


1.In many people’s opinion, that company ,though relatively small, is pleasant


2.Wood is a very popular choice ,because it is ________________(容易加工 and it is inexpensive.(work

3.---What do you think of the book I lent you yesterday?

--- 0h, not too bad. It’s_____________________________(并不太难读.(difficult

4.Pepa is a kind-hearted person who genuinely cares for people, which is why people find him ____________________________( 容易相处

5.He has never been abroad, but when it comes to Rome, he talks as if he ________ ________(去过那儿 before.

6.He talks as though _____________________________(他是一名百万富翁 and could buy anything he wants.(millionaire

7.__________ ______(明显 to everyone that the child has been badly


8.You can get much entertainment _________________(度假时 in Sri Lanka.(while

9.It is too late; he___________________(不可能在等待 you in the dark now. (wait

10.---Isn’t that your teacher over there?

---No, ___________________ (不可能是他. I am sure he doesn’t wear glass es. (it

11.Your sister __________________(没有必要归还 my MP4 now. She can keep it till next week if she likes.(have

12.--- The woman biologist had been studying wild animal for 13 years in Africa before she returns.

--- oh, dear! She ___________________________(一定经历了 a lot of hardship. (go

13.Jack described his father, who _______________(肯定是 a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed man.

14.As it turned out to be a small house party, we ______________(没有必要打扮so formal.(dress

15.Sir, you __________________(不应该坐在in this waiting room. It’s for women and children only.(ought

16.--- My cat is really fat. ---You _________ ___(不该给它 so much food. (give

17.My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday after noon, so he _________ ___(不可

能参加 the meeting . (attend

18.Mike ____________ ___(一定还没找回 his car, for he came to work by bus this morning.


19.No wonder that you are scolded; you were out enjoying yourself when you

____________( 应


20.Our English teacher has raised a suggestion in the last lecture _________ ___(我

们朗读 English more often. (read

21.Paul is kind, hardworking and intelligent and in a word, I



22.Every year, Tom remembers to have some flowers

______________________(寄给他的母亲 on her birthday.(send

23.---Excuse me, sir, where is Room 301?

---Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ________ __________(将你领到你的房间.(lead 24.They sat together around the table, with ___________ _______(餐桌摆放好了 for a meal to cooked.(lay

25.They sat together around the table, with __________________(门关着.(shut

26.---I’ve got to go now. ---Must you? I _____________ ___(原以为你能够stay for dinner with us.(think

27.______________ ___(偶然 not on purpose that I found the missing wallet in the drawer.(chance

28.It is your efforts,not your intelligence,_________________(决定 your success.(determine

29.When I arrived home, I found ________________(我的手表被偷了,which made me a little upset.(steal

30.When he came back to life, he found ________ _____(自己躺在医院 with his parents beside him.(lie

31._________________ ___(无论假期多长,I always feel I want a few days more.(however

32.You are welcome here;__________ ______(至于这名陌生人,he isn’t allowed in according to the law.(as

33.With the rapid development of science and technology, I can’t imagine



(我的家乡会是什么样子 in ten years. (what

34.I haven’t the slightest idea ________________ ______( 他正在说什么 (talk

35.---I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.

---that’s ________________ _(我不同意之所在. You should have a more active life.(agree

36.Before the sales start, I make a list of _________________(我的孩子们所需要的 for the coming season.(need

37.You can _________ ___(放心that he won’t do anything that is harmful to our friendship.(depend

38.Some experts demanded strongly that children _________________(给予充足的时间 for sleep and play.(offer

39.Sue still doesn’t remember _______ ________(什么时候和什么地方 that she lost her wallet.(when

40.The reason why he has a sudden heart attack is __________ ______( 他一直在工作 the

whole day without a rest.(work

41.He accidentally let out he had quarreled with his wife and __________ ____(他没回家 for

a couple of weeks.(home

42.What doctors doubt is _____________ _____(他是否会康复 from his serious disease or not.(recover

43.It annoyed me to think ______________ ______(我们浪费了多少时间 in playing computer games.(waste

44.whether the flight to New York will be delayed is _________ ______(我特别关心的事情.(what

45.He was ill yesterday. That is ______________ _____(他没有参加…的原因 the meeting. (attend

46.See the picture on the wall. That is _______ ________(他们一直在画的the whole morning.(draw

47.____________ ________(它会变成什么 was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago

when the dust settled into a solid globe.(be

48.The Great Wall is ______ _____(一个非常出名的tourist attraction that millions

of people pour in every year.(well-known

49.__________ ____(令我迷惑不解的was why he left the meeting without telling anyone.(puzzle

50.____________ ____(他们的共同点 is that they are both devoted fans of Michael Jackson.(have

51.____________ _______(不管下不下雨,I’m giving a party tomorrow.(whether

52.He has got ___________ _____(三倍多的书 as his sister.(many

53.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried ____________(两倍远 on the earth and fell over.(far

54.The hall is ____________ _____ (比…大五倍 our classroom.(size

55._____________ __(既然你已经得到了 a chance, you might as well make full use of it.(that

56._____________ ____(他是否出过国doesn’t made much difference. (he, abroad

57._______________ __(我从没想过 that you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.(occur

58.__________ ______(一些人认为是… a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.(regard

59.___________ _____(他说了 something improper at the meeting surprised all of us.(say

60.You know, in some countries,__________________(所谓的“public school” are not allowed by the public(what

61._______________ __________(不愿做 on a crowed bus, he always prefer to ride a bicycle.(rather

62.___________________ ___(冬天来了,it gets colder and colder.(come

63.---it’s thirty years since we last met.

---but I still remember the story, believe it or not, __________________(我们走丢了 on a rainy night.(lose

64.News came from the school office __________________________(他被录取了to Beijing University.(admit

65.The suggestion __________________ _______(我们参观 the film studio is really exciting.(visit

66.The order _______________________ ___(我们什么时候回 hasn’t reach us; so we don’t know

whether we have enough time to visit.(return

67.The father made a promise yesterday __________________ ___(如果他努力工作的话,he would

take her to visit Huangshan.(work

68.The problems makes me annoyed ___________ _______ (他总是迟到 for class.(late

69.You haven’t answered my question _____________________(我是否可以参加the evening party tonight.(join

70.There is a common belief among them ______________________________(垃圾可以并且应该 made

use of.(rubbish

71.The question came up at the meeting _________________________(我们是否有足够的钱 for our research.(have

72.There is a feeling in me __________________________(他走了 and gone to another city.(leave.

73.---He worked out such difficult questions at such at young age

---Oh, he _______________ ____(肯定是 a very smart student then.(must

74.My uncle was poor but liked fashion, so he __________________________(经常打扮成 a rich man.(dress

75.When she told me she was only in her 40’s, I thought she __________(肯定是开玩笑. She looked 50 or 60.(joke

76.Jim ___________________ ___ (应该信守诺言. I wonder why he changed his idea. (word

77.He ended his letter with “looking forward to ______________ __________(早日见到你.(see

78.Many large cities, such as Liverpool and New York, have had experiments of this kind ,with

old factories __________________(变成 successful art centers.(turn

79.The couple ___________( 不可能还清了他们的债务 in such a short time, for they are heavily in debts. (pay

80.The mother was trembling with anger, ______________ ___(怒视着 her son and saying nothing.(glare

81.I was sorry that my vocabularies _______________(非常有限 that I could found no words to describe it.(limit

82.Tom ___________________ ______(不该告诉我 your secret, but he meant no harm.(tell

83.He _______________ ___(不敢单独外出 and spends most of his time inside.(dare

84.Your advice____________________(她等待 till next week is unreasonable, so she is wise not to take it.(wait

85.Walking in the street, I often ________ _______(看见衣衫褴褛的乞丐. (rag

86.---I don’t know about it at all. ---But I _________________________(确实听说过这件事 yesterday.(hear

87.He said he had eating nothing for a long time and ________ _____________(他非常饥饿.(hungry

88.__________________(好像he didn’t care about helping me out, but instead just wanted the


89.You say life is meaningless. This is __________________________(我与你意见不一致之所在.(disagree

90.After graduation he asked to be sent ____________________________(需要他的地方 mostly.(need

91.Tom thought he must have seen a strange insect, but it was the goat’s eyes


看见了 in the darkness.

92.Henry arrived in London by accident. The reason was

_____________________(他迷失方向了 at sea.(lose

93.The teacher ____________ ___(肯定发现了 my mistake in the paper, or he wouldn’t have given

a cross.(spot

94.Anyone who is found _______________ _____(在教室抽烟 will be dismissed at once.(smoke

95.________________________________(不清楚whether the company will be able to defend itself

or whether it might lose the lawsuit.(clear

96.Sometimes they found ___________________(没有必要to refer to a dictionary even if they

meet with new words.(unnecessary

97.Why didn’t I ride my bike to school this morning is __________________( 它被使用 by my little brother.(use

98.______________________(音乐会何时开始isn’t clear. Why don’t you ask the man sitting next to you? (begin

99.____________________________(生命最初是怎样出现的 on the earth is still a mystery to scientists.(appear

100.________________________(众所周知 is that the 2016 Olympic Games will take place in Rio de Janeiro.(know

1 .Fortunately a soldier came to rescue ____________ ___(及时救了 the drowning boy.(time

2 .Doctors always tell us that drinking too much __ ___(有害于我们的健康, but some

people don’t care.(harmful

3 .An awful traffic accident ___________ ______(的确发生了 the other day.(do

4 .__________________________(已经得到证实 that a cat has caught the H1N1 virus from humans.(confirm

5 .The old lady accepted the suggestion from her daughter ______________ _____

(她应该购买一间房子 downtown.(buy

6 .The news_______________ ________(他身亡 in the accident astonished all of us.(kill

7 .He received an order from the official ____________ _________(开始工作at once.(start

8 .The fact ____________________(他出生于in 1953 is new to me. I didn’t know that he is in his fifties.(born

9 .Two-thirds of money available __________ __(已经投入到 helping the victims build their homes so far.(spend

10.____ ___( 向西走for three hundred miles, you’ll find you are reaching the

border of the two countries.(go

11.Do you think _____________________ ____(有可能性 that our team will win the final match.(possibility

12.--- The Changjiang River is the longest river in China. Which river comes next?

---The Yellow River,____________________ _______________(第二长的河流 in China.(long

13._________________________(最长的三条河流 in the world are the Niles, the Amazon, and the Changjiang River.

14.The fact has worried many scientists _______________________( 地球正变得越来越暖和 these years. (warm

15.I didn’t hear the telephone ring last night. I ___________________( 一定是睡着了 at that time.(asleep

16.He has gained the first prize in the competition, but he does say he ___________ _______(不

可能做得到 without the support of his team.(make

17.Mary spent almost all her time on studies and that is ____ ______(她已经成为…的原因 a top student.(become

18.__________________________(他是否对…感兴趣 the topic has nothing to do with me. I don’t care. (interest

19.The doubt ______________ ________(他被谋杀了 is finally confirmed by the police.(murder

20.My mother bought me a mobile phone, which was __________________

_____(我需要的. (need

21.He got ______________ ____(非常生我的气that he didn’t talk to me for a long time.(angry

22.It was on purpose ______________ ___(他不理我 the other day. (ignore

23.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant _______ ________(感到很沮

丧.( frustrate

24.What worries his parents most is _______________________(他怎样谋生 when wandering in that country. (earn

25.Pepa is a kind-hearted person who genuinely cares for people, which is why people find him

_______ __ _ (容易相处.(get

26.When the New Year bell sounds, fireworks and cracker begin to explode here and there,____________ _

_ _ (这通常要持续几个小时. (last

27.-- I’m sorry. I_____________(怒视you the other day.--Forget it. It was a bit out of control myself. (ought

28.Their balanced diet became _____________( 非常成功 that before long Wang Peng became slimmer.(success

29.The police are waiting for the robber at the Paris airport. He ______ ____ ( 肯


by someone when boarding a plane for Paris.(spot

30.The suggestion brought up at yesterday’s meeting was that nobody

____________ ____(作


31.With the rapid development of science and technology, I can’t imagine ____


(会发生什么变化 in my hometown in ten years.(take

32.Lily still doesn’t remember ____________ _(什么时候和什么地方 that she lost her wallet.(when

33.He enjoyed sitting in a corner of the teahouse, seeing people coming in and out and _____


34.The teacher sat there,__________________ ___(想听到 what Peter had to say for himself. (curious

35.The little boy went to sleep with ____________ _________ (放着一本书 next to him.(lie

36.The government tried to supply them with all _____________________(他们急需要的during the war.(need

37.The government has to close small paper factories to prevent the water of the river


38.I cheered immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin



(看着地球变小 and the moon larger.(watch

39.____________ _________(不想乘飞机 all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and

then take

the train from west to east across Canada.(rather

40.____________ ______(向东行,and you’ll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests,

as well as wide rivers and large cities.(eastward

41.Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and ____________ _____ (在海港扬帆 make Vancouver

one of the Canada’s most popular cities to live in.(sail

42.Their next stop was Calgary,_____________ ___________(因为…而出名 the Calgary Stampede.(famous

43.The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange,

and there was frost on the ground,_________________ ____(表明秋天已经来到 in Canada.(confirm

44.There was Hu Jin ___________ ______(朝他挥手并叫道, “why are you so late?

I have

been waiting for you for a long time!” (wave

45.Wang Peng did not look forward __________________(欠债 because his restaurant was no longer popular.(debt

46.I found your menu ___(非常有限 that I stopped worrying and started

advertising the benefits of my food.(limit

47.According to my research, neither your restaurant nor mine _____________


48.The fact is that I earn my passage by working as an unpaid hand,____________ ____ (这解释了

my appearance.(account

49.The two old brothers thought ________________ __(多么幸运啊 that Henry had no money at all.(luck

50.It’s amazing _______________ __(你得到了多少乐趣 out of the simple things in

life, especially if you can’t have them for a while.(pleasure

51.Just __________ _______(让你坐在这儿 is a great honor!(have

52.The earth _____________ __(变得非常动荡 that it was not clear whether the shape could last or not.(violent

53._________________ _________( 更重要的是 is that as the earth cooled down, water began

to appear on its surface.( important

54.This produced a chain reaction, _____________ ________( 它让…成为可能 for life to develop.(possible

55.Why dinosaurs suddenly disappeared still ____________ __________(仍然是个谜 (remain

56._________ _____ is why dinosaurs suddenly disappeared. (仍然是个谜 (remain

57.As a result of this event, a great dust cloud formed in the sky _______________ ___( 挡


58.When we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us, but it will not


___ _ (和…一样强的引力as the earth’s.(pull

59.I found I was carried ____________ _____(两倍远 as on the earth and fell over.(far

60.Leaving the moon’s gravity was not as pain ful _______________ _____(像离开地球的


61.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some______________ ____( 高达90米.(measure

62.Because of the Great Lakes, they learned ,Canada has _____________ _ ___(比任


更多的淡水 in the world. (much

63.Vatican City State has an area of 0.44 square kilometers with a border


3.2 千米.(measure

64.It is harmful for those who are still teenagers ________________(节食 in order to lose weight.(diet

65._______________________(谁将为事故作出解释 is the most important thing we care about at present. (account

66.Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told the reporters that many good suggestions

________ _______

(已提出 during the two sessions in 2010. (bring

67.It was commanded that all the soldiers _____________ ____(动身去 the front. (set

68.The man in rags should be pitied and you

___________________________________(本不该捉弄 him. (ought, joke

69.What worries his parents most is _______________________(他怎样谋生 when wandering in that country. (earn

70.The robbery _______________ _____(不可能发生 in this supermarket because there are many security personnel going on patrol. (take 71.The belief

______________________ us.(keep 72.The child ought to be punished. You shouldn’t let him _____________ ____________(说谎不受惩罚.(get, tell

73._________________(显然 that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave. (obvious 74.It’s too bad you can’t go as far as Toronto,

_________________(它在…东北 400 公里 of Toronto.(northeast _______(一个人应总是守信用 is supported by all of

答案: 1 to deal with /2easy to work with /3 not too difficult to read/ 4 easy to get along with / 5 had been there before/6 he were a millionaire /7 It is obvious/ 8while (you were on holiday / 9 can’t be waiting for/10It can’t be him/11 don’t have to/12 must have gone through /13must have been / 14needn’t have dressed up/ 15oughtn’t to be sitting/16 Shouldn’t have given it /17 can’t/couldn’t have attended/18 can’t /couldn’t have found / 19ought to have studied /20 that we (should read /21 Can’t speak too highly of /22 sent to his mother /23 lead you to your room /24 the table laid /25 the door shut/ 26 thought you could/ 27 It was by chance /28 that determine/29 my wallet stolen /30 himself lying in hospital/31 However long the holiday is/ 32 as for the stranger/33 what my hometown will be like/34(0f what he is talking about/35 where I disagree/36 what my children will need/37 depend on it /38 should be offered enough time/39 when and where it was/40 that he has been working /41 that he hadn’t been home/42 whether he can/will recover/43 how much time I had wasted/44 what I cares most/45 why he didn’t attend/46what he has been drawing/47What it was to become/48 Such a well-known/so well-known a /49 What puzzled me/50 What they have in common/51 Whether it rains or not/52 three times as ma ny books /53 twice as far/54 six times the size of/55 Now that you’ve got/56 Whether he has been aboard /57 It never occurred to me/58 What someone regards as/59 That he said/60 what is called /61 rather than ride/62 Winter coming/63 that we got lost/64 that he was admitted/65 that we

(should visit /66 When we (should return/67 that if he worked hard/68 that he is always late/69 Whether I can join in 70 that rubbish can and should be/71 Whether we would have enough money/72 that he has gone 73 must have been/74 often dressed up

as/75 must be joking/76 should have kept his word/77 seeing you soon 78 turned into/79

couldn’t have paid off/80 glaring at/81 were so limited/ 82 oughtn’t to have told

me/shouldn’t have told me/83/ doesn’t dare to go out alone /84 t hat she (should wait/85 see beggars in rags /86 did hear of it/87that he was very hungry/ 88 It seemed as

if/though /89 where I disagree/90 where he was needed/91 that he saw/92 that he got lost /93 must have spotted/94 smoking in the classroom/95 It is not clear/96 it unnecessary/ 97that it was being used/98 When the concert will begin/99 How life first

appeared/100What is known to all 1 in time to save/2 is harmful to our health/3 did happen/4 It has been confirmed/ 5 that she (should buy a house/6 that he was killed/7 that work (should be started/8 that he was born 9 has been spent (in/10 Going westward/11 there is any/a possibility/12 the second longest river/ 13 The three longest rivers/14 that the earth is getting warmer and warmer/15 must have been as leep/ 16 couldn’t have made it/17 why she has become/18 Whether he shows interest in/is interested in / 19 that he has been murdered/20 what I needed/21 So angry with me/22 that he ignored me/ 23 feeling very frustrated/24 how he can earn his living/25 easy to get along with/26which usually lasts hours /27 oughtn’t to have glared at/28 such a success/29 must have been

spotted/30(should get away with cheating /31 what changes will take place/32 when and where it was/33 hearing them talking/34 curious to hear /35 a book lying/36 that they needed badly/37 from being polluted/38 watching the earth becoming smaller /39 rather than take the plane/40 Go eastward/41/42 which is famous for/43 confirming that fall had arrived /44 waving at him and calling/45to being in debt/46 so limited/47 offers a balanced diet/

48 which accounts for/49 what luck it was/50 how much pleasure you get/51 having you sit here/ 52 became so violent/53 What is more important/54 which made it possible/55 remains a mystery/ 56 What remains a mystery/57 blocking out the light/58 be as strong a pull/59 twice as far/ 60 as leaving the earth’s/61 Measuring 90 meters /62 more fresh water than any other country/ 63 measuring 3.2 kilometers long/64 to go on a diet/to diet/65 Who will account for the accident/ 66 Had been brought up 67/ should set off for/68 oughtn’t to have played a joke on/ 69 how he can earn his living/70 couldn’t


高中英语必修三知识点总 结 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020

必修三u n i t1 1.take place / happen / break out 无被动 2.starve to death 饿死 starve to do渴望做.. starve for 渴望得到.. 3.in memory of 纪念 4.dress up 穿上盛装,打扮 5. play a trick / tricks on play a joke / jokes on 6.award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb.授予某人某物 reward sb. for sth. 因... 而报答,奖赏某人 reward sb. with sth. 用...报答,酬谢某人 7.look forward to doing *以介词to结尾的短语 pay attention to (doing) devote… to (doing) attach… to (doing) attach great importance to... 认为...很重要 8.without permission.未经许可 permit doing sth. permit sb.to do sb be permitted to do 9.turn up 出现,调高 turn down 拒绝,调低 turn out (to be ) 结果是 turn to sb (for help) 求助 10 keep one’s word守信用;履行诺言hold one’s breath屏息;屏气 11.apologize to sb for sth make an apology to sb for sth 11.set off (for...) = set out(for...) 动身,出发 12.remind sb. of sth. /sb.使某人想起… remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 14.mean to do打算做 mean doing 意味着 15 be satisfied with 对…感到满意 satisfying 令人满意的 16lead to 导致;通向,通往 17. It is/was obvious that。。。很明显…… 18.get/be married to U2 1. have / keep a healthy diet


【推荐】2020年北师版高中英语必修三(全册) 精品教学案汇总 Killer whales have the second-heaviest brains among marine mammals (after Sperm whales, which have the largest brain of any animal). They can be trained in captivity (囚禁;关 押) and are often described as intelligent, although defining and measuring “intelligence” is difficult in a species whose

environment and behavioral strategies are very different from those of humans. Killer whales imitate others, and seem to deliberately teach skills to their kin. Off the Crozet Islands, mothers push their calves onto the beach, waiting to pull the youngster back if needed. People who have interacted closely with killer whales offer numerous anecdotes demonstrating (证明) the whales' curiosity, playfulness, and ability to solve problems. Alaskan killer whales have not only learned how to steal fish from Iong lines, but also have overcome avariety of techniques designed to stop them, such as the use of unrated (未分级的;未征税的) lines as decoys. Once, fishermen placed their boats several miles apart, taking turns retrieving (恢复;取回) small amounts of their catch, in the hope that the whales would not have enough time to move between boats to steal the catch as it was being retrieved. A researcher described what happened next: The killer whale's use of dialects and the passing of other learned behaviours from generation to generation have been described as a form of animal culture.


高中英语人教版必修三单词表. 必修3 Unit 1 1、发生 2、美;美人 收获;收割3、庆祝;祝贺4、狩猎者;猎人、5(使)饿死;饿得要死、6起源;由来;起因7、8、宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的 9、季节的;季节性的 10、祖先;祖宗 11、(日本)盂兰盆节 坟墓;墓地12、熏香;熏香的烟13、14、纪念;追念 15、墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) 16、节日;盛宴 17、头脑;头骨 18、骨;骨头 19、万圣节前夕;诸圣日前夕

信任;信心;信仰20、 21、盛装;打扮;装饰 欺骗;诈骗;窍门诡计;恶作剧22、23、搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 诗人、2425、哥伦布日 26、到来;到达;到达者 27、克利斯朵夫·哥伦布 28、获得;得到 29、独立;自主 30、独立的;自主的 搜集;集合;聚集31、 32、农业;农艺;农学 农业的;农艺的、33授予;判定奖;奖品34、 35、产品;(尤指)农产品 雄禽;公鸡36、37、赞美;钦佩;羡慕 38、充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的 39、期望;期待;盼望 狂欢节;(四旬斋前的)饮宴狂欢;嘉年华(会)40、 41、月的;月亮的;阴历的耶稣)复活节42、(43、游行;阅兵;检阅、日夜;昼夜;整天4445、衣服 2 必修3 基督徒;信徒、46基督教的;信基督教的 47、耶稣 48、樱桃;樱桃树 49、花开花 50、好像 51、玩得开心 52、习惯;风俗 53、遍及全世界的;世界性的 玫瑰花蕾54、55、愚人;白痴;受骗者 干傻事;开玩笑傻的 必要性;需要56、57、许可;允许 预言;预报;预告58、59、样子;方式;时尚 60、特立尼达岛 61、卡拉(女名) 62、哈利(男名) 63、(汽车等)停放 64、停车场 65、圣瓦伦廷节;人节 66、出现;到场 67、守信用;履行诺言 68、屏息;屏气 69、道歉;辩白 70、淹没;溺死;淹死


必修3第3单元单词短语讲解 1.Bet bet [bet] n. 赌, 打赌 1). 打赌[(+on)] Let's have a bet on the result of the election. 让我们就选举结果打个赌吧! 2). 赌金,赌注 3). 意见,猜测[+(that)] My bet is that she won't refuse his invitation. 我认为她不会拒绝他的邀请。 You shouldn't make bets = (make a bet打赌) against him v. 赌, 赌钱 1). I bet you don't know who won the game last night. 我肯定你不知道昨晚谁赢了比赛。 2). He bet twenty dollars on me to win the fight. 在口语中I bet =I’m sure 我肯定 I bet it will rain tomorrow !我肯定明天会下雨! 2.scene n. 现场, 场面, 情景, 景色, 发生地点, [戏剧]一场, 布 景, 道具布置

3.tale故事;传说 A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》 4.permit/ allow allow /permit这两个词的意义与用法相近。其句型为: 1、allow/permit sth 2、allow/permit sb to do sth 3、allow/permit doing sth 如:①This plant allows one hour for lunch. 这家工厂允许一个小时的吃饭时间。 ②He would not permit the waste of a single grain. 他不允许浪费一粒粮食。 ③They don't allow/permit people to smoke in the offices. ④We don't allow/permit smoking in the offices. ⑤Talking loudly is not allowed/permitted in the library. permission是permit的名词形式 5.go ahead本意“前进” 6.go ahead“随便,请自便”“继续”着手做某事;尽管去做;不要 等(常用于祈使句) 7.“May I ask you a question”“Yes,go ahead.”“我可以问


Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. Festivals to Honour People Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Y uan. In the USA, Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals when people admire the moon and in China enjoy moon-cakes. Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. These carnivals might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of al kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians around the world. It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.


人教版高中英语必修三单词表Unit 1 take place 发生 beauty /'bju:ti/ n.美;美人 harvest /'hɑ:vist/ n. & vt. & vi.收获;收割 celebration /seli'brei?n/ n.庆祝;祝贺 hunter /'h?nt?/ n.狩猎者;猎人 starve /stɑ:v/ vi. & vt.(使)饿死;饿得要死 origin /'?rid?in/ n.起源;由来;起因 religious /ri'lid??s/ adj.宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的 △seasonal /'si:z?nl/ adj.季节的;季节性的 ancestor /'?nsest?/ n.祖先;祖宗 △Obon /?'b?n/ n. (日本)盂兰盆节 △grave /ɡreiv/ n.坟墓;墓地 △incense /'insens/ n.熏香;熏香的烟 in memory of 纪念;追念 Mexico /'meksik?u/ n. 墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) feast /fi:st/ n.节日;盛宴 △skull /sk?l/ n.头脑;头骨 bone /b?un/ n.骨;骨头 △Halloween /h?l?u'i:n/ n.万圣节前夕;诸圣日前夕 belief /bi'li:f/ n.信任;信心;信仰 dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰 trick /trik/ n.诡计;恶作剧;窍门vt.欺骗;诈骗 play a trick on 搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 poet /'p?uit/ n.诗人 △Columbus Day哥伦布日 arrival /?'raivl/ n.到来;到达;到达者 △Christopher Columbus /'krist?f?k?'1?mb?s/ 克利斯托弗·哥伦布(意大利航海家) gain /ɡein/ vt.获得;得到 independence /indi'pend?ns/n.独立;自主 independent /indi'pend?nt/ adj.独立的;自主的 gather /'ɡ?e?/ vt. & vi. & n.搜集;集合;聚集 agriculture /'?ɡrik?lt??/n.农业;农艺;农学 agricultural /?ɡri'k?lt??r?l/ adj.农业的;农艺的 award /?'w?:d/ n.奖;奖品vt.授予;判定 △produce /'pr?dju:s/ n.产品;(尤指)农产品 rooster /'ru:st?/ n.雄禽;公鸡 admire /?d'mai?/ vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕 energetic /en?'d?etik/ adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的 look forward to 期望;期待;盼望 △carnival /'ka:nivl/n. 狂欢节;(四句斋前的) 饮宴狂欢;嘉年华(会) △lunar /'lu:n?/ adj.月的;月亮的;阴历的 Easter /'i:st?/n. (耶稣)复活节 △parade /p?'reid/ n.游行;阅兵;检阅 day and night 日夜;昼夜;整天


必修三知识点汇总 Module 1 Europe 重要短语: because of be covered by/with be known for/as/to make A out of B on the coast work on have…in common refer to have control over/of have a population of little by little on the other hand in one’s thirties compared with belong to increase to/by in terms of be faced with ever since 重要句型: 1. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. one of the +形容词最高级+ 可数名词复数最。。。。之一 2. Portugal is to the west of Spain. ①表示位置: A is/lies in/on/to/off the+方向+of B A is located/situated in/on/to/off the+方向+of B ②位置+距离: A is (about)+距离+(to the)+方向+of B in ,on和to表地理方位的区别 (1)表示A在B的范围内(即A是B的组成部分之一)时用in.如:our school is in the west of the town.我们学校在城西。 (2)强调A和B两地接壤时,用on.如: Korea is on the east of China.朝鲜与中国东部接壤。 (3) A在B的范围之外,两者之间没有所属关系时用to。如:Our school is to the west of the hospital.我们学校在医院的西面。 3. on the coast和off the coast on表示“位于河畔或铁路,公路及海岸等沿线上”;off表示“稍离陆地,在沿岸的海里”。如: 语法要求: 一:一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态 被动语态由“be+及物动词的过去分词(+by) ”构成。被动语态发生时态变化时只变be的形式,过去分词不变。 现在时被动语态:am/ is/ are + 过去分词 过去时被动语态:was/ were + 过去分词 二:主谓一致:本单元主要强调第二个原则 语法一致原则。句子的主语是单数,谓语动词用单数形式;主语是复数,谓语动词用复数形式。 注意:(1) something, everybody, nobody , either, neither, each等不定代词作主语时,谓语需用单数。 (2) 当主语后面跟有with, together with, as well as, like 等时,谓语动词的单复数形式仍然要与这些词语前面的主语保持一致。 2. 意义一致原则。 一些集合名词,如:family, enemy, class, population, army等作主语时,谓语动词的


Unit 1 1、发生 2、美;美人 3、收获;收割 4、庆祝;祝贺 5、狩猎者;猎人 6、(使)饿死;饿得要死 7、起源;由来;起因 8、宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的 9、季节的;季节性的 10、祖先;祖宗 11、(日本)盂兰盆节 12、坟墓;墓地 13、熏香;熏香的烟 14、纪念;追念 15、墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) 16、节日;盛宴 17、头脑;头骨 18、骨;骨头 19、万圣节前夕;诸圣日前夕 20、信任;信心;信仰 21、盛装;打扮;装饰 22、诡计;恶作剧;窍门欺骗;诈骗 23、搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 24、诗人 25、哥伦布日 26、到来;到达;到达者 27、克利斯朵夫·哥伦布 28、获得;得到 29、独立;自主 30、独立的;自主的 31、搜集;集合;聚集 32、农业;农艺;农学 33、农业的;农艺的 34、奖;奖品授予;判定 35、产品;(尤指)农产品 36、雄禽;公鸡 37、赞美;钦佩;羡慕 38、充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的 39、期望;期待;盼望 40、狂欢节;(四旬斋前的)饮宴狂欢;嘉年华(会) 41、月的;月亮的;阴历的 42、 (耶稣)复活节 43、游行;阅兵;检阅 44、日夜;昼夜;整天 45、衣服

46、基督徒;信徒 基督教的;信基督教的 47、耶稣 48、樱桃;樱桃树 49、花开花 50、好像 51、玩得开心 52、习惯;风俗 53、遍及全世界的;世界性的 54、玫瑰花蕾 55、愚人;白痴;受骗者 干傻事;开玩笑傻的 56、必要性;需要 57、许可;允许 58、预言;预报;预告 59、样子;方式;时尚 60、特立尼达岛 61、卡拉(女名) 62、哈利(男名) 63、(汽车等)停放 64、停车场 65、圣瓦伦廷节;人节 66、出现;到场 67、守信用;履行诺言 68、屏息;屏气 69、道歉;辩白 70、淹没;溺死;淹死 71、悲哀,悲伤 72、明显的;显而易见的 73、擦;揩;擦去 74、(使)迂回 75、牧群;兽群 76、银河 77、喜鹊 78、哭泣;流泪哭;哭泣 79、广播员;告知者;报幕员 80、出发;动身;使爆炸 81、提醒;使想起 82、使……想起…… 83、原谅;恕 Unit 2 84、日常饮食节食 85、意大利式细面条 86、坚果;果仁 87、肌肉;(食用)瘦肉 88、给予保护的;保护的


必修三Module 1 ⒈be located/ situated ( on/ in / to…) = lie/ stand (on/ in/ to) 位于…的;坐落于…的;处于…地位(状态的) ⑴我们学校坐落于一个美丽的地方,周围有青山绿水环绕。 Our school is situated in the beautiful place, with green mountains and clear rivers around. ◆ situation n. 立场;局势;形势 in a …situation 处于….状况中;在…形势下 1). In the present situation, I wouldn?t advise you to sell your house. 在目前的形势下,… 2). You?re putting me in a very embarrassing situation. 你使我处于非常尴尬的境地。 3). With no rain for three months and food supplies running out, the situation here is getting worse. 三个月无雨,食品供应也将消耗殆尽,这里情况越来越糟糕了。 ⒉face 1). face up to 勇敢面对(接受并处理) (be) faced with 面对;面临 face (to the) south/north/east/west 面朝南/北/东/西 2). face to face 面对面(地) in (the) face of 面对;在…面前 make a face at 向…做鬼脸 save/lose face 保全/丢面子to one?s f ace 当着某人的面 stare sb. in the face 盯着某人 turn red in the face 涨红了脸 be+过去分词+介词(这些词作状语或定语时用ed形式,be 去掉) be faced with;be compared with be seated;be hidden; be lost / absorbed/occupied in be abandoned/ addicted to(沉溺于); be born;be dressed ;be tired of (厌烦)等 ⒊表示“某物在哪个方向”可用south/north/east/west等,构成以下几种表达方式。 (1). …is in the south of 在…的南部(在内部) …is on the south of 在…的南边(接壤) …is to the south of 在…以南(在外部) …is south of 在…的南部(不指明在内部还是外部) (2). 把表示方位、地点的介词或副词短语放在句首,句子用完全倒装语序。 ①.Jiangsu is on the south of Shandong. South of Shandong is Jiangsu. ②.East of our school lies a railway. ⒋倍数表示法: as…as ◎A is …↓… (more than) times -er than B 倍数the N. of size, length, height, weight…


新人教版高中英语课文译文 必修三 第一单元世界各地的节日 Reading 节日和庆典 自古以来,世界各地就有各种各样的节日和庆典。最古老的节日总是庆祝严寒的结束、春季的种植和秋天的收割。有时,在猎人捕获猎物后,也举行庆祝活动。在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们就会挨饿。现在的节日有很多由来,一些是宗教上的,一些是季节性的,一些是纪念特殊的人和事件的。 亡灵节 有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。他们还点起灯笼,奏响乐曲,因为他们认为这样做可以把祖先引回到世上。在墨西哥,亡灵节是在11月初。在这个重要的节庆日子里,人们会吃制成颅骨形状的食物和装点有“骨头”的蛋糕。他们向亡者祭献食物、鲜花和礼品。西方节日万圣节也源自人们古老的信念,认为亡者的灵魂会返回人间。万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他们可以乔装打扮上邻居家要糖吃。如果邻居什么糖也不给,那么孩子们就可以捉弄他们了。 纪念名人的节日 也有纪念名人的节日。中国的端午节(龙舟节)是纪念古代著名诗人屈

原的。美国的哥伦布日是纪念克里斯托弗.哥伦布发现“新大陆”的日子。印度 在10月2日有个全国性节日,纪念莫汉达斯.甘地,他是帮助印度脱离英国 而独立的领袖。 庆丰收的节日 收获与感恩节是十分喜庆的节日。越冬的粮食收集起来了,农活结束了,人们都心怀感激。在欧洲国家,人们通常用花果来装饰教堂和市政厅,在一 起聚餐。有些人还可能因为他们的农产品(参加各种评选)而获奖,比如最 大的西瓜或最帅的公鸡。中国和日本都有中秋节,这时人们会赏月。在中国,人们还品尝月饼。 春天的节日 最富生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天、迎来春天的日子。中国人 过春节要吃饺子、鱼和肉,还要给孩子们送红纸包着的压岁钱。(他们)舞 龙灯、狂欢,全家人聚在一起欢庆阴历年。在一些西方国家有激动人心的狂 欢节,通常在二月,复活节前的四十天。狂欢节期间,人们穿着各种艳丽的 节日盛装,伴随着鼓噪的音乐,在街头游行,昼夜跳舞。复活节是全世界基 督徒的一个重要的宗教和公众节日。它庆祝耶稣复活,也欢庆春天和新生命 的到来。再晚些时候,日本就迎来了樱花节,(节日里)整个国度到处是盛 开的樱花。看上去就像覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。 人们喜欢聚在一起吃、喝、玩耍。节日让我们享受生活,让我们为自己的习俗而自豪,还可以暂时忘掉工作中的烦恼。 Using Language 一段伤心的爱情故事 李方的心都碎了。这天是情人节,胡瑾说她下班后会在咖啡馆和他见面


人教版高中英语必修三重点词组归纳Unit1 1)mean doing sth. 意味着; 2)mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事; 3)mean sb. to do sth.打算让某人做某事 4)be meant for 打算作……用; 5)take place 发生;举行 6)of all kinds 各种各样的 7)starve to death饿死 8)be starved of 缺乏, 9)starve for sth / starve to do,渴望 10)plenty of 大量; 充足 11)be satisfied with感到满意 12)to one’s satisfaction感到满意是 13)7do harm to sb.=do sb. harm伤害某人 14)in the shape of呈…的形状,以…形式 15)in memory of/ to the memory of sb纪念某人 16)dress up 穿衣服;打扮,化装 17)award sth.(to sb.)给予、颁奖 18)award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖 19)reward sb. for sth. 因…奖赏某人; 20)reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人 21)admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人 22)look forward to期望,期待,盼望 23)turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些 24)turn down 拒绝; 25)turn off 关掉; 26)turn on 打开; 27)turn out 结果是...... 28)turn to sb. for help 向某人求助 29)keep one’s word 守信用; 30)break one’s word, 失信 31)It be obvious that-clause显而易见 32)set off 动身, 出发; 33)set in开始; 34)set up建立,创立; 35)set out to do = set about doing sth.着手做某事 36)set down 写下,记下 37)remind sb. of sth. 提醒,使想起 Unit 2 1) a healthy diet健康饮食; 2) a balanced diet平衡的饮食 3)in different way用另外方式


高中英语必修三知识点总结 Unit 1 1.mean doing sth. 意味着; mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事; mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事be meant for 打算作……用; 2.take place 发生;举行 3.of all kinds 各种各样的 4.starve to death饿死be starved of 缺乏, starve for sth, starve to do,渴望 5.plenty of 大量; 充足 6.be satisfied with感到满意to one’s satisfaction感到满意是 7.do harm to sb.=do sb. harm 伤害某人 8.in the shape of呈…的形状,以…的形式 9.in memory of/ to the memory of sb.纪念某人 10.dress up 穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装 11.award sth.(to sb.)和award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖reward sb. for sth. 因…奖赏某人;reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人 12. admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人 13.look forward to期望,期待,盼望 14,have fun with(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐( have a good time, enjoy oneself.) 15. turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些turn down 拒绝; turn off 关掉; turn on 打开; turn out 结果是...... turn to sb. for help 向某人求助 16.keep one’s word 守信用;break one’s word, 失信


必修三各单元知识点总结 第一单元 1)starve vi.“饿死,挨饿”。 starve for …,表示“渴望获得,迫切得到”。starve to death 饿死 2)plenty 3)satisfy 作及物动词,表示“满意,使满足”,直接跟宾语。 be satisfied with对……满足 be satisfied to do sth满足于做某事 4)harm 作名词,意为“损害”,常与do,come,mean等动词搭配。 do more harm than good弊大于利 There’s no harm in doing sth= It does no harm for sb to do sth做某事无害处 5)lead 作及物动词,表示“领导,引导”。 表示“影响,致使”时,后接介词to,也可以接不定式。 lead sb into使某人陷入某种不良的状态。 lead sb by the nose牵着某人的鼻子,完全操纵某人 lead a dog’s life过困难的生活 lead the way带路,带头 lead to 导致,致使 6)origin 是名词,表示“起源,起因,出身”。 be of origin起源于,出身于 7)event 是名词,表示“事变,事件”,既可以指历史上的,国际上的,国内的大事件,也可以指日常事件,复数形式还可以指事态的发展和结局。 也可以指体育比赛中的“项目”。 常见词组:at all events/in every event总之,无论如何,不管怎样 in the event结果,终于in the event of万一,如果,倘若in that event若果那样的话 8)dress 作及物动词,表示“给……穿衣”,后接人作宾语,也可以做不及物动词,表示“穿上衣服,穿着衣服”。 dress up穿上盛装,打扮 dress作不可数名词,表示“衣服”;作可数名词,表示“妇女及儿童的衣服”。 dress sth up修饰,掩饰 9)trick play a trick on sb=play sb a trick开某人的玩笑,诈骗某人 do/turn the trick达到(预期的)目的,获得成功。


必修三知识点汇总Module 1 Europe 重要短语: because of因为 thanks to由于;多亏了 due to/owing to由于 as a result of由于…的结果be covered by/with be known for/as/to make A out of B用B制成A make A into B/be made of work on从事/做…工作;忙于 have…in common refer to参考/指的是/涉及/适用于 have control over/of对…有控制 权 Beyond control无法控制 under control被控制住 out of control 失去控制 in the control of由…控制/管理/负责 lose control of对…失去控制 have a population of有多少人口 little by little渐渐地 in one’s thirties compare A with/and B比较A和B compare…to…把…比作…. compared with/to…与…比较起来 belong to increase(reduce) to/by in terms of根据/从…方面来说/从…的观点in the long/short term就长/短期而言 come to terms=make terms达成协议,和好bring sb. to terms使某人接收条件 be on good/bad terms with sb.与某人交情好/不好be faced with面临,面对 face to face along the coast off the coast在(离开海面的)海岸上 ever since自从/一直 on the one /other hand一方面/另一方面 be located in=lie in=be situated in坐落于There+be/exist/lie/stand/appear+主…有…存在(be)opposite to在…对面,与…相反just the opposite恰恰相反 keep a cool head保持头脑清醒 lose one’s head惊慌失措,失去理智 head for朝着…前进 get into a difficult situation陷入困难的状况get out of a difficult situation摆脱困难的状况save the situation挽回局势 重要句型: 1. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. one of the +形容词最高级+ 可数名词复数最。。。。之一 2. Portugal is to the west of Spain. ①表示位置: A is/lies in/on/to/off the+方向+of B A is located/situated in/on/to/off the+方向+of B ②位置+距离: A is (about)+距离+(to the)+方向+of B in ,on和to表地理方位的区别 (1)表示A在B的范围内(2)强调A和B两地接壤时,用on.(3)A在B的范围之外,两者之间没有所属关系时用to。如:Our school is to the west of the hospital.我们学校在医院的西面。 3. on the coast和off the coast on表示“位于河畔或铁路,公路及海岸等沿线上”;off表示“稍离陆地,在沿岸的海里”。如: 4. 表示倍数的四种句型: 1)This bridge is 3 times longer than that one.这座桥比那座桥长3倍。 2) This bridge is 4 times as long as that one这座桥是那座桥的4倍长。 3)A is … times the size/length/width/height/depth of B This room is 3 times the size of that one.这间房间的大小是那间的3倍。 4) A + v. …times as many/much + n.+ as B The factory has produced 3 times as many cars as it did last year. 这个厂今年的汽车产量是去年的3倍。 语法要求: 一:一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态 资料
