
中国银行交易流水明细清单 Bank of China Limited

Debit Card Detailed History List of Bank of China The Sub-branch of Shanghai



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……The rest are omitted due to corresponding proving demand.

- -- --- -- -- --- ----END- -- --- --- --- --- --


银行相关翻译 银行卡类型 Card Type 银行卡号 Card No 借记卡 Debit Card 贷记卡 Credit Card 电话银行 IVR (Interactive Voice Response:交互语音应答系统) 证件号码 I.D. No 注册 Enrollment 证件 I.D. 新密码 New Password 确认密码 Confirm Password 密码重置 Ret Password 账户管理 Account management 账户查询 Account enquiry 账户概览 Account summary 账户详情 Account detail 交易明细查询 Transaction detail enquiry 转账 Transfer 定期存款 Time deposit 定期账户 Time deposit 活期账户 Savings Account 活期一本通 Passbook of Current Savings 普通活期存折 Regular Passbook saving 定期一本通 Passbook of Time Deposit 零存整取 Installment Time Deposit 教育储蓄 Education Saving 存本取息 Interest Withdraw Time Deposit 准贷记卡 Quasi Credit Card 账号 Account No./Acc. No. 别名 Nickname 账号状态 Acc. Status 开户网点 Acc. Open 网点 Branch 开户日期 Open Date 卡号 Card No. 卡状态 Card Status 起始日期 Start Date 结束日期 End Date 交易日期 Transaction Date 币种 Currency 钞/汇 Cash/Remit 当前余额 Current Balance 可用余额 Available Balance


新线存款历史交易明细清单:detailed list for historical transaction as of NEW-LINE DEPOSIT BANK OF CHINA 交易区间:tranding range:from2012/0/01 to 2012/08/25 打印日期:print date 打印网店:print outlets 打印柜员:print cabinet 账号:account 账户名:account name 开户日期:date of opening 开户行:bank 产品大类:product category 产品子类:subclass product 起息日:value date 到期日:maturity code 存折号:passbook number 货币号:currency 交易日:trading date 交易类别:trade classes 网点:outlets 对方账号:currency account(RMB)当时楼至就不明白对方账户啥意思,因为不能直译,直译你这张单子就完了,所以我去了中行问专业人员,他们给我的解释就是:货币账户。比如你存的是欧元,那它就会是欧元的账户,相当于分门别类的意思,所以楼主这样译了 交易代码:transaction code 货币号:currency 冲正:flushes 交易金额:amount 过账日期:trading date 交易余额:transaction amount 柜员:cabinet 摘要:summary 交易名称:the trade name 无折转客账户:ATM CARD deposit ATM取款:ATM withdrawal 无折现金存款:ATM CARD deposit 无存折现金取款:ATM CARD withdrawal 应付利息结息:interest settlement of payable interest 这是我父母的账户记录,没有太多的专有名词,因为是工资卡……希望能帮到需要的同学


Current detailed list history of Debit card Trading Range: 2014/12/17 to 2015/03/17 Print date: 2015/03/17 Print Branches: 6000 Print Teller: Account No.: Customer No: 0000000 Account Name: Account opening date: 2011/03/21 Deposit Bank: 0000 Products category: 0000 Subclass: 0000 Value date: 2014/01/01 Expiry date: Bankbook No.: [1] Regional cross-bank ATM cash withdraw with debit card [2] BANCS cards other pending liquidation [3] BANCS cards ATM pending liquidation [4] No fee [5] Overseas remittance Bank of China,Shanghai Pudong Sub-branch Transition Date Currency Type Transition Type Transition Amount Amount Balance Reciprocal Account Number Correction Teller Branches Abstract 20141220 20141225 20141225 20141230 20141230 20150106 20150106 20150107 20150113 20150114 20150114 20150115 20150117 20150117 20150117 20150118 20150118 20150119 20150121 20150121 CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY CNY Interest ATM draw Charge Charge ATM draw Charge ATM draw Transfer Transfer Charge ATM draw Consumption ATM draw Charge Consumption ATM draw Charge Transfer Consumption Transfer 3.900 -500.000 - 4.000 -4.000 -500.000 -4.000 -500.000 -100.000 2000.000 -4.000 -500.000 -19 5.000 -500.000 -4.000 -78.000 -500.000 -4.000 -100.000 -44.000 -50.000 1796.290 1296.290 1292.290 788.290 792.290 284.290 288.290 184.290 2184.290 1680.290 1684.290 1485.290 985.290 981.290 903.290 403.290 399.290 299.290 255.290 205.290 9770100 9880900 9880900 9880900 9880900 9880900 9880900 9880800 9880809 9880900 9880900 9880100 9880900 9880900 9880100 9880900 9880900 9880800 9881200 9880800 00557 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 06264 06293 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 00349 06264 00349 06264 [1] [1] [1] [4] [4] [1] [2] [1] [2] [1] [4] [2]


活期历史明细清单:Current Detailed List of History 帐号:Account Number 户名:Customer Name 操作地区:Operation Region 操作网点:Operation Branches 操作柜员:Operation Teller 工作日期:Date of Work 入账日期:Date Recorded 币种:Currency Type 交易代码:Transaction Code 注释:Remark 借贷:Lend or Loan 金额Money 余额Balance 地区Region 网点Branches 操作员Operator 界面Interface 息Interest 税Tax 工资Wage 存deposit 支取Expenditure 汇款remittance 收费fee 批量业务Batch Business 柜面交易Counter transaction 开户:Account 摘要:Abstract 地点:location 打印机构:Print Agencies 现存:Cash deposit 转存:Transfer into 现支:Cash expenses 扣年税:Annual tax deduction 包月费:Monthly fee 中心入账:Center recorded 银行对账单:Bank Reconciliatio 打印柜员号printed teller sequence number numéro imprimé de caissier

打印时间print time Temps imprimé 账号account number numéro de compte 客户名称account name nom et prénom de compte 币别currency monnaie 钞汇鉴别cash remittance identification identification d'envoi de fonds / remise de billets 起始日期start date date de début 终止日期termination date / expirty date date d’expiration 交易日期trade /transaction date date de l’opération 摘要abstract extrait 交易金额transaction amount montant de l'opération 账号余额account balance solde du compte 对方账号reciprocal account number numéro de compte réciproque 对方帐户名称reciprocal account name nom de compte réciproque 操作员号operator number numéro de l'opérateur 自述摘要autobiographical / self-disclosure abstratct extrait autobiographique 现金存入cash deposit dép?t en espèces 结息interest settlement règlement d'intérêt 现金支取cash withdraw retrait en espèces 中国银行的流水清单 RBS流水查询RBS Transaction inquiry enquête de transaction 终端terminal Terminal 柜员teller caissier


BANK OF CHINA Debit card transaction details history list Trading range: Print date: 20xx/xx/xx Print branches: xxxxx Print teller:xxxxxxx Account number: Customer number: Account name: Account opening date: 20xx/xx/xx Deposit bank: xxxxx Product Line: xxxx Subclass: xxxx Value date: 20xx/xx/xx Expiry date: Bankbook number: Bank of China Co.,Ltd xxx City xxx Road Branch (seal) Trade date Currency Trade type Transaction amount Account balance Reciprocal account number Rev erse Teller Branches Abstract CNY Interest CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY Transfer


期 账号应用号序号币种钞汇交易代码注释借贷发生额余额 Trade Date Account No. Application No. Sequence No. Currency Type Cash Remittance Identification Transaction code Remark Lend or Loan Amount Balance 存期约转期通知种类/发行代 码 利息利息税起息日止息日地区号网点号操作员界面 Period Agreed Redeposit Term Category of Notice/Release Code Interest Interest Tax Value Date Expiry date Location No. Branch No. Operator Interface 期 账号应用号序号币种钞汇交易代码注释借贷发生额余额 Trade Date Account No. Application No. Sequence No. Currency Type Cash Remittance Identification Transaction code Remark Lend or Loan Amount Balance 存期约转期通知种类/发行代 码 利息利息税起息日止息日地区号网点号操作员界面 Period Agreed Redeposit Term Category of Notice/Release Code Interest Interest Tax Value Date Expiry date Location No. Branch No. Operator Interface


以下是一份中国银行交易明细英文模板: **中国银行交易明细(英文版)** **Customer Name:** [您的姓名] **Account Number:** [您的账户号码] **Transaction Date:** [交易日期] **Description of Transaction:** [交易描述] **Amount:** [交易金额] 【开头语】 This is to confirm our bank's transaction details for the specified date. 在此确认我行于指定日期的交易明细。 【具体内容】 1. **Deposit:** 我们收到了[收款人姓名]的[具体金额]存款,详情如下: * Date: [存款日期] * Amount: [存款金额] * Account: [收款人账户] 2. **Withdrawal:** 我们收到了[您的姓名]的[具体金额]取款,详情如下: * Date: [取款日期] * Amount: [取款金额] * Location: [取款地点] 3. **Transfer:** 我们完成了[您的姓名]与[收款人姓名]之间的[具体金额]转账,详情如下:* Date: [转账日期] * From Account: [您的账户] * To Account: [收款人账户] 4. **Payment:** 我们完成了[您的姓名]对[供应商名称]的[具体金额]付款,详情如下: * Date: [付款日期] * Amount: [付款金额] * Vendor: [供应商名称] 5. **Interest Earned:** 我们的账户在本月获得了[具体金额]的利息收益。


Detailed List of Paid-Up Loan Name of Organization: Bank of China Print date: 2015/08/03 Customer Name: Specification of Commodity Type: New House Account No.: Repayment Status: Settlement Repayment Account: Contract Figure: 0.00 Currency: CNY Terms: 360 Mode Of Repayment: G Repayment Period: 01 Contract Interest Rate: 0.0000 Interest(%):4.585000 Due Date: Oct. 30th, 2039 Principal Balance: 0.00 Maturity Principal Balance: 0.00 Overdue Amount: 0.00 Default Principal: 0.00 Interest Receivable: 0.00 Default Principal Interest:0.00 Interest Receivable Penalty:0.00 Compound Interest: 0.00 Overdue Terms: 0 Paid-Up Terms: 57 Total Paid-Up Interset and Principal:300,000.000 Total Paid-Up Receivable Interest: 37,013.26 Total Paid-Up Interset and Principal Penalty:3.21 Total Paid-Up Receivable Interest Penalty: 3.52 Total Paid-Up Compound Interest: 0.00 2014/06/09 2014/06/01 2014/04/30 2014/03/30 2014/02/28 2014/01/30 2013/12/30 2013/12/01 2013/11/01 2013/09/30 2013/08/30 2013/07/30 2013/06/30 2013/05/30 2013/04/30 2014/05/30 2014/04/30 2014/03/30 2014/02/28 2014/01/30 2013/12/30 2013/11/30 2013/10/30 2013/09/30 2013/08/30 2013/07/30 2013/06/30 2013/05/30 2013/04/30 No. Transaction Date Repayment Date Transaction Code Repayment Amount Paid-Up Principal Paid-Up Interest/Paid-Up Penalty/Paid-Up Receivable Interest Penalty/Paid-Up Compound Interest SN


(完整word版)中国银行流水单翻译模板 BANK OF CHINA Debit card transaction details history list Trading range: Print date: 20xx/xx/xx Account number: Print branches: xxxxx Customer number: Print teller:xxxxxxx Account name: Account opening date: 20xx/xx/xx Deposit bank: Product Line: xxxx Subclass: xxxx Value date: 20xx/xx/xx Expiry date: Bankbook number: xxxxx Bank of China Co.,Ltd xxx City xxx Road Branch (seal) Trade Currency Trade type Transaction Account Reciprocal Rev Teller Branches Abstract date amount balance account erse number CNY Interest CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY Transfer
