超励志英语演讲稿范文五篇英文演讲稿1 Life is unfair. Success is not measured on the days when the sun shines. Success is measured on the dark, stormy, cloudy days. If you can't absorb failure, you're never gonna meet success.The thing about life is it's not always easy, and you can't always win. Some point of your life, it hits you. It hits you really really hard. The person you love doesn't love you back, you get fired, you lose a family member. At some point of your life, you're gonna hit rock bottom. You're paralyzed, you're like, "Why?" And that why can really really destroy you. Once you start asking yourself, "Why me? Why not the others, why me? I'm actually a good person, I never did something significantly bad, why the hell did it hit me?" Because that's life. Life is unfair. Success is not measured on the days when the sun shines. Success is measured on the dark, stormy, cloudy days. And if you can't absorb failure, you're never gonna meet success. 英文演讲稿2 Sometimes it takes things falling apart, for better things to fall into place. Sometimes it takes the most uncomfortable path, to lead your life to the most beautiful place. There's gonna be bad days, there's gonna be dark days, but you've gotta embrace it. Because that pain is what makes you stronger. Failure is what makes you stronger.
