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1.重要be of vital importance/significance to…

2.重要的事是what counts/matters is that+句子

3.认为..重要attach importance to…

4.保护环境protect the environment

5.没有人会看不到No one can fail to notice the fact that+句子

6.起重要作用play an important role in

7.积极参加take an active part in

8.丰富生活enrich our experience/ life

9.开阔视野broaden our horizons

10.获取知识acquire knowledge

11.容易接近have an easy access to

12.产生作用make a big difference to

13.采取有效措施take effective measures

14.不遗余力/尽全力spare no effort to/ make an/every effort to

15.喜欢be fond of/ be keen on

16.花时间做…spend time in doing

17.精通/掌握have a good command of

18.有资历做be qualified for

19.盼望不早日回信look forward to your early reply

20.对…有益be beneficial to

21.从…中受益get much benefit from

22.众所周知as is well-known to all,

23.我个人认为as far as I am concerned,

24.总之in brief/in conclusion/in a word/in short/in a nutshell

25.首先to begin with, 而且what’s more/besides/moreover/in addition

最后但不是不重要last but not least

26.尽可能地…as +adj./adv.的原形as possible

27.大量的a large number of/ a large amount of/ a large quantity of

28.为…打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for

29.成功做到…succeed in doing

30.由于…的事实due to the fact that+句子

31.帮助有困难的人lend a hand to people in trouble

32.帮…一个忙do sb. a favor

33.在…取得快速的进步make rapid progress in

34.越来越多的…an increasing number of..

35.忙于be occupied/absorbed in(做状语省略be)

36.奉献be devoted to

37.以…为傲take pride in/be proud of

38.对…感谢be grateful to

39.进行调查carry out a survey

40.与…相处融洽get on well with sb.

41.毫无疑问there is no doubt that+ 句子

42.不可否认there is no denying that+ 句子

43.做…有困难have difficulty in doing

44.随着…的快速发展with the rapid development of..

45.创建和谐社会build a harmonious society

46.促进…之间的理解promote understanding between…and…

47.目标在于aim to…

48.缩小代沟narrow the generation gap

49.养成好的生活习惯get into/develop a good living habit

50.改掉坏的阅读习惯get rid of bad reading habit

51.对…上瘾be addicted to

52.满足…的需求meet one’s needs

53.有可能…be likely to…

54.对…有深远影响have a profound/lasting influence on

55.利用take advantage of

56.申请apply for

57.保持身体和心理健康keep physically and mentally healthy

58.做户外运动do outdoor activities

59.保持均衡的饮食keep a balanced diet

60.好好照顾take good care of

61.为…提供…provide sth. for sb.

62.为…作出贡献make contributions to..

63.为…而表扬…praise sb. for

64.为…树立榜样set a good example for..

65.受…欢迎be popular with

66.在…的空余时间in one’s spare time

67.高度评价think highly of
