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1.A few days ago, the commission its investigation and declared that Johnson was to blame for the car accident last month on the highway.

A.discriminated B.acknowledged C.concluded D.negotiated




考查动词词义辨析。A. discriminated辨别;B. acknowledged承认;C. concluded推断、结束;D. negotiated协商。句意:几天前,委员会结束了调查,宣布Johnson应对上个月发


2.Briggs will ________ as general manager when Mitchell retires.

A.get away B.take over

C.set off D.run out



试题分析:句意:当米切尔退休的时候,布里格斯将接管总经理的位置。when Mitchell retires 这是时间状语从句,不能用将来时,而用一般现在时来代替;get away离开; take over接管;set off出发;run out用完,耗尽。根据句意故选B。


3.If the service is awful, a customer has the right to to the manager.

A.react B.apply

C.complain D.suggest



试题分析:句意:如果服务很糟糕,顾客有权向经理申诉。React反应 apply应用 complain 申诉suggest建议,选C。


4.The event that _________ in my memory happened one morning in 1983 when I was 14 years old. It has never escaped.

A.stood out B.stands out

C.would stand out D.has stood out






5.It is reported that the police will soon _____ the case of the two missing children.

A.look upon B.look after

C.look into D.look out



试题分析:考察动词词组辨析。A. look upon环顾;B. look after照顾; C. look into调查;D. look out当心;据报道警方将坚持调查两个孩子失踪的案件,所以答案是C。


6.With my money ________, I went back home.

A.ran out of B.ran out

C.running out D.running out of




里做原因状语,with+宾语+宾语补足语(非谓语动词),所以排除AB项,run out of是及

物动词,后面要接宾语,否则是被动语态,排除D,Run out是不及物动词,不能用被动式,选C。


7.Although the ring is not made of real diamonds, its shape and design still ____ many young girls.

A.appeal to B.fit for

C.attend to D.apply for



试题分析:句意:尽管这个戒指不是用真的钻石做成的,但是它的形状和设计依然吸引了许多年轻的女孩。appeal to对……有吸引力;fit for适合;attend to处理;apply for申请,



8.Your own personal behavior as a teacher, outside school hours, _______ on the school itself. A.resembles B.reminds

C.reflects D.remains





A. resembles 相似

B. reminds提醒

C. reflects反应

D. remains保持。reflect on导致,招致,根据句意可知,选C。

9.There was no way to _________ economic losses related to human-driven global warming from the much larger losses resulting from the growth in populations and economic development in vulnerable (易受伤害的) regions.

A.distribute B.disturb C.dominate D.distinguish


【解析】考查动词。A. distribute 分配; B. disturb打扰; C. dominate 控制; D. distinguish区别。动荡/生态脆弱地区因人口繁衍和经济发展遭受着更严重的损失,与此(总体)相比,其中由于人为原因引起的全球变暖所导致的一部分(致死和经济受损)很难明显地区分开来。根据句意可知答案为D。

10.The new survey shows that the number of students ________ computer games has been increasing in recent years.

A.accustomed to B.absorbed to C.adapted to D.addicted to




考查动词词组。A. accustomed to习惯于; B. absorbed to被吸引; C. adapted to适应于; D. addicted to沉迷于。句意:这项新的调查显示,沉迷于电脑游戏的学生人数近年来呈上升趋势。故答案为D。

11.Having a brother or sister protects adolescents against negative feelings such as loneliness and guilt, but they also have to learn to ___________and to control their emotions. A.compete B.compensate

C.comprehend D.compromise




考查动词词义辨析。句意:有兄弟姐妹可以保护青少年免受孤独和内疚等负面情绪的伤害,但他们也必须学会妥协和控制自己的情绪。pete竞争,比得上;B. compensate 补偿,报酬;C. comprehend理解,领会;D. compromise妥协。根据and to control their emotions可知,此处指“学会妥协”。故选D。

12.By doing so, you can ________ more information and details about the topic, and better understand it.

A.keep up with B.do away with
