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Unit 1 In Class

Story time

Teaching contents 教学内容

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标

1. 能正确地听、说、读单词Mr, door, window, stand up, sit down, open, close.

2. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在图片的帮助下尝试表演对话。

3. 能在真实的情景中正确运用日常交际用语:Please Come in. 和I’m sorr y.

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点



Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting

1. Enjoy a song


2. Greeting

(1) T: Hello, boys and girl s. I’m Miss … I’m your English teacher. I’m … You

can call me Miss/Mr ...

(2) T: Good morning, xx.

S: Good morning.

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.



Step 2 Presentation

1. Stand up./Sit down.

T: Class begins.

S: Stand up.

T: (呈现Stand up并带读,做up的动作) Good morning, boys and girls.

S: Good morning, Miss xx.

T: Sit down, please. (出示Sit down并带读,做down的动作) Can you read “stand up”/“sit down”?

S: Yes.

2. Be a little teacher. (一个学生做“小老师”发出指令,其他学生做动作)

【设计意图:在真实情景中,通过老师示范和模仿学习stand up/sit down,并把词和动作结合起来,做到音、形、义结合。】

Step 3 Story time

1. Mr

(1) T: Boys and girl s, we are having a class. We are in class. Today, we’ll learn

Unit 1 In class. Look, who is he?

S: He is Mr Green.

(2) T: Mr means “先生”. What do “Miss” and “Mrs” mean?

S: Miss means “小姐”. Mrs means “女士”.

T: Look, there’s a tip for you.

S: (读Tip,了解Mr,Miss和Mrs的用法)

2. Watch and answer

T: Who’s late?

S: Mike is late.

3. I’m sorry./Come in please.

(1) 呈现图3的对话

T: What does Mike/Mr Green say?

S: I’m sorry./Come in, please.

(2) T: Mike is late. So he says “I’m sorry.” (播放录音让学生反复跟读)

(3) 鼓励学生两人一组表演图3的场景。


4. Open the door./Close the window.

(1) T: Mike is late for the class. He is at the door. What does Mr Green ask Liu

Tao to do?

S: Liu Tao, please open the door.

T: It’s windy outside. What does Mr Green ask Wang Bing to do?

S: Wang Bing, please close the window.

(2) PPT上呈现floor,让学生试读door,再试读open the door。

PPT上呈现yellow,引导学生试读window,再跟读close the window。

T: C an you say more phrases about “open/close”?

S: Open the door/book/window/…

S: Close the window/box/eyes/…

(3) Let’s chant

Open, open, open the door/book/...

Close, close, close the book/door/window/...


5. Learn to read

T: Now boys and girls, let’s read the story after the tape together, OK?


(1) T: Open your books. Listen to the tape, and then follow it. (第一遍)

(2) T: (引导学生逐句跟读录音) Who can read it? Who reads better? (让个别同学模仿,

比比谁模仿的最像。) (第二遍)

(3) T: Let’s read i n roles. (学生四人一组小组先操练,然后展示。)


6. Let’s act

T: You did a good job. Now, let’s act. (PPT呈现评价标准)

S: (准备、表演、互评)

