



1. 体育类:competition, stamina, victory, glory, honor, achievement, dedication

2. 工作类:cooperation, commitment, devotion, talent, ability,

3. 环保类:environment, resources, ecological balance, species extinction,

4. 传媒:electronic media, on-line addict, communication,

5. 老年人: elders, senior citizens, retired people

6. 交通方式:means of transportation, public transit, traffic jams, accidents

7. 娱乐:entertainment, diversion, recreation, leisure activities, a relaxed life

8. 教育:education, sustainable development

9. 文化:culture, convention, tradition, integrity, wisdom, intelligence, heritage



策略1: 支持或者反对: There’s a solid reason for the statement that 重要/获益/有害/不获益

次段:原因/举例: Clearly, as I can see it, 主题词plays a key role(threatens to do more harm than good)in our society, so we are supposed to emphasize its importance(threat) in our everyday life. One reason is that by doing so, it is possible for us to延伸and 延伸. The other reason(example) is that we are more likely to延伸and 延伸. So it is safe to say that the central position(potential threat) of 主题词cannot be ignored.

三段:让步比较/建议整改:Some people might point out that 延伸,hence the conclusion that延伸. Even such possibility exists, it doesn’t run counter to the statement that 第二段观点. Such a conclusion might be conservative, but it is more realistic, persuasive and convincing.

四段:整改措施:In this issue, researchers and experts are supposed to take concrete steps: whatever approach they take, a feedback mechanism is central of all things. For another thing, journalists are obliged to remind people of the central position of主题词and the potential harm of主题词. As for the citizens, it is important for them to watch out for the misconducts, extending their helping hands and foster rational values. But the best policy for them is to learn self-control.


策略2:既不支持、也不反对:To simplify the issue that whether we should…, one has to take two aspects into consideration and give each of them due attention, one of them being名词, the other being名词.

次段:原因举例:Clearly, as I can see it, 主题词plays a key role in our society, so we are supposed to emphasize its importance in our everyday life. One reason is that by doing so, it is possible for us to延伸and 延伸. The other reason is that we are more likely to

延伸and 延伸. So it is safe to say that the central position of 主题词cannot be ignored. 三段:平衡比较:Despite the statement that总结第二段,there’re two things to note. One possibility(example) is that延伸. The other (instance) is that延伸. Some readers might think that they are exceptions, but they do exist in our society and equally deserve our attention.

四段:To sum up, it can be concluded that while第三段观点,第二段观点. Such a conclusion might be conservative, but it is more convincing, realistic and persuasive.





There’re, of course, five grounds with which a passage is censured, that is, it is impossible, irrational, inconsistent, immoral and technically at fault.

-Aristotle 一篇文章受到质疑,共有五大原因:不可能、不合理、不一致、不道德、技术上有缺陷。






Money is important, and then many people give priority to its role. By doing so, they (always/sometimes/hardly/seldom)行为延伸work in their spare time and make good money. For another thing, it is possible for them to pay for their living cost.




1.benefit greatly(little)from 主题词because its reward is huge.可以从中获益,因


2.obtain(purchase)some necessities such as(including)food and clothes得到食品衣服

3.be sheltered from bad weather or danger有地方住,能不受天气困扰,不受伤害

4.As economy improves, more people can earn handsome salary and obtain well-paid

positions,enjoy a paid vacation.挣得丰厚的收入、得到好工作、享受带薪假期

5.afford their living cost such as housing(room rent房租), private cars, tuition fee, gas,

car repair, and medical care: 承受生活开销,例如买得起房(承受得起房租)车、上得起学、能修车(承受得起修车费)、能买油(承受得起油钱)、看得起病

6.improve their living standards改善生活水平,lead(live) an easy, comfortable and

peaceful life过上舒适的生活,enjoy their late years安享晚年

7.trade one’s honor for dirty money为钱失去尊严,break a company’s (national) rules

违法乱纪,leak the business secrets to the competitors不向竞争对手泄露商业机密,risk their lives for money为了金钱铤而走险


1.They occupy much time that should have been spent(invested)on their

(work)academic studies 占用很多本来应该花在学业上的时间

2.stay up late and neither sleep regular hours nor eat sensibly熬夜、睡眠、饮食不规律

3.Youngsters seldom concentrate on their academic studies学习精力不集中have a hard

time finishing their assignment没有时间完成学业fail to follow up the courses学习跟不上gradually lose their motivation to pursue study失去学习兴趣get poor test results考试不及格

4.indulge in computer games沉溺于电脑游戏,live in a world full of fantasies生活在充

满虚幻的世界里,escape from reality逃避现实,feel lonely, be isolated from reality 感到孤独,脱离现实

5.have little time to stay with their families or socialize没有时间和家人呆在一起

6.either idle their time or waste much money:耗费时间、浪费金钱,neither make the

most of their spare time nor earn enough money既没有充分运用时间、也没有挣多少钱

7.they feel dizzy,suffer from headache(backache), and have dim sights头晕、头疼、视

线模糊,become distracted and less motivated走神儿、萎靡不振、积极性不高,have little time to react没有时间反应


1.When we’re young, parents bring home bread and bacon养家糊口(support a family),

bring up (raise/nourish) the children养育子女

When they’re aging, we are obliged to take care of them养老, respect the elders and love the young.尊老爱幼,set an example for the younger generation为年轻一代做出表率

2.They are avoiding their duties and shift them to other people. 逃避责任,并把责任推


3.keep social order,维护社会秩序uphold social justice, 捍卫社会正义expose social

evils, 揭露社会邪恶crack down crimes:打击犯罪respect the old and love the young,尊老爱幼practice filial piety, 恪守孝道bless the good and punish the evil,赏善罚恶protect the property of the citizens 保护市民人身安全和财产安全

safeguard the legal rights of citizens捍卫公民的合法权益

serve the citizens with heart and soul全心全意为市民服务

4.shoulder the responsibility instead of shifting them to others承担责任

provide a range of social services such as medical insurance and low income support 提供社会保障

donate food, clothes and money to the people in difficulty.向陷入困境的人们捐献食品、衣服和金钱

comfort people with greeting and blessing给绝望的人以鼓励和祝福

financially support a child to further his education帮助一个贫困儿童继续上学

assist the disadvantaged groups such as the poor, the homeless, the disabled and the seniors.帮助弱势群体

四、方便:convenience, efficiency, entertainment(传媒:网络、手机、电视、报刊杂志、E-book)

1.send and receive E-mails收发信件play computer games or chat on-line网上聊天

have an on-line conference开网上会议, shop-on line网购

2.have an easy access toobtain/download a wealth(bulk) of up-to-date(fresh/latest)

information from social highlights, breaking news to entertainments through Google and Baidu; 通过谷歌和百度得到大量信息,包括社会热点、爆炸性新闻和娱乐

3.log in, type in our passwords, account number, and then order our favorite goods such

as books, foods, and clothes.登录、输入密码和帐号,订购喜欢的商品如书籍、食品和衣服

4.have an easy access to(download)American sitcoms,(Hollywood) movies,on-line

courses of Harvard, Yale and Stanford, CNN on-line news, audio and video programs.网上新闻、音频、视频follow up the breaking news(scientific development) around the world跟踪世界热点新闻

5.be turned into fresh men, 精力充沛、calm their nerve and restore their souls放松、


6.Through MSN, speed up communication, promote mutual understanding, shrink the

distance between individuals(people)加快沟通、促进相互了解、拉近彼此的距离

7.speed up communication with other people, remove the barrier, enlarge friend circle,

extend their information sources, turn ourselves into fresh men.扩大朋友圈、扩大信息源, 网上聊天改善市民们间的沟通,消除了他们之间的障碍

8.Though seldom do we meet the leader of a country, participate in a war or travel to

the Moon, we can still observe such experiences through the photos or live reports from Internet.尽管我们没有碰到过国家领导人、参战或者去月球旅行,我们仍然可以通过图片和网上的现场报道观察到这种经历。


Convenience, efficiency, entertainment 1.We can have an easy access to a rich selection of goods in a shopping mall, while

within ten minutes, we can reach a cinema only two streets away from my home.


2.We can arrive at a cyber bar within a ten-minute walk. And we can sip a cup of Black

ice in a Starbuck.


https://www.360docs.net/doc/7413051090.html,ually a city is well equipped with post offices, medical centers, schools and kinder

gardens. So it is convenient for a city dweller to call EMS, have an easy access to medical care or tend their children. 城市里有医疗中心、邮局、学校、幼儿园,很容易就能叫特快服务,医疗条件好,能照顾孩子。

4. A city is a place where many higher educational institutions concentrate. They provide

city dwellers with better educational opportunities. 在城市里面有很多高等教育机构,他们为城市居民提供多种教育机会。

5.Many museums are located in a city and provide a cultural setting for many visitors.

People can expand their outlook and extend their knowledge there. 城市里面还坐落着很多博物馆,提供给来访者良好的文化氛围中,人们在那里可以开阔眼界、增长知识。

6.obtain many job opportunities, earn handsome salary, obtain a well-paid position得到



1.feel overtired or dizzy,suffer from headache and have a dim sight过度劳累、感到头

晕、头疼、视线昏暗even fall sleep while driving开车时睡着了

2.cannot concentrate on their driving behaviors and the emergency on the highway.开车


3.When they wake up, they can have little time to react没有时间做出反应

https://www.360docs.net/doc/7413051090.html,e off the track while driving串道collide with other vehicles其他车辆产生碰撞

5.damage the vehicles of their own and put other people’s lives in grave danger, or vice


6.plunge into a totally strange environment进入陌生环境(对什么都不习惯)、be

overcharged at a wholesale market(at an outlet/at an on-line shop.)在批发市场挨宰7.Hotel reservations or flights are sometimes cancelled, but the clerks give no


get stuck in the airport because of bad weather or delayed flights由于航班延误和坏天气导致机场滞留

8.watch out for food poisoning, robbery, theft,警惕食品中毒、抢劫、盗窃

safeguardburglar, deception or financial fraud. 警惕入室盗窃、诈骗和金融诈骗

9.Sometimes some hackers will break into our computer system(on-line bank), steal our

personal information, passwords and account numbers.黑客闯入电脑并盗取密码10.leak(give out) their personal information such as ID, cell phone numbers and address

泄露个人信息,如身份证、手机号码、住址,expose their privacy to the spotlight隐私曝光,put their property and personal lives in grave danger(骗钱骗色)将自身财产、隐私和生命处在巨大的危险中

11.be invaded by some computer viruses(a hacker), our system will probably crash, Some

important files will be deleted.病毒侵入电脑、瘫痪系统、文件被删除

12.Sometimes when your order goods from a website, you often find that the delivered

products don’t meet your requirements (the delivered goods are not up to you standards).当你从网页上订货时,你会发现送来的商品不合乎你的标准。Worse still, you soon find that it is barely possible for you to cancel your order, reject the products, ask for full amount of refund or lodge a compliant to the Consumers Association.更糟糕的是,你会发现几乎不可能取消订货或者不要这个商品、要求全额退款或者去消费者协会投诉。


1.stroll on the main street逛街、go window shopping只看不买,

go hiking, sing songs at KTV, or climb a hills远足、慢跑

idle time and get away from one’s daily grind打发时间、从无聊的生活中解脱出来2.It can broaden one’s views, while it can also extend his knowledge, enrich his

experience and draw on experiences from other people. 开阔眼界、增长知识、丰富阅历,从他人那里吸取经验教训

3.one can avoid spirit sink避免精神颓废get away from one’s daily grind摆脱无聊生

活,calm one’s nerve放松and meet new friends(enlarge friend circle)结识新朋友

4.Many other opinions are available. For example, they can jog, swim or circle, while

dinners and parties can bring people together, promoting mutual understanding between people.慢跑、旅游、骑自行车,远足和晚会能促进彼此之间的了解

5.demonstrate one’s personality such as hobbies, tastes and passion展示个

性、如爱好、品味和激情lead the vanguard spirit引领前卫精神

6.炫耀名牌产品:show off their brand names满足虚荣心:satisfy their

vanity,引发公众的眼球效应spark eyeball effects among the general public形成攀比keep up with Joneses(浪费资财squander their (parents’) wealth(兼顾另一个主题词“啃老”)

7.没有展示出健康向上的个性:fail to demonstrate their talents, vigor

and wisdom(没有展示出才艺、活力和智慧)

8.缺少品味:lack in spiritual and aesthetic(artistic)qualities

9.精神空虚:reveal their spiritual wasteland


1.The breathe in fresh air, drink clean water, bask in the bright sunshine or eat clean

food,呼吸新鲜空气、饮用干净水,沐浴阳光下,吃干净食品,while you can enjoy a quiet setting and enlarge friend circle.享受安静的环境,扩大朋友圈

2.avoid overeating and overdrinking避免暴饮暴食

sleep regular hours and eat sensibly睡眠规律、饮食规律

keep away from liquors and drugs远离酒精和毒品

3.stretch out our limbs, turn around our necks, and hop in place, be turned into fresh


people can keep fit physically and mentally by jogging, swimming or playing basketball 通过慢跑、游泳和打篮球保持身体健康

In a gym, we can build up(shape)one’s body by sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, rope skipping, weight lifting and Yuga.仰卧起坐、引体向上、俯卧撑、跳绳、举重、瑜伽4.live a normal life in order to avoid over- exhaustion, headache and insomnia


By jogging, swimming or playing basketball, people can prevent heart attacks, hypertension(high blood pressure), pneumonia, diabetes or obesity,etc. 通过慢跑、游泳和打篮球,人们可以预防心脏病、高血压、肺炎、糖尿病、肥胖症

people can(not) keep fit physically and mentally and relieve their pressure能够缓解压力、焦虑和压抑,extend life span.延年益寿


1.we can, on a bus, give our seat to an elder(a senior)or an expectant mother让座or

show the way to a foreign traveler指路

2.provide food, clothes and money to the people in difficulty.给困难的人食品、衣服和


donate blood to a dying patient献血

comfort people with blessings用祝福给他人以安慰

financially support a poor child to further his education.助学儿童

assist the disadvantaged groups such as the old, the poor, the homeless and the disabled.救助弱势群体secure their food and shelter确保他们的食品和住处,

3.obtain material support, mental comfort, or spiritual backup.别人可以得到物质支持、

情感抚慰和精神支柱win the best regard from those people赢得对方的好感和爱戴bridge the gap between people, remove the barrier,rescue them from a grave

danger, walk out of their difficulty, 消除彼此隔阂、帮他们走出困境

build a harmonious society, fit into a harmonious human relationship融入(共建)和谐社会

4.become more optimistic, courageous and self-confident自信

dare challenges面对挑战


1. come up with pressure(stress), challenges, and hardship (failure/frustrations/setbacks)

2.work hard(together)and stick to a goal努力学习、坚持不懈

read extensively, accumulate working experience, draw on experience from other people.博学强记、积累工作经验、从他人那里吸收有用(有益)的东西

think logically, creatively and independently逻辑思维、创造思维、独立思考

foster analytical and problem solving abilities培养分析解决问题的能力

3.be admitted to a college上大学obtain a well-paid position得到一个薪酬丰厚的职位

accumulate(build up/increase)one’s wealth积累财富

improve their skills改善技能hold (grab/grasp) fast opportunities把握机会

shape future, shoulder the responsibility, further their cause把握未来、承担责任、开展事业

4.It can cultivate talent, confidence and self-worth. 培养能力、信心、自尊

They can obtain wealth and attain social status. Through your help,they can become self-confident, courageous, motivated and optimistic.积累财富、得到社会地位、变得自信、勇敢、积极和乐观

acquire knowledge, improve status quo, fit into(adapt to)a competitive society获得知识、改变现状、适应社会

5.To be successful, one has to start from very beginning.从基层做起

keep grace under pressure.镇定自若

always set a goal and achieve it.永远设立目标和完成目标

dare challenges and overcome difficulty迎接挑战、克服困难


1.In order to earn more profit,replace genuine goods with fake ones.以次充好

break rules or regulations违法乱纪,bed-peddle some out-of-date products.兜售过期产品

they exaggerate the size and function of a product, 夸大产品尺寸和功能

reduce the cost and drive up its prices:降低成本、炒作价格

2.spread(disseminate) misleading information against its competitors, lead to vicious

competition, run counter to the essence of virtuous competition散布不利于竞争对手的误导信息,引起恶性竞争,这与良性竞争的精髓背道而驰

3.bring the market into disorder and cheat money out of the consumers.市场陷入混乱,


The price goes up, but the quality of goods is worsening. So these attempts harm the interest of consumers. 物价上涨、产品质量下降、伤害了消费者的利益。

4.Once consumers find themselves cheated, they will certainly resist the goods. Finally,

these companies will lose more money, or their business will probably fail.一旦消费者发现自己被欺骗,他们会抵制产品,你会亏损更多的钱、或者破产


1.encounter language barrier and culture shock遭遇语言障碍、文化不适应

lose cultural heritage and cultural identity失去文化遗产和文化认知(根)

be discriminated on the basis of race, colors and religion由于种族、肤色和宗教受到歧视

2.witness the wisdom and creativity of the ancient working people/ancestors


regard it as the sum total of wisdom that belongs to a particular ethnic group.


boast itself of the aesthetic values and its imposing style in the world


win best regards from people from far and wide赢得世界各地人民的敬仰

3.stand for the traditions and conventions of the local people体现当地的传统和习俗

attract millions of travelers and bring revenue to our country.吸引着上千万的游客,为国家带来大量收入

4.protect it as an element of traditional culture传统文化要素

preserve it as a symbol of cultural heritage文化遗产象征

5.help people treat the world with benevolence, confidence, and tolerance. 教给人们用


improve mutual understanding and remove the barrier between countries and peoples.增进国与国之间的了解、消除隔阂

enhance friendly ties and bring harmony, peace and integrity to the world.


serve as the catalyst to the economic growth and cultural development.



1.litter leftovers, bottles,plastic bags, lunch boxes, and cans; pollute water, make streets

smelly and air choking乱扔剩饭剩菜、瓶子、塑料袋、饭盒和罐头盒、污染水源、使街道变脏变臭

2.drive private cars to increase carbon emission.(take public transport to reduce carbon


3.hunt wild animals (clear cut forests, over-exploit the natural resources) for economic

return, lead to the extinction of some rare species 猎杀野生动物(滥砍滥伐)获得经济回报, 导致一些珍奇物种的灭绝

4.People boost their industrial production by building factories, they are likely to

emit pollutants (such as monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfer builds up) into the atmosphere (air)and cause smog, acid rain, greenhouse effects.


5.drain industrial sewage into rivers and lakes, pollutes water, and cause the death of

fishes and other aquatic species.倾倒工业废水、污染水源、导致鱼类灭绝

6.be isolated from bright sunshine, clean water and fresh air.


changes climate patterns, affect crop growth and disrupts wildlife distributions, and leads to the extinction of wild species.



1.brings more tax(income/revenue)to a country给国家带来财富

provide many job opportunities带来工作机会

increase the income of citizens增加国民收入

bring a country into a connection with the international conventions和国际接轨

boost local economy带动地区经济发展

2.-Global tourism tends to export many negative effects of western culture. Since it is

only the wealthy who can afford to travel abroad, developing countries like Thailand and Indonesia have become the playgrounds of tourists from more affluent ones.全球化的旅游业消除了西方文化的很多负面影响。只有富人能够承担旅游带来的费用,像是泰国和印度尼西亚这类的发展中国家已经成为富国旅游者的乐园。

3.-In many such nations, this influx of mainly western tourists has brought with it

problems such as prostitution as well as alcoholism and drug abuse. 在很多国家,大量的西方游客涌入已经带来了很多问题,例如卖淫嫖娼和酒精及毒品泛滥。

4.-In order to be sustainable, greater regulation of global tourism is required.为了保持



5.ensure national security, stabilize the society, enhance social welfare system, perfect

the public facilities保障国家安全

6.pool and dominate various resources, and upgrade industrial structure整合各种资源、


7.symbolize the national strength象征国家实力

8.stand for the spirit of exploration代表探索精神

9.upgrade scientific growth and increase emotional wellbeing科技升级

10.It is an integral part in the strategy of a country.


11.It is a trend that no one can reverse. 这是个趋势,没人能扭转

12.run counter to the tradition, convention and common sense. 这是国家战略不可缺少


In this issue, the citizens are supposed to enhance their awareness and take concrete actions. For example, it is advised that… By doing so, they can… and …

1)love their motherland and its culture; they pay respect to the

time-honored traditions and embrace distinctive cultural values; 热爱祖国、尊重传统、包容厚德

2)work unselfishly for the public, remained uncorrupted, care for people’s

suffering, serve people heart and soul, defend their basic rights, or provide them with legal protection; 克己奉公、廉政勤政、关心人民疾苦、全心全意为人民服务,维护基本权益,提供法律保护

3)they take rational attitude, give up their bad habit, form a good habit,

seek a healthy life style, keep self-control, and bring themselves back to a normal life; keep a balance between their academic studies and daily life 理性态度、消灭坏习惯、自控、在两者之间保持平衡

4)they work diligently and stand on their feet,don’t indulge in a cozy life,

build up unshakable self-confidence, think independently and strengthen their problem solving ability; 辛勤劳动、学会自立、不奢华、有自信、培养能力。

5)be of the one heart and one mind, take their joint efforts into a mighty

power, pay respect to other people’s ideas, embrace their values, boost

mutual understanding and seek win-win cooperation,appeal to cooperation and mutual support, benefit themselves at other people’s cost 同心同德、劲往一处使、尊重他人价值、增强相互了解、双赢合作,团结互助、不损人利己

6)they extend their helping hands and demonstrate their love, sincerity and


7)they hold great ambition and aspiration; increase their professional

knowledge; work diligently, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, start from small details, keep grace under pressure, confront various challenges and strive for a clear goal of their own.志存高远、提高知识、努力工作,戒骄戒躁、从基层做起、镇定自若、迎接挑战、追求目标

8)After all, it is their positive attitude that plays a leading role in this matter.

By doing so, they can effectively con trol/promote…态度最重要

●Only by doing so can they effectively control/promote…

●It is by doing so that they can effectively control/promote…

●To sum up, … really matters, whether you’re a …, a… or a ….

●No matter whomever you are, whether a college student, an office clerk,

or a civil servant, one thing is certain: …is central of all things.

●To sum up, we have to treat this issue with commitment and sincerity.

Otherwise, we will probably lose the incentive of the social progress, the fountainhead of sustainable development, and the source of harmonious life.

●Some readers might think that my point is rather traditional, no less

conservative. But it is at least realistic and rational.

●My point is realistic and rational, though some readers might think that it

is traditional or conservative.


Take YaoMing for example, he is capable of grasping opportunities. In this way, he gradually accumulates his working experience and fits into a highly competitive NBA world. Finally, he can further his cause and become a successful basketball player.

引起give rise to, lead to, cause, touch off


2020考博英语作文实用范文三篇 【篇一】2020考博英语作文实用范文 Protecting the Intangible Cultural Heritages Like tangible cultural heritages such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, intangible cultural heritages like Peking Opera and Confucius- commemorating rituals are equally crucial. We should make our utmost efforts to preserve intangible heritages because, without heir physical form of existence, they are in greater risk of extinction. 如同长城、故宫之类的物质文化遗产一样,像京剧和祭孔仪式这类非物质文化遗产,也同样至关重要。 我们应不遗余力地去保护非物质遗产,因为它们在不具备物质存有的条件下,失传的可能性更加岌岌可危。 According to UNESCO's Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), all forms of social customs and habits, folklore, performing arts, rituals, oral traditions, festivals, traditional crafts and various knowledge and practices about nature and universe can be classified as intangible cultural heritages. As a country consisting of a great diversity of ethnic groups and with time-honored history and civilization, China abounds in intangible cultural heritages. Cultural heritages connect modern people with the historical past, allowing them to acquire a cultural and historical identity. Without cultural heritages, we would be rendered absolutely rootless and we would find it hard to cope with challenges at present and in the future.


高中英语作文常用句型和经典句型 这篇关于高中英语作文常用句型和经典句型,是特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 高中英语作文常用句型 一、根据衔接词本身在文章中起到的作用,主要分为以下四类,即“起”、“承”、“转”、“合”。 (一)表示“起”的词/词组:用于开篇引出扩展句。 at first 最初for one thing…(for another) at present 现在;当今首先…(其次)… currently 目前;最后 recently 最近 first(ly)第一 in general 一般说来 in the beginning 起初one the one hand…(on the other hand) to begin with 首先;第一一方面…(另一方面) first of all 首先;第一 generally speaking 一般地说 in the first place 首先;第一 on the whole 总起来说 lately 最近 to start with 首先;第一

presently 现在;此刻 now 现在 (二)有关“承”的常用词语:用来承接上文。 after/after that/afterwards此后 by this time 此时after a few days 几天以后 certainly 无疑地;当然地after a while过了一会儿 therefore 因此;结果 also/too 并且;又 for example 例如 at the same time 同时 for instance 例如 beside 此外 for this purpose 为了这个目的 Besides/what,s more 而且;此外 from now on 从此 in addition 此外 second 第二;第二点 in addition to… 除…之外 secondly 第二 in fact 事实上 similarly 同样地 in other words 换句话说 so 所以 in particular 特别(地) soon 不久 in the same way 同样地 still 仍然 by the way 顺便提一句 then 然后


考博英语作文实用范文:真人秀 考博英语作文实用范文:真人秀 What emerges into our sights is a familiar yet far-reaching picture that there are a wide range of reality shows in front of a middle-aged man who, half lying on the sofa, is swinging a remote device in his hand with a confused face, wondering which one is the best to choose. The meaning revealed by the picture is that reality shows have hit into our common cultural market. On the one hand, not only does this sort of consumer culture drives the improvement of cultural industry, but also it exerts a strong influence on our daily life, such as being informed of local customs and folklore from place to place, relieving the pressure derived from our working class’regular work and so on. On the other hand, it is the wide spread of this form of entertainment that makes it difficult to present the real, cultural contents but only stays in the half-hearted nature. What’s worse, what the increasing imitative behaviors brings about, to a new high, is the national over-consumption. As for me, the type of reality shows is a special product of the economic and social development that produces more benefits but less adverse impact. However, it is imperative for us, common people, to take a rational yet responsible attitude to the life we lead, especially the kind of activity we are obsessed with.


2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Obviously, the earliest teachers we have in our lives in most cases are our parents, and they are generally the most involved in the development and education of their children. Yet neither are all parents good teachers nor are those good parents the best teachers. First of all, not all parents are good teachers. As normal individuals, some parents more or less have bad habits. Even though parents almost instinctively devote themselves to cultivating their offspring, the outcome might turn out to be disappointment, for all children tend to unconsciously or subconsciously copy every thing from their parents. Another deficiency of parents as teachers is the fact that most parents are lack of common senses of education. All too often we observe some parents tend to pursue their cherished but failed dream by forcing their children to develop in a prearranged direction. Ironically, if their children did not follow the instructions, the children would be regarded as disobedient or allegedly rebellious. In fact, it is parents rather than their children that virtually disobey common senses. Moreover, some parents are qualified as good teachers, but not all of them are the best ones. When children are in the preliminary school, it is not surprising that parents are capable of teaching their children almost every subject even better than professional teachers in the school. But the situation will not last long. We live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by multiplying and at the same time becomes more and more specialized. Therefore, to be a professional in a certain field today takes much longer time than ever before. No parent is able to be professional in all fields, though they might be experts in one or more fields. Wise parents often release rather than charge their children as early as possible. They are aware of the possibility outside the family. Parents may, nevertheless, help their children much more than do good teachers. Most parts of children education are virtually beyond teachers' reaches. It is parents that supplement. Psychology studies have shown us that parents' love sometimes has astonishingly magic power to their children. Albert Einstein's mother and Forest Gump's mother are both good examples. On the other hand, parents might do their children harm more than do bad teachers as well. The natures of those children whose parents have divorced are often severely distorted. In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers. [404 words] 4. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? Both experiences and books are very essential resources, and both of them have relevant merits. Experiences are the most direct resources we ever have. Almost our every basic skill came from experiences, such as walking, articulating, reading even thinking. Without experiences, some natural born abilities even might lose. Studies have shown that a baby who was robbed by animals into forest for 12 years lost his ability to talk in human language. Furthermore, it is generally accepted that each and every skill develops by experiences, and that's why people always say practice makes perfect. Books are valuable when knowledge is beyond the scope of our experiences. Perhaps the most obvious examples are those fluent writers. They write various stories, the scopes of which are far beyond any individual's experiences. Take Joyce Carol Oates for example, her productivity has been prodigious, accumulating in less than two decades to nearly thirty titles, including novels, collections of short stories and verse, plays and literary criticism. Although some of them appear to come from her own direct observations, her dreams, and her fears, much more is clearly from the experiences of others. Her fictive world remains strikingly akin to that real one reflected in the daily newspapers, the television news and talk shows, and the popular magazines of our day. Yet either experiences or books may give us wrong information. Our direct observations always are subject to our beliefs, hopes, fears, expectations, and our bias, which might make observations unreliable. People vary in their powers of observation, and the reliability of our observations is no better than the reliability of our memories, which as we know can be deceptive. Information printed in papers sometimes is unreliable either, it may be misprinted, or even deliberately distorted. For example, Definitions such as Marxism, Capitalism, Zionism are totally different in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Current English between the original edition and the sanctioned Russian edition. 1


考博英语作文范文【三篇】 导读:本文考博英语作文范文【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【第一篇:直面困难】任何事业,大至国家事业,小至个人生活,要有所成,必然面对各类困难,这时候,良好的面对困难的品质以及解决困难的方法论方面的问题: 坚持/毅力persistence,乐观being optimistic/positive 团结合作cooperation and teamwork 踏实肯干hardworking 创新意识和好奇心innovation and curiosity 学习意识learning 保持学习习惯(keep the habit of reading and learning 行动实践能力(the ability of action and practice “一屋不扫、何以扫天下” If you cant do great things, do small things in a great way Each person whether rich or poor has his own difficulties, because life is not always full of smiles and flowers. So it is very important to have a correct attitude to face up the difficulties. Different people have different views on it. Some people just want to evade and they haven’t tried their best, so they can’t achieve success in the end. But some people believe

英语作文常用句式 3篇(最新)

这些常用句型,熟记后,基本都可以在写作文的时候运用上。也不用绞尽脑汁去想如何表达自己的意思了。 1.While many people attach great importance to this issue, no real effective actions have been taken to solve it. Therefore, we should do our utmost in doing something to solve it. 尽管很多人非常重视这个问题,然而一直以来并没有采取真正有效的解决措施,因此,我们应该尽最大努力来解决这一问题。 2.After a good many years of efforts to/ enthusiasm for..., people begin to... 经过许多年的努力/热衷于……多年之后,人们开始…… 例句:After a good many years of enthusiasm for fighting in the city, people begin to try to live a comfortable life in the country. 热衷于在城市拼搏多年之后,人们开始想在小城镇过上舒适的生活。 3.Recently, the problem of...has aroused people's concern. 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注。 例句:Recently, the problem of abandoning animals has aroused people's concern. 最近,遗弃动物这个问题已引起人们的关注。 4.As far as I am concerned, the advantages of...is more than disadvantages. 我认为……利大于弊。 例句:As far as I am concerned, the advantages of establishing library in town is more than disadvantages. 我认为在城镇建立图书馆利大于弊。 5....has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


7. How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 如何将电影或电视影响人们的行为?使用原因和具体的例子来支持你的答案。 The impact that modern mass media such as movies or televisions has had on our daily life, and society in general, is undeniable. No doubt it will become even greater as the scope of mass media continues to grow, and as the relevant technologies become more and more sophisticated, and so fascinating that virtually nobody will be able to escape. Already, it can be seen how western movies are exercising influence on our youth generation: they grow long-hair regardless of their sex, commonly part of which are dyed in gold; they wear jeans in each and every season, usually knees of which are deliberately tattered; boys are fond of earrings or other odd pendants; and girls are keen on Marlboros and weird coarse languages. 在这样的电影或电视现代传媒已经在我们的日常生活产生的影响,和整个社会,是不可否认的。毫无疑问,它将成为甚至作为大众传媒的范围更大的继续增长,随着相关技术越来越先进,因此迷人,几乎没有人能够逃脱。已经,可以看到西方电影如何行使对青少年一代的影响:他们长大长头发,无论其性别,通常,其中一部分黄金染色,他们穿在每一个季节,通常是膝盖的牛仔裤故意褴褛,男孩的耳环吊坠或其他多喜欢和女孩的万宝路,怪诞的粗语言激烈。 The major means that mass media influence the public is by creating topics of discussion in the society. Mass media offers people (the consumers) issues to talk and think about. Titanic had brought a worldwide uproar by its extolling and of fascinating immortal love; Prime Color and Wag the dog met the national debate on right and duty of the president of the United States. Antiwar movies such as Tears of the Sun and All Quiet On The Western Front among numerous others have been raising the question that is any war really to uphold justice or is it really worthy that an individual makes sacrifices to his country and at the same time ignores his own family or his personal values? 大众媒体的公众影响力的主要手段,是创造了社会讨论的议题。大众媒体提供人(消费者)问题讨论和思考。泰坦尼克号带来了其迷人的赞美和不朽的爱全世界一片哗然,总理颜色和摇尾狗符合有关的权利和对美国总统职责的全国性辩论。如太阳泪和其他许多在西线无战事反战电影已经提出的问题是任何战争的真正的正义,还是很值得,个人作出的牺牲,他的国家,同时忽略他的家人或他的个人价值? Mass media also shapes our understanding of what is important and what is not important (to know). The "important" issues are to be found on the first pages of the newspaper (/in the beginning of a television program). The "not important" stories are the ones that are not being told at all. The "not very important" stories are probably very short and hidden in the last pages. In fact censorships present all mass media including its distributing means such as the Internet. By prearranging public issue, the mass media makes decisions for us. Even though there are critical thinking individuals in any society, they are definite minority; the public in whole in deed lack skills of critical thinking, and therefore they are often led by the media. 大众媒体也影响我们对什么是重要的理解,什么是不重要的(知道)。“重要”的问题,必须对报纸的(/在一个电视节目的开始)第一页找到。“不重大”的故事是那些不被告知所有的。在“不太重要”的故事可能很短,在过去的页面隐藏。事实上,目前包括censorships分发


英语作文万能句型 1、提出现象句型: ①Nowadays,it is common to find that......(如今,......很常见) ②In recent decades,with the rapid development of......,more and more......(近年来,随着......的快速发展,越来越多......) ③....has been gaining in popularity in recent years in China,particularly among young people.(....近年来在中国变得越来越流行,在年轻人中尤其受欢迎。) 2、引出不同观点句型: ①When it comes to ......, some people like to.......,while others choose to ...... (说到......,有的人喜欢......,有的人则选择......) ②There have been different opinions on this issue.Some people are in favor of.....However, other people hold a quit different point of view.(人们对此看法不一。一些人赞同....。然而,其他人则持不同观点) 3、分析原因句型 This phenomenon can be attributed to several main reasons. First,.....。Second,....。Third,.....。(这个现象可归因于几个主要原因。首先.....其次.....再次......) 4、分析利弊/优缺点句型 As is the case with many issues,...have both merits and dmerits.On the one hand,......On the other hand......(正如其他许多事物一样,......也是有利有弊的。一方面,......。另一方面,......。)


考博英语作文29个万能句式 考博英语作文的提高可以通过多练习写作,以及熟练应用各类考博英语作文模板和句式的方式来实现。新东方在线考博频道为大家整理了考博英语作文29个万能句式,希望考生们活学活用。 (1)To prevent this phenomenon/trend from worsening/running wide/To guide thematter/situation to the best advantage,it is necessary/important to……(可用于分析建议类、原因分析类等议论文) (2)In the face of……some people take the position that……/some people come tobelieve that……,to which I can't attach/add my consent.(可用于批驳分析类议论文) 或:In the face of……people retain/take/show/assume different attitudes/positions/standpoints.(可用于各抒己见类议论文) 或:In the face of……many people have come up with……(可用于对比分析类议论文和知识性说明文等) (3)But many people feel puzzled about/perplexed at/over whelmed with……(thechanges/situatio n),so this essay is intended to……(可用于批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文) (4)Although lots of people follow the fashion/trend,I still set my heart on……(可用于理由陈述类议论文)


考博英语作文常用短语100个 1.经济的快速发展 the rapiddevelopment of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people's livingstandard 3.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为It is commonly believed/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention 8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/争论 a heated discussion/ debate 10.有争议性的问题 a controversialissue 11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument 12.一些人…而另外一些人… Some people… while others… 13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致 rea ch an absolute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点 argument on both sides 17.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in… 18.对…必不可少be indispensableto … 19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes: 20.…也不例外…be no exceptio 21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on…


2018考博英语作文万能句型 开头 1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …( 就我所知…) 2:Recently the problem of……has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注) 3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题) 4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题) 5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……) 6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……) 2018考博英语作文万能句型:给出原因 1:The reason why + 句子~~~ is that + 句子(...的原因是...) 2:This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons .First,…….Second,…….Third,……。这一现象存在有很多原因的,第一……第二……第三…… 3:For one thing,……For another thing,……==On the one hand,……On the other hand……一方面……另一方面…… 4:I quite agree with the statement that……The reasons are chiefly as follows.我十分赞同这一论述,即……。其主要原因如下。 2018考博英语作文万能句型:解决问题 1:The best way to solve the troubles is……解决这些麻烦的最好办法是…… 2:As far as something is concerned,……就某事而言,…… 3;It is obvious that……很显然…… 4:It may be true that……but it doesn't mean that……可能……是对的,但这并不意味着…… 5;It is natural to believe that……but we shouldn't ignore that……认为……是自然的,但我们不应忽视…… 6:There is no evidence to suggest that……没有证据表明…… 2018考博英语作文万能句型:表示优劣 1. It has the following advantages. 它有如下优势。 2. It is beneficial/harmful to us.=It is of great benefit/harm to us. 它对我们有益处。 3. It has more disadvantages than advantage. 他有很多不足之处。 2018考博英语作文万能句型:采取措施 1. We should take some effective measures. 我们应该采取有效措施。 2. We should try our best to overcome/conquer the difficulties. 我们应该尽最大努力去克服困难。 3. We should do our utmost in doing sth. 我们应该尽力去做…… 4. We should solve the problems that we are confronted/faced with.我们应该解决我们面临的困难2018考博英语作文万能句型:显示变化 1. Some changes have taken place in the past five years. 过去五年发生了很多变化。 2. Great changes will certainly be produced in the international communications. 在国际交流中理所当然会发生很多大的变化。 3. It has increased/decreased from…to…他已经从…增加/减少到…。 4. The output of July in this factory increased by 15%. 这个工厂7月份产量以增加了15%。2018考博英语作文万能句型:表明事实
