



1.believe in 信任;信耐

2.stand for 代表;代替

3.adapt to 适应

4.lose heart 灰心;泄气

5.be cast away (被)抛弃

6.give up 放弃

7.less than 少于;不足

8.set off for 开始(旅程;赛跑);出发

9.move on 继续前进

10.take the way 出发;首途

11.lose one’s way 迷路

12.hang out 伸出

13.in desperate need of 在极度需要的(时候)

14.on our feet=on foot 步行

15.be accustomed to doing sth. 习惯于

16.suffer from 患病;遭受……之苦

17.hurry on to (with) 赶紧办理;急急忙忙地去做某事

18.stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

19.start doing sth. 开始做某事

20.go on all fours 用四肢

21.(at)the edge of of (在)……边缘 22.at stake 在危险中;关系重大

23.risk one’s life to 冒险去做某事


25.add up (两个或两个以上的数量或量)加起来

26.take it easy 别紧张;放松点

27.keep up 维持;保持;使某事处于高水平

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6916877263.html,mon sense 常识;情理

29.leave behind 忘带;留下

30. live through sth. 经历某事物而幸存

31.tie up 系;拴;捆

32.go for 为……去;努力获取

33.be more of a leader than a follower

34.be honest with

35.keep up

36.leave behind

37.by day / by night

38.pass through

39.in anxiety of

40.reach the promised land

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6916877263.html,e to an end 结束;终止

42.a race against time 与时间赛跑


1. This account of the wonderful land beyond the Rocky Mountains gave him the idea to move there.

2. The journey through the mountains and desert in the central part of the continent was the most trying part.

3. We left traveling with a group of 45 wagons.

4. April 12,1846, was chosen as the day when all should be ready to start.

5. Water that was shown on the map proved to be salty and not drinkable.

6. Sometimes the wagons had to be lifted an pulled up where there were no roads.

7. Passing through the desert, we came out into the Salt Lake Valley, which looked beautiful to us.

8. I was so weak and tired that I got onto my knees and started moving across the sands on all fours.

9. The animals dragged their legs, too weak to pull their burden,…

10. Lying around them were chains, guns, tools, bedding, clothing and many…

11. If untreated, it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient.

12. No pains, no gains! Don’t step away from challenges, but go for it.

13. Every minute counted.1

14. There was widespread relief when it was discovered that a hospital had a good supply of 300,00 units.


? quit vt., vi. quitted 或 quit, quitting (1)停止;辞职

I've quit my job. 我已辞职,

He has not quit smoking, but is holding down to three cigarettes a day.他没有戒烟,但已减到每天只抽三支烟(2)搬离(住处)The landlord gave them all notice to quit.房东通知他们搬走

? circumstance n. 情形;情况the whole circumstance全部情况

(pl) 经济状况;物质环境easy circumstances经济状况优裕

(pl) 环境The circumstances forced me to accept. 环境迫使我不得不同意。

in no circumstances决不 Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money

in/under the circumstance在……情况下,既然如此Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.

? beyond prep.

在(到)…较远的一边What lies beyond the mountains? 山的那一边有什么?

晚于;超过This work is beyond my grasp. 这件工作非我力所能及。

Don't stay there beyond midnight. 不要过了午夜还留在那儿。

为…所不能及;多于;超出Understanding this article is beyond my capacity. 我看不懂这篇文章。

Is there life beyond the grave? (喻) 在阴间还有生命吗?

adv. 在(或到)较远处;再往前去;越过

Men can travel to the moon and beyond. 人们能到月球或更远处去旅行。

? go for

冲向;进攻;打击 (= go at) She went for him with a knife.

抨击;责备They went for each other in the papers. 他们在报上互相指责。

追求to go for a job求职

想获得I think I will go for the fruit salad.我想要水果色拉

喜欢;被吸引She doesn't go for men of this type. 她不喜欢他这种类型的男人。

对…适用;应用于They have a high level of unemployment—but the same goes for many other countries.他们的失业率很高——不过,其他许多国家也是如此

去带回某人,取回某物She has gone for some milk.她买牛奶去了

努力争取某物Go for it, John! You know you can beat him努力争取吧,约翰!你知道你可以打败他的
