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高中英语必修四第一单元重点、难点Unit One Women of achievement

1、Then we follow as they wander into the forest. 然后当它们向森林走去时,我们就跟随着。


(1) 游荡;漫游

They wandered in Europe for three months. 他们在欧洲漫游了三个月。

His eyes wandered round the full house. 他用眼睛把整个房子扫视了一遍。

(2) 迷路乱走

Don’t wander off the road into the forest. 别离开大路进入森林。

The dog wandered off and got lost. 狗迷路走失了。

(3) 蜿蜒曲折

The river wanders through some very beautiful country.小河蜿蜒曲折穿越漂亮的乡村。

The little stream wanders through the woods. 小溪从林中穿过。

(4) 胡想;说胡话

Don’t let your thou ght wander in class. 上课时思想别跑毛。

His mind wandered back to his college days. 他的思想又回到了大学时代。

2、In pairs discuss what they have in common and what makes them great.


common adj. & n.


You ’ve made a common mistake again. 你又犯了个常见错误。


Parks are common property to the city’s people. 城市的公园是这个城市的人的公共财产。

联想扩展:have… in common 有共同之处

My son has nothing in common with me. 我儿子和我没有一点共同之处。

common ground 共同利益common knowledge 人所共知的事common sense 常识

易混辨析:common , usual , ordinary , general 普通,通常

common 所有人或事物所共有的,常见的,普通的。“习见习闻”。

usual 由过去的经验可判断为正常或通常,是按照预测发生的。

ordinary 与一般实物的标准、品德、习俗相同,平凡而不特殊,强调平淡无奇。

general 广泛的,关联到同类中之全部。

3、She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children.


devote… to… 献身于…

The old man has devoted all his life to teaching. 那位老人把一生献给了教育事业。

She devotes all her spare time to looking after her sick mother.她把所有的空余时间都花在照顾生病的母亲上。

特别提示:devote… to…句型中的宾语多用(all) one’s life; (all) one’s time; one’s effort / efforts。


1、Although the working mother is very busy, she still _____a lot of time to her children.

A. devotes

B. spends

C. offers

D. provides 答案:A

2、_____ two years to ________after the sick woman, she badly needed a holiday.

A. Devoting herself; look

B. Devoted; looking

C. Devoting; looking

D. Devoted; looked 答案:B

3、We should devote ______ the people in the earthquake area.

A. us to help

B. us to helping

C. ourselves to helping

D. ourselves to help 答案:C

4、She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.她花了几年时间观察并且记录他们的日常活动。

observe vt. & vi. 注意到;看到;观察用法归纳:


Did you observe anything strange? 你发现有什么奇怪的地方吗?

We observed a curious phenomenon that day. 那天我们发现了一个奇怪的现象。


Did you observe a man enter the building? 你看到一个人进入这栋大楼吗?

The policeman observed a car running on the left of the road and stopped it.警察注意到一辆车行驶在路的左边就把它挡住了。

特别提示:observe后跟复合结构时,一般跟省略了to的不定式或现在分词。但需要特别注意,被动句中不定式的to 不能省略,另外,如果作宾语补足语的不定式是to be结构,to不能省略。


1、I observed two men in raincoat ______ the hall. A. enter B. entering C. entered D. to enter 答案:B

2、He ____ that it had turned cloudy. A.observed B. watched C. felt D.notice 答案:A

5、She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.


argue vt. & vi. 争论;辩论用法归纳:

(1)argue with sb. about / over sth. = argue about / over sth. with sb. 关于某事和某人争论

What are you arguing about? 你们在争论什么?

I will not argue over the matter with you any more. 我将不再和你争论这个问题。

(2)argue sb. to be…说明

The way he spends money argues him to be rich. /that he is rich. 他花钱的方式说明他很富有。

The smoke from the chimney argues that there is someone in the house. 烟囱冒烟说明房子里有人。

(3)argue for / against 提出理由支持/反对

He argues against the use of animals in the experiment. 他提出理由反对在试验中使用动物。

Some students argue for the use of mobile phones in school.一些学生支持在学校使用手机。

(4)argue sb. into / out of doing sth. 通过争论使…(不)做某事

The teachers argue the students out of bring electric products to school.老师们要求学生们不把电子产品带到学校。

They tried to argue us into going with them. 他们想说服我们和他们一起去。

易混辨析:debate, discuss, argue, quarrel 争论;辩论

debate 用于正式场合,指辩论双方对一个问题进行全面的、彻底的辩论,有时含有针锋相对的意思。另外,debate 还有在裁判的监督下或根据一套规则进行的正式讨论。


argue 为普通用语,表示“争辩”,即反对他人的意见,坚持自己的主见,并以推理的方式陈述、论证,试图说服他人,含愤怒的语气。

quarrel 意为“吵架”。


1、Truth develops through ____ between different views. A. discuss B. argue C. debate D. quarrel 答案:C

2、Do w hat you are told and don’t _____ me.

A. argue with

B. argue against

C. argue about

D. argue into 答案:A

6、She is leading a busy life. 她过着繁忙的生活。

live / lead/ have a…life 过… 生活

Though he is rich. he leads a simple life. 虽然他很有钱,但他生活简朴。

We are now living a happy life. 我们现在过着幸福的生活。

7、Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.

