





Part I Listening (20%)

Section A (10%)

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and

the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause.

During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and

decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer

Sheet with a single line through the center.(请在答题卡上填涂作答)

1. A) Pay the three bills together. C) Stop paying the bills.

B) Phone the electric company. D) Make fewer telephone calls.

2. A) He is not willing to go to see the play.C) He thinks the theater will be too crowded.

B) He’s sorry he can’t go with the woman. D) He rarely goes to see an outdoor movie.

3. A) Both she and Bob will go there for dinner. C) She won’t go there for dinner.

B) She will go there for dinner without Bob. D) She will tell the man their decision later.

4. A) The man should buy a new car. C) The man should fly to Florida.

B) The car looks better than before. D) The man should get his car checked.

5. A) She also needs a new tennis racket.

B) Brian has just bought a tennis racket.

C) Brian didn’t pay back the money she lent him.

D) She can’t get Brian to play tennis.

6. A) They are tired of the trip. C) They want to take more trips.

B) The expense of the trip went up. D) The trip may be too expensive for them.

7. A) The exam was easier than the previous one.

B) Jane is sure that she will do better in the next exam.

C) Jane probably failed in the exam.

D) The oral part of the exam was easier than the written part.

8. A) He is tired of driving in heavy traffic.

B) H e doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good.

C) He is unhappy to have to drive such a long way every day.

D) H e enjoys it because he’s good at driving.

9. A) The exam was easier than the previous one.

B) Jane is sure that she will do better in the next exam.

C) Jane probably failed in the exam.

D) The oral part of the exam was easier than the written part.

10. A) He is tired of driving in heavy traffic.

B) H e doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good.

C) He is unhappy to have to drive such a long way every day.

D) H e enjoys it because he’s good at driving.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you

hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)

and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line

through the center. (请在答题卡上填涂作答)

Passage One

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. A) The British. B) The Indians.C) Peter Minuit.D) The Dutch.

12. A) Because of its people.C) Because of its location.

B) Because it is an old city.D) Because it has a great culture.

13. A) Its cultural attractions.C) Its Empire State Building.

B) Its tourist attractions.D) Its large population.

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. A) His father caught a serious disease.

B) His mother passed away.

C) His mother left him to marry a rich businessman.

D) His father took to drinking.

15. A) He disliked being disciplined. C) He was expelled by the university.

B) He couldn’t pay his gambling debts. D) He enjoyed working for a magazine.

16. A) His poems are heavily influenced by French writers.

B) His stories are mainly set in the State of Virginia.

C) His work is difficult to read.

D) His language is not refined.

17. A) He grieved to death over the loss of his wife.

B) He committed suicide for unknown reasons.

C) He was shot dead at the age of 40.

D) He died of heavy drinking.

Passage Three

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

18. A) Women. C) Prisoners.

B) Manual workers. D) School age children.

19. A) He taught his students how to pronounce the letters first.

B) He matched the letters with the sounds familiar to the learners.

C) He showed the learners how to combine the letters into simple words.

D) He divided the letters into groups according to the way they are written.

20. A) It can help people to become literate within a short time.

B) It was originally designed for teaching the English language.

C) It enables the learners to master a language within three months.

D) It is effective in teaching any alphabetical language to Brazilians.

Part II Blank Filling (15%)

Directions: In this section, there are 15 sentences with 15 blanks which are divided into 5 groups. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank. Read the sentences through carefully before making your choices. Y ou may not use any of the

words in the bank more than once. (请在答题卡上填涂作答)


Group 1

A. martial

B. withdraw

C. reluctantly

D. issue

21. I will cherish these days forever as I _____________ close the doors on my college life.

22. I want to take ____________ arts for my elective course.

23. There are so many choices of courses and subjects or time frames that completing a program is not a(n) ____________ for students anymore.

Group 2

A. register

B. commencement

C. triumph

D. approach

24.This was their last exam before they went on to ______________ and jobs.

25. “Distance Education has changed my life from tragedy to ____________,” she said.

26. Stu dents don’t have to struggle in order to ___________ for the classes they like.

Group 3

A. surrounded

B. gadget

C. abounded

D. certificate

27. Kelley McKee of Steelton, Pennsylvania, never had any intentions of taking Distance Education courses. She had already obtained a _____________ at a business school.

28. Maybe you can come up with an electronic ____________.

29. For the past four years I have been ____________ with a safety net.

Group 4

A. recapture

B. impress

C. contemplated

D. surveyed

30. I just want to ____________ upon you that, even though you have completed four years of engineering, there are still many things about the subject you don’t know.

31. She ____________ the worried faces before her, then asked: “How many completed all five questions?” Not a hand was raised.

32. I find myself wanting to start all over again and _____ the fun and excitement of my college days.

Group 5

A. circumstance

B. momentum

C. physical

D. vocational

33. The Internet classes and courses are also very convenient because there are no _________ restrictions as in conventional education like space and time limitations.

34. Can you handle delayed responses? Y ou may find that your _________ suffers without an immediate response to a question.

35. Kelley is thankful to her outstanding instructors and a number of student support services, including financial aid, disability services and ______________ rehabilitation.

Part III Error Correcting (10%)

Directions: The following sentences test your ability to recognize grammar and usage errors. Each sentence contains a single error. No sentence contains more than ONE error. The error is underlined and lettered. Select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence

correct. (请在答题卡上填涂作答)


36. The professor said they can bring any books or notes they wanted, requesting only that they


did not talk to each other during the test.


37. I was amused and almost laughed at the question, I gave an honest answer.


38. The typical classroom used to be the place which teachers and students were working


and exploring the wonderful world of knowledge together, but now everything has changed.


39. The team members work on the project meet every day to exchange their views.


40. The editor gave me a definite insurance that my article would be published next month.


41. As you know, that all the students are eager to learn English well.


42. Students should have the courages to face the problem in their studies.


43. The country found that its economy was growing more stronger with an improved outlook


and more opportunities for training and employment.


44. Ongoing research by several scientists suggest that regular periods of mediation reduce


blood pressure and are likely to contribute to other improvements in health.


45. The student didn’t quite understand the teacher’s point; however, he asked him to explain it.


Part IV Reading Comprehension (20%)

Directions:There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should

decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. (请在答题


Passage 1

In the primary school, a child is in a comparatively simple setting and most of the time forms a relationship with one familiar teacher. On entering secondary school, a new world opens up and frequently it is a much more difficult world. The pupil soon learns to be less free in the way he speaks to teachers and even to his fellow pupils. He begins to lose gradually the free and easy ways of the primary school, for he senses the need for a more cautious approach in the secondary school where there are older pupils. Secondary staff and pupils suffer from the pressures of academic work and seem to have less time to stop and talk. Teachers with specialist roles may see hundreds of children in a week, and a pupil may be able to form relationships with very few of the staff. He has to decide which adults are approachable; good schools will make clear to every young person from

the first year what guidance and personal help is available but whether the reality of life in the institution actually encourages requests for help is another matter.

Adults often forget what a confusing picture school can offer to a child. He sees a great deal of movement, a great number of people ― often rather frightening-looking people ― and realizes that an increasing number of choices and decisions have to be made. As he progresses through the school the confusion may become less but the choices and decisions required will increase. The school will rightly expect the pupil to take the first steps to obtain the help he needs, for this is the pattern of adult life for which he has to be prepared, but all the time the opportunities for personal and group advice must be presented in a way which makes them easy to understand and within easy reach of pupils.

46. According to the passage one of the problems for pupils entering secondary schools is that ____.

A. they are taught by many different teachers

B. they do not attend lessons in every subject

C. the teachers do not want to be friendly

D. the teachers give most attention to the more academic pupils

47. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Pupils will form relationships with old pupils rather than teachers.

B. The setting of the primary school is comparatively simpler than that of the secondary school.

C. All the teachers in the secondary school are rather frightening-looking.

D. Pupils have opportunities to get help from any teacher in the secondary school.

48. In secondary schools every pupil having problems should ____.

A. know how to ask for help

B. be free from any pressure of academic work

C. be able to discuss his problems in class

D. be able to discuss his problems with any teacher

49. In this passage about secondary schools, the author is mainly concerned about ____.

A. academic standards

B. the role of specialist teachers

C. the training of the individual teachers

D. the personal development of pupils

50. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The difference between the primary school and the secondary school.

B. The method that pupils get help from the teachers.

C. The personal development of the pupils in the secondary school.

D. The function of the secondary school.

Passage 2

If U.S. software companies don’t pay more attention to quality, they could kiss their business

good-bye. Both India and Brazil are developing a world-class software industry. Their weapon is quality and one of their jobs is to attract the top U. S. quality specialists whose voices are not listened to in their country.

Already, of the world’s 12 software houses that have earned the highest rating in the world, seven are in India. That’s largely because they have used new methodologies rejected by American software specialists. For example, for decades, quality specialists, W. Edwards Deming and J. M. Juran had urged U. S. software companies to change their attitudes to quality. But their quality call mainly fell on deaf ears in the U.S —but not in Japan. By the 1970s and 1980s, Japan was grabbing market share with better, cheaper products. They used Deming’s and Juran’s ideas to bring down the cost of good quality to as little as 5% of total production costs. In U. S. factories, the cost of quality then was 10 times as high: 50%. In software, it still is.

Watts S. Humphrey spent 27 years at IBM heading up software production and then quality assurance. But his advice was seldom paid attention to. He retired from IBM in 1986. In 1987, he worked out a system for assessing and improving software quality. It has proved its value time and again. For example, in 1990 the cost of quality at Raytheon Electronics Systems was almost 60% of total software production costs. It fell to 15% in 1996 and has since further dropped to below 10%.

Like Deming and Juran, Humphrey seems to be winning more praises overseas than at home. The Indian government and several companies have just founded the Watts Humphrey Software Quality Institute at the Software Technology Park in Chennai, India. Let’s hope that U. S. lead in software will not be eaten up by its quality problems.

51. What country has more highest-rating companies in the world than any other country has?

A. Germany.

B. The US.

C. Brazil.

D. India.

52. By what means did Japan grab its large market share by the 1970s and the 1980s?

A. Its products were cheaper in price and better in quality.

B. Its advertising was most successful.

C. The US hardware industry was lagging behind.

D. Japan hired a lot of Indian software specialists.

53. Which of the following statements about Humphrey is true?

A. He is now still an IBM employer.

B. He has worked for IBM for 37 years.

C. The US pays much attention to his quality advice.

D. India honors him highly.

54. What does the founding of the Watts Humphrey Software Quality Institute symbolize?

A. It symbolizes the US determination to move ahead with its software.

B. It symbolizes the Indian ambition to take the lead in software.

C. It symbolizes the Japanese efforts to solve the software quality problem.

D. It symbolizes the Chinese policy on importing software.

55. What is the writer worrying about?

A. Many US software specialists are working for Japan.

B. The quality problem has become a worldwide problem.

C. The US will no longer be the first software player in the world.

D. India and Japan are joining hands to compete with the US.

Part V Passage Completion (10%)

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with 5 blanks. You are required to select one sentence for each blank from a list of choices following. Read the passage through carefully before making

your choices. Y ou may not use any of the sentences in the bank more than once. (请在主观



Y our interaction with other people is an integral part of your college life in the United States. To make the most of it, get ready to introduce yourself in a positive way to fellow students, professors, and other people both on- and off-campus.

(56) ______________________________________________________. Orientation varies greatly from school to school, though the objectives are similar: to introduce the new non-U.S. students to each other, and to prepare you for campus life.

Many times, topics include immigration, academic advisors, computer and library resources, telephone services, public safety, medical services, banking options and department store shuttles so students can purchase items they need. During orientation, students often learn of upcoming activities such as trips to local points of attraction.

(57) ______________________________________________________. Many schools designate

a “Student Activities Center” where you may learn of different options, such as stu dent government, the newspaper staff, outdoor club, chorus, dance, and a number of athletic teams. Explore which ones may suit you best!

(58) ____________________________________: “I’ve made some great American friends on- and off-campus, as well as friends from all over the world; (59) _______________________. For example, last December, some American friends invited me out into the woods to help cut down their Christmas tree -- I had never done anything like that before!”

“When I meet new people, they’re always interested to know what it’s really like in Jamaica. That has made me think about my own country, so I could share more information with them. (60) _________________________________________________. So in many ways, a U.S. education means much m ore than sitting in a classroom and studying for a degree.”

A. U.S. College and university campuses abound with activities designed to foster friendships

B. If I never left home, I would not need to consider these things

C. they have taught me a lot

D.One of your first introductions to social life on a U.S. campus will most likely be “The International Student Orientation Program,” traditionally coordinated by the Admissions Office or the Office of International Programs

E. One international student describes his experiences

Part VI Translation (25%) (请在主观答题纸上作答)

Section A Translate the passage from English to Chinese. (10%)

My sophomore year of college was perhaps the most remarkable year of my life. This was the year that I made some lifelong friends, and through many triumphs and failures I came to know more about myself. My sophomore year involved experimenting with new things, such as camping in mountains, attempting to present some lousy poems to newspapers and drawing cartoons of my teachers in class.

Section B Translate the passage from Chinese to English. (15%)

T1. 讲到期末考试,学生们一点都不紧张,他们满脸都是自信。

T2. 岁月已经模糊了那位医生的面貌,但冲淡不了她对病人的关爱。

T3. 我简直不敢相信他这么快就学会了操作电脑。

T4. 他的生活经历在的学术生涯中一直扮演着一个重要角色。

T5. 学校将延长图书馆和教室的开放时间尽量满足学生的需要。


班级_____________ 姓名_____________ 学号

主观题总得分_____________ Part V Passage Completion(10%) 得分___________

56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

Part VI Translation from English to Chinese (15%) 阅卷教师________ 得分______

Part VII Translation from Chinese to English (20%) 得分______ T1. 阅卷老师

T2. 阅卷老师T3. 阅卷老师T4. 阅卷老师T5. 阅卷老师


精心整理 大学英语(一) 行政班级分级班级姓名学号 C. A measuring system. D. A control system. 2. A. Car prices. B. Car services.

C. The company’s business. D. The company’s culture. 3. A. It’s easy to do. B. It’s challenging. dialogue, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. Conversation 1

6. A. Breakfast. B. Dinner. C. A 5 dollar gift card. D. Bus service to the airport. 10. A. Make an appointment with her. B. Talk with her about a new order.

C. Send her an email about the shipment. D. Call her back when receiving the shipment. Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.


大学英语口语测试试题 1.Shopping 1)Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? I seldom go shopping. It takes too much time. I like to go shopping very much. It is so interesting. 2) What do you usually buy when you go shopping? I only shop for daily necessities, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, cleansing cream, soap, shampoo, washing powder… I like music/books so sometimes I go to campus bookstores to look for my favorite CDs/the recent bestsellers. 3) Where do you usually go shopping, supermarkets or department stores? Downtown or in campus stores ? I usually do my shopping at large supermarkets/campus stores/shops nearby since they often have good buys/it saves time. I enjoy shopping at supermarkets. I love to see shelf on shelf stacked with all kinds of delicious /nice things. Supermarkets are so convenient. You can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket. I hate shopping in a supermarket. It’s always so crowded/the quality of goods is questionable/not so good/ not guaranteed. I like going shopping in big department stores downtown because I think they offer a better service. 4)When you buy a dress or a coat, which do you give first priority to: color, price, quality, style or brand name? I think price/color/style/quality is the most important. I love to buy clothes that are in fashion but they are mostly too expensive for me. I love buying things when they are on sale and I often manage to get a good deal. 5) Do you enjoy bargaining? Are you good at it? I love sales/enjoy bargaining/am good at bargaining with street peddlers. I always/never ask for a discount. 2. Sports 1) Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? I like swimming/jogging/fishing/tennis, etc. My favorite sport is basket/volleyball/football, etc. 2)Do you like jogging? Why or why not? Jogging is considered a healthy sport for both the young and the old/for people of all ages. Many people begin jogging because they believe it is a very good form of exercise/can make their hearts stronger / can help them lose weight. Jogging against the cold wind is also a test of one’s will power. 3)Why do people need to play sports? Playing sports can help us to relax. Sitting in a chair all day has made me very lazy. I can get my figure back if I play a sport. I can meet some new friends when I play sports.


**** 大学课程考核试卷 xxxx---xxxx学年第一学期xxxx级xxxx专业(类) 考核科目大学英语三课程类别必修课考核方式闭卷卷别 B (注:考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效) I. Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Part 1: Short dialogues (10 marks, 1 mark each) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs and then choose the correct answers to the questions. 1. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her. B. She did not write a shipping list. C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket. D. She wants to finish shopping quickly. 2. A. Write a statement for the woman. B. Revise what the woman will write. C. Fill in forms for the woman. D. Apply to an American university for admission. 3. A. Contemporary women no longer want to obey their husbands. B. Modern girls no longer love their husbands. C. At the marriage ceremony the bride should promise to obey her husband. D. At the marriage ceremony the bride should show loyalty to her husband. 4. A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies. C. She tends to work whole-heartedly. D. She is not willing to start a project. 5. A. The football match should be called off. B. The meeting should not include new items. C. The meeting should have another two items. D. The football should be included in the agenda. 6. A. It is important to offer an online friend a drink. B. It is delightful to get a drink from an online friend. C. Ensure that nobody puts anything harmful into your drink.


系2004级专业《大学英语》期末考试试卷(B) 楚雄师学院 2004 学年上学期期末考试卷 B 卷课程《大学英语》考试时间: 120 分钟 班级:学号 Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken twice. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Example:You will hear: M: Is it possible for you to work late, Miss Green? W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really think it's necessary. Q:Where do you think this conversation most probably took place? You will read: A) At the office. B) In the waiting room. C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they have to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office.Therefore, A) "At the office" is the best Answer. You should mark A) on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. A) She's studying for a physics exam. B) She's planning her class schedule. C) She has a degree in astrophysics. D) She plans to graduate this year. 2. A) He already has a job. B) He wi11 probably work at the library. C) He needs to study full time. D) He plans to work at the library in the summer. 3. A) 35 miles per hour.


、 .~ 1 我们‖打〈败〉了敌人。 ②我们‖〔把敌人〕打〈败〉了。 大学英语期中考试与平日成绩评分细则 (2010—2011第2学期) 为了贯彻落实教育部《大学英语课程基本要求》中对培养学生英语综合应用能力的精神,在日常教学中,通过加强形成性评估所占比重,对学生的学习全过程进行科学的考察、督促和评价,从而实现帮助学生掌握科学的学习方法,改善英语学习效度,培养自主学习能力的目的。本学期期中考试与平时成绩评分细则如下: 一、平日成绩〈本科20分,专科40分〉 平日成绩由两部分组成:学生课堂表现以及学生作业的完成情况。 1、课堂表现根据课堂上学生回答教师提问、课文预习、单词听写、课 文朗读或背诵、课堂出勤、参与课堂互动活动等表现打分。本科学生课堂表现满分为10分,专科学生课堂表现满分为30分; 2.作业根据学生是否按时完成教师布置的笔头或口头作业,作业完成质量情况酌情打分。本科学生作业成绩满分为10分,专科学生作业成绩满分为10分; 二、口语考试 按照教学计划,本学期期中口语考试定于第十一周进行,在学生总评成绩中所占分值分别为专科20分;2009级本科及2010级本科音体美专业20分; 2010级本科(不含音体美专业)口语考试成绩包括读写教师期中口语考试10分和外教口语课10分两部分; 1.考试方式: 1)考试按照教学计划随堂进行。 2)以小组讨论为基本形式,学生自由结合,4-6人一组。从上述话题中自由选题,由一人执笔写出一篇英文报告。 内容包括:题目、小组成员、准备所用时间、每个成员的观点(每人120词左右)、结论。 3)考试时每个小组要有一人串联谈话内容并做出总结,成员之间要有互动交流,避免孤立地背诵。成员之间观点一致时要就观点做出深入阐述。 4)每个小组限时5分钟。


<大学英语语法>考查试题 一.选择正确答案填入相应的空格处:(70%) forest guards often find campfires thet have not been ______completely. down B. put out C. put away over 2..Of all the economically important plants, palms have been______. least studied the least less and less study the less is a continuous supply of fuel oil. things needed is needed is needed their need 4.The survey indicates that each Chinese family averaged_____of daily television usage in 1994than in 1993. many as 60 minutes B. 60 minutes more C. 60 minutes C. more 60 minutes 5.All evidence the court has collected boils_____to the fact that he is a spy. A. down B. off C. up D. overluggage, the group of tourists hurried to the airport.2009-2010学年第二学期() A. After packed packed packing was always nervous_____ in city traffic. driving B. driving driving driving 8. I saw Alan skimming over the water and, finally, ____ into it.


《大学英语二》试卷分析 一、本试卷共包括七个部分: 1.V ocabulary and Structure 20% https://www.360docs.net/doc/6f17434149.html,plete the dialogue 10% 3.Fill in the blanks with the words given 10% 4.Reading Comprehension 30% 5.Translation 15% 6.Writing 15% 试题体现了英语教学的思想和要求。主要表现在:1.注重语言基础知识的考查,强调语言知识运用,大部分题目都创设了比较完整或相对独立的语境。2.定位语篇,突出能力考查,阅读都能把理解文章的主旨大意,掌握文章的整体要领作为命题的基本内容,旨在考查学生分析和解决问题的能力。3.大多数试题结构合理,难易基本适中。大部分考点中要求考生不仅要了解字面意义,还要结合上下文语境、联系相互的文化背景进行思考。参加本次考试的共34个教学班,平均分为79分。 二、试卷分析 1. 单项填空题。本题注重语境和知识点的覆盖面,未超出考纲规定的范围,也体现了以考查动词为主的理念。包含了动词短语、非谓语动词、动词时态语态题;另外,也考查复合句,冠词等语法知识。此部分学生的掌握程度也不错。 2. 补全对话题。语境设计合理,切近生活,考查了学生的日常交际能力。有利于课程改革和英语教学。这部分题学生得分率较高。 3. 阅读理解得分率较高。说明学生能够依据文章内容,进行概括归纳和推理判断的能力比较高。能理解文章的深层意思,从文章的信息中推断出答案。 5. 选词填空。掌握的欠缺,说明学生对英语语言的实际应用还有待提高好。 6. 翻译和写作。书面表达以检测考生运用书面英语的书面输出能力为目的,话题十分贴近学生生活,具有很强的现代气息,失分主要原因是词汇知识掌握不牢固。表现如下: 1、对单词记忆不准,书写时出错。 2、不会变化词性。 3、大部分学生的单词拼写有误。 建议加强词汇记忆的同时一定要注意训练学生正确运用词汇的能力。 三、今后教学方面的建议 1、认真研究考试说明,明确并把握英语命题改革的方向;针对性训练新的题型。 2、加强基本功训练,尤其是要加强单词记忆策略和单词拼写能力的培养。 3、加强学生在语境中对语篇和语义的领悟能力,培养学生的判断推理能力及文章深层 含义的理解。 4、进一步加强写作训练,提高学生遣词造句、组句成篇的能力,从而提高考生的书面 表达能力。


学号 姓 系部 专业 班级 考试科目 考试时间 年 月 日 密 封 山东师范大学历山学院2013—2014学年第二学期 期末考试试题(B 卷) 试题卷 (时间120分钟,满分100分) 课程编号: 课程名称: 大学英语 适用年级: 2013级 适用专业: 非英语 学制: 三 注意:1、本试题试题卷共六页。 2、本试题所有答案应写在答案卷上,否则不予计成绩。 Ⅰ ⅠListe ning pr ehens ion (15%) Sectio n A D ire ctions: In thi s s ect ion yo u will hear 10 short dial ogue s。 At t he e nd of e ac h di alog ue, a q uestion will b e asked abou t w ha t was said 、 Both the dialo gues and questio ns will be spo ken tw ice 。 After ea ch q uest ion th ere w ill b e a pause 。 During the p au se, yo u must read th e 4 choices marke d A,B,C an d D,and dec ide w hich is the bes t answ er。 Then write the corresp ondi ng letter on the A nswer Sheet 。 1。 Wher e did thi s c onversatio n p ro ba bl y happen ? A In a d ru g st or e、 B I n a sh op、 C In a supermarke t。 D In a restaurant. 2、 When wi ll th e t rain leave? A 14:20 B 14:00 C 14:40 D 14:30 3。 How m any people ar e th ere in the m an ’s f amily ? ?A 5。 B 4、 C 3、 D 6、 4. Ho w i s that school? A It 's even wo rs e th an peop le say 、 B It's bet ter than it used t o be 。 ? C It’s b ette r t han people sa y、 D I t’s not a s g oo d as it w as 。 5。 What is imp li ed in t he co nversatio n? A T he children w er e enjoyin g t hemselve s、 ? B T he ch ildren d id n't e to th e par ty 。 ? C The childr en were giving a l ot of fu n in th e party. D The chi ldren wer e n ot be ha vi ng th emselves in th e party 。 6. Wha t will the weathe r be l ike ? A It will get be tter B Rainy C Sunny 、 D It is colder. 7。 What does th e woman mean ? A Sh e doe s not agree wit h the man 。 B She does no t know what

大学英语3 期中考试答案

Unit 1 Education: A Transformation of the Soul 1On my first day of high school, my teacher showed the class a Power Point presentation entitled The Value of Education. The first slide read simply this: ―Education = $‖. I felt uncomfortable, not knowing exactly why. 2 Education, throughout my high school experience, continued to be described to me like this: college means a diploma. A diploma means a better job. A better job means more money. More money means a good life. But I wondered who had decided the criteria for a ―better‖ job and a ―good‖ life. It all seemed so mathematical. Education was presented to me as an equation equaling a person I had not chosen to be. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1.她读了一首题为《想起你》的诗。(entitle) 2.他给这本书取名为《野性的爱》。(entitle) 3.教育的关键在于激励和享受,而不是一所学校或一个大学文凭。(diploma) 4.那青年用了3 年的时间取得研究生文凭。(diploma) 5.我自己成功的标准是能够努力工作和快乐生活。(criteria) 3 I went on to college, of course, as everyone told me to do. College is how you become an earner, they told me. My major that first semester was International Relations. I liked the woman I envisioned myself as in this field – a diplomat, a savvy citizen of the world. But gradually I began to realize that this person was not someone I bore any resemblance to. She was, rather, a clone of the well-educated, well-moneyed ideal my teacher had presented to me years ago. This woman had earning potential; she was smart and worldly. But she was not someone I would become. She had nothing I really wanted.


2011—2012学年度第2学期课程考试 试题纸(第 1 页 共 8 页) 2011—2012学年度第2学期课程考试 试题纸(第2页 共 8 页) 武汉信息传播职业技术学院 大学英语II 课程考试试题纸 课程名称: 大学英语II ( A 卷) 考试方式: 闭卷 印刷份数: 2500份 系(部): 英语系 任课教师: 英语系教师 专业班级: 11级所有非英语专业班级 题 号 I 10 II 10 III 10 IV 40 V 15 VI 15 总分 100 阅卷 教师 得 分 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 各位考生请注意:听力14:10开始,调频85Hz. I. Listening Comprehension ( 10 points, 1 point for each) Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A. He didn ’t like that computer. B. He didn ’t find what he liked. C. The price of the computer was too high. D. That type of computer was sold out. 2. A. Go to a lecture. B. Go to a concert. C. Go shopping. D. Go sightseeing. 3. A. Write a letter for the woman. B. Take the woman to the office. C. Drive the woman home. D. Finish the report for the woman. 4. A. She was tired of reading it. B. She liked it very much. C. She didn ’t think much it. D. She wasn ’t interested in it. 5. A. When he can receive the order. B. What the order number is. C. When he should send the order. D. What ’s wrong with the order. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded 得 分 questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 6. A. Three weeks ago. B. Last month. C. Last week. D. Last Monday. 7. A. Install more machines. B. Test the machines. C. Buy more machines. D. Sell the machines. Conversation 2 8. A. Sightseeing around the city. B. Attending a meeting. C. Shopping in the city. D. Giving a party. 9. A. This afternoon. B. This evening. C. Tomorrow morning. D. Tomorrow afternoon. 10. A. At the party. B. At the meeting. C. In the office. D. In the hotel. II. Find the right definition in Column B that matches the words and phrases in Column A. ( 10 points, 1 point for each) Column A Column B 11. liven up a. to observe with ceremonies of respect or rejoicing 12. attempt to b. a center if interest or activity 13. bring about c. try to do 14. household d. answer, reaction 15. focus e. to become lively 16. predict f. commonly known, familiar 17. celebrate g. recognize the difference between two things 18. distinguish h. to cause to happen 19. response i. separate, split or break into parts 20. divide j. to state, tell about, or make known in advance III. Fill in the blanks with the given words or expressions. Change the form where necessary. ( 10 points, 1 point for each) 21. Do you realize the _______ (important) of study? 22. There were many internationally known _______ (educate) at the conference. 23. Mr. Ma is a strict and _______ (experience) teacher. 24. He attributed his _______ (succeed) in business to hard work. 25. China had little _______ (interact) with the outside world before the opening up. 26. This fur coat is a real _________ (luxurious). 得 分 得 分 * * * * * * * * * * * 学 号: 姓 名: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 系 部: 专业年级: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


新编大学英语A2期末考试试卷 Part I Listening Comprehension(20%) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Section A. 1. A. An advertisement B. A newspaper C. Their work D. A dream 2. A. On foot B. By car C. By bus D. By bike 3. A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six 4. A. The restaurant provides good food B. She enjoys her part-time job C. The restaurant offers cheap food D. There are several cooks in the restaurant. 5. A. The movie was disappointing B. The movie was expensive to see. C. He wants to see the movie again. D. He should have seen the movie at home. 6. A. $ 64 B.$ 86 C. $96 D. $140 7. A. To stay at home B. To go to bed immediately C. To see a movie D. To go to a party. 8. A. Tom is unable to hear well. B. Tom didn’t say anything at the meeting. C. Tom doesn’t listen to him. D. Tom went out before the meeting was over.


创新大学英语一期中考试试题B音体美试题 This manuscript was revised on November 28, 2020

Mid-term Examination for Freshmen 姓名:班级:学号:成绩: Part I Translation Directions: Translate the following words and phrases. (8×1'+6×2') 1.sophomore ______ 2. schedule ______ 3. association ______ 4. dormitory ______ 5. admiration ______ 6. outlooks ______ 7. betray ______ 8. cherish ______ 9. in times of trouble and tension _________________________________ 10. make new acquaintances and friends _________________________________ 11. dispel feelings of isolation and loneliness ________________________________ 12. read one’s mind _________________________________ 13. get involved in social activities _________________________________ 14. smooth the transition from …to…_________________________________ Part II Vocabulary Directions: Fill in the blanks using some of the word and phrase given below the form where necessary. Change their form if necessary. (14×2') 1.The final results of the experiment are _______ on December 9. 2.We only had time to pack a few _______. 3. A newborn baby needs _______ care and attention. 4.My father _______ to be in good health. 5.An unhappy home _______ can affect a child’s behavior. 6.The literature course has been hard work, but very _______. 7.Some hospital patients experience high levels of _______.


Test Three (A) I Reading Comprehension Passage One The man who, legend has it, escaped from an early grave when his uncle pulled him from drowning in a dirty pond is notorious for his dirty deeds but that what cannot be forgotten are his achievements in the 1986 World Cup. Forget the handball against England, feel the quality of his 50-yard solo goal in the same game and the near repeat performance in the semi-final against Belgium. The Argentina side of the 1986 was functional and hard-working but it was Maradona who fired them to the final and then set up two of the goals in their 3-2 win over West Germany in the final. In 1990, a barely-fit Maradona fought his way to the final where the Germans took their -match tears. In fact many rejoiced that such an ugly revenge. Few people shared Diego’s post brute of a team had lost. Eight years before, in Spain, Maradona , then newly arrived at Barcelona, disgraced himself by being sent off in a Second Phase game with Brazil. Even four years before that the 18-year-old Maradona was a source of great controversy when he was left out of the victorious squad that won on home ground. USA 1994 was the end for Maradona as a player. Right after the Nigeria game, he was picked for drugs-screening and tested positive for banned stimulant ephedrine (麻黄硷). He was banned from the rest of the tournament and the team fell apart, going out in the second round to Romania. 21. How many World Cups are mentioned in the passage? A) Three. B) Four.C) Five D) Six. 22.Which country won the 1990 World Cup? A)Argentina B) West Germany C) Romania D) England 23. Maradona won the World Cup. A) once B) twice C) three times D) four times 24.When in 1994, Maradona was driven out of the World Cup, he was close to . A) 18 B) 24 C) 26 D) 31 25. According to the passage, Maradona is a man . A) full of ideas B) with cruel behaviors C) having good luck D) of great controversy Passage Two Many companies have run into serious troubles trying to coordinate their sales and promotional efforts. For example, one firm authorized a large promotional drive to introduce a new product in Latin America. The promotion ran smoothly, but someone forgot to coordinate product delivery — ship the product. Consumers were confused and money was wasted when the promoted product was not available. To avoid such occurrences, all plans should be in writing and someone should be responsible for central coordination. Hence, risks are lessened and opportunities to save money may arise. Coca-cola, for instance, requires that all overseas marketing plans be submitted to the central office well in advance. This gives the company a chance to examine 1 / 6
