






1What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Service man and guest.

C.Employer and employee.


2Which club is the man in?

A.The sports club.

B.The performance club.

C.The book club.


3Why can’t the man help the woman?

A.Because he will be leaving soon.

B.Because he is too busy to do so.

C.Because he doesn’t know how to help her.


4Who is the man?

A.Tom’s boss.

B.Tom’s doctor.

C.The woman’s doctor.


5What will the man do next Tuesday?

A.He will go to London to attend a meeting for the company.

B.He will go to the airport to see his manager off.

C.He will go to London with his manager to attend an important meeting.





6What are the man and the woman talking about?

A.A place where people can have a drink.

B.A time when people can have fun.

C.A friend they both like to talk about.


7For how many hours is a pub usually open?

A.From morning till night.

B.Four to eight hours a day.

C.It depends on the owner.


8Who are not allowed to go into a pub in England?

A.Children under 16.

B.Young people.




9Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a library.

B.In a classroom.

C.In a bookstore.


10Why can’t the man get his textbook?

A.The books arrived a week late.

B.Fewer books were delivered than ordered.

C.More students signed up for the class than expected.


11How did the man feel at the beginning of the conversation?






12Why does the woman ask the man about the rules?

A.Because she wants to write a report about it.

B.Because she has just moved to the apartment building.

C.Because she is curious about it.


13Where are the people there allowed to park their cars?

A.In front of the building.

B.At the corner of the building.

C.Behind the building.


14Which rules didn’t the woman ask about?

A.Supermarket shopping.

B.Guest parking and using plastic bags.

C.Having pets and rubbish.



15What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Good friends.




16What can we know about the woman from the conversation?

A.She won a cup in last week’s tennis competition.

B.She is a science expert.

C.She works at St Jude’s Training College.


17How long has the man been in the science department?

A.Half a year.

B.More than a year.

C.Two years.



18Where does the speech probably take place?

A.In a museum.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In the speaker’s home.


19What is the kitchen like?

A.It’s full of wooden tables.

B.It can hold hundreds of people.

C.It is a big room with a high ceiling.


20What is the purpose of the exhibition?

A.The home design tells us about social changes.

B.The population was larger in the past.

C.The family kitchen should be well designed.





When I was sixteen years old,I made my first visit to the United States.It wasn’t the first time I had been abroad.Like most English children I learned French at school.And I had often been to France,so I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who didn’t understand English.But when I went to America I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any language problems.

How wrong I was!The misunderstandings began at the airport.I was looking for a public telephone to give my American friend Danny a call and tell her that I had arrived.A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked if he could help me.

“Yes,” I said,“I want to give my friend a ring.”

“Well,that’s nice,” he said,“Are you getting married?But aren’t you a bit young?”

“Who is talking about marriage?” I replied,“I only want to give my friend a ring to tell her I’ve arrived.Can you tell me where there’s a phone box?”

“Oh!” he said,“There’s a phone downstairs.”

When at last we met,Danny explained the misunderstandings to me.

“Don’t worry,” she said to me.“I had so many difficulties at first.There are lots of words which the Americans use differently in meaning from the British.You’ll soon get used to all the funny things they say.Most of the time,British and American people understand each other!”

21Where was the writer from?

A.He was from America.

B.He was from France.

C.He was from England.

D.He was from China.


解析:根据首段中的“Like most English children I learned French at school.”可知,作者是英国人。

22The writer thought in America.

A.he would not have any language difficulties

B.he would not understand the Americans

C.the Americans might not understand him

D.he would have difficulties at the airport


解析:根据首段末句中的“...I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any language problems.”可知,作者认为去美国不会遇到任何语言障碍。

23The writer wanted to .

A.buy a ring for his friend

B.make a call to his friend

C.go to the telephone company

D.see a friend off


解析:作者说“give my friend a ring”意为“想给朋友打电话”,而不是“给朋友一枚戒指”,结合后文提到的“to tell her I’ve arrived”可确定,作者想给丹妮打电话,告诉她,自己已经到了,因此B项为答案。

24In the last paragraph the word “they” refers to .

A.the old man and the boy

B.the Americans

C.the British

D.the French


解析:根据末段中“You’ll soon get used to all the funny things they say.”可知,由于作者是英国人,所以此处的they应指的是“美国人”。


Most Chinese people these days know what it is like to have an “English teacher”,since almost all pupils study English from their third https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d6140660.html,ually that first English teacher will be a young and lovely lady in primary school.But my first English teacher is none other than my father.Looking back,I can see

that,when I was only a little girl,he created an English environment by providing me with flashcards,fun English-language toys and even dolls which can sing English songs!My interest in English had certainly been awakened(唤起)when I began to learn English at school.Just imagine,he went a step further and asked me to learn New Concept English by myself!I was confused and even angry.I could not understand why a father could be so strict with his little girl.All the same,he never gave up and he gently insisted that I follow his ideas.At first,I read stories with tears in my eyes and I actually hated them because they were too difficult for me.In the end,I came to love the funny stories and,to be honest,my father was always there with a helping hand.I am sure that my English would never have got so far without his support.And that’s why my father is not only my first English teacher but also my lifelong teacher.He is the one who awoke my interest,who gave me confidence and who offered me much needed help.

25Most pupils in China begin to learn English .

A.in primary school

B.from parents

C.at three years old

D.at home



26From the whole passage we can see that .

A.the girl preferred playing to learning English

B.the girl hated her father because he was strict

C.the girl was very thankful to her father

D.the father gave up after knowing his daughter could not understand him


解析:根据文章内容中描述的作者的父亲对她在学习英语上提供的指导和帮助以及作者的感慨“I am sure that my English would never have got so far without his support.”可知,作者很感激自己的父亲。

27Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The girl’s father is her first English teacher.

B.The girl had been interested in English before going to school.

C.The girl’s father was always ready to help her with her English.

D.The girl could have learned English well by herself without her father.



28What would be the best title for the passage?

A.How I learned English at school

B.My father—my father and lifelong English teacher

C.The relationship between my father and me

D.I’ve made progress in English learning


解析:文章讲述了自己的第一位英语老师,也就是自己的父亲对自己在英语学习方面的指导和帮助,并且作者感慨道:my father is not only my first English teacher but also my lifelong teacher,可知B项作为题目最能体现文章的中心和主题。


Do you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows?You are not alone.

Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods.Many people,however,are worried about the weight that comes along with the delicious foods.

With proper planning,though,it is possible to control your weight.The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much.You don’t have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy.The following suggestions may be of some help to you.

Do not miss meals.Before you leave home for a feast,have a small,low-fat snack.This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods.

Begin with clear soup,fruit or vegetables.A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d6140660.html,e a small plate;a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough.

Better not have high-fat foods.Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them.

Choose lean meat.Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.

If you have a sweet tooth,try mints and fruit.They don’t have fat content as cream and chocolate.

Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays.A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess calories.

29Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may.

A.bring weight problems

B.bring you much trouble in your life

C.make you worry about your foods

D.make you hate delicious foods



30In order to really enjoy your holidays without putting on weight,you’d better.

A.drink much water and have vegetables only

B.not eat much food in high fat

C.not accept invitations to feasts

D.turn away from delicious foods



31According to the passage, is a necessary part to stop you from putting on weight.

A.clear soup


C.calories of energy

D.physical exercise



32Many people can’t help putting on weight after the holidays because they.

A.can’t control themselves

B.go to too many feasts

C.enjoy delicious foods

D.can’t help turning away from the foods






How to Have a Successful Teenage Life

Everyone wants to succeed in their life,don’t they?Even as a teenager,you can achieve success in your life; it really isn’t that hard.33

●Do well in school.No matter how boring it is now,education will help you be a productive member

in society.Try your best for excellence in school; listen to the teachers,do your homework,study,and get good grades.Doing so will help you get into a better university,which will enable you to have a bright future.34

●Do good in your community(社区).Volunteering can not only improve your community’s status,it could make you happier.Studies show that people who volunteer are less likely to develop depression(抑郁) than people who don’t.35For example,if you love animals,volunteer at an animal shelter.If you love helping the environment,plant trees or pick up litter.When you help others,it will make you feel better about yourself.

●36 Remember,they’re there to help you be the best that you can be.Respect them and value their opinions,even if they annoy you sometimes.37 You don’t get to choose your teachers or your family,but you still have to put up with them.Learn how to deal with people now,because when you’re an adult,you don’t get to choose your boss or your co-workers,so learn how to respect them now.

A.Live life to the fullest.

B.School sets you up on the right track!

C.Be nice to your parents and teachers.

D.Find chances to do volunteer work that interests you.

E.It will help you pass time and develop your personality.

F.Here are some important points that you may find helpful.

G.Keep in mind that they do the things they do because they care about you.



I will never forget the two impressive things that happened last winter.One of my classmates and I were 38 our project work late one night on my university’s campus far from home.Since there was 39 in the forecast,I had worn a winter 40 to school that day with a raincoat in my bag.

Throughout our work on the project,I could 41 that my friend was tired from a very long day working.As we stepped outside to begin the 42 walk home hand in hand,I 43 she was

trembling(颤抖).The temperature had dropped to the low thirties(Fahrenheit)and she 44 had a sweater on.I 45 offered her my warm jacket.She accepted it and asked what I 46 wear then.I told her I had another one and pretended that my 47 was a jacket.She said later that she 48 the next morning and the first thing on her mind was feeling moved about my 49 of the jacket.

Coincidentally (碰巧),the next day I went to an open-air play and I was freezing 50 I didn’t expect it to be so 51.A person who I hardly 52 insisted that I wear his jacket.I was 53 touched by this warm gesture.He was so matter-of-fact(不带感情的)about me 54 his coat,too:he simply took it off and handed it to me saying that I should 55 it.I used to think that this vast universe was a cold 56.It turns out that even when the temperature drops low,the people never 57 to warm each other’s hearts.

38A.starting B.destroying





39A.rain B.fog





40A.suit B.jacket





41A.think B.guess





42A.easy B.short




解析:根据第一段的“far from home”可知,从学校到家有一段很“长的(long)”路。

43A.heard B.believed





44A.bravely B.nearly





45A.suddenly B.immediately





46A.would B.could





47A.blouse B.sweater





48A.ran away B.woke up

C.fell ill

D.got hurt



49A.sale B.size




解析:她后来说,第二天她“醒来(woke up)”后想到的第一件事就是为作者“给(offer)”她夹克穿而感动。

50A.though B.until





51A.warm B.cold






52A.knew B.mattered





53A.deeply B.wrongly





54A.envying B.watching





55A.keep B.buy





56A.environment B.place





57A.allow B.refuse




解析:但实际情况是,即使气温降得很低了,人们“仍然不会拒绝(never refuse)”相互关怀,给彼此以温暖。



How do you usually buy what you need,shopping online or going out to shop in person?With the help of the Internet,shopping is 58. (easy)than before.We can just click our mouse to choose the

items we like,pay for them online,and the shopping 59.(finish).It is easy and quick.It helps save money,too.We can save thousands of money a year if we compare the prices of similar items before 60. (decide)which to buy.

However,there are always traps in shopping online.If we are 61. (care),we may get into trouble.For example,we may find the color of the item different 62. that in the picture online.Sometimes,the size of the item we receive can be too big 63. too small.64.

(avoid)such troubles,we should compare similar items on different online stores and pay more attention to what other customers say.From their comments,we can know 65.

(well)about an item’s color,size as well as 66. shortcomings.In this way we increase our chance of buying 67. more satisfactory item.

答案:58.easier59.is finished60.deciding61.careless

62.from63.or64.To avoid65.better66.its67.a








Dear Miss Li,

How are you?Are you still busy at your work at that school?I’m writing to tell you anything about my new school here.This is a beautiful school with many trees and flowers in it.The classrooms were big and bright.The modern library is full of books on different subject.Every Wednesday afternoon we can go there and lend books.Teachers here are strict in their work and this is what the school is famous.Classes and homework don’t take up all your time.After the supper,we usually gather to see the CCTV news so that we can learn that has happened in this world.How luckily I am to be a student in such a wonderful school!











假如你是新华中学的学生李华,不久前在学校举办的英语竞赛中获得了一等奖。校报请你写一篇稿件刊登在英文版面上,介绍你课外学习英语的经验。请根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文: 参加英语角的益处;






As a high school student,I consider English a very important subject.In order to learn it well,apart from English classes,I also take an active part in the English corner and other after-class English activities,which have benefited me a lot.

In the English corner,I have made many friends,who share the same interest with

me.Besides,sometimes,some foreigners are glad to join us.By talking with them,my spoken English has improved a lot.I also find it useful to keep English diaries.I keep on doing it these years and it is helpful to my written English.As a saying goes,practice makes perfect.Only by practice will we make more progress.Finally,some good English study websites contribute a lot to my improvement.Through these websites,I can read some classic English passages,poems and stories.What’s more,I can learn some learning skills and methods,which play an important part in my study process.

All in all,every road leads to Rome,but I believe hard work pays off.


单元综合测评一 Unit 1Friendship (时间:100分钟满分:120分) 温馨提示:1.第Ⅰ卷答案写在答题卡上,第Ⅱ卷书写在试卷上;交卷前请核对班级、姓名、考号。2.本场考试时间为100分钟,注意把握好答题时间。3.认真审题,仔细作答,永远不要以粗心为借口原谅自己。 第Ⅰ卷选择题部分(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20 小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1.________ all the figures to see how much they ________. A.Add; add up to B.Add up; add up to C.Add up; add up D.Add; add to 解析:考查固定搭配。add up把……加起来;add up to加起来总共是。 答案:B 2.—What's the matter with Rod? —I think he's still ________ that we forgot his birthday. A.unfair B.stubborn C.reliable D.upset 解析:答句句意:我想他还在因为我们忘记了他的生日而不高兴。upset难过的,符合题意。 答案:D 3.—So you didn't say “hello” to him last night? —Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he ________ me and walked on. A.ignored B.refused C.denied D.missed 解析:考查动词辨析。ignore不理会;refuse拒绝;deny否定;miss错过,想念。 答案:A 4.Don't be nervous! Keep ________ even when you are in the face of danger. A.still B.calm C.silent D.quiet


Unit 1 Friendship 1. 合计_____________________________________; 3. 不得不;必须______________________________; 5. 遛狗_____________________________________; 7. 记下;放下________________________________; 9. 故意_____________________________________; 11. 在黄昏时刻______________________________; 13. 不再…___________________________________; 15. 从…中恢复过来___________________________; 17. 将…装箱打包_____________________________; 19. 相爱;爱上_______________________________; 21. 参加;加入_______________________________; 23. 松开了__________________________________; 25. 付钱;付款;买单__________________________; 27. 对(某人)重要_____________________________; 29. 笑话;取笑(某人)_________________________; 31. 在日记中________________________________; 33. 对…着迷;迷恋____________________________; 35. 深蓝色的天空____________________________; 37. 太多____________________________________; 39. 在楼上__________________________________; 41. 肮脏的窗帘______________________________; 43. 记日记;写日记___________________________; 45. 绑起来__________________________________; 47. 在公路上________________________________; 49. 说…的闲话;______________________________; 51. 与…交朋友_______________________________; 53. 给…一些建议_____________________________; 55. 过去的事件______________________________; 57. 试一试;尝试一下_________________________; 59. settle____________________________________; 2. 使…镇静下来______________________________; 4. 关心;挂念________________________________; 6. 经历;经受________________________________; 8. 一连串的;一系列的_______________________; 10. 为了____________________________________; 12. 面对面地________________________________; 14. 遭受…___________________________________; 16. 对…厌烦_________________________________; 18. 与…相处;进展____________________________; 20. 对(某人)表示感激________________________; 22. 度假____________________________________; 24. 被车撞了________________________________; 26. 考试作弊________________________________; 28. 最深的感受______________________________; 30. 在二战中________________________________; 32. 在藏身之处______________________________; 34. 与自然有关______________________________; 36. 保持醒着________________________________; 38. 碰巧____________________________________; 40. 下楼____________________________________; 42. 积满灰尘的窗子__________________________; 44. 列一个单,列出___________________________; 46. 没注意到________________________________; 48. 与…有麻烦;有矛盾________________________; 50. 与人交流________________________________; 52. 改变这种状况____________________________; 54. 喜欢与不喜欢的事情______________________; 56. 表达你的感受与想法______________________; 58. concern__________________________________; 60. tip______________________________________;


Unit 1 一. 单项填空 1.--- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that? --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told 2.There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while C. /; when D. /; while 3.It was because of bad weather __________ the football match had to be put off. A. so B. so that C. why D. that 4. --- Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it ________ purpose. ---That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _________ accident. A. on; by B. by; by C. on; on D. by; on 5. What great trouble we had ___________ where his house was. A. in finding B. to find C. find D. found 6.Some students have trouble _____ grammar while others have difficulty______ new words. A. in; remember B. for; to remember C. on; remembering D. with; remembering 7. I cannot spend ________ money on the car which is ________ expensive for me. A. too much; much too B. far too; too much C. much too; too much D. too many; much too 8. catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning. A. In order to B. In order that C. So as to D. So that 9. There are altogether 6 people in the room, the baby________. A. include B. including C. included D. to include 10. The manager of the factory told us that very little ______ was made of the waste material in the past. A. cost B. value C. use D. matter 11. There is no ______ swimming-pool in this school and the students often go to swim ______. A. indoors; outdoors B. indoor; outdoor C. indoor; outdoors D. indoor; indoors 12. It is the first time that I _______ this kind of moon cake. A. enjoyed B. have enjoyed C. enjoy D. enjoying 13. When was it _____ your mother showed you around the West Lake ? A. until B. if C. which D. that 14. In the reading room, we found her _______ at a desk, with her attention ______ on a book. A. sitting; fixing B. to sit; fixed C. seating; fixing D. seated; fixed 15. I’m glad you’ve come; I am _______ telephoning you. A. at the point of B. to the point of C. on the point of D. in the point of 二:完型 You Did More Than Carry My Books Mark was waking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark 16 down and helped the boy pick up these articles. _17 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark _18 the boy’s name was Bill, that he 19 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of _20 with his other subjects and that he had just broken 21 with his girlfriend. 1


Unit 5 Ⅰ单词 Quality 质量,品质,性质;warm-hearted热心肠的;mean吝啬的,自私的,卑鄙的;active积极的,活跃的;generous慷慨的,大方的;easy-going随和的,宽容大方的;selfish自私的;selfless无私的,忘我的;devote现身,专心于,devoted忠实的,深爱的;invader侵略者;found建立,建设;republic 共和国,共和政体;principle法则,原则,原理;nationalism民族主义,国家主义;livelihood生计,谋生;peaceful和平的,平静的,安静的;giant巨大的,庞大的;leap 飞跃,跳跃;mankind人类;lawyer律师;guidance指导,领导;fee 会费,酬金;out of work失业;hopeful怀有希望的;youth青年时期;league同盟,联盟,联合会;stage舞台,阶段,时期;vote投票,选举;attack进攻,攻击,抨击;violence暴力,暴行;as a matter of fact 事实上;blow up使充气,爆炸;equal相等的,平等的;in trouble; willing 自愿的,乐意的;unfair 不公正的,不公平的;turn to致力于,求助于;quote引用语,语录;release释放,发行;lose heart丧失信心或勇气;escape逃脱,逃走,泄漏;blanket毛毯,毯子;educate教育,训练,educated受过教育的,有教养的;come to power当权,上台; beg 乞求,请求;relative亲戚,亲属;reward报酬,奖金,酬劳,奖赏;terror恐怖,可怕的人,恐怖时期,恐怖活动;cruelty残忍,残酷;set up建设,建立;sentence判决,宣判;president总统,会长,校长;opinion意见,建议,看法,主张

人教版高中英语必修一翻译 打印版

UNIT 1 Anne’s best friend 你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?或者你是不是担 心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢? 安妮弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是她就把日记当成了她 最好的朋友。安妮在第二次世界大战期间住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。她一 家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则他们就会被德国纳粹 抓去。她和她的家人躲藏了二十五个月之后才被发现。在这段时间里, 她唯一的忠实朋友就是她的日记了。她说,“我不愿像大多数人那样在 日记中记流水账。我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把我这个朋友称 作基蒂”。 安妮从1942年七月起就躲藏在那里了,现在来看看他当时 的心情吧。 1944年6月15日,星期四 亲爱的基蒂: 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一 切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。我记得非常清楚,以前,湛 蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。自 从我来到这里,这一切都变了。 …比方说,有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到 11点半故意不睡 觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打 开窗户。还有一次,就在五个月以前的一个晚上,我碰巧在楼 上,窗户是开着的。我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。漆 黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了。这 是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚… 不幸的是……我只能透过那满是灰尘的窗帘下那脏兮兮的窗 户看看大自然。只能隔着窗户看那大自然实在没意思,因为大自 然是需要真正体验的东西。 Using Language 亲爱的王小姐: 现在我同班上的同学有些麻烦事。我跟我们班里的一位男同学一直相处的很好。我们常常一起做家庭作业,而且很乐意互相帮助。我们成了真正好朋友。可是,其他同学却在背后议论起来,他们说我和这位男同学在谈恋爱,这使我很生气。我不想中断这段友谊,但是,我又讨厌人家背后说闲话。我该怎么办呢?


人教版高中英语必修1 第一单元测试卷1 (完卷时间:120分钟,满分100分) 第I卷(选择题) 第一部分:听力(共两节,共20分) 第一节(共5小题,每题1分,共5分) 1. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A shop. B. Body language. C. A picture. 2. What is the man doing? A.He is asking for information. B. He is having an interview. C. He is filling out a form. 3. What does the man mean? A. He has already visited the museum. B. he will go to the museum with the woman. C. H is too busy to go with the woman. 4. What did the man offer the woman? A. A raincoat. B. A ticket. C. A ride. 5. What do we learn from the conversation? A. The woman insists on going out. B. The woman doesn’t like going out. C. The man is too tired to go out. 第二节(共15小题,每题1分,共15分) 听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。 6. How much cheaper is the bus fare than the plane fare? A. $44. B. $14. C. $30. 7. What can we know about Aunt Edith from the conversation? A. She is middle-aged. B. Her figure is not good. C. Her hair is black. 8.When does the conversation take place? A. At 10:15. B. At 10:10. C. At 10:20. 听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。 9. What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Schoolmates. C. Father and daughter. 10. What does the woman’s mother expect her to do? A.W ork in France. B. Live in France. C. Go to university in France. 11. What is the man’s father? A.A teacher. B. A professional football player. C. A professional basketball player. 听第8段材料,回答第12-14题。 12. W hat’s wrong with the man? A.He has twisted his foot. B. He has broken his foot. C. He can’t move his foot up and down . 13. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Doctor and patient. C. Classmates.


Teaching Plan Unit1 Friendship 教材人教版高中英语必修一 试讲者李瑶单位新疆师范大学 适用年级高中一年级单元第一单元 课题Anne’s Best Friend 课时共五课时,第二课时 ( Reading) 一.教材分析 Analysis of the Teaching Materials This unit is the first unit of the senior English studying which talks about friendship.As for the students, at the beginning of senior school life, making new friends is one of important things for them now,so the topic of this unit is appropriate at the present time. It can easily stimulate students’interests in English learning and help students think how to choose friends and the meaning of the friendship. The reading passage is the center of the unit. It mainly talks about the Anna , a Jewish girl , during the world war II, regarded the diary as her best friend to express her happiness, sorrow and missing to her hometown. 二.学情分析 Analysis of the Students As the students, grade1of senior high school,they have the basic abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing,but they still need more chances to practice what they have learnt and improve their ability of communicating with others and expressing their ideas fluently and accurately. Meanwhile,it is also necessary to develop their autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning ability, as well cultivate the awareness of cultural differences. 三. 教学目标 Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objectives 1.Get students to know the main content of this article. 2.Learn about the formats of a diary. 2.Ability Objectives 1.Develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on. 2.Summarize different paragraphs. 3.Emotion Objectives


高一年级英语Unit3单元质量检测试题参赛试卷 宝鸡石油中学高莉虹 第I卷 第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分50 分) 第一节语音知识(共5小题;每题1分,满分5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线读音相同的选项。 1.aware A.fare B.admire C.fear D.hear https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d6140660.html,ernor https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d6140660.html,pare B. tongue C. movemen D.motto 3.surface A.face B.base C.necklace D.mistake 4.enough A.ought B.through C light D. .rough 5.recently A.electric B.frequent C.regret D.remind 第二节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 6. _____ his arrival at the airport, he was arrested by _____ police. A. By; the B. In; a C. On; the D. With; 不填 7. It’s important for us to use a word or phrase according to the _____ in language studies. A. situation B. translation C. expression D. condition 8.-It is a long time _____ I saw you last. -Yes. And it will be a time _____ we see each other again. A. when; before B. after; when C. since; before D. before; since 9. A Chinese satellite is expected to orbit Mars in 2010, _____ an agreement the country signed with Russia on Monday. A. instead of B. in spite of C. as a result D. thanks to 10. It was not until he got home _____ Mr. Brown realized he had left his keys in his office. A. that B. when C. where D. before 11. When _____, the new school buildings can hold as many as 10,000 students. A. being completed B. completed C. to be completed D. is completed 12.-Who are the teenagers gathering at the school gate? -Well, if you _____ know, they are all my visiting students. A. shall B. can C. may D. must 13. _____ is known to us all is that the old scientist, for_____ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties. A. As; whom B. What; whom C. It; whose D. As; whose 14. The workers are so _____ to the noise of the machine that they don’t even notice it during their work. A. accustomed B. subjective C. familiar D. associated 15. Years ago we didn’t know this, but recent science _____ that people who don’t sleep well soon get ill. A. showed B. has shown C. will show D. is showing 16. The doctor would allow him to go home _____ he remained in bed. A. as though B. for fear that C. on condition that D. as far as


学案相关错题汇总(必修一) 1.________ it is to jump into cool water on a hot summer day! A.How a fun B.How fun C.What a fun D.What fun 答案: 解析: 2. I am moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than ________ in the city. A.ones B.one C.that D.those 答案: 解析: 3. I don’t think this park can be finished by the end of this month,________? A.do I B.don’t I C.can it D.can’t it 答案: 解析: 4..That girl ________Ann was an orphan.She lost her parents in a car accident. A.calling herself B.called C.who was called D.all the above 答案: 解析: 5. Mr. Smith is sure to be ________ as his father. A.as good a worker B.so a good worker C.as a good worker D.a as good worker 答案: 解析: 6. The thing that________ is not whether you fail or not,but whether you try or not. A.matters B.cares C.considers D.minds 答案: 解析: 7. The students are busy making preparations for the lecture because they will ________ the competition. A.attend B.join C.take part in D.attend to 答案: 解析: 8. By the time the police arrived,the thief ________. A.had disappeared B.was disappeared C.had been disappeared D.has disappeared 答案: 解析:


高中英语学习材料 ***鼎尚图文理制作*** 高一英语综合试题 第一节:单项填空: 1. I can well remember that there was a time __________ a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. A. which B. where C. when D. that 2. So why has English changed ________ time? Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other. A. beyond B. within C. over D. across 3. Today the number of people learning English in China ________ rapidly. A. is increasing B. are increasing C. has increased D. increases 4. The open-air celebration has been put off ________ the bad weather. A. in case of B. in spite of C. instead of D. because of 5._________ all the numbers and you will know the result. A. Add B. Add to C. Add up D. Add up to 6. These T-shirts look wonderful. I wonder ____________. A. how much do they cost B. how much they cost C. how much are they cost D. how much cost they 7. Mr. Gordan seems to be doing nothing, but ________he is waiting for his chance. A. actually B. gradually C. naturally D. finally 8. It was in New Zealand ________ Elizabeth first met Mr. smith. A. that B. how C. which D. when 9. --- I’m sorry. I _________ at you the other day. --- Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. A. shouldn’t shout B. shouldn’t have shouted C. mustn’t shout D. mustn’t have shouted 10. Alexander tried to get his work _________ in the medical circles. A. to recognize B. recognizing C. recognize D. recognized 11. --- I think he is taking an active part in social work. --- I agree with you ________. A. in a way B. in the way C. by the way D. on the way 12. --- Have you ever been here before? --- This is the first time I _________ to the Great Wall. A. comes B. have come C. came D. had come 13. There is no way that we can _________ all the papers in such a short time. We need another two days to finish all of them. A. go through B. bring out C. see off D. make out 14. There is __________ in the world. A. no such person B. no such a person C. not such people D. no so person 15. More than one _________ the people heart and soul.


文档贡献:smysl 必修一 Unit 1 Friendship 1)be good to 对….友好 2)add up 合计 3)get sth done 使…被做 4)calm down 镇定下来 5)have got to 不得不 6)be concerned about 关心;挂念 7)make a list of 列出 8)share sth with sb 和某人分享某物 9)go through 经历;仔细检查 10)hide away 躲藏;隐藏 11)set down 放下;记下 12) a series of 一系列;一套 13)be crazy about 对…着迷 14)on purpose 故意 15)in order to/ so as to 为了 16)face to face 面对面地 17)according to 按照;根据…所说 18)get along with 与…相处 19)pack up 收拾,打理行装 20)have trouble with sb/sth 同某人闹意见; 做…有困难 21)fall in love 相爱 22)try out 试验;试用 23)join in 参加(活动) 24)communicate with sb 和…交留 25)look to sth 注意,留心某事 26)cheat sb (out) of sth 骗取某人某物 27)have the/a habit of doing sth 有做…的 习惯 28)be ignorant of 无知的 Unit2 English around the world 1)in…ways 在…方面 2)be different from 与…不同 3)play a role/ part (in) 在…中起作用;扮 演一个角色;参与 4)play an important role/part在..中起重要 作用 5)because of 因为;由于 6)such as 例如 7)come up (vi) 走进;上来;发生;被讨 论 8)come up with 提出e 9)at the end of 在…末期 10)even if/ though 即使 11)be based on 在...基础上 12)close to 距离…近 13)make (good/ full) use of (好好/充分) 利用 14)change…into 把…变成 15)the same…as 与…相同的 16)at present 目前 17)as a rule 通常;照例 18)be present at 在席;出席 19)carry out a rule 执行规则 20)be absent from 缺席 21)provide sth to sb / provide sb with sth给 某人提供某物 22)at sb’s request 应某人的要求 23)have a command of掌握 24)give commands 命令 25)request that …(should)+v原形 26)in one direction 朝一个方向 27)as we know 正如我们所知 Unit3 Travel Journal 1)dream of/ about doing sth 梦想做某事 2)graduate from 从…毕业 3)persuade sb not to do sth= persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事 4)get sb interested in 使某人对… 感兴趣 5)insist on (one’s) sth/ doing sth 一定要; 坚持要 6)the best way of doing sth/ the best way to do sth 干某事的最好办法 7)attitude to/ toward(s) 对…态度 8)care about 忧虑,关心care for喜欢, 照顾 9)change one’s mind 改变主意 10)to my mind = in my opinion我的观点 11)make up one’s mind to do 决心干某事
