航海英语 真题

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1、What does the term end-for-end refer to in regard to a wire towing hawser?

A.Removing the wire rope from the drum and reversing it so that the towing end becomes the bitter end

B.Removing the wire rope from the drum and turning it over so that the wire bends in the opposite direction when rolled on a drum

C.Splicing two wire ropes together

D.Cutting off the bitter and towing ends of the wire rope

2 、The working frequency band for a ship earth station in Inmarsat system is ______.

A.X band

B.C band

C.L band

D.S band

3、If your vessel will list with equal readiness to either side,the list is most likely caused by ______.

A.excessive freeboard

B.pocketing of free surface

C.off-center weight

D.negative GM

4 、In good weather,you should deploy the sea anchor from the liferaft to ______.

A.navigate against the current

B.keep the liferaft from capsizing

C.stay in the general location

D.keep personnel from getting seasick

5 、In most cases,the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and ______.

A.the beam on the lee side

B.the direction of the true wind

C.true north

D.the beam on the windward side

6 、Navigational charts are ______ frequent changes,the important ones of which are promulgated by Admiralty Notices to Mariners.

A.subject to

B.relative to

bined with

D.published with

7、Every injury aboard a commercial vessel must be reported to the ______.


B.Occupational Safety and Health Administration

C.National Fisheries Service

D.vessel owner or owner's agent

8、All events relating to the voyage,such as ship's position,speed and details of the weather,are recorded in ______.


pass Error Book

C.Oil Record Book

D.Bell Book

9 、A qualified deck officer should be ______ the watch.

A.in sight of

B.in place of

C.in front of

D.in charge of

10 、The person on a ship who is responsible for maintaining the engine spaces in a clean and sanitary condition is the ______.

A.senior electrician,or electrician on duty if no senior electrician designated

B.senior mechanic,or mechanic on duty if no senior mechanic designated

C.Master,or person in charge

D.Chief Engineer,or engineer in charge if no chief engineer is required

11、An overtaking vessel means a vessel ______.

A.which has overtaken another vessel

B.which is going to be overtaken by another vessel

C.which is going to overtake another vessel

D.which has been overtaken by another vessel

12 、Which one of the followings is correct regarding the use of gyrocompass?

A.Gyrocompass needs checking from time to time.

B.Gyrocompass is not influenced by the latitude and ship's motion.

C.Gyrocompass must be stopped when vessel alongside a berth.

D.Gyrocompass does not have to be started before sailing.
