


国家奖学金National Scholarship

国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship

三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student

三好学生 Merit Student

学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records

突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity

先进个人 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student

优秀工作者Excellent staff

优秀学生干部 Excellent Student Cadre

优秀共青团员 Excellent League Member

优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates

优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer

先进班集体Advanced Class

优秀团干 Outstanding League Cadres

学生协会优秀干部 Outstanding cadres of Student Association

学生协会工作优秀个人 Outstanding Individual of Student Association

精神文明先进个人 Spiritual Advanced Individual

社会工作先进个人 Advanced Individual of Social Work

文体活动先进个人 Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award

精神文明奖High Morality Prize

最佳组织奖Prize for The Best Organization

突出贡献奖Prize for The Outstanding Contribution

工作创新奖Prize for The Creative Working

团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution


外语系(Foreign Language Department):

话剧比赛Drama competition

英语演讲比赛 English Speech Contest

八系辩论赛 Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition

黑板报设计大赛Blackboard Poster Design Contest

PPT设计大赛 Courseware Design Competition

文明宿舍Outstanding Dormitory

OK杯篮球比赛 OK Cup for Basketball Game

我心飞扬歌唱比赛“My Heart Flies” Singing Competition

中文系( Department of Chinese Language and Literature):

诗歌朗诵比赛 Poetry Recitation Contest

诗歌创作比赛 Poetry Creation Contest

摄影大赛Photography Competition

金话筒比赛“Golden Microphone” Competition

兴我中华演讲比赛 Speech Competition on Revitalizing China

课件比赛Courseware Design Contest

报刊比赛Press Writing Contest

足球比赛Football Match

三笔比赛Essay Contest

冬日环保针织比赛 Knitting Contest on Winter Environmental Protection

数学系(Department of Mathematics ):

登山比赛Mountain-climbing Competition

网络工程师 Network Engineer Certification

全国建模比赛 National Mathematical Modeling Contest

知识风采比赛 Knowledge Competition

PPT 课件制作大赛 Courseware Design Competition

经济管理系(The Department of Economics & Management):

辩论赛Debate Competition

创业大赛 Venture Contest

政法系(Politics and Law Department):

党团知识竞赛 Knowledge Contest on the Party and the League

政法论坛 Political and Legal Forum

金秋系列活动 Series of Activities in “Golden Season

模拟法庭 Moot Court

演讲比赛 Speech Competition

征文比赛 Essay Competition

计算机科学系(Computer Science Department):

网页设计大赛 Web Page Design Competition

辩论赛 Debate Competition

软件设计大赛 Software Design Competition

多媒体课件设计大赛 Multimedia Courseware Design Competition

网站设计竞赛 Web Design Competition

电子科学系(Electronic Science Department):

演讲比赛Speech Contest

电子设计大赛 Electronic Design Contest

服装系(Textile and Fashion Department):

服装创意设计大赛 Garment Design Competition

毕业设计大赛 Graduation Design Competition



服装设计大赛 Garment Design Contest

泳衣大赛Swimming Suit Design Competition

手提包设计大赛Handbag Design Competition

服装创意设计大赛 Creative Garment Design Competition

生命科学系(Department of Life Science):

实验技能操作大赛 Experiment Skill and Operation Contest


The Biochemical Experiments Contest for College Student in Guangdong

建筑与土木工程系(Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering):

建筑文化节 Architectural Culture Festival

建筑设计竞赛Architectural Design Competition

钢笔画比赛 Ink Drawing Contest

节徽设计大赛Festival Logo Design Contest

“五佳”歌手活动“Best Five” Singer Activities

友谊篮球赛 Friendship Cup Basketball Match

工程测量比赛Engineering Survey Competition

班际足球赛 Inter-class Football Match

省大学生科技竞赛 Science and Technology Contest for Province College Students 十佳学生活动组织 Top Ten Student Activities Organization

十大学生修身楷模 Ten Model Students of Self-cultivation

学生科研创新奖 Student Award for Research and Innovation

棋王大赛 Chess Competition

电子社飞思杯电脑建筑效果图设计大赛 E-Society Feisi Cup Architectural Renderings Computer Design Contest

化学工程系(Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology):

“飞狐杯”八系辩论赛 Flying Fox Cup 8 departments Invitational Debate Competition 女子篮球赛Women's Basketball Match

广东省高校化学化工实验技能大赛Chemistry and Chemical Experiment Skills Competition for Colleges in Guangdong

旅游管理系(Tourism and Management Department):

导游技能大赛 Tourist Skills Contest

导游路线设计大赛Tourist Route Design Competition

党团知识竞赛 Knowledge Contests about the CPC and the CYLC

礼仪风采大赛 Manner and Etiquette Contest

体育系(Department of Sports):

体育文化节Physical Culture Festival

音乐系(Music Department)

相声小品大赛 Crosstalk and Sketch Contest

班际篮球赛Inter-class Basketball Match


大学英语四级CET4 (College English Test Band 4 Certificate)

大学英语六级 CET6 (College English Test Band 6 Certificate)

英语专业四级 TEM4 (Test for English Major Grade 4 Certificate)

英语专业八级 TEM8 (Test for English Major Grade 8 Certificate)

普通话等级考试 National Mandarin Test (Level 1, 2, 3; Grade A,B,C)

日语能力考试 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Level 1, 2, 3, 4)

商务日语能力考试Business Japanese Proficiency Test

商务英语证书 Business English Certificate)

雅思IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

托福TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

BEC初级 (BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.)

BEC中级 (BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.)

BEC高级 (BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)

全国计算机等级考试 National Computer Rank Examination (NCRE)



RankⅢ: PC technology、Information management、Internet technology、Data base RankⅣ: Ability to systems analysis and systems project

全国计算机一级证书 First-level Certificate for National Computer

全国计算机二级证书 Second-level Certificate for National Computer

全国计算机三级证书 Third-level Certificate for National Computer

全国计算机四级证书 Fourth-level Certificate for National Computer

导游证 Guide ID Card (Guide Identity of Identification Card)

导游资格证书 Guide Certificate

秘书证 Secretary Card

中级涉外秘书证 Intermediate Foreign Secretary Card

会计证 Accounting Certificate

会计从业资格证书: Certificate of Accounting Professional

初级职务(助理会计)证书Sub-accountant Certificate Preliminary Level

中级职称 Intermediate Certificate

管理会计师证书: Certificate in Management Accounting

注册会计师证书: (CPA Certificate)Certificate of Certified Public Accountant

注册金融分析师(CFA)Chartered Financial Analyst

特许公认会计师(ACCA)The Association of Chartered Accountants

CAD工程师认证证书 CAD Engineer Certification

电工证 Electrician certificate

技工证书Technician Certificate

教师资格证 Teacher Certification

心理辅导教师资格证书Psychological Counseling Teacher Certificate

报关员资格证书Clerk for the Customs Declaration

报关员证书 Customs Declaration Certificate

人力资源从业资格证书Qualification of Human Resources Practitioners

驾驶证Driver’s License

国家司法考试证书 National Judicial Examination certificate(lawyer's qualification certificate)

律师资格证书Attorney’s certificate

企业法律顾问执业资格证书 Enterprise Counsel Qualification Certificate

法律顾问Legal Adviser

律师助理证 Assistant Lawyer Certificate

会计从业资格证Certificate of Accounting Professional

初级会计职称 Junior Level Accountant

中级会计职称 Medium Level Accountant

高级职称Advanced Level Accountant

注册会计师 Certified Public Accountant (CPC)

注册税务师 Certified Tax Agents(CTA )

经济师 Economist

精算师 Actuary

审计师 Auditor

统计师 Actuary

物流师职业资格证书 Certificate of International Logistics Specialist

国际物流师 Certified International Logistics Specialist (CILS)

国际电子商务师职业资格认证Certification of International E-Commerce Specialist

国际电子商务师Certified International E-Commerce Specialist(CIECS)

市场营销师 Marketing Manager

特许市场营销师Certified Marketing Manager (CMM)

初级营销职业证书 Introductory Certificate in Marketing

市场营销职业证书 Certificate in Marketing

国际商务谈判师Certificated International Professional Negotiator ( CIPN)

投资咨询师 Investment Counselor

人力资源管理 Human Resource Management ( HRM )

中国职业经理人资格认证 Certificate of Chinese Professional Manager

中国职业经理人Chinese Professional Manager ( CPM )

注册国际投资分析师 Certified International Investment Analyst( CIIA )

注册金融分析师Chartered Financial Analyst ( CFA )

注册金融策划师Certified Financial Planner(CFP)

认证金融理财师Associate Financial Planner (AFP)

金融风险管理师Financial Risk Manager (FRM)

证券从业资格证书 Certificate of Securities

国际贸易单证员证书 Certificate of International Commercial Documents

报关员资格证书Certificate of Customs Specialist

报检员资格证书Certificate of Inspection

公务员考试 Civil Servants Exam

计算机技术与软件专业技术(水平)资格考试 Computer Technology and Software Expertise (level) Qualification Examination

网络工程师 Network Engineer

软件设计师 Software Architect

数据库分析师 Database Analyst

网络管理员 Webmaster

信息系统项目管理师 Information Systems Project Management Division

网络规划设计师Network Planning Designer

多媒体应用设计师 Multimedia designer

电力工程证书 Certificate in Electrical Engineering

国际电子商务师Certified International E-Commerce Specialist (CIECS)一、二级建造师Grade1/2 Constructor

造价工程师 Cost Engineer

注册房地产估价师 Certified Real Estate Appraiser

质量工程师 Quality Assurance Engineer

城市规划师 Urban Planner

公路造价师 Highway Cost Estimator

工程造价师 Budgeting Specialist

化学检验员 Chemistry Testing Laboratory Technician

化学技能证书 Chemical Skills Certificate

药品检验员 Drug Inspector


第一名 The First Prize

第二名 The Second Prize

第三名 The Third Prize

惠州学院健美操比赛 Competition of Body-building Exercises

校运会篮球比赛 Basketball Matches in Sports-meeting of Huizhou University 校运会男子100米Men’s 100-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University

校运会女子100米Women’s 100-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University

校运会男子200米Men’s 200-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University

校运会女子200米Women’s 200-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University

校运会男子1500米Men’s 1500-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University

校运会女子800米Women’s 800-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizhou University

校运会男女跳高比赛Men/Women’s High Jump Matches

校运会男女三级跳比赛Men/Women’s Triple Jump Matches

校运会男子110米栏Men’s 110-metre Hurdle Race

校运会男女铅球Men/Women’s Shot Put

校运会男女标枪Men/Women’s javelin throwing


博客大赛 Blog Contest

“金话筒·”主持人大赛 Golden Microphone Host Competition

惠州学院十大歌手Top Ten Singers of Huizhou University

创意T台服装设计大赛 Creative Fashion Design Competition

惠州学院丰湖之星Fenghu Stars of Huizhou University

激浪黑板报大赛 Wave Blackboard Poster Competition

“激浪个性我创”涂鸦比赛Wave Creative Graffiti Competition

“墨迹杯”书画大赛Chinese Ink Cup Calligraphy and Painting Competition

军训优秀通讯员 Excellent Correspondent in Military Training

军训先进个人 Advanced Individual in Military Training

十佳社团 Top Ten Outstanding Associations

体育道德风尚奖 PE Morality Award

优秀指导教师奖 Excellent Guide Teacher Award

突出贡献奖Outstanding Contribution Award

工作创新奖Innovation Award

团队建设奖Teamwork Award

最佳台风奖Best Stage Style Award

最佳人气奖Best Popularity Award

优秀组织奖Outstanding Organization Award

最佳创意奖Best Creativity Award

优秀团体奖Excellent Group Award

优秀节目奖Best Program Award

十佳新秀奖Top Ten Outstanding Rising Stars Award

最具潜质奖Most Potentiality Award

最佳才艺奖Outstanding Talent Award

最佳气质奖Outstanding Quality Award

最佳口才奖Best Eloquence Award

最佳演员奖Best Actor Award

最佳剧本奖Best Script Award

优秀会员 Excellent Member

最佳辩手 Best Debater

优秀辩手 Excellent Debater


法律促进协会 Law Promotion Association

模拟法庭竞赛Moot Court Competition

英语口语协会 Oral English Institute

交流会Exchange Meeting —— Make Our Voice Heard

书法协会Calligraphy Association

“亲近中国文化,了解汉字”Get Close to the Chinese culture, Get to Learn Chinese Characters

X-GAME协会X-GAME Association

X-GAME创新表演大赛 X-GAME Innovation contests

心理健康促进协会 Association of Advancement of Mental Health

“心灵之交” Meeting Soul-mates

峥嵘乒乓球协会Association of Zhengrong Table Tennis

“我最有才”峥嵘乒乓球比赛Zhengrong Cup Table Tennis Contest

足球协会Football Association

“新生杯”足球争霸赛之各系荣耀大战Freshmen Cup Football Match of all Departments—Glory War

毽球协会Shuttlecock Association

毽球新风采”毽球大比拼New Style Shuttlecock Competition

篮球协会 Basketball Association

“三人篮球赛” Three-player Basketball Match

旅游爱好者协会 Travel Enthusiasts Association

创意风筝节 Creative Kite Festival

演讲与口才协会 Speech and Eloquence Association

“环境保护,重在行动”演讲比赛 Take Action to Protect Environment Speech Contest

奕林棋协 Yi-lin Chinese Chess Association

“奕林棋协棋王争霸赛”Yi-lin Chinese Chess Conpetition

企业与市场调研协会 Business and Marketing Research Association

职业经理人挑战赛Professional managers Challenge Match

飞翔舞协 Flying Dance Association

假面舞会 Masque Ball

新春柳话剧社 Reborn Drama Association

“我心飞扬”剧本创作大赛及公演Flying Heart Script-writing Contest

摄影协会 Photography Association

“生活”摄影展 Life Photo Exhibition


学生会Student Union

团委会Youth League Committee

学生社团Students’ Ass ociation

体育部Sports Department

文艺部Arts Department

学习部Learning Department

女生部Girls Department

心理发展部 Psychological Development Department

外联部Public Relations Department

宣传部Propaganda Department

生活部Life Department

纪检部Discipline Inspection Department

秘书部Secretary Department

组织部Organization Department

编辑部Editorial Department

学生会主席 President of the Student Union

团委会书记 Secretary of the Youth League Committee

团支书League Branch Secretary

团支书Secretary of the Youth League Branch Committee

副书记Vice Secretary


学术部干事 a member of the Academic Department

宿舍长Head of the dormitory

优秀团员 Excellent League Member

班长 Monitor/ Class President


文体委员 Recreation & Sports Secretary

学习委员 Study Secretary

生活委员 Life Secretary

宣传委员 Publicity Secretary

生活委员 Organization Secretary

勤工俭学 Work-study Program

青年志愿者协会 Youth Volunteers Association

政治辅导员 Political Tutors

晚会主持人 Host on the entertainment / evening party

礼仪队 Reception Team/ Protocol Team

三下乡Volunteer Activities for the Country People

综合测评Comprehensive Evaluation of Students’ Performance

预备党员 Probationary Party Member

入党积极分子 Applicant for Party Membership

综合素质优秀学生Excellent Student of Comprehensive Quality

优秀青年志愿者 Outstanding Young Volunteer

校园十杰 Ten Prominent Youth on Campus / Top Ten Youth on Campus 品学兼优的学生 Student of Good Character and Scholarship

模拟招聘会Mock Interviews

军训 Military Training

艺术团 Art Troupe

义教Voluntary Teaching

迎新晚会 Welcome Party for the Freshmen

招聘会 Job Fair

广播站 Broadcasting Station

学生处 Students Affairs Department


社会活动 social/ public activities

课外活动 extracurricular activities

社会实践 social practice

学术活动 academic activities

籍贯native place

婚姻状况 marital status

家庭状况 family status

可到职时间date of availability

教育程度 educational background


职业目标 career objective


工作目标 employment objective


希望职位 position wanted

优良学风班Class of Good Style Study

团结合作 Solidarity and Cooperation

创新能力 Creative Ability

沟通能力 Communicational Ability

兼职Part-time Job

促销员 Sales Promoter

派传单 Deliver pamphlets

市场调研 Marketing Research

乒乓球协会Table Tennis Association

社团艺术节Community Festival

招聘网站 Recruitment Site

党支部 Party Branch


英语培训中心 English training centre

成绩优异 Outstanding Academic Results 学业技能 Academic Skills

思想品行 Ideological Morality

文体表现 Arts and Sports Performance 社团艺术节Community Festival




国家奖学金: National Scholarship

国家励志奖学金:National Scholarship for Encouragement 校一等奖:The First Prize Scholarship

校二等奖:The Second Prize Scholarship

校三等奖:The Third Prize Scholarship

单项奖学金:Individual Scholarship


1 千金药业奖学金The Qianjin Pharmaceutical Scholarship

2 奇瑞21世纪东方之子奖学金The 21st Century Chery Oriental Son Scholarship

3 台骅奖学金The TaiHua Scholarship

4 澳洲校友会奖学金The Australian Alumni Association Scholarship

5 松下电器育英基金奖学金The Panasonic Electronics YUYING Fund Scholarship

6 陈翠娥优秀贫困医学本科生奖学金The ChenCuie Scholarship for excellent medical undergraduates under poverty

7 姚志斌、谭笑夫妇优秀贫困医学生本科生奖学金The Scholarship of YaoZhibin and his wife TanXiao for excellent medical undergraduates under poverty

8 黄金城、朱嘉梨夫妇医学奖学金The Medical Scholarship of Huang Jincheng and his wife Zhu Jiali

9 中国宋庆龄基金会宝马优秀大学生奖学金The BMW China Song Ching Ling Foundation Scholarship for Outstanding University Students (The BMW Scholarship)

10 许崇清奖学金The Xu Chongqing Scholarship

11 商承祚奖学金The Shang Chengzuo Scholarship

12 汇丰银行The HSBC Bank Scholarship

13 珠海可口可乐优秀学生奖学金The Zhuhai Coca-Cola Scholarship for Outstanding Students

14 香港加拿大同学会奖学金The Scholarship of Canadian Alumni Association in Hong Kong

15 南方都市报新闻奖学金The Southern Metropolis Daily News Scholarship

16 住友商事奖学金The Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship

17 三星奖学金The Samsung Scholarship

18 丰田奖学金The Toyota Scholarship

19 宝钢教育基金优秀学生奖学金The Baogang Scholarship

20 花旗金融信息科技优秀奖学金The Citi Bank’s Financial Information Technology Scholarship.

21 中国惠普优秀学生奖学金The HP Chinese Excellent Student Scholarship

22 IBM中国优秀学生奖学金The IBM Chinese Excellent Student Scholarship

23 恒生银行奖学金The Hang Seng Bank Scholarship

24 LG化学奖学金The LG Chemical Scholarship

25 时代地产奖学金The Times Real Estate Scholarship

26 邹鲁奖学金The Zou Lu Scholarship

27 李龙镳奖学金The Lee Yong-Biao Scholarship

28 杜邦奖学金The Dupont Scholarship

29 爱普生基金奖学金The EPSON Foundation Scholarship

30 广东柯麟医学教育基金优秀学生奖学金The Guangdong KeLin Medical Education Fund Scholarship for Outstanding Students

31 光华教育奖学金The GuangHua Educational Scholarship

32 卫生部国际交流与合作中心.第一三共医药学奖学金The Medical Scholarship by Daiichi-Sankyo Corporation

33 广州赛莱拉生物基因工程优秀学生奖学金Guangzhou Celera Biology Genetic Engineering Scholarship for Outstanding Students

34 中山医美东校友会优秀本科生奖学金The Scholarship of Zhongshan Medical Alumni Association of the United States and East for Outstanding Undergraduate

35 文鹏凌夫妇医学奖学金The Wen Pengling Couple Medical Scholarship

36 刘焯霖神经病学奖学金The Liu Zhuolin Neurology Scholarship

37 许天禄夫妇奖学金The Xu Tianlu Couple Scholarship

38 周肇平骨科奖学金The Zhou Zhaoping Orthopedic Scholarship

39 平安励志奖学金Ping An Endeavourers Scholarship

40 雷诺丽特奖学金The Renolit Scholarship

41 大新银行The Dah Sing Bank Scholarship

42 三井住友银行奖学金The Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) Scholarship;

43 亚洲教育慈善基金奖学金The Asia Education Charitable Fund Scholarship

44 钱剑辉神经病学奖学金The Qian Jianhui Neurology Scholarship

45 佐丹奴奖学金The Giordano Scholarship

46 卫材(中国)药业奖学金The Eisai (China) Pharmaceutical Scholarship

47 卫材(中国)药业优秀学生奖学金The Eisai (China) Pharmaceutical Scholarship for outstanding students

48 卫材(中国)药业社会活动单项奖学金The Eisai (China) Pharmaceutical Individual Scholarship for social activities

49 南富士杉山播种奖学金The South Fujitsu Sugiyama Planting Scholarship


The First/Second/Third Prize of Hong Kong, Macau and Overseas Chinese Scholarship 四、优秀毕业生

Outstanding Graduates Awards


大学生英文个人简历模板 英文简历写得好,大学生求职者就有望得到用人单位的青睐,那你知道大学生求职者的英文简历该怎么写吗?下面是小雅WTT为大家带来的大学生英文个人简历模板,相信对你会有帮助的。 大学生英文个人简历模板(一) . Sex: male Date of Birth: July 27,1955 Ways of munications: Mobile phone: E-mail:. Education: July 1971 graduated from No.1Junior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China Sep 1971 entered No. 1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China July 1974 graduated from No.1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China Aug 1974 became an “intellectual youth” and began to do farm work in my home village (such was the case for

all middle school graduates during the “Cultural Revolution”) March1978 entered English Faculty of Foreign Languages Dept. of Northeast Normal University of P.R.China through the first college entrance exam after t he “Cultural Revolution” Working Experience: Feb 1982 became a teacher in English Teaching Office of Foreign Languages Dept. of Harbin University of Science and Technology of China; at the same time, working as a part-time translator in Language Translation Center of Heilongjiang Province and many other translation panies, with millions of characters of translation works covering many fields in such languages as English,French,German,Japanese, Chinese,Spanish,Italian,Russian, Arabic,Latin,etc. published both home and abroad. May 1998 went to Tokyo, Japan, and began to work as a Chinese lecturer at Japanese- Chinese College of Tokyo and some small-scaled Chinese classes in the society. Sometimes, did some translation jobs at home.


大学生作文英语求职信范文2篇 求职自荐信在应聘时显得非常重要,可是求职自荐信中的英文求职信又该怎么写呢,在这之中应该有许多外文系专业的同学们要头疼了吧。相对于中文求职信的要求,英文求职信,怎么样的格式、开头才算礼貌呢,这其中有涉及到西方交流文化了。。 【例一】 和平路6号 中山区 福建省福州市 2001年6月2日 Kelly Hendrady女士 人事经理 标准服装公司 吉安大厦506室 北京,100089 尊敬的Hendrady女士: 我想被考虑担任5月28日中国日报上刊登的贵公司销售代表一职。四年前,我成功地完成了与市场营销直接相关的课程。在这些课程中,我获得了市场营销、管理关系和沟通方面的技能。这种背景使我能够有效地与员工、客户和公众合作。 作为一名外贸大学的毕业生,我很有信心能满足你的特殊要求,即

应聘者必须具有很高的英语水平,因为我在托福考试中取得了优异的成绩。此外,当我在长城公司做销售时,我学会了与讲英语的客户进行良好的沟通。 我跳槽的主要原因是想在贵公司这样一家国际声誉卓著的公司获得更多的经验。我相信我的教育和经验会对你的工作有帮助办公室,封闭式是我的简历和三张照片。如果有机会和你讨论我的资格,我将不胜感激。请写信告诉我一个方便你和我谈话的时间好吗? 6 Peace Road Zhongshan District Fuzhou, Fujian Province June 2, 2001 Ms. Kelly Hendrady Personnel Manager Standard Clothing Corporation Room 506, Ji an Building Beijing, 100089 Dear Ms. Hendrady: I would like to be considered for the post of sales representative with your corporation, as advertised in the May 28 edition of the China Daily. I had successfully completed the courses directly related to marketing four years ago. In these courses, I had acquired skills in marketing,


翻译岗位英文简历模板 好的翻译英文简历模板对求职者找工作也很关键,下面为大家提供翻译岗位英文简历模板,希望能帮到你! 翻译岗位英文简历模板(+86) https://www.360docs.net/doc/751520639.html,Job Objective: Interpreter/TranslatorEDUCATIONJobs University Bachelor of Arts in EnglishEnglish Certificate:Shanghai Advanced Interpretation Certificate ExcellentCambridge BEC Vantage ExcellentTest for English Majors Band 8 (TEM8) ExcellentCET6 (586)Second Language:Japanese N1 Qualification CertificateAwards:English Debating Contest “The Best Oralist ”The English Competition Second PrizeTRANSLATION?News classCNN Interview of Jet Li, Yang Lan Interview in Issue 25 (Translation Data/Word)?TechnologyThe 13th Motor Show, The 8th Electronic Exhibition (Interpreting Data/Recording)?Film subtitlesThe Subtitle Translation of The Big Bang TheoryINTERPRETER/TRANSLATOR RELATED EXPERIENCEShanghai Jobs Limited Company English TranslationPerformed as a consecutive interpreter in the combined MBA course, commercial negotiations,


质量工程师 ******** Xu Brief Bio: Born on Aug. 21, 1979, in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province Graduate from Department of Physics, ******** University of Shanghai (1997-2001) as Bachelor Associate engineer in Product Reliability Engineering in******Shanghai Engineer in Process Reliability Development in ******* Beijing, 2004-2005 Quality engineer in ********, since Sep. 2005 Experience: Part I -- Management Set up ********* both in Shanghai (2001) and Beijing (2004) for ******: -- evaluate equipments of process and product reliability tests -- plan layout and coordinate facility system Manager of the ******** Shanghai (2001-2004), in charge of: -- spare parts -- human resource -- PM and calibration, etc. Coordinator and internal auditor of ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001, CCAR and inline MRB chairman for 4 customers of Amkor China (CABGA, PBGA and FCPGA) Internal quality project owner of: -- Customer audit analysis -- Automation system


大学生英文简历免费模板 英文简历是大学生外企个人求职者给招聘单位发的第一份简要 介绍。下面是小编为大家精心推荐的大学生英文简历免费模板,希望能够对您有所帮助。 大学生英文简历免费模板(一) name: nationality: china (mainland) current place: guangzhou height/weight: 170 cm 80 kg marital status: married age: 28 years career objective application type: jobseeker preferred job title: electrical & mechanical engineer: project engineer 、 machinery / equipment maintenance: 、business/management: working life: 6 title: primary title job type: full time expected start date: in a month expected salary: ¥5,000--¥8,000 preferred working place: guangzhou shenzhen shanghai work experience company's name: guangzhou institute of energy conversion(giec)\ guangzhou senyo thermal storage technology co., ltdbegin and end date: XX-01-XX-06


本科毕业生英文简历范文 Name:Li xiao gao English Name :max bot Personal Data:1986-10-1 Sex:male Age:23 Height: 183 cm Weight: 75kg Blood Type: B Arital Status :Single Native Place: Xingtai city of Hebei province , China Email:****@126.. Mobil Tel:13736xxxx Educational Background Major: Business Administration Graduate school: Hebei University Degree: Bachelor Education:

xx.9--xx.6 HEBEI QIHUANGDAO EDUCATION COLLEGE Learning english xx0.9—xx.09 , Hebei University . Learning pany adminstration knowledge by myself mainly. Academic Main Courses: Management of Human Resources/Production andBusiness Administration Operation Management/Strategic Management/Quality Management/Marketing/International Trade/Principles of Management/Groundwork of Aounting/Economic Law and so on English Skills: Have a good mand of both spoken and written English. Computer Abilities: Skilled in use of Windows / Office2000


求职简历英文翻译 随着世界经济全球化的加剧,人们的职业发展道路越来越国际化,对于求职者来说,一份好的英文简历是非常重要的。以下是小编整理的求职简历英文翻译,以供大家参考。 求职简历英文翻译一: Name: Mr. nationality: China At present is located: the tianhe district national: the han nationality The registered permanent address locus: shantou figure: 175 cm, 74 kg Talent type: ordinary job Applied position: network engineer, system administrator/network administrators, Term: the title: no title Job type: full-time available date: at any time Monthly salary requirement: negotiable hope work areas: dongguan shenzhen guangzhou Work experience: Company name: guangzhou five of eight loses two clothing co., LTD Start-stop years: 2020-05 ~ The company properties: private enterprise by sector: trade/import and export In the position of: ERP system/network administrator Job description: responsible for the company and store (client) regent software system installation, data analysis, function module process set up and maintenance. I have a comprehensive analysis the marketing system each function module data ability. For the regent system account set of management, report forms system, POS (join and self-supporting) retail systems and


工程师的英文简历模板 ELECTRONICS ENGINEER(Experienced) Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience.Versed in both digital and analog electronics withspecific emphasis on computer hardware/software.Special expertise in system and component https://www.360docs.net/doc/751520639.html,work supervisor responsible for installing/maintaining Arcnet LAN system.Proficient in assembly and C programming languages.Excelent communication skills including written,verbal and interpersonal. PROFESSIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Stevenson Data Systems,Los Angeles,CA 1981-1993 Components Evaluation Engineer 1992-1993 Responsible for the characterization and evaluation of, and approved vendors list for:Power supplies, oscillators, crystals,and programmable logic used in desktop and laptop computers.Evaluated and recommended quality components that increased product profitability.Created adn developed power supply test plan used for evqluating third party power supplies.Interacted with vendors to resolve problems associated with components qualification.Technical advisor for Purchasing.Promoted to engineer II. Design Evaluation Engineer 1990-1992 Evaluated new computer product designs ,solving environmental problems on prototype computers.Conducted systems analysis on new computer profucts to ensure hardware,software and mechanical design integrity.Designed hardware and software for PC,ISA bus programmable load board used for


在校大学生英文求职简历模板 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历(resume)并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。 Name: xxx Han(xxx) Sex: Male Folk: Han Height: 160cm Weight: 50kg Marital Status: Married Health: Excellent Clan: the Communist Youth League Birthday: Sep. 14, 1976 Language Skills: CET-4 Computer Skills: Perfect Education School: Dalian Railway University Major: Electronic Automatic Max. Degree: Undergraduate Course、Bachelors Degree Graduate Time: July 1998 Home Phone: 022-xxxx Cell Phone: E-mail: xxx@ Resident: Hedong, Tianjin, China Technical skills: Electronic、MCU、Computer、Network、English Education Experience: Aug. 1994-Aug. 1998 Dalian Ranlway University Work Experience: Oct. 1998-Jan. 2020 Tianjin Sent Hi-Tech Company Electronic Engineer


大学生个人简历优秀范文【三篇】 篇一 姓名:xxx 政治面貌:中共党员 专业:注册会计师专门化 出生日期:xxxx年xx月xx日 籍贯:广东陆丰 毕业院校: 学位:管理学学士 教育情况:大学本科 E-mail: 性格: 热情开朗,诚实守信,认真负责,有组织,沟通和协调水平。 特长: 书法,摄影,计算机网络 英语和计算机水平: 1。英语水平良好,通过英语国家四级考试。能实行必要的听说读写。 2。顺利通过计算机国家二级,并获省二级“优秀”称号。熟悉DOS环境,能在WindowsX平台上使用:WPS、Word、Excel“用 友”“金碟”等软件。

获奖情况: 并被评为“优秀学生干部”。 曾先后“七”次获得“三好”和“先进个人”称号。 代表会计系在“纪念建党80年合唱大赛”获团体一等奖。 在会计系书法比赛获“三等奖”。 担任职务及工作: 大一到大二:担任班级劳动委员。 大二到大四:担任团支部书记。 院“学生经济研究会”会员。 安徽利辛“老乡会”会长 篇二 姓名:xx性别:男年龄:xx健康状况:良好政治面貌:中共党员 籍贯:山西xx市家庭背景:职工家庭 所学专业:市场营销学历:本科(在读) 参业意向:可从事文秘工作、贸易、产品营销、活动策划、谈判沟通、广告宣传,市场调查等方面工作。 知识结构: 本学期主修课:商务谈判组织行为学调查统计学大学英语现代商业经济学体育经济文写作 专业技能:先后自学并掌握了劳动法,担保法,产品促销,零售学,市场调查等方面的知识。

计算机水平:熟练掌握word2003、Excel、PPT、Internet操作,并自学掌握Photoshop图像处理技术 文件证书:《英语六级》、《会计四证》、《ISO企业内审员证》、《外语优秀证书》、《驾驶证》 近期荣誉:优秀大学生荣誉证书,一等奖学金 在职工作:班级学习委员 近期社会工作: 20xx年1月上海考尔期货交易——长治分公司实习30天(获实 习证明) 20xx年7月厦门平安公司投资理财处实习30天(获实习证明) 文体专长:擅长文章写作,羽毛球,游泳,长跑 自我评价: 性格缺点:嫉妒心强,爱慕虚荣,常因怕担风险而思想保守 性格优点:做事谨慎,有责任感,不怕吃苦,勤奋好学 有较强的组织水平和活动策划水平, 有较强的语言表达水平,文笔流畅 有较强的团队精神,在大学有良好人际关系,同学中有较高威信,善于“协同作战” 小结: 我是一个有责任意识、有理想的青年,对自己理想的追求,一刻 未曾停止。希望凭借我的实力及真诚,成为企业的一员。我会使用我 的理论知识,倾力为公司创造更多利润价值。


大学生英语专业个人简历模板导读:本文是关于大学生英语专业个人简历模板,希望能帮助到您! 身高: 婚姻状况:未婚 户籍所在:福建宁德 最高学历:本科 工作经验:1年以下 联系地址: 求职意向 最近工作过的职位:贵阳斑马英语助教。 期望工作地:贵州省/贵阳市。 期望岗位性质:兼职。 期望月薪:3000~4000元/月。 期望从事的岗位:经理助理,高级文秘,英语。 期望从事的行业:会展/博览,建筑与工程,教育/培训。 技能特长 技能特长:本人拥有良好的英文口语功底,能够自如和外籍人士沟通;熟练使用word、excel等办公软件,及时高效地完成日常办公文档的编辑工作;工作认真负责,有良好的服务意识和协作精神,善于沟通,富有亲和力和感染力;具备处理问题的灵活性和应变能力。

教育经历 福建农林大学(本科)。 起止年月:20xx年9月至20xx年7月。 学校名称:福建农林大学。 专业名称:英语专业。 获得学历:本科。 工作经历 天津欣祺益贵金属有限公司-理财顾问。 起止日期:20Xx年3月至20xx年6月。 企业名称:天津欣祺益贵金属有限公司。 从事职位:理财顾问。 业绩表现: 1、维护老客户。 2、电话销售,开发新客户。 3、介绍理财产品。 4、在职期间平均每个月2~3个新客户。 企业介绍:欣祺益贵金属经营有限公司是天津贵金属交易所综合类会员,编号193,注册资金为1亿元。主要从事黄金、白银等贵金属现货买卖、投资管理及咨询服务等业务,并执专业之所长为广大投资者及时传递全球金融资讯、贵金属市场行情,提供相关分析服务。 上海启振教育-初中英语教师。 起止日期:20xx年7月至20xx年9月。


电子工程师英文简历模板 ELECTRONICS ENGINEER(Experienced) Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. Career Direction: To work in an environment that inspires continual personal and professional development to fulfill my potential and aspirations. To apply my social and analytical expertise to help provide sustainable solutions that meet the technical, environmental, social and commercial needs of clients and community. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience.Versed in both digital and analog electronics withspecific emphasis on computer hardware/software.Special expertise in system and component https://www.360docs.net/doc/751520639.html,work supervisor responsible for installing/maintaining Arcnet LAN system.Proficient in assembly and C programming languages.Excelent communication skills including written,verbal and interpersonal. initiated and executed various activity programs with various methods of sewing, knitting, sculpting, weaving, enameling, drawing as well as painting. PROFESSIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Stevenson Data Systems,Los Angeles,CA 1981-1993 Components Evaluation Engineer 1992-1993 Over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience.Versed in both digital and analog electronics withspecific emphasis on computer hardware/software.Special expertise in system and component https://www.360docs.net/doc/751520639.html,work supervisor responsible for installing/maintaining Arcnet LAN system.Proficient in assembly and C programming languages.Excelent communication skills including written,verbal and interpersonal. Responsible for the characterization and evaluation of, and approved vendors list for:Power supplies,oscillators,crystals,and programmable logic used in desktop and laptop computers.Evaluated and recommended quality components that increased product profitability.Created adn developed power supply test plan used for evqluating third party power supplies.Interacted


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 大学毕业生英文简历 大学毕业生英文简历Dear Leaders: Hello, I know that your company’s recruitment of time has passed but I still voted my resume with enthusiasm to you to express my eagerness to join your company and I know that if I send the message I may have the opportunity, while I will lose the chance if I don’t send it. Therefore, I hope you can read the resume. Thank you for your patience! Now I will introduce myself briefly: Name: *** Sex: ** Nationality: ** Education: College Mobile number: 150******** Graduate from: Shandong Economic Management Institute Experience: From 2005 to now:work as the manager of the Jinan Aili Food Co. Ltd. in charge of the management of two stores, communicate and coordinate with the head office and other chains, complete various promotional activities and promote 1 / 5


大学生中英文简历范文 导读:本文是关于大学生中英文简历范文,希望能帮助到您! 大学生中英文简历范文(一) diyifanwen Gender: male Ethnic composition: the han nationality of birth: August 20, 1981 Marital status: married Height: 168 cm weight: 168 kg Registration: fujian putian Now home: xianyou putian of fujian province Graduate school: fengting middle school education: high school professional title: financial statistics, warehouse graduation year: 20xx Working experience: more than ten years The highest title: objective Job nature: full post Job categories: apparel/textile/leather/shoe, hospital/medical/nursing/potions, administrative/logistics Administrative/logistics Job title: warehouse administrator, cashier, statistics; Working area: - putian city, fujian province, fujian - putian residences area, - putian, fujian xianyou;


应聘翻译员英文简历范文 这是网搜集的一篇应聘翻译员英文简历,欢迎阅读。 to contribute acquired administrative skills to a senior secretary/word processor position. summary of qualifications *more than 13 years administrative/clerical experience; type 90 wpm. *self-motivated;able to set effective priorities and implement decisions to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines. *proven munication abilities,both oral and written. 1988-present caldyne associates,providence,ri secretary process technical reports,engineering specs,and traffic studies utilizing multi-mate wp.type all requisite documents for staff of 30 professionals.arrange meetings,handle ining

calls.expedite ups mailings,federal express,faxing and courier services.type statistical charts,manuscripts,correspondence,and minutes.order supplies,coordinate daily meetings,arrange luncheons,and administer labor cards. 1984-1988 bristol bank,bristol,ct utilized call director,typed reports,letters,and expense sheets.reserved conference rooms,order supplies.responsible for calligraphy assignments. 1981-1984 sargent agency,hamden,ct secretary assigned to school of public health.managed typing of medical charts used in textbooks for government funded medical program in iran. pollack secretarial school,jackson,tn 1979


2020年大学生个人英语简历范文如果去外企求职,英文 上政治色彩越少越好,下面为大家推荐的是20xx年大学生个人英语简历范文,欢迎阅读参考。 Name:xxx Sex: Male National: Han Date of birth: January 1990 Marital status: unmarried Height: 168cm Weight: 55kg Residence: Taiyuan, Shanxi Is the location: Yingze District, Taiyuan, Shanxi Graduate school: Teachers College of Shanxi University Education: Undergraduate Professional Name: Teachers in Primary Education Year of Graduation: 20xx Work experience: three months (internship) The nature of jobs: fulltime Post Category: Teacher primary school teachers

Job Title: primary and secondary school teachers; Work areas: taiyuan; Jinzhong City; Yangquan City Treatment requirements: 20xx3000 Yuan / month may be negotiable; do not need to provide housing Time school qualifications September 20xx July 20xx Teachers College of Shanxi University undergraduate Company: Park Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi Bilingual Experimental Primary School Time frame: 20xx 9 months In their respective professions: education, training, scientific research My greatest strengths aggressive, downtoearth did not forget! My biggest capital young, has a strong plastic! However, the city, about to graduate, the lack of work is my lack of experience, but I have the enthusiasm and professionalism.


大学生英文简历免费模板 导读:本文是关于大学生英文简历免费模板,希望能帮助到您! 大学生英文简历免费模板(一) name: nationality: china (mainland) current place: guangzhou height/weight: 170 cm 80 kg marital status: married age: 28 years career objective application type: jobseeker preferred job title: electrical & mechanical engineer: project engineer 、machinery / equipment maintenance: 、business/management: working life: 6 title: primary title job type: full time expected start date: in a month expected salary: ¥5,000--¥8,000 preferred working place: guangzhou shenzhen shanghai work experience company's name: guangzhou institute of energy conversion(giec)\ guangzhou senyo thermal storage technology co., ltdbegin and end date: XX-01-XX-06 enterprise nature: institutionindustry: science research design /science technology development
