高中英语全国卷题组2 阅读理解A+阅读理解B+7选5+语法填空+短文改错(普通用卷)

高中英语全国卷题组2  阅读理解A+阅读理解B+7选5+语法填空+短文改错(普通用卷)
高中英语全国卷题组2  阅读理解A+阅读理解B+7选5+语法填空+短文改错(普通用卷)

试卷第1页,总4页 绝密★启用前 2021《一遍过》高考英语-3段强化-题组2 阅读理解A+阅读理解B+7选5+语法填空+短文改错 试卷副标题 考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 一、阅读理解(共8题,每题2.0分,共16分) Whenever I hear a recording of John Denver singing "Sunshine on My Shoulders ", I find myself smiling, drawn to a love of the sun and the outdoors I’ve had for years as a Michigan native. Walking barefoot to the lake, playing without shirts in the sunlight, and breathing fresh air feel good. As a doctor I can tell you they are also good for your heart. Studies have found higher rates of high blood pressure among people with the lowest sun exposure. One reason may be due to nitric oxide(一氧化氮), a gas whose function is activated when your skin is exposed to the sun’s rays. It reduces both heart attack and stroke risks. Vitamin D, which sunlight helps your body produce, is also linked to better health. So walk outdoors for 15 to 30 minutes daily. In Japan, walking through forests to keep healthy has become a popular practice. Apparently they want to enjoy the fresh air. But research on 280 volunteers found that people had a reduced heart rate, and lower blood pressure when they walked through a forest than when they spent time in an urban area. One of the consequences of modern society is that rarely is our body in direct contact with the ground. The earth has an electrical current. Direct contact with it may be stabilizing force for good health. Although "earthing" or "grounding" is considered alternative by mainstream medicine, research shows that the practice seems to be able to reduce heart disease risks. So, walk around barefoot wherever possible, let your backyard grass tickle your feet, and dig your toes into sandy beaches. 1.What is the first paragraph meant to do? A.To show the author likes the song very much. B.To put forward the argument of the passage. C.To suggest that the author loves nature crazily. D.To indicate the author is a Michigan native. 2.Why is sunbathing good for heart? A. The sun’s rays make nitric oxide work. B. Sunlight can help people keep warm. C. The sun’s rays can help replace vitamin D. D. Vitamin D reduces blood circulation. 3.What can walking through forests do? A.Make people popular. B.Help breathe in fresh air. C.Reduce blood pressure. D.Help escape noisy cities.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Nitric Oxide Has Magic Functions

B.Walking Barefoot Builds the Body

C.Sunbathing is Good for Health

D.Outdoor Activities Benefit the Heart

A simple project to help a family in need stopped Luke Mickelson in his tracks. In 2012, he and his family were inspired to build and donate a bunk bed, one bed on top of the other, after learning there were local children who slept on the floor. Shocked to discover how widespread this need was in his community, Mickelson founded Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a nonprofit that builds and delivers beds to children in need.

Born and raised in Idaho, Mickelson, now 41, had a thriving c areer. He coached his kids’ sports teams and fished in the nearby river. But when he met children who were sleeping on the floor, his peaceful life changed course.

Using safety guidelines and his daughter’s bunk bed as a model, Mickelson started buying wood and supplies to build beds with his own money. He recruited friends and family members to help around the holiday. As word spread, interest and involvement from his and other communities flooded —along with Mickelson’s bunk bed output. "That first proj ect, we built 11 bunk beds in my garage," he said. "The next year, we did 15. Then it doubled every year. In 2017, we built 612 bunk beds."

With the motto "No kid sleeps on the floor in our town", the nonprofit and its more than 65 branches have built and delivered more than 1,500 free beds to children across America. But along with the rapid growth, Mickelson was faced with a tough choice: advancing his career or his nonprofit. He chose the latter and went from making "great money to zero money". He’s never looked back. "I found that the need I have isn’t financial," he said. "The need I have is seeing the joy on kids’ faces, knowing that I can make a difference."

5.Why did Mickelson set up Sleep in Heavenly Peace?

A.To help the poor children.

B.To make a big fortune.

C.To inspire his community.

D.To get more donations.

6.What do we know about Luke Mickelson?

A.He had his own fish farm.

B.He changed his career from time to time.

C.He used to sleep on the floor when he was a kid.

D.He originally had a relaxing and pleasant life.

7.How did other people react to Mickelson’s project?

A.They showed little interest in it.

B.They were supportive and involved in it.

C.They were doubtful about the safety of the bunk bed.

D.They volunteered to buy beds with their own money.

8.What is Mickelson’s attitude to the nonprofit?






Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university. Having a roommate can be one of the best experiences, or easily one of the worst. 9Follow these tips to avoid the common mistakes that make good roommate relationships worse.

Talk things out. 10If something happens, sit down with your roommates and have a face-to-face conversation. Complaining about your roommates behind their backs creates nothing but awkward situations and general unhappiness.

11Some roommates become the best of friends, and some don’t. Don’t put pressure on yourself or your roommate to reach this level, especially when you first meet. Remember,


试卷第3页,总4页 you are trying to make a new friend, not scare your roommate away. And if your roommate doesn’t end up being your best friend, there is no need to worry about it. Clean up after yourself. Or at least, keep your mess on your side. 12 But being considerate over where you put your own stuff will help you avoid the arguments. Ask before you take things. This applies to food, clothes, supplies and anything else that you don’t own. 13 Even if you both agree to share everything you should still ask. A. Don’t expect to b e best friends. B. Roommates are divided at times. C. Communication is of vital importance. D. Rooms can be really easy for a mess to pile up. E. You don’t need to keep the room clean and organized all the time. F. Show your roommate that you have respect for his or her belongings. G. If you want to have a good relationship with your roommate, it all starts with you.




Dogs were first raised at home at least 150 centuries ago. Since then, the dog 14(be) humans’ best friend. Now, dogs have another job —to assist doctors to diagnose(诊断) cancer.

After a long-standing study of smell, a Finnish professor has said that certain 15 (type) of cancer are able to be detected by their smell, making it possible to train cancer-sniffing dogs 16(help) diagnose the disease. A professor, Jouko Veps?l?inen from the University of Eastern Finland, has focused 17nitrogen compounds.The compounds increase 18(great) when cancer cells grow in an uncontrollable way, 19(allow) them to be detected, the Finnish newspaper Karjalainen reported. That’s where the dog, man’s best friend, may step in with their keen sense of smell.

According to the news agency, researchers in Finland have tried to train dogs to do the job, but 20will take a dog months, even years, to tell the 21(different) between sick and healthy people. "Anyone 22knows how difficult early cancer detection is 23 (understand) what an opportunity this is," associate professor Anna Hielm-Bj?rkman of the University of Helsinki told the Finnish media.



It was my honor to be here to share my opinions on how to learn in senior high school. In the coming three years, the school life will be challenged. On the one hand, we should learn to study efficiently, adopted some effective methods. As the matter of fact, developing a good study habit is of great important. It really benefits me a lot to preview lessons, get active involved in class and review what has taught. On the other hand, in senior high school, we are supposed to learn what to get along well with other. We ought to respect to teachers and be friendly to classmates.




【解析】考查推理判断。根据第一段"Whenever I hear a recording of John Denver singing

‘Sunshine on My Shoulders’, I find myself smiling, drawn to a love of the sun and the outdoors

I’ve had for years as a Michigan native. Walking barefoot to the lake, playing without shirts in the sunlight, and breathing fresh air feel good. As a doctor I can tell you they are also good for your heart"的描述可知,作者写这段的目的是为了提出文章的论点。


【解析】考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"One reason may be due to nitric oxide(一氧化氮), a gas whose function is activated when your skin is exposed to the sun’s rays. It reduces both heart attack and stroke risks"的描述可推知,日光浴对心脏有好处是因为阳光能使一氧化氮工作。


【解析】考查细节理解。根据第三段第三句"But research on 280 volunteers found that people had a reduced heart rate, and lower blood pressure when they walked through a forest than when they spent time in an urban area"的描述可知,人们普遍认为穿过森林可以降低血压。


【解析】考查主旨大意。根据全文内容,尤其是第一段中的"Walking barefoot... for your heart"及最后一段 "So, walk around barefoot wherever possible, let your backyard grass tickle your feet, and dig your toes into sandy beaches"可知,这篇文章的主旨是户外活动有益于心脏。【备注】



【解析】考查细节理解。根据文章的第一段,尤其是最后一句中的"Mickelson founded Sleep

in Heavenly Peace, a nonprofit that builds and delivers beds to children in need"可知,Mickelson



【解析】考查推理判断。根据文章的第二段,尤其是最后一句"But when he met children who were sleeping on the floor, his peaceful life changed course"可推知, Mickelson一开始过着轻松、舒适的生活。


【解析】考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"He recruited friends and family members to help around the holiday. As word spread, interest and involvement from his and other communities flooded"可知,Mickelson的朋友和其他家庭成员都来帮忙,随着消息的传播,更多人参与进来,



【解析】考查态度意图。根据文章最后一段,尤其是"The need I have … make a difference"可知,Mickelson想要看到孩子们脸上的喜悦,他知道他在做一些有影响的事;由此可推知,他对这



本文是一篇记叙文。Mickelson为了让自己社区的无床可睡的孩子们能够有床睡觉,成立了一个公益组织"Sleep in Heavenly Peace"。


【解析】根据空后的"avoid the common mistakes"可知这里是介绍如何与自己的室友友好相处的一些建议,G选项承上启下,符合语境。


【解析】根据"Talk things out"可知当发生什么事情的时候相互之间沟通是很重要的,而C选项与之相匹配。


【解析】根据文中的"some don’t"和"doesn’t end up being your best friend"可知best friend是本段的关键词,有时室友不能成为best friend,故"Don’t expect to be best fri ends"与之相匹配。


【解析】根据文中的"keep your mess on your side"和"But"及"put your own stuff"可知"You don’t need to keep the room clean and organized all the time"与之相匹配。



【解析】根据"Ask before you take things"及空后"still ask"可知要让室友知道你对他/她的尊重,询问是否可以取用其物品,F选项中的"respect for his or her belongings"与之相匹配。



14.has been

【解析】考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:此后, 狗就是人类最好的朋友。根据时间状语Since then可知,此句要用现在完成时,主语是单数形式,故填has been。


【解析】考查名词。句意:在对气味进行了长期的研究后, 芬兰一位教授曾表示, 某些类型的癌症能够通过它们的气味被检测出来, 从而使得训练癌症嗅探犬以帮助诊断疾病成为可能。根据后面谓语are可知,空处要用type的复数形式,故填types。

16.to help

【解析】考查非谓语动词。训练嗅癌犬是为了帮助诊断疾病,此处是动词不定式作目的状语,故填to help。


【解析】考查介词。句意:来自于东芬兰大学的教授Jouko Veps?l?inen一直致力于研究氮化合物。focus on/upon是固定搭配,意思是"集中于",故填on/upon。




【解析】考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处是作句子的状语,所给提示词为动词,要用其非谓语形式,化合物迅速增加与allow 是逻辑上的主谓关系,用其动词的-ing 形式,故填allowing 。


【解析】考查代词。句意:据该通讯社报道, 芬兰的研究人员试图训练狗做这项工作, 但一只狗需要几个月甚至几年的时间来辨别病人和健康的人之间的差异。此处缺少形式主语it,真正的主语为"to tell the...people"。


【解析】考查名词。设空前有冠词the,冠词用来修饰名词,所给提示词是形容词,要用其名词形式,difference 作"差别,差异"讲时,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,故填difference(s) 。


【解析】考查定语从句。任何一个知道早期癌症检测有多困难 的人都明白这是一个多么好的机会。这是个定语从句,先行词是Anyone,指人,关系词在从句中作主语,故填who 。


【解析】考查主谓一致。本句句式较为复杂,设空处是作主句的谓语,根据语境用一般现在时,主句的主语是Anyone,谓语要用第三人称单数形式,故填understands 。




It was is my honor to be here to share my opinions on how to learn in senior high school.In the

coming three years, the school life will be challenged challenging . On the one hand, we should learn to study efficiently,

adopted adopting some effective methods. As the a matter of fact, developing a good study habit is of great important importance . It really benefits me a lot to preview lessons, get active actively involved in class

and review what has

∧been taught. On the other hand, in senior high school, we are supposed to learn what how to get along well with other others . We ought to respect to teachers and be friendly to classmates.


第一处:was 改为is 。考查动词时态。句意:我很荣幸能在这里和大家分享我对如何在高中学习的看法。根据语境可知,此处是作者演讲现场说的话,要用一般现在时,故将was 改为is 。 第二处:challenged 改为challenging 。考查形容词。句意:未来三年内, 学校生活将是有挑战性的。challenged 表示"有残疾的",challenging 表示"富有挑战性的",故将challenged 改为challenging 。

第三处:adopted 改为adopting 。考查非谓语动词。句意:一方面, 我们应该学会高效学习, 采取一些有效的方法。此处作状语,又因we 与adopt 是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用动词的-ing 形式,故将adopted 改为adopting 。

第四处:the 改为a 。考查冠词。句意:事实上, 养成良好的学习习惯是非常重要的。as a matter of fact 是固定短语,意思是"事实上",故将the 改为a 。

第五处:important 改为importance 。考查名词。"be of +名词"是固定结构,be of +名词=该名词的形容词形式,故将important 改为importance 。

第六处:active改为actively。考查副词。句意:预习课程、积极参与课堂和复习所教的东西, 对我真的很有益。此处应用副词修饰get involved,故将active改为actively。





第十处:删除to。考查介词。句意:我们应该尊重老师, 对同学友好。respect是及物动词,其后直接接宾语,不需要介词,故将to删除。



2014年全国高考英语作文真题汇总与范文集锦 2014-01-北京卷(道歉信) + (连环画) 【推迟旅行,道歉说明式】 1.)你给英国朋友Chris 写一封信,内容包括: 1.你们原计划7 月份一同去云南旅游; 2.由于脚部受伤,你无法按原计划前往; 3.表达你的歉意并建议将旅行 推迟到8 月份。注意: 1.词数不少 于50. 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Chris, How is everything going? I remember we planned to visit Yunnan in July but now because my l eft foot was injured, I cannot go with you as planned. I ' m sorry about it. Can I suggest that we put it off until early august? I wish you coul d understand. I ' m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours, Joe 2.)假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,用校刊“英语园地”写一篇 短文,记述你和同学们向学校提建议,解决自行车存放问题的过程。注意: 1. 词数不少于60. 2 如何解决自行车存放问题,新闻叙述式】 There was a problem with the parking place for bikes in our school. I noticed the entrance was small and almost blocked. So my classmates and I had a discussion and wrote a report. Then we went to meet the schoolmaster in his office and gave the report to him. He accepted our suggestions. Soon afterwards, a second entrance was opened to the parking place. Now it is easy to park our bikes there. 2014-02-新课标I (咨询信) 暑期英语学习咨询,信息说明式】 假定你是李华,计划暑假期间去英国学习英语,为期六周。下面的广告引起了你的注意,请给该校写封信,询问有关情况(箭头所指内容) 短文的开头已给出,不计入总 词数。


高考阅读理解技巧 一、阅读理解题选材 高考阅读理解题选材,一般遵循三个原则: 1. 文章一般为3篇(含信息匹配题),阅读量在1100单词左右; 2. 题材广泛,包括科普、社会、文化、政治、经济等多方面内容; 3. 体裁多样,包括记叙文、描写文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。 二、英语阅读文体类型 学会分析体裁的能力对我们做好阅读理解来说是非常重要的。由于不同的文体有不同的段落组织方式和脉络层次,所以我们可以根据这种特点来快速分析文章的体裁: ●记叙文往往按时间顺序展开段落,文章有明显表示时间先后的词语。阅读时抓住时间这条主线,弄清who、 what、where、why与how。文章主旨要透过体察所揭示的人物、事件来进行提炼。描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来展开。阅读记叙文体应采取略读和扫读的方法,快速抓住文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线。高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主。 ●描写文通过细节的描写以画面的方式来反应事物的特征、性质。对这种文章要迅速弄清其主题,主题词往往出 现在各个句子里,贯穿文章的始末;紧围绕这个主题进行阅读,找到文章与之有关的信息,并确定信息与主题的关系。 ●说明文用以解释或揭示事物的状态、特征、演变、结果及其相互之间的关系,这类文体的文章,首句往往是主 题句,开门见山,说明文章的关注对象:弄清作者的思路和段落组织的方式;把握次要信息及其与主题的关系。 英语说明文的总体结构通常为三部份,说明对象、说明过程和归纳总结。常见的说明方法: 1,定义与诠释说明; 2,举例与引用说明; 3,分类与图表说明; 4,比较与比喻说明; 5,分析与综合说明; 就高考英语说明文的阅读而言,首先要抓住文章说明的要点,也就是要抓住被说明对象的实质性特征;弄清作者从哪个角度、哪个层面开始说明;并明白文章最后的说明结论。高考说明文阅读材料通常介绍最新科技、重大成就、生活时尚、流行现象等。了解说明文的写作手法、说明方法,理清短文结构及段落中心思想是答题关键。 ●议论文通常为三段式,即“论点、论据、结论”三部份组成。首先借助某一现象引出论点,然后通过一定论据 从各个层面上加以推理论证,最后得出结论。议论文体主要考查学生对论点及论据的把握。因此,遇到议论文体时,应采取抓主题句的方法来把握文章主旨,弄清作者的观点。一般来说,作者的论点通常在文章首段被引出,接着是对这一论点的逻辑推理和论证,最后为结论。还应注意的是:在对论点论证的过程中,每一段的首句都是该段的主题句。把握全文论点、弄清论证各段的主题句、理解文章层次、找出中心论点的位置是理解议论文的关键。 就议论文而言,其论证的常见结构方式有: 1,总分式总---分;分----总;总----分---总; 2,并列式几个论据之间属于平等关系; 3,递进式几个论据之间属于递进关系; 4,对照式把两种事物加以对比,以彰显其中一种。 ●应用文属于实用型文体,如书信、通知、日记、广告等。应用文阅读要注意文中具体细节的把握与理解,弄清 作者所传达的实际信息及表达的具体内容。阅读时采取速读与精读相结合的方法,力求快速精确地查出试题所设置的关键内容。


英语阅读理解技巧 阅读理解始终是外语学习和考试重点。 一.阅读理解的测试要点如下: 1.理解主旨大意; 2.寻读具体信息; 3.理解细节; 4.根据上下文提供的语境,推测生词词义,进而加深对文段的理解; 5.简单的判断和理解; 6.理解文段的基本逻辑结构; 7.理解作者的意图和态度; 8.理解文段的文化信息; 9.理解图表信息; 10.理解指代关系。 从高考命题的实际情况看,命题者常用下述方法提问: 1.What is the purpose of the text? 2.What does the author mainly tell US about in the passage? 3.What can we infer from the passage? 4.What can be inferred from the passage? 5.It can be concluded from the text that ? 6.What can we learn from the text? 7.What is the general idea/main idea of the text? 8. The passage mainly focuses on ? 9. What is the main subject discussed in the text? 10. It can be inferred from the passage that? 11. It can be inferred from the that the author seems to? 12. What is the best title of the text/for the article? 13. The best title for this passage is? 14. What can we infer from the last/the first two paragraphs? 15. The meaning of the word/sentence in Paragraph X is related to? 16. In Paragraph X, "X X X" can be replaced by?


高考英语阅读理解九大题型解题思路详解 [ By: 平分秋色 ] 推荐 高考英语阅读理解九大题型解题思路详解 1.细节事实题: ⑴标志: ①题干中明确提到的时间、地点、人物等细节信息 ②针对文章中的一句或几句发问 ③题干和选项之间是因果关系 ⑵做题的关键在于:返回原文 ①根据题干中的时间、地点、人物返回原文 ②根据出题顺序返回原文(60%的准度) ③根据题干中的重点词或其同义词返回原文(如名词、动词、形容词,70%的准度) ④找原文中的难句定位,一般来说,难句都是出题点。 ⑶迷惑人的手段: ①单词替换 ②颠倒因果 ③扩大范围 ④常识判断

2.例证题: ⑴标志:case example illustration demonstration exemplify demonstrate illustrate ⑵做题的关键在于:是否能找到例子支持的论点,而不在于能否看懂例子 ⑶做题的步骤: ①首先返回原文定位该例子 ②然后80%向上、20%向下搜索该例子支持的论点 ③在四个选项中寻找与找到的论点表达最一致、意思最接近的一个才是正确答案 3.词汇题: ⑴标志:在题干中明确指出原文中某处的单词或词组,要求辨别其意思 ⑵做题的关键在于:该单词本身并不重要,重要的是该单词的上下文 ⑶如果该单词认识,并不超出大纲,则其字面意思必然不是正确答案,其正确答案是根据上下文推测的一个更加深刻的含义 ⑷做题的方法:可以使用两种方法从上下文进行推理: ①代入替换法 ②在上下文中寻找同词性的词或词组 4.句子理解题: ⑴标志:在题干中明确指出原文中的一句话,要求理解其意思 ⑵做题的关键在于:返回原文对出题的句子进行语法解析,要精确理


2014 高考英语作文全国卷I 假定你是李华,计划暑假间去英国学习英语,为期六周。下面的广告引起了你的注意,请给该校写封信,询问有关情况(箭头所指内容) 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.参考词汇:住宿-accommodation Dear Sir/Madam, I am a student in China and I plan to go to Britain to attend a summer school during the vacation. I’ve seen your ad, and I’d like to know something more about your six -week English course. First, when will the course start and how many class hours are th ere per week? Besides, I wish there would not to be too many students in a class. I’d also like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included. Would there be a host family or university dormitory? I’m looking forwar d to your early reply. 2014 全国卷II 一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是“十年后的我”,请根据下列要点和你的畅想完成短文。 1.家庭; 2.工作; 3.业余生活。 注意:1.词数100左右: 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯: 3.开头语已为你写好。 I often imagine _____ my life will be like in the future. I think my life will be very different in ten years. I will be twenty-eight years old by then. I will have my own family, probably with a lovely child. I hope I will work in a computer company as a program designer. I’ll enjoy my work and get along well ___ my colleagues. I’ll do a good job in whatev er I do. In my free time, I’ll continue to take regular exercise, such as swimming, running and various ball games. On my holiday, I’ll travel around the world. In a word, my life will be _____ richer and more colorful. 2015 全国卷I 假定你是李华, 你校英文报“外国文化”栏目拟刊登美国节日风俗和中学生生活的短文。请给美国朋友彼得写信约稿, 要点如下: 1. 栏目介绍; 2. 稿件内容; 3. 稿件长度: 约400词汇; 4. 交稿日期: 6月28日前天 注意: 1. 词数100左右;


高考英语阅读理解试题经典及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 When times get tough, we all look for ways to cut back. When we're hungry, we eat at home instead of going out. We take buses instead of taxis. And we wear our old designer jeans just a few months longer. With college expenses at all-time highs, high school students are eager to do anything to cut the cost of a university education. One cost-cutting proposal is to allow college students to get a bachelor's degree in three years instead of four. Educational institutions have been actively exploring ways to make the learning process more efficient. But there's a question: Would the quality of undergraduate education suffer? Few US universities have formally approved a "three-year degree" model. I doubt that mainstream North American colleges will carry out a three-year curriculum any time soon. For one thing, most universities already allow highly qualified students to graduate early by testing out of certain classes and obtaining a number of college credits. In addition, at famous universities, the committee who determine which courses are required and which courses are electives are unlikely to suddenly "throw out" one quarter of the required credits. Professors will resist "diluting (稀释)" the quality of the education they offer. In my opinion, a quality four-year education is always superior to a quality three-year education. A college education requires sufficient time for a student to become skilled in their major and do coursework in fields outside their major. It is not a good idea to water down education, any more than it's not a good idea to water down medicine. If we want to help students find their way through university, we should help them understand early on what knowledge and skills they need to have upon graduation. We should allow students to test out of as many courses as possible. We should give them a chance to earn money as interns (实习生) in meaningful part-time jobs that relate to their university studies, such as the five-year co-op program at Northeastern University. (1)Which of the following can best sum up the main idea? A.It's time to shorten the learning process. B.Best learning takes place over time. C.University education should be watered down. D.College education calls for reform. (2)We can learn from the passage that ________. A.most American universities are against the "three-year degree" model B.many famous US universities are considering adopting the "three-year degree" model C.professors are willing to accept the "three-year degree" model D.The "three-year degree" model can make college learning more efficient (3)In most US universities, ________. A.college students are offered the co-op program B.electives' credits make up one quarter of the required credits C.all students are required to finish four-year education before graduation D.some excellent students can graduate ahead of time


阅读理解能力测试的主要要求是: 1.阅读材料,理解材料的主旨大意,以及用以说明主旨大意的事实和细节。2.既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念。 3.既理解文章的字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等。 4.既理解某句、某段的含义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断。5.既能根据所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应具有的常识去理解判断。 根据这五项要求,我们可将阅读理解多项选择题归纳为以下几种题型:主题主旨大意,细节理解题,综合推理题,概括归纳题,观点归纳题,人物评价题,词义句义理解题,指代关系题,内容排序题等。 下面结合自己平时教学中的经验体会,谈一谈做英语阅读理解题的技巧与策略。 一.主旨大意题 阅读理解首先要做到的就是掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,它是全文的概括与总结。能否抓住这个中心,取决于读者的总结能力。每篇短文都有其主题思想,而作者表现主题思想的手法各不相同。这就需要我们挖掘相同点,寻找解题的方法。 常见题型: 1.主题型: What’s the main idea of this passage ? What does this passage mainly discuss? What’s the topic of this passage ? 2.标题型: What’s the best title? The best title for this text is (to tell ) ————. 3.目的型: The main purpose of this text is ————. The author’s purpose o f writing this text is to ————. What’s the main purpose of the passage?


高中英语满分书信作文模板——投诉信1 Dear ______, ①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about. ③The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______(总体介绍). ④In the first place, ______(抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, ______(抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). ⑦I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. 高中英语满分书信作文模板——建议信 Dear ______, ①You have asked me for my advice with regard to ______ , and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here. ②In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ______(建议的内容). ③I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 高中英语满分书信作文模板——请求信 Dear ______ , ①I am writing to formally request to ______(请求的内容). ②The reason for ______is that ______(给出原因). ③I ______ , so I ______(给出细节). ④I would also like to request ______(提出进一步的要求). ⑤I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused. ⑥Thank you for your attention to these requests. ⑦If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at ______(电话号码). ⑧I look forward to a favorable reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming Dear Sir or Madam, ①I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in ______(报纸名称)of ______(广告发布时间). ②Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a ______(工作名称). ③In the one hand, ______(第一个原因). ④On the other hand, ______(另一个原因). ⑤Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. ⑥If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at ______(电话号码). ⑦Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely, (求职信)Li Ming 高中英语满分书信作文模板——邀请信 Dear ______ , ①There will be a ______(内容)at/in ______(地点)on ______(时间). ②We would be honored to have you there with us. ③The occasion will start at ______(具体时间). ④This will be followed by a ______(进一步的安排). ⑤At around ______(时间), ______(另一个安排). ⑥I really hope you can make it. ⑦RSVP before ______(通知你的最后期限). Yours sincerely, Li Ming 高中英语满分书信作文模板——道歉信 Dear ______, ①I am truly sorry that ______(道歉的原因). ②The reason is that ______(介绍原因). ③Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. ④Hope you can accept my appologieze and understand my situation.


(英语)高考英语阅读理解试题(有答案和解析) 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Ana, her husband Mario, and their four-year old son Antonio just moved to North Carolina. They need a temporary place to call "home" until they get settled into their new surroundings. So, Ana figured that she had better start looking for an apartment for them to stay in. First, Ana picked up an Apartment Book at her local newspaper stand. The Apartment Book contained listings of all the major apartment complexes in her area. Ana started by looking at the prices in the advertisements for apartments in the Apartment Book. Then, she read about the amenities that each apartment complex offered. For example, some apartments had a clubhouse, a gym (also called a "fitness center"), and a pool. After considering prices, amenities, and locations, Ana found a few apartment complexes that she liked. Ana called the apartment complexes. She set up appointments with the apartment managers to see the apartments she found interesting. Ana made five phone calls, total. "I'll see you then," she said to the fifth apartment manager, and hung up the phone. When Mario got home (to the hotel in which they were staying) from work, Ana showed him the list of apartments. "These look good," he said. "Mommy, let me see," said Antonio, whom Mario had just brought home from childcare. Ana showed Antonio the pictures of the apartments. The next day, while Mario was at work and Antonio was at childcare, Ana visited the apartment complexes. After visiting all five, she found that she liked the fifth one the best. It was near a good school system for her son, and it was near her and her husband's workplace. She went home and discussed it with her husband, and they decided that they wanted to rent the apartment. The next day, they called the manager of the apartment complex and told him that they would like the apartment. The manager asked them to sign a rental contract and pay a security deposit so that if any damage was done to the apartment while they were in it, the security deposit would pay for it. They signed the rental contract and paid the security deposit. Finally, they had a place to stay. (1)Which of the following is not an amenity? A.Clubhouse. B.Fitness center. C.Pool. D.High ceilings. (2)What did Ana consider while looking through the Apartment Book? A.Prices. B.Amenities. C.Locations. D.All of the above. (3)Why is the security deposit needed when people rent a house? A.Because it ensures that a renter will pay the rent on time.


高中英语阅读理解9大题型+解题技巧 一、例证题 1.例证题的标记。当题干中出现 example, case, illustrate, illustration, exemplify时。 2.返回原文,找出该例证所在的位置,既给该例子定位。 3.搜索该例证周围的区域,90%向上,10%向下,找出该例证支持的观点。例子 周围具有概括抽象性的表达通常就是它的论点。 注意:举例的目的是为了支持论点或是为了说明主题句。举例后马上问这个例 子说明了什么问题?不能用例子中的话来回答这个问题。 4.找出该论点,并与四个选项比较,得出选项中与该论点最一致的答案。 5.例证题错误答案设计的干扰特征经常是:就事论事。即用例子中的某一内容 拉出来让你去选。(╳) 要求:在阅读中,遇到长的例子,立即给这个例子定位,即找出起始点,从哪 开始到哪结束。 二、指代题 1.返回原文,找出出题的指代词。 2.向上搜索,找最近的名词、名词性短语或句子(先从最近点开始找,找不到再 找次近的,一般答案不会离得太远)。 3.将找到的词、词组或句子的意思代入替换该指代词,看其意思是否通顺。 4.将找到的词、词组或句子与四个选项进行比较,找出最佳答案。 三、词汇题 “搜索代入”法: ①返回原文,找出该词汇出现的地方。 ②确定该词汇的词性 ③从上下文(词汇的前后几句)中找到与所给词汇具有相同词性的词(如一下子找 不到就再往上往下找),代入所给词汇在文章中的位置(将之替换)看语义是否合 适

④找出选项中与代替词意思相同或相近的选相,即答案 注意: a.如果该词汇是简单词汇,则其字面意思必然不是正确答案。 b.高考阅读不是考察字认识不认识,而是考察是否能根据上下文作出正确的判断。 c.词汇题的正确答案经常蕴藏在原文该词汇出现的附近。注意不能靠单词词义 直接往下推。 d.寻找时要注意同位语、特殊标点(比如分号,分号前后两句话的逻辑关系不是 形式上的并列就是语义上的并列,也就是两句话的意思相同,所以可用其中一 句话的意思来推测另一句话的意思从而推出所给词汇含义)、定语从句、前后缀,特别要注意寻找时的同性原则。比如:让猜一个名词词组(动词词组)的意思, 我们就向上向下搜索名词词组(动词词组)。 ▲隐蔽型词汇题:题干与原文的某句完全重合,只有一两个词被替换掉。隐蔽 型词汇题的做法跟词汇题的做法几乎一样,往上往下找。 四、句子理解题 1.返回原文找到原句。 2.对原句进行语法和词义的精确分析(找主干),应该重点抓原句的字面含义。若 该句的字面含义不能确定,则依据上下文进行判断。注意:局部含义是由整体 决定的。 3.一般来说,选项中的正确答案与原句意思完全相同,只不过用其他英语词汇 换种表达而已。 4.句子理解题的错误选项干扰项特征:推得过远。做题时应把握住推的度。 思路:对句子微观分析?不行就依据上下文?选择时不要推得过远。 五、推理题 “最近原则” 1.标志:learn, infer, imply, inform


精编高中英语阅读理解题型解读大全 (一)阅读是获得更综合、更复杂、更精确信息的必要手段,考生在做阅读理解时,不仅要看懂文章的字面意思,还需要针对不同题材和体裁的篇目运用不同的方法作出正确的选择。一般来说,词汇、阅读速度和理解能力是阅读理解中三个最重要且有相互联系的因素。 阅读的方法可以使用以下几种: 1.读首段,找关键词(人名、地名、建筑、组织名、数字或but and besides howeverso therefor)。用这种阅读方法回答who、what、when、where之类的问题最为有效。 2.围绕关键词上下看一句。此种阅读方法能回答why、how之类的问题。 3.重复品味首尾段把好主题方向 (二)不同体裁文章的特点及解题技巧 1.记叙文 记叙文又可分传记类和故事类。传记类文章在阅读中时间是全文的关键,根据时间我们可以找到相关的事件,抓住文章的主要内容。故事类文章情节性较强,阅读时要注意故事中的时间、地点、人物和发生的事件,这些都是文章中的主要内容和信息,对于准确理解文章十分重要。 2.说明文 说明文是对事物的形状、性质、特征、成果或功用等进行介绍,解释或阐述的文章。把握所说明事物的特征和本质是理解说明文的关键。说明事物特征的方法很多,主要有定义法、解释法、比较法、比喻法、数字法、图表法、引用法和举例法等。 ●数字说明文 在阅读数字说明文时要特别注意文中数字的含义,从这些数字中可以找到文章的主要内容。 ●解释说明文 解释说明文着重说明事物的本质、特征和功用等。许多科普文章都属于这一类。在阅读这类文章时要学会解决what, how, why 等一类的问题。它们是文章的关键。如能带着这些问题阅读,将会更迅速抓住文章的主题。 ●比较说明文 比较说明文是通过对比方法说明问题。在阅读这类文章时要善于把握全篇陈述的基本倾向。作者在谈论一个有争议的问题时总要顾及到争议的各个方面。但是,在一般情况下,作者的陈述总要倾向于某一种观点。


书面表达思维拓展:一句多译练习 例一.情景:我生病了,明天不能上学。 1.I’m ill. I can’t go to school tomorrow. (太简单!句子松散) 2.Why can’t I go to school tomorrow? Because I’m ill!(疑问句) 3.I’m ill and I can’t go to school tomorrow.(并列句) 4.I’ll be absent from school tomorrow just because I’m ill. 5.I’m so seriously ill that I can’t go to school tomorrow.(so….that句型) 6.I can’t go to school tomorrow because I’m ill.(表原因的复合句) 7.I can’t go to school tomorrow because of illness.(用Owing to或者due to) 8.Owing to illness, I can’t go to school tomorrow. 9.I can’t go to sc hool tomorrow due to illness, 10.My absence from school tomorrow is due to my illness. 11.I can’t go to school tomorrow on account of illness.(用介词短语) 12.I’m ill so I can’t go to school tomorrow.(用so、thus或者therefore等) 13.I’m ill, as a result, I can’t go to school tomorrow. 14.I can’t go to school tomorrow as a result of my illness. 15.Being ill, I can’t go to school tomorrow.(用分词作原因状语) 16.I can’t go to school tomorrow. That’s because I’m ill.(用表语从句) 17.I’m ill. That’s why I can’t go to school tomorrow. (用表语从句) 18.I can’t go to school tomorrow. The reason is that I’m ill. (用表语从句) 19.I’m seriously ill, which makes me unable to go to school. (用定语从句) 20.I’m seriously ill, which makes it impossible for me to go to school. 21.I’m seriously ill, thus making it for me go to school.(用分词作结果状语) 22.How I wish I could go to school tomorrow! But I can’t because I’m seriously ill.(用虚拟语气) 23.I’m ill. That’s the reason why I can’t go to school tomorrow. (用定语从句) 24.It is because I’m ill that I can’t go to school tomorrow.(强调句型) 25.The reason for my absence from school tomorrow is that I’m ill.(用表语从句)
