

第5节雅思阅读图表填空题(Reading Passage62-72)

◆Reading Passage62

The Rollfilm Revolution

The introduction of the dry plate process brought with it many advantages.Not only was it much more convenient,so that the photographer no longer needed to prepare his material in advance,but its much greater sensitivity made possible a new generation of cameras.Instantaneous exposures had been possible before,but only with some difficulty and with special equipment and conditions.Now, exposures short enough to permit the camera to be held in the hand were easily achieved.As well as fitting shutters and viewfinders to their conventional stand cameras,manufacturers began to construct smaller cameras intended specifically for hand use.

One of the first designs to be published was Thomas Bolas’s“Detective”camera of1881.Externally a plain box,quite unlike the folding bellows camera typical of the period,it could be used unobtrusively.The name caught on,and for the next decade or so almost all hand cameras were called“Detectives”.Many of the new designs in the1880s were for magazine cameras,in which a number of dry plates could be pre-loaded and changed one after another following exposure.Although much more convenient than stand cameras,still used by most serious workers,

magazine plate cameras were heavy,and required access to a darkroom for loading and processing the plates.This was all changed by a young American bank clerk turned photographic manufacturer,George Eastman,from Rochester,New York.

Eastman had begun to manufacture gelatine dry plates in1880,being one of the first to do so in America.He soon looked for ways of simplifying photography, believing that many people were put off by the complication and messiness.His first step was to develop,with the camera manufacturer William H.Walker,a holder for a long roll of paper negative“film”.This could be fitted to a standard plate camera and up to forty-eight exposures made before reloading.The combined weight of the paper roll and the holder was far less than the same number of glass plates in their light-tight wooden holders.Although roll-holders had been made as early as the1850s,none had been very successful because of the limitations of the photographic materials then available.Eastman’s rollable paper film was sensitive and gave negatives of good quality;the Eastman-Walker roll-holder was a great Success.

The next step was to combine the roll-holder with a small hand camera:Eastman’s first design was patented with an employer F.M.Cossitt,in1886.It was not a success.Only fifty Eastman detective cameras were made,and they were sold as a lot to a dealer in1887;the cost was too high and the design too complicated.

Eastman set about developing a new model,which was launched in June1888.It was a small box,containing a roll of paper-based stripping film sufficient for100 circular exposures6cm in diameter.Its operation was simple:set the shutter by pulling a wire string;aim the camera using the V line impression in the camera top; press the release button to activate the exposure;and turn a special key to wind on the film.A hundred exposures had to be made,so it was important to record each picture in the memorandum book provided,since there was no exposure counter. Eastman gave his camera the invented name“Kodak”,which was easily pronounceable in most languages,and had two Ks which Eastman felt was a firm, uncompromising kind of letter.

The importance of Eastman’s new roll-film camera was not that it was the first. There had been several earlier cameras,notably the Stirn“America”,first demonstrated in the spring of1887and on sale from early1888.This also used a roll of negative paper,and had such refinements as a reflecting viewfinder and an ingenious exposure marker.The real significance of the first Kodak camera was that it was backed up by a developing and printing service.Hitherto,virtually all photographers developed and printed their own pictures.This required the facilities of a darkroom and the time and inclination to handle the necessary chemicals,make the prints and so on.Eastman recognized that not everyone had the resources or the desire to do these.When a customer had made a hundred exposures in the Kodak camera,he sent it to Eastman’s factory in Rochester where

the film was unloaded,processed and printed,the camera reloaded and returned to the owner.“You Press the Button,We Do the Rest”ran Eastman’s classic marketing slogan;photography had been brought to everyone.Everyone,that is, who could afford$25or five guineas for the camera and$10or two guineas for the developing and printing.A guinea($5)was a week’s wages for many at the time, so this simple camera cost the equivalent of hundreds of dollars today.

In1889an improved model with a new shutter design was introduced,and it was called the No.2Kodak camera.The paper-based stripping film was complicated to manipulate,since the processed negative image had to be stripped from the paper base for printing.At the end of1889Eastman launched a new roll film on a celluloid base.Clear,tough,transparent and flexible,the new film not only made the roll-film camera fully practical,but provided the raw material for the introduction of cinematography a few years later.Other,larger models were introduced,including several folding versions,one of which took pictures21.6cm×16.5cm in size.Other manufacturers in America and Europe introduced cameras to take the Kodak roll-films,and other firms began to offer developing and printing services for the benefit of the new breed of photographers.By September1889,over5,000Kodak cameras had been sold in the USA,and the company was daily printing6,000-7,000 negatives.Holidays and special events created enormous surges in demand for processing:900Kodak users returned their cameras for processing and reloading in the week after the New York centennial celebration.


Complete the table below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.


·Eastman gave his camera the invented name“Kodak”,which was easily pronounceable in most languages,and had two Ks which Eastman felt was a firm, uncompromising kind of letter.


分析:句子的主干是Eastman gave his camera the invented name“Kodak”,其中第一个which引导“Kodak”的定语从句,其中第一个which引导two Ks的定语从句。·When a customer had made a hundred exposures in the Kodak camera,he sent it to Eastman’s factory in Rochester where the film was unloaded,processed and printed,the camera reloaded and returned to the owner.


分析:句子的主干是When a customer had made a hundred exposures in the Kodak camera,he sent it to Eastman’s factory in Rochester,其中where引导Rochester的定语从句,the camera reloaded and returned to the owner是个省略句,省略了was。



本题关键词是1880和gelatine dry plates,由此可定位到第三段首句Eastman had begun to manufacture gelatine dry plates in l880,being one of the first to do so in America,由该句可知1880年胶质干片的生产者是Eastman。这种以时间顺序为贯穿的题目只要能准确定位就很容易解答。


根据题干关键词roll-holder,Eastman and F.M.Cossitt可定位到第四段首句The next step was to combine the roll-holder with a small hand camera:Eastman’s first design was patented with an employee,F.M.Cossitt,in1886,由此可知本题答案为1886。

3.small hand camera



七年级上册英语课时特训答案外研版第二单元 Starter Module 2 Unit 1答案 一、1 - 4 B G C D 5 - 7 F E H 二、1 - 4 D A C B 三、1、please 2、book 3、draw 4、listen 5、stand 6、close 四、略 五、1、put up your hand 2、sit down 3、stand up 4、close your book 5、open your book Starter Module 2 Unit 2答案 一、1、陈老师的班 2、a new student 3、电话号码 4、sit down 5、What class 6、stand up

7、合上你的书本 8、举起你的手 9、Class Three 10、my English lesson 二、zero , one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight ,nine , ten 三、1、two five one , three eight zero 2、our seven six , five eight nine 3、one eight nine , six five seven 4、three eight six , seven five two 四、1、four , six 2、two , four 3、five , seven 4、one ,three 5、six , eight 6、seven , nine 7、eight , ten 8、three , five 五、1、011357 2、two eight seven four nine 3、1350570 4、five seven six eight four one three 5、3996435 六、1、what's , It's , telephone number 2、My number , telephone number


结合雅思真题解析阅读解题方法 以下是新东方在线为同学们整理的结合雅思真题解析阅读解题方法,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。 2012年1月7日试题 Some people think inviting large foreign companies to set up factories in developing countries is helpful for local economy, while others think that the foreign companies should not be allowed to build their factories in developing countries, instead, local companies should be encouraged in order to develop local economy. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 首先审题,这道题目提供了两个观点,观点一:国外大型公司到发展中国家建厂,有利于当地经济,观点二:应发展当地公司,不允许国外大型公司到发展中国家建厂,需要讨论两者并给出自己的观点,此题讨论的焦点在于国外大型公司到发展中国家建厂的优劣影响。建议从宏观的角度,即经济,文化,社会,科技,环境等方面分析其优劣影响。需要提到的是,该题观点二中提到发展当地企业,因此发展当地企业的重要性也需考虑,即利于保持技术独立性。 好处:经济:拉动/刺激当地经济,增加就业机会 文化:促进中外文化交流,学习国外先进企业文化 科技:带来国外先进技术


2020雅思阅读备考技巧攻略 雅思阅读是中国考生比较擅长的科目,因为阅读考试形式在国内很多英语考试中也常常出现。但是雅思阅读想要拿到高分却并不容易,下面就和大家分享雅思阅读备考技巧攻略,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思阅读备考技巧攻略 一. 雅思阅读总会遇到生词 雅思阅读备考技巧第一点,我们先来说说雅思阅读中最常见的问题——生词。有的同学误以为只要我背完了雅思词汇,做阅读就不会遇到生词了,这一点是不太可能的。雅思阅读中涉及范围比较宽泛,所以遇到生词的概率很大。 那么如何应对呢?首相要了解遇到生词是雅思阅读的常态,不要紧张,然后再判定一下这个词汇是否影响阅读和做题,如不影响直接忽略掉,如果影响,那就结合*猜测词意。 二. 提升英语阅读能力而非雅思阅读能力 很多同学在备考雅思阅读的时候一味地读雅思阅读*,结果最后看到雅思阅读*就产生反感情绪。这样的练习方法是很不可取的,小站雅思君建议大家在备考雅思阅读的时候要注意提升的

是英语阅读能力而非雅思阅读能力。这两者的区别在于,英语的阅读能力囊括面更广,而雅思阅读只限定在有限的范围内。雅思阅读*题材类似,内容可能会有些无聊,大家可以去读一些自己感兴趣的英语*,这样就能在轻松愉悦的氛围中提升自己的英语阅读能力。 三. 掌握词汇越多做雅思阅读越容易 相对于其他三个版块来说,雅思阅读更像是一场“英语词汇的较量”。当你掌握的生词足够多的时候,你的阅读速度就足够快,理解*的能力也会更强,做题速度也会更快。建议大家多读多积累生词然后要及时回顾生词。多读可以读自己感兴趣的*,这样积累词汇效率更高。 四. 把握做题时间很重要 雅思阅读考试中把握时间真的非常重要,一篇阅读20分钟内做完对很多同学来说都非常困难。但是小站雅思君并不建议大家一上来就做限时练习,因为刚接触雅思阅读的时候大家的阅读水平仍然有限,做限时练习不仅打击自信,还影响备考效率。打基础阶段做题不要限时,重点保证正确率,然后在练习过程中多注意提升阅读速度。基础阶段过后再开始进入限时练习,努力达到20分钟内完成一篇阅读。 五. 依据原文做题而非常识


雅思阅读教案 paragraph headings(段落标题) 在阅读文章的前面给出 list of headings, 一般是 5 到 10 个左右选项,其中含一到两个段落及其标题的例子。要求对题目中给出的段落,根据其内容找出与其相匹配的段落标题。尽管题目说明中提示一个选项可能会适用多个,但正式考试中一般一个选项只能用于一个段落。 ? 段落标题类答题步骤: 1.首先在 list of headings 中划去做为例子的 heading 或 headings ,以免在根据段落内容在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题时,它(它们)会干扰考试者对其他 headings 的选择。 ? 2.在文章中把做为例子的段落划掉,以免对例子段落进行不必要的精读。 3.对题目中给出的段落,按照首句(第一、二句)、末句和中间句寻找主题句的方法,在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。 ? 4.如果时间允许,按照文章的段落顺序,对非题目中给出的段落及例子段落进行快速阅读,而对题目中给出并要求找出与其相匹配的段落标题的段落进行精读。找出其中心意思后,再在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。 ? 5.选出几个可能匹配的题目进行比较(通常两至三个),当然其中只能有一个为正确答案。 ? 6. 对于第一种匹配题型可以将最难的题留在最后进行匹配,不要在较难的题上花费更多的时间,而应选择较易回答的题目进行匹配,最后所剩即为该难题的答案。 ? 7. 要仔细检察答案,特别是第一题型,因为答错一题,就意味着答错两道题。 ? 相应练习:剑四 test3 passage2 剑五 test3 passage3 剑六 test2 passage1 剑六 test3 passage2 剑六 test4 passage1 二、辨别正误题型 (True / false /not given)? 该题型还涉及到:(not given / not mentioned)没有提到,有时还会出现下列提法 accurat / inaccurat 精确/不精确; supported / contradicted 一


语文阅读理解答题方法及技巧 概括文章(记叙文,小说)主要内容的方法(包括句、段): 什么时间什么地点什么人做什么事,怎么样。 一、理解文章标题的含义: 答题要点一般有:1、点明中心;2、引起读者阅读的兴趣;3、是本文的线索;4、表明主要人物;5、点明主要内容。 二、各种修辞手法的作用: 1、拟人答题格式:运用拟人的修辞手法,赋予***以人的情态(动作),生动形象地写出了******,表达了作者******情感。 2、排比答题格式:运用排比的修辞手法,使行文朗朗上口,有极强的表现力,能增强文章的表达效果和气势。 3、比喻答题格式:运用比喻的修辞手法,生动形象地写出了******(所指的对象揭示出来),表达了作者******情感。 4、反衬答题格式:运用反衬的修辞手法,给人以鲜明的感受和极深刻的启示,增强了艺术效果和感染力。 5、打比方的说明方法及作用:答题格式:运用打比方的说明方法,生动、形象地说明了(事物)的(特点),增强了文章的趣味性。 6、“大约”“大概”“差不多”表示不确定,或表示不很准确的估计,它体现了说明文语言的准确性、周密性,如果丢掉则不准确。 三、描写的作用 1、正面描写:直接表现出******(人物的思想品质、性格特点,反映

作品主题) 2、侧面描写:烘托出******(人物的思想品质、性格特点,反映作品主题) 3、环境描写的六大作用: ①交代故事发生的时间、地点,暗示社会环境; ②表现人物身份,烘托人物心情; ③渲染、营造某种气氛,展示人物性格; ④奠定感情基调; ⑤暗示或推动情节的发展,为后面情节的发展做铺垫,作为情节发展的线索; ⑥酝酿诗情画意,揭示作品主题。(答题时应根据上下文内容有选择的进行作答)。 4、心理描写的作用: ①展示人物丰富的内心世界。②有助于更好地描绘出人物的性格,同时为下文做铺垫。③有助于突出作品的主题思想④有助于展示情节的发展变化。 (心理描写的技法:①独白法。内心独白能使人物酣畅淋漓地倾吐肺腑之言。②直描法。直接描写人物的心理感受。③细节法。运用富有鲜明个性的动作,传神地揭示出人物的心理活动。④烘托法。有恰当的环境描写衬托出人物的心理。) 5、动作描写的作用①找出人物动作描写中的典型动词;②结合具体 内容分析人物发出该动作时的心理是怎样的;③分析表现出了人物怎样的性格特点。(继而判断人物身份)


六年级英语课时训练答案 一. Listen and choose. 选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或词10分 ()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ . A. by ship B. by subway C. by train ()2._______ at a red light. A. Stop B. traffic C. Wait ()3.How can I get to the ________ . A. hospital B. cinema C. post office ()4.I’m going to buy a ________ . A. post card B. magazine C. dictionary ( ) 5. Plant the _______ in the soil . A. seeds B. sprout C. plant 二.Listen and choose.(听问题,选答句)10分 ( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car. ( ) 2. A. She works in the bank. B. She goes to work by subway. ( ) 3. A. He likes collecting stamps. B. He is an accountant. ( ) 4.A.She likes making kites. B. She is thin and pretty. ( ) 5.A. I’m going to buy a book.. B. I’m going this afternoon. 三.Listen and number. 听音排序10分 笔试部分(70分) 四.选出不同类的一项。(5分) ()1. A. bus B. bike C. train D. how ()2.A.cinema B.morning C. afternoon D. evening ()3. A. writer B. school C. teacher D. singer ()4. A. sun B. rain C. play D. cloud ()5. A. where B. who C. what D. hobby 五. 根据所给提示,把括号中的字母组合成合适的单词。(5分) 1、It comes from the clouds . It’s the . (inar ) 2、He plays in the film . He is an . ( tcaor ) 3、You can go to school by . ( ibek ) 4、Don’t turn right, please turn . ( eltf ) 5、Put some seeds in the soil, water them , in several days ,you can see a ( a t l p n ) 六、选择与图画相符的句子,并将图片的字母标号填到相对应的句子前面括号内。5 ( ) 1. My father goes to work by bike every day. ( ) 2. We’re going to make a card for Sarah. ( ) 3. He helps sick people. ( ) 4. Let's go to the Great Wall this weekend. ( ) 5. My aunt is an engineer. She works in a car company. 六.选择。(10分) ( ) 1. do you go to Shenzhen(深圳),By bus or by car? A. What B. How C. When

雅思真题需要做哪几套 雅思阅读真题那些事儿

雅思真题需要做哪几套雅思阅读真题那些事儿 一、雅思阅读真题 雅思考试是听说读写四项英语交流能力的测试。它是为那些打算在以英语作为交流语言的国家或地区留学,移民或就业的人们设置的英语语言水平考试。 雅思真题一般是指官方整理出版的剑桥雅思套题系列,是从已考过的雅思试卷中抽取的真题。虽然这些试题不会再考,但是作为最接近雅思考试真题水平的试卷,受到广大烤鸭的欢迎。目前已经出了剑1-10共10本书。由于剑1-3已经有些老旧,所以推荐同学们雅思阅读只需备考剑4-10即可。 二、雅思阅读真题如何使用 、做题方法 剑桥雅思阅读真题对于烤鸭来说无异于圣经般的存在,那到底该如何让其发挥最大功效呢?具体方法如下: 第一天按照规定的时间内,做完一套阅读题目。并找出自己的错题点。总结好自己为什么错题,并把原因细致地写在题目旁。然后总结优化对题的做题思路。 第二天可以对前一天的思路进行回顾与复习并再次验证前一天做题思路的正误。再次思考是否有更多的角度可以快速高效做题。 ://

第五天可以把这套题的答案部分擦掉,再以模拟的状态做一遍套题,看看自己的正确率是否有提高。做题过程中要有意识地修正老旧的做题思路,采取曾经总结过的新思路。 做题后再次优化总结做题思路。这时,同学会对做题思路有个更加宏观的把握。也就是说,你对某种题型会有模式化的思路,甚至总结出了某种题型内部的逻辑联系。运用以上思路,解读所有阅读套题,这是一个量的积累过程。 过了一段时间后,当把所有的套题都按照以上的思路进行分析以后,考生对雅思阅读题会有一个相当深的了解,并已经熟练掌握了阅读过程中的出题敏感点。基本能够做到对不同解题思路的运用自如。并能够准确预测出题目的考察角度及考点位置。总结好的思路可以做到以一当百。 最后阶段,需对所有雅思阅读做题思路做最后一次回顾。查缺补漏,固化思维模式,并熟练各种解题套路。考前如有时间,可以快速回顾自己的解题思路,做到烂熟于心。 、做题技巧 1、怎么进行错题分析? 第一,对于做错的题要找到错题点。例如词汇不认识,替换词没看出来……可以把总结的问题或思路写在题目旁。 第二要注意的是,对整套题的错题进行细化归纳,并根据分类做好笔记。比如:思路错误20,词汇等等。


史上最不容错过、最全的雅思备考攻略 雅思备考并不是说让考生一味地做题,考生需要在备考的过程中掌握一些做题的小技巧,提高自己的学习效率。天道小编今天从雅思考试的各个方面整理了一些简单却很实用的学习方法,希望能够帮助大家提高雅思备考的效率! 一、听力:百篇文章听一遍,不如一篇文章听百遍 市面上的英语听力材料多如牛毛,许多烤鸭在听力练习中贪多,练习材料听完了十几本,却收效甚微。其实,在复习的一开始,百篇文章听一遍不如一篇文章听百遍,通过精读的方法,在练习中不断熟悉特定单词的弱读和连读,并锻炼自己头脑同步的反应力能够更加有效的在短期内提高听力水平。 剑桥雅思真题集是雅思听力训练的好材料,选一份听力真题,按照正式考试时一样听,然后做题,校对答案,看自己错在哪里,并且明确自己在答题的过程中有哪一些单词和句子是没有听懂或者听到的,然后再认真看原文,弄懂且记录自己不会的单词和不明白意思的句子,最后合上原文,继续听一遍,如再还有听不懂的句子和单词,则重复同样的方法将它们记录下来,然后继续听,如此反复,直到完全听懂。 需要注意的是在平时的练习中逐词逐句的“抠字眼儿”,即要把每个单词和句子都听懂,对于常用词汇更要做到拼写正确。而在雅思听力考试中,如遇单词没听到或没听懂,要作到迅速断舍离,不要仍在原地纠结,可以结合上下文推断。 二、口语:建立属于自己的语言库 练习口语顾名思义,就是要开口说,这个大家都知道的方法作起来却没有那么简单。开口说的前提是要有东西可以说,会说,会表达。如果不是在英语国家或者身边没有人可以一起练习的好伙伴,那我们首先要做的就是背诵,这里说的不是背诵每一道雅思口语题目的答案,而是通过背诵优秀文章帮助建立自己的语言库,只要正确的句子在你自己脑子里,开口说英文其实就是肌肉运动了。新概念英语是一套很好的背诵材料,用词简单,场景丰富并配有中文翻译,当背诵完一篇,可看着中文译英文,看着英文译中文,不断练习,直到这篇文章的中英文都融会贯通于心。这样不知不觉中,你会发现自己的口语表达会有本质飞跃。 而在雅思口语考试中,做到以下几点也就离高分不远了: 1、明确使用的词汇 雅思口语注重考察的是大家使用英语进行日常交流的能力,所以在考试时那些生僻奇怪词汇尽量避免出现,毕竟不是所有人都能当谢耳朵,也无须一味追求高大上词汇,能够正确表达最重要。 2、避免重复 由于考试紧张或不知道说什么,小伙伴们很容易一句话翻来覆去的说,这会让考官觉得这个考生口语表达不简洁,表达能力欠佳。同样一句话翻来覆去说,如果用不同的句式、词汇、组词则会产生完全不同效果,比如对于“ 今天天气如何” 的下面两种回答同样的意思,不同表达方式,哪一个分数更高呢?

雅思阅读理解 reading 4

Reading 4 Improving global reading skills a Which paragraph contains the most detail? b Which three paragraphs cover one main theme? 2Choose the sentence that best paraphrases the main idea in each paragraph of the test. 1 Paragraph A A The amount of money spent on magazine advertising is increasing. B The rivalry between magazines and other media is surprising. C Some magazines sell better than others. 2 Paragraph B A Magazines are some more popular than they used to be. B A lot of people are still reading magazines. C TV is more available than ever.

3Paragraph C A Europe allocates a greater proportion of its advertising budget to magazines than the world average. B Belgium and Germany spend more on magazine advertising than other European countries. C The figures for magazine advertising in Europe are decreasing. 4 Paragraph D A Across Europe, people read very different kinds of magazines. B The idea of a ‘European’ magazine is becoming popular. C Magazines that cover popular activities can become best sellers. 5 Paragraph E A Cigarette advertising is banned in some countries. B Magazines advertise a smaller range of products than television. C There are fewer limitations on magazine advertising than TV advertising. IELTS Reading test practice Global reading question 3What is the purpose of the writer of the passage ? A to compare European and world magazines B to attract more magazine readers C to review the continuing popularity of magazines D to illustrate the advantages of electronic magazines IELTS Reading test practice Choosing headings for paragraphs How to approach the task ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


语文阅读题答题模式 题型一理解词语或句子的含义 提问方式:1.怎样理解...这句话在文中的含意? 2.作者为什么反复说...这句话? 3.某句话里的...词语的含义是什么? 答:○1写出表面意思;○2写出深层意思。 (1)对重要词语的“理解” 例2006年湖南《在山阴道上》:“好久以来,‘故乡’就在吸引着我”,句中“故乡”一词的含义是什么 答:①鲁迅的故乡(字面意思)②作者向往的精神家园。(内涵意义) (2)对句子的理解 例2007年广东卷《泥泞》:最后一段,作者既说“我们也不会刻意制造一种泥泞让它出现在未来的道路上”,又提出“我们是否渴望着在泥泞中跋涉一回呢”,你是如何理解的?(6分) 答:因为泥泞是浑然天成的,无法人为制造;而且泥泞象征着苦难与屈辱,没必要在未来的路上人为地设置逆境和挫折。但是泥泞可以使人警醒,给人力量,可以促使人们重温历史,所以当我们在顺境中茫然和麻木时,我们会渴望在“泥泞”中再跋涉一回。 (3)对标题的含义的理解 例《秋日里对春风的怀念》:试结合文章内容,解释题目“秋日里对春风的怀念”的含义。(4分) 答:○1“秋日”果实累累,文中指的是李文珍先生学有所成的学生们,“春风”指的是李文珍先生对学生的谆谆教诲和人格光辉;○2秋天的果实包含着春天雨露的滋润,寓学生对李文珍先生的充满深深的感激和怀念之情 题型二:文章的写作思路 提问方式:文章是怎样表现……的”或“如何”表达情感或主旨的? 答:○1从结构和内容入手;○2从写作手法入手;如修辞的运用。

题型三:分析作用 (1)词语、句子的作用 (2)内容的作用:1.设置悬念,引起读者阅读的兴趣 2.为后面情节的发展作铺垫或埋下伏笔 3.照应前文 4.线索或推动情节发展 5.刻画人物性格 (3)结构的作用:①开头:开篇点题;照应题目;总领全文统摄全文;渲染气氛,埋下伏笔;设置悬念,为下文作辅垫、引人入胜 ②中间:过渡,承上启下;总领下文;总结上文;呼应前文 ③结尾:总结全文,点明主旨,照应前文,卒章显志。点明中心;深化主题升华感情,;照应开头,,前后呼应;结构严谨;画龙点睛;言有尽而意无穷(4)修辞的作用 提问方式:这句话运用了什么修辞方法?有什么好处? 答:○1写出修辞;○2写出在文中如何运用;○3写出作用。 题型四:分析人物形象 。 答题技巧: (一)语文阅读分析常用名词 一、表达方式:记叙、描写、抒情、议论、说明 二、修辞手法:比喻、拟人、排比、夸张、反复、借代、反问、设问、引用、对比 三、说明文分类: 1、实物说明文、事理说明文、程序说明文 2、科技性说明文、文艺性说明文(也叫科学小品或知识小品) 四、说明顺序: 1、时间顺序:历史顺序、年代顺序、四季交替顺序、早晚(先后)顺序


英语七年级上册课时特训答案 Starter Module 1 Unit 3 一、1、friend 2、she 3、teacher 4、spell 5、fine 6、meet 二、1、What is 2、My name is 3、I am 4、She is 5、His name is 6、Her name is 7、He is 8、It is 三、this is , She , Hello , friend , Her , Nice to , too , to go ,See you 四、1、His 2、He 3、She 4、He , my 5、your ,I 6、you , you 7、Her

8、you 五、1 - 5 C B B A B 六、1、It's time to go now. 2、This is my friend , Betty、 3、Can you spell it , please? 4、What's your name? Starter Module 2 Unit 3 一、eleven , twelve , fourteen , twenty , eighteen ,fifteen ,seventeen , nineteen , thirteen ,sixteen 二、A、fifteen bags B、eleven chairs C、nineteen books D、twelve girls E、fourteen boys 三、one , three , five , seven ,nine , eleven , thirteen , fifteen ,seventeen、nineteen 四、1、fourteen 2、sixteen 3、Twelve 4、Eleven 5、Seventeen 6、thirteen 7、eighteen 8、Nine 五、1、What's your name , Can you spell it , How are you , How old are you、years old , What class , Class Five


真题思路分析练习 2008.1.1 Some people think children’s spending time on TV, video and PC games is good, while others think it is bad. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2008.1.12 Some people think that criminals should be give longer terms in prison, so as to reduce the crime rate. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2008.1.19 Old generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life, thinking and behaviors. However, some people think that it is helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life in the future. What’s your opinion? 2008.1.26 In countries (where there is high unemployment) most pupils should be offered only primary education; there is no point in offering secondary education to those who will have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2008.2.2 Some people think people can exploit animals for any purpose they need, while others do not think so. What is your opinion? 2008.2.14 An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities. What problems will this bring about? Should the government encouage people to live in small towns? 2008.2.16 An animals film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.” some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree or disagree? 2008.2.23 Some people think imported food exerts positive impacts on our daily life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


雅思备考经验供基础相当的烤鸭参考 雅思备考经验供基础相当的烤鸭参考,下文为大家带来一位雅思烤鸭的自述,供大家参考:我觉得考场心态其实很重要,不过我还是想补充点雅思考前准备的东西,虽然这个分数只算一般,但是和我水平相当的人可以参考一下, 我四级考的一般,六级考过两次,英语基础算中等。想准备烤鸭是今年三月的事情了,先买了很多书,自己看了看没效果,后报了武汉的环球强化,对培训班,我觉得还是推荐新东方,因为在培训班作用不大而水平也差不多的情况下,新东方起码还能给人打打气。通过上培训,我对雅思只是有了透彻的了解,我觉得提高真的在个人。后来到了暑假,因为期末考试,和实习,所以两个月都没有看雅思,九月回校,正式备战,报了11月3的考试。参考书买的不多,建议和我水平差不多的人,或者考过四级六级的,就不用买专门的词汇了,我买过发现还不如把四六级单词背好,四级单词背好可以大大帮助听力,加上六级,足够考试用。当然听力有独特之处这是后话。 另外还买了一本胡敏的《剑桥精讲3.4.5》满厚一本,很有用。另外买了一本口语教材,外研社出的,一本写作叫什么《考前最后一本》,还在图书馆借了一本胡敏口语,和朗格出的写作。另外的资料还有3G口语机经,听力机经后来也有看,但是基本没用到。剑1到6全买了。 阅读,就是读吧,读得越多越有感觉,真题里面的生词要全部消化,很重要,我是结合胡敏的《剑桥精讲3.4.5》学的,因为里面把生字词都总结了,省了不少时间,对题目的分析也不错。但是只读真题肯定不够,我还做了新航道刘洪波的阅读教材,或者有阅读真经的也可以看看,总之刘洪波的阅读资料都很贴近真题。把这些做透就够了。我没再看别的。 听力,是我最弱的,不是听不懂,而是下笔不够快,准,狠啊,第一篇里面已经说了,雅思听力就是要抓住关键的点,我听力才6,就不在误导大家了,我的教训和经验就是,把基础的词一定要熟练,有条件最好结合机经,按场景记忆单词,机经中的单词重复率也很高,比如tutorial这个词,很多场景会反复出现,大多是学生咨询课堂安排,或者工作人员向大学新生介绍大学生生活的场景中。王陆807也不错,但是我认为不如结合场景记得好。 写作,我得多说点了,这次考7真的很意外,大作文我是见过的,反正是差不多,我知道自己写作不行,就给自己总结了很多经典万能句型,真的是什么题目都可以套用的那种,并且要背的滚瓜烂熟,在考场上必须做到下笔如有神,不然时间就不够,比如在表达观点时候我就不会用模板的什么disadvan outweight advan,太假了,我就用准备好的 however,the information I have collected over the passed several years makes me believe that xx is more meaningful than most people think。这就表达了你认为那种做法,或者观点好。很经典的。我有200个这样的好句,也是在网上找来的,只背了其中的50多个,就有7分,等会贴出来,供大家参



Passage 2 资料考证来源于维基百科 After repairs, she plied for several years as a passe nger liner between Britain and America, before being converted to a cable-laying ship and la ying the first lasting” Brunel worked for several years as assistant engineer on the project to create a tunnel unde r London's River Thames 题目配对 tunnel under river Thames -- which Brune was not responsibl e for it Though ultimately unsuccessful, another of Brunel's interesting use of technical innovat ions was the atmospheric railway 配对建成不久就停止运营那项吧 Great Eastern was designed to cruise non-stop from London to Sydney and back (since engi neers of the time misunderstood that Australia had no coal reserves), and she remained the l argest ship built until the turn of the century. Like many of Brunel's ambitious projects, t he ship soon ran over budget and behind schedule in the face of a series of technical probl ems.great eastern 配对建设推迟了很对次和财务上不成功我配了两个


阅读理解答题技巧模板 1.文章体裁是什么?此文是一篇:说明文、议论文、记叙文……。 2.记叙文六要素?(时间、地点、人物、事件起因、经过、结果)要会找六要素。 3.如何找文章的中心句? 文章的中心句就是能揭示文章中心思想的句子。捕捉文章的中心句,首先要熟读文章,理解文章内容,再找出能揭示文章中心的句子。其次,是要掌握文章中心句子的特点。那么如何找中心句呢?一般在开篇,或结尾,一般是议论性总结性的句子。 1)从题目去找。题目是文章的眼睛,往往有的题目就是中心句。 2)从总起句去找。文章开头的总起句,一般都揭示了全文内容,所以就是中心句。 3)从结尾上去找。有些文章的结尾,往往总结全文,点明中心。 4)从反复句上去找。有的文章为了突出某种意思,并给读者留下深刻的印象,往往反复出现同一个句子,它就是中心句。 5)从议论句上去找。文中议论处往往透露出文章的中心,因此,议论句中的关键句就是中心句。 6)从哲理性句上去找。有的句子很有哲理性,这个句子就是中心句。 7)从含义深长的句子上去找。有的句子中意义含而不露,蕴藏着深长的意义,这个句子就是中心句。 8)从过渡句上去找。有的文章往往用过渡句来点明中心句。 4.如何概括文章内容? (方法:看题目、人物(事物)、事件,进行综合、概括。) 答:此文记叙了(描写了、说明了)……,表现了(赞美了、揭示了)……。 5.概括文章主要内容的途径 1)借助题目。 2)要素归纳法。 3)摘录主要句子。 4)合并段意。 格式1: 1此文记叙了(描写了、说明了)……的故事(事迹、 经过、事件、景物)。即谁做了什么。 2表现了(赞美了、揭示了、讽刺了、反映了、歌颂 了、揭露了、批判了)……。 3抒发了作者的……的感情。 格式2: ①简略式:人物+事件 ②详尽式:(时间+地点)+人物+起因+经过+结果 6.划分段落? (1)按时间划分(找表示时间的短语) (2)按地点划分(找表示地点的短语) (3)按事情发展过程(找各个事件) (4)总分总(掐头去尾)关键还是看文章的意思。 7.从哪几个方面为文章拟标题。 (1)核心人物(2)核心事物(3)核心事件(4) 作者情感或者中心 8.某句(段)话在文中有什么作用?(思想内容 和结构) 语句在表情达意方面的作用(思想内容方面) 渲染气氛、烘托人物形象(或人物感情)、点明中 心(揭示主旨)、突出主题(深化中心) 抓表层义和深层义答题。 总体来讲,要分析句子的深刻含义,要遵循由 浅入深、由表及里的原则。至少要写出它在文章里的 字面意思和表达出来的思想感情或深刻道理。 表达效果上,抓住关键词、修辞方法、描写方法等 分析它的特点及含义,联系上下文再解释。 答题模式(主要从结构上大的): 1. 文首:开篇点题;照应题目;总领全文;渲染 气氛,埋下伏笔;设置悬念,为下文作辅垫;引起下文; 点题。 2. 文中:承上启下(过渡);总领下文;总结上 文;呼应前文;推动情节发展。 3. 文末:点明中心;升华中心;总结全文;升华 感情;深化中心;深化主题;照应开头,结构严谨;画 龙点睛;言有尽而意无穷。 9.记叙顺序及作用? (1)顺叙(按事情发展先后顺序) 作用:叙事有头有尾,条理清晰,读起来脉络清楚、 印象深刻。 (2)倒叙(先写结果,再交待前面发生的事。) 作用:造成悬念、吸引读者,避免叙述的平板单调, 增强文章的生动性。 (3)插叙(叙事时中断线索,插入相关的另一件 事。) 作用:对情节起补充、衬托作用,丰富形象,突出 中心。 10.修辞方法及作用 (1)比喻:使事物描写生动形象/具体可感。 (2)拟人:赋予事物以人的性格、思想、感情和 动作,使物人格化,使事物描写生动形象/具体可感。 (3)夸张:突出特征,揭示本质,表达某种强烈 的思想感情,给读者以鲜明而强烈的印象。 (4)排比:条理清晰,节奏鲜明,增强语势,给 人一气呵成之感,增强文章的说服力和感染力。 (5)对偶:形式整齐,音韵和谐,互相映衬,互 为补充。


Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Open all the ________ (curtain) and turn up the lights.(2015·全国Ⅱ,阅读B) 2.________ (ignore) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.(2015·安徽,27) 3.________(item) like T-shirts that allow volunteers to be recognized publicly for their contributions can help strengthen role identity.(2015·江苏,阅读C) 4.My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor while I ________ (pack) them up. 5.She would push my dirty clothing over,and I would lay my books on her tidy desk.We both got tired ________ each other. 6.In his application for the volunteer job,the author went through ________(challenge) survival tests. 7.It was a rainy morning and the children,mainly boys with various learning difficulties,refused ________ (settle) for the start of the lesson. 8.If you're truly ________ (concern),you'll know when your neighbor needs some cheering up—a bunch of flowers or a helping hand when it's needed. 9.A few people ________(agree) while most people ________(agree),so no ________(agree) was made. 10.________(concern) the toll-free(免交通费) policy on the express way,what ________(concern) us most is the traffic jams while some ________(concern) about the safety. 答案 1.curtains 2.Ignoring 3.Items 4.was packing 5.of 6.challenging7.to settle 8.concerned9.agreed;disagreed;agreement10.Concerning;concerns;are concerned Ⅱ.单句改错(每句仅1处错误) 1.I wasn't doing anything on the purpose to make myself better. 2.I went to live there in order to being near him. 3.They have got the power to changing the world. 4.But then I guess I couldn't stand it longer.
