




As is clearly demonstrated by the pie chart, college students travel for different reasons: enjoying the beautiful scenery, relieving the pressure, making friends, cultivating the independent capability, etc. Among these travelers, those for sightseeing account for 37%, the largest percentage, with those for reducing pressure occupying 33%, the second largest percentage. Students traveling for other purposes account for not more than 30%.

So, what are the invisible reasons accounting for the differences mirrored by the chart? The most important factor to be considered is the truth that as college students, they have a high demand for the life quality and like to broaden their horizon and nurture spirituality by contact with nature. Besides, because of too much study burden and intense

competition on the campus, college life is extremely hard for students, which makes it necessary for them to take a trip and relax. The above mentioned reasons are the contributory factors leading to the high proportion of students traveling for sightseeing and relaxation.

From the above analysis, it can be safely concluded that travel plays an important role in college students’ daily life because it can help them to renew vitality and sharpen the competitive edge. With the social development and progress, I firmly believe that there will be more and more college students taking traveling as part of life.
