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结尾部分: With best wishes. I’m looking forward to your reply. I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier. I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/ I am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience. Best regards for your health and success.
家长—生活上照顾 总:My parents take good care of me .For example ,they offer me nutritious/healthy food such as food high in protein and vitamin everyday . They try their best to offer me convenience in life . 列:For example ,they prepare delicious food everyday for me to supply me with enough nutrition for learning . Besides,they will wash my clothes in order to help me to spare more time to learn . They not only prepare healthy food but also wash clothes for me . What’s more ,they don’t allow me to do any housework so that I can spare more time to learn .
假设你是李华,今年上高三。 你的美国笔友David 来信询问你目前的情况。 请根据下列提示,给David 写一封电子邮件, 介绍一下情况并谈谈你的感触。 家长生活上照顾 学校提供方便(延长图书馆的开发时间) 老师学习上的帮助(鼓励、答疑解难) 同学努力学习,互相帮助你自己…… 注意:1.词数:120-150
同学—努力学习,互相帮助。 Almost all of our classmates have realized the importance of the college exam and we all work very hard to pass it . In addition,we help each other in all aspects . 你自己 I have been dreaming of going to a famous university for further study and I think it time for me to fulfill my dream . As a result ,I treasure every minute and second to learn . I am buried in learning everyday .
学校---提供方便(延长图书馆的开放时间…) 总:Our school offers much convenience for our learning . 列:For example ,they postpone the opening time of the library where we can refer to a lot of useful information for our learning . 老师---学习上的帮助(鼓励,答疑释难) 总:Our teachers do all that they can to help us with our learning . 列来自百度文库They encourage us to work hard and to overcome any difficulty we will meet in our learning . No matter when we meet difficulty ,we can turn to them for help .
开头部分: Dear ..., How nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you something about the activity. I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th. I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a visit. I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America. I am extremely pleased to hear from you. And I would like to write a letter to tell
写作步骤:审、定、列、连、美、查、誊 一、审:审时态、审人称、审文体、审要点 二、定:定时态、定人称、定文体 三、列:列要点 四、连:连要点—连词成句 、连句成章(简单句、复合 句、过渡词) 五、美:使其完美、使其具文字、表达之美感。(如果能 地话,用高级词汇、用较高级的句型) 六、查:检查 (有无拼写、句型、时态、语态、人称等 错误) 七、誊:誊写到答题卡上。 简言之:正确地写作(写正确句子),清楚地写作(说清 楚,写明白),整洁地写作(字迹工整,版面爽目)。 注意审题, 确定要点, 扩展要点, 连句成篇,全面检查, 书 写规范。