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1.for the purpose of出于……的目的

2.dress in穿…衣服

3.grow beards留须,蓄须

4.be known to do sth为人熟知做某事

plete strangers完全陌生的人

6.offers of help提供帮助

7.be different from与……不同

8.now that既然

9.pass time消磨时间

10.an only child独生子女

11.on end连接

12.in view of鉴于

13.remind sb.of sth提醒某人某事

14.break forth迸发,突然喊出来

15.a fire escape太平梯,安全出口

16.go with搭配

17.deprive sb.of sth剥夺某人某种权利或能力

18.up until recently直到最近

19.by contrast相比之下

20.throw off击败

21.be connected with;be related to与……有关系

22.be mixed with与…混淆

23.to write with one’s hands/by hand用手写

24.needn’t have done没必要做,但已经做了

25.I’d sooner相当于I’d rather ,其后的从句的时态要采用过去时.

26.on/at the tip of one’s tongue就在嘴边,差一点就能记起

27.with a view to相当于for the purpose of,以……为目标,指望

28.see eye to eye看法完全一样

29.stand up to close scrutiny经得起仔细检查

30.make one’s mouth water使某人流口水

31.without fail肯定

32.do a survey of sth对…进行调查

33.set in开始,到来

34.on behalf of sb代表某人;因为

35.ulterior motives别有用心

36.conform to遵循

37.let alone更不用说

38.in an unnaturally loud voice说话声超乎寻常地响

39.adopt an attitude对……采取一种态度

40.have every right to do sth完全有权利做某事

41.convince sb.that使某人相信

42.take possession of sb(在感情上)控制某人

43.in time to come在将来

44.put a stop to sth使……停止;制止

45.do down说坏话;do up整理,打扮;do by对待;do away with废除.

46.get one’s own way随心所欲,想怎么样就怎么样

47.the economic outlook经济前景

48.to be in the mood for sth有心情做某事

49.there is no point in doing做什么事情毫无意义

50.give sb. adismissive push towards the car把某人推向车子打发

51.in a definit formation以一定的队形

52.be sensitive to对……很敏感

53.keep…on file归档,存档

54.on a…basis在……基础上

55.challenge an idea对某一观点提出质疑

56.above others先于其他

57.take a back seat to sth.让位于某物

58.be confined to sb局限于某些人

59.flock to the cinema蜂拥到电影院

60.be concerned with关于;be concerned about关心,担心

61.broaden one’s horizon开阔某人的眼界

62.access to sth接触……的机会

63.be involved with与……有关系,涉及

64.be open to abuse容易被滥用(to是介词, abuse是名词)

65.turn back停止向前,往回走



67.bother about sth 为某事麻烦

68.at first sight初次看见时

69.for all尽管,虽然

70.go out of one’s way to do sth特地做某事,不怕麻烦地做某事.

71.hold one’s breath屏气

72.in perfect harmony十分和谐

73.give sb a hand给予某人帮助

74.be as good as one’s word守信

75.one’s bias to sth对某事的偏心,偏袒

76.steering wheel车子的方向盘

77.in terms of按照,从……方面

78.keep off不接近,避开

79.gaze at费力地盯着看

80.overwhelming majority绝大多数

81.a tourist sight旅游点

82.get rid of sb杀死某人

83.accused sb.of sth因某事责怪某人,起诉某人做某事
