

TRAVEL AGENT: Good morning.World Tours.My name is Jamie How can Ihelp you?

ANDREA: Good morning.I want some information on self-drive tours in the USA.Could you send me a brachure?

TRAVEL AGENT: Of course.Could I have your name please?

ANDREA: Andrea Brown

TRAVEL AGENT: Thank you.And your address?

ANDREA: 24,Ardleigh (Q1) Road

TRAVEL AGENT: Can you spell that?




TRAVEL AGENT: Thanks. And can I have your phone number?

ANDREA: Is a mobile alright?


ANDREA: It’s 0778*******.

TRAVEL AGENT: Thank you.And can Lask you where you heard

about World Tours? From a friend? Or did you see an advert somewhere?

ANDREA: No,I read about you in the newspaper (Q2)

TRAVEL AGEN T: OK, I’ll get the brochures in the post to you but can i give you some information over the phone. What kinds of things do you want to do on your hollday?

ANDREA: I’m interested in going to Californla with my family I’ve got two children and we want to h ire a car.

TRAVEL AGENT: OKWe have a couple of self-drive tours there visiting different places of interest in Callformia. The first one begins in Los Angeles and there’s plenty of time to visit some of the theme (Q3) parks there.

ANDREA: That’s something on my children’s list so l’d want to include that.

TRAVEL AGENT: Good.Then you drive to San Francisco.From San Francisco you can drive to Yosemite Park where you spend a couple of nights. You can choose to stay in a lodge or on the campsite.

ANDREA: I don’t like the ldea of staying in a tent (Q4). It’d be too hot.

TRAVEL AGENT:Right And the tour ends in Las Vegas


TRAVEL AGENT: The other trip we can arrange is slightly different.It starts in San Francisco.Then you drive south to Cambria.

ANDREA: Someone told me there’s a really nice castle (Q5) near Cambria. Will we go near that?

TRAVEL AGENT: Hearst Castle is on that road so you could stop there.

ANDREA: Good.I’d like to do that. Does this trip also go into the desert?

TRAVEL AGENT: No, it continues to Santa Monica where most people like to stop and do some shopping

ANDREA: We have enough of that at home so that doesn’tinterest us.

TRAVEL AGENT: OKWell you could go straight on to San Dlego ANDREA: That’s good for beaches (Q6) Isn’t it?

TRAVEL AGEN T:That’s right, that’s a good place to relax and your children might like to visit the zoo before flying home.

ANDREA: I don’t think so. We want some time for sunbathing

and swimming.

ANDREA: So how many days are the trips and how much do they cost?

TRAVEL AGENT: The first one ltold you about is a seif-drive tour through Callfonia which lasts twelve days and covers2020 (Q7) kilometres. The shortest journey is 206 km and the longest is 632 kilometres.The cost is f525 per person. That includes accommodation, car rental and a flight(Q8) but no meals.

ANDREA: OK. And the other trip?

TRAVEL AGENT: That lasts nine days but you spend only three days on the road.You cover about 980 kilometres aitogether.

ANDREA: So is that cheaper then?

TRAVEL AGENT:Yes. it’s almost a hundred pounds cheaper. It’s E429 (Q9) per person. which is a good deal.

ANDREA: So that covers accommodation and car hire. What about flights?

TRAVEL AGENT: They aren’t included.But these hoiels offer dinner (Q10)in the price.

ANDREA: OKWell, thank you very much. I’ll be in touch when

i’ve had a chance to look at the brochure TRAVEL AGENT: Im pleased to help Goodbye .




3. theme


5. castle







Keys: Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. CORRECT SPELLING IS NEEDED IN ALL ANSWERS.

注: Questions 35, 38 and 40 (IN EITHER ORDER, BOTH REQUIRED FOR ONE MARK ) If you score… Audio Scripts SECTION 1 LYNDA: Sara, I’ ve heard that you want to move into a homestay family. Is that correct SARA: Yes, that’ s right. I' ve been staying with my aunt and now my cousin is arriving from Singapore and my aunt needs the room for him. LYNDA: Oh, that, s bad luck. Well, I, II need to get some particulars first. Sara, what s your full name

SARA: Sara Lim, and that’ s Sara without the ‘h’ at the end. LYNDA: Mmm. How old are you, Sara SARA: Twenty-three, only just. It was my birthday on the twenty-first of August. LYNDA: Happy birthday for yesterday. How long have you been in Australia SARA: (Q1) A year in Adelaide and six months in Sydney I prefer Sydney. I’ ve got more friends here. LYNDA: What, s your address at your aunt, s house SARA: Flat one, five three nine Q2) Forest Road, Canterbury. And the post code is two, o, three, six. LYNDA: OK. What are you studying now SARA: I was studying General English in Adelaide and now I , m doing (Q3) Academic English, because I, m trying to get into Medicine next year. LYNDA: That sounds good, but it ll take you a long time. When would you like to move out from your aunt,s SARA: My cousin arrives on Friday morning, so I,d better be out on (Q4) Thursday. LYNDA: What, the seventh of September SARA: Yes, that,s right. LYNDA: That doesn,t leave us much time. Right, OK. I need to know what kind of accommodation you,d like, so I can get you something suitable SARA: Can I (Q5) share a room with someone else I, ve been alone in my room at my aunt,s and I,ve always shared with my sister and I like that. LYNDA: Yes, fine. That,ll save you money too. Would you like to live with a family or do you think that a Q6) single person would be better for you I have lots of very nice single people on my books. SARA: Do you have any women living alone, retired women


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7519328714.html, 《剑10》听力解析 作者:耿龙 来源:《新东方英语》2015年第10期 2013年3月5日,雅思官方发布了《剑9》(编注:为叙述方便,全文出现的《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集》均采用简称,如《剑9》《剑10》等)。时隔两年,《剑10》终于露出其“庐山真面目”。此前网络上曾流出一版号称“《剑10》”的雅思练习题集,其内容编排及考点同历年官方出版的真题集有很大出入。考生如果下载到网络版的“《剑10》”,只把其当做模拟练习题即可,备考时还应以官方发布的正版《剑10》为准。此次《剑10》的编写体例与历年真题集相同,同样包含四套学术类真题和两套培训类真题(即适用于移民的阅读和写作考题),但难度与往年相比稳中有升。本文旨在分析《剑10》的听力部分,并将之与历年真题集及2014年全年45场雅思考试进行对比,给广大考生提供《剑10》的使用建议及相应的备考策略。 题型 从题型来看,《剑10》听力部分选择类题目所占的比例比往年增多,题型的多样性减 少,各个section的题型分布更符合实际考试的规律。下面笔者分别从这三方面进行详细分析。 1. 选择类题目所占比例增多 如图1所示,《剑10》听力中,主观填空题依旧占主导位置,而令人头疼的填图类题目 并没有出现。图2、图3分别为《剑3》至《剑9》听力部分的题型统计和2014年全年45场雅思考试听力部分的题型统计。通过对比不难发现,《剑10》听力中选择类题目所占的比例明 显升高,这在之前的真题中并不多见,因此考生应注意增加选择类题目的练习。此外,对相当一部分考生而言,由于受审题时间、答题策略(如定位答案信息、寻找同义表述)等因素的影响,选择类题目的难度比填空类题目的难度要大,而《剑10》的面市正好为考生提供了更多 练习选择类题目的机会。

剑10 Test 1, Test 2 Section 2 听力文本含答案

剑10 Test 1, Test 2 Section 2 听力文本含答案 --------------------------------------- 剑桥雅思10 Test 1 SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-12 Choose TWO letters A-E. Which TWO facilities at the leisure club have recently been improved? A the gym B the tracks C the indoor pool D the outdoor pool E the sports training for children Questions 13-20 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Joining the leisure club Personal Assessment New members should describe any 13……………. The 14……………will be explained to you before you use the equipment.?You will be given a six-week 15………………… Types of membership There is a compulsory £90 16…………….fee for members. Gold members are given 17……………..to all the LP clubs. Premier members are given priority during 18 ……………..hours.?Premier members can bring some 19 ………………….every month.?Members should always take their 20 ………………..with them. Answers Questions 11 一20 11&12 IN EITHER ORDER A C 13health problems 14safety rules 15plan 16joining 17free entry 18peak 19guests 20photo card I photo cards Test 2


剑桥雅思听力10答案2015年 TRAVEL AGENT: Good morning.World Tours.My name is Jamie How can Ihelp you? ANDREA: Good morning.I want some information on self-drive tours in the USA.Could you send me a brachure? TRAVEL AGENT: Of course.Could I have your name please? ANDREA: Andrea Brown TRAVEL AGENT: Thank you.And your address? ANDREA: 24,Ardleigh (Q1) Road TRAVEL AGENT: Can you spell that? ANDREA:A-R-D-L-E-I-G-H Road TRAVEL AGENT Postcode? ANDREA:BH5 2OP TRAVEL AGENT: Thanks. And can I have your phone number? ANDREA: Is a mobile alright? TRAVEL AGENT: Fine. ANDREA: It’s 0778*******. TRAVEL AGENT: Thank you.And can Lask you where you heard

about World Tours? From a friend? Or did you see an advert somewhere? ANDREA: No,I read about you in the newspaper (Q2) TRAVEL AGEN T: OK, I’ll get the brochures in the post to you but can i give you some information over the phone. What kinds of things do you want to do on your hollday? ANDREA: I’m interested in going to Californla with my family I’ve got two children and we want to h ire a car. TRAVEL AGENT: OKWe have a couple of self-drive tours there visiting different places of interest in Callformia. The first one begins in Los Angeles and there’s plenty of time to visit some of the theme (Q3) parks there. ANDREA: That’s something on my children’s list so l’d want to include that. TRAVEL AGENT: Good.Then you drive to San Francisco.From San Francisco you can drive to Yosemite Park where you spend a couple of nights. You can choose to stay in a lodge or on the campsite. ANDREA: I don’t like the ldea of staying in a tent (Q4). It’d be too hot.


为期两周的intensive磨课交流结束了,在繁忙的暑假到来之前, AnnaMama抓紧时间,做完了剑桥雅思10的四套听力题目,现在带大家分析一下吧。绝对原创,希望童鞋们读完了,有所收获。 从场景内容来说,基本还是保持剑桥一贯的style,都是常规的生活性(Survival)和学术性(Academic)场景。具体请看下面表格。 从题型来看,主观(各种填空)客观(选择配对)的比例 很容易看出,除了第一套题目中,填空比例占到了大部分;其余3套题目都可以反应出:客观题(单选、多选、配对)占到半壁江山。客观题的重要性不容小视哦!有意思的是,在剑桥10里面,没有出现图示类题目(地图、装置、流程)。但是这并不意味着在真正的剑桥考试中,就没有图示类题目出现。例如:2015年4月18日考试Section 2 (地图6);2015年 4月30日Section 2(地图4)。所以大家在备考时,还是要对这部分题目有所准备。

下面我们把场景和题型结合,一一分析每个Section. ●Section 1还是以基本生活话题为主,包括:旅游场景、采访场景、注册场景、住房场景。这些以基本生活话 题为主的对话,说白了,就是各种咨询。考察的重点信息,仍然集中在:人名、地址、邮编、时间等常见的个人信息。需要注意的是,尽管听力内容本身很简单,但是有些答案与答案之间相隔很近,这对同学们的反应速度要求提升。 ●Section2的内容核心是一个地方或组织的介绍,包括:健身俱乐部、城市发展、动物保护组织和港口。这个部 分的难点,主要体现在题型上,多以单选、多选和配对,两两结合的形式出现,难度上较第一部分有很大提升。 ●Section3传统上,多是老师指导学生关于课程和作业方面的对话,或者是同学之间关于课程作业的讨论。在剑 桥10中,有2个Section 3都不是直接和课程学习的内容有关,而是课外相关内容:一个是Dishwasher的设计比赛,另一个是工作实习(Work Placement,注意:work placement和intern 是有区别的。Intern是可以不算学分的,学生自己去找;work placement是完成一个course必须有的部分,是算credit的)。另外两个Section 3,在介绍人类学中的历史名人和讨论剧院研究的场景中,有专业性词汇出现,加上这部分题目多以单选和配对形式出现。两种因素叠加在一起,这部分题目的难度,其实不亚于Section 4。 ●Section4的话题依旧跟以往的剑桥系列一样,五花八门。自然科学2个:动物(环境保护)类、科技类;人文 科学2个:管理学类和自我调控理论。这一部分,听力内容本身的专业性是难点,但是在剑桥10的4套题目里面,基本都是以notes填空形式出现(只有test4里面出现了3个单选题目)。以填空形式出现,Section 4的难度也就降低了不少。对于想靠猜答案碰运气的同学来说,填空形式的题目或许不是好事情,因为这对单词拼写精准性要求极高,苦练基本功还是王道。 听AnnaMama啰嗦了这么多关于剑桥10听力部分的零零总总,小盆友们还有收获吧?但话说回来,不管场景内容怎样,题型怎么变,想在听力部分提高,不去苦练基本功,说什么都百搭哦!最后送大家一句AnnaMama自己特别喜欢的话吧:It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude. 原文作者:晟睿教育-李高岩老师


剑10答案解析 【篇一:剑桥雅思10test1阅读真题解析】 txt>剑桥雅思10test1阅读真题解析 摘要:剑桥雅思10,受到广大烤鸭的热烈关注,下面小马小编带来剑桥雅思10test1阅读真题解析,希望能帮助各位正在备考雅思阅读的烤鸭们,一起来看看吧。 小马小编为雅思考生们带来剑桥雅思10test1阅读真题解析,希 望能给雅思考生们带来帮助。 点击下载2015年雅思听力真题pdf版【小马内部专用】 剑桥雅思10中的阅读难度延续了剑8剑9的常规难度,所以总体 来说还好。海外版的剑桥雅思10一共就两套题,我们今天就来看一 下其中test1的阅读。 首先,第一篇文章标题是bovids。这个文章标题单词不认识时也 不用担心,因为正文中第一句话就对这个单词开始了解释:the family of mammals called bovids belongs to……根据这半句话即可知道bovids是一种哺乳动物统称,准确的意思是指“牛科动物”。 文章前三段描述了bovids的主要居住在south-east asia(东南亚),大部分都喜欢居住在wide open spaces(开阔的地方);还描述了大概 的外貌和大小以及特征。然后第四段开始介绍bovids的五种sub-families(分支)。 文章后有三个题型,第一大题是3个选择,通过题中定位词回文定位,答案集中于前三段。第二大题是名称特征配对,五个特征作为 题目,和四个bovids类型配对,有nb,答案从第四段开始一直到 最后。第三大题是简答题5题,no more than three words, 范围是 全篇范围,但都是显性定位词,所以定位和确定答案都不难。 第二篇文章标题是photovoltaics on the rooftop(房顶上的太阳能 电池). 就从标题来看的话因为有专有词汇所以没法知道这篇文章在讲什么,这时候看副标题:a natural choice for powering the family home. 从副标题和第一段的前两句可以知道这篇文章讲的是利用大 自然给家庭供电。 文章前几段对photovoltaics system进行了解释,然后介绍了它 的发展和运用起源历史,并在不同的国家(美国德国日本等地)进行里 实验性投入使用,最后将photovoltaics和conventional

剑桥雅思10答案 烤鸭

剑桥雅思10答案烤鸭 Listening PART 1 Questions 1-10 1. the........ Room - seats 100 [填空题] * _________________________________(答案:Charlton) 2.£ ........... + £250 deposit [填空题] * _________________________________(答案:2. 115/a/one hundred (and) fifteen) 3........ payment is required [填空题] * _________________________________(答案:cash) 4. Cost includes use of tables and chairs and also.......... [填空题] * _________________________________(答案:parking) 5. Will need a......... licence [填空题] * _________________________________(答案:music) 6. Need to contact caretaker (Mr Evans) in advance to arrange ....... [填空题] * _________________________________(答案:entry) 7. The band should use the....... door at the back [填空题] * _________________________________(答案:stage) 8. Need to know the...... for the cleaning cupboard [填空题] * _________________________________(答案:code) 9. The........ must be washed and rubbish placed in black bags [填空题] * _________________________________(答案:floor/floors)


c15t5雅思听力答案 参考答案 一、听力1-5CCAAA 6-10CABCA 11-15BABCB 16-20ABCCA 听力原文 Text 1 M:I’ve got two tickets for the movie.Would you like to go with me? W:I’m sorry.I was asked to have a discussion with my cousin about his son’s education. Text 2 M:How much are the tickets? W:4 dollars for adults and children are half-price. M:OK.I’d like two adult tickets and two children’s tickets. Text 3 M:Why didn’t you attend the class? W:I’m sorry.But my brother was hit by a car and I had to care for him in the hospital. Text 4 M:Hi,Maria.I’ve heard there is an interesting film.Shall

we see it tonight? W:I’d like to.But Mr.Black told me to type some important notices and send them to him by 9:00 pm. M:The job is the most important. Text 5 W:Manhattan Square,please. M:All right,madam.When are we supposed to be there? W:I’d like to go around the city,if you don’t mind. Text 6 M: Hello! This is City Police Station. W:I need help.My house has been broken into. M:Can you tell me some details? W:When I came home,I found my door broken,and my money,my jewelry,and my camera were gone. M:Was there anybody home? W:No.My son,husband,and I all happened to be out having our dinner after work. M:What is your address? W:No.13,Downing Street.Could you come over at once? M:OK.Don’t worry,madam.We’ll be there in 10 minutes. Text 7


(完整word版)剑桥雅思10听力试题(手打版)(DOC) --------------------------------------- Test 1 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-6 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer. SELF-DRIVE TOURS IN THE USA Example Name: Andrea Brown Address:24 1………………Road Postcode:BH5 2OP Phone:(mobile) 077 8664 3091 Heard about company from: 2……………… Possible self-drive tours Trip One: Los Angeles: customer wants to visit some 3……………… parks with her children Yosemite Park: customer wants to stay in a lodge, not a 4……………… Trip Two: Customer wants to see the 5……………… on the way to Cambria At Santa Monica: not interested in shopping At San Diego, wants to spend time on the 6……………… Questions 7-10

Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Number of days Total distance Price (per person) Includes Trip One 12 days 7……………… km £525 accommodation car one 8……………… Trip Two 9 days 980 km 9£………………accommodation car 10……………… 1 感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!


Test 1 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-6 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer. Questions 7-10 Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. SECTION 2 Questions 11-20

Questions 11-12 Choose Two letters A-E. Which TWO facilities at the leisure club have recently been improved? A the gym B the tracks C the indoor pool D the outdoor pool E the sports training for children Questions 13-20 Complete the notes blow. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Joining the leisure club Personal Assessment •New members should describe any 13………………. •The 14……………… will be explained to you before you use the equipment. •You will be given a six-week 15………………. Types of membership •There is a compulsory £90 16……………… fee for members. •Gold members are given 17……………… to all the LP clubs. •Premier members are given priority during 18……………… hours. •Premier members can bring some 19……………… every month. •Members should always take their 20……………… with them.



Test 1 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-6 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer. Questions 7-10 Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-12 Choose Two letters A-E. Which TWO facilities at the leisure club have recently been improved? A the gym B the tracks C the indoor pool D the outdoor pool E the sports training for children Questions 13-20 Complete the notes blow. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Joining the leisure club Personal Assessment •New members should describe any 13 ………………. •The 14 ……………… will be explained to you before you use the equipment. •You will be given a six-week 15 ………………. Types of membership •There is a compulsory £90 16……………… fee for members. •Gold members are given 17 ……………… to all the LP clubs. •Premier members are given priority during 18 ……………… hours. •Premier members can bring some 19 ……………… every month. •Members should always take their 20 ……………… with them.
