莎士比亚名言录(中英对照整理版,加出处by 澈)

莎士比亚名言录(中英对照整理版,加出处by 澈)
莎士比亚名言录(中英对照整理版,加出处by 澈)

2008-12-15 12:02:32来自: 慕容澈(森林的乐章,风过耳)

【整理+重翻+润色by 澈。注:/之后的是不同的译本。转载请注明出处。】

The course of true love never did run smooth. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1.1)



Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1.1)


Lord, what fools these mo rtals be! (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 3.2)


The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 5.1)


Since the little wit that fools have was silenc’d, the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show. (As You Like It, 1.2)



Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. (As You Like It, 1.3)


Sweet are the uses of adversity. (As You Like It, 2.1)


Do you not know I am a woman? When I think, I must speak. (As You Like It, 3.2)


Love is merely a madness. (As You Like It, 3.2)


O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man’s eyes! (As You Like It)


It is a wise father that knows his own child. (A Merchant of Venice 2.2)


Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit. (A Merchant of Venice 2.6) 爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。——《威尼斯商人》

All that glisters is not gold. (A Merchant of Venice 2.7)


So is the will of a living daugh ter curb’d by the will of a dead father. (A Merchant of Venice 1.2)




The quality of mercy is not strained. (A Merchant of Venice 4.1)


Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. (Measure for Measure 2.1)


O, it is excellent to have a giant’s strength; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. (Measure for Measure 2.1)


I’ll pray a thousand prayers for thy death but no word to save thee. (Measure for Measure 3.1)


O, what may man within him hide, though angel on the outward side! (Measure for Measure 3.2)



Beauty, wit, high birth, vigour of bone, desert in service, love, friendship, charity, are subjects all to envious and calumniating time. (Troilus and Cressida 3.3)


You gods divine! Make Cressida’s name the very crown of falsehood, if ever she leave Troilus. (Troilus and Cressida 4.2)


Beauty! Where is thy faith? (Troilus and Cressida 5.2)


Take but degree away, untune that string, and, hark, what discord follows! (Troilus and Cressida 1.3)



O, she dothe teach the torches to burn bright! (Romeo and Juliet 1.5)


My only love sprung from my only hate ! (Romeo and Juliet 1.5)


What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. (Romeo and Juliet 2.2)



Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes. (Romeo and Juliet 2.3)


It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. (Romeo and Juliet 2.2)


A little more than kin, and less than kind. (Hamlet 1.2)


Frailty, thy name is woman! (Hamlet 1.2)


This above all: to thine self be true. (Hamlet 1.3)


The time is out of joint – O, cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right! (Hamlet 1.5)


Brevity is the soul of wit. (Hamlet 2.2)


There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Hamlet 1.5) 天地之间有许多事情,是你的睿智所无法想象的。——《哈姆雷特》


There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. (Hamlet 2.2)



To be or not to be: that is a question. (Hamlet 3.1)


There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. (Hamlet 5.2)


The rest is silence. (Hamlet 5.2)


Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them. (Othello 1.2)


O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on. (Othello 3.3)


Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, is the immediate jewel of their souls: Who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis something, nothing. (Othello 3.3)


O, curse of marriage, that we can call these delicate creatures ours, and not their appetites! (Othello 3.3) 啊!婚姻的烦恼!我们可以把这些可爱的人儿据为己有,却无法掌控她们的各种欲望。——《奥赛罗》

We cannot all be masters, nor all masters cannot be truly followed. (Othello 1.3)


Nothing will come of nothing. (King Lear 1.1)


Love’s not love when it is mingled with regards that stands aloof from th’entire point. (King Lear 1.1)


How sharper than a serpent's tooth is to have a thankless child. (King Lear 1.4)



Blow, winds, and crack cheeks! Rage! Blow! (King Lear 3.2)


‘Tis this times’ plague, when madmen lead the blind. (King Lear 4.1)


Why should a dog, a horse, a rat, have life, and thou no breath at all? (King Lear 5.3)


Fair is foul, and foul is fair. (Macbeth 1.1)


I fear thy nature; it is too full o’the milk of human kindness. (Macbeth)


What’s done cannot be undone. (Macbeth 5.1)



Out, out, brief candle, life is but a walking shadow. (Macbeth)




Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. (Julius Caesar 2.2)



Men’s judgments are a parcel of their fortunes; and things outward do draw the inward quality after them, to suffer all alike. (Antony and Cleopatra 3.13)


Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .



莎士比亚名人名言中英文对照 莎士比亚名人名言中英文对照 我没有路,所以不需要眼睛;当我能够看见的时候,我也会失足颠仆,我们往往因为有所自恃而失之于大意,反不如缺陷却能对我们有益so is the will of a living daughter curb’d by the will of a dead father.(a merchant of venice 1.2) 一个活生生的女人的意愿,却被过世的父亲的遗嘱所限。——《威尼斯商人》 外观往往和事物的本身完全不符,世人都容易为表面的装饰所欺骗。——《威尼斯商人》 15,实在佛祖要孙悟空掩护唐僧的目标不是取经,这只是一个幌子,真实目标是佛家利用收编地痞孙悟空的大棒横扫属于道家权势的三产,(孙悟空灭失的大部门是道家向导委托本身身边知己如幼童,牛什么办理的三产).要是没有这个幌子这么做就会佛道火并. 没有比较,就显不出长处;没有欣赏的人,乌鸦的歌声也就和云雀一样。要是夜莺在白天杂在聒噪里歌唱,人家绝不以为它比鹪鹩唱得更美。多少事情因为逢到有利的环境,才能达到尽善的境界,博得一声恰当的赞赏。——《威尼斯商人》 the quality of mercy is not strained.(a merchant of venice 4.1) 慈悲不是出于勉强。——《威尼斯商人》 some rise by sin,and some by virtue fall.(measure for measure

2.1) Beauty,wit,high birth,vigour of bone,desert in service,love,friendship,charity,are subjects all to envious and calumniating time.(Troilus and Cressida 3.3) 有些人因罪恶而升迁,有些人因德行而没落。——《一报还一报》 the course of true love never did run smooth.(a midsummer night’s dream 1.1) 真爱无坦途。——《仲夏夜之梦》 真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。 things base and vile,holding no quantity,love can transpose to from and dignity:love looks not with the eyes,but with mind.(a midsummer night’s dream 1.1) 卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不用眼睛辨别,而是用心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。——《仲夏夜之梦》 lord,what fools these mortals be!(a midsummer night’s dream 3.2) 上帝呀,这些凡人怎么都是十足的傻瓜!——《仲夏夜之梦》 懦夫在未死以前就已经死了好多次;勇士一生只死一次,在一切怪事中,人们的贪生怕死就是一件最奇怪的事情。——《凯撒大帝》/《英雄叛国记》 the lunatic,the lover and the poet are of imagination all


莎士比亚经典语录 1.莎士比亚说:爱,可以创造奇迹.乔迈被摧毁的爱,一旦重新修建好, 就比原来更宏伟, 更美,更顽强. 2.莎士比亚说:爱情是生命的火花, 友谊的升华, 心灵的吻合. 如 果说人类的感情能区分等级, 那么爱情该是属于最高的一级. 3.莎士比亚说:爱的力量是和平,从不顾理性、成规和荣辱,它能使一切恐惧、震惊和痛苦在身受时化作甜蜜。 4.莎士比亚说:未得之前是请求,既得之后是命令。 5.莎士比亚说:一个使性子的女人,就象翻腾的浊水,纵使口干舌燥,也不愿啜饮一口。 6.莎士比亚说:草率的婚姻少美满。 7.莎士比亚说:爱是一种甜蜜的痛苦,真诚的爱情永不是走一条平坦的道路的。 8.莎士比亚说:爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的密语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同的基础上的。9.莎士比亚说:虽然权势是一头固执的熊,可是金子可以拉着它的鼻子走。 10.莎士比亚说:逆子无情甚于蛇蝎。 11.莎士比亚说:生命短促,只有美德能将它留传到辽远的后世。 12.莎士比亚说:爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光。 13.莎士比亚说:因为她生得美丽,所以被男人追求;因为她是女人,所以被男人俘获。

14.莎士比亚说:美德是勇敢的,为善永远无所畏惧。 15.莎士比亚说:真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明。 16.莎士比亚说:他赏了你钱,所以他是好人;有了拍马的人,自然就有爱拍马的人。 17.莎士比亚说:母羊要是听不见她自己小羊的啼声,她决不会回答一头小牛的叫喊。 18.莎士比亚说:苦尽甘来。 19.莎士比亚说:道德和才艺是远胜于富贵的资产,堕落的子孙可以把贵显的门第败坏,把巨富的财产荡毁,可是道德和才艺,却可以使一个凡人成为不配的神明。 20.莎士比亚说:质朴却比巧妙的言辞更能打动我的心。 21.莎士比亚说:人世间的煊赫光荣,往往产生在罪恶之中,为了身外的浮名,牺牲自己的良心。 22.莎士比亚说:当我们胆敢作恶,来满足卑下的希冀,我们就迷失了本性,不再是我们自己。 23.莎士比亚说:爱情里要是掺杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。 24.莎士比亚说:聪明人变成了痴愚,是一条最容易上钩的游鱼;因为他凭恃才高学广,看不见自己的狂妄。愚人的蠢事算不得稀奇,聪明人的蠢事才叫人笑痛肚皮;因为他用全副的本领,证明他自己愚笨。 25.莎士比亚说:疑惑足以败事。一个人往往因为遇事畏缩的原故,


莎士比亚爱情名言中英文 /ueditor/201708/08/900366113e7723ae942367e8ca90b2 0a.jpg" title="7.jpg" alt="7.jpg"/> 莎士比亚爱情名言中英文 1、What s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. 名字代表什么?我们所称的玫瑰换个名字还是一样芳香。——莎士比亚《罗密欧与茱丽叶》 2、to be or not to be,this is a question. 生存还是毁灭,这是个问题——莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》 3、Don t argue and determination of people, because they may change the fact! 别和意志坚定的人争辩,因为他们可以改变事实! ——莎士比亚 4、生命中令人悲伤的一件事是你遇到了一个对你来说很重要的人,但却最终发现你们有缘无份,因此你不得不放手。------ A sad thing in

life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go. ——莎士比亚 5、You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, you ——莎士比亚 6、You say that you love the rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when it shines.

莎士比亚简介 英文版

关于莎士比亚 莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Macbeth)。四大喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》、《威尼斯商人》、《第十二夜》、《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》、《亨利五世》、《理查二世》等。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼生称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。1616年4月23日病逝。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先躯者伽利略同一年出生。 Shakespearean representative work has 4-big tragedy: "Hamlet" (UK: Hamlet), "Othello" is (UK: Othello), "King Lear " is (UK: King Lear), "Macbeth " is (UK: Macbeth). 4-big comedy: "A Midsummer Night's Dream ", "The Merchant of V enice " ", Twelfth Night " ", "As Y ou Like It" ("As you like it "). Historical play: "King Henry the Fourth Part 1 " ", King Henry the Fifth " ", King Richard II " and so on. Had written 154 sonnets , two leading cadre poems. Our · Jonson says he is "the times soul " , Max says he and Helladic Aisiku Ross are "the greatest human being drama genius ". Although Shakespeare uses English writing only,he is a famous writer of world but. Most work of him has all already been translated into various language , whose play performs also in the lot of country. Die of illness on April 23 , 1616. Body person Galileo is the same as Shakespeare and famous Italy mathematician , physicist , astrologer with the philosopher , experiment science the modern times first being born for 1 year.


◆爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光 ◆爱的力量是和平,从不顾理性、成规和荣辱, 它能使一切恐惧、震惊和痛苦在身受时化作甜蜜 ◆爱情是一朵生长在绝崖边缘的花,要想采摘它必须有勇气 ◆爱情不过是一种疯 ◆爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情 ◆不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远 ◆草率的婚姻少美满 ◆充实思想不在于言语的富丽莎士比亚的简介 ◆纯朴和忠诚所呈献的礼物,总是可取的 ◆毒药有时也能治病 ◆真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明 ◆恋爱是盲目的,恋人们瞧不见他们自己所干的傻事 ◆爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光 ◆黑夜使眼睛失去它的作用,但却使耳朵的听觉更为灵敏,它虽然妨碍了视觉的活动,却给予了听觉加倍的补偿 ◆洪水可以从涓滴的细流中发生 ◆假如我必须死,我会把黑暗当作新娘,把它拥抱在我的怀里 ◆不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远 ◆当我们还买不起幸福的时候,我们绝不应该走得离橱窗太近,盯着幸福出神 ◆爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的蜜语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同语言的基础上的 ◆真实爱情的途径并不平坦 ◆忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富 ◆每一个被束缚的奴隶都可以凭着他自己的手挣脱他的锁链 ◆爱的力量是和平,从不顾理性、成规和荣辱, 它能使一切恐惧、震惊和痛苦在身受时化作甜蜜 ◆命运如娼妓,贫贱遭遗弃 ◆闪光的东西,并不都是金子,动听的语言,并不都是好话 ◆当爱情小船被浪掀翻时,让我们友好地说声再见 ◆起先的冷淡,将会使以后的恋爱更加热烈 ◆轻浮和虚荣是一个不知足的贪食者,它在吞噬一切之后,结果必然牺牲在自己的贪欲之下 ◆情欲犹如炭火,必须使它冷却,否则,那烈火会把心儿烧焦 ◆因为她生得美丽,所以被男人追求;因为她是女人,所以被男人俘获 ◆人生就象于段重复叙述的故事一般可厌 ◆白糖上面浇蜂蜜,蜂蜜上面盖白糖 ◆爱情的野心使人倍受痛苦 ◆境由爱造,还是爱逐境迁 ◆一个使性子的女人,就象翻腾的浊水,纵使口干舌燥,也不愿啜饮一口 ◆人心和岩石一样,也可以有被水滴穿的孔 ◆你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调 ◆诡计需要伪装,真理喜欢阳光莎士比亚名言 ◆人生如痴人说梦,充满着喧哗与骚动,却没有任何意义


经典莎士比亚名人名言 莎士比亚说:勤劳一天,可得一日安眠;勤奋一生,可永远长眠。以下是为大家精心推荐的经典莎士比亚的名人名言大全集,欢迎阅读收藏,希望能够對您有所幫助。 经典莎士比亚的名人名言精选 1. 人的一生是短的,但如果卑劣地过这短短的一生,就太长了。 2. 善恶的区别,在于行为的本身,不在于地位的有无。 3. 有德的妇人,即使容貌丑陋,也是家庭的装饰。 4. 没有德性的美貌,是转瞬即逝的;可是因为在你的美貌之中,有一颗美好的灵魂,所以你的美貌是永存的。 5. 不如意的婚姻好比是座地狱,一辈子鸡争鹅斗,不得安生,相反的,选到一个称心如意的配偶,就能百年谐和,幸福无穷。 6. 人们可支配自己的命运,若我们受制余人,那错不在命运,而在我们。 7. 不要侮蔑你所不知道的真理,否则你将以生命的危险重重补偿你的过去。 8. 谦虚是最高的克己功夫。 9. 无论一个人的天赋如何优异,外表或内心如何美好,也必须在他的德性的光辉照耀到他人身上发生了热力,再由感受他的热力的人把那热力反射到自己身上的时候,才能体会到他本身的价值

10. 你可以写信到那里去,我的女王,我将要用我的眼睛喝下你所写的每一个字,即使那墨水是最苦的胆汁做成的。 经典莎士比亚的名人名言 1. 爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的蜜语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同语言的基础上的 2. 不要指着月亮起誓,它是变化无常的,每个月都盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也像它一样的无常。 3. 逆子无情甚于蛇蝎。 4. 退路是没有了,前途是一片沼泽地,让人越陷越深。 5. 魔鬼为了陷害我们起见,往往故意向我们说真话,在小事情上取得我们的信任,然后我们在重要的关头便会堕入他的圈套。 6. 我两腿早陷在血海里,欲罢不能,想回头,就像走到尽头般,叫人心寒退路是没有了,前途是一片沼泽地,让人越陷越深。 7. 爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光 8. 完美的爱情伤害人心。 9. 不要借人钱,也不要问别人借钱,借人钱的结果往往是人财两空。 10. 书籍是人类知识的总结。书籍是全世界的营养品。 11. 自信是走向成功之路的第一步;缺乏自信是失败的主要原因。 12. 对己能真,对人就能去伪,就像黑夜接着白天,影子随着身形。 13. 对自己真实,才不会对别人欺诈


莎士比亚经典语录中英文对照 1、There is a history in all men’s lives。所有人的生活里都有一部历史。 2、Laughter is the root of all evil。笑是一切罪恶的根源。 3、Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit。爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。 4、The course of true love never did run smooth。真爱无坦途。 5、The course of true love never did run smooth。真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。 6、A proud man,the result is always the pride in his own destruction。一个骄傲的人结果总是在骄傲里毁灭了自己。 7、Do you not know I am a woman?When I think,I must speak。你难道不知道我是女人?我心里想什么,就会说出来。 8、The empty vessels make the greatest sound。满瓶不响,半瓶

咣当。 9、All that glisters is not gold。闪光的并不都是金子。 10、The quality of mercy is not strained。慈悲不是出于勉强。 11、There is nothing either good or bad,but thinking makes it so。世上之事物本无善恶之分,思想使然。 12、To be or not to be,that is a question。生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。 13、There are more things in heaven and earth,Horatio,than are dreamt of in your philosophy。天地之间有许多事情,是你的睿智所无法想象的。 14、Good name in man and woman,dear my lord,is the immediate jewel of their souls:Who steals my purse steals trash;’tis something,nothing。无论男人女人,名誉是他们灵魂中最贴心的珍宝,如果有人偷走了我的钱袋,他不过偷走了一些废物,那不过是些毫无价值的东西罢了。


莎士比亚经典语录大全 1、正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明。 2、有些人对你恭维不离口,可全都不是患难朋友 3、因为她生得美丽,所以被男人追求;因为她是女人,所以被男人俘获。 4、时间是审查一切罪犯的最老练的法官。 5、不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远。 6、对众人一视同仁,对少数人推心置腹,对任何人不要亏负。 7、青春是一个短暂的美梦,当你醒来时,它早已消失无踪。 8、女人是用耳朵恋爱的,而男人如果会产生爱情的话,却是用眼睛来恋爱。 9、笨蛋自以为聪明,聪明人才知道自己是笨蛋。 10、人生就像是一匹用善恶的丝线交错成的布;我们的善行必须受我们过去过失的鞭挞,才不会过分趾高气扬;我们的罪恶又赖我们的善行把它们掩盖,才不会完全绝望。 11、在争论中,正义和真理也不一定永远能得到公平的裁判,黑了良心的人要招揽一些同样黑了良心的恶棍作您的反面证人。 12、如果做好心理准备,一切准备都已经完成。 13、人的一生是短的,但如果卑劣地过这一生,就太长了。 14、谈一场恋爱,学会了忍耐,总有些意外,会让人受伤害。 15、人世间的煊赫光荣,往往产生在罪恶之中,为了身外的浮名,牺牲自己的良心。 16、当我们还买不起幸福的时候,我们绝不应该走得离橱窗太近,盯着幸福出神。 17、没有什么事是好的或坏的,但思想却使其中有所不同。 18、赞美倘从被赞美自己的嘴里发出,是会减去赞美的价值的;从敌人嘴里发出的赞美才是真正的光荣。 19、适当的悲哀可以表示感情的深切,过度的伤心却可以证明智慧的欠缺。 人物资料 威廉·莎士比亚(英语:WilliamShakespeare,1564年4月23日-1616年4月23日;华人社会常尊称为莎翁,清末民初鲁迅在〈摩罗诗力说〉(1908年2月)


转抄: 莎士比亚名言中英对照(2010-07-05 02:11:21)转载标签:杂谈 https://www.360docs.net/doc/711347823.html,/GroupTopic/HQHlT3VwIsUKR6S4VIHGM6Ii.html https://www.360docs.net/doc/711347823.html,/2009/10/blog-post_3621.html "愛情是一朵生長在絕壁懸崖邊緣上的花,要想摘取就必須要有勇氣".請問這句話是出自於莎士比亞的哪一部戲劇或詩?英文原句又是什麼? Love is a flower that lives on the cliff. Y ou can pick up the flower with nothing but your courage and adventurousness. ----- 引用自 https://www.360docs.net/doc/711347823.html,/ya/m_200903 What’s in a name?That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. 名稱有什麼關係呢?玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。 Love sought is good,but given unsought is better. 經尋覓而得到的愛情是美好的,但未經尋覓而得到的愛情更為美好。 Frailty,thy name in woman! 女人,你的名字叫軟弱! The course of true love never did run smooth. 通向真愛的道路從無坦途。 When ciouds appear,wise men put on their cloaks。 聰明的人未雨綢繆。


I. Introduction Any discussion of Shakespeare's life is bound to be loaded with superlatives. In the course of a quarter century, Shakespeare wrote some thirty-eight plays. Taken individually, several of them are among the world's finest written works; taken collectively, they establish Shakespeare as the foremost literary talent of his own Elizabethan Age and, even more impressively, as a genius whose creative achievement has never been surpassed in any age. In light of Shakespeare's stature and the passage of nearly four centuries since his death, it is not surprising that hundreds of Shakespeare biographies have been written in all of the world's major languages. Scanning this panorama, most accounts of the Bard's life (and certainly the majority of modern studies) are contextual in the sense that they place the figure of Shakespeare against the rich tapestry of his "Age" or "Times" or "Society." This characteristic approach to Shakespeare biography is actually a matter of necessity, for without such fleshing out into historical, social, and literary settings, the skeletal character of what we know about Shakespeare from primary sources would make for slim and, ironically, boring books. As part of this embellishment process, serious scholars continue to mine for hard facts about the nature of Shakespeare's world. The interpretation of their meaning necessarily varies, often according to the particular school or ideology of the author. Whatever the differences of opinion, valid or at least plausible views about Shakespeare, his character and his personal experience continue to be advanced. Yet even among modern Shakespeare biographies, in addition to outlandish interpretations of the available facts, there persists (and grows) a body of traditions about such matters as Shakespeare's marriage, his move to London, the circumstances of his death and the like. The result of all this is that there is now a huge tapestry of descriptive, critical, and analytical work about Shakespeare in existence, much of it reasonable, some of it outlandish, and some of it hogwash. II. Three important points about Shakespeare In examining Shakespeare's life, three broad points should be kept in mind from the start. First, despite the frustration of Shakespeare biographers with the absence of a primary source of information written during (or even shortly after) his death on 23 April 1616 (his fifty-second birthday), Shakespeare's life is not obscure. In fact, we know more about Shakespeare's life, its main events and contours, than we know about most famous Elizabethans outside of the royal court itself. Shakespeare's life is unusually well-documented: there are well over 100 references to Shakespeare and his immediate family in local parish, municipal, and commercial archives and we also have at least fifty observations about Shakespeare's plays (and through them, his life) from his contemporaries. The structure of Shakespeare's life is remarkably sound; it is the flesh of his personal experience, his motives, and the like that have no firm basis and it is, of course, this descriptive content in which we are most interested. Second, the appeal of seeing an autobiographical basis in Shakespeare's plays and poetry must be tempered by what the bulk of the evidence has to say about him. Although there are fanciful


莎士比亚经典语录大全 莎士比亚经典语录大全 【1】:在时间的大钟上,只有两个字「现在」。 --莎士比亚 【2】:黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。 --莎士比亚《麦克白》 【3】:再好的东西都有失去的一天。再深的记忆也有淡忘的一天。再爱的人,也有远走的一天。再美的梦,也有苏醒的一天。 --莎士比亚 【4】:“要和一个男人相处的快乐,你应该多多了解他而不必太爱他;要和一个女人相处的快乐,你应该多爱她,却别想要了解她!”------ 莎士比亚 --莎士比亚 【5】:What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. 名字代表什么?我们所称的玫瑰换个名字还是一样芳香。 --莎士比亚《罗密欧与茱丽叶》 【6】:外观往往和事物的本身完全不符,世人都容易为表面的装饰所欺骗。没有比

较,就显不出长处;没有欣赏的人,乌鸦的歌声也就和云雀一样。要是夜莺在白天杂在聒噪里歌唱,人家绝不以为它比鹪鹩唱得更美。多少事情因为逢到有利的环境,才能达到尽善的境界,博得一声恰当的赞赏。 --莎士比亚 【7】:决心不过是记忆的奴隶它会根据你的记忆随意更改 --莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》 【8】:适当的悲衰可以表示感情的深切,过度的伤心却可以证明智慧的欠缺。 --莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 【9】:宁愿做一朵篱下的野花,不愿做一朵受恩惠的蔷薇。与其逢迎献媚,偷取别人的欢心,毋宁被众人所鄙弃 --莎士比亚《无事烦恼》 【10】:爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。 --莎士比亚 【11】:多听,少说,接受每一个人的责难,但是保留你的最后裁决。 --莎士比亚 【12】:你说你爱烟雨微茫,雨来时你却雨遮霓裳;你说你爱春光灿烂,阳光普照时你却孑然惆怅;你说你爱微风轻柔,风拂发梢时你却紧闭门窗。这便是为何你说你也深深爱我,我却烟波成霜。 --莎士比亚 【13】:一个骄傲的人,结果总是在骄傲里毁灭了自己。 --莎士比亚 【14】:to be or not to be,this is a question. 生存还是毁灭,这是个问题 --莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》

莎士比亚名言中英文 中英文名言警句上课讲义


莎士比亚名言中英文中英文名言警句 积累中英文的名言警句有利于我们知识的拓展和写作的提升。以下是小编带来的中英文名言警句的内容,希望你喜欢! 中英文名言警句语录 生活就像我的歌声,时而不靠谱,时而不着调。 Life is like my song, sometimes without spectrum, sometimes not. 顺境的时候一定要找出路,逆境的时候才会有退路。 Must appeared in prosperity, adversity when there will be a retreat. 不是强者就一定会赢,而只有赢的才是强者! Not only the strong will to win, win is the strong! 叹气是最浪费时间的事情,哭泣是最浪费力气的行径。 Sigh is one of the most waste of time things, crying is the most waste energy. 为爱坚持的人,记得坚持可以,但是不要为爱受伤。 Adhere to the people for love, remember can adhere to, but don’t hurt for love. 爱情要掌握火候,过分将就不是爱情,那是犯贱,犯傻,犯糊涂。 Love and to master the heat, too much will not love, that is make mean, be silly, confused. 承诺的同义词是束缚,奈何我们都向往束缚。 Commitment is synonymous with bondage, but we all aspire to bondage. 凡事不论成败,只要经历。这一生,本就是为了不输给自己而已。 All things no matter success or failure, as long as the experience. This life, this is in order not to lose themselves. 一个人的观念最难扭转,而观念扭转要靠气氛。 The idea of a man the most difficult to reverse, the ideas depends on mood. 最了解你的人有时不是你的朋友,而是你的敌人。 Most people know your sometimes is not your friend, but your enemy. 健康不等于一切,但失去健康却等于失去一切。 Health is not equal to everything, but lose health, loses all.


莎士比亚语录英文版 导读:本文是关于莎士比亚语录英文版的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、All that glisters is not gold。闪光的并不都是金子。 2、A light heart lives long。豁达者长寿。 3、We cannot all be masters,nor all masters cannot be truly followed。不是每个人都能做主人,也不是每个主人都能值得仆人忠心的服侍。 4、To mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on。为了一去不复返的灾祸而悲伤将会招致新的灾祸。 5、Beauty!Where is thy faith?美貌!你的真诚在何方? 6、Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts,but in their eyes。年轻人的爱不是发自内心,而是全靠眼睛。 7、Ignorance is the curse of God,Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven。无知乃是罪恶,知识乃是我们藉以飞向天堂的翅膀。 8、My only love sprung from my only hate!我唯一的爱来自我唯一的恨。 9、O,curse of marriage,that we can call these delicate creatures ours,and not their appetites!啊!婚姻的烦恼!我们


目录 一:莎士比亚名言--中英对照部分 二:莎士比亚名言--关于爱情 三:莎士比亚名言--关于读书 四:莎士比亚名言--关于励志 第一部分:莎士比亚名言中英文对照部分 The course of true love never did run smooth. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1.1) 真爱无坦途。——《仲夏夜之梦》 /真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。 Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1.1) 卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不用眼睛辨别,而是用心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。——《仲夏夜之梦》 Lord, what fools these mortals be! (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 3.2) 上帝呀,这些凡人怎么都是十足的傻瓜!——《仲夏夜之梦》 The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 5.1) 疯子、情人、诗人都是想象的产儿。——《仲夏夜之梦》 Since the little wit that fools have was silenc’d, the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show. (As You Like It, 1.2) 自从傻子小小的聪明被压制得无声无息,聪明人小小的傻气显得更吸引眼球了。——《皆大欢喜》 世界是一个舞台,所有的男男女女不过是一些演员,他们都有下场的时候,也都有上场的时候。一个人的一生中扮演着好几个角色。——《皆大欢喜》 Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. (As You Like It, 1.3) 美貌比金银更容易引起歹心。——《皆大欢喜》 Sweet are the uses of adversity. (As You Like It, 2.1) 逆境和厄运自有妙处。——《皆大欢喜》 Do you not know I am a woman? When I think, I must speak. (As You Like It, 3.2) 你难道不知道我是女人?我心里想什么,就会说出来。——《皆大欢喜》 Love is merely a madness. (As You Like It, 3.2) 爱情不过是一种疯狂。——《皆大欢喜》 O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man’s eyes! (As You Like It) 唉!从别人的眼中看到幸福,自己真有说不出的酸楚!——《皆大欢喜》 It is a wise father that knows his own child. (A Merchant of Venice 2.2)


莎士比亚的名言名句 本文是关于莎士比亚的名言名句,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 the course of true love never did run smooth. (a midsummer night’s dream 1.1) 真爱无坦途。——《仲夏夜之梦》 /真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。 things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind. (a midsummer night’s dream 1.1) 卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不用眼睛辨别,而是用心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。——《仲夏夜之梦》lord, what fools these mortals be! (a midsummer night’s dream 3.2) 上帝呀,这些凡人怎么都是十足的傻瓜!——《仲夏夜之梦》 the lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact. (a midsummer night’s dream 5.1) 疯子、情人、诗人都是想象的产儿。——《仲夏夜之梦》 since the little wit that fools have was silenc’d, the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show. (as you like it, 1.2) 自从傻子小小的聪明被压制得无声无息,聪明人小小的傻气显得更吸引眼球了。——《皆大欢喜》 世界是一个舞台,所有的男男女女不过是一些演员,他们都有下场的时候,也都有上场的时候。一个人的一生中扮演着好几个角色。——《皆大欢喜》beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. (as you like it, 1.3) 美貌比金银更容易引起歹心。——《皆大欢喜》 sweet are the uses of adversity. (as you like it, 2.1) 逆境和厄运自有妙处。——《皆大欢喜》 do you not know i am a woman? when i think, i must speak. (as you like
