Dominic Essays

Dominic Essays
Dominic Essays

Dominic Essay Sample


1.Curriculum Essay(同不同意,中立并结尾提出合适的解决措施)___________________________________________1

2.Technology and education essay(优缺点,中立)_____________________________________________________2

3.Parents essay(同不同意,factor类,部分同意=issue另一面+还有其他factor)________________________________3,pulsory education(同不同意,部分同意)_________________________________________________________5

5.People living alone essay(原因+好坏处,坏处)_________________________________________________________6

6.Technology and relationships essay(分析+好坏处,好处)______________________________________________7

7.Healthcare for children essay(两边论,更倾向于一方)________________________________________________8

8.Recycling essay(两边论,两者结合)________________________________________________________________10

9.Salary essay(同不同意,most vital factor类,观点还有其他factor)_______________________________________11

10.Advertising essay(分析+策略,大P=>小P=>E+E.)___________________________________________________12

11.International sporting events essay(两边论,同意一边,立论+让步)______________________________________13

12.Exams and continuous assessment essay(同不同意,双方结合折中)___________________________________15,puter technology essay(预测+好坏处,坏处)__________________________________________________16

14.The youth crime essay(原因+措施)_________________________________________________________________18

15.Globalization essay(好坏处,非常同意好处)_________________________________________________________19

16.Traffic essay(原因+措施)_________________________________________________________________________21

17.Factory farms essay(两边论,同意一方)_________________________________________________________22

18.Refugees essay(同不同意,solution类;问题复杂很难说=>部分同意)________________________________24

19.Newspaper and books essay(原因+同不同意,不同意=>objects分开说)__________________________________25

20.Fuel and the environment essay(同不同意,best逻辑错误)___________________________________________26

21.Salaries essay(原因+好坏处)______________________________________________________________________28

22.Unemployment essay(好坏处,Solution类;坏处)____________________________________________________29

23.Museums essay(同不同意,中立,视情况而定)______________________________________________________30

24.Space exploration(同不同意,有无更好方案,不同意,有更好方案)____________________________________32

25.Television essay(好坏处,好处,并结尾让步)____________________________________________________32

26.Houses and apartments essay(好坏处,有好有坏)__________________________________________________34

27.Arts and sciences essay___________________________________________________________________________35

28.Overpopulation essay(措施,政府)______________________________________________________________36

29.Historic buildings essay(原因+措施)________________________________________________________________37

30.Food transportation essay(好坏处,坏处)_________________________________________________________39

31.Films essay(原因+措施同不同意)_______________________________________________________________40

32.parents essay(同不同意,factor类;部分同意=中立)_________________________________________________42

33.Junk food essay(同不同意solution,部分同意,不是最完美solution)__________________________________43

34.Nuclear technology essay(好处坏处,中立)_________________________________________________________45

35.The teenagers and unpaid work essay(同不同意,不同意=>讨论正反=>同意反方)_________________________46

36.Global warming essay(影响+措施,因果关系连接词)______________________________________________48

1.Curriculum Essay(同不同意,中立并结尾提出合适的解决措施)

Subjects such as Art,Sport and Music are being dropped from the school curriculum for subjects such as Information Technology.Many people children suffer as a result of these changes.To what extent would you support or reject the idea of moving these subjects from school curriculum?

In recent times there has been much debate about which subjects should be included on the school curriculum.(一句话背景介绍)One particular issue is whether the introduction of more modern subjects such as IT for more traditional subjects such as art and music disadvantages the pupils.(引出issue)I believe that this is a difficult question and different solutions need to be found for primary and secondary(大事物分类法)schools.(背景介绍+引出issue+my

opinion=>difficult question&different solution)

There is one major argument in favor of replacing art,music and sport on the curriculum with subjects like IT.[point]This is that the purpose of school is to prepare children for their working life after school,so the subjects on the curriculum should be relevant to their potential careers.From THIS point of view(连贯性),IT is much relevant to schoolchildren as they need to be computer literate if they want to survive in the workplace.[explain]For example,it is easy to see that word processing and programming skills will impress employers more than(做对比加强论证)the ability to run fast or draw well.[Example]

There are also,however,strong arguments for retaining the more traditional subjects as part of the curriculum.[point]One significant counter-argument is that the purpose of education is not just to prepare children for later careers,but also to develop their all round“culture”.It is important that children leave school with some knowledge of art,music and sport as all these are all help develop aspects of young people’s personalities.[explain]

My own personal point of view is that there is merit in both sides of the debate and that all children should study some IT,art music and sport at least at primary school.At secondary school,[首尾呼应]however,children should be offered a choice between these subjects so that they can continue to study them if they wish.[my view,将intro的personal view展开]



In recent years/times there has been much debate about......

One particular issue is that/whether......

I believe that.....


[Point]There is one major argument in favor of......

[Explain]This is that(reason).From THIS point of view......[进一步说明reason产生的结果,也就是前面提到的现象]

[example]For example........


[Point]There are also,however,strong arguments for......

[Explain]One significant counter-argument is that......[援引他人说法进行解释]



My own personal point of view is that there is merit in both sides of the debate and that......【说明中立】并回顾Intro段,从中borrow language,并按顺序一一对应。(满足强迫症哈哈哈)2.Technology and education essay(优缺点,中立)

In the past lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students.Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to teach students.What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach?

As we move into the twenty-first century,technology is affecting many different areas of life and education is no exception.(一句话背景介绍)Indeed,in some institutions traditional forms of education have been revolutionized by new technology to the extent that the lecture is no longer the main method of delivery.(引出issue)While there are a variety of benefits to this new approach,there are also significant drawbacks.(背景介绍+引出issue+opinion=>pros&cons)[point]Perhaps the greatest bonus of the introduction of technology is the flexibility it offers. [Explain]This is evident in two different ways.[Sub explain1]Firstly,it is now no longer essential for students to be present in the lecture theater for their courses.[Example]This means

that part-time courses for adults who are in employment and distance learning courses for people in other countries are now much more practical.[Sub explain2]Another area of flexibility is of course that the lecturer and tutor are able to use Moodles,interactive whiteboards and other tools to deliver their courses in a more stimulating way to large numbers of students.

[Point]Not everything,however,about the introduction of this new technology into education is positive.[Explain1]One major problem is that not all students are comfortable with using technology,even if they are part of the digital native generation.This[coherence]is a serious issue as they may suffer from their lack of technological skills.[Explain2]Another related issue is that education is a human activity and it works best with as much human interaction as possible. Impersonal technology cannot replace the human contact found in traditional face-to-face tutorials and seminars.

As we have seen,there are major benefits to the introduction of technology into education,not least because it enables modern forms of education such as distance learning courses.This is balanced,however,by the fact that it can be too impersonal for some and disadvantages others for their lack of technological skills.



As we move into the twenty-first century......[背景介绍]


While there are a variety of benefits to......,there are also significant drawbacks.有好处也有坏处Body1

[point]Perhaps the greatest bonus

[Explain]This is evident in two different ways.

[Sup explain1]Firstly,......

[Example]This means that......

[Sup explain2]Another area


[Point]Not everything,however,about...(题目中的issue) positive.

[Explain]One major problem is that......

[Example]This is a serious issue as(因果)

[Explain]Another related issue is that......



As we have seen,there are major benefits to...(the issue)...,not least because it...(上文提到的一个关于benefit的point)....This is balanced,however,by the fact that...(上文提到的一个关于drawback 的point)....

3.Parents essay(同不同意,factor类,部分同意=issue另一面+还有其他factor)

In many countries there has been an increase in social problems involving teenagers in recent years. Many people believe that this is due to modern lifestyles because parents spend more and more time at work and have less time to supervise their children.To what extent do you believe this is true?

There is no question that standards of behavior have fallen among teenagers.(一句话背景介绍)The popular belief is that the principle cause is that parents are unable to supervise their children because they are away at work.(交代issue)I only partially agree with this viewpoint as there are other important factors too.(my opinion)(一句话背景介绍+交代issue+my opinion=>partly agree)

[Point]It is undeniable that parents should bear some(part)responsibility for the actions of their teenaged children.[Explain]This is particularly true when they are absent from home and not in a position to control their children.[Further explain+Example]The argument is that if they were at home,then they would be able to make certain that their children did not join gangs and spent their time on socially acceptable activities.

[Point]However,it can also be said that working parents are in fact setting a good example to their children.[Explain=Example]Indeed,it is very often the case that teenagers who come from hardworking families spend their time on schoolwork and conduct themselves well.[Further explain+Example=Contrast]In fact,the teenagers who do create social problems by,for example,getting drunk or painting graffitti come from homes where parents are unemployed. Other factors that lead to teenagers getting into trouble relate to the educational system.This is due to the fact that many teenagers leave school aged16and do not find work because of lack of qualifications.As a result,they spend time on the street with nothing productive to do.Likewise, social problems with teenagers can be the consequence of poor discipline at school with teachers failing to control their classes.

In conclusion,it is possible to say that this sort of problem is only sometimes the result of parents not supervising their children.It is equally possible to say that discipline in schools is at fault. (299words)



There is no question that......

The popular belief is that......

I only partially agree with this viewpoint as there are other important factors too.


[Point]It is undeniable that......

[Explain]This is particularly true when......

[Further explain+Example]The argument is that......


[Point]Other factors that lead to......relate to......(另一种factor之一)

[Explain1]This is due to the fact that......

[Explain2]Likewise,...(the issue)can be the consequence of(另一种factor之二)


In conclusion,it is possible to say that this sort of problem is only sometimes the result of............; It is equally possible to say at fault.,pulsory education(同不同意,部分同意)

Everyone should stay in school until the age of eighteen.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is often said that if you want to succeed in life,you need a proper education.(一句话=背景深入)While there may be arguments for making school compulsory until the age of18,I disagree that this should apply to everyone.(直接让步引出My opinion=disagree)(背景深入+直接让步引出my opinion=partly disagree)

[Point]Perhaps the strongest reason for not leaving school early is that it prepares you for your working career.[Explain]If you leave school early with only a basic education,you are unlikely to be able to find any skilled work.[Further Explain]Indeed,the education you receive between the ages of16and18is crucial for anyone who does not want a lifetime of unskilled work in a factory.

[Point]Another compelling reason for remaining in school until18is that school provides moral and social education too.[Explain]This is particularly important for people between16and18who have many temptations and benefit from the organized framework that school provides.Young people who stay in school until the age of18tend to be more responsible and help build a stronger society.

[Against point]There are,however,equally strong arguments against making school compulsory until the age of18.[Explain]One such argument is that not everyone is academic and that some people benefit more from vocational training.[Example]For instance,someone who wants to become a car mechanic may find better training and more satisfaction in an apprentice scheme. [Explain]Another related argument is that,in today’s world,young people are maturing ever more quickly and are able to make their own life decisions by the age of16.

To my mind,everyone should be encouraged to stay in school until18both for social and career reasons.However,I believe it would be a mistake to make this compulsory bearing in mind that(隔层定语从句)different people have different needs and abilities and the possibilities of other forms of vocational training.[结尾先同意鼓励人们18岁之前接受教育=题目所给issue但是不该强制=partly agree,也就是;结尾先语气较弱地部分同意题目所给issue然后however否定issue不合理的部分。]



It is often said that......

While there may be arguments for......,I disagree that......


[Point]Perhaps the strongest reason that......


[Further Explain]进一步说明重要性


[Point]Another compelling reason that......



[Against point]There are,however,equally strong arguments against......

[Explain]One such argument is that......

[Example]For instance,......

[Explain]Another related argument is that,......


To my mind,语气较弱地部分同意题目所给issue,However,I believe it would be a mistake to+issue 不合理之处。

5.People living alone essay(原因+好坏处,坏处)

There is an increasing trend for people to live alone.What is causing this to happen?Will it have a negative or a positive impact on the society?

[一句话交代背景]An increasing number of people are choosing to live by themselves.[我的观点=原因+不利于]My belief is that the changing nature of the family is the root cause of this and that it will have an negative effect on society.(一句话交代背景+我的观点=>原因+不利于)

[大point]There are two main ways in which changing family relationships are responsible for more people living by themselves.[小Point1]Perhaps the most significant of these is that not only has marriage become less popular,but the rate of divorce has risen dramatically in the last20years. [Explain]This naturally leads to fewer people sharing accommodation.[小Point2]Another related factor is that there is a tendency for children to leave home earlier than before.[Explain]This can have the effect of leaving a single parent living alone in the family home and the child living in a bedsit in another town.

[大point]This phenomenon is likely to be harmful to society at two different levels.[小Point1]At the personal level,there is a clear risk that people living by themselves can become isolated and lonely because they live without the daily support that a family can provide.[Explain]This is particularly the case with elderly people and the divorced who are more at risk of depression,which is becoming an increasingly severe problem is society.[小Point2]Then on the social level,if fewer people are sharing accommodation,the housing shortage is only likely to increase and this is a serious problem in our overcrowded towns and cities.

My conclusion is that people living by themselves is strongly connected to new patterns in family life and will cause harm.




提出我的分析和观点:My belief is the root cause of this and that it will have an negative effect on society.


[大point]There are two main ways in which AAA are responsible for(the given issue).

[小Point1]Perhaps the most significant of these is that......[Explain]......

[小Point2]Another related factor is that......[Explain]This can have the effect of......


[大point]This phenomenon is likely to be harmful two different levels.

[小Point1]At the personal level,......

[Explain]This is particularly the case......

[小Point2]Then on the social level,......


My conclusion is that...(the given issue) strongly connected to AAA and will cause harm. 6.Technology and relationships essay(分析+好坏处,好处)

Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.In what ways has technology affected personal relationships?Has this become a positive or negative development?

[一句话交代背景]Advances in technology have without doubt influenced the way we communicate with each other in a number of different ways.[让步对方看法+提出我的观点]While some of this change can have a negative influence on the we way interact,my view is that overall modern technology typically improves communication in personal relationships.

[Point]It is clear that technology has changed the way we communicate in several respects. [Example1]Perhaps the clearest example of this is that nowadays many people prefer to keep in touch to their friends and relatives using applications and social networking sites like FaceTime, Skype and Facebook.[Example2]Another way this change is evident is how the email and texting have almost completely replaced the letter as the primary form of written communication.[Explain] Because these modern forms of communication are typically much more convenient and instant, one result is that we can communicate more easily with people who we do not see on a daily basis. [Point1]I would argue that these innovations have mostly improved personal relationships. [Explain]The principal benefit is that it just so much easier to stay in touch with people we might otherwise lose contact with.[Example]It is for example now very straightforward to keep in contact

with friends from university who move to different cities after they graduate and this means relationships last longer.[Point2小让步]The only real drawback is that sometimes people become so addicted to their online social networks that they stop communicating with friends in the real world.[Explain马上反驳]That,however,is a minor issue.

My conclusion is therefore that new forms technological communication have in fact largely improved human interaction because emails,texting and social networks enable us to maintain friendships which might otherwise be lost.





让步对方看法+提出我的观点:While......,my view is that.....

Body1(分析In what ways)

[Point]It is clear that......(题目所给issue)......

[Example1]Perhaps the clearest example of this is that......

[Example2]Another way this...(key words) evident is.......

[Explain]Because these...(上文提到的类别)...,one result is that.......


[Point1]I would argue that these...(Key Words)...have mostly improved......

[Explain]The principal benefit is that......

[Example]It is for example adj......

[Point2小让步]The only real drawback is that......

[Explain马上反驳]That,however,is a minor issue.


My conclusion is therefore that..(Key words)....have in fact largely improved......because...... 7.Healthcare for children essay(两边论,更倾向于一方)

Some people say that parents should decide on what kind of medical care their children should receive, while others believe that this is the state’s responsibility.Discuss both views and give your opinion

[一句话说明背景]Although almost everyone agrees about the necessity to provide children with the best healthcare,[提出issue]there is some dispute about whether parents or the government should decide what that care is.[让步对方观点+表明我的观点]My own view is that while governments may adopt a general policy for children’s medical care,parents should normally have the ultimate say.

[大Point]There are good grounds for arguing that the state should decide on the form of medical provision for children.[小Point1]One of these is that typically the state is better able to make informed decisions because it has access to all the latest medical research.[小Point2]Another is that occasionally there are epidemics in schools and it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that illnesses should not be spread unnecessarily.[Explain]In this case,it might justifiably order compulsory vaccination.

[Point]Equally there is a very strong argument for allowing parents to decide on what care their children receive.[Explain]This is because one extremely important principle is that everyone should have the right to choose what care they receive.For children who are too young to make their own choice,it is only natural that their parents should make that decision for them.[Example] This is particularly important for families that come from a culture where certain medical interventions such as blood transfusions are forbidden.[Explain]In this case,it seems quite wrong for the government to order something that may go against religious beliefs.

In conclusion,I do accept that there are good reasons for the state to outline what care children should receive,but parents should be able to have the last word particularly when religious principles are at stake.



一句话说明背景:Although almost everyone agrees about......

there is some dispute about whether......or......should......

让步对方观点并表明我的观点:My own view is that while...(反方)...,...(正方)....


[大Point]There are good grounds for arguing that.......

[小Point1]One of these is that......

[小Point2]Another is that.......

[Explain]In this case,it might justifiably quite wrong/right......


[Point]Equally there is a very strong argument for...(支持的观点)...

[Explain]This is because one extremely important principle is that...(用一条普遍真理作为此观点的reason)......

[Example]This is particularly important for......为上一个Principle举一个典型的例子

[Explain]In this case,it seems quite wrong for...(反面论证另一方)...

8.Recycling essay(两边论,两者结合)

Almost everyone agrees that we should be training children to recycle waste to save the Earth’s natural resources.Some believe that it is parents who should teach their children to recycle waste. Others argue that school is the best place to teach do this.Discuss both views and give your own opinion

[一句话介绍背景]Most people would agree that young people need to be taught about the importance of recycling waste products and packaging.[引出issue]There is a difference of opinion,however,whether this should happen at home or in schools.[概括文章任务但不表明立场] In this essay,I will examine both points of view and then state my opinion.

[Point]The argument in favour of teaching children at school about recycling is largely based around the idea that children learn best at school.[Explain1]This is because teachers have a natural authority over their pupils who are used to learning from them and schools are a natural environment for learning.[Explain2]Additionally,the need for recycling could easily be included in the school curriculum in biology and geography classes.

[Point]There are two main reasons why people think parents taking responsibility for this training could be more effective.[Explain]The first is that the majority of recycling takes place in the home and parents can therefore more easily control the recycling habits of their children.[Example]If,for example,parents see their child put a recyclable bottle in the wrong bin,they can explain that it needs to go in another bin.[Explain]The other very practical point is that often children spend more time at home than at school and so parents may have more effect.

My own view is that the best solution is for children to learn about recycling both at home and at school.In this way,they would learn about both the theory and the practice.




一句话介绍背景:Most people would agree that......

引出issue:There is a difference of opinion,however,whether......or......

概括文章任务但不表明立场:In this essay,I will examine both points of view and then state my opinion.


[Point]The argument in favour largely based around the idea that......

[Explain1]This is because......



[Point]There are two main reasons why

[Explain]The first is that,......

[Example]If,for example,......

[Explain]The other very practical point is that......


My own view is that the best solution is.....both......And......

In this way,they would learn about both the theory and the practice.

9.Salary essay(同不同意,most vital factor类,观点还有其他factor)

It is sometimes said that a high salary is the most important factor in choosing a job.Do you agree?

[Background]It is,of course,important for people to earn a sufficiently high salary to support their lifestyle.[否定issue]This does not mean,however,that the salary is the only point to be taken into consideration when choosing a job.[My view]Indeed,I would argue that there are a number of other factors that are equally significant.(Background+否定issue+my view=>other factors)[Point-why wrong]The first point to consider is why it may be a mistake to place too much emphasis on the salary.[Explain-reason1]One reason why this is so is that you may select a job that is well-paid but ultimately unsatisfying.[Example]In this case,you may spend at least8hours a day being unhappy.[Explain-reason2]Something else to be taken into account is that

highly-paid jobs tend to be stressful and involve long working hours.[Example]For instance,many

doctors have a60hour working week and they often suffer from burn out early in their careers and wish they had chosen a less stressful profession.

[Point]The other point to be taken into account is how other factors may matter more than the salary when deciding on a job.[Explain]Indeed,most people would accept that the work environment is key to job satisfaction.[Example]If you are working alongside people you like and the atmosphere in the office is positive,you are much more likely to be satisfied in your work. [Explain]Likewise,it is also critical that you actually enjoy what you do.[Example]For example, someone who is artistic is much more likely to be happy working for a low salary teaching art than earning a fortune as a merchant banker.

In conclusion,I would say that the salary should not be the only one consideration in choosing a job and that other factors such as job satisfaction and work environment are just as important. 10.Advertising essay(分析+策略,大P=>小P=>E+E.)

Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies.To what extent do you think are consumers influenced by advertisements?What measures can be taken to protect them?

[Background]In today’s material world,we are inundated with various forms of advertising.In my view,[My view-question1]this can be dangerous as it encourages us to spend without thinking and young people,[My view-question2]in particular,need some protection from it.

[Point]The first point to make is that advertising does make us spend money we do not need to. [Explain1]There are nowadays so many different ways companies promote their products and services,ranging from television commercials to simple flyers that we cannot escape it.[Example 1]If,for example,you watch a football match on television,you will see the logos of the tournament sponsors.[Example2]Likewise,if you watch the latest blockbuster movie,very probably you will see a product placed in the film by some advertising agency.[Explain2]The volume of this advertising means that we,as consumers,tend to be profoundly influenced by it and buy without thinking.

[大Point]It is not easy to decide how to regulate advertising.[小Point1]Clearly,governments ought to restrict advertisements for harmful products such as alcohol and tobacco.[Explain]

They do not have the power,however,to control other forms of advertising.This means we need to use our common sense when we go to the shops,and ask ourselves whether we really need to make that purchase.[小Point2]Parents should,however,ensure that young people are protected from too much exposure to advertising.[Explain]This can mean simply explaining that it is not in fact necessary to buy the newest Xbox,or simply turning the television off.

My conclusion is that while[原因]we cannot escape advertising or its effects in the modern world,[措施]children should be encouraged not to pay too much attention to it.



Background:In today’s material world,we are inundated with......

In my view,[My view-reason]this can be dangerous as it......,

[My view-solution]in particular,need some.......


[Point]The first point to make is that......


[Example1]If,for example,......




[大Point]It is not easy to decide......




[Explain]This can mean simply explaining that......


My conclusion is that while...[原因]...,...[措施]...should...

11.International sporting events essay(两边论,同意一边,立论+让步)

Many people want their country to host an international sporting event.Others believe that international sporting events bring more problems than benefits.Discuss both views and state your opinion.

[Background]There is frequently great competition to host international sporting events.[提出其中一个观点=自己支持的]Not everyone,however,believes that the price involved in hosting such events is worthwhile.[表明自己的观点]For me,this is an understandable point of view and perhaps not every country should try and stage international sporting events.

[Point立论]The major argument against hosting international sporting events is financial.[Explain] Typically,it can cost several million pounds to build the arenas and modernize the infrastructure so that it can cater for the athletes and the spectators.[Further Explain]This money,it is

argued,would be better spent on welfare and education programs that provide direct support for the population.[Example]Indeed,some governments have incurred so much debt through hosting the Olympic Games that they have had to reduce spending on other social programs.

[Point让步]While there is some merit in that argument,hosting sporting events does also bring significant benefits.[Explain]First among these is the honor and prestige it brings to the host country because that country will be the center of the sporting world for the duration of the event. For many people this is beyond any price.[Further Explain]More than that,if the authorities plan carefully,they can use the occasion of the sporting event to help finance public works that benefit the whole population in the long term.For example,the village for the athletes can be transformed into public housing and the various stadia can be used to build a sporting legacy for future generations.

My own view is that it is an honour for a country to host a major sporting event.However,if a government wishes to bid for an international event to be staged in its country,it should ensure it has sufficient funds to maintain spending on other projects.




[提出其中一个观点=自己支持的]Not everyone,however,believes that.......For me,this is an understandable point of view and perhaps......


[Point立论]The major argument


[Further Explain]......



[Point让步]While there is some merit in that argument,......does also bring significant benefits.

[Explain]First among these is the......

[Further Explain]More than that,......

[Example]For example,......


My own view is that......

However,if...(立论的一个小bug),it should(提出这个小bug的解决措施)

12.Exams and continuous assessment essay(同不同意,双方结合折中)Some people believe that exams are an inappropriate way of measuring students’performance and should be replaced by continuous assessment.Do you agree or disagree with this view?

[Background+Issue]There is some dispute whether the best method of assessing students is to use examinations or some form of continuous assessment.[My view]This is a complex issue and my belief is that there is probably no one method that applies to all educational systems.

[大Point]There are three major arguments in favour of retaining exams.[Explain1]One is that they provide a clear and objective measure of what students have learned,whereas any form of continuous assessment is probably going to be far more subjective.[Explain2]An additional point is that testing tends to be an excellent way of motivating learners to study harder and to reward the students who do best.[Explain3]Likewise,examinations test the ability of students to work under pressure,and this is a vital life skill for their later careers. [Point1]On the other hand,there are still occasions when it can be better to relieve the students of exam pressure and to measure their abilities through continuous assessment.[Explain]This is particularly the case in lower age groups where young children can be affected negatively by stress and under-perform in exams.[Point2]It can also be argued that continuous assessment is a more effective way of testing some subjects such as design and technology,which are more creative and less academic.[Point3]A further point is that often continuous assessment can allow teachers to reward students who work hard,but who may be less able and not do well in more formal testing.

In conclusion,while continuous assessment may be fairer in some contexts,there are still times when traditional exams may be more appropriate.A possible compromise would

be to use both forms of testing together,allowing teachers to reward both ability and hard work.




[Background+Issue]There is some dispute whether......or......

[My view]This is a complex issue and my belief is that there is probably no one method that applies to all educational systems.


[大Point]There are three major arguments in favour of......

[Explain1]One is that.....,whereas..(小让步)....

[Explain2]An additional point is that......



[Point1]On the other hand,there are still occasions when it can be better to......

[Explain]This is particularly the case......

[Point2]It can also be argued that......

[Point3]A further point is that......


In conclusion,while...(一方key words)...may be...(adj比较级) some contexts,there are

still times when...(另一方Key words)...may be more appropriate.

A possible compromise would be to use both forms of testing together,allowing

teachers to reward both ability and hard work.,puter technology essay(预测+好坏处,坏处)

We are becoming increasingly dependent on computer technology.It is used in business,crime detection and even to fly planes.What will it be used for in future?Is this dependence on technology a good thing or should we be suspicious of its benefits?

[Background]As we move into the twenty-first century,it is clear to see that we have become more and more dependent on computers and information technology.[Present+Prediction]This technology now reaches into almost every area of our lives and it is easy to predict that this phenomenon is only going to grow.[My view]My personal belief is that this presents a variety of dangers.

[Point-Prediction]It is highly likely that in the future there will be comparatively few aspects of our lives that will not be influenced by computer technology.[Explain+Example]The probability is that it will control more and more forms of communication,transforming fields such as education and

business when video-conferencing platforms become more stable.It might even affect romance with more people forming relationships online.

[Point]While there may be benefits to this technological revolution,there are also a number of potential dangers.[Explain]Perhaps the most serious of these would be that if people rely on computers too much for communication,they could in fact begin to communicate less well. [Example]For example,if every member of a family had their own computer screen and smart phone,they might speak less and less often to one another and simply look at a screen.[Explain the Example]This would be serious because our ability to communicate is an essential part of our humanity.

My conclusion is that the growth of computer technology is inevitable,but that this may not be entirely positive.Just one area in which it is possible to foresee dangers is communication, and if we are going to ensure that computers do not become a negative influence,we need to think carefully how we use them.



[Background]As we move into the twenty-first century,it is clear to see that.......

[Present+Prediction]This...(Key words)...Now......and it is easy to predict that.......

[My view]My personal belief is that this presents a variety of dangers.


[Point-Prediction]It is highly likely that in the future there will be

[Explain+Example]The probability is that......such as......


[Point]While there may be benefits to this...(Key words)...,there are also a number of potential dangers.

[Explain]Perhaps the most serious of these would be that if......,......could.......

[Example]For example,if......,......might.......

[Explain the Example]This would be serious because.......


My conclusion is that...(Key words) inevitable,but that this may not be entirely positive.Just one area in which it is possible to foresee dangers is......,and if we are going to ensure that...(Key words) not become a negative influence,we need to think carefully.......

14.The youth crime essay(原因+措施)

In recent years,there has been a considerable rise in crimes committed by young people in cities. What has caused this?What solutions can you suggest?

[Background]The rise of crime among young people is an urgent problem in many cities that needs to be addressed.[引出Reason和Solution]However,in order to find a solution,it is first of all necessary to understand what has led to this happening.[交代任务=Reason+solution]In this essay,I first of all examine the reasons for the rise in youth crime,then I suggest how

this problem may be resolved.

[大Point]Perhaps the principal cause of this rise in youth crime is the increased use of drugs and alcohol among young people.[小Point1]Many cities suffer from the phenomenon of binge drinking by teenagers who lose control under the influence of alcohol and commit crimes. [Example]For instance,it is a common sight on the streets of Britain to see fights breaking out outside pubs and clubs.[小Point2]Similarly,there is a clear connection between drug abuse among the young and crime.[Explain]It is still unfortunately the case that young people frequently see drugs as cool and become addicted.It is a common occurrence for these addicts to resort to petty theft in order to pay for their habit.

[大Point]There are a variety of potential ways of combating this problem.[小Point1]One possibility that is sometimes suggested is a much stricter system of penalties and punishments to deter young people from a life of crime.[小Point2]That might work,but it would also be sensible to improve the system of education so that young people were better informed about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.[Explain]This should have the effect of dealing with the issues that

cause youth crime in the first place.

In conclusion,alcohol and drug abuse are among the primary reasons for the rise in young offenders and if the authorities wish to tackle youth crime,one approach would be to educate the young more effectively.



[Background]The...(key words) an urgent problem in cities/countries/society that needs to be addressed.

[引出Reason和Solution]However,in order to find a solution,it is first of all necessary to understand what has led to this happening.

[交代任务=Reason+solution]In this essay,I first of all examine the reasons for the...(Key words)...then I suggest how this problem may be resolved.


[Point1]Perhaps the principal cause of...(Key words) the......

example essays

Sample 1: The Gloom Room October often looks and feels dreary because school is by then in full swing. Today, a rainy Thursday, is no different. What makes it worse is that I am forced to sit in my writing class on the second floor of Boylan Hall at Brooklyn College and write a theme. It is no wonder that a shadow of gloom hangs over the things and the people that surround me in this room As I look around, I see that the surroundings are old and depressing.] There is a broken brown chair beside the teacher?s desk; no one will sit in it for fear of leaning back and toppling over onto the floor. There is also a mahogany bookcase with a missing shelf, and all the books are piled on the bottom in a stack of blue and yellowed covers, instead of standing in a straight row. This ugly desk of mine is filled with holes and scratches because other impatient students, no doubt, lost their tempers and took out their anger on the wooden surface. As I rub my hand across it, I feel coldness. Even the gray walls and the rumble of thunder outside reflect the atmosphere of seriousness as we write our first theme of the semester. When some air sails through an open window beside me, there is the annoying smell of coffee grounds from a garbage pail not far off. (That smell is a perfect indication of our discomfort?) Aside from the unattractive surrounding, [the people around me show this mood of tension and displeasure. ] Mary, a slim blonde at my right, chews the inside of her lower lip. I can see by the way her forehead is wrinkled that she is having quite a bit of trouble. Because only one or two words in blue ink stand upon her clean white page, she looks around the room fearfully for some new ideas. Slouching in his seat in the third row, David Harris nibbles each finger of each hand. Then he plays with alack collar button that stands open on the top of his red plaid shirt. The tension gets to him too; drops of perspiration run slowly down his cheeks. I hear a thump as he uncrosses his legs and his scuffed shoe hits the floor. A painful cough slices the air from behind me. I hear a woman?s heels click from the hall beyond the closed door and a car engine whine annoyingly from Bedford Avenue. All these signs of gloom do not help my mood at all. These last few painful moments make me wonder if what my friends told me about college was all true. Where are all the beautiful girls I?m supposed to be meeting and talking to in every room? Where are the freedom and relaxed atmosphere my friends bragged about? I?m supposed to be enjoy ing myself instead of suffering! Everybody seems to have forgotten that college is hard work too. My first day in writing class proves that delight and pleasure often disappear when assignments are due! How many examples does the writer use to support the topic sentence?_________________________________________________________ __________


北美写作172句型 论证positive方面的常用句型: be supposed to hold fast to…牢牢地把握住… bear in mind that…牢记… There’s no better way to… than to………是做去某事的最好方式 go a long way 非常有效 It’s worthwhile to…值得做某事 give sb. the credit for…把……归功于某人 take the credit for… enable sb. to do sth./ equip sb. with the ability to do sth. 让某人可以去做……draw on 借鉴(经验等) boost efficiency/ productivity 提高效率/生产率 give sb. a competitive edge 给某人竞争优势 … is a gateway to…是实现……的方法 expand one’s outlook 开阔某人的眼界 broaden one’s horizons is a good vehicle for…达到……(某种目的)的途径 generate… (employment) opportunities 创造就业机会 dedicate A to B 把A(金钱、时间、精力等)用到B这个目的上assume/ shoulder the responsibility for…承担起……的责任 be mindful of 关注…… pay close attention to a wealth of…“大量(有益的东西)”,尤其是后面加抽象名词时 … is a lifelong process 是持续一生的过程 put… into practice 把……投入实践 fulfill one’s potential 发挥某人的潜力 from within…来自内心深处 remove the barrier for 为(发展、交流等)消除障碍

Summary Essays

Lecture 11 Writing a Summary A Model Summary of an Article Here is a model summary of a magazine article: In “How to heal a Hypochondriac” (Time, September 30, 2003), Michael Lemonick reports on research into ways of dealing with hypochondria, a thinking disorder that makes healthy people believe that they are suffering from one or more serious diseases. Not only do hypochondriacs genuinely suffer from their disorder, but they create a significant burden on the health-care system. Research suggests that hypochondriacs fall into three categories: those who have a variant of obsessive-compulsive disorder, those whose hypochondria was triggered by a stressful life event, and those who are hypersensitive to any physical symptoms. Cognitive therapy, in which patients are trained to direct their attention away from their symptoms, and antidepressant medication both seem helpful in treating hypochondria. The most difficult part of treatment is suggesting that a patient suffers from hypochondria without angering or embarrassing him or her. ACTIVITY 1 Write an essay-length summary of the following article. Include a short introductory paragraph that states the thesis of the article. Then summarize in your three supporting paragraphs the three important areas in which study skills can be useful. Your conclusion might be a single sentence restating the thesis. Power Learning Jill had not done as well in high school as she had hoped. Since college involved even more work, it was no surprise that she didn’t do better there. The reason for her so-so performance was not a lack of effort. She attended most of her classes and read her textbooks. And she never missed handing in any assignment, even though it often meant staying up late the night before homework was due. Still, she just got by in her classes. Before long, she came to the conclusion that she simply couldn’t do any better. Then one day, one of her instructors said something to make her think otherwise. “You can probably build some sort of house by banging a few boards together,” he said. “But if you want a sturdy home, you’ll have to use the right techniques and tools. Building carefully takes work, but it gets better results. The same can be said of your education. There are no shortcuts, but there are some proven study skills that can really help. If you don’t use them, you may end up with a pretty flimsy education.” Jill signed up for a study-skills course and found out a crucial fact –that learning how to learn is the key to success in school. There are certain dependable skills that have made the difference between disappointment and success for generations of students. These techniques won’t free you from work, but they will make your work far more productive. They include three important areas: time control, classroom note-taking and textbook study.


2006——2010年3月中国大陆托福独立写作题(中文) 1.新闻与信息过量是否会导致人们无法判断这些信息来源的可信度 2.最重要的教育是否发生在教室 3.20年后人们将会减少汽车使用,同意么? 4.学到的知识比创造力更有助于个人成功 5.一生只为一个老板工作是不现实的 6.可再生资源将会迅速取代非可再生资源 7.小组成员应得到相同的分数 8.工作中获得幸福感比银子重要 9.选自己感兴趣的学科比选有前途的学科更重要 10.分数可以鼓励学生去努力学习 11.给人类用地比为动物保留栖息地更重要 12.有智慧的朋友比幽默的朋友更好 13.司机在繁忙时段出行应交纳一定费用 14.多数人会让别人帮自己做决定,同意么? 15.口头表达重要还是写作技能重要? 16.看电视比读书学的多? 17.咱们的生活比祖父母年轻时要好 18.现在与别人合作的能力比过去更重要了 19.老师帮学生提升自信比讲知识更重要 20.严肃电影比娱乐电影好 21.影视是否对年轻人的负面作用多于正面作用? 22.每天发生很多事,咱们无须都知道 23.老师应该挣和医生、律师、企业高层一样多的钱吗? 24.20年后人们将有更多休闲时光 25.过多的影视节目使家长觉得很难掌控孩子 26.做完一件事再去做另一件好,还是两件一起做好? 27.允许朋友犯错比终止友谊好 28.非理科专业的大学生也应该上基础科学课

29.报纸可以帮助人们真实地获取新闻 30.在今日社会,年轻人应有计划和组织能力 31.大学生必修历史课 32.再过20年学生不会用纸质书了 33.最有效节能的方法是提高油、电价 34.年长朋友的建议更有价值 35.学校不应太关注常规科目,而应帮助学生就业 36.老师有与学生沟通的能力远比教授知识重要 37.和别人一起工作比单干好 38.家庭观念没以前那么重要了 39.休息的时候有些人喜欢独处好不好? 40.大学生应上有关外国文化的课程 41.有钱花在旅游度假上比存银行好 42.老师应按其学生的成绩发工资 43.因为有钱而不工作的人很少会快乐 44.广告使产品看起来比它们本身要好 45.20年后人们会用更少的时间准备食物 46.应不应付公交费? 47.广告没意义,因为顾客已经知道自己想要什么 48.学生理解思路和想法比知道事实更重要 49.即使得不了高分,大学生也应选难度大的课程 50.高分促进学习 51.最好的旅游方式是有导游的团队游 52.人们花太多时间想了而不是在应做的事情上 53.老师有必要每天给学生留作业么? 54.科技使孩子没以前有创造力了,对么? 55.政府应支持艺术发展,还是体育场馆建设? 56.通过自己的经验解决问题比听取他人意见好 57.小孩是否应打电游? 58.政府改进医疗需要做的最重要的事是改善环境


Education 作业(注意它是可数名词,与homework不同)n. assignment 选修课n. elective 学分n. credit 青少年n. adolescent ;青春期的adj. adolescent 青少年children and youth 教学法teaching/ pedagogical methodology 适应adapt to sth./ adjust oneself to sth./ become accustomed to sth. 适应能力n. adaptability 应用v. apply 把学生分开教育segregate students 团队精神team spirit 独立思考think independently 在理解的基础上学习learn things through understanding 学生的反馈students’ feedback 学生评价老师的教学students appraise/ evaluate their teachers’ performance 通才n. generalist 专才n. specialist 全面发展的adj. well-rounded 为社会健康发展做贡献contribute to societal well-being (or welfare) 人文学科n. humanities 社会科学social sciences 艺术n. arts 文科总称n. liberal studies/ arts 理科n. sciences 工科n. engineering 基础科学basic sciences 应用科学applied sciences 学科(通称);纪律n. discipline 管教vt. discipline 自制力n. self-discipline 小(中、大)学教育primary-level (or secondary-level/ tertiary-level ) education 职业教育vocational education/ training 互动vt. interact 学校给学生的教育n. schooling 学校提供的课程总称n. curriculum ( pl. curricula) 心理的adj. psychological 参与n. participation ≈involvement 干扰n. distraction 记忆vt. memorize 获取vt. acquire 以教师为中心的adj. teacher-centered 以学生为中心的adj. student- centered 熟练掌握……be proficient in

Christmas essays (两篇圣诞美文)

Bobby's Dime By Thomas Pucci Bobby was getting cold sitting out in his back yard in the snow. Bobby didn't wear boots; he didn't like them and anyway he didn't own any. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them and they did a poor job of keeping out the cold: Bobby had been in his backyard for about an hour already. And, try as he might, he could not ''come up with an idea for his mother's Christmas gift. He shook his head as he thought, "This is useless, even if I do come up with an idea, I don't have any money to spend.' Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, the family of five had struggled. It wasn't because his mother didn't care, or try, there just never seemed to be enough. She worked nights at the hospital, but the small wage that she was earning could only be stretched so far. What the family lacked in money and material things, they more than made up for in love and family unity. Bobby had two older and one younger sister, who ran the household in their mother's absence. All three of his sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother. Here it was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing. Wiping a tear from his eye, Bobby kicked the snow and started to walk down to the street where the shops and stores were. It wasn't easy being six without a father, especially when he needed a man to talk to. Bobby walked from shop to shop, looking into each decorated window. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of reach. It was starting to get dark and Bobby reluctantly turned to walk home when suddenly his eyes caught the ''glimmer of the setting sun's rays reflecting off of something along the "curb. He reached down and discovered a shiny dime. Never before has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby felt at that moment. As he held his new found treasure, a warmth spread throughout his entire body and he walked into the first store he saw. His excitement quickly turned cold when salesperson after salesperson told him that he could not buy anything with only a dime. He saw a flower shop and went inside to wait in line. When the shop owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could buy one flower for his mother's Christmas gift. The shop owner looked at Bobby and his ten cent offering. Then he put his hand on Bobby's shoulder and said to him, "You just wait here and I'll see what I can do for you." As Bobby waited, he looked at the beautiful flowers and even though he was a boy, he could see why mothers and girls liked flowers. The sound of the door closing as the last customer left, jolted Bobby back to reality. All alone in the shop, Bobby began to feel alone and afraid. Suddenly the shop owner came out and moved to the counter. There, before Bobby's eyes, lay twelve long stem, red roses, with leaves of green and tiny white flowers all tied together with a big silver bow. Bobby's heart sank as the owner picked them up and placed them gently into a long white box. "That will be ten cents young man." the shop owner said reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime. Could this be true? No one else would give him a thing for his dime! Sensing the boy's reluctance, the shop owner added, "I just

2019年雅思写作:IELTS Problem Solution Essays

2019年雅思写作:IELTS Problem Solution Essays 在雅思写作的Task2中,有时会出现相关问题解决方面的作文。 这个类型的文章要求考生阐述特定话题存有的一些问题,并给出 相对应的解决方法。 首先要做的就是确定所要解决的问题。 我们来看下面的几个例子: Problem Solution Essay Questions: 1. Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems. 2. Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games. What are the negative impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects? 3. The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it has also created problems that did not exist before. What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what solutions can you suggest? 4. In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society?

Francis Bacon and Essays

Francis Bacon and the Essays “K nowledge is power.”, said by Francis Bacon, is a well-known saying all over the world which encourages a large amount of people to pursue intelligence. As “a man of Renaissance”,Bacon showed his greatness in many different kinds of fields and left the precious spiritual wealth for posterity. The whole life of Francis Bacon was a process of the search for knowledge and also the search for power. He was born in a noble family in 1561 whose father was Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Seal, and mother was Ann Cook, sister-in-law of Lord Burleigh, greatest of the queen’s statesmen. With this kind of family background and social relationship, Bacon could receive good education from childhood. At twelve he went to Trinity College, Cambridge to study theology,metaphysics,logic,mathematics,astronomy, Greek and Latin. After graduating he tried to seek political success in career. Bacon went to Paris with British Ambassador where he served as the Foreign Affairs Secretary for the British Embassy in France and learned statistics and diplomacy. Later in 1579, as the death of his father, Bacon went back in England and began to work for the British royal family and government. The occasion helped his political career to be on track was the succession of James I. Bacon’s advocacy of merging Scotland and England strongly praised by the king. From then on, he rose directly to a high position: he was appointed as the king’s adviser in 1604, the Attorney General in 1613, the Consultant of Privy Council in 1616, the Lord Keeper of the Seal in 1617, and finally Lord High Chancellor in 1618, the head of the legal system of England. Besides an outstanding statesman, Bacon is also “the real primogenitor of English materialism and the whole modern experiential science”praised by Marx. Bacon represented the thoughts of the new aristocracy and was against the divine right of kings by advocating the reform and limitation to the royal power, and also supporting the Puritanism. On the contrary, he completely opposed revolution and medieval scholasticism. Inheriting the ancient materialism tradition, he acknowledged nature is material. Bacon was the first to realize the historical significance of science and its methodology. He tried to analyze and determine the general scientific method and demonstrate its application mode, giving new scientific movement power and direction of development. Bacon put forward the basic principle of materialistic empiricism and said that feeling is the beginning of knowledge. The importance of experiment is fully recognized by him who believed it was necessary to use experiment, in order to make up for the lack of sensory and deeply revealed the secret of nature. His materialism philosophy has a great influence on the evolution of the modern philosophy and his principal and best known of the philosophical works are:the Advancement of Learning,published in English in 1605;the Novum Organum,published in Latin in1620;and the De Augmentis,published in Latin in 1623.

English essays

1 .Are we too dependent on computers? Nowadays computers have become an important part in our daily life: we contact with our friends through the QQ, we write many essays by clicking the keyboard, sometimes we also use the computers to do,puters have changed our life in many aspects. However, here comes the problem: are we too dependent on computers? It is astonishing to find that lots of people always make many mistakes in writing with a pen, some of them even lost their inspiration because they have got used to copying essays from the computers. There is no doubt that computers have done great contribution to improving our quality of life, but we can never neglect the importance of maintaining our initial ability to do things with our own head. One day computers would be ubiquitous in every where, but if we become too dependent on them, we would suffer a lot. Imagine that in a case when you are required to write a paper with your pen, but you found yourself cannot remember the correct spelling of several words, or you are not capable to get your own ideas without searching information from a computer,that would draw you into anxiety. We are all too dependent on computers nowadays, t his is not a good thing which may add to our indolence and laziness. So now that we have already realized that, it is time for us to do something to change it.

A Brief Guide to Writing Argumentative Essays

A Brief Guide to Writing Argumentative Essays The art of argumentation is not an easy skill to acquire. Many people might think that if one simply has an opinion, one can argue it effectively, and these folks are always surprised when others don't agree with them because their logic seems so correct. Additionally, writers of argumentation often forget that their primary purpose in an argument is to "win" it--to sway the reader to accept their point of view. It is easy to name call, easy to ignore the point of view or research of others, and extremely easy to accept one's own opinion as gospel, even if the writer has not checked his or her premise in a couple of years, or, as is the case for many young writers, never questioned the beliefs inherited from others. Want to know what you think about something? Then write an argumentative essay. To be fair, however, you'll find that one of the first things you must do is become an expert on the issue. When you pick a topic, you should avoid writing about issues that cannot be won, no matter how strongly you might feel about them. The five hottest topics of our time seem to be gun control, abortion, capital punishment, freedom of speech, and probably the most recent, euthanasia, or the right to die. If possible, avoid writing about these topics because they are either impossible to "win," or because your instructor is probably sick of reading about them and knows all the pros and cons by heart (this could put you at a serious disadvantage). The topics may be fine reading material, however, because most people are somewhat aware of the problems and can then concentrate on understanding the method of argument itself. But care should be taken that if you read one side, you also read the other. Far too many individuals only read the side that they already believe in. These issues cannot be won for good reason: each touches on matters of faith and beliefs that for many people are unshakable and deeply private. Features 1. So, what do you write about? Pick a well-defined, controversial issue. (Spend some time with the latest copies of several news magazines, watch 60 Minutes, or listen to National Public Radio to generate ideas.) Readers should understand what the issue is and what is at stake. The issue must be arguable, as noted above. After stating your thesis, you will need to discuss the issue in depth so that your reader will understand the problem fully.
