

Unit 1

I Words and expressions

1scramble = struggle = compete 竞争

2company = firm = business 二venture ^corporate 公司,企业

3—年半载the next six months to a year

4come from = stem from = derive from 源于

5complacency = satisfaction 满足,安逸complancent = satisfied

6瞬息万变a rapidly changing

7work = useful = function 行得通

8未必,不一淀not necessarily

9tear apart = throw away = discard 抛弃

10lull: calm one's fear esp. by deception 哄骗

①be lulled to do sth被忽悠做…

②be lulled into sth 被…欺骗eg. be lulled into a false sense of security 11capitalize on = take advantage of 利用

12gourmet = delicious = tasty 美味的;美食家

13at premium price = above the normal price 高于一般7(介格

14obsolete = out-of-date 过时的

15精T*算计的人bean counter

16implement = put into effect = carry out 贯彻;执行

17be stuck in a rut/trench/routine of

①be obsessed with satisfaction 沉溺于满足

②become a fixed way of thinking陷入某种思维定式

18make one's sales pitch = sell one's products

19beat one to the punch = act before other people 先发制人

20想出come up with

21in a row = one after another = successively 连续不断地

22come out of woodwork 纷纷登场(esp. sth not very pleasant)

23discredit = distrust 不信任

24ridicule = mock = laugh at 嘲讽

25be little = look down upon 轻视

26instant coverage = quick reporting 快报

27viewership = audience 观众

28从众思维herdbrain thinking

29innovation = creative thinking 创新

Unit 2

I Words and expressions

1manure = fertilizer 肥料

2停车场parking lots

3使某人人吃惊take sb by surprise

4冒着…的危险run the risk of

5blandness = tasteless 淡而无味的

6at the outset = at the beginning


8 密切关注take a closer look at

9un easy = worried

10clear = past 通过

11review 二exam in ati on 审核


13繁荣吋期boom times booms and s 1 umps/recessions 繁荣和萧条14produce shelves = agricultural products 农产品



17摆弄,捣乱go mucking about/around with …

18wind up = end in以…告终;定居在…

19欧盟European Union

20tweak from = rebellion against 对…的反抗

21intimidate = frighten/threaten 威胁

22economic might 二economic powcr/strcngth 经济实力

23address = deal with致力于,着手做…

24portend = warn给…以警告

25by no means = not at all 决不

26dream up = design 设计"

27make a hit = be popular/succcssful 获得成功

28tweeze out = pick out 提取

29knit into = plant into 植入

30souped-up = strengthened = cement 增强的

31yield = output = production 产量

32so much so that = to such an extent that 到如此程度

33churn out = produce in large quantity 人量地粗制滥造

34trigger allergies = cause allergies 引起过敏

35scrap the product = discard the product 抛弃

36some strains of = some lypes/kinds of

37jumpy 二nervous = worried 神精质,不安

38fussy = become too careful about 过分注重细节

39effectively = in fact 实际上

40outlawed = illegal = banned = contraband 不合法的

41moratorium = ban 禁止

42in the midst of = in the middle of 在…中

43catfight = dispute = disagreement §卜论

44be high on the agenda (议事日程)=be important

45首席执行官chief executive officer ( CEO)

46gamble on = invest in 投资

47sweet on 二fond of 喜欢

48perch = settle/rest 停靠;栖息

49mire in = in difficulty 陷入困境

50wade in = intervene 干预

51lobby = persuade 游说

52冇最终决定权have the final word/say

Il Translation

Around the world people are taking a closer look at the genetic make-up of what they're eating ? and growing uneasy with what they see ? Over the past decade, genetically modified (GM) food has become an increasingly comm on phenomenon as scientists have rcwovcn the genes of countless fruits and vegetables, turning everyday crops into ubcr-crops (able to resist frost, withstand herbicides and even produce their own pesticides.) In alL more than 4 500 GM plants have been tested, and at least 40 ? including 13 varieties of corn, 11 varieties of tomatoes and four varieties of soybeans - have cleared government reviews?


全世界的人民都在密切地注视他们食品中的基因构成-并越发地为他们所看到的一切感到不安。在过去的十年里,随着科学家们将无数的水果和蔬菜的基因重组,使平常的农作物变成了能抵抗霜冻、经得起除草剂茯至能牛?产口己的杀虫剂的超级作物,基因改良食品已日益成为普遍现象。就总数而言,超过4, 500的基因改艮植物已经过测试,其中至少有40种一一包


Tension be

2But one country f s moratorium is another country's protectionism, and the U.S. is suspicious of Europe's action.

the U.S? and the E. U? was already running high recently after Europe decided to continue a ban on hormone-raised U.S? beef and

U.S? hit back with a 100% tariff on some E. U. food exports. Coming in the midst of such a catfight, the GM ban looks like vengeance as much as prudence ? What*s more, if Europe is so worried about GM products, why is it growing them? Fra nee produces its own small crop of GM corn and uses more of the stuff than any other country in Europe.

但是,一个国家的禁令对另一国家而言就是一种贸易保护主义,美国己在怀疑欧洲的举动。自从欧洲决定继续禁止进口荷尔蒙饲养的美国V肉(含有荷尔蒙的T肉;使用荷尔蒙添加剂饲养的牛肉),而美国又通过对欧洲出口的食品征收100%的关税作为反击,欧美之间的关系近来变得越发紧张。在这种激烈的争斗屮,转基因禁令与其说是审慎,不如说是报复。此外, 假如欧洲如此扌I!忧转基因食品的话,为什么还要生产它们呢?法国生产了自己的小型转基因玉米,而且使用得比其它欧洲国家更多。

Unit 4

I Words and expressions

1set aside for = use specifically for 专门用于

2manual = guide book 手册

3casual reader = comnlon/ordinary reader 普通读者

4leaft through = turn the pages through 翻书

5extraordinary =exotic ① foreign 外来的② unusual 不同寻常的

6trivially = unimportantly 不重耍的

7catch the blight = suffer the blight 得了枯萎病

8in spots = in some places 有些地方

9dead = gone = passed over = departed 去世

1() amiable = friendly = good-tempered 友好的,和蔼可亲的

11spectacle 二scene 场呆,呆象

12behold = see 看见

13wince = draw back 退缩,萎缩


15plausible = seemingly reasonable 看似有理的

16at the instance of = instantly = immediately 立亥lj

17药理学A勺pharmacological pharmacology = the study of medicine biology

18property = quality = characteristic 性质,特点



21 administer① =put into = give an injcction to 注射②二manage 筲理


23close call = narrow escape 幸免于难;死里逃生

24throw up = vomit 呕吐

25languid = tired 疲倦的

26feeble = weak 虚弱的

27mingle with 二mix with

28mortally = deadly = fatal 致命地;致命的

29live off = live on 靠…生活

3() indispensable = essential = necessary 必不"J 少的

II Translation

1It seemed to me that my life was hanging only by the tip of my lips.I closed my eyes in orderjt seemed to me,to help push it out,and took pleasure |in growing languid and letting myself go|.It was an idea (that was only floating on the surface of my soul) ,as delicate and feeble as all the rest.but in truth not only free from distress but mingled with that sweet feeling (that people have who have let themselves slide into sleep).I believe that (his is the same state) in which people find themselves (whom we see fainting in the agony of death)},and I maintain that wc pity them without causc---In order to get used to the idea of death J find there is nothing like coming close to i(?


2Pain is useful for avoidance,for getting away when there's time to get away^but when it is end game.a nd no way back,pain is likely to be turned off,and the mechanisms for this are wonderfully precise and quick.If I had to design an ecosystem in which creatures had to live off each other and in which dying was an indispensable part of livingj could not think of a better way to manage?痛苦可以让人避免许多东西,也可以让人在冇时间逃脱的时候逃脱。但如果是到了最后的关头,没冇回头路町走了,痛苦很可能就像闸门一样被关掉,它的运行机制是如此的耕准和迅速,让人惊叹。如果让我来设计这样一个生态系统,生物在其中和互依赖着生存,死亡是其不可或缺的部分,那我是想不到一个比此更好的管理方法了。

Unit 6

I Words and expressions

1deteriorate = worsen 变坏,恶化

2nurture = nourish 滋养Vt

3come up with = bring forth = put forward 提出,想出

4not be anywhere close to being solved = far from being solved 远远没冇达到被解决的境地

5protocol = treaty = agreement = accord = resolution 公约, 决议

6call for 号召=advocate 提倡=require 要求

7逐步停止phaseout: a gradual stopping

8finger = point out 指出

9assault = attack 袭击

10spur = boost = galvanize = stimulate 刺激, 激励

11temperate region = temperate zone 温带土也区

12dip = decrease = go down = drop = decline 卜?降

13proceed on schedule = proceed as planned/arranged 准时,按预定时间进行

14observe = comment = say

15recharge = refill重新充满,再填充

16comply with = comform to = obey 遵守

17recuperate = recover 复原

18critical = important 关键的

19ward off = prevent = keep away from = stop 阻挡, 排除

20wreck 二destroy = damage = disrupt 毁坏

21shift = change = switch 改变

22减排reduce emissions

23能效energy efficiency

24exempt from = free from 免除,豁免

25pilot project = experimental project 试点计划

26laggard = fall behind 落后

27wear thin = become ineffective 逐渐无效=can" hold water 站不住脚

28专家组panel: a group of experts

29scenario = prospect = outlook 预想,设想的前景


31combat = fight against

32precedent = example = instance 先例

33mitigate = moderate 缓和

34conventional = traditional 传统的

II Translation

1If good intentions and good ideas were all it took to save the deteriorating atmospherejhe planet's fragile layers of air would be as good as fixed.The two great damagers threatening the blanket of gases (that nutures and protects life on earth)—global warming and the thinning ozone layer—have been identified.Better yet,scientists and policymakers have come up with effective though expensive coutermeasures?


2The good news is that this gloomy scenario may galvanize the word's governments into taking serious action.The first line of action should be "no regrets95 actions― hanges that will be beneficial [no matter how much of a threat global warming turns out to beJ.Among them:promoting the use of energy-efficient appliances and cars.But the IPCC report makes it dear that nations must do more.For examplejhough it's now more costly to generate electricity from solar cells than from gas or coal,using the sun’s clean energy

could save money (that would otherwise have to be spent in the future combating the effects of global warming)?

好消息是,这幅令人担忧的景彖也许能刺激各国政府认真地采取行动。首要的行动应该是“不会后悔”的行动一一也就是无论全球变暖会成为多么严重的威胁,釆取行动后引发的变化都会是冇益的。这些行动包括:提倡使用节能电器和节能汽车。但IPCC 的报告明确表示各国该做的还远不止这些。比如,虽然现在用太阳能电池发电比用汽油或煤炭发电昂贵,可是利用干净的太阳能来发电可以省钱。否则的话,这笔钱在以后将不得不花在对抗全球升温的恶果上。



1intercept = stop;seize 阻挡,拦截


3insults = damage 不皮环

4urban sprawl城市无限制的扩展

5die-off = die one by one 顺次死亡

6machete 二knife

7per-capita = of7for/by each person 人均adj.

8copious = opulent = plentiful 丰富的

9undoing = the cause of ruin,failure 灭亡、失败等的原因n.

10frenzy = disturbance 狂乱eg:① in the frenzy 在狂乱中② drive sb to frenzy 使某人发狂③ be frenzied with joy 狂喜④work oneself up into a frenzy自己使自己忙得—团糟

11hubris = arrogance = pride 狂傲


1conceal = hide 掩盖

2exemplify = give an example

3manifestation = expression 表现

4merchandise = goods

5live out = die naturally

6biocide = pestcide 杀虫剂

7lay people, lay = nonprofessional 非专业人上

8lord 二master 主人

9turn back the clock = fight against natural selection 逆自然法则而行

10underlying = basic/fundamental 基本的,根本的

11accompany = along with 伴随,陪同

12stunning = surprising 令人吃惊的

13sheer = only

14account for = be responsible for 对…负有责任

15contribute to = lead to

16impact = influence 影响

17be akin to = be similar to 与…相似

18 a wide divergence of oppinion. divergence = difference 关于…,意见分歧彳艮人

19adequately = enough 充分地

20decline = decrease

21abuse = bad use 滥用

22decent = adequate适当的,足够的

23necessitate = make …be necessary 使…成为必要

24oppress 二crush 压迫

25conquest = victory 征丿报n.

26plunder = rob 掠夺

27 a privileged layer of humanity. layer = piirt/section

28generate 二causcjcad to

29physiology = ecologic structure 生态结构

30contamination 二pollution 污染

31toxic = poison 有毒的

32turn out to be = give result of = end up with 结果证明

33betray = trick 背叛,欺骗

34barest 二the most basic

35pragmatic = practical 务实的

36exact = carry out with force 强制实施

37transformation 二change 变革

38solidarity = unity 团结一致

39dimension = aspect 层面

40accumulation = collection 物质积聚

41inextricably = closely/tightly

42what will become of sth = what will happen to sth


Human beings are now altering the basic physiology of the planet. Industrial smog can be found everywhere over the oceans, and weather patterns are so distorted that climatologists now discuss “climate death M? Industrial contamination is pervasive, even in the fat cells of Antarctic penguins? The rain is not only acid but toxic? Whether industrialism warms or cools the atmosphere its chemical experiment threatens to change life in ways barely imaginable, but undoubtedly for the worse?

