

?101. 飚车drag-racing 减重短程高速汽车赛

?102.路面塌陷road cave-in

?103.玻璃幕墙跌落falling glass curtain walls

?104.广告牌跌落falling advertising billboards ['bilb?:d】]布告板

105.老旧落后排水系统导致的积水洪灾flooding caused by antiquated['?nt?kwe?t?d ]过时的;陈旧的;年老的and underdeveloped drainage systems

?106. 桥梁垮塌bridge collapse [k?'l?ps]. 倒塌;瓦解

?107.矿难coalmine mishap['mish?p]灾祸;不幸事故/accident

?108)地质灾害geology [d?i'?l?d?i]disaster

?109)豆腐渣工程 a jerry-built ['d?eribilt]偷工减料的project; shoddy['??di]赝品;


?110)无证馒头作坊an unlicensed steamed bun workshop

?111)恶搞Spoof [spu:f]哄骗;戏弄(The show was a spoof of college life. Some students like to spoof the teachers )

?112)炫富to flaunt [fl?:nt]炫耀;飘扬wealth

?113) 拼车car pooling 联营,合并,池化/sharing, ride sharing,

?114)跳槽jump ship/job hopping ['h?pi?] n. 跳跃

?115)逃学to play hooky['h?k?]n. 逃学adj. 多钩的

?装病不上班to play hooky from work


?to fabricate['f?brikeit]制造;伪造academic credentials [kri'den??lz]证书;文凭

?121)农家乐agritainment / agri-tourism

122)招牌菜signature 署名;签名;信号dishes


?dietary ['dai?t?ri] adj. 饮食的supplementn. 补充,补充物或food supplement,


?protein ['pr?uti:n ] adj. 蛋白质的supplement


?tablet [‘t?b lit] n. 碑;药片;写字板PC(Personal Computer )


?to eliminate spam [sp?m] n. 垃圾邮件;罐头猪肉


?Internet theft and fraud [fr?:d]n. 欺骗;骗子


?email spoofing n. 电子欺骗;哄骗

?128)假烟假酒fake liquor['lik?]and cigarette


? a wave of panic buying; panic purchasing (spree [spri:]狂欢;无节制的狂热行为) ?130)反倾销anti-dumping


?capped v. 给…戴帽-price housing

?132)住房公积金housing funds

?133)廉租房low rent housing


?affordable adj. 负担得起的housing

?135)期房forward delivery housing


?indemnificatory[,indem'nifik?t?ri]adj. 赔偿的housing



?the housing project for low-income urban residents


?the non-staple adj. 非主要的food project


? a face job/vanity n. 虚荣心project

?141)拼车专用道carpool lane


?high-occupancy ['?kjup?nsi]n. 居住;占有vehicle lane,HOV lane

?钻石车道diamond lane

?或快速车道transit lane

?142)镉污染cadmium ['k?dm??m]pollution


?decontamination['di:k?n,t?mi'nei??n] n. 净化;排除污染rate of urban refuse

?148)小排量汽车small-displacement (engine) vehicles


?cell-driven n. 细胞;电池vehicles;

?battery cars


?la ndscaping['l?nd,skeipi?]n. 景观美化design for environmental purposes ?143)污染水体contaminated water

?144)污染排放pollution discharge

?145)沙漠化desertification [de,z??t?f?'ke??(?)n]


?throwaway bio-degradable可降解;生物降解plastic bags

?151) 交通指数

?traffic performance n. 性能;绩效;表演;执行index

?152) 交通流量traffic flow

?153) 交通拥堵

?traffic jam/traffic congestion [k?n'd?est??n] n. 拥挤;拥塞;充血/heavy traffic ?154)七座及以下小型客车

?passenger cars with seven seats or less

?155) 免收通行费

?be exempted from road tolls

?go toll-free

?scrap adj. 废弃的toll n. 通行费charge

?give free passage,

?156) 应急方案

?contingency [k?n'tind??nsi]意外事故plans

?157) 实名购票制ID-based ticket booking system

?158) 坐高铁/动车旅游to travel by high-speed rail/bullet train

?159) 车牌摇号

?license-plate lottery n. 彩票;碰运气的事

?160) 尾号限行

?traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers ?161)山寨版的假名牌 a knockoff ['n?k?f]n. 名牌仿制品

?162)山寨明星脸 a lookalike

?163)有点恶搞的山寨版艺术作品 a spoof

?164) 过劳模 a clockless worker

?(An employee who is willing to work at any time, day or night.)


?sheeple 墙头草

?(It refers to people who are meek, easily persuaded, and tend to follow the crowd.) ?166)版权属左,反版权

?copyleft ['k?pi,left]n. 非盈利版权;公共版权


?离线社交offline socializing


?couch [kaut?]surfing 即免费交换住宿


?FOMO(fear of missing out),


?brand dropping


?twuilt (来自twitter和guilt两个字,指不发微博心里就内疚)


?digitally freshen up梳洗一番,使变得焕然一新

?(I’ll digitally freshen up. 我得快速查下邮件)

?171) 爆冷

?an upset (重音在前面) =a giant-killer


? a favorite


?an underdog ['?nd?d?ɡ]n. 失败者;斗败了的狗


?beer belly/keg n. 小桶


?six-pack abs 腹肌[非正式]




?hi/low aerobics[,ei?‘r?ubiks]n.高低冲击有氧健身操

?178)街舞hip hop


?spinning ['spini?]v. 旋转,纺织


?abdominal [?b'd?min?l]腹部的crunches [kr?nt?iz]n. 仰卧起坐?181) 书呆子

? a nerd [n?:d]n. 呆子;讨厌的人

?182) 帅男生

? a jock[d??k]n. [美俚](大学)运动员

?183) 累赘/电灯泡

?the third wheel

?184) 想怎么做就怎么做的人 a free-wheeler

?185) 普通人an average Joe

?186) 愚蠢无用的人

? a turkey['t?:ki]n. 火鸡;笨蛋;失败之作

?187) 性格暴躁脾气很坏的人

? a crab [kr?b]n. 螃蟹;脾气乖戾的人

?188) 年轻人,缺乏经验的人

? a spring chicken

?189) 不中用的人

? a lame duckn.跛脚鸭;投机者;无用的人

?190) 没事儿老喜欢到mall(大商场)里去逛的人

? a mall rat

?191)人才外流brain drain

?192)腐败和受贿corruption and bribery


?tendency toward boasting and exaggeration


?juvenile['d?u:v?nail ] delinquency [d?'l??kw(?)ns?] n. 行为不良,违法犯罪?195)可持续发展

?sustainable [s?'stein?bl]adj. 可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的development ?196)拜金主

?money worship


?to crack down on counterfeitvt. 伪造,仿造goods

?/fake products

?198)盗印本 a pirated edition


? a vicious ['vi??s] adj. 恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的circle

?200)知识产权intellectual property rights
