

请大家在50 分钟之内,按医学博士英语统考命题作文的要求写一篇250词的作文。中途不得查词典、不得百度,要模拟自己是在考试,逼一逼自己,写不出来也要硬写。


Directions:For this part, you are allowed 50 minutes to write a short essay on how to rebuild a healthy doctor-patient relationship. You should write at least 250 words but no more than 300 words. Write your essay on the Answer Sheet.

作文题: How to rebuild a healthy doctor-patient relationship

Three topic ideas:

1. 中国医患关系的现状

2. 医患关系紧张的原因

3. 重建良好医患关系的对策


“医患关系”对应的英文是 patient-doctor relationships,“医患纠纷”就是 patient-doctor disputes,也可以说 medical disputes。“紧张的医患关系”可用 tense/strained patient-doctor relationships 来表示。


“In recent years, a number of medical disputes that have escalated into attacks on medical staff members have been reported across the country.”


句中的medical dispute 就是指“医疗纠纷”,而且有纠纷已经升级成了刑事案件(criminal case)。近年来,tensions between doctors and patients(医患矛盾)引发的暴力事件频发,应引起足够重视。

由此还衍生出了一个新的英文单词——Yi Nao, 这个词作为来自中文的一个英文中的外来词,已被不少词典收录。维基百科也收录了这个词条,


The phenomenon of Yi Nao has been identified as a contributing factor in violence against medical personnel. Yi Nao has been increasing in recent years.


These disputes can take various forms, including the display of corpses at a hospital(在医院展示死者尸体), the blockade of a hospital entrance(封堵医院大门), the destruction of property (破坏医院设施), attacks against health professionals(袭击医护人员), and in some cases, the employment of gangs by patients’families in order to pressure medical institutions(给医疗结构施压) for more compensation(来获得更多赔偿) in instances of malpractice(治疗不当).

频发的袭医事件(attacks on medical workers)引发了公众对于医务人员及安全问题的热烈讨论。有人认为,要彻底改善医患关系,需要进一步加快医疗体制改革(patient-doctor relationships),改进医保体制(improving medical insurance system)等。



Violence against doctors in China has become a familiar occurrence.

China is no stranger to hospital brawls.

Violence against medical staff has made headlines in recent years, underscoring strained doctor-patients in China.

Medical professionals across China are increasingly becoming victims ofphysical violence at the hands of disgruntled patients.

Medical conflicts and disputes erupted in the county hospitals every month. Rising numbers of health professionals have experienced verbal or physical violence from patients.

Violence against doctors and other medical practitioners in China has been reported as an increasing problem.

In recent years, disputes between doctors and patients in China have been increasingly common, resulting in frequent bouts of ”verbal violence”, physical altercates and even severe injuries and death in the most extreme cases.

As China’s health sector has become increasingly commercialized, conflicts between patients and doctors have been escalating, sometimes even erupting in violence against health professionals.


Even worse, the attacks have already been shown to severely dampen the morale of doctors.

Violence against doctors has been cited as one reason for a decrease in the popularity of medicine as a profession.

In most western countries, medicine is a profession that guarantees prestige, high salaries—and the approval of parents who love to brag about “my child the doctor”. But in China, the reverse is increasingly true: doctors are ill-paid, overworked and maligned or—while many parents would prefer that they became bankers instead. Even Chinese doctors overwhelmingly prefer their children not to follow them into the profession.


There is a severe shortage of medical resources in China.

In recent years, some patients have resorted to violent attacks when they are not satisfied with the medical services received.

Doctors are often blamed if a patient fails to recover or dies—even if the ailment is terminal and no malpractice has occurred.

Historical precedent, culture and economics all factor into creating the realitythat is today’s doctor-patient relationship.

In some cases, doctors charged with saving lives are having their own cut short—murdered in cold blood over financial concerns, unhappiness with the quality of treatment, or the unfortunate death of a loved one who was under their care.

The root cause of these tragedies may correlated with the surprisingly low opinion many Chinese have of doctors—considered among the most prestigious and respectable professions in Western societies.

Social conflict, loss of trust, and unbalanced demand and supply of medical resources underlie the rise in violence.

Violence may stem from patient dissatisfaction with care, costs associated with insurance premiums, unrealistic expectations, and overworked and underpaid hospital staff, as well as the rising cost of health care due to the government’s inability

to subsidize hospital operations. Lack of a third-party formal dispute resolution system in many hospitals has been suggested as a factor, and the acceptance of bribes or good-faith money in the form of red packets has been implicated. Media coverage, and a lack of health literacy amongst the Chinese population, who may often seek unnecessary high-level care, have also been implicated.


The increased violence has drawn widespread attention from the public, who have called for more effective solutions.

Enough awareness must be attached to the severity and complexity ofmedical dispute in China.

A spate of attacks on doctors and nurses in the past two years has prompted the health ministry to provide better security at hospitals.

The government needs to invest more funds to improve the healthcare

sector, especially because it is still very difficult for poor people to get proper medical care. The lack of medical facilities for the lower-income group has led to many conflicts for which doctors have been blamed.

The Chinese police should crack down on hospital-related crimes and show zero tolerance to perpetrators who assault and injure medical personnel.

The government is currently working on reforming the medical industry, including breaking the tie between the doctor’s income and the hospital’s profitability. The hope is that this action will go far toward improving doctor-patient trust.

The safety improvements did raise their sense of safety but does not tacklethe fundamental problems that cause strained relationships between doctors and patients.


医患关系主题的英语作文范文 请大家在50 分钟之内,按医学博士英语统考命题作文的要求写一篇250词的作文。中途不得查词典、不得百度,要模拟自己是在考试,逼一逼自己,写不出来也要硬写。 Writing(20%) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 50 minutes to write a short essay on how to rebuild a healthy doctor-patient relationship. You should write at least 250 words but no more than 300 words. Write your essay on the Answer Sheet. 作文题: How to rebuild a healthy doctor-patient relationship Three topic ideas: 1. 中国医患关系的现状 2. 医患关系紧张的原因 3. 重建良好医患关系的对策 审题指导与分析

“医患关系”对应的英文是 patient-doctor relationships,“医患纠纷”就是 patient-doctor disputes,也可以说 medical disputes。“紧张的医患关系”可用 tense/strained patient-doctor relationships 来表示。 近几年中国伤医杀医事件屡见报端,外媒对中国的医患关系、医疗纠纷也十分关注,常有报道。比如: “In recent years, a number of medical disputes that have escalated into attacks on medical staff members have been reported across the country.” 据报道,近些年很多医疗纠纷已经演化成了对医护人员的人身攻击。 句中的medical dispute 就是指“医疗纠纷”,而且有纠纷已经升级成了刑事案件(criminal case)。近年来,tensions between doctors and patients(医患矛盾)引发的暴力事件频发,应引起足够重视。 由此还衍生出了一个新的英文单词——Yi Nao, 这个词作为来自中文的一个英文中的外来词,已被不少词典收录。维基百科也收录了这个词条,

英语作文 医患关系

医患关系作为社会系统的重要组成部分,在创建互助友爱的卫生环境中起着先导性和基础性的作用。但当前医患关系却不容乐观,因社会,伦理道德等因素的影响,各种医患矛盾正在成为阻碍构建和谐社会的主要问题之一。近年来,医患关系的紧张引起了人们的普遍关注。为了让医学回归“医本仁术”的本性,缓解紧张的医患关系,我有以下几点看法。 As an important component of the social system ,physician—patient relationship plays a guiding and fundamental role in creating a harmonious healthcare environment 。However ,due to certain social ,ethical and moral factors ,the current physician—patient relationship is not favorable ,and various contradictions in physician—patient relationship are becoming barriers in building up a harmonious society 。In recent years ,the tense relationship between doctors and patients has caused extensive concern 。In order to enable medicine return to its“merciful”nature and relieve the tension of relationship between doctors and patients,there’re several points as follows 。 首先,重建医患信任。信任是建立良好医患关系的基础。第二,加强医患沟通。医生与病人的有效沟通与交流是诊疗实践的重要技术,它在对病人病情的认识,治疗和康复中都起着十分重要的作用。第三,通过建立积极的医院形象包括医疗服务,质量和环境来发展新型的医患关系。医院必须尽可能提高医务人员技术水平和业务素质,确保医疗安全。第四,倡导健康的医院文化,促进医德医风建设。最后一点,弘扬中华民族传统医学人文关怀的优秀思想,开展具有人文精神的“人性化服务”:尊重、关爱、服务病人。 First ,reestablish doctor—patient trust relationship 。Trust is the basis for constructing a good physician—patient relationship 。Secondly ,strengthen the communication between doctors and patients 。Communication between doctors and patients is the important skill for learning sickness ,treatment and rehabilitation 。Third ,develop new harmonious physician—patient relationship by creating positive hospital image of medical service ,quality and environment 。Hospitals should try their best to increase the medical skills and occupational qualities of their staffs to assure the safety of medical work.。Fourth ,initiate healthy hospital culture and promote medical ethics and style 。Finally,advance and enrich the ideology of Chinese traditional Medical Humanities Concern 。It should develop humanistic service ,which includes respecting ,caring for and serving the patients 。 化解医患矛盾,构建和谐医患关系,不仅需要医患双方的努力,还需要社会的支持。同样,社会也应把医患关系的构建作为自身健全发展的一个重要任务。 To relieve physician—patient conflicts and construct a harmonious physician—patient relationship need not only the efforts of both sides but also the support of the society 。Similarly ,the society should regard the building of physician—patient relationship as a significant task in self—improvement and development 。


医患关系英语作文 Title: The Doctor-Patient Relationship: A Case for Harmony In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of healthcare, the doctor-patient relationship remns a cornerstone of effective medical care. This relationship, however, is often a source of friction and misunderstanding, with both parties feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Could it be that we have lost sight of the true purpose of the doctor-patient relationship? To understand the essence of the doctor-patient relationship, we must first look at it from the patient's perspective. Patients seek medical attention to address their health issues, often feeling vulnerable and powerless in the face of a potential illness or disease. They want a doctor who listens, who cares, and who can offer a sense of security in times of need. Patients want trustworthy medical advice that is tailored to their specific needs. Now, let's shift gears and look at the doctor's perspective. Doctors are trained to diagnose and treat illnesses, often at


With the improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to their body health. They think their body health is the most important thing, so when they go to hospital they will become very sensitive. But hospitals can’t do everything and not all patients can be cured well. Thus, the arguments between patients and doctors won’t be voided. Why the relationship between doctors and patients has become more and more unavoidable? I think it has four causes. Firstly, the doctors and patients often lack good communication. Some doctors’attitude is so bad that it makes patients uncomfortable. Secondly, patients always think the hospital charge high fees. The doctors always let them to do some examinations, which are not necessary. There is lack of trust between patients and doctors. Thirdly, when a patient died in the hospital , the family members would gather in or outside the hospital to ask much more compensation. However, the hospital didn’t want to pay that it. Finally, there is no denying that some doctors’ professional skills is very poor, and let patients do some unnecessary examination to earn more money. So these are cause the relationship between doctors and patients become more and more tense. How shall we build good human relationship between doctors and patients? The government should increase investment in public health. Doctors and patients should follow the object law of medical science. Medicine can’t do everything. The most important is the doctors and patients should trust each other. So as a medical student, I wish the relationship between doctors and patients will become more and more harmonious.


2019年12月英语四级作文答案范文:医患关系【文 都版】 【题目】 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 【参考范文】 Recent years, the relationship between doctors and patients has been a heated topic. However, with the increasingly serious physician-patient relationship, it is important to find out some ways to solve the problem. Therefore, some measures mentioned below are the most important aspects that we should take into consideration. On the one hand, it is indispensable that communication between doctor and patients should be strengthened due to the the fact that doctor-patient communication can be seen as a bridge of two-way communication between doctors and patients, which is beneficial for them to improve their relationship. As a matter of fact, although sometimes there are some defects in medical infrastructure, patients can make allowance for them friendly for their good relationship. On the other hand, the most important character doctor should have is professional ethics that is the foremost way to gain trust from patients.


In recent years, the tense relationship between doctors and patients has caused extensive concern. As one important component of the social system. Physician-patients relationship plays a guiding and fundamental role in creating a harmonious healthcare environment. But the gap between the two groups is increasing and the disharmony between them happens regularly. With the improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to their body health. They think their body health is the most important thing, so when they go to hospital they will become very sensitive. But hospitals can't do everything and not all patients can be cured well. Thus, the arguments between patients and doctors won 't be voided. Why the relationship between doctors and patients has become more and more unavoidable? I think it has four causes. Firstly, the doctors and patients often lack good communication. Some doctors attitude is so bad that it makes patients uncomfortable. Secondly, patients always think the hospital charge high fees. The doctors always let them to do some examinations, which are not necessary. There is lack of trust between patients and doctors. Thirdly, when a patient died in the hospital , the family members would gather in or outside the hospital to ask much more compensation. However, the hospital didn 't want to pay that it. Finally, there is no denying that some doctors p'rofessional skills is very poor, and let patients do some unnecessary examination to earn more money. So these are cause the relationship between doctors and patients become more and more tense. How shall we build good human relationship between doctors and patients? The government should increase investment in public health. Doctors and patients should follow the object law of medical science. Medicine can 'tdo everything. The most important is the doctors and patients should trust each other. So as a medical student, I wish the relationship between doctors and patients will become more and more harmonious.


医患关系主题的英语作文范文(1) The Importance of Doctor-Patient Relationship In recent years, the relationship between doctors and patients has become increasingly complicated. The deteriorating doctor-patient relationship has become a hot topic of discussion in society. To address this issue, it's important to analyze why the doctor-patient relationship has reached such a critical point, and how to improve it. Firstly, the reasons for the current doctor-patient relationship include the lack of trust between the two parties. Patients don't fully understand the medical treatment they are receiving, which leads to confusion and distrust. On the other hand, doctors fail to communicate clearly with patients and provide accurate and impartial medical advice. Moreover, some doctors may overcharge their patients for treatments they don't need, which is a significant factor that exacerbates the problem. To improve the doctor-patient relationship, both doctors and patients need to take action. Doctors should be more empathetic when communicating with patients and provide clear and impartial medical advice. They should also be transparent about medical costs and explain clearly what each treatment is for. Patients should try to understand medical knowledge and follow the doctor's advice. They should also avoid blindly trusting doctors and investigate their medical


医患关系英语作文模板 The doctor-patient relationship is a crucial aspect of the healthcare system, and it plays a significant role in determining the quality of care and patient satisfaction. Building a strong and positive doctor-patient relationship is essential for effective communication, trust, and cooperation. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of the doctor-patient relationship and provide a template for writing an English essay on this topic. The doctor-patient relationship is built on mutual trust, respect, and understanding. It is essential for patients to feel comfortable and confident in discussing their health concerns with their doctors. Likewise, doctors must listen to their patients with empathy and provide them with the information and support they need to make informed decisions about their health. A positive doctor-patient relationship can lead to better health outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and improved adherence to treatment plans. When writing an English essay on the topic of the doctor-patient relationship, it is important to start with a strong introduction that captures the reader's attention and provides a clear overview of the importance of this relationship. The introduction should also include a thesis statement that presents the main argument or idea that will be discussed in the essay. In the body of the essay, it is important to provide evidence and examples to support the thesis statement. This may include discussing the impact of a positive doctor-patient relationship on patient outcomes, the role of effective communication in building trust, and the ethical considerations involved in providing patient-centered care. It is also important to address potential challenges or barriers to building a strong doctor-patient relationship and propose strategies for overcoming them. In the conclusion of the essay, it is important to summarize the main points and reiterate the importance of the doctor-patient relationship. This is also an opportunity to provide recommendations for improving the doctor-patient relationship in the healthcare


医患关系英文作文 篇一:英语作文医患关系 医患关系作为社会系统的重要组成部分,在创建互助友爱的卫 生环境中起着先导性和基础性的作用。但当前医患关系却不容乐 观,因社会,伦理道德等因素的影响,各种医患矛盾正在成为阻 碍构建和谐社会的主要问题之一。近年来,医患关系的紧张引起 了人们的普遍关注。为了让医学回归“医本仁术”的本性,缓解 紧张的医患关系,我有以下几点看法。 As an important component of the social system ,physician— patient relationship plays a guiding and fundamental role in creating a harmonious healthcare environment 。However ,due to certain social ,ethical and moral factors ,the current physician—patient relationship is not favorable ,and various contradictions in physician—patient relationship are becoming barriers in building up a harmonious society 。In recent years ,the tense relationship between doctors and patients has caused extensive concern 。In order to enable medicine return to its“merciful”nature and relieve the tension of relationship between doctors and patients,there’re several points as follows 。 首先,重建医患信任。信任是建立良好医患关系的基础。第二, 加强医患沟通。医生与病人的有效沟通与交流是诊疗实践的重要 技术,它在对病人病情的认识,治疗和康复中都起着十分重要的


医患关系主题的英语作文范文-V1 The doctor-patient relationship is a topic that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, especially in China where it has become a nationwide issue. In this article, we will explore the causes of the strained doctor-patient relationship, its consequences and some solutions to improve it. Causes of the strained doctor-patient relationship: 1. Communication barriers: Many patients complain that doctors are not attentive enough, do not listen carefully or explain the diagnosis and treatment in simple terms that they can understand. 2. Low doctor-patient trust: Patients often have little trust in doctors due to factors such as commercialization of medical services, medical malpractice and lack of accountability. 3. Systematic deficiencies: With the increasing demand for medical services and the shortage of medical resources, many patients find it hard to access medical care, causing long waiting times and high medical costs. Consequences of the strained doctor-patient relationship: 1. Medical disputes: Tensions between doctors and patients


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use In recent years, the tense relationship between doctors and patients has caused extensive concern. As one important component of the social system. Physician-patients relationship plays a guiding and fundamental role in creating a harmonious healthcare environment. But the gap between the two groups is increasing and the disharmony between them happens regularly. With the improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to their body health. They think their body health is the most important thing, so when they go to hospital they will become very sensitive. But hospitals can’t do everything and not all patients can be cured well. Thus, the arguments between patients and doctors won’t be voided. Why the relationship between doctors and patients has become more and more unavoidable? I think it has four causes. Firstly, the doctors and patients often lack good communication. Some doctors’attitude is so bad that it makes patients uncomfortable. Secondly, patients always think the hospital charge high fees. The doctors always let them to do some examinations, which are not necessary. There is lack of trust between patients and doctors. Thirdly, when a patient died in the hospital , the family members would gather in or outside the hospital to ask much more compensation. However, the hospital didn’t want to pay that it. Finally, there is no denying that some do ctors’ professional skills is very poor, and let patients do some unnecessary examination to earn more money. So these are cause the relationship between doctors and patients become more and more tense. How shall we build good human relationship between doctors and patients? The government should increase investment in public health. Doctors and patients should follow the object law of medical science. Medicine can’t do everything. The most important is the doctors and patients should trust each other. So as a medical student, I wish the relationship between doctors and patients will become more and more harmonious.


英语作文医患关系集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

医患关系作为社会系统的重要组成部分,在创建互助友爱的卫生环境中起着先导性和基础性的作用。但当前医患关系却不容乐观,因社会,伦理道德等因素的影响,各种医患矛盾正在成为阻碍构建和谐社会的主要问题之一。近年来,医患关系的紧张引起了人们的普遍关注。为了让医学回归“医本仁术”的本性,缓解紧张的医患关系,我有以下几点看法。 As an important component of the social system ,physician—patient relationship plays a guiding and fundamental role in creating a harmonious healthcare environment 。However ,due to certain social ,ethical and moral factors ,the current physician—patient relationship is not favorable ,and various contradictions in physician—patient relationship are becoming barriers in building up a harmonious society 。In recent years ,the tense relationship between doctors and patients has caused extensive concern 。In order to enable medicine return to its “merciful”nature and relieve the tension of relationship between doctors and patients,there’re several points as follows 。 首先,重建医患信任。信任是建立良好医患关系的基础。第二,加强医患沟通。医生与病人的有效沟通与交流是诊疗实践的重要技术,它在对病人病情的认识,治疗和康复中都起着十分重要的作用。第三,通过建立积极的医院形象包括医疗服务,质量和环境来发展新型的医患关系。医院必须尽可能提高医务人员技术水平和业务素质 ,确保医疗安全。第四,倡导健康的医院文化,促进医德医风建设。最后一点,弘扬中华民族传统医学人文关怀的优秀思想,开展具有人文精神的“人性化服务”:尊重、关爱、服务病人。 First ,reestablish doctor—patient trust relationship 。Trust is the basis for constructing a good physician—patient relationship 。Secondly ,strengthen the communication between
