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题 目 基于单片机的洗衣机控制器设计

姓 名 高飞

学 号 3090401097

专业班级 09通信 1班

指导教师 裘 君

分 院 信息科学与工程分院

完成时间 2013年1月11日





基于51单片机的洗衣控制系统,控制面板由按键、指示灯和LED 显示器组成。按键选择洗衣机工作方式,指示灯配合按键工作,LED 显示器则显示洗衣机洗涤和脱水时间。洗衣机的整体电路模块包括键盘矩阵、指示灯、电动机控制及电源电路。控制程序设计包括定时中断服务程序、外中断服务程序及主程序。


Fuzzy control based on fuzzy mathematics is developed on the basis of a new kind of nonlinear control method to solve some of the problems can not be solved using traditional methods. Recent years, fuzzy control been more widely used in household appliances control using fuzzy control technology washing machine to automatically identify quality clothing, clothing amount, automatically identify how dirty, automatically determines the amount of water, automatically put into the proper detergent and other functions, not only to achieve a fully automated washing machine, and also greatly improve the quality of the laundry, has a strong practical and good development prospects.

Automatic washing machine automatic control system based on fuzzy control, MCU AT89S51 as the core, you can achieve the intelligent control of the washing machine to improve the laundry quality, and energy conservation.

Based on 51MCU laundry control system, the control panel buttons, lights, and LED display. Button to select the washing machine works, the indicator with the keys work, LED display shows the washing machine washing and dehydration time. Washing the overall circuit module comprises a keyboard matrix, indicator, motor control and power supply circuit. The design of the control program, including the timer interrupt service routine, outside the interrupt service routine and the main program.

Keywords: fuzzy control; washing machine; fully automatic; laundry control system; 51 MCU;

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摘要........................................................... I Abstract (1)

第1章概述 (1)

1.1洗衣机的概念 (1)

1.2洗衣机的发展现状 (1)

1.3洗衣机的发展趋势 (1)

1.4 现有洗衣机存在的一些列问题 (2)

1.4.1漂洗不净洗涤剂有残留 (2)

1.4.2洗衣机配重影响噪音水平 (2)

1.4.3 洗衣机最多能洗多少衣服 (2)

1.4.4 高速甩干有用么 (3)

1.5 本课题的目的 (3)

第2章硬件系统的设计 (4)

2.1洗衣机洗涤原理 (4)

2.2 全自动洗衣机的控制功能要求 (4)

2.3 硬件线路原理 (5)

2.3.1电源部分 (5)

2.3.2功能设置及控制电路 (6)

2.3.3 洗衣机状态显示 (6)

2.3.4 输出控制电路 (6)

2.4 系统工作流程 (7)

2.4.1 主程序设计 (7)

2.4.2 内部定时中断设计 (9)

2.4.3 外部中断设计 (9)

第3章软件系统的设计 (9)

3.1 模糊控制的基本原理 (9)

3.2 模糊化在洗衣机中的应用 (11)

3.3 模糊推理 (13)

3.4反模糊化 (13)

结束语 (14)

致谢 (15)

参考文献 (15)
