Ibuprofen tablets(布洛芬片) BP2017

Ibuprofen tablets(布洛芬片) BP2017
Ibuprofen tablets(布洛芬片) BP2017

Ibuprofen Tablets

General Notices

Action and use

Cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor; analgesic; anti-inflammatory.


Ibuprofen Tablets contain Ibuprofen. They are coated.

The tablets comply with the requirements stated under Tablets and with the following requirements.

Content of ibuprofen, C13H18O2

95.0 to 105.0% of the stated amount.


A. Extract a quantity of the powdered tablets containing 0.5 g of Ibuprofen with 20 mL of acetone, filter and evaporate the filtrate to dryness in a current of air without heating. The infrared absorption spectrum of the residue, Appendix II A, is concordant with the reference spectrum of ibuprofen (RS 186).

B. Melting point of the residue obtained in test A, after recrystallisation from petroleum spirit (boiling range, 40° to 60°), about 75°, Appendix V A.


Related substances

Carry out the method for liquid chromatography, Appendix III D, using the following solutions.

(1) Add 30 mL of methanol to a quantity of the powdered tablets containing 0.2 g of Ibuprofen, shake for 30 minutes, add 30 mL of methanol and sufficient water to produce 100 mL, mix and filter through a glass microfibre filter paper (Whatman GF/C is suitable).

(2) Dilute 1 volume of solution (1) to 100 volumes with the mobile phase.

(3) Dissolve 50 mg of ibuprofen BPCRS in 2.5 mL of a 0.006% w/v solution of ibuprofen impurity

B BPCRS in methanol (prepared by diluting 1 volume of ibuprofen impurity B BPCRS to 10 volumes with methanol) and add sufficient methanol to produce 25 mL. CHROMATOGRAPHI


(a) Use a stainless steel column (15 cm × 4.6 mm) packed with end-capped octadecylsilyl silica gel for chromatography (5 μm) (Spherisorb ODS 2 is suitable).

(b) Use isocratic elution and the mobile phase described below.

(c) Use a flow rate of 2 mL per minute.

(d) Use an ambient column temperature.

(e) Use a detection wavelength of 214 nm.

(f) Inject 20 μL of each solution.

(g) Equilibrate the column with the mobile phase for about 45 minutes before starting the chromatography.

(h) Allow the chromatography to proceed for 1.5 times the retention time of the principal peak. When the chromatograms are recorded under the conditions described above, the retention time of ibuprofen is about 20 minutes.


0.5 volume of orthophosphoric acid, 340 volumes of acetonitrile and 600 volumes of water diluted to 1000 volumes with water after equilibration.


In the chromatogram obtained with solution (3) measure the height (a) of the peak due to 2-(4-butylphenyl)-propionic acid and the height (b) of the lowest point of the curve separating this peak from that due to ibuprofen. The test is not valid unless a is greater than 1.5b. If necessary, adjust the concentration of acetonitrile in the mobile phase to obtain the required resolution.


In the chromatogram obtained with solution (1):

the area of any peak corresponding to ibuprofen impurity B is not greater than the area of the corresponding peak in the chromatogram obtained with solution (3) (0.3%);

the area of any other secondary peak is not greater than 0.3 times the area of the principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with solution (2) (0.3%);

the sum of the area of any secondary peaks, other than the peak due to impurity B, is not greater than 0.7 times the area of the principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with solution (2) (0.7%).

Disregard any peak the area of which is less than 0.1 times the area of the principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with solution (2) (0.1%).


Weigh and powder 20 tablets. Carry out the method for liquid chromatography, Appendix III D, using the following solutions.

(1) Shake a quantity of the powdered tablets containing 0.2 g of Ibuprofen with 30 mL of the mobile phase for 30 minutes, add sufficient of the mobile phase to produce 100 mL and mix thoroughly. Centrifuge 25 mL of the solution at 2500 g for 5 minutes and use the supernatant liquid.

(2) 0.2% w/v of ibuprofen BPCRS in the mobile phase.


(a) Use a stainless steel column (25 cm × 4.6 mm) packed with end-capped octadecylsilyl silica

gel for chromatography (10 μm) (Nucleosil C18 is suitable).

(b) Use isocratic elution and the mobile phase described below.

(c) Use a flow rate of 1.5 mL per minute.

(d) Use an ambient column temperature.

(e) Use a detection wavelength of 264 nm.

(f) Inject 20 μL of each solution.


3 volumes of orthophosphoric acid, 247 volumes of water and 750 volumes of methanol.


Calculate the content of C13H18O2 using the declared content of C13H18O2 in ibuprofen BPCRS.


The impurities limited by the requirements of this monograph include:

1. (2RS)-2-(4-butylphenyl)propanoic acid (Ibuprofen Impurity B).

Prolonged-release Ibuprofen Tablets

General Notices

Prolonged-release Ibuprofen Tablets from different manufacturers, whilst complying with the requirements of the monograph, are not interchangeable unless otherwise justified and authorised.

Action and use

Cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor; analgesic; anti-inflammatory.


Prolonged-release Ibuprofen Tablets contain Ibuprofen. They are formulated so that the medicament is released over a period of several hours.


A suitable dissolution test is carried out to demonstrate the appropriate release of Ibuprofen. The dissolution profile reflects the in vivo performance which in turn is compatible with the dosage schedule recommended by the manufacturer.

The tablets comply with the requirements stated under Tablets and with the following requirements.

Content of ibuprofen, C13H18O2

95.0 to 105.0% of the stated amount.


Extract a quantity of the powdered tablets containing 0.5 g of Ibuprofen with 20 mL of acetone, filter and evaporate the filtrate to dryness in a current of air without heating. The infrared absorption spectrum of the residue, Appendix II A, is concordant with the reference spectrum of ibuprofen (RS 186).


Related substances

Carry out the method for liquid chromatography, Appendix III D, using the following solutions.

(1) Dissolve a quantity of the powdered tablets containing 20 mg of Ibuprofen in 2 mL of acetonitrile for chromatography and add sufficient mobile phase A to produce 10 mL.

(2) Dilute 1 volume of solution (1) to 100 volumes with mobile phase A.

(3) Dissolve 20 mg of ibuprofen BPCRS in 2 mL of acetonitrile for chromatography, add 1 mL of a 0.006% w/v solution of ibuprofen impurity B BPCRS in acetonitrile for chromatography (prepared by diluting 1 volume of ibuprofen impurity B BPCRS to 10 volumes with acetonitrile for

chromatography) and sufficient mobile phase A to produce 10 mL. CHROMATOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS

(a) Use a stainless steel column (15 cm × 4.6 mm) packed with octadecylsilyl silica gel for chromatography (5 μm) (Spherisorb ODS 2 is suitable).

(b) Use gradient elution and the mobile phase described below.

(c) Use a flow rate of 2 mL per minute.

(d) Use an ambient column temperature.

(e) Use a detection wavelength of 214 nm.

(f) Inject 20 μL of each solution.

(g) Equilibrate the column with mobile phase A for about 45 minutes.


Mobile phase A0.5 volume of orthophosphoric acid, 340 volumes of acetonitrile for chromatography and 600 volumes of water. Allow to equilibrate and add sufficient water to produce 1000 mL.

Mobile phase Bacetonitrile.


The test is not valid unless, in the chromatogram obtained with solution (3), the peak-to-valley ratio between the peaks due to ibuprofen and ibuprofen impurity B is not less than 1.5.


In the chromatogram obtained with solution (1):

the area of the peak corresponding to ibuprofen impurity B is not greater than the area of the peak corresponding to impurity B in the chromatogram obtained with solution (3) (0.3%);

the area of any other secondary peak is not greater than 0.3 times the area of the principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with solution (2) (0.3%);

the sum of the areas of any other secondary peaks is not greater than 0.7 times the area of the principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with solution (2) (0.7%).

Disregard any peak with an area less than 0.05 times the area of the principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with solution (2) (0.05%).


Weigh and powder 20 tablets. Carry out the method for liquid chromatography, Appendix III D, using the following solutions.

(1) Shake a quantity of the powdered tablets containing 0.2 g of Ibuprofen in 30 mL of mobile phase for 30 minutes. Add sufficient mobile phase to produce 100 mL and mix. Centrifuge an aliquot of the suspension at 2500 g for 5 minutes and use the supernatant liquid.

(2) 0.2% w/v of ibuprofen BPCRS in the mobile phase.


(a) Use a stainless steel column (25 cm × 4.6 mm) packed with octadecylsilyl silica gel for chromatography (10 μm) (Nucleosil C18 is suitable).

(b) Use isocratic elution and the mobile phase described below.

(c) Use a flow rate of 1.5 mL per minute.

(d) Use an ambient column temperature.

(e) Use a detection wavelength of 264 nm.

(f) Inject 20 μL of each solution.


3 volumes of orthophosphoric acid, 247 volumes of water and 750 volumes of methanol.


Calculate the content of C13H18O2 in the tablets using the declared content of C13H18O2 in ibuprofen BPCRS.


The impurities limited by the requirements of this monograph include:

(2RS)-2-(4-butylphenyl)propanoic acid (Ibuprofen Impurity B).


布洛芬缓释胶囊说明书 请仔细阅读说明书并按说明使用或在药师指导下购买和使用 [药品名称] 通用名称:布洛芬缓释胶囊 商品名称: 英文名称: 汉语拼音: [成份] [性状] [作用类别]本品为解热镇痛类非处方药药品。 [适应症]适用于缓解下列症状:牙痛、头痛、原发性痛经,肩痛、肌痛及运动后损伤性疼痛;劳损、腱鞘炎、滑囊炎引起的疼痛;骨关节炎引起的关节肿痛;以及普通感冒或流行性感冒引起的发热。 [规格] 0.4克 [用法用量]口服,成人及12岁以上儿童,一次1粒,每日服用两次(早晚各一次)。 [不良反应] 1.一般为肠、胃部不适,少数病人可能出现恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻、肠胃气胀、便秘、胃烧灼感或轻度消化不良、胃肠道溃疡及出血。头痛、耳鸣、氨基转移酶升高、头晕、视力模糊、精神紧张、嗜睡、下肢水肿或体重骤增。 2.偶见皮疹、荨麻疹、瘙痒。极罕见严重皮肤过敏反应,剥脱性皮炎、史蒂文斯-约翰逊综合征(Stevens Johnson Syndrome)或大疱性皮肤病,如多形性红斑和表皮坏死松解症。 3.少数病人可能出现过敏性肾炎、膀胱炎、肾病综合征、肾乳头坏死或肾功能衰竭,尤其注意在长期使用时,通常伴有血清尿素水平升高和水肿。在肾功能损伤患者、心力衰竭患者、肝功能障碍患者、服用利尿剂和血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂的患者以及老年患者中,发生肾毒性的风险最高。通常在停止非甾体抗炎药治疗后恢复至治疗前状态。 4.有肠道疾病,如溃疡性结肠炎和克隆氏病(Crohn’s disease)既往史者,有可能加重病情。老年患者使用非甾体抗炎药出现不良反应的频率增加,尤其是胃肠道出血和穿孔,其风险可能是致命的。如出现胃肠道出血或溃疡等情况,应停药并立即就医。 5.极罕见造血障碍(贫血、白细胞减少症、血小板减少症、全血细胞减少症、粒细胞缺乏症),初始症状为:发热、咽喉痛、浅表性口腔溃疡、流感样症状、重度疲劳、出现原因不明的瘀伤或出血。极罕见肝病、肝功能衰竭、肝炎。 6.极罕见严重过敏反应,症状包括:面部、舌和咽喉水肿、呼吸困难、心动过速、低血压(过敏反应、血管性水肿或休克)。极罕见哮喘和支气管痉挛加重。 7.用非甾体抗炎药治疗,有出现水肿、高血压和心力衰竭的报道。本品可能引起严重心血管血栓性不良事件、心肌梗死和卒中的风险增加,其风险可能是致命的。 8.在自身免疫性疾病患者中(如系统性红斑狼疮、混合性结缔组织病),布洛芬治疗期间有发生无菌性脑膜炎症状的个别案例,如颈强直、头痛、恶心、呕吐、发热或意识混乱。 [禁忌] 1.对本品及其他非甾体抗炎药过敏者禁用。 2.孕妇及哺乳期妇女禁用。 3.服用阿司匹林或其他非甾体类抗炎药后诱发哮喘、荨麻疹或鼻炎、血管性水肿等过敏反应的患者。 4.禁用于冠状动脉搭桥手术(CABG)围手术期疼痛的治疗。 5.既往有应用非甾体抗炎药后发生胃肠道出血或穿孔病史的患者禁用。


布洛芬片质量标准 含布洛芬(C13H18O2)为标示量的98.0%-105.0% 【性状】白色或粉红色圆形双面微凸包衣片 【鉴别】 (1)取细粉适量(约相当于布洛芬0.5g),加丙酮20ml提取,滤过,滤液蒸发使自然干燥(不加热用普通空气挥干),残渣红外吸收图谱(附录)与布洛芬参考图谱一致(RS186)。 (2)取1项下的残渣适量,用石油醚(40-60℃)重结晶后测定其熔点约为75℃。【检查】 溶出度:取本品1片,照溶出度测定法(第二法),以磷酸盐缓冲液pH7.2溶液900ml为溶出介质,转速每分钟50转,经45分钟时取溶液10ml,滤过,弃去初滤液,精密量取续滤液适量(400mg量取2ml;600mg、800mg量取1ml)置100ml 量瓶中,用溶出介质稀释至刻度,摇匀,作为供试品溶液;另精密称取布洛芬对照品10mg置50ml量瓶中,用溶出介质溶解并稀释至刻度,摇匀,精密量取2ml 置另一50ml量瓶中,用溶出介质稀释至刻度,摇匀,作为对照品品溶液,照紫外-可见分光光度法在221nm的波长处测定吸光度,计算每片的溶出量,限度为标示量的70%,应符合规定。 有关物质:高效液相色谱法测定。 色谱条件: 色谱柱:填料为常规色谱分析柱ODS2不锈钢色谱柱(15cm×4.6mm),用十八烷基硅胶(Spherisorb ODS2)为填充剂封端(5微米)。 流速:2ml/分钟;检测波长:214nm;进样量:20μl。 流动相:磷酸:乙腈:水(0.5:340:600)混匀后,用水稀释至1000ml,过滤脱气即得。 溶液制备: 溶液(1):取本品的细粉适量(约相当于布洛芬0.2g),加30ml甲醇,振摇30分钟,再加入30ml甲醇,用水定容至100ml,混匀,用超细玻璃纤维过滤纸过滤(GF/C是合适的)。 溶液(2):取溶液(1)1ml用流动相定容至100ml,即得。 溶液(3):取布洛芬对照品50mg置25ml量瓶中,加0.006%的2-(4-丁基苯基)丙酸对照品溶液〔2-(4-丁基苯基)丙酸对照品溶液制备:吸取1体积2-(4-丁基苯基)丙酸对照品,用甲醇定容至10体积〕甲醇溶液2.5ml,加甲醇稀释至刻度,摇匀即得。 检测: 在开始试验前,用流动相平衡柱子45分钟,调节灵敏度使溶液(2)峰高为满量程的70-90%,记录色谱图至主峰(布洛芬峰)保留时间的1.5倍。 按上述试验条件进样,布洛芬(主峰)保留时间约为20分钟,在溶液(3)色谱图中,测量2-(4-丁苯基)丙酸的峰高为(a),布洛芬峰低点的峰高为(b), 若a大于1.5b,则符合分析要求,如果不符合,可用乙腈调流动相使之符合要求。结果判定: 溶液(1)色谱图中,若有2-(4-丁苯基)丙酸峰,其峰面积不得大于溶液(3)中2-(4-丁苯基)丙酸峰的峰面积(0.3%);其他单个杂质峰面积不得大于溶液(2)中主峰面积的0.3倍(0.3%);其他杂质峰峰面积的总和不得大于溶液(2)中主峰面积的0.7倍(0.7%);杂质峰面积小于溶液(2)中主峰面积的0.1倍(0.1%)


阿奇霉素颗粒的说明书 五官与内脏其实是有着一层对应关系的,人的内脏健不健康从脸上全能看出来,虽然不至于百分之百准确,但也能猜出个七八分了。因此生活中五官疾病的出现是很多的,积极治疗五官类的疾病很有必要。目前推出了一种叫做阿奇霉素颗粒的药物,它对于耳鼻喉科、眼科等疾病具有非常好的治疗效果,下面我们来看看介绍吧。 【药品名称】 通用名称:阿奇霉素颗粒 商品名称:阿奇霉素颗粒 【适应症/功能主治】1.化脓性链球菌引起的急性咽炎、急性扁桃体炎。 2.敏感细菌引起的鼻窦炎、中耳炎、急性支气管炎、慢性支气管炎急性发作。 3.肺炎链球菌、流感嗜血杆菌以及肺炎支原体所致的肺炎。 4.沙眼衣原体及非多种耐 【规格型号】0.1g*6袋

【用法用量】将本品倒入杯中,加入适量凉开水,溶解摇匀后口服,在饭前1小时或饭后2小时服用。成人用量:1.沙眼衣原 【不良反应】服药后可出现腹痛、腹泻(稀便)、上腹部不适(疼痛或痉挛)、恶心、呕吐等胃肠道反应,其发生率明显较红霉素低。偶可出现轻至中度腹胀、头昏、头痛及发热、皮疹、关节痛等过敏反应,过敏性休克和血管神经性水肿、胆汁淤积性黄疸极为少见。少数患者可出现一过性中性粒细胞减少、血清氨基转移酶升高。 【禁忌】对阿奇霉素、红霉素或其他任何一种大环内酯类药物 过敏禁用。 【注意事项】1 进食可影响阿奇霉素的吸收,故需在饭前1小时或饭后2小时口服。 2 轻度肾功能不全患者(肌酐清除率 >40ml/分钟)不需作剂量调整,但阿奇霉素对较严重肾功能 不全患者中的使用尚无资料,给这些患者使用阿奇霉素时应慎重。 3 由于肝胆系统是阿奇霉素排泄的主要途径,肝功能不全者慎用,严重肝病患者不应使用。用药期间定期随访肝功能。 4 用药期 间如果发生过敏反应(如血管神经性水肿、皮肤反应、 Stevens-Johnson综合征及毒性表皮坏死等),应立即停药,并


本表是根据药物对胎儿的危险性而进行危害等级(即A、B、C、D、X级)的分类表。这一 分类表便于用药者给孕妇用药时迅速查阅。危害等级的标准是美国药物和食品管理局(FDA) 颁布的。大部分药物的危害性级别均由制药厂按上述标准拟定;有少数药物的危害性级别是 由某些专家拟定的(在级别字母后附有“m”者)。某些药物标准有两个不同的危害性级别, 是因为其危害性可因用药持续时间不同所致。分级标准如下: A级:在有对照组的研究中,在妊娠3个月的妇女未见到对胎儿危害的迹象(并且也没 有对其后6个月的危害性的证据),可能对胎儿的影响甚微。 B级:在动物繁殖性研究中(并未进行孕妇的对照研究),未见到对胎儿的影响。在动物繁 殖性研究中表现有副作用,这些副作用并未在妊娠3个月的妇女得到证实(也没有对其后6 个月的危害性的证据)。 C级:在动物的研究证明它有对胎儿的副作用(致畸或杀死胚胎)但并未在对照组的妇 女进行研究,或没有在妇女和动物并行地进行研究。本类药物只有在权衡了对妇女的好处大 于对胎儿的危害之后,方可应用。 D级:有对胎儿的危害性的明确证据,尽管有危害性,但孕妇用药后有绝对的好处(例 如孕妇受到死亡的威胁或患有严重的疾病,因此需用它,如应用其他药物虽然安全但无效)。 X级:在动物或人的研究表明它可使胎儿异常。或根据经验认为在人,或在人及在动物, 是有危害性的。在孕妇应用这类药物显然是无益的。本类药物禁用于妊娠或将妊娠的患者。 、抗组胺药 其敏(C)扑尔敏(B)西咪替丁(B)赛庚啶(B)苯海拉明(B)茶苯海明(C)安泰乐(C)可静(B)异丙嗪(C)新安替根(C) 、抗感染药 抗阿米巴病药卡巴胂(D)双碘喹啉(C) 驱肠虫药龙胆紫(C)哌嗪(B)噻嘧啶(C)扑蛲灵(C) 抗疟药氯喹(D)伯氨喹(C)乙胺嘧啶(C)奎宁(C) 抗滴虫药甲硝哒唑(C) 抗生素丁胺卡那霉素(Cm) 庆大霉素(C) 卡那霉素(D) 新霉素(D) 链霉素(D) 妥布拉霉素(C) 头孢菌素类(B) 青霉素类(B) 四环素(D) 去甲金霉素(D) 甲烯土霉素(D) 二甲胺四环素(D) 土霉素(D) 金霉素(D) 杆菌肽(C) 氯霉素(C) 红霉素(B) 克林霉素(B) 林可霉素(B) 新生霉素(C) 竹桃霉素(C) 多粘霉素B(B) 万克霉素(C)


布洛芬片 【药品名称】 通用名称:布洛芬片 英文名称:Ibuprofen T ablets 【成份】 布洛芬 【适应症】 用于缓解轻至中度疼痛如头痛、关节痛、偏头痛、牙痛、肌肉痛、神经痛、痛经。也用于普通感冒或流行性感冒引起的发热。 【用法用量】 口服。12岁以上儿童及成人一次2片,若持续疼痛或发热,可间隔4~6小时重复用药1次,24小时不超过4次。儿童用量见下表: 年龄(岁)1-3,体重(公斤)10-15,一次用量(片)1/2,次数若持续疼痛或发热,可间隔年龄(岁)4-6,体重(公斤)16-21,一次用量(片)1,次数4~6小时重复用药1次,24 年龄(岁)7-9,体重(公斤)22-27,一次用量(片)1.5,次数小时不超过4次。 年龄(岁)10-12,体重(公斤)8-32,一次用量(片)2 【不良反应】 1 少数病人可出现恶心、呕吐、胃烧灼感或轻度消化不良、胃肠道溃疡及出血、转氨酶升高、头痛、头晕、耳鸣、视力模糊、精神紧张、嗜睡、下肢水肿或体重骤增。 2 罕见皮疹、过敏性肾炎、膀胱炎、肾病综合征、肾乳头坏死或肾功能衰竭、支气管痉挛。【禁忌】 1 对其他非甾体抗炎药过敏者禁用。

2 孕妇及哺乳期妇女禁用。 3 对阿司匹林过敏的哮喘患者禁用。 【注意事项】 1 本品为对症治疗药,不宜长期或大量使用,用于止痛不得超过5天,用于解热不得超过3天,如症状不缓解,请咨询医师或药师。 2 1岁以下儿童应在医师指导下使用。 3 不能同时服用其他含有解热镇痛药的药品(如某些复方抗感冒药)。 4 服用本品期间不得饮酒或含有酒精的饮料。 5 有下列情况患者慎用:60岁以上、支气管哮喘、肝肾功能不全、凝血机制或血小板功能障碍(如血友病)。 6 下列情况患者应在医师指导下使用:有消 【特殊人群用药】 儿童注意事项: 妊娠与哺乳期注意事项: 孕妇禁用。 老人注意事项: 【药物相互作用】 1 本品与其他解热、镇痛、抗炎药物同用时可增加胃肠道不良反应,并可能导致溃疡。 2 本品与肝素、双香豆素等抗凝药同用时,可导致凝血酶原时间延长,增加出血倾向。 3 本品与地高辛、甲氨蝶呤、口服降血糖药物同用时,能使这些药物的血药浓度增高,不宜同用。 4 本品与呋塞米(呋喃苯胺酸)同用时,后者的排钠和降压作用减弱;与抗高血压药同用


注射用阿奇霉素说明书 请仔细阅读使用说明书并在医师指导下使用 【药品名称】 通用名:注射用阿奇霉素 英文名:Azithromycin for Injection 汉语拼音:Zhusheyong Aqimeisu 【成份】本品主要成份为阿奇霉素,其化学名称为(2R ,3S ,4R ,5R ,8R ,10R ,11R ,12S ,13S ,14R )-13-[(2,6-二脱氧-3-C -甲基-3-O -甲基- -L-核-己吡喃糖基)氧]-2-乙基-3,4,10-三羟基-3,5,6,8,10,12,14-七甲基-11-[[3,4,6-三脱氧-3-(二甲氨基)-β-D-木-己吡喃糖基]氧]-1-氧杂-6-氮杂环十五烷-15酮。 其结构式为: 分子式:C 38H 72N 2O 12 分子量:749.00 辅料:门冬氨酸 【性状】本品为白色或类白色的粉末或疏松块状物。 【适应症】 本品适用于敏感致病菌株所引起的下列感染: 1. 由肺炎衣原体、流感嗜血杆菌、嗜肺军团菌、卡他莫拉菌、肺炎支原体、金黄色葡萄球菌或肺炎链球菌引起的需要首先采取静脉滴注治疗的社区获得性肺炎。 2. 由沙眼衣原体、淋病奈瑟菌、人型支原体引起的需要首先采取静脉滴注治疗的盆腔炎。 【规格】0.5g (50万单位) 【用法用量】 用法:将本品用适量注射用水充分溶解,配制成0.1g/ml ,再加入至250ml 或500ml 的氯化钠注射液或5%葡萄糖注射液中,最终阿奇霉素浓度为1.0~2.0mg/ml ,然后静脉滴注。浓度为1.0mg/ml ,滴注时间为3小时;浓度为2.0mg/ml ,滴注时间为1小时。本品每次滴注时间不得少于60分钟,滴注液浓度不得高于2.0mg/ml 。 用量: 1. 治疗社区获得性肺炎:成人一次0.5g ,一日1次,至少连续用药2日,继之换用阿奇霉素口服制剂一日0.5g ,7~10日为一个疗程。转为口服治疗时间应由医师根据临床治疗反应确定。 2. 治疗盆腔炎:成人一次0.5g ,一日1次,用药1日或2日后,改用阿奇霉素口服制剂一日0.25g ,7日为一个疗程。转为口服治疗时间应由医师根据临床治疗反应确定。 【不良反应】 1. 本品常见不良反应有: (1)胃肠道反应:腹泻、腹痛、稀便、恶心、呕吐等。 (2)局部反应:注射部位疼痛、局部炎症等。 (3)皮肤反应:皮疹、瘙痒。


蚕豆病注意事项 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

蚕豆病注意事项 西药: 抗疟疾药:伯氨喹啉、扑疟母星、氯喹; 磺胺类药:磺胺、乙酰磺胺、磺胺吡啶、复方新诺明; 止痛药:非那西丁、阿斯匹林; 砜类药:氨苯砜、普洛明; 抗菌药:硝基呋喃类、氯霉素、对氨基水杨酸; 杀虫类:β萘酚、锑波芬、硝基哒唑; 其他:丙磺舒、二巯基丙醇(BLA)、大剂量的维生素K。 中药:薄荷、樟脑、苯酚、川连、腊梅花、金银花、熊胆、七厘散、珍珠末、牛黄解毒丸、民间杂乱中草药等。 忌食用蚕豆或蚕豆制品等。 放置衣服时避免使用樟脑箱、樟脑丸、卫生丸等。 定期监测血常规和尿潜血,0~3岁次/半年,≥4岁次/年。 蚕豆病在预防、治疗与恢复的注意事项 一、您要买日常用品有成分介绍的也注意一下其成分,有以上禁忌的就不要用了. 二、蚕豆病不能吃的一些东西 珍珠末,金银花,川莲,牛黄,腊梅花,熊胆,珍珠末,保婴丹,切记禁食蚕豆或金银花蚕豆生加工品,避免在蚕豆开花,结果或收获季节去蚕豆地. 三、蚕豆病禁止使用的日用品

樟脑,臭丸,冬青油,颜料,曼秀雷敦薄荷膏,无比膏,平安膏,跌打酒有牛黄,蓝汞水,紫药水(龙胆紫),庄生之Cooling bath冲凉液(有金银花成份),白花油,万金油或红花油等(均含有水杨酸),有些杀虫剂的喷雾则肯定可以使血液溶解! 四、蚕豆病不能用的药物 乙酰苯胺,美蓝,硝咪唑,呋喃旦叮,呋喃唑酮,呋喃西林,苯肼,伯氨喹啉,扑疟母星,戊胺喹,磺胺,乙酰磺胺,磺胺吡啶,噻唑酮,甲苯胺蓝, SMZ,TNT等. 五、蚕豆病要慎用的药物 链霉素,氯霉素,磺胺异恶唑,SMM,磺胺脒,SML,SMPZ,TMP,秋水仙碱,氯奎,奎宁,异烟肼,乙胺嘧啶,保泰松,丙磺舒,阿斯匹林,醋氨酚(扑热息痛,对乙酰氨基酚,百服宁,泰诺,泰诺林,必理通,散列痛),消炎痛,非那西汀,尼美舒利,双氯芬酸,布洛芬,氨基比林(安乃近,安痛定),安替比林,苯妥英钠,左旋多巴,安坦,奎尼丁,普鲁卡因酰胺,安他唑林,苯海拉明,VitC(维C银翘片, 水溶性维生素),VitK3,VitK4,百乐君,对氨苯甲酸,吡苄明,各种退热止痛药(何济公,小儿退热散),薄荷(感冒灵颗粒,感冒清热颗粒,保济丸),樟脑,川莲,牛黄(牛黄解毒丸,牛磺酸颗粒,小儿咽扁颗粒,小儿速效感冒灵,小儿清热宁颗粒),腊梅花,熊胆(清开灵),开口茶,七里散,婴儿素,穿琥宁,炎琥宁,氨茶碱. 六、蚕豆病的一些建议 建议定期监测血常规和尿潜血,0~3岁次/半年,≥4岁次/年.锻炼身体七、一旦患病,最好上医院看病,并向医生说明患有蚕豆病.


流行性感冒——全身症状重 指南意见:2011年ACIP 《流感的 抗病毒治疗和药物预防》: 治疗重点:抗病毒+退热 孕妇是流感并发症的高风险人 群,对于疑似或确诊为流感的 妊娠患者应尽早使用抗病毒药 物(应早于病原学结果)。 病 毒 感 冒 普通感冒——上呼吸道症状重自限性疾病 指南意见:2012年《普通感冒规范诊治的专家共识》指出: 应以对症治疗为主,药物有: 1、退热剂; 2、减充血剂、抗组胺药; 3、镇咳、祛痰药 妊娠期心血管系统和呼吸系统的改变会导致心率和耗氧量的增加及肺容量的减少,而免疫系统的变化会导致细胞介导免疫功能降低。

抗流感病毒药物——C级 离子通道M2阻滞剂——仅对甲型流感有效 金刚烷胺/金刚乙胺 目前,大多数流行的流感病毒株对金刚烷类药物耐药——不建议单独使用 神经氨酸酶抑制剂——甲、乙型流感均有效 奥司他韦(达菲,口服):应用较早,治疗优选药物。 扎那米韦(依乐韦,吸入剂):可能是妊娠妇女的首选预防性药物(Grade 2C)。哮喘患者禁用。 帕拉米韦(静脉)

退热剂 过热(包括发热):是流行性感冒的常见临床表现,并且也是某些出生缺陷及其他婴儿不良结局的危险因素。分娩时发热是新生儿癫痫发作、脑病、脑性瘫痪和新生儿死亡的危险因素。 发热的治疗药物有: ?解热镇痛药:对乙酰氨基酚 ?非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs):阿司匹林、布洛芬 ?其他:复方制剂、中成药

退热剂 解热镇痛药:妊娠期间短期药物治疗首选的疼痛缓解剂/退热剂(Grade 2C) 对乙酰氨基酚(C级)——无抗炎作用 有个案报道提示,妊娠期间经常使用本药可能与幼童时期的哮鸣和哮喘、后代隐睾症(用药时间>2周)有关。 美国新生儿缺陷预防研究机构(NBDPS)的一项病例对照研究显示,发热的妊娠早期妇女单药使用对乙酰氨基酚并不会导致新生儿缺陷风险增加(11610 : 4500),还可能会减少因发热导致的神经管缺损、唇裂、腭裂等出生缺陷的发生率。 用药疗程未做推荐。说明书指出:用于解热连续应用不宜超过3天,用于止痛不得超过5天。


实验一紫外分光光度法测定布洛芬片含量 一、目的要求 1.掌握紫外-可见分光光度计的原理和使用方法。 2.掌握用紫外分光光度法测定药物含量的基本方法(标准曲线、样品测定和数据处理)。 二、基本原理 具有不饱和结构的有机化合物,如芳香族化合物,在紫外区(200-400nm)有特征的吸收,为有机化合物的鉴定提供了有用的信息。布洛芬分子结构中含有苯环,在264nm和272nm处有最大吸收,因272 nm处吸收度值小,而264nm处吸收度值在0.3-0.7之间,故选264 nm作为测定波长。 布洛芬为消炎镇痛药,主要用于关节痛、肌肉痛、神经痛、头痛、牙痛等。其原料与片剂的含量测定方法在中国药典收载的是以中性乙醇为溶剂的中和滴定法,操作较为繁琐。本实验以氢氧化钠溶液为溶剂,采用紫外分光光度法测定布洛芬片的含量,方法简便,结果准确。 三、仪器与试剂 1. TU-1810型紫外可见分光光度计,1cm带盖石英吸收池。 2.布洛芬对照品 3.布洛芬片剂 4.氢氧化钠分析纯 四、实验方法 1.选择测定波长 精密称取布洛芬对照品适量,加0.4%氢氧化钠溶液适量,制成每lml中含布洛芬0.25m g的溶液,在230一300nm范围内绘制吸收光谱。在264nm和272nm处有最大吸收。 取布洛芬片除去薄膜衣,研细,精密称取适量,加0.4%氢氧化钠溶液适量制成每lm l含布洛芬0.25mg的溶液,在230一300nln范围内绘制吸收光谱。 2. 绘制标准(工作)曲线 精密称取布洛芬对照品适量,加0.4%氢氧化钠溶液,制成0.10,0.20,0.25,0.40,0.50mg·ml-1的溶液,在264nm处测定吸收度A。以浓度为横坐标,吸光度为纵坐标作图,绘制标准曲线。根据标准曲线的斜率计算k。 3.测定样品含量 供试品溶液的制备:取本品20片,除去包衣,精密称定,精密称取适量(相当于布洛芬25mg),置100 ml量瓶中,加0 .4%氢氧化钠溶液,溶解并稀释至刻度,摇匀滤过。 测定:分别量取对照品及供试品溶液,以0.4%氢氧化钠溶液作空白,在264n m处与标准曲线相同条件下测量吸光度,计算试样中布洛芬的含量(g/mL)。 布洛芬标示量的百分含量=C×D×W÷W×标示量×100% 式中:C为布洛芬浓度(g/ml),W为取样量,W为平均片重,D为稀释倍数。 五、思考题 1.影响紫外分光光度法测定的因素有哪些? 2.如何确定被测物的测定波长? 分析测试中心王丽娜 2014-9-26


阿奇霉素注射液说明书 【禁忌症】对阿奇霉素、红霉素或其他任何大环内酯类药物过敏者禁用。【用法用量】将本品加入到250ml或500ml的0.9%氯化钠注射液或5%葡萄糖注射液中,使最终阿奇霉素浓度为1.0-2.0mg/ml静脉滴注,滴注时间不少于60分钟。治疗社区获得性肺炎,成人用量为每次0.5g,每天1次,至少连续用药2天。继之换用阿奇霉素口服制剂0.5g/天,治疗7 ~10天为一个疗程。转为口服治疗时间应由医生根据临床反应确定。治疗盆腔炎,成人用量为每次0.5g,每天一次,用药1天或2天后,改用阿奇霉素口服制剂0.25g/天,以7天为一个疗程,转为口服治疗时间应由医生根据临床反应确定。若怀疑合并有厌氧菌感染,则应合用抗厌氧菌药物。 【规格】2ml:0.25g 【适应症】本品适用于敏感致病菌株所引起的下列感染:1、由肺炎衣原体、流感嗜血杆菌、嗜肺军团菌、卡他摩拉菌、金黄色葡萄球菌或肺炎链球菌引起的需要首先采取静脉滴注治疗的社区获得性肺炎。2、由沙眼衣原体、淋病双球菌、人型支原体引起的需首先采取静脉滴注治疗的盆腔炎。若怀疑合并厌氧菌感染,应合用抗厌氧菌的抗菌素。 【不良反应】1、本品常见不良反应有:①胃肠道反应:腹泻、恶心、腹痛、稀便、呕吐等;②局部反应:注射部位疼痛、局部炎症等;③皮肤反应:皮疹、瘙痒等;④其它反应:如厌食、头晕或呼吸困难等。 2、本品尚可引起下列反应:①消化系统:消化不良、胃肠胀气、口腔念珠菌病、胃炎等;②神经系统:头痛、嗜睡等;③过敏反应:支气管痉挛等。 ④其它反应:味觉异常等;⑤实验室检查:血清ALT、AST、肌酐、LDH、胆红素及碱性磷酸酶升高,白细胞、中性粒细胞及血小板计数减少。 【注意事项】1.肝功能不全者慎用。 2.孕妇、哺乳期妇女慎用。 3.儿童或16岁以下患者使用本品的安全性尚不清楚。 4.用药期间如果发生过敏反应(如血管神经性水肿、皮肤反应、Stevens-Johnson 综合症及毒性表皮坏死等等)应立即停药并采取适当治疗措施。 5.治疗期间,若患者出现腹泻症状,应考虑是否有伪膜性肠炎发生,如果诊断 确定,应采取相应治疗措施,包括维持水、电解质平衡,补充蛋白质等。 6.本品每次滴注时间不少于60分钟,滴注液浓度不得高于2.0mg/ml。 7.药物相互作用: 含铝、镁的抗酸药物能降低阿奇霉素口服制剂的血药浓度峰值,但不降低AUC 值。 口服阿奇霉素不影响静脉注射单剂量茶碱后血浆中茶碱水平或药代动力学。鉴于

儿童用药需谨慎 布洛芬不能乱用

儿童用药需谨慎布洛芬不能乱用 相信大家对布洛芬都不陌生,孩子发烧了,许多家长会选择直接给孩子服用布洛芬。布洛芬属于芳基丙酸类解热镇痛药,有明显的抗炎、解热、镇痛作用,强度与阿司匹林相当。布洛芬分散片具有崩解速度快、释药迅速等优点,适合儿童和吞咽困难的人群服用。布洛芬虽然可作为患儿退热药的首选,但是还有一些副作用,因此不能乱用。 布洛芬,作为甲类非处方药,广泛用于缓解轻至中度疼痛如关节痛、肌肉痛、神经痛、头痛、偏头痛、牙痛等,也用于普通感冒或流行性感冒引起的发热。可见应用极其广泛,在临床应用中也是公认安全有效的解热镇痛药物之一。 布洛芬是世界卫生组织、美国FDA唯一共同推荐的儿童退烧药,是公认的儿童首选抗炎药,它有抗炎、镇痛、解热作用。但是没有一种退热药是绝对安全的,而且都有过敏的可能。但总的来说,布洛芬和对乙酰氨基酚的副作用较轻微,在儿童中应用是较为安全的。儿童对布洛芬的耐受性较好,其不良反应的发生也与年龄无关,如果没有禁忌证,布洛芬都可作为患儿退热药的首选。 布洛芬的副作用:主要为消化道的不良反应,这些不良反应包括消化不良、胃灼热感、上腹部疼痛、恶心、呕吐、饱腹感等,一般都较轻微。不足1%的患者会出现胃溃疡和消化道出血症状,可以与食物同食,减少其对胃肠道的刺激。另外少数会出现头痛、嗜睡、眩晕、耳鸣、下肢水肿、肾功能不全、皮疹、支气管哮喘、肝功能异常、白细胞减少等不良反应。



阿奇霉素片一致性评价信息 1.品种基本信息 1.1. 通用名:阿奇霉素片 1.2. 英文名:Azithromycin Tablets 1.3. 主成分化学名称:(2R,3S,4R,5R,8R,10R,11R,12S,13S,14R)-13-[(2,6-二脱氧-3-C-甲基-3-O-甲基-α-L-核-己吡喃糖基)氧]-2-乙基-3,4,10-三羟基-3,5,6,8,10,12,14-七甲基-11-[3,4,6-三脱氧-3-(二甲氨基)-β-D-木-己吡喃糖基]氧]-1-氧杂-6-氮杂环十五烷-15-酮 1.4. 主成分分子式:C38H72N2O12·2H2O(二水合物)、C38H72N2O12(无水物)1.5. 主成分分子量:785.03 (二水合物)、749.00 (无水物) 1.6. 《国家基本药物目录》收载:片剂、胶囊、肠溶(片剂、胶囊):0.25g(25 万单位);颗粒剂:0.1g(10 万单位) 1.2 临床信息 1.2.1 临床应用与适应症 本品适用于敏感细菌所引起的下列感染: 支气管炎、肺炎等下呼吸道感染;皮肤和软组织感染;急性中耳炎;鼻窦炎、咽炎、扁桃体炎等上呼吸道感染(青霉素是治疗化脓性链球菌咽炎的常用药,也是预防风湿热的常用药物。阿奇霉素可有效清除口咽部链球菌,但目前尚无阿奇霉素治疗和预防风湿热疗效的资料)。 阿奇霉素可用于男女性传播疾病中由沙眼衣原体所致的单纯性生殖器感染。阿奇霉素亦可用于由非多重耐药淋球菌所致的单纯性生殖器感染及由杜克嗜血杆菌引起的软下疳(需排除梅毒螺旋体的合并感染)。 1.2.2 不良反应 虽然不能确定所有事件均是由阿奇霉素引起的,但我们仍在此报告了在临床试验期间及产品上市后的报告中所收集到的所有不良事件。 患者对本品的耐受性良好,不良反应发生率较低。 在临床试验中观察到下列不良事件: 血液和淋巴系统异常:临床试验中偶见一过性的中性粒细胞减少症,但无资


处方生产工艺 一、产品名称及剂型: 名称:布洛芬片 规格:0.1g 批准文号:国药准字H61020215 剂型:片剂 二、产品概述:本品成份主要为布洛芬,含布洛芬应为标示量的95.0% ~105.0%,本品白色糖衣片,除去包衣后显白色。 包装规格:0.1g×100片 三、质量标准:中华人民共和国药典2010年版标准。 四、处方: 名称投料量 布洛芬10k g 淀粉2k g 干掺淀粉1k g 制浆淀粉0.7k g 硬脂酸镁0.01k g 共制10万片 五、生产操作过程及工艺条件: 1.生产操作过程: 1.1粉碎、过筛:取布洛芬、淀粉均为100目筛。 1.2称量:按处方规定分别称取布洛芬、淀粉备用。

1.3 配制干燥:取已称量好的布洛芬、淀粉投入湿法制粒机内混合5分钟,加10%的淀粉浆制软材,14目尼龙筛制粒,50~60℃干燥,14目尼龙筛整粒。 1.4总混:干颗粒加入硬脂酸镁和干掺淀粉(80℃干燥8小时)置三维混合机内混合5分钟后,放置于套有塑料袋的不绣钢桶内交中转站。 1.5中间体检验:化验室取样化验合格后,计算片重交压片。 1.6压片、包衣:合格颗粒用Φ8mm深冲压片,每天15分钟检查一次片重差异。包白色糖衣。 1.7包装:用聚乙烯塑料瓶按包装规格0.1mg×100片进行包装。 1.8质量检验:按质量标准进行全检,检验合格后入库。 2、工艺条件: 2.1布洛芬、淀粉、硬脂酸镁质量应符合中国药典2010年版标准。 2.2计量器具经校验,并在使用有效期内,称量准确值达到处方投料量规定。 2.3原铺料必须过100目筛。 2.4淀粉桨使用时温度低于30℃。 2.5片子的重量差异及溶出度应符合规定。 2.6内外包装材料应符合质量标准。 2.7原铺料的粉碎、过筛、配制、干燥、混合、压片、包衣、分装均在30万级区进行,装箱、捆扎在一般生产区进行。


PACKAGE LEAFLET: INFORMATION FOR THE USER Seractil? 400mg film-coated Tablets (dexibuprofen) Your medicine is available using the name Seractil 400mg film-coated Tablets but will be referred to as Seractil throughout this leaflet. Read all of this leaflet carefully before you start taking this medicine because it contains important information for you. Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again. If you have any more questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist. This medicine has been prescribed for you only. Do not pass it on to others. It may harm them, even if their signs of illness are the same as yours. If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. What is in this leaflet 1.What Seractil is and what it is used for 2.What you need to know before you take Seractil 3.How to take Seractil 4.Possible side effects 5.How to store Seractil 6.Contents of the pack and other information 1.What Seractil is and what it is used for Dexibuprofen, the active ingredient in Seractil, belongs to a family of medicines called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs such as dexibuprofen are used as a painkiller and to control inflammation. They work by reducing the amount of prostaglandins (substances that control inflammation and pain) your body produces. What is Seractil used for? Seractil is used to relieve: pain and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis (when your joints become worn); period (menstrual) pain; mild to moderate pain, such as pains in the muscles and joints and toothaches. 2.What you need to know before you take Seractil Do not take Seractil if: you are allergic to dexibuprofen or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6); you are allergic to acetylsalicylic acid or other pain-killers (your allergy may cause you to have difficulty breathing, asthma, a runny nose, a skin rash or swelling to your face); you previously had bleedings or perforations in your gastrointestinal system caused by NSAIDs; you have, or have ever had, peptic ulceration (ulcer in your stomach or duodenum) or bleeding in your digestive tract; you have bleedings in the brain (cerebrovascular bleedings) or other active bleedings; you currently have a flare up of an inflammatory disease of the intestines (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease); you have serious heart failure or serious liver or kidney disease; from the beginning of the 6th month of pregnancy. Warnings and precautions Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Seractil, if you ever have had a stomach or duodenal ulcer; you have had bowel ulcers, ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease; you have liver or kidney disease or you are addicted to alcohol; you have blood clotting disorders (also see the ‘Taking other medicines’ section); you have oedema (when fluid collects in your body tissues); you have a heart disease or high blood pressure; you have asthma or any other breathing problems; you suffer from systemic lupus erythematosus (a disease which affects joints, muscles and skin) or mixed collagenosis (a collagen disease which affects connective tissues). Seractil may make it more difficult to become pregnant. You should inform your doctor if you are planning to become pregnant or if you have problems becoming pregnant. Your fertility will return to normal when you stop taking Seractil. If you need higher doses, especially if you are over 60 or if you had stomach or duodenal ulcers, there is an increased risk of gastrointestinal side effects. Your doctor may consider to prescribe protective agents together with Seractil. Medicines such as Seractil may be associated with a small increased risk of heart attack (“myocardial infarction”) or stroke. Any risk is more likely with high doses and prolonged treatment. Do not exceed the recommended dose or duration of treatment. If you have heart problems, previous stroke or think that you might be at risk of these conditions (for example if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol or are a smoker) you should discuss your treatment with your doctor or pharmacist. Your doctor may need to give you regular check-ups if: you have heart, liver or kidney problems; you are older than 60; you need to take this medicine for long-term treatment. Your doctor will tell you how often you need these check-ups. You can get a headache if you take high doses of painkillers for a long time (off label use). In this case you must not take more Seractil for the headache. You should avoid taking NSAIDs if you have a varicella zoster infection (chickenpox). Some patients might experience a delayed onset of action if Seractil is taken for a quick pain relief in acute pain conditions, especially if taken with food (see also section 3). Other medicines and Seractil Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines. You should not take the following medicines with Seractil unless you are under close medical supervision: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (medicines for pain, fever and inflammation). There is an increased risk of ulcers and bleedings in the digestive system if you take Seractil with other NSAIDs or acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Do not take if you are taking aspirin at doses of above 75 mg daily. Warfarin or other medicines used to thin the blood or stop blood clots. If you take this medicine with Seractil it can prolong bleeding time or bleeding can occur. Lithium used to treat certain mood disorders. Seractil can increase the effect of lithium. Methotrexate. Seractil can increase the side effects of methotrexate. You may take the following medicines but for safety reasons you should tell your doctor: Medicines used to treat high blood pressure or heart problems (for example, beta blockers). Seractil may reduce the benefits of these medicines. Certain heart medicines called ACE-inhibitors or Angiotensin II receptor antagonists. They may increase the risk of kidney problems in rare cases. Diuretics (water tablets). Corticosteroids. The risk for ulcers and bleeding may increase. Certain antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) may increase the risk for gastro intestinal bleeding. Digoxin (a heart medicine). Seractil can increase the side effects of digoxin. Immune suppressants like ciclosporin. Aminoglycoside antibiotics (medicines to treat infections) Medicines that increase potassium levels in the blood: ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-II receptor antagonists, ciclosporin, tacrolimus, trimethoprim and heparins. Drugs used to stop or prevent blood clots. Seractil may make your body take longer to stop bleeding. Phenytoin used to treat epilepsy. Seractil may increase the side effects of phenytoin. Phenytoin, phenobarbital and rifampicin. Concomitant administration may lower the effects of dexibuprofen. Low dose aspirin (up to 75 mg). Seractil may interfere with the effect of aspirin to thin the blood. Sulfonylurea (certain oral anti-diabetic medicines) Pemetrexed (a medicine to treat certain forms of cancer) Zidovudine (a medicine to treat HIV/AIDS) Seractil with food, drink and alcohol You may take Seractil without food, but it is better to take it with a meal as this may help to avoid stomach problems, particularly if you take it for long term use. You should limit or avoid drinking alcohol when you are taking Seractil as this may increase gastrointestinal side effects. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor for advice before taking this medicine. You must not take Seractil from the beginning of the 6th month of pregnancy, as this may seriously harm your unborn baby, even at very low doses. In the first five months of pregnancy you should only use Seractil after consulting your doctor. You also should not take Seractil if you plan to become pregnant, as the medicine may make it more difficult to become pregnant. Only small amounts of Seractil pass into breast milk. However, if you are breast-feeding, you should not take Seractil for long periods or in high doses. Driving and using machines If you have side effects like feeling dizzy, drowsy, tired, or if you have blurred vision after taking Seractil, you should avoid driving or using any dangerous machines (see section 4 Possible side effects). 3.How to take Seractil Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. You should take Seractil with a glass of water or some other liquid. Seractil works faster if you take it without food. Taking it with food is recommended as this may help to avoid stomach problems, particularly if you take it for long term use. Do not take more than 1 Seractil 400mg tablet for a single dose. Do not take more than 3 Seractil 400mg tablets a day. For osteoarthritis The recommended dose is 1 Seractil 400mg tablet 2 times a day (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening). For acute symptoms, your doctor may increase the dose to 3 Seractil 400mg tablets a day. For period (menstrual) pain The recommended dose is 1 Seractil 400mg tablet 2 times a day. For mild to moderate pain The recommended dose is 200 mg Seractil (half a 400 mg tablet) 3 times a day. If higher doses are needed your doctor may prescribe up to 3 Seractil 400mg tablets a day. Depending on your symptoms, the doctor may also prescribe lower strength Seractil tablets (300 mg). The score lines on the tablets (see the ‘What Seractil looks like’ section) make it possible for you to split the tablets into equal doses. Patients with liver or kidney disease: Your doctor may have prescribed a lower than the normal dose of Seractil. You must not increase the dose your doctor has prescribed. Elderly patients: If you are over 60 years old, your doctor may have prescribed a lower dose than normal. If you are not having problems taking Seractil, your doctor may increase your dose. Use in children and adolescents: As there is not enough experience in children and adolescents Seractil should not be used below the age of 18. If you feel that the effects of your Seractil tablets are too strong or too weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. If you take more Seractil than you should If you have accidentally taken too many tablets, contact your doctor straight away. If you forget to take Seractil Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten tablet. If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist. 4.Possible side effects Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. These do not happen as often when you take a low dose or you take Seractil for only a short time. If you suffer from any of the following at any time during your treatment stop taking the medicine and seek immediate medical help: Pass blood in your faeces (stools/motions) Pass black tarry stools Vomit any blood or dark particles that look like coffee grounds. Stop taking the medicine and tell your doctor if you experience indigestion or heartburn, abdominal pain (pains in your stomach) or other abnormal stomach symptoms.
