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直接加s: cars vans bees cows bicycles ……

加es:bus - buses ;box - boxes ; watch - watches ; peach - peaches

y结尾--- 1)去y加ies : butterfly-butterflies; ferry-ferries; cherry-cherries

2) 直接加s: boy- boys, toy-toys

f(e) 结尾--- 1)去f加ves:wolf - wolves; leaf – leaves

2)直接加s: giraffe- giraffes, (roof-roofs)



eating ; drinking ; climbing ; sleeping ; reading ; fighting; singing ; cooking ; flying ; doing ; touching ;crying ; drawing; jumping ; playing


run - running swim - swimmingskip - skippingsit - sitting hop-hopping


ride- riding; make-making; take-taking; write- writing;

dance -dancing; skate -skating; drive -driving;


can not =can’t I am=I’m You are=You’re They are=They’re

He is =He’s She is =She’s It is=It’s We are=We’re

are not=aren’t is not=isn’t do not=don’t

4) 同音词

to- too- two; four- for; sea- see; hear- here;be- bee; by-bye-buy

meat-meet; write-right


tall--short big—small long—short rough—smooth

soft—hard black—white on—under hot-cold warm-cool stop-go

kind- unkind helpful-unhelpful friendly-unfriendly

6) 同类词(一般放在句子中填空, 要注意单复数, 或ing形式)

动物: giraffe, snake, elephant, zebra, bear, monkey, dog, fish, wolf

食物:salad, carrot,fish, chicken, banana, soup, meat, hamburger, pizza, noodles, rice

交通工具: bus, minibus, school bus, ferry, ship, MTR, LRT, tram, train, van, bicycle,

颜色: white, purple, pink, orange, brown, black, red, blue, yellow, blue,


动词:run, skate, hop, skip, ride, fly, play, draw, write, sing, dance, climb, drink, make,

形容词:soft, hard, rough, smooth, tall, short, big, small, fat, thin,

数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, twenty

季节: spring, summer, autumn(fall), winter

天气: warm, hot, cool, cold, rainy, sunny, windy, cloudy,

7) 不可数名词没有复数(用/表示)

grass soup salad fish chicken meat rice bread hairwater juice jam

8) 动词搭配

like doing…喜欢做某事

am/is/are doing…正在做某事

go doing…去做某事

can do…会做某事

Let’s do…让我们一起做某事


I–me you—you he—him she—her it – it

we—us they—them

10) what 句型

It isorange. What colour is it?

It is an orange. What is it ?

They are orange. What colour are they?

They are oranges. What are they?

My name is Alice. What is your name?

My telephone number is 34554876. What is your telephone number?

I like eating carrots. What do you like eating?

11) how句型

I am seven. How old are you?

I come to school by bus. Ho w do you come to school?

Five boys. How many boy s come to school by car ? How many+复数

12) where 句型

I live in Shanghai. Where do you live?
