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本文所讲的制度制度经济学是指以Rondld H. Coase 等为代表的新制度经济学。新制度经济学明确把交易成本引入研究的范围,把组织问题作为自己的研究对象,试图通过研究产权结构和交易成本对激励和经济行为的影响来拓展新古典理论的适用范围。





With the developing of the goods economics, brand is being one of the most important assets for a firm, even more important than the machine and factory building. But the theory about the problems such as brand’s nature still has not explained efficaciously. Theory is far away behind the practice. My article try to explain what the beand’s nature is and how it works, all the analysis is in the frame of Institutional Economics. The analysis mainly concern on the property structure and transaction costs.

Institutional Economics of my article is New Institutional Economics for which is standed by Rondld H. Coase and so on. New Institutional Economics take explicit

introduction of transaction costs into economic analysis, and take the organization as its research subject. New Institutional Economicstry to extend neoclassical theory by studying what the property structure and transaction costs affect the excitation and economic behaviour

Objectively, brand coming to reduce the transaction costs, nature of the brand must explain it. My article proves brand is a information carrier by analysing the concerste evidence, analyse the transmission process of the information and the problem about information costs, and point out its immediate sigificance. As a assets, brand may lack the excludability rights some times, I prove it make the market no-efficient in half back part of my article, and provide some measures to manage the brand in such condition in the fram of the New Institutional Economics according to the case.

Key words: brand; information carrier ;transaction costs







*Furubotn Eirik, and Rudolf Richter. 1991. “The New Institutional Economics: An Assessment,” in Eirik Furubotn and Rudolf Richter (eds.). The New Institutional Economic s. College Station: Texas A&M University Press.
