

1.1 A Closer Look at the Processor and Primary



We have learned that all computers have similar capabilities and perform essentially the same functions, although some might be faster than others. We have also learned that a computer system has input, output, storage, and processing components; that the processor is the “intelligence” of a computer system; and that a single computer system may have several processors. We have discussed how data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called bits. We are now ready to expose the inner workings of the nucleus of the computer system — the processor.


The internal operation of a computer is interesting, but there really is no mystery to it. The mystery is in the minds of those who listen to hearsay and believe science-fiction writer. The computer is a nonthinking electronic device that has to be plugged into an electrical power source, just like a toaster or a lamp.


Literally hundreds of different types of computers are marketed by scores of manufacturers [1]. The complexity of each type may vary considerably, but in the end each processor, sometimes called the central processing unit or CPU, has only two fundamental sections: the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit. Primary storage also plays an integral part in the internal operation of a processor. These three — primary storage, the control unit, and the arithmetic and logic unit —work together. Let’s look at their functions and the relationships between them.


Unlike magnetic secondary storage devices,such as tape and disk, primary storage has no moving parts. With no mechanical movement, data can be accessed from primary storage at electronic speeds, or close to the speed of light. Most of today’s computers use DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory) technology for primary storage.

A state-of-the-art DRAM chip about one eighth the size of a postage stamp can store about 256,000,000 bits, or over 25,600,000 characters of data!


Primary storage,or main memory, provides the processor with temporary storage for programs and data. All programs and data must be transferred to primary storage from an input device (such as a VDT) or from secondary storage (such as a disk) before programs can be executed or data can be processed. Primary storage space is always at a premium; therefore, after a program has been executed, the storage space it occupied is reallocated to another program awaiting execution.


Figure 1-1 illustrates how all input/output (I/O)is “read to” or “written from” primary storage. In the figure, an inquiry (input) is made on a VDT. The inquiry, in the form of a message, is routed to primary storage over a channel (such as a coaxial cable). The message is interpreted, and the processor initiates action to retrieve the appropriate program and data from secondary storage [3].The program and data are “loaded”, or moves, to primary storage from secondary storage. This is a nondestructive read process. That is, the program and data that are read reside in both primary storage (temporarily) and secondary storage (permanently). The data are manipulated according to program instructions, and a report is written from primary storage to a printer.

图 1-1描述了输入/输出设备与主存储器间的读和写过程。在图中,VDT发出一个输入请求,请求是以消息模式通过通道(如同轴电缆)发送到主存储器。这个查询被解释,处理器发起操作从辅助存储器中调用合适的程序和数据。程序和数据从辅助存储器传送到主存储器中,这是一个非破坏性的读取过程,也就是说,程序和数据同时存在于主存(临时保存)和辅助存储器(永久保存)中。根据程序指令的指示,处理器对数据进行操作,并从主存传送一份报告到打印机。

A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an address. Addresses permit program instructions and data to be located, accessed, and processed. The content of each address is constantly changing as different programs are executed and new data are processed.


Another name for primary storage is random-access memory,or RAM. A special type of primary storage, called read-only memory (ROM), cannot be altered by the programmer. The contents of ROM are “hard-wired” (designed into the logic of the memory chip) by the manufacturer and can be “read only”. When you turn on a microcomputer system, a program in ROM automatically readies the computer system for use. Then the ROM program produces the initial display screen prompt.


A variation of ROM is programmable read-only memory (PROM). PROM is ROM into which you, the user, can load “read-only” programs and data. Once a program is loaded to PROM, it is seldom, if ever, changed [4]. However, if you need to be able to revise the contents of PROM, there is EPROM, erasable PROM. Before a write operation, all the storage cells must be erased to the same initial state.



A more attractive form of read-mostly memory is electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). It can be written into at any time without erasing prior contents; only the byte or bytes addressed are updated.

一种更吸引人的可改写只读存储器是电可擦除可编程只读存储器 (EEPROM)。它可以在任何时候写入,而且不会擦除以前的内容;只会更新被寻址的字节。

The EEPROM combines the advantage of nonvolatility with the flexibility of being updatable in place [6], using ordinary bus control, address, and data lines.


Another form of semiconductor memory is flash memory (so named because of the speed). Flash memory is intermediate between EPROM and EEPROM in both cost and functionality. Like EEPROM, flash memory uses an electrical erasing technology. An entire flash memory can be erased in one or a few seconds, which is much faster than EPROM. In addition, it is possible to erase just blocks of memory rather than an entire chip. However, flash memory does not provide byte-level erasure [7]. Like EPROM, flash memory uses only one transistor per bit, and so achieves the high density of EPROM.


Cache Memory

Program and data ar e loaded to RAM from secondary storage because the time required to access a program instruction or piece of data from RAM is significantly less than from secondary storage. Thousands of instructions or pieces of data can be accessed from RAM in the time it would take to access a single piece of data from disk storage [8]. RAM is essentially a high-speed holding area for data and programs. In fact, nothing really happens in a computer system until the program instructions and data are moved to the processor. This transfer of instructions and data to the processor can be time-consuming, even at microsecond speeds. To facilitate an even faster transfer of instructions and data to the processor, most computers are designed with cache memory. Cache memory is employed by computer designers to increase the computer system throughput (the rate at which work is performed).


Like RAM, cache is a high-speed holding area for program instructions and data. However, cache memory uses SRAM (Static RAM) technology that is about 10 times faster than RAM and about 100 times more expensive. With only a fraction of the capacity

of RAM, cache memory holds only those instructions and data that are likely to be needed next by the processor. Two types of cache memory appear widely in computers. The first is referred to as internal cache and is built into the CPU chip. The second, external cache, is located on chips placed close to the CPU chip. A computer can have several different levels of cache memory. Level 1 cache is virtually always built into the chip. Level 2 cache used to be external cache but is now typically also built into the CPU like level 1 cache.

和RAM一样,高速缓存也是程序指令和数据的高速存储区。然而,高速缓存使用静态RAM 技术,这种技术比RAM在速度上要高出10倍,价格上高出100倍。cache只保存内存中那一小部分最有可能被处理器执行的指令和数据。两种类型的cache广泛应用于计算机,第一种被植入cpu中的叫做内部高速存储,第二种是外部高速存储,它位于那些靠近cpu的芯片中。一台计算机可以拥有几个不同级别的高速缓存。一级缓存实际上总是植入芯片中,二级缓存过去常常作为外部高速缓存,但是现在也像一级缓存植入cpu内部。

3.2 C++和面向对象的程序设计

一些面向对象的程序设计概念在语言间渗透。例如微软Quick Pascal是允许使用对象的第一批语言中的一个。C++有什么使得它是一种适合于开发面向对象程序的语言?如同先前所提到的,答案是类(class)数据类型。给该语言建立对象之能力的是建立在C结构类型之上的C++类(class)类型。还有,C++把另外几个特性引入面向对象的程序设计,这些特性并不包含在简单地利用对象的其他一些语言中。C++的优点包括强类型、运算符重载和较少地强调预处理。的确你能使用其他一些产品和采用其他一些语言来进行面向对象的程序设计,但是采用C++的众多好处是显著的。这是为面向对象的程序设计而设计的语言,并非(现有语言的)式样翻新。








图3-1 为建立对象而组合的数据域和方法




C++类实际上用作创建对象的模板或模式。从类描述形成的对象都是该类的实例。开发类层次结构是可能的,其中有一个主类和几个子类。在C++中,做这事的基础是派生类。父类表示更一般化的任务,而派生子类执行一些特定的任务。例如,早先讨论的林肯类也许包含整个林肯系列公共的数据和方法,诸如引擎、检测仪表、电池、制动能力和操纵。从父类派生的子类,诸如Tour Car、Mark Ⅷ和Continental可能包含该类专用的一些款项。例如,1995 Continental是该系列中唯一具有主动悬架系统的汽车。









3.4 JavaScript教程

Java is designed to meet the challenges of application development in the context of heterogeneous, network-wide distributed environments. Paramount among these challenges is secure delivery of applications that consume the minimum of system resources, can run on any hardware and software platform, and can be extended dynamically.


Java originated as part of a research project to develop advanced software for a wide variety of network devices and embedded systems. The goal was to develop a small, reliable, portable, distributed, real-time operating platform. When the project started, C++ was the language of choice. But over time the difficulties encountered with C++ grew to the point where the problems could best be addressed by creating an entirely new language platform. Design an architecture decisions drew from a variety of language such as Eiffel, SmallTalk, Objective, C, and Cedar/Mesa. The result is a language platform that has proven ideal for developing secure, distributed, network based end-user applications in environments ranging from network-embedded devices to the World-Wide-Web an the desktop.

Java最初只是一个为各种网络和嵌入式设备而研究的软件系统的一部分,这个系统的目标是一个小的、可信赖的、可移植的,分布式的、实时的平台。最开始C++语言是这个平台的首选。但随着时间的推移,C++出现了很多问题,有必要开发一个全新的语言平台。我们根据Eiffel, SmallTalk, Objective, C, and Cedar/Mesa等语言来做出决策,结果是开发出了一个理想的、能在从嵌入式网络设备到万维网到桌面等各种环境下方便的开发安全的、分布的、基于网络的应用程序的平台。

`The design requirements of Java are driven by the nature of the computing environments in which software must be deployed.


The massive growth of the Internet and the World-Wide Web leads us to a completely new way of looking at development and distribution of software. To live in the world of electronic commerce and distribution, Java technology must enable the development of secure, high performance, and highly robust applications on multiple platforms in heterogeneous, distributed networks.


Operating on multiple platforms in heterogeneous networks invalidates the traditional schemes of binary distribution , release, upgrade, patch, and so on. To survive in this jungle, java must be architecture neutral, portable, and dynamically adaptable.

为了能在异构网络的多个平台上执行二进制发布、升级、修补等计划的环境中发展,Java 必须是总体结构不带偏向性的、可移植的、且能动态地自适应的。

The java system that emerged to meet there needs in simple, so it can be easily programmed by most developers; familiar, so that current developers can easily learn java; object oriented ,to take advantage of modern software development methodologies and to fit into distributed client-server application; multithreaded, for high performance in applications that need to perform multiple concurrent activities , such as multimedia; and interpreted ,for maximum portability and dynamic capabilities.


Together, the above requirements comprise quite a collection of buzzwords, so let’s examine some of them and their respective benefits before going on.


What's completely new is the manner in which java and its run-time system have combined them to produce a flexible and powerful programming system.


Developing your applications using Java results in software that is portable across multiple machine architectures, operating systems, and graphical user interfaces, secure, and high performance. With Java, your job as a software developer

is much easier--you focus your full attention on the end goal of shipping innovative products on time, based on the solid foundation of Java. The better way to develop software is here, now, brought to you by the Java language platform.

使用Java开发您的应用软件所带来的是可在多种机器总体结构、操作系统和图形用户借口间的移植,安全性和高性能。使用Java,你作为软件开发人员的工作室非常容易的--基于Java的基础您可以专注发展和及时创新。开发软件的最好方法在这里,现在,给您带来Java 语言平台。

Very dynamic languages like lisp, TCL, and SmallTalk are often used for prototyping. one of the reasons for their success at this is that they are very robust---you don't have to worry about freeing or corrupting memory.


Similarly ,programmers can be relatively fearless about dealing with memory when programming in java .the garbage collection system makes the programmer's job vastly easier ;with the burden of memory management taken off the programmer's shoulders , storage allocation errors go away.


Another reason commonly given that like lisp , TCl, and smalltalk are good for prototyping is that they don't require you to pin down decision early on these languages are semantically rich.


Java has exactly the opposite property ; it forces you to make explicit choices . along with these choices come a lot of assistance you can write method invocations and ,if you get something wrong, you get told about it at compile time . you don't have to worry about method invocations error.


4.1 summary of os

An operating system is the software which acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware.操作系统是计算机用户和硬件的软件接口。The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user may

execute program. 操作系统的目的是提供用户一个可以执行程序的环境。The primary goal of an operating system is thus to make the computer system convenient to use. 操作系统的主要目标因此是使计算机系统便于使用。A secondary goal is to use the computer hardware in an efficient way. 其次是高效地使用计算机硬件。

We can view an operating system as a resource allocator. 我们可以把操作系统看做是一个资源分配器。A computer system has many resources which may be required to solve a problem: CPU time, memory space, file storage, input/output(I/O) devices, and so on.一个计算机系统拥有许多资源,因此需要去解决一些问题,如cpu时间,内存空间,文件存储,输入输出设备等。The operating system acts as the manager of these resources and allocates them to specific programs and users as necessary for their tasks. 操作系统就像是资源管理员,把资源分配给特定的程序和用户当它们工作需要时。Since there may be many, possibly conflicting, requests for resources, the o/s must decide which requests are allocated resources to operate the computer system fairly and efficiently. 因此有可能会有很多有可能产生冲突的资源请求,操作系统必须决定分配资源给哪个请求能使计算机系统合理和有效的运行。

Early computers were(physically) very large machines run from a console.早期的计算机是从控制台运行的体积非常大的机器。The programmer would write a program and then operate the program directly from the operator’s console. 程序员要写一条程序然后直接从操作者的控制台操作程序。Software such as assemblers, loaders, and compilers improved on the convenience of programming the system, but also required substantial set-up time. 象汇编程序、装入程序及编译程序这样的软件使系统软件编程更方便,但同时也需要大量的启动时间。To reduce the setup time, operators were hired and similar jobs were batched together.[1]为了能减少这些准备时间,操作者就被雇佣,相似的作业成批排在一起。

Batch systems allowed automatic job sequencing by a resident monitor and improved the overall utilization of the computer greatly. 批处理系统通过一个常驻内存的监控程序允许自动的作业定序。The computer no longer had to wait for human operation. 这样计算机就不必再等待用户操作。CPU utilization was still low, however, because of the slow speed of the I/O devices relative to the CPU. Offline operation of slow devices was tried. 然而,CPU使用率仍然不高,这是因为I/O设备的处理速度较CPU慢导致的。

Buffering was another approach to improving system performance by overlapping the input, output, and computation of a single job. 缓冲机制是另一种提高系统系能的方法,它将一条作业的输入、输出和计算工作重叠交错进行。Finally, spooling allowed the CPU to overlap the input of one job with the computation and output of other jobs.最后,伪脱机技术允许CPU将一条作业的输入和其他作业的计算输出交错进行。

Spooling also provides a pool of jobs which have been read and are waiting to be run. 伪脱机也为那些已经被读入并且还在等待运行的作业提供一个作业池。This job pool supports the concept of multiprogramming. 这个作业池支持一种叫做多程序设计的概念。With multiprogramming, several jobs are kept in memory at one time; the CPU is switched back and forth between them in order to increase CPU utilization and to decrease the total real time needed to execute a job. 在这种多程序设计技术中,多个作业可以同时存放在内存中;CPU在这些作业中来回切换控制,以至于增加CPU使用率和减少执行一条作业的总时间。

Multiprogramming, which was developed to improve performance, also allows time sharing. 多道程序设计被开发来提高性能,也允许分时。

Time-shared operating systems allow many users (from one to several hundred) to use a computer system interactive at the same time. 分时操作系统允许多个用户(从一个到几百个)同时交互式地使用计算机系统。As the system switches rapidly from one user to the next, each user is given the impression that he has his own computer. 由于系统迅速地从一个用户切换到下一个用户,每一个用户被给予一种他拥有自己的计算机的印象。Other operating systems types include real-time systems and multiprocessor systems. 其他操作系统类型包括实时系统和多处理机系统。

A real-time system is often used as control de-vice in a dedicated application. 实时系统通常被用作专用的应用的控制设备。

Sensors bring data to the computer. 传感器把数据带给计算机。

The computer must analyze the data and possibly adjust controls to modify the sensor inputs. 计算机必须分析数据,也可能调整控制去修改传感器的输入。

Systems, which control scientific experiments, medical computer systems, industrial control systems, and some display systems are real-time systems. 控制科学的实验,医学的计算机系统,工业的控制系统和一些显示系统等系统都是实时系统。

A real-time operating system has well-defined fixed time constraints.实时操作系统有定义明确的固定的时间约束。

Processing must be done within the defined constraints, or the system will fail. 处理必须在定义的约束中完成,否则系统将失败。

A multiprocessor system has more than one CPU. 多处理机系统有不只一个CPU。

The obvious advantages would appear to be greater computing power and reliability. 显著的优势好像是强大的计算能力和可靠性。

There are various types of operating systems for multiprocessors and multicomputers. 有各种各样的操作系统用于多处理机和多计算机。

It is more or less possible to distinguish two kinds of operating systems for multiple CPU systems: Loosely coupled, such as network operating system and distributed o/s, and tightly coupled, such as parallel o/s. 这或多或少可能区分两种多CPU系统的操作系统:松耦合,例如网络操作系统和分布式操作系统,和紧耦合,如并行操作系统。

As we shall see, loosely and tightly-coupled s/w is rought analogous to loosely and tight-coupled h/w. 我们应该看到,松紧耦合软件大概类似于松紧耦合硬件。

The operating system must ensure correct operation of the computer system. 操作系统必须确保改正计算机系统的操作。

To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the h/w was modified to create two modes: user mode and monitor mode[4]. 为了阻止用户程序干扰系统适当的操作,硬件被修改成两种模式:用户模式和监控模式。

Various instructions(such as I/O instructions and halt instructions) are priviledged and can only be executed in monitor mode. 许多指令(例如I/O指令和中断指令)是有特权的,只能在监控模式下被执行。

The memory in which the monitor resides must also be protected from modification by the user. 监控程序所在的内存也必须保护起来以防用户修改。

A time prevents infinite loops. 定时器可以防止死循环。Once these changes (dual mode, privileged instructions, memory protection, timer interrupt) have been made to the basic computer architecture, it is possible to write a correct operating system. 一旦这些对基本计算机体系结构的改变(双模,权限指令,内存保护,定时器中断)被做到,这可能写成一个改进的操作系统。


窗口管理程序管理那些用来交换应用程序和用户之间信息的设备。输出设备包括视频显示器和声音合成器。输入设备包括键盘和指点器,诸如鼠标、操纵杆、控制球、或光笔。窗口管理程序与输出设备的设备驱动程序交互把信息呈现给用户,与输入设备的设备驱动程序交互获取表示用户正在输入信息的消息。应用程序和脚本执行引擎把表示成位图或PostSript 表示法的图像传给窗口管理程序,窗口管理程序把这些图像呈现给用户。窗口管理程序把用户通过输入设备输入的消息返回给应用程序和脚本执行引擎。









6.2 Carrier Frequencies and Multiplexing


@ Computer networks that use a modulated carrier wave to transmit data are similar to television stations that use a modulated carrier wave to broadcast video.

modulated 已调制的


The similarities provide the intuition needed to understand a fundamental principle:

similarity 相似性 intuition 直观


Two or more signals that use different carrier frequencies can be transmitted over a single medium simultaneously without interference. signal 信号 simultaneously 同时地 interference 干扰两个或多个使用不同载波频率的信号可以在单一介质上同时传输而互不干扰。

@ To understand the principle, consider how television transmission works.


Each television station is assigned a channel number on which it broadcasts a signal.

channel 频道


In fact, a channel number is merely shorthand for the frequency at which the station's carrier oscillates.

shorthand 速记 oscillate 振荡


To receive a transmission, a television receiver must be tuned to the same frequency as the transmitter.

tune to 调谐到


More important, a given city can contain many television stations that all broadcast on separate frequencies simultaneously.


A receiver selects one to receive at any time.


@ Cable television illustrates that the principle applies to many signals traveling across a wire.


Although a cable subscriber may have only one physical wire that connects to the cable company, the subscriber receives many channels of information simultaneously.


The signal for one channel does not interfere with the signal for another. 一个频道中的信号不会与另一频道中的信号相互干扰。

@ Computer networks use the principle of separate channels to permit multiple communications to share a single, physical connection. permit 允许


Each sender transmits a signal using a particular carrier frequency. 每个发送器使用一个特定载波频率传输信号。

A receiver configured to accept a carrier at a given frequency will not be affected by signals sent at other frequencies.


All carriers can pass over the same wire at the same time without interference.


Frequency Division Multiplexing 频分多路复用

@ Frequency division multiplexing(FDM) is the technical term applied to a network system that uses multiple carrier frequencies to allow independent signals to travel through a medium.


FDM technology can be used when sending signals over wire, RF, or optical fiber.


Figure 6-1 illustrates the concept, and shows the hardware components needed for FDM.


@ In theory, as long as each carrier operates at a different frequency than the others, it remains independent.


In practice, however, two carriers operating at almost the same frequency or at exact multiples of a frequency can interfere with one another. 但实际上,两个频率相近或频率成整倍的载波会彼此干扰。

To avoid problems, engineers who design FDM network systems choose a minimum separation between the carriers.



The mandate for large gaps between the frequencies assigned to carriers means that underlying hardware used with FDM can tolerate a wide range of frequencies.

mandate 授权 underlying 相关的 tolerate 容纳


Consequently, FDM is only used on high-bandwidth transmission channels. 因此,FDM仅用于高带宽传输通道中。

In summary, 概括地说,

Frequency division multiplexing(FDM) allows multiple pairs of senders and receivers to communicate over a shared medium simultaneously.


The carrier used by each pair operates at a unique frequency that does not interfere with the others.


Time Division Multiplexing 时分多路复用

@ The general alternative to FDM is time division multiplexing (TDM), in which sources sharing a medium take turn.


For example, some time-division multiplexing hardware use a round-robin scheme in which the multiplesor sends a packet from sourcel, then sends a packet from souces2, and so on.

round-robin 循环


Figure 6-2 illustrates the idea.


@ Dividing data into small packets ensures that all sources receive prompt service because it prohibits one source from gaining exclusive access for an arbitrarily long time.arbitrary

prompt 立刻地 prohibit禁止 arbitrarily 任意地 exclusive 独占


In particular, if one source has a few packets to send and another has many, allowing both sources to take turns sending packets guarantees that the source with a small amount of data will finish promptly.


@ In fact, most computer networks use some form of time division

multiplexing. demultiplexor


7.2 Introduction to SQL


@ Ideally, a database language must enable us to create the database and table structures;


it must enable us to perform basic data-management chores (add, delete, and modify data);

chores 困难的工作

它必须使我们能够执行一些基本的日常数据管理工作(添加、删除和修改数据);and it must enable us to perform complex queries designed to transform the raw data into useful information.

raw 未加工的

并且它必须使我们能够执行设计来把原始数据变换成有用信息的复杂查询。Moreover, it must perform such basic functions with minimal user effort, and its command structure and syntax must be easy to learn.


Finally, it must be portable; that is, it must conform to some basic standard so that we do not have to learn from scratch when we move from one RDBMS to another.

conform to 与...一致 learn from scratch 从头学起


@ SQL meets these ideal database language requirements well.


First, SQL coverage fits into three categories:


1. Data definition creates the database and its table structures.


2. Data management uses a set of commands to enter, correct, delete, and update data within the database tables.


3. Data query uses a set of commands to explore the database contents and allows the user to convert the raw data into useful information.


@ Second, SQL is relatively easy to learn: It performs the required

database functions by using a basic vocabulary of about thirty commands. 其次,SQL是相当容易学的:它通过使用由大约30个命令组成的基本词汇表来执行所需的数据库功能。

Better yet, SQL is a nonprocedural language: You merely have to command what is to be done; you don't have to worry about how it is to be done. 还要好地,SQL是一个非过程式语言:你必须做的仅仅是发出要做什么的命令;不必操心它是如何做的。

@ Finally, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) does prescribe a standard SQL.

prescribe 规定


Never mind that the ANSI standard is so limited that all commerical SQL products exceed it.

exceed 超过


In fact, some vendors already meet the proposed ANSI SQL 2 standard, to be implemented in 1993.

vendors 供应商 proposed 被提议的

事实上,某些厂商已经符合要在1993年实施的所提议的ANSI SQL2标准Consequently, it is seldom possible to take a SQL-based application from one RDBMS to another without making some changes.


Nevertheless, the different SQL dialects share the same basic command set and structure, thus allowing us to conclude that there is a useable standard.

dialects 方言


We will use this standard as the basis for our presentation.


But we will also present a few SQL enhancements, especially when those enhancements are widely shared among the many RDBMS vendors.


@ Don't become discouraged over the fact that several SQL dialects exist.

discouraged 气馁的


Since the differences between the various SQL dialects are minor, you should have little trouble adjusting to your software requirements. 因为各种SQL方言版本之间的差异是微小的,适应于你的软件需求几乎没有什么


Whether you use XDB, ORACLE, dBASEIV, DB2, R:BASE for DOS, IBM's OS/2 Database Manager, or any other well-established RDBMS software, our experience is that a few hours spent with a software manual will be sufficient to get you up to SQL speed if you know the material presented in this chapter.

sufficient 足够的 speed 加速

不管你是使用XDB、ORACLE、dBASE Ⅳ、DB2、Dos下的R: BASE、IBM的OS/2数据库管理程序,还是任何其他一致公认的RDBMS软件,我们的经验是:如果你了解本章中介绍的材料,对软件手册花上几个小时将足以使你成功地使用SQL。In short, the knowledge you again in this lesson is portable.


@ There are some very good reasons for studying SQL basics: 关于学习SQL基础,有几个很好的理由:

1. The ANSI standardization effort has led to a de faco query standard for relational databases.


In fact, many relational database experts are inclined to argue that, "If it's not SQL, it's not relational."

incline 倾向


2. SQL has become the basis for present and expected future DBMS integration efforts, allowing us to link hierarchical, network, and relational databases.


3. SQL has become the catalyst in the development of distributed databases and database client/server architectures.

catalyst 催化剂


8.1 Introduction

Multimedia means, from the user’s perspective, that computer information can be represented through audio and/or video, in addition to text, image, graphics and animation .


For example, using audio and video, a variety of dynamic situations in different areas, such as sport or ornithology lexicon, can often be presented better than just using text and image alone.


The integration of these media into the computer provides additional possibilities for the use of computational power currently available (e.g., for interactive presentation of huge amounts of information ).


Furthermore, these data can be transmitted though computer and telecommunication networks, which implies applications in the areas of information distribution and cooperative work.


Multimedia provides the possibility for a spectrum of new applications, many of which are in place today.


8.1.1 Main Properties of a Multimedia System

If we derive a multimedia system from the meaning of the words in the American Heritage Dictionary, then a multimedia system is any system which supports more than a single kind of media.

如果我们从美国传统字典中查找a multimedia system 的字面意思,我们可以得知—一个多媒体系统是任何支持多于一种单一媒体的系统

This characterization is insufficient because it only deals with a quantitative evaluation of the system.


For example, each system processing text and graphics would be classified as a multimedia system according to this narrow definition.

例如,根据这一狭隘的定义,任何能处理文字和图片的系统都将被归类为多媒体系统。Such systems already existed before the multimedia notion was used in a computer environment.


Hence, the notion multimedia implies a new quality in a computer environment.


We understand multimedia more in a qualitative rather than a quantitative way. 我们更应从性质方面而不是从数量方面去理解多媒体这一概念。

Therefore, the kind rather than the number of supported media should determine if a system is a multimedia system.


It should be pointed out that this definition is controversial.


Even in the standardization bodies, e, g. , ISO, a weaker interpretation is often used.


A multimedia system distinguishes itself from other systems through several properties.


We elaborate on the most important properties such as combination of the media, media-independence, computer control and integration.

我们对最重要的一些属性进行详细解释,如媒体的组合,媒体的独立性,计算机控制和集成。 Combination of Media

Not every arbitrary combination of media justifies the usage of the term multimedia.


A simple text processing program with incorporated images is often called a multimedia application because two media are processed through one program.


But one should talk about multimedia only when both continuous and discrete media are utilized.


A text processing program with incorporated images is therefore not a multimedia application.



An important aspect of different media is their level of independence from each other.


In general, there is a request for independence of different media, but multimedia may require several levels of independence.


On the one hand, a computer-controlled video recorder stores audio and video information, but there is an inherently tight connection between the two types of media.


Both media are coupled together through the common storage medium of the tape. 那就是,这两种媒体通过共同的磁带存储媒介联接在一起。

On the other hand, for the purpose of presentations, the combination of DAT recorder (Digital Audio Tape) signals and computer-available text satisfies the request for media-independence.


Computer-supported Integration

The media-independence prerequisite provides the possibility of combining media in arbitrary forms.

计算机专业英语影印版(Computing Essentials 2008)课后答案大全——第八单元Chapter 8 Secondary Storage

Crossword Puzzle Answers: Open Ended Questions: 1.Discuss the traditional and high-capacity floppy disks. The traditional floppy disk is the 1.44 MB 31/2-inch disk. The most common type is labeled 2HD, which means “two-sided, high-density” and have a capacity of 1.44 MB.Floppy disks have a thin exterior jacket made of hard plastic to protect the flexible disk inside. High-capacity disks, also known as floppy-disk cartridges, are rapidly replacing the traditional floppy disk. They are 31/2 inches in diameter, and are able to store more information, are thicker, and require special disk drives. 2.What are the three types of hard disks? Describe three ways to improve hard-disk performance. There are three types of hard disks: internal hard disk, hard-disk cartridge, and hard-disk pack.


国家计算机教育认证 计算机英语 计算机英语词汇对译 蒙阴高新电脑学校 资料整理:孙波 IT CFAC gaoxindiannaoxuexiao


?PC personal computer 个人计算机 ?IBM International Business Machine 美国国际商用机器公司的公司简称,是最早推出的个人 计算机品牌。 ?Intel 美国英特尔公司,以生产CPU芯片著称。 ?Pentium Intel公司生产的586 CPU芯片,中文译名为“奔腾”。 ?Address地址 ?Agents代理 ?Analog signals模拟信号 ?Applets程序 ?Asynchronous communications port异步通信端口 ?Attachment附件 ?Access time存取时间 ?access存取 ?accuracy准确性 ?ad network cookies广告网络信息记录软件 ?Add-ons 插件 ?Active-matrix主动矩阵 ?Adapter cards适配卡 ?Advanced application高级应用 ?Analytical graph分析图表 ?Analyze分析 ?Animations动画 ?Application software 应用软件 ?Arithmetic operations算术运算 ?Audio-output device音频输出设备 ?Basic application基础程序 ?Binary coding schemes二进制译码方案 ?Binary system二进制系统 ?Bit比特 ?Browser浏览器 ?Bus line总线 ?Backup tape cartridge units备份磁带盒单元 ?Business-to-consumer企业对消费者 ?Bar code条形码 ?Bar code reader条形码读卡器 ?Bus总线 ?Bandwidth带宽 ?Bluetooth蓝牙 ?Broadband宽带 ?Business-to-business企业对企业电子商务 ?cookies-cutter programs信息记录截取程序 ?cookies信息记录程序


They can also be classified as mainframes, minicomputers, 3版)》练习参考答案《计算机英语(第workstations, or microcomputers. All else (for example, the age of the machine) being equal, this Unit One: Computer and Computer Science categorization provides some Unit One/Section A indication of the computer's speed, size, cost, and abilities. I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: Ever since the advent of computers, there have been constant 1. Charles Babbage; Augusta Ada Byron changes. First-generation 2. input; output computers of historic significance, such as UNIVAC (通用自动计3. VLSI 4. workstations; mainframes 算机), introduced in the 5. vacuum; transistors early 1950s, were based on vacuum tubes. Second-generation 6. instructions; software computers, appearing in the 7. digit; eight; byte early 1960s, were those in which transistors replaced vacuum 8. microminiaturization; chip tubes. In third-generation computers, dating from the 1960s, integrated circuits replaced II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into transistors. In fourth-generation Chinese and vice versa: computers such as microcomputers, which first appeared in the 1. artificial intelligence 人工智能mid-1970s, large-scale integration enabled thousands of circuits to be incorporated on 纸带阅读器2. paper-tape reader one chip. Fifth-generation 3. optical computer 光计算机 computers are expected to combine very-large-scale integration 神经网络4. neural network with sophisticated approaches 5. instruction set 指令集 to computing, including artificial intelligence and true distributed 并行处理6. parallel processing processing. 差分机7. difference engine 8. versatile logical element 通用逻辑元件IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese: 硅衬底 9. silicon substrate 计算机将变得更加先进,也将变得更加容易使用。语音识别的真空管10. vacuum tube 改进将使计算机的操数据的存储与处理11. the storage and handling of data 作更加容易。虚拟现实,即使用所有人类官能与计算机进行交超大规模集成电路12. very large-scale integrated circuit 互的技术,也将有助于创13. central processing unit 中央处理器建更好的人机接口。人们正在开发其他的奇异计算模型,包括analogue 模拟计算机个人计算机14. personal computer 15. 使用生物机体的生物计算、computer 使用具有特定属性的分子的分子计算,以及使用遗传基本单位数字计算机digital computer 16. DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)存17. 通用计算机general-purpose computer 储数据和执行操作的计算。这些都是可能的未来计算平台的例18. 处理器芯片processor chip 子,而它们迄今还能力有operating instructions 19. 操作指令限或完全属于理论范畴。科学家们研究它们,是因为嵌入硅中20. 输入设备input device 的电路的微小型化受到物理限制。还有一些限制与甚至最微小 的晶体管也会产生的热量有关。III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making Unit One/Section B changes if necessary: I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: We can define a computer as a device that accepts input, 1. experimentation processes data, stores data, and 2. interfacing produces output. According to the mode of processing, computers 3. interdisciplinary are either analog or digital. 4. microprocessor


CHAPTER 1 1、A common term that describes the combination of traditional computer and communication technologies is b. information technology 一个描述了传统的计算机和通信技术结合的常见的术语 B.信息技术 2、Procedures are typically documented in manuals written by b. computer specialists 程序一般是___在手册撰写记录的 B.计算机专家 3、Which of the following is an example of connectivity? a. Internet 下列哪一项是连接的一个例子吗? A.互联网 4、Windows XP, windows Vista, and Macintosh OS X are all examples of b. operating systems Windows XP,Windows Vista,和Macintosh OS X都是__的例子 B.操作系统 5、Because of their size and cost, these computers are relatively rare. d. supercomputers 由于它们的尺寸和成本,这些电脑是比较少见的。 D.超级计算机 6、The system component that controls and manipulates data in order to produce information is called the d. microprocessor 系统组成,控制和操纵数据来产生信息称为 D.微处理器 7、A system component that translates data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process is called a(n) c. output device 一个系统组件,将人类可以理解成计算机能够处理的形式的数据和程序被称为 C.输出设备 8、A CD is an example of a(n) c. optical disc CD是___的简称 C.光盘 9、If you want to communicate a message or persuade other people, you would typically use this type of software. d. presentation 如果你想传达信息或说服别人,你通常会使用这种类型的软件。 D.演示 10、Many experts are predicting that this revolution is expected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computer technology. d. wireless


第9单元电子商务 第一部分听力和对话 对话:使用在线支付服务保护消费者的隐私 (Henry非常兴奋地在一家网上书店中发现了自己期待已久的图书,但是当得知系统要 求通过账号支付时,他犹豫了。) Henry: 最近互联网上信用卡账号的公然欺骗无疑为我们敲响了警钟。在进行在线交易时,我们并不知道要把自己的信用卡账号告诉谁。 Mark: 也许你可以使用第三方支付服务来保证在线支付更简单、更安全。 Henry: 什么是第三方支付服务? Sophie: 简单地说,在使用第三方支付服务时,你可以把自己的资金转移到一个在线账号中,然后从那个账号中进行支付。这样就不用把自己的真实信用卡或银号账户信息暴露在网络上了。 Henry: 这种方法听起来更安全。有哪些第三方支付服务可以方便地使用? Mark:在美国最受欢迎的服务是eBay公司掌控的PayPal,但也有一些其他的服务,如https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html, Payment等。以最简单的支付为例,例如在线拍卖或简单的网站销售,销售商只需要向买家提供他们的E-mail地址,而买家向销售商的PayPal账号进行适当的支付。Henry: 我明白了。 Sophie: 做出选择之后,建议你留意选择更加安全服务的一些细节。 Henry: 什么是更加安全服务的一些细节呢? Sophie: 首先,阅读隐私政策,并确保自己同意其中的条款。如果不同意,可以继续选择其他的安全服务。此外,确认网站符合权威部门规定的特定的标准(查验同意的盖章)。这些的确都是非常重要但是有时被用户忽略的步骤。 Mark: 当使用第三方支付服务时,Henry,请记住千万不要回复来自第三方支付服务机构发送的要求确认如密码或其他私人身份识别信息等与账号细节相关的电子邮件。这些邮件很可能是身份盗窃骗局,如网络钓鱼。 Henry: 那么,怎样才能更安全地确认或处理我的账号细节呢? Sophie: 如果需要确认或更新账号信息或者修改密码,我建议你可通过个人书签或者在浏览器中直接输入支付服务网站的URL来访问相应的网站。 Henry: 如何进一步确认卖家能够提供有效的支付服务? Mark: 你可以通过查看卖家在几个月或更长的时间内是否为支付服务机构的有效成员来确定。有些网站还允许用户查看卖家的评价,虽然这些评价并不能作为保证,但是却是非常有用的信息。 Sophie: 切记,Henry,不要用自己的账号把资金转移到一个你不认识的人的账号里。这可能是一种高级的资金诈骗。还有,当你要购买一些诸如珠宝或者计算机等昂贵的物品时,尤其是在节假日或者商铺中售出的物品时,需要多加小心。 Henry: 好的。现在我对进行安全在线支付更加有信心了。非常感谢你们的见议。 练习


第一单元:计算机与计算机科学 课文A:计算机概览 一、引言 计算机是一种电子设备,它能接收一套指令或一个程序,然后通过对数字数据进行运算 或对其他形式的信息进行处理来执行该程序。 要不是由于计算机的发展,现代的高科技世界是不可能产生的。不同类型和大小的计算 机在整个社会被用于存储和处理各种数据,从保密政府文件、银行交易到私人家庭账目。计 算机通过自动化技术开辟了制造业的新纪元,而且它们也增强了现代通信系统的性能。在几 乎每一个研究和应用技术领域,从构建宇宙模型到产生明天的气象报告,计算机都是必要的 工具,并且它们的应用本身就开辟了人们推测的新领域。数据库服务和计算机网络使各种各 样的信息源可供使用。同样的先进技术也使侵犯个人隐私和商业秘密成为可能。计算机犯罪 已经成为作为现代技术代价组成部分的许多风险之一。 二、历史 第一台加法机是法国科学家、数学家和哲学家布莱斯.帕斯卡于1642年设计的,它是数 字计算机的先驱。这个装置使用了一系列带有10个齿的轮子,每个齿代表从0到9的一个数字。轮子互相连接,从而通过按照正确的齿数向前转动轮子,就可以将数字彼此相加。17世纪70 年代,德国哲学家和数学家戈特弗里德.威廉.莱布尼兹对这台机器进行了改良,设计了一台 也能做乘法的机器。 法国发明家约瑟夫―玛丽.雅卡尔,在设计自动织机时,使用了穿孔的薄木板来控制复 杂图案的编织。在19世纪80年代期间,美国统计学家赫尔曼.何勒里斯,想出了使用类似雅 卡尔的木板那样的穿孔卡片来处理数据的主意。通过使用一种将穿孔卡片从电触点上移过的 系统,他得以为1890年的美国人口普查汇编统计信息。 1、分析机 也是在19世纪,英国数学家和发明家查尔斯.巴比奇,提出了现代数字计算机的原理。 他构想出旨在处理复杂数学题的若干机器,如差分机。许多历史学家认为,巴比奇及其合伙 人,数学家奥古斯塔.埃达.拜伦,是现代数字计算机的真正先驱。巴比奇的设计之一,分析 机,具有现代计算机的许多特征。它有一个以一叠穿孔卡片的形式存在的输入流、一个保存 数据的“仓库”、一个进行算术运算的“工厂”和一个产生永久性纪录的打印机。巴比奇未 能将这个想法付诸实践,尽管在那个时代它在技术上很可能是可行的。 2、早期的计算机 模拟计算机是19世纪末开始制造的。早期型号是靠转动的轴和齿轮来进行计算的。用任 何其他方法都难以计算的方程近似数值,可以用这样的机器来求得。开尔文勋爵制造了一台 机械潮汐预报器,这实际上就是一台专用模拟计算机。第一次和第二次世界大战期间,机械 模拟计算系统,以及后来的电动模拟计算系统,在潜艇上被用作鱼雷航线预测器,在飞机上 被用作轰炸瞄准具的控制器。有人还设计了另一个系统,用于预测密西西比河流域春天的洪 水。 3、电子计算机 第二次世界大战期间,以伦敦北面的布莱切利公园为工作地点的一组科学家和数学家, 制造了最早的全电子数字计算机之一:“巨人”。到1943年12月,这个包含了1500个真空管 的“巨人”开始运转了。它被以艾伦.图灵为首的小组用于破译德国用恩尼格码加密的无线 电报,他们的尝试大部分是成功的。 除此而外,在美国,约翰.阿塔纳索夫和克利福德.贝里早在1939年就在艾奥瓦州立学院


1.2 总线互连 总线是连接两个或多个设备的通信通路。总线的关键特征是,它是一条共享传输介质。多个设备连接到总线上,任一个设备发出的信号可以为其他所有连接到总线上的设备所接收。如果两个设备同时传送,它们的信号将会重叠,引起混淆。因此,一次只能有一个设备成功地(利用总线)发送数据。 典型的情况是,总线由多条通信通路或线路组成,每条线(路)能够传送代表二进制1和0的信号。一段时间里,一条线能传送一串二进制数字。总线的几条线放在一起能同时并行传送二进制数字。例如, 一个8位的数据能在8条总线线上传送。 计算机系统包含有多种不同的总线,它们在计算机系统层次结构的各个层次提供部件之间的通路。连接主要计算机部件(处理机, 存储器, I/O)的总线称为系统总线。系统总线通常由50~100条分立的(导)线组成。每条线被赋予一个特定的含义或功能。虽然有许多不同的总线设计,但任何总线上的线都可以分成三个功能组:数据线、地址线和控制线。此外可能还有为连接的模块提供电源的电源线。 数据线提供系统模块间传送数据的路径,这些线组合在一起称为数据总线。典型的数据总线包含8、16或32根线,线的数量称为数据总线的宽度。因为每条线每次传送1位,所以线的数目决定了每次能同时传送多少位。数据总线的宽度是决定系统总体性能的关键因素。 地址线用于指定数据总线上数据的来源和去向。例如,如果处理机希望从存储器中读一个字的数据,它将所需要字的地址放在地址线上。显然,地址总线的宽度决定了系统最大可能的存储器容量。 控制线用来控制对数据线和地址线的访问和使用。由于数据线和地址线被所有部件共享,因此必须用一种方法来控制它们的使用。控制信号在系统模块之间传送命令和定时信息。定时信息指定了数据和地址信息的有效性,命令信号指定了要执行的操作。 大多数计算机系统使用多总线,这些总线通常设计成层次结构。图1.3显示了一个典型的高性能体系结构。一条局部总线把处理机连接到高速缓存控制器,而高速缓存控制器又连接到支持主存储器的系统总线上。高速缓存控制器集成到连接高速总线的桥中。这一总线支持连接到:高速LAN、视频和图形工作站控制器,以及包括SCSI 和FireWire的局部外设总线的接口控制器。低速设备仍然由分开的扩充总线支持,用一个接口来缓冲该扩充总线和高速总线之间的通信流量。 PCI 外部设备互连是流行的高带宽的、独立于处理机的总线,它能够作为中间层或外围设备总线。当前的标准允许在66MHz频率下使用多达64根数据线,其原始传输速率为528MB/s, 或4.224Gbps。PCI被设计成支持各种各样基于微处理机的配置,包括单处理机和多处理机的系统。因此,它提供了一组通用的功能。PCI使用同步时序以及集中式仲裁方案。 在多处理机系统中,一个或多个PCI配置可通过桥接器连接到处理机的系统总线上。系统总线只支持处理机/高速缓存单元、主存储器以及PCI桥接器。使用桥接器使得PCI独立于处理机速度,又提供快速接收和传送数据的能力。 2.1 光存储介质:高密度存储器 2.1.1 光盘 光盘技术最终可能使磁盘和磁带存储淘汰。用这种技术,磁存储器所用的读/写头被两束激光代替。一束激光通过在光盘上刻制微小的凹点,对记录表面进行写;而另一束激光用来从光敏感的记录表面读取数据。由于光束容易被偏转到光盘上所需要的位置,所以不需要存取臂。 对用户而言,光盘正成为最有吸引力的选择。它们(光盘)对环境变化不太敏感,并且它们以每兆字节比磁盘低得多的存储器价格提供更多的直接存取存储器。光盘技术仍在出现,并且还需要稳定;然而,目前有三种主要类型的光盘。它们是CD-ROM、WORM盘和磁光盘。 CD-ROM 1980年引入的,非常成功的CD,或紧密盘是设计来提高音乐的录音重放质量的光盘。为了制作一张CD,把音乐的模拟声音转换成等价的数字声音,并且存储在一张4.72英寸的光盘上。在每张光盘上可以用数字格式(用20亿数字位)记录74分钟的音乐。因为它的巨大存储容量,计算机工业的企业家们立刻认

大学实用计算机英语教程翻译-吕云翔-Unit 5

Unit 5 Section A Software Design (软件设计) Design is defined in [IEEE610.12-90] as both “the process of defining the architecture, components, interfaces, and other characteristics of a system or component ” and “the result of that process.” Viewed as a process, software design is the software engineering life cycle activity in which software requirements are analyzed in order to produce a description of the software ’s internal structure that will serve as the basis for its construction. More precisely, a software design (the result) must describe the software architecture -- that is how software is decomposed and organized into components -- and the interfaces between those components. It must also describe the components at a level of detail that enable their construction. Software design plays an important role in developing software: it allows software engineers to produce various models that form a kind of blueprint of the solution to be implemented. We can analyze and evaluate these models to determine whether or not they will allow us to fulfill the various requirements. We can also examine and evaluate various alternative solutions and trade-offs . Finally, we can use the resulting models to plan the subsequent development activities, in addition to using them as input and the starting point of construction and testing. In a standard listing of software life cycle processed such as IEEE/EIA 12207 Software Life Cycle Processes [IEEE 12207.0-96], software design consists of two activities that fit between software requirements analysis and software construction: Software architectural design (sometimes called top level design): describing software ’s top-level structure and organization and identifying the various components. Software detailed design: describing each component sufficiently to allow for its construction.


○1 1.Visual chapter openers and summaries 具视觉效果的开篇和总结 2.On the Web explorations 网络资源 3.Tips 小贴士,小窍门 4.Making IT work for you 为你所用 5.Concept checks and review 检查 6.Key terms 核心词汇 7.Careers in IT 信息技术相关职业 8.Procedures (指令,操作说明) 9.Software (软件) 10.Hardware (硬件) 11.Blocking spam 垃圾邮件过滤软件 12.Speech Recognition 语音识别软件 13.Virus Protection and Internet Security 14.网络安全软件 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html, Tuner Cards and Video Clips 电视卡和视频编辑软件16.Web Cams and Instant Messaging 网络视频摄像头和即时通 讯 17.Music from the Internet 网络音乐下载、上传和编 辑 18.Home Networking 家庭网络 19.Spyware Removal 间谍软件移除工具 20.Job Opportunities 网络就业机会搜索软 件 21.Operation system 操作系统 22.Coordinate resources 协调资源 23.Interface 提供接口 24.Run applications 运行应用程序 25.Utilities 公共实用程序 26.Device drivers 设备驱动程序 27.Browser 浏览器程序 28.Microsoft Office 办公软件 29.Basic application 基础应用程序 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,itary or Government军事政府 31.Research institute 研究机构 32.Insurance companies 保险公司 33.Mainframe computers 大型机,主机 34.Supercomputers 超级计算机 35.Minicomputers 中型电脑 36.Microcomputers 微机个人计算机 37.Desktop computer 台式电脑 38.Notebook computer, laptop computers 手提式、膝上轻便 电脑 39.Tablet PC 支持手写的平板电脑 40.Handheld computer 掌上电脑 41.Windows mobile 操作系统 42.Electronic Dictionary 电子词典 43.Palm computer 掌上电脑 44.Handheld computer 手持电脑 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,itary PDA 军用PDA 46.System unit:microprocessor and memory 微处理器 和内存 47.Input/output devices 输入和输出 48.Keyboard 键盘 49.Mouse 鼠标 50.Monitor 显示器printer 打印机 51.Secondary storage 辅助存储器 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,pact discs (CD) 激光盘 53.Digital versatile or video discs (DVD) 数 字化视频光盘 54.High-definition discs (HDD) 高清盘 55.Document files 文字处理 56.Worksheet files 工作表单 57.Database files 数据库文件 58.Presentation files 演示文件 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,puter competency refers to acquiring computer-related skills-indispensable tools for today. 2.Present an overview of an information system 概述信息系统 3.Understand these basic parts and how connectivity through the Internet.5大组成部分及如何访问网络 4.Filled out computerized forms, took computerized tests 填写电脑化的表格和考试 5.People are surely the most important part of any information system. 人是信息系统中最重要的组成元素 6.Our lives are touched every day by computers and information systems. 我们的生活每天都要接触计算机、信息系统 分不开 7.Making IT Work for You:present interesting and practical IT applications. 实用 的信息技术应用 8.Tips:suggestions ranging from the basics of keeping your computer system running smoothly to how to protect your privacy while surfing the Web. 关于计算机运用和网上冲 浪安全的提示和建议 9.Careers in IT:provides job descriptions, projected employment demands, educational requirements, current salary ranges, and advancement opportunities. 信息技术相关的 工作 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,puting Essentials Web site:more information on the Web. 本课本相关的网 络资源 11.Software are the instructions that tell the computer how to process date into the form you want. 软件就是指导计算机把 数据转换成信息的指令 12.In the most case, the words software and programs are interchangeable. 大多时候,软件 和程序的概念是可以互换的 13.系统软件是应用软件和计算机硬件的中 间连接件。 14.The system software is just the mediator between application software and hardware. 15.you have to know to be considered computer competent. 作为计算机能手必须具 备 16.Wireless applications are just the beginning of the wireless revolution. 无线应用开启了无 线革命 17.Central to the concept of connectivity is the network. 连接概念的中心是网络 ○3 1.Integrated Packages 综合程序包 2.Software Suites 软件套组 3.templates 模版 4.Thesaurus 同义词库 5.Word wrap 自动换行 6.Autocorrect: 自动更正 7.Header or Footer 页眉页脚 8.Footnote 脚注 9.Captions, Cross References题注,交叉引 用 10.Table 表格 11.Calculations 计算 12.Functions 函数 13.Analytical graphs or charts 图表 14.What-if analysis 假设分析 15.Query: 查询 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,municate a message 传递 17.persuade people 说服 18.Professional 专业 19.Productivity suite 商务组件 20.Personal suite 家庭组件 21.Specialized suite 专业组件 22.Utility suite 实用工具组件 1.Integrated package: is a single program that provides the functionality of a word processor, spreadsheet, database manager and more. 独立的集成软件包包括文字处理、表格和数据库管理等功能 2.Presentation: programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive visually interesting presentations. 利用可视化 的图形,创造吸引人的演示效果。 3.Software suites: a collection of separate application programs bundled together and sold as a group. 捆绑一起售卖的多个应用程序 4.Good communication skills and teaching experience, though a teaching degree may not be required, it may be preferred. 沟通技能和 授课经验 5.Experience with the latest software and hardware is essential. 熟悉最新的软件和硬件 6.Seek detail-oriented individuals with IT experience IT经验的细心人 ○5 1.Booting a system 启动电脑 2.Mundane 常规的 3.behind-the-scenes 幕后的 4.Warm boot 热启动Cold boot 冷启动 5.Embedded OS 嵌入式OS https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,work OS 网络OS 7.Stand-alone OS 客户端OS 8.track 磁道 9.concentric ring同心圆 10.contiguous连续相邻的 11.wedge-shaped楔形的 12.sector扇区 13.Norton AntiVirus: 防毒 14.Norton CleanSweep: 系统清理 15.Web CleanUp: 上网痕迹清理 16.GoBack Personal Edition: 恢复设置 17.Norton Utilities: 实用工具 18.Bachelor’s degree 本科学位 19.Practical experience 实战经验 20.Certification from training 认证 21.Good analytical and communication skills 社交技能 1.System software: works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details. 系统软件处理大多数技术细节 2.System software is collection that handle hundreds of technical details with little or no user intervention. 少用户介入的技术细节 3.Managing resources 资源管理 4.Providing character-based or graphical user interface 提供人机界面接口 5. A platform for running applications and supporting multitasking 为应用软件的运行提供系统平台 6.Advanced system security to guard against malicious files and programs, including spyware. 防恶意软件安全系统 7.Three-dimensional workspace capable of displaying transparent cascading windows. 三 维立体、玻璃、瀑布效果 8.Filtering capabilities to provide convenient parental controls by blocking access of objectionable Web sites. 过 滤能力,家长控制 9.Utilities: are designed to make computing easier. 使用计算机更加简单的专业程序 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,e for: avoid frustrating 11.Internal hard disks crashed 死机 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,puters freeze up 锁定卡死 13.Operations slow down 系统慢 14.Troubleshooting programs: recognize and correct problems. 自检程序 15.Antivirus programs: guard your computer system against viruses. 防病毒程序 16.Uninstall programs: safely and completely remove unneeded programs. 卸载程序 17.Backup programs: make copies of files. 备 份程序 18.File compression programs: reduce the size of files. 压缩程序 19.Disk Cleanup: a troubleshooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files, frees up valuable disk space. 清理无用文件, 释放磁盘空间 20.A track is a concentric ring.磁道,就是一 个同心圆 21.Each track is divided into wedge-shaped sections called sector. 磁道被分成的楔形,称 为扇区 22.The operating system tries to save a file on a single track across contiguous sectors. 23.Disk Defragmenter: locates and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearranges files and unused disk space to optimize operations. 去除无用的碎片,重新安排文件,优 化磁盘空间 24.Device driver: work with the operating system to allow communication between the device and the rest of the computer system. 用 于设备和计算机其他组件通信 25.Windows supplies hundreds of different device drivers with its system software. 自带 驱动 ○9 1.Originally intended for voice communication 语音通讯 2.Widely used to support computer communication 计算机通讯 3.Allow a wide variety of nearby devices to communicate without physical connection 设备通讯 4.Allow individuals to connect to the Internet 因特网无线互联 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,munication channel 信道 6.Connection devices 连接设备 7.Data transmission specifications 数据传输规则 8.Twisted-pair cable 双绞线 9.Made up of copper wires 铜线 10.Coaxial cable 同轴电缆11.made up of a single solid-copper 12.Fiber-optic cable 光纤 13.Physical connections: 物理连接 14.Infrared: 红外线 15.Over short distances 短距离 16.Travel in a straight line 直线 17.In clear view of one another 18.Broadcast radio: 无线电通讯 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,e radio signals 无线电信号 20.Follow standard Wi-Fi 无线保真 21.Microwave: 微波 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,e high-frequency radio wave 23.line-of-sight communication 24.Be relayed by stations with dishes or antenna 天线接收传递 25.Bluetooth: 蓝牙技术 26.Pass through walls and nonmetal barriers 具有穿透性 27.Satellite: 卫星通讯 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,e satellites orbiting about 22000 miles above the earth 29.Offered by Intelsat通讯卫星协会 30.Rotate at a precise point and speed 位置和 速度严格定位 31.External modem 外置调制解调器 32.Internal modem 内置调制解调器 33.PC Card modem 卡式调制解调器 34.Wireless modem 无线上网卡 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,e for converting the digital signals to analog signals 数字、模拟信号转换 36.Transfer rate: 传输率 37.Bandwidth 带宽 38.Node: any device connected 节点 39.Client: a node uses resource 客户端 40.Server: a node sharing resources and performing specific task 服务器 41.Hub: the central node 集线器 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,work interface cards: 网卡 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,work operating systems: 网络OS 44.Distributed processing: 分布处理 45.Local Area Network: 局域网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,work gateway 网关 47.Ethernet: 以太网 48.Metropolitan Area Network: 城域网 49.Wide Area Network: 广域网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,work configurations 拓扑结构 51.Strategies 策略,模式 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,puter communications: is the process of sharing data, programs, and information between two or more computers. 计算机之间共享信息数据资源 2.Connectivity: is a concept related to using computer networks to link people and resources to the world of larger computers and Internet. 3.Protocol: a set of communication rules for the exchange of information. 协议是传输信息的规则 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7819260300.html,work architecture: describes how a network is arranged and how resources are coordinated and shared. 搭建,协调和共享 5.Terminal network: processing power is centralized in one large computer, other terminals connected to this host. 计算机能力 集中在中央主机上,即主机终端联机模式 6.Client/server networks: server nodes coordinate and supply specialized services, and client nodes request the services. 客户端请求 服务,服务器提供服务 7.Peer-to-peer networks: nodes have equal authority and can act as both clients and servers. 各节点角色相同 8.Intranets: a private network within an organization that resembles the Internet. 企业 内部网是一个私有网络 9.Extranets: a private network that connects more than one organization. 企业间的外联网 10.Firewall: a security system designed to protect an organization’s network against external threats. 防范外部威胁 11.Proxy server: a gatekeeper to monitor and evaluate all communication. 代理服务器
