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Education Plan for Doctor in Mechanical Engineering (Discipline Code:0802,Award Doctor Degree of Engineering)


I Objectives

1. 掌握马克思主义基本理论、树立科学的世界观,坚持党的基本路线,热爱祖国;遵纪守法,品行端正;诚实守信,学风严谨,团结协作,具有良好的科研道德和敬业精神。

2. 掌握本学科坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专业知识,可胜任本学科领域高层次的教学、科研、工程技术工作与科技管理工作,能在本学科或专门技术上做出创新性成果。

3. 掌握二门外国语,熟练阅读本专业外文资料,熟练使用一种外语撰写学术论文,并具有良好的外语听说能力以及进行国际学术交流能力。

4. 具有健康的体质与良好的心理素质。

1. Grasp the theories of Marxism and establish a scientific world outlook, adhere to the basic lines of the Party, love the motherland, abide the law, form a good character, behave honestly and trustworthy, strictly and cooperatively, and maintain good research ethics and professionalism.

2. Master broad and solid basic theories and systematically in-depth specialized knowledge of the discipline, be qualified in higher levels of teaching, researching, engineering technology and technological management and can make innovative achievements in the discipline or specific technology.

3. Master two foreign languages, can skillfully read professional foreign language materials, use a foreign language to write papers and have good English listening and speaking ability and international academic exchange ability.

4. Maintain a good physical and mental health quality.


II Disciplinary Research Areas



III Educational System and Years of Study


The educational system for a Ph.D. candidate with a master’s degree is three years and the study period lasts generally three to four years, no more than six years. The educational system for who starts directly from undergraduate is five years and the study period is generally five to six

years, a maximum of seven years.


IV Curriculum System and Credit Requirements


The courses for doctoral curriculum courses shall include degree courses and non-degree courses. And the degree courses includes public degree courses and professional degree courses.


Credits for Ph.D. candidates with a master’s degree should be greater than or equal to 16

than or

credits, while the candidates who start directly from undergraduates should be greater

1. 博士研究生入学后由导师根据专业及研究方向结合博士研究生个人特点,在入学一个月内制定博士研究生个人培养计划,对课程学习、文献阅读、科学研究、学位论文等内容提出明确要求并做出具体安排。

2. 博士研究生课程分为学位课程和非学位课程。学位课包括公共学位课和专业学位课。

a. 公共学位课2门,计6学分:第一外国语,72学时,4学分。中国马克思主义与当代,36学时,2学分。

b. 专业学位课,2门,4~6学分。

3. 非学位课程:由博士研究生导师根据需要指导博士研究生选修,包含跨学科专业选修。博士研究生在硕士阶段已选修第二外国语,则在博士阶段可不选第二外国语;否则,第二外国语为必选课。

4. 跨学科(专业)的博士研究生须补修2门所攻读的学科(专业)相应硕士的主干课程。以同等学力学习的博士研究生须补修3门所攻读的学科(专业)相应硕士的主干课程。不计入总学分。


1. The supervisor should make an individual cultivating program for the PhD candidates, which should have a clear requirements and make specific arrangements for course learning, literature reading, scientific research and dissertation based on the PhD candidate’s personality trait during the first month of entrance.

2. PhD courses are divided into degree courses and non-degree courses. Degree courses includes public degree courses and professional degree courses.

a. Six credits for two public degree courses especially four credits, seventy-two class hours for the first foreign language and two credits , thirty-six class hours for the Chinese Marxism and the Contemporary.

Four to six credits for two professional degree courses.

b. Non-degree courses: the doctoral tutor leads the PhD candidates to take courses including the interdisciplinary professional courses. The PhD candidat es don’t need to take the second foreign language during the doctoral studies if the candidates have taken this one. Otherwise, the second foreign language must be the Compulsory courses.

3. The interdisciplinary PhD candidates must take two main courses relevant to the master in this discipline. The PhD candidates who have the same-level education background must take three main courses relevant to the master in this discipline. No credits for the courses.


V Compulsory Courses




