高一(11)关系副词、介词 关系代词讲解、练习 七选五 完形填空综述

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I. 单词拼写

1. Jack was beginning to enjoy the b_____ of nature.

2. The professor is editing a dictionary that explains the o_____ of words.

3. During the festival Obon, Japanese show respect to their a_____.

4. There were over 100 guests at our wedding f_____.

5. The X-ray showed that the _____ (骨头) was broken in two places.

6. A p_____ is a person who writes poems.

7. The charity provides blankets and _____ (衣服) for homeless children.

8. It’s the _____ (风俗) for the bride’s father to pay for the wedding in this place.

9. My aunt is deeply _____ (虔诚的) and goes to church twice a week.

10. The coach said that they needed more _____ (精力充沛的) players on their basketball team.

11. New Year _____ (celebrate) in Scotland go on for three days.

12. The _____ (hunt) camped in the middle of the thick forest.

13. It is my _____ (believe) that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years.

14. Let me know the date and time of your _____ (arrive).

15. My little brother quite likes living alone. It’s made him more _____ (independence).

16. The land is only to be used for _____ (agriculture) purposes.

17. No official p_____ has been given for the event to take place.

18. Our society expanded into a(n) _____ (遍及世界的) organization.

19. Mary said she was doing it to help me but I wasn’t _____ (欺骗).

20. In many towns p_____ is allowed only on one side of the street.

21. Joan’s childhood was filled with pain and s_____.

22. I’ll never _____ (原谅) her for what she did.

23. W_____ your mouth. You’ve got chocolate all over it.

24. Dolphins have sometimes been known to save d_____ swimmers.

25. It was _____ (显而易见的) to everyone that the child had been badly treated.

26. A good _____ (哭泣) would probably make you feel better.

27. Jack _____ (道歉) to Mary for not going to her party.

II. 每空填一词,使上下两句话的意思相同或相近。

1. The group lit candles to remember Laura and her brother.

The group lit candles _____ _____ _____ Laura and her brother.

2. John was hoping to work with the new teacher.

John was _____ _____ _____ working with the new teacher.

3. You can hear the traffic from your room all the time.

You can hear the traffic from your room _____ _____ _____.

4. It looks as if everyone else has gone home.

It looks _____ _____ everyone else has gone home.

III. 根据汉语提示,用课文中所学单词或短语的适当形式完成下面短文。

The festival 1. _____ (发生) between June 6 and 8 of each year 2. _____ (纪念) a famous hero in the history of the town. The hero helped the country to 3. ______ (赢得) independence. All people have been 4. _____ (盼望) it a few weeks before its coming. When the festival actually comes, people will 5. _____ (盛装打扮) and 6. _____ (出发) for the central square very early in the morning, and 7. _____ (集合) in the square, singing and dancing. Many kinds of games are held too, and those who play well will 8. _____ (被授予) a prize. One of the most popular games is to see who is able to run to a big tree within the shortest time. People 9. _____ (羡慕) the winners very much. However, they often 10. _____ (开玩笑) them. For example, they may take off the winners’hats suddenly without telling them. There are also a lot of strange 11. _____ (风俗) during the festival. It is clear that all of the people 12. _____ (玩得很开心).

定语从句2——关系副词与“介词+ which / whom”


★关系副词when在定语从句中作时间状语;关系副词where在定语从句中作地点状语;关系副词why 在定语从句中作原因状语。关系副词when,where,why在意义上都相当于一个“介词+ which”结构。如:I will never forget the day when / on which I joined the Communist Youth League.

Is this the village where / in which the famous scientist was born?

Sarah didn’t give the reason why / for which she was late for school again.

自我归纳:1. where 指______, 在从句中作_______. Where =in which.

The school was three kilometers away. I studied in the school for only two years.


2.when 指______, 在从句中作_______. When =on which/ in which/ at which.

The time was a very difficult period of my life. I first met Nelson Mandela at the time.


3.why 指______, 在从句中作_______. Why=for which

The reason was because of my hard work. I got a job for the reason.


4. 关系副词和关系代词的判断方法:

关系副词和关系代词的选择是根据先行词在定语从句中的成分。如果作_____, 则用关系副词或介词+which;如果作______, 就要用关系代词。

I will never forget the days____ I spent with my cousins in the countryside.
