
Lesson 1



9. 多么糟糕的天气 ! What a

day! 10. 就在那时 : just then 11. 吃早 午 晚

餐 : have 12. 抬 头 看 :look up 13. 四 周 望

望 : look around

1. 去看戏 : go to the theatre.

2. 一个很好的座位 : a good seat

3. 请坐: take a\ one 's sea 或 sit down

4. 喜欢做某事 :enjoy doing sth.

5. 大声讲话 : talk loudly

6.生气:get angry 或 be angry

7. 转身:turn round 或 turn around

8. 注意 : pay attention

9. 对… 注 意: pay atte nti on to 10. 立 正 :Attention!

11.最后: in the end\at last

1 2.不关你的事 : It 's none of your business. 13. 做生意 ?: do business

Lesson 2

1.起床:get up

2. 上车:get on

3.下车:get off

4. 出来:get out of

5. 醒来 : wake


6.躺在床上:stay in bed.


向窗外看: look out of the window 8. 天啊! Dear

14.向外看:look out of 15. 向下看:look down at sth. 16. 轻视,看不起:look down on \upon

17.向后看:look back 18. 通过…向里看:look through 19. 当心, 小心: look out

20.期望,盼望(好事):look forward to + 名词动名词代词(不能加动词原形)21.寻

找:look for

22.照顾,照看:look after

Lesson 3

1. 扰乱某人的假日:spoil one 's holiday

2. 去年夏天:last summer

3. 公园:p ublic garde n

4. 教某人… teach sb.sth.

5. 借给某人某物:lend sb.sth. 或lend sth to sb.

6. 借某人某物:borrow sth form sb.

7. 寄给某人某物:send sth to sb 或send sb.sth.

8.在公共场合:in public 9. 思考.考虑:think about 10.做出一个重大决定:make a big decision

11.决定做某事:decide to do 12 花..时间钱做…(1)sb. spend some time \money (in) dong sth.

13.一整天the whole day (2)sb. spend sometime\money on sth.

(4) sth. takes sb. some time \money

Lesson 4

1.收至U …来信:receive a letter from … 相当于 hear

from …. 2. 在…上班:work at

许多: a great number of ?( 加可数名词复数 )

5. 在…中部 ( 指地理位置 ): in the eentre of


夕卜:live abroad

between … .and …

Lesson 5

务:p rivate

14. 单身汉 : single man (3) It takes sb. sometime \money to

do sth.

3. 为…工作 :work for


在…中间:in the middle of 7. 感到兴奋 激动 : be\feel excited 8.

出国 :go abroad 9. 定居海

10. 与…不同 : be different from 11.

辨别…之间的区别 : tell the difference

1. 距… 离… : be from

2. 带个信: take a message

3. 发个信息 : send a message

4…的距离:the distanee of 5. 备件:spare part 6. 业余时间 :spare time

7. 客房 : spare room 8. 备胎:spare wheel 9. 为…服务 : serve for

10. 好的服务 :good serviee

11. 许多: a great many = a great number of 12. 私人业

今 为 止 :up till now\up to now\ so far



a way

13. 到 现 在 为 止 迄 14. 在路上 途中 : on the way (to)

15. 在回家路上 : on the way home

16. 用这种方式 : in this way 17. 用某种方式 : in the way( 后面必须有个修饰way 的定

18. 挡路: in the way

19. 不挡路 : out of the way 20. 从某种程度上讲 : in

21. 顺便说 问一下 :by the way 22. 饶恕某人 :spare sb.(spare

为动词) Lesson 6

1. 搬到… move to

2. 搬进… move into

3. 搬进 :move in

4. 敲门: knock at

5. 下班 : knock off = leave \finish work

6. 下班回家 : come home from work

7. 放学回家 : come home from school 8. 把…东西从…碰掉 : knock off 9. 减价:

10.撞倒:knock over 11. 打晕:knock out 12. 穿上:put on 13. 脱掉:take off

14. 向某人要… ask sb for sth 15. 要求: ask for 16. 让某人做某事 : ask sb to

do sth

17.作为…的报答:in return for … 18. 倒立: stand on one 's head 19. 光顾 , 拜

访(某地):call at

5.努力工作:work hard

6. 努力学习:study hard

7. 种一些花:grow some flowers

19.拜访某人 : call on 20. 取消: call off 21. to

Lesson 7

午 :all morning

13. 主楼 :main building

Lesson 8

1. 在我们镇上 : in our town

2. 报名参加 :enter for

3. 某人:beat sb

大喊 : call out (to) = shout at = cry 22.给某人某东西:give sb.sth 或 give sth to sb 23.

认识了解某人 :know sb

24. 对 某人 非常 了解 : know sb very well 25.

一个星 期 月 年一次 :once a


26. 一年二次 :twice a year 27.

一年三次 :three times a year

1. 在…等待 :wait at


等待…wait for 3. 在机场:at the airport 4.


5. 一袋钻石 : a parcel of diamonds

6. 南非:South Africa

7. 企图,试图:try to

8. 在飞机的起落场地 : on the airfield 9. 把..从…拿下来:take …off …10.充满:be full of 1 1 .使某人惊奇的是 :to one 's surprise

12. 守卫,站岗:keep guard \ stand guard

赢… win sth 4. 战胜, 打败


整齐的小路:neat paths 9. 小木桥:a wooden bridge 10. 在池塘上:over a pool

11. 艰苦的工作:hard work 12. 赢一个…奖:win a prize for

Lesson 9

1.在周三的晚上:on Wednesday evening

2.市政厅:Town Hall 3 …的最后一天:the last day of …

4. 一大群人 : a large crowd of people


针:mi nute hand

7.时针:hour hand 8. 秒针:seco nd hand 9. 什么都没发生:nothing happened


由多种材料制成 : be made from 6. 属于: belong to

8. 感到震惊 : be shocked at 9. 被允许做… be

allowed to do sth

聚集在一起 :gather together 6.

10. 拒绝做某事 : refuse to do sth 11. 否认做某事 deny that …

12. 在那个时候 : at that moment 13. 此时此刻: at the moment \now 14. 开始做某

事:begi n to do

15. 二十分钟后 : in twenty minutes ' (time)

Lesson 10 1. 被称为 : be called 2. 制造产地 : be made in 3.

由一种材料制成 : be made

4. 制造人 :be made by


7. 许多年前 : many years ago

10. 我的一个朋友 : a friend of mine = one of my friends

Lesson 11

years ago

答, 报复 )


Arctic Ocean

to sb 10. 离开 : be away 11. 回来 : be back 12. 在家: be in 13. be over

1. 在饭店 : at the restaurant

2. 多年前 : years ago =many

3.有相当可观的工资,薪水:get a good salary

4. 归还 : pay back ( 还可以指报

5. 坐在桌子旁 : sit at the table


为…付帐:pay for

7. 借入 : borrow … from 8. 借出:lend … .to 或 lend sth to


Lesson 12

1. 从…起航 : sail from

2. 在码头 港口 : at the harbour

3. 太平洋 : the Pacific

4. 大西洋 : the Atlantic Ocean


印度洋 : the Indian Ocean 6. 北冰洋 : the

7. 出发 : set out = set off 8. 从…出发 : set out from 9. 与某人道别 : say goodbye

出去 : be out 14. 结束 :


L.1 1.五大基本句型2.零冠词精讲背诵 L.2 1.现在进行时与一般现在时2.感叹句的基本结构精讲 L.3 1.“给予”动词带双宾精讲背诵 L.4 1.现在完成时2.Accept vs.receive3.excited vs. exciting知识点和第五课重复,可以不讲 L.5 1.一般现在时与过去完成时的区别2.In 3 minutes vs. in 3 minutes’time3. 带way的短语精讲课文:背诵课文 L.6 1.in vs.on2.不定冠词的一般用法3 动词词组搭配精讲课文:背诵 L.7 1.expect的用法2.过去进行时3.When, while and as4. 小品词(副词vs介词)精讲 L.8 1.形容词和副词的比较级和最高级2.谓语动词的单复数确定精讲:背诵 L.9 1.基本时间介词的用法:at, in, on, during, through, till, until2 时间表示法次精讲 L.10 1.被动语态2.名词所有格,双重所有格(37)3.made in, made of, made from, made by精讲;鼓励背诵,加强语感 L.11 1.deserve的用法2.不定式作宾语动词后是否需要先加一个名词或代词次精讲:适合背诵L.12 1.一般将来时可以不讲 L.13 1.将来进行时和一般将来时的区别精讲 L.14 1.Except, except for, apart from次精讲 L.15 1.afford的用法2.interrupt的用法3.直接引语与间接引语精讲:背诵 L.16 1.Remind的用法2.Fail的用法3.if条件句精讲:背诵 L.17 1.in spite of2.介词的用法in, 3 情态动词精讲:鼓励背诵L. 18 1.have的多种用法(助动词,完全动词)2.关于give的词组自学课文L. 19 1.hurry的用法2.Can vs may; can vs could; may vs might3. might as well次精讲:设置场景,组对背诵 L.20 1.动名词充当主语和宾语2.Instead of vs. instead精讲:背诵 L.21 1.含助动词的被动语态2.Come into3.drive的不同用法4.Home vs. house次精讲 L.22 1 课后介词搭配练习文章次精讲 L.23 1.there is vs. it is自学课文


新概念英语第二册上短语总结新概念英语第二册上短语总结新概念背诵2009-12-05 170847 阅读92 评论0 字号大中小订阅新概念英语第二册上短语总结金山编辑1.in private \ in public 2. take one s seat 3.notuntil.. 4.ring sbgive sb a ring 5.get\go\come\look out of 6.by busin\on a bus 7.send sb sthsend sth to sb Give\ take\ pass\read\ sell 8.buy sb sthbuy sth for sb 9.lend sb sthlend sth to sb Borrow sb sthborrow sth from sb 10.make a big\great decision Decide to do sth Make up one s mind to do sth Be determined to do sth Determine to do sth 11.think about\of 12.nonot a [an]\not any 13.start\begain to dostart\begain doing 14. Request\ask sb to do sth 15.one.the other someothers 16.who\what\where else nothing\something else 17.a great manya great number of 18.in this way;in a friendly way By a way\on the way to In a way\in the way 19.have been to \ have gone to Have been inplace 20.fromto..\fly to.. 21.up to nowup till now 22call sbcall up sb Call back sb\call at\call on sb Call outshout 23.ask sb for sth\ask for sth 24.tell sb about sth\tell sb sth 25.knock at \ knock off 26.enter for\take part in 27.to one s surprise\be surprised to... 28.be full of \be filled with 29.allow so to do sth Sb be allowed to do sth 30.be made in\of\from\into 31.at that momentjust then At the momentnow\right now 32.at


1.一次私人谈话 a private conversation 2.private对应词------- public 3.在公共场所 in public = in the public place 4.若可能的话,请小心不要造公共场所大声喧哗。 If (it’s )possible ,please take care not to speak loudly in public 。 5.和某人做对话 have a conversation 6.去戏院 go to the theater 7.和某人生气 be angry with sb 8.由于某人而生气be angry at sth 9.生气做某事 be angry to do sth 10.注意 pay attention to 没注意 pay no attention 11.更多地注意 pay more attention 几乎不注意pay little attention 注意些pay some attention 注意许多pay much attention 12.为……付钱 pay for 13.公事 on business 14.此事与你无关 It‘s none of your business 。 15.插话 cut in 16.用手指着别人是不礼貌的。It‘s rude to point the others with finger 。 17.无理的(adj)rude 无理地(adv)rudely 礼貌的(adj)polite 礼貌地(adv)politely 不礼貌的(adj)impolite 不礼貌地(adv)impolitely Polite 形容词比较级—more polite 最高级 most polite 18.听某人说话 hear sb 19.有关turn的词组 打开 turn on 关上 turn off 调大 turn up 调小 turn down 变成 turn into 翻转 turn over


Lessons1-2 一、常用词组和语言点 1.go to the theatre去看戏 go to the film/movie去看电影 2enjoy doing喜欢做某事 Be surprise at对……感到惊讶 3.get angry生气get为系动词。 4.turn round转过身 Turn back/right/left向后转向右转向左转 In public—in private公开的私下的 5.angrily adv.生气地(形容词argry变y为i再加ly,成为副词。)如: happy→happily 6.pay attention注意(后常接介词to) 7.in the end最后(近义词:at last,finally) 8.none of your business不关你的事 9.at the end of在。。。的最后 10.think out Think of/about Think over 想出 考虑 反复考虑 11.until直到 not…until直到……才…… 12.all the day/The whole day全天 13.just then就在那时(just now刚才) Lessons3-4 一、常用词组和语言点 1.visit:go tu see拜访,参观 2.in the center of在中心 3.teach sb .sth教某人某事(teach接双宾语) lend sb.sth=lend sth to sb借给某人某物 4.send…to寄给……(比较:send of:派人去请) 5.on the last night在最后一天晚(具体日期前用介词on) 6.make a decision to do Make up one’s mind to do Decide to do/Be determined to do 做出决定decide(V) 7.receive/get a letter from sb;hear from sb收到某人的来信 8.a great number of:many许多(后加可数名词) 9.fly to:go to…by plane take a plane to…飞往


新概念英语第二册重点词组(1—48) 1.go to the theatre 2.go to the movie 3.interesting adj. 4.interested adj. 5.get angry 6.turn round=turn around 7.angrily adv. 8.pay attention to 9.notice vt. 10.in the end=at last=finally 11.none of your business 12.get up 13.stay in bed 14.not…until 15.What a day! 16.just then 17.visit vt. 18.public gardens 19.teach sb. sth. 20.lend sb. sth. 21.on the last night 22.make a decision 23.receive a letter from sb.=hear from sb. 24.a great number of=many 25.fly to 26.send sth. to 27.be five miles from+地点 28.cover vt. 29.in three minutes 30.up to now 31.a great many 32.spare part 33.one…the other 34.in this way 35.move to 36.knock at 37.ask for 38.a glass of 39.in return for 40.stand on one’s head 41.go away 42.call at+地点 43.call on sb. 44.once a month 45.twice a month 46.three times a month 47.at the airport 48.try to do 49.try doing 50.while 51.keep guard 52.to one’s surprise 53.to one’s excitement 54.be full of=be filled with 55.enter for 56.win vt. 57.on Wednesday evening 58.a crowd of 59.the minute hand 60.the hour hand 61.the second hand 62.refuse to do 63.at that moment 64.belong to 65.allow sb. to do 66.a friend of my father’s 67.a lawyer’s office 68.borrow sth. from sb. 69.pay back 70.pay for 71.across the Atlantic 72.set out 73.plenty of+可数/不可数 74.say goodbye to sb. 75.be away 76.be proud of 77.take part in 78.a group of 79.at present 80.at the station 81.during this time 82.give a performance 83.as usual 84.have a difficult time 85.keep order 86.on….occasion 87.drive on 88.on the way 89.wave to… 90.ask for a lift 91.as soon as 92.say good morning to 93.apart from 94.a few+可数名词 95.few+可数名词 96.neither 97.feel nervous 98.look up 99.look sth. up in the dictionary 100.can/could afford to do 101.in a weak voice 102.a traffic policeman 103.welcome…to 104.fail to do 105.No parking! 106.at least 107.in spite of 108.in a dress 109.grow up 110.look for 111.have a good meal 112.pay the bill 113.give back to 114.at any moment 115.hurry to… 116.sell out 117.What a pity! 118.at once 119.might/may as well do 120.instead of 121.give up doing 122.a waste of time 123.be interested in 124.drive sb. mad 125.night and day 126.for some reason

新概念英语一册L1 74 短语总结 结合初中课本

新概念一册常用词组与语言点(L1~L74)1.劳驾、对不起打扰一下Excuse me. 30.打开(电视机、电灯、收音机等)turn on 31.关(电视机、电灯、收音机等)turn off 2.早上好good morning 32.脱掉下午好good afternoon take off 3.33.穿上4.上楼come upstairs put on 34.什么颜色what color 追逐run after 5. 35.6.来见见come and meet 在河面上on the river 36.在花园里in the garden 7.您好How do you do? 37.在树底下give sb. sth=give sth to sb 给某人某物under the tree 8. 38.…怎么样?What about …?= How about…?9.不是那些not those 39.做…怎么样?What about=How about=Would you like=Do you want架子上的 那些10.the ones on the shelf … climb the tree 爬树on the shelf 40.11.在架子上 pardon=I beg your pardon=pardon me? 请你再说一遍on the right 41.在右边12. a fine day 在左边42.on the left 好天气、晴天13.be with families in the middle of在14.……中间…43. 和家人在一起fly over on the table 从…上空飞过44.15.在桌子上look at 16.…in the kitchen 看45.在厨房in the sky 在盘子上on the plate 在天上46.17. under the bridge 18.桥底下on the floor 在地板上47. s homework do one'48.做作业19.靠近门near the door jump off 掉下、跳离on the bed 在床上20.49. want to do 想要做某事21.在冰箱里in the refrigerator 50. cook a meal 在房间里51.in the room 做饭22.wait for 23. 52.等待进来come in have a meal open the door 开门24. 吃饭53.look after=take care of 照顾54.shut the door 25.关门wash the dishes must do 必须做26.洗盘子、刷盘子55. 27.a photograph of air the room 是房间通风…56.…的一张照片in the valley make the bed 整理床铺、铺床28. 57.在山谷中on the river 29. dressing table 梳妆台靠近小河58.


新概念第二册重点词组总汇 Lesson 1 private conversation 私人谈话last week 上周go to the theatre 去看戏have a very good seat 座位很好get angry/cross 变的生气be angry with 和…生气enjoy oneself = have a good time 玩的开心enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事sit behind me 坐在我后边talk loudly 大声的说turn round = turn around 转身look at…= have /take a look at 看…pay attention to 注意… pay no attention to = not pay any attention to 不注意…in the end = at last = finally 最后bear = stand = put up with 忍受It’s none of your business. 不关你的事。be on business 出差do business 做生意at the theatre 在戏院里in front of 在…前面be rude to …对…粗鲁←→be friendly/kind to 对…友好 Lesson 2 get up 起床on Sundays 在周日/每逢周日stay in bed 呆在床上look out of 从…往外look out 小心,当心= be careful = take care just then = at that moment 在那时by train 乘火车= take a train = on a train (注意位置) always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never 频率副词,通常有在一般现在时,情/be/助之后,实义动词前 sometimes 有时,偶尔e.g. He sometimes goes to school by bus. 他有时乘公交车上学。 some time 几次,几倍e.g. I have been to Shanghai some times. 我去过上海几次。 Our school is some times larger than yours. 我们的学校比你们的学校大几倍。sometime 某个时候 e.g. Will you come again sometime next week? 下周的某个时候你会再来吗?some time 一段时间 e.g. I’ll stay here for some time. 我将在这呆一段时间。 late adj. 晚的be late for 做…迟到 e.g. He was late for meeting yesterday. 昨天他开会迟到了。 adv. 晚地v.← adv. (副词修饰动词) e.g. He got up late today. 今天他起来晚了。 lately adv. 最近,近来= recently How are you recently? 近来你好吗? later 之后,后来late on e.g. At first things went well, but later on we ran into trouble. 起初事情进展的 很顺利,但是后来我们遇到了麻烦。 latest 最新的,最近的, e.g. the latest news 最近的新闻 outside prep. …. 的外边 e.g. outside and door adj. 外边的 e.g. outside help adv. 外边 e.g. It is dark outside. ※感叹句:what(a/an) + adj.+ n. 主语+谓语 e.g. What a clever boy he is! How + adj./adv.+主语+谓语 e.g. How clever the boy is!


新概念第二册短语词组 去看戏去看电影令人感兴趣的(表示主动)对……感到有趣的(表示被动)生气 get 为系动词。如: I got bored at the lecture. 转过身 指在周围 如: look round/around 向四周看 生气地(形容词 argry 变 y 为 i 再加 ly ,成为副词。)女口: happy f happily 注意(后常接介词 to ) 如: You should pay attention to your handwriting. 最后(近义词: at last ,finally ) 不关你的事 起床呆在床上 直到 直到……才…… W对名词感叹,How对形容词、副词感叹。 就在那时( just now 刚才) Lessons3-4 常 用词组和语言 点 : go tu see gardens sb .sth lend … to the last night a decision get a letter from sb ; hear from sb great number of : many to : go to … by plane Lessons5-6 常用词组和语言点 five miles from+ 地点 2. cover three minutes=in three minutes 'time to now 拜访,参观公园教某人某事( teach 接双宾语)借给某人某物 寄给... (比较:send of :派人去请) 在最后一天晚上(具体日期前用介词 on)做出决定 decide ( V)收到某人的来信许多(后加可数名词) 离……5英里 ( 1)覆盖,经常用作 be covered with 由……覆盖 ( 2) +距离,相当于 travel We cavered 15 miles yesterday. 昨天我们走了 15 英里。 用 3 分钟时间 到现在为止 Lessons1-2 常用词组和语言点 to the theatre go to the film/movie Interested angry round round/around adv. attention the end of your business up in bed not …until a day! then


新概念一册短语总结 1.give sb sth 给某人某物 give me a book; show/send sb sth 展示/发送 give sth to sb 把某物给某人 give a book to him show/send sth to sb 2.live at King street(小地点) arrive at the airport stay at home live in Shanghai(大地点) arrive in New York stay at the office 3.take sb to +地点 My father takes me to school every day . 4.want sth 想要某物 I want some milk. Want to do sth 想要做某事 She wants to buy a new book. Want sb (not)to do sth 5.get up起床 I always get up ar7:00. go to bed 上床睡觉 6.keep sth +adj. 保持某物的……. Keep the floor clean keep the room tidy paint the door yellow 7.be absent(from)缺席 I was absent from school yesterday. 8.on the way to 在去……的路上 On the way home (to school),I met an old friend. On the train to 在去……的火车上 9.lose one’s way迷路=be lost I lost my way .=I was lost


新概念第二册短语词组 Lessons1-2常用词组和语言点 to the theatre去看戏 go to the film/movie去看电影 令人感兴趣的(表示主动) Interested对……感到有趣的(表示被动) angry生气get为系动词。如:I got bored at the lecture. round转过身 round/around指在周围 如:look round/around 向四周看 adv.生气地(形容词argry变y为i再加ly,成为副词。) 如:happy→happily attention注意(后常接介词to) 如:You should pay attention to your handwriting. the end最后(近义词:at last,finally) of your business不关你的事 up起床 in bed呆在床上 直到 not…until直到……才…… a day!W对名词感叹,How对形容词、副词感叹。 then就在那时(just now刚才)

Lessons3-4常用词组和语言点 :go tu see拜访,参观 gardens公园 sb .sth教某人某事(teach接双宾语) lend 借给某人某物 …to寄给……(比较:send of:派人去请) the last night在最后一天晚上(具体日期前用介词on) a decision做出决定 decide(V) get a letter from sb;hear from sb收到某人的来信 great number of:many许多(后加可数名词) to:go to…by plane Lessons5-6常用词组和语言点 five miles from+地点离……5英里 2. cover(1)覆盖,经常用作be covered with 由……覆盖 (2)+距离,相当于travel We cavered 15 miles yesterday. 昨天我们走了15英里。 three minutes=in three 用3分钟时间 minutes’time to now到现在为止

新概念英语第二册词组整理 Lesson1-Lesson2

Lesson 1 A private conversation 1. private school 2. a private matter 3. private life 4. the public 5. turn around 6. pay attention to 7. go to the theatre 8. complain to sb 9. talk loudly 10. get very angry 11. look at sb angrily 12. in the end = at last = finally 13. It's none of your businsess. 14. bear = stand = put up with 15. at the beginning of 16. at the end of 18. receive a letter from sb = hear from sb 19. not ... any = no 20. angry = cross 21. clever/smart/intelligent

22. stupid/silly/foolish 23. borrow sth from sb 24. lend sth to sb = lend sb sth 25. in the corner of

Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch 1. be surprised by/at ... 2. a surprising news 3. to one's surprise 4. give sb a surprise 5. on Sundays 6. stay in bed 7. get up early 8. go to bed early 9. look out of the window 10. just then 11. arrive in/at ... = get to ... = reach 12. I 'm coming to see you. 13. not ... until ... 14. more than = over 15. less than 16. There are too many rules here. 18. This is a terrible place for a man like me. 19. collect stamps 20. instead of ... 21. Breakfast is the first meal of the day.


1.go to the theatre 去看戏 go to the film/movie 去看电影 2.interesting 令人感兴趣的(表示主动) Interested 对……感到有趣的(表示被动) 3.get angry 生气get为系动词。如:I got bored at the lecture. 4.turn round 转过身 round/around 指在周围 如:look round/around 向四周看 5.angrily adv. 生气地(形容词argry变y为i再加ly,成为副 词。) 如:happy→happily 6.pay attention 注意(后常接介词to) 如:You should pay attention to your handwriting. 7.in the end 最后(近义词:at last,finally) 8.none of your business 不关你的事 9.get up 起床 10.stay in bed 呆在床上 11.until 直到 not…un til 直到……才…… 12.What a day! W对名词感叹,How对形容词、副词感叹。 13.just then 就在那时(just now刚才)

1.visit:go tu see 拜访,参观 2.public gardens 公园 3.teach sb .sth 教某人某事(teach接双宾语) lend sb.sth 借给某人某物 4.send…to寄给……(比较:send of:派人去请) 5.on the last night 在最后一天晚上(具体日期前用介词on) 6.make a decision 做出决定decide(V) 7.receive/get a letter from sb;hear 收到某人的来信 from sb 8.a great number of:many 许多(后加可数名词) 9.fly to:go to…by plane take a plane to…飞往 Lessons7-8 一、常用词组和语言点 1.at the aiport 在机场(at强调“点”) 2.t ry to do…设法做(不一定成功) 3.while 当……时候(常与进行时连用) 4.keep guard 守卫 5.to one’s surprise令某人惊讶的是(如:to my surprise) to one’s relief令人长舒一口气的是 to one’s excitement令人兴奋的是 to one’s disappointment令人失望的是 6.be full of 装满(近义词组be filled with) 7.enter for 报名参加(考试等) 8.win+比赛/战斗…获胜



NCE I lesson121—lesson130的总结 重点单词 1.customer 顾客 2.forget 忘记 3.manager 经理 4.serve 照应接待 5.counter柜台 6.recognize认出 7.road 路 8.during在...期间 9.trip 旅行10.offer 提供11.job工作12.guess 猜13.grow 长,让...生长14.beard 胡子,络腮15.kitten 小猫16.water 浇水 17.terribly 非常可怕地 18.dry 干燥19.nuisance讨厌的东西或人20.mean 意味着,意思是21.surprise 意外的事22.immediately 立即地23.famous 著名的24.actress 女演员25.at least 至少26.actor男演员27.read 通过阅读得知28.wave 招手29.track跑道https://www.360docs.net/doc/6818872794.html,e 英里31.overtake 从后面超越,超车32.speed 超速行驶33.dream 做梦,思想不集中34.sign 标记,牌子35.driving licence驾驶执照36.charge 罚款37.darling 亲爱的 共37个 2

重点短语1.the man in a hat 戴帽子的男士2.two expensive dictionaries 两本很贵的字典 3.half an hour ago 半小时前 4.forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 5.forget to do sth 忘记要做某事 6.remember doing sth 记得做过某事7.remember to do sth记得要做某事8.behind the counter在柜台后面9.wear a hat戴着帽子10.put it on 戴,(穿) 上它11.all right 好吧12.take sth. with sb. 带在某人身上13.recognize him 认出他14.a trip to Australia一次去澳大利亚的旅 15.take a photo 拍照 16.during the trip 在旅行期间17.a beautiful ship 一艘漂亮的轮船18.grow a beard 留胡子19.shave off 刮掉https://www.360docs.net/doc/6818872794.html,e home 回到家来21.tell about... 告诉关于... 22.take (have) a trip 旅行23. offer you a job 提供给你一份工作24.lose one's job 失业25.grow up 长大26.travel on a ship(travel by ship ) 乘船旅行https://www.360docs.net/doc/6818872794.html,e in 进来28.have tea 喝茶29.not yet 还没有30.water the garden first 首先浇花园 3


新概念第三册短语总结 feel obliged to do sth.感觉有必要做某事 be obliged to do sth 被迫做某事 in evidence显而易见. be cornered ………被逼得走投无路 convinced sb. of sth 使某人相信某事 (An idea)…come to sb.某人突然想到了…… take sth. seriously==deal with sth. seriously 严肃对待某事 take sth. lightly: 草率对待某事 claim to have done sth声称曾经作过某事 in the possession of sb==in sb's possession 归某人所有 in possession of sth. 拥有某物 take possession of 拥有 It is disturbing to think that 一想到………就心里不安 in a trap 落入陷阱中 recognized sb as 认出某人是 shoot from the hip 信口开河 joined at the hip 表示交情极厚的 happen to do 强调事情的偶然发生 happen on 巧遇,偶然发现 It turned out that…………原来是(表示结果) in the case of: 至于,就……而言 in case of: 万一,以防 in a simple way: 简单的,简朴的 go to extreme (to do)走极端 set out to do sth.==decide and try to do 决定,打算,着手做=set about doing smash into:撞到某处 on the background of sth. 以什么为背景 挡住了某人的道路 in sb's way chew the fat: 聊天 chewed up:着急的,担心的 make a claim 提出索求 Now that:既然 quite the opposite 恰恰相反 be fascinated with被…迷住了,被…吸引住了 submit oneself to sb/sth屈服于,顺从于 never fail to do 双重否定==肯定 have learned to:学会了,习惯了 be suspicious of sb.对…表示怀疑,存有戒心 be based on基于事实基础上的 base sth on 把某事加强在什么基础之上 make a study of sth对…作出研究 die of 死于(疾病…),自然的死亡用of die from 死于 (非自然的死亡)

新概念英语第2册 49-79课短语总结.doc

新概念英语第2册 49-79课短语总结 be tired of 厌倦于save up攒钱blow up风越刮越大wake up 醒来pick up捡起/学会glance at 扫视/瞥见lose one’s way迷路point out指出take…for…把…当作…taken for上当take for a ride就当做是一次乘车兜风take sb for a ride 欺骗gon on an excursion 一次短途旅行write out 写出prefer to do sth宁可做某事prefer to do…rather than do…宁可做某事…也不愿做give sb reward给...报偿reward sb with sth用...奖赏... on the occasion偶尔reward sb for sth因为...给某人奖赏go on a diet /be on a diet节食now that既然put off 推迟/延期put sb off 提醒某人下车to make matters worse更糟糕的是forbid sb to do sth禁止某人做某事fail to do sth未能做成某事complain of抱怨allow sb to do允许某人做某事enjoy doing喜欢做某事ask to do sth 要求做某事be strict with sb对某人严格be strict in sth对某事严格sign for签收in time及时pay sb a visit/ pay a visit to sb拜访某人call at拜访某地as...as ever像往常一样first of all/at first首先/首要in order :有秩序/有次序get sth in order 使...有秩序lead sb into(进门)show sb out(出门)see sb off(送行)find out 查明at the moment=now现在since then 从那以后be sure that对...很有把握help sb (to)do sth/help sb with sth 帮某人做某事gazed at:对...向往,羡慕cause sb to do sth导致某人做某事solve the problem解决问题put out熄灭quite a few颇有几个(相当多的)wind one's way:蜿蜒而行speed up加速in this way 以这种方式refuse to do so拒绝这么做be able to do sth 能够做某事as sticky as glue和胶水一样粘dismay sb让某人感到失望what a mess真糟糕!registered letter挂号信be covered with盖满/充满着pleased to do非常高兴的 at exactly that monent就在那时pick up the receiver拿起话筒ring back回电话hang up the receiver挂断电话it takes sb some time to do sth花费某人多久做某事nothing could have been cheaper没有什么东西更便宜了join the army参军nothing could have been more exciting没有什么事情更令人激动join the party入党no sooner...than...一…就…hardly...when...还未来得及做…就… in spite of尽管persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事be armed with装备the entrance to入口be confident that对…自信be confident of doing sth 自信做某事ask for要求
