

八年级英语下册知识点总结归纳-期末复 习 Unit 1 What’s the Matter? When we don't feel well。we need to know how to describe our symptoms。Here are some common phrases to help: 1.I have a fever. 2.I have a cough. 3.I XXX. 4.I talk too much. 5.XXX. 6.I have a cold. 7.I XXX. 8.I have a sore back. 9.I XXX. If we have any of these symptoms。we should see a doctor。Here are some things the doctor may do:

Take our temperature. Give us medicine to put on the affected area. Tell us to XXX. Tell us to see a dentist. Tell us to get an X-ray. Sometimes。we may have to take risks to get better。For example。if we have a heart problem。we may need surgery。 But we should always make sure we are making the right n. If we see someone who needs help。we should do what we can。For example。if we see someone fall down。we should shout for help or call an ambulance。We should also put a bandage on their wound if they need it. In the end。it's important to take care of ourselves and others。We should always try to stay healthy and help those who need it. Unit 2 I'll Help to Clean Up the City Parks


八年级下册英语期末考试复习计划方案 八年级下册英语期末考试复习计划方案(通用9篇) 为了确保事情或工作安全顺利进行,我们需要事先制定方案,一份好的方案一定会注重受众的参与性及互动性。那么应当如何制定方案呢?以下是小编为大家收集的八年级下册英语期末考试复习计划方案,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 八年级下册英语期末考试复习计划方案篇1 一、复习中注意的几个原则: (一)是抓住课本和学案,有效复习。教材和学案是考前复习和考试命题的依据。 (二)是系统归纳,分清脉络。以《同步学习》为线索,按单元进行系统全面的复习。 (三)是专项练习,有的放矢,利用考前一周,进行小规模的专项练习。 二、复习思路: 在复习中,要求学生学会整理错题,把试卷和做过的练习题里的错题整理出来,专门抄写在一个本子上,及时订正反馈。教师要加以选择,并要求学生有选择性地做基础知识练习,让学生走出题海。关于阅读理解,现在出题内容越来越接近生活,因此,学生复习时应加强阅读量、提高阅读速度,广泛接触各种题材、体裁的文章,拓展知识面,同时要有意识地积累各种题型的解题方法和技巧,从而可减少中考时的答题失误。 (一)立足基础。 6-10单元为复习重点,复习时要强调基础知识,建议学生将已学过的语法知识进行归纳分类,以便使零散的知识连贯起来。将动词,句型作为复习重点,复习其他词类时多关注固定用法、平时常见的错误及教师课堂上提出应注意问题等。1-5单元有选择的重点复习。 复习过程中以学生自检与教师检查相结合,及时反馈学习效果,注重复习的有效性。

(二)查缺补漏。 复习时要强调针对性和有效性。不搞题海战术,把各种针对性比较强的综合训练作为检查存在不足的工具,重点突破那些平时没有熟练掌握的内容。 (三)注重复习技巧。 现在复习时就应采取正确的解题技巧、思路和方法,包括在进行听力训练时。复习时把各类题型进行分析、归类,掌握解题方法,这样才能在解题时多角度深入地理解题意,拓宽解题思路。 (四)对不同学生进行必要的分类指导和心理辅导。 一个班级,总是存在着学生的差异。在复习中,用一个标准来要求所有学生,是不太妥当的。对优生而言,严格要求,加大难度;对中等生、一般学生而言,要求他们巩固所学,力求进步;对后进生而言,应耐着性子,加大情感投入,让他们体会到老师们的良苦用心,尽可能搞好学习。 (五)根据考试题型,有的放矢,进行专项练习。 根据期中考试试卷分析出现的问题,加强学生听力及作文的练习。平时检测,注意狠抓学生出现的问题,努力确保大多数学生不犯同样的错误。具体的教学进度如下: 第17周: 第1课时(Unit1) 第2课时(Unit2) 第3课时(Unit3) 第4课时(Unit4) 第5课时(Unit5) 第18周 第6课时完成《同步学习》期中试卷 第7课时(Unit6) 第8课时(Unit7) 第9课时(Unit8) 第10课时Unit9)


专题二__词语填空 总分数100分时长:90分钟 1(20 points) In China, very few children make pocket money.____1____, in western countries, most kids make pocket money by themselves. They make money in many different____2____ . When kids are very young, their parents help them sell the fruits of their own trees to neighbours. Kids may also help____3____ do housework to make money at home. When they____4____ sixteen, they can make money by sending newspapers or by working in fast food restaurants,____5____ during the summer holidays. There are many____6____ of making pocket money by kids themselves. First of all, they learn the____7____ of money by working hard so that they will not waste any. Secondly, they learn to____8____ money to buy things they need or want, such as books, pencils, movies and even clothes they like. Thirdly, they learn to____9____ the daily life problems by helping their parents or others. Making pocket money is____10____ for children when they grow up. That is why parents encourage their kids to make pocket money. (1) A.Also B.Anyway C.However (2) A.ways B.levels C.homes (3) A.teachers B.friends C.parents (4) A.reach B.have C.catch (5) A.especially B.hardly C.properly (6) A.choices B.advantages C.problems (7) A.fun B.value C.message (8) A.count B.waste C.manage (9) A.give up B.look up C.deal with (10) A.helpful B.careful C.beautiful 2(20 points) Have you ever offered a helping hand to those who are in trouble? One day, two____1____ were walking along the road to school when they saw an old woman carrying a large basket of pears. They thought the woman looked very____2____ . They went up to her and said, "Are you going to the town? If you are, we will help carry your basket." "Thank you," ____3____ the woman. "You are very kind. You see I'm weak and ill." Then she told them that she was now going to the market to____4____ the pears which grew on the


Unit 1 What’s the matter? 【重点短语】 1.have a fever 发烧 2.have a cough 咳嗽 3.have a toothache 牙疼 4.talk too much 说得太多 5.drink enough water 喝足够的水 6.have a cold 受凉;感冒 7.have a stomachache 胃疼 8.have a sore back 背疼 9.have a sore throat 喉咙痛 10. take risks 冒险 11.hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 12.see a dentist 看牙医 13.get an X-ray 拍X 光片 14.take one’s temperature 量体温 15.put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药 16. give up 放弃 17. sound like 听起来像 18. all weekend 整个周末 19. in the same way 以同样的方式

20. go to a doctor 看医生 21. go along 沿着……走 22. on the side of the road 在马路边 23. shout for help 大声呼救 24. without thinking twice 没有多想 25. get off 下车 26. have a heart problem 有心脏病 27. to one’s surprise 另某人惊讶的是 28. thanks to 多亏了;由于 29. in time 及时 30. make a decision 做出决定 31. get into trouble 造成麻烦 32. right away 立刻;马上 33. because of 由于 34. get out of 离开;从……出来 35. keep on doing sth. 继续或坚持做某事 36. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎 37. fall down 摔倒 38. feel sick 感到恶心 39. have a nosebleed 流鼻血 40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖 41. put her head back 把她的头向后仰


八下英语期末知识点用法默写(含答案版) Unit 1 1. What’s the matter with sb.? 怎么了? 2. to one’s surprise 令人惊奇的是…… 3.expect to do sth. 期待做某事 4. the importance of doing sth.做某事的重要性 5. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 6. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 7. agree to do sth. 同意做某事8. be ready to do sth.准备好做某事 9. before/after doing sth.在做某事之前/之后10. keep on doing sth. 继续做某事 11. run out 与run out of 人+ run out of They have run out of the water. 物+ run out (不可用于被动语态)The money is running out. 12. Unit 2 1. come up with 想出 2. need to do sth. 需要做某事 3. help sb. do/to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 4. decide to do sth.决定做某事 5. at the same time 同时 6. be able to do sth. 能够做某事 7. be excited about ... 对……兴奋8. thank you for doing sth. 感谢某人做某事 9. be worried about doing sth. 对做某事感到担忧 10. make a big difference to对……产生影响 11. take after 与look like take after意为“长得像,行为、性格等像”,尤其是像自己的长辈。 The boy takes after his father. 这个男孩长得像他爸爸。 look like 可以用于所有场合,既可指人也可指物,仅指外表看上去像。 The man looks like our teacher. 这个男的看起来像我们的老师。


八年级下英语期末综合复习试题(一) (时间:60分钟满分:100分) 第一部分听力理解(共20分) 一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每小 题1分) ( ) 1. A. B. C. A B C ( ) 2. A B C ( ) 3. A B C ( A B C 二、听对话和独白,根据对话和独白的内容,选择正确答案。每段对话和独白 读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题 ( ) 5. What is the boy doing? A. Having a party. B. Writing cards. C. Doing some cooking.

( ) 6. When is the girl going to arrive? A. 8:30. B. 8:00. C. 9:00. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题 ( ) 7. Where is the man going? A. To his company. B. To a restaurant. C. To a super market. ( ) 8.How much will he pay? A. $4.99. B. $5.99. C. $3.98. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题 ( )9. What is the woman doing on the 13th? A. Having a meeting. B. Seeing her doctor. C. Visiting her friend. ( )10. When are they going to meet? A. On the fourteenth. B. On the fifteenth. C. On the sixteenth. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题 ( )11.What does the man think of Kathy’s room? A. Large. B. Simple. C. Nice. ( )12. What does Peter want for a drink? A. Apple juice. B. Orange juice. C. Ice water. ( )13. Where did Cathy take the photos? A. In the CD shop. B. In China. C. In Kathy’s room. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题 ( )14. What will the club members do on Wednesday? A. Sing songs. B. Listen to CD. C. Play their own music. ( )15. How often will the club members meet each week? A. Once. B. Three times. C. Five times. ( ) 16. What can we learn from the speaker’s talk? A. You needn’t pay to join the music club. B. The new club is for everyone in the school. C. The club members will meet in their classrooms. 三、听独白,记录关键信息,每段独白读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)


人教版八年级下册英语期末复习:各单元重要语法知识点总结 Unit 1 1. the +adj 表示一类人,the +姓氏复数形式,表示夫妇两人或一家人,谓语动词用复数 2. have difficulty/trouble /problems in doing sth “做某事有困难”,doing前的in可以省略。 3.动词不定式用法 ①动词不定式作宾语。v+ to do sth 常见的动词有:want,decide, hope, plan,would like ,等,表示还没有做的动作。 ②动调不定式作状语。表示行为、目的、结果。句子+to do sth 或To do sth , + 句子 ③动词不定式作宾语补足语。v+sb + to do sth. 常用动词有:ask , want , tell, wish He told me(mot)to come today、他叫我今天 ④表示感觉的动词,如see,hear,notice,feel 等,以及使役动词let,have,make等后常用省略to的动词作宾语补足语。l see him leave.我看见他离开了。 ⑤做主语。做主语时常和It’s+ adj + for + sb + to do sth 转换,it's是形式主语,动词不定式是真实主语 ⑥做定语。 a house to live in 住的房间paper to write on 写的纸。此时的动词不定式与所修饰的名词构成动宾或逻辑关系。 4.happen的用法 ①sth. happened to sb 某人出了某事(常指不好的事)eg:What happened to you?你怎么啦? ②sb.happen(s)to do sth.某人碰巧做某事eg: I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday.


初二下期末复习资料 一、主要语法点 1、系动词:表示主语“是什么”或“怎么样”(de)词.它本身有词义,但是不能单独做谓语,后面必须跟表语(形容词、名词等),构成系表结构来说明主语(de)状况、性质、特征等. 系动词可分五类:a、表示“是”(de)系动词be,表示主语(de)特征、状态或性质.b、表示保持一种状态或态度(de)连词,如:keep,stay,remain等.c、表示一种状态转变为另一种状态(de)连系动词,如:become,get,grow,turn,go等.d、表示“看起来”(de)连系动词,如:look,seem,appear.e、表示其他感官感觉到(de)系动词,如:feel,smell,taste,sound. 2、状语从句 a、原因状语从句表示主句所发生(de)原因或理由.通常用because,as,since和for引导. because 用于回答why(de)提问,可放句首,也可放句尾. as和since语气弱,用来表示非常明显(de)原因或者对方已经了解(de)原因,一般放句首. for表示(de)原因不是直接原因,而是多种情况(de)推测,是一种补充说明,因此一般不在句首. b、时间状语从句,要注意时态一致.一般情况下,主句是一般将来时,从句用一般过去时.主句是过去时态,从句也要相应用过去时态.连接词有:when,while,as,before,after,since,till,untill等.

表示同时性,即主从句(de)谓语同时发生或者几乎同时发生.when(当…… (de)时候),while,as soon as,as,onec,等. 表示先后,即主句(de)谓语动作发生在从句之前或之后.after=when(在…… 之后),before 表示持续或瞬间性.since(自从),until(直到…才),till(直到……才)until用于肯定句中,表示主句(de)动作一直持续到从句动作发生或状态出现时为止.这种用法中,主句(de)谓语动词必须是持续性动词.如live,wait,last,love,like,stay,work等. eg:He waited for his father until it was 12 o’clock. until用于否定句中,表示主句(de)动作在从句(de)动作发生之前尚未发生,或者说主句(de)动作在从句(de)动作发生之后才开始.此句型为“not…until…”直到……才……,此时谓语可以是非持续性动词. eg: He didn’t come back until he finished all the work. c、条件状语从句由if,unless(除非),in case(万一),as long as(只要)等词引导. 条件状语从句同时间状语从句一样,谓语动词常用一般现在时表示将来. eg:If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the park. d、结果状语从句表示主句(de)动作所引起(de)结果,可以用so…that, such…that等引导. 在so…that结构中,so是副词,与形容词或副词连用,结构是so+adj/adv +that从句. 在such…that结果中,such是形容词,后面跟可数或不可数名词.结构是:


八年级英语下册期末复习题及答案 在八年级下半年的英语期末考试到来之前,为了我们能够获得一个好分数,过一个好假期,我想平时我们还是要认真复习,多做一些英语习题的。今天小编给大家带来八年级英语下册期末复习题,希望大家喜欢并且能够有所收获。 八年级英语下册期末复习题(一) 一、重点词汇回顾 1.发现;发觉 __________ 2.设法做 __________ 3.分享 __________ 4.逃亡 __________ 5.疼痛的 __________ 6.令人难为情的 __________ 7.极好的 __________ 8.热诚的;热心的 __________ 9.完全地 __________ 10.特别;尤其 __________ 二、重点短语回顾: 1.出现;取得进展 2.独自;自己 3.上来;发生 4.献身于 5.最后 6.照顾 7.上大学 8.一点也不… 9.送别… 10.属于 11.从某种程度上

12.在船上 三、完成句子专项训练: 1.这个岛隶属于英国,人口几百人。 The island _____ _____ Great Britain and has a population of a few hundred. 2.我已肯定要去加利福尼亚州上大学。 I've definitely decided to _____ _____ _____ in California. 3.我们最终赢得了比赛。 We won the game _____ _____ _____. 4.谢谢你来机场为我送行。 Thank you for coming to _____ me _____ at the airport. 5.国民经济增长速度在一定程度上有所加快。 National economic growth accelerated _____ _____ _____. 6.你愿意和Jack一起来吗? Will you _____ _____ with jack? 四、语法精练: 1.You must find out how much it ________ to have a one-year study in England before going there. A. costs B. spends C. pays D. uses 2.We didn’t know each other at that time, ________ we’re good friends now. A. because B. since C. but D. if 3.—Why didn’t you stop the ball? —________ I could catch it, a boy from Class Three suddenly appeared and caught it.


根据中文,完成句子 1. 我的朋友说这本书很容易读。 My friends said this book ________ easy __________ _____________. 2. 他们把墨水用完了。 They have ___________ ______________ _________ the ink. 3. 这是一座具有丰富多彩历史的有趣的城市。 This is an _____________ city _____________ a very colorful history. 4. 学生们正在唱歌为慈善组织募捐。 Students are singing __________ _____________ money ____________ charity. 5.艾利森到现在已经整整滑了五个小时了。 Alison has been skating ____________ _____________ ___________ five hours 6. 我们应该尽量做到不烦恼。 We should ___________ _______________ _____________ be annoyed. 7. 在新的房子里你一定会非常兴奋。 You must be very ___________________ to _______________ in a new house. 8. 把你的电视音量调小些好吗?太吵了。 Would you mind ___________ _________ your TV? It’s too _______________. 9. 我不喜欢排队等候时售货员却在电话里长谈。 I don’t like ______________ ______________ ______________ when a shop assistant _____________ a long telephone conversation. 10. 他的女儿在公共场合总是很害羞。 ___________daughter is always shy _____________ _______________. 11.当你有困难的时候为什么不寻求帮助? Why __________ __________ _____________ help when you were in troubles? 12.大火最终被消防员扑灭了。 At last the fire ______________ _______________ ___________ by the fireman. 13.请把它捡起来好吗? Would you mind ________________ ________________ _______________? 14.即使你打车去,你还是会赶不上火车。 _________ _______ you take a taxi, you _________ still ___________ your train. 15.你知道一些说英语的国家吗? Do you know _____________ ________________ countries? 16.他去打篮球了而不是去游泳了。 He went to play basketball ______________ __________ __________________. 17. 你曾经收到的最好礼物是什么? What’s _________ ________ gift you ___________ ever __________________? 18.狗太难照顾了。 Dogs are _______ difficult to _________ ___________ _________________. 19.人们不需要在买礼物上花费太多的钱。 People don’t need to spend __________ __________ money ___________ gifts. 20. 有时我没有足够的时间和她在一起。 _________ I don’t have ____________ time to spend _________ ___________. 21.这份礼物或许会被赠送给别人。 This gift may _____________ ____________ __________ __________


8年级英语下册期末复习知识点 8年级英语下册复习知识点 Unit 1 Can you come to my party? A.短语 1. 来参加我的晚会 come to my party 2. 我愿意I’d love to. 3. 在周六下午 on Saturday afternoon 4. 上钢琴课 take/have a piano lesson 5. 去看医生 go to the doctor 6. 太多家庭作业 too much homework 7. 下一次 another time 8. 谢谢邀请 Thanks for asking. 9. 玩得高兴 have fun 10. 去商业街/商场 go to the mall 11. 棒球比赛 baseball game 12. 后天 the day after tomorrow 13. 为考试而学习 study for a test 14. 临时照看他的妹妹 babysit his sister 15. 多谢邀请 Thanks a lot for the invitation. 16. 在度假期 be on vacation 17. 保持安静 keep quiet 18. 和我一起打网球 play tennis with me 19. 足球比赛 football match 20. 文化俱乐部 culture club 21. 整天 the whole day =all day 22. 整日整夜 all day and all night 23. 整个故事 the whole story 24. 所有学生all the students 25. 过来、顺便来访come over to


人教版八年级英语下册期末复习资料全册 Unit 1 What’s the matter? 1.What’s the matter? = What’s the trouble? =What’s wrong? 怎么了? (wrong 错误的,有毛病的) 2.What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了? What’s the trouble with her? 她怎么了? What’s wrong with the computer? 电脑怎么了? 感冒 发烧 咳嗽 头疼 胃疼,肚子疼 牙疼 背疼,腰疼 背疼,腰疼 喉咙痛 脖子疼 腿疼 疼; 使……受伤 My head hurts. = I have a headache. 我头疼。 I hurt my leg. 我伤到了腿。 You hurt my heart/feelings. 你伤了我的心/感情。 5.He has a bad/terrible cold. 他得了重感冒。 He has a high fever. 他发高烧。 6.with prep. 用 We look with our eyes. 我们用眼睛看。 Don't write with a pencil. 别用铅笔。 7.lie v. 躺;撒谎;位于 n. 谎言tell lies 撒谎 A boy is lying on the grass. (lie - lying) Don't lie. = Don’t tell lies. 别撒谎。 Shandong lies in the east of China. 山东位于中国东部。 8.休息一下have a rest = have a break =take a rest =take a break 9.carry 运,搬,提,背 He is carrying a big bag his back. 他背着一个大包。 10.There is something wrong with… …… 有毛病。 11.There is nothing wrong with…


最新人教版八年级英语下册期末复习资料全套 (分单元归纳重点短语和重点句型) Unit 1 What ’ s the matter? 一、重点短语 1.have a fever 发烧 2.have a cough 咳嗽 3.have a toothache 牙疼 4.talk too much 说得太多 5.drink enough water 喝足够的水 6.have a cold 受凉;感冒 7.have a stomachache 胃疼 8.have a sore back 背疼 9.have a sore throat 喉咙痛 10.lie down and rest 躺下来休息 11.hot tea w with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 12.see a dentist 看牙医 13.get an X-ray 拍 X 光片 14.take one ' s temperatures 15.put some medicine on sth. 在上面敷药 16.feel very hot 感到很热 17.sound like 听起来像 18.all weekend 整个周末 19.in the same way 以同样的方式 20.go to a doctor 看医生 21.go along沿着••…走 22.on the side of the road 在马路边 23.shout for help 大声呼救 24.without thinking twice 没有多想 25.get off 下车 26.have a heart problem 有心脏病 27.to one s’ urpsrise 使[京讶的 28.thanks to 多亏了;由于 29.in time 及时 30.save a life 挽救生命 31.get into trouble 造成麻烦 32.right away 立刻;马上 33.because of 由于 34.get out of 离开;从出萍 35.hurt oneself 受伤 36.put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎 37.fall down 摔倒


U n i t1W h e n w a s h e b o r n? 2 1. 出生于(时间)be born in\on\at 2. 出生于(地点)be born in 3. 出身于 be born into 4. 击球很快hit the ball very fast 5. How long 提问,for 回答 6. 停止做某事 stop doing sth 7. 停止去做某事 stop to do sth 8. 开始做某事 start doing\to do 9. 有天赋的人 people with great talents 10. 一位街头艺术家 a street artist 11. 看起来像 look like 12. 因某事遇到麻烦get into trouble for doing 13. 学习做某事 learn to do 14. 获奖 win the prize 15. 期盼做某事 expect to do sth 16. 因为as 17. 全世界 all over the world 18. 中途退出drop out of(dropped) 19. 辍学drop out of school 20. 喜爱阅读enjoy reading 21. 在那时at that time 22. 可找到的 available 23. 想方设法做某事try every means to do 24. 手头没有更多的书with no more books at hand 25. 参军join the army 26. 出版be published 27. 被拍成电影be made into a film 28. 越来越多more and more 29. 变得感兴趣become interested in doing 30. 著作works 31. 除外besides, except 32. 离开去 leave for目的地 33. 表演京剧 perform Beijing Opera 34. 效力于国家队play for a national team 35. 与某人共度时间spend time with sb 36. 花费spend doing sth, spend on sth 37. 聆听 listen to 38. 搬到某地move to sp 39. 七个月大 seven months old a seven-month-old baby 40. 上钢琴课 take\have piano lessons 41. a lot, a bit, a little, much, far, even+比较级 42. 开音乐会 give concerts 43. 钢琴诗人the poet of the piano 44. 触碰听者心灵touch the hearts of listeners 45. 胜过,强过more than doing 46. 生病严重 become seriously ill 47. 坚持做某事keep on doing 48. 例如such as(无逗号) 49. 组建第一个组合start first music group 50. 其中之一 one of +复数+单三 51. include, me included, including 52. 在音乐排行榜上on the music charts 53. 解散 break up (broke, broken) 54. 在青少年时期 in his teenage years U n i t2I t’s a n i c e d a y,i s n’t i t? 1. 我希望如此 I hope so 2在中午 at noon 3在中午之前 by noon 4你认为..怎么样What do you think of? 5有点严厉 kind of strict 6. rest用法 7. 大姐姐 an elder sister 8. 再见see you later 9. 处理,应付deal with 10. 发生在某人身上happen to sb 11. happen用法 12. 对..不自信be unsure of 13. 谈论talk about 14. 例如such as 15. make用法 16. 转向某人turn to sb 17. 紧挨着的next to 18. keep用法 19. 努力做某事try to do 20. 越来越紧张more and more nervous 21.最后in the end


八年级英语下册期末复习资料 1.20 世纪中期 2.保持同样 3.学校正面 4.学习阅读和数数 5.存在 6.把视为 7.找工作 8.拥有全部他童年 的记忆 9.经过 ..猜 ..10.依据 11.从我记事起12. 太遗憾了13.那么一个幸福的童年14.考虑15. 成为这个地方的一种象征16.数百万中国人17.快要三年 18.带着浓重兴趣19.把很多暖和甜美的记忆留在我们的内心20.它在镇上做的菜最好。 (1)一般此刻时表示现阶段常常或习惯发生的动作或存在的状态,或说明主语的特点。 ①一般此刻时句子中常有的时间状语:often,usually,sometimes,always,every(day等),once/twice,a (week等), on (Sunday等 ),never,in the(morning等 )。如:They go to the Palace Museum once a year(他们.每 年去一次故宫)/ They often discuss business in the evening(他.们常常在夜晚商谈买卖②表示客观真谛、事实、人的技术或此刻的状态时句子里一般不用时间状语。如:) The earth turns round the sun(.地球绕着太阳转)/ Light travels faster than sound.(光流传比声音快) ③表示十分确立会发生(如安排好的事情)或依据时间表进行的事情,用一般此刻能够表达未来中能够有未来时间。如:The train for Haikou leaves at 8 00 in the morning.(开往汉口的列车上午开车 ) ④在时间状语从句中(以when, after, before, while, until, as soon as等指引 )和条件状语从句中,句子8 点 (以 if,unless指引),用一般此刻时取代一般未来时,句子能够有未来时间。如:Please ring me up as soon as you arrive in Germany(.你一到德国就给我打电话) / If it rains tomorrow,we will have to stay at home.(假如明日下 雨我们就只能呆在家 ) ⑤一般此刻时用于倒装句中能够表示正在发生的动作,动词以come, go为主。如:Here comes the bus. (车来了 ) / There goes the bell(.铃响了 ) ⑥人的心理活动和感官动作一般用一般此刻时而不用此刻进行时表达,常有动词有:like, love, hate, dislike, want, wish, hope, think(以为),understand, remember, forget, mean, need, hear, feel,.如see: I think it is going to snow(.我想天要下雪了)/ I really hope you can enjoy your stay here(我.真的希望你快乐 地呆在这儿 ) (1) 一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,这类动作或状态可能是一次性,也可能常常发生。 ①表示过去详细时辰发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:at (eight) (yesterday morning),(ten minutes) ago, when 指引的时间状语从句。如:I got up at 6 00 this morning(.我是清晨六点钟起床的)/ Little Tom broke the window at half past nine this morning(小.汤姆今日清晨九点半把窗子打破了)/ When he went into the room,he saw a stranger talking with his father.(他走进房间时发现一个陌生人正和他父亲讲话) ②表示过去一段时间内不知何时发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:yesterday, last(year等 ), in ( 1998 等 )。如:He came to our city in the year 2000.(他 2000 年到达我们市 ) ②表示过去一段时间内不知何时发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:yesterday, last(year等 ), in ( 1998 等 )。如:He came to our city in the year 2000.(他 2000 年到达我们市 ) ③表示过去一个阶段中经常发生的事情时 , 时间状语有:last in, ,from to for(10, years),often,usually, sometimes, always, never等。如:Mr Jackson usually went to evening schools when he was young. / Every day he went to the rich man and borrowed books from him. ④讲故事、对过去经历的回想、两方都理解的过去事件等一般用过去时 如: I happened to meet Rose in the street(我.正幸亏街上碰到露西) ,并且常常省略时间状语。 (1)一般未来时表示未来某一时辰或常常发生的动作或状态。①一般未来时的时间状语有: tomorrow,this (afternoon),next (year),one day,now,soon, someday,sometime, in the future, when指引的从句等。 ②用 will 组成的未来时,表示动作与人的主观梦想没关。“shall”用于第一人称,“will”
