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会议记录英文范文1 Meeting record

Project name: talk about the PowerPoint

Date of meeting: May 18,012

Minutes prepared by: Zhang Huizhuan

Charge time to:0 minutes

1. Purpose of the meeting

Make the PowerPoint for the topic of business results, and definite the role of the whole presentation

. Attendance at meeting

Zhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Yajun Zhen Peipei Chen Na Liu Dan Niu Pu

. Meeting agenda

(1) Talk about the member’s order of giving the presentation

(2) Definite the part of every member

(3) Rehearse the presentation and control the time

and order of the whole presentation

. Meeting notes, decision, issues

Everyone has her task.

Give the prefect logo of the company;

Zhang Huizhuan are the first spokeswoman,who is prepared for the first part of introduction,

Niu Pu will introduce the company;

Qiu Min and other three members give a small talk; Li Yajun shows the product and Chen Na shows the sales chart.

Group:dream sky

会议记录英文范文2 Meeting record

Project name: make the report

Date of meeting: May 13,012

Minutes prepared by: Zhang Huizhuan

Charge time to:0 minutes

1. Purpose of the meeting

Finish the topic of business results and give the report

. Attendance at meeting

Zhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Yajun Zhen Peipei Chen Na Liu Dan Niu Pu

. Meeting agenda

(1) Definite the responsibility of every member

(2) Talk about how to write the report

(3) Make the report to the whole one

. Meeting notes, decision, issues

Niu Pu is in charge for the introduction;

Chen Na and Li Yajun is in charge for ananlysis the chart for sales and market;

The others of the group are responsible for the talk about how to describe the business results

Zhang Huizhuan makes the conclusion; give the chart for the topic and the whole order of the report.

Group: dream sky

会议记录英文范文3 COMPANY

Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on Wednesday, April,00at 10:1A.M. in the The Company



1. Apologies for absence

. Minutes of the meetings held on March,009. Points arising from minutes as read

. Report by the Chairman( a copy of the report is

attached to this agenda). Resolution or Motion

. Date of next meeting

. To transact any other business that may come before the meeting Minutes of the monthly meeting of a board of directors

Minutes of the Board of Directors of the XYZ Company held on Wednesday, april3,009, at 10:1A.M. in the company boardroom. Chairman John Brown presided.

PRESENT: Brad Schaffner (Harvard), Cathy Zeljak (George Washington), Brian Baird (H. F. Group), Diana Brooking (Washington), Adam Burling (ACRL), Jackie Byrd (Indiana), Jared Ingersoll (Columbia), Sandra Levy (Chicago), Dan Pennell (Pittsburgh), Janice Pilch (Illinois), Emily Ray (Yale), Kay Sinnema (Library of Congress), Andy Spencer (Wisconsin), David Woodruff (Getty Research Institute).

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from Rina Dollinger and Alfred Kessel.

MINUTES: The minutes of the March,009, meeting were read by the secretary and approved.

REPORT BY CHAIRMAN: The Chairman reported that he had met Mr. Nathan Rosenberg concerning XYZ’s interests
