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300.Snow is going to continue through tomorrow in this area.


301.Now here is the latest weather forecast. 现在播报最新气象预报。

302.The weatherman says that frost is on its way. 天气预报员说要大雾的天气要来了。303.Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.


304.Tomorrow there will be light/heavy rain with a high of 30 degrees.


305.Tomorrow will be overcast with drizzle 明天多云有小雨。

306.It’ll be mild, and later turn to partly cloudy, with the southeast wind.


307.Light to no winds with little change of the temperature.清风或无缝,气温变化很小。308.A light northeast wind is expected for the next two days. 接下来两天预计有轻微东北风。309.It’ll get colder in the afternoon with a heavy snow. 下午天气转冷有大雪。

310.In the evening there’s a good chance that we’ll get some snow 傍晚很有可能下雪。311.It’ll be dull tomorrow with a light snow. 明天阴有小雪。

312.Today is a cloudy and cool day with a low of 12 degrees 今天多云凉爽,低温12度。313.It is quite a warm day with a temperature around 24 degrees.今天很暖和,气温24度左右。

314.It’s going to warm up. 气温要回暖。

315.What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

316.What’s the weather report? 天气预报怎么说?

317.Will it be a nice day? 天气会好么?

318.How is the weather there? 那的气候怎么样?

319.What’s the temperature? 气温多少?

320.What do you think of the weather here? 你觉得这的气候怎么样?

321.What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎么样?

322.It’s nice to see the sun again. 又看到太阳真好。

323.Do you think it’ll be a fine day tomorrow? 你认为明天会是好天么?

324.What did the weatherman say? 天气预报员怎么说?

325.Today is cool and a bit cloudy, isn’t it? 今天凉爽有些多云,不是么?

326.What’s it like outside?外面怎么样?

327.Lovely day, isn’t it? 不错的天儿,不是么?

328.It’s warm and sunny. 天气暖和晴朗。

329.It’s cold for Novermber. 对于11月份来说挺冷。

330.It’s lovely and nice. 天气晴。

331.It’s all right, but it rains a lot. 还行,但是经常下雨。

332.It’s lovely and clear. 天气晴。

333.Fairly mild for this time of year. 就现在这个节气来说天气是相当温和了。

334.We are really going to enjoy a lot of sunshine. 我们真要享受大片阳光了。

335.A perfect day to play outside. 一个出去玩儿的好天儿。

336.It looks like rain. 看起来要下雨。

337.What a beautiful/lovely/awful/terrible day! 多好/糟糕的天儿啊。

338.The heat is killing me. 热死我了。

339.The hot weather makes me lazy. 炎热的气候使我变懒。

340.Format of a weather forecast 天气预报的模式。

nguage features of a weather forecast. 天气预报的语言特点。

Talking about Sports and Activities 谈论运动和活动

342.Haven’t you seen the poster of the friendly basketball match organized by the Students’Union? 难道你没看到由学生会组织的篮球友谊赛的海报么?

343.Look! There is a colored poster on the notice board. 看!通知栏上有个彩色海报。344.A poster in the club lounge says there will be a fishing contest this weekend.


345.Let’s design a poster for it. 让我们给它设计个海报吧。

346.How should we decorate the poster to make it more attractive?


347.Look at the poster. It seems that there will be an exciting event happening in the community. 看这个海报,看起来这个社团要有一场精彩的事件发生。

348.Let’s make a poster for the badminton match together. 让我们一起为羽毛球比赛做个吧。

349.There is a basketball match at the college gymnasium. Would you like to go and watch it?


350.Let’s go to support/cheer for our team. 让我们去为我们队加油吧。

351.I’m eager to watch the game. 我很渴望看这场比赛。

352.It says there will be a chess game at the Students’ Center on Sunday. Let’s go to watch it.


353.Are you going to hold a marathon race next week. 你们下周要举办一场马拉松比赛么?

354.Are you interested in the tug-of-war matches in the college? 你对学院拔河比赛感兴趣么

355.What kinds of sports are you interested in? 你对哪种运动感兴趣?

356.Would you like to join us in supporting the college football team tonight?


357.Are you a fan for the college team? 你是院队的粉丝么?

358.The Normal University team is not easy to beat. 师范大学对可不容易打败。

359.The match will be exciting. 比赛会很精彩。

360.Both the teams played incredibly well. 两队打得都棒极了。

361.I am crazy about the performance of our team. 我为我们队的表演着迷。

362.Our team had an unbelievable victory against the other school team.


363.Are you interested in fishing? 你对钓鱼感兴趣么?

364.I enjoy fishing a lot. It’s a healthy sport. Why not go fishing with us?


365.Mountain climbing is a very good outdoor activity. Will you/Would you like to join us in climbing the mountain outside the city this Sunday?


366.Picnicking is an interesting outdoor activity. And most people enjoy having a picnic in
