

Chapter I Introduction to English Essay Writing

1. Introduction to Essay Development

Description,Narration,Exposition ,Argumentation

2. Contrast Study: Differences between Chinese and English Essays





2 Every chess player is constantly looking to improve their game, and there's plenty of debate on the best way to get better. Some players try to play as many games as possible, others solve countless tactical puzzles, and many study theory until they know their favorite openings inside and out.

Of course, there's no one improvement method that's best for everyone. However, the five activities in this article are ones that players, coaches and trainers have found to be effective methods for most players, and they should make up the core of any training you do to improve your chess.

3. What’s a good English essay?

练习2 Underline the topic and circle the controlling idea.

1. Einstein’s unsuccessful attempt to get nuclear weapons banned was disappointing to him.

2. Some words that appear to be equivalent in English and Spanish are deceptive.

3. The twentieth century produced three inventions that dramaticaly changed the lives of all Americans.

练习3 What’s wrong with the following sentences as thesis statements.

1.In the Federalist papers, the authors play off two aspects of human nature, conflict and imperfection.

2.Children may benefit a great deal from watching commercials.

3.The speed limit near my home is sixty-five miles per hour.

4.Teachers have played an important role in my life, but they were not as important as my parents.


1. The subject of this paper will be my parents.

2. I want to talk about the crime wave in our country.

3. The baby boom generation is the concern of this essay.

4. Disease has shaped human history.

5. Insects are dascinating creatures.

6. Men and women are very different.

7. A hurricane hit southern Florida last summer.

8. A person must be at least thirty-five years old in order to be elected persident of the united States.

9. One of the most serious problems affecting young people today is bullying and it is time more kids learned the value of helping others.

10. Studying with others has several benefits, but it also has drawbacks and can be difficult to schedule.


Eternal youth? No, thanks.

I wouldn't want to be a teenager again. First of all, because I wouldn’t want to worry about talking to girls. I still remember how scary it was to call up a girl and ask her out. My heart would race, my pulse would pound, and perspiration would trickle down my dace, adding to my acne by the second. I never knew whether my voice would come out deep and masculine, like a television anchorman’s, or squeaky, like a little boy’s. Then there were the questions: would she be at home? If she was, would she want to talk to me? And if she did, what would I say? The one time I did get up the nerve to take a girl in my homeroom to a movie, I was so tongue-tied that I stared silently at the box of popcorn in my lap until the feature finally started. Needless to say, I wasn’t very interesting company.

Terrors of my teenage years.

I wouldn’t want to be a teenager again. First of all, because I wouldn’t want to worry about talking to girls. Calling up a girl to ask her out was something that I completely dreaded. I didn’t know what words to express or how to express them. I would have all the symptoms of nervousness when I got on the phone. I worried a great deal about how I would sound, and had a lot of doubts about the girl’s reaction. Once I managed to call up a girl to go out, but the evening turned out to be a disaster. I was too unsure of myself to act in a confident way. I couldn’t think of anything to say and just kept quiet. Now that I look back on it, I really made a fool of myself. Agonizing over my attempts at relationships with the opposite sex made adolescence a very uncomfortable time.


I’ve had a real problem with my car leaking oil on the driveway lately. There’s a pool of oil two thirds of the way up on both sides of the driveway. There’s a pool of oil inside the garage where I park the car. I clean the oil up. The next day it’s back again. I took the car to a garage to have the oil changed and the leak stopped. The problem was more difficult than I’d expected. The rear main bearing seal was leaking, but to replace it, the engine would have to be pulled. I couldn’t afford that, so I had to wait and save up some money. I put three oil pans on the spotss where the car leaks oil when it’s parked. I cant’t think of any other solution for now.


Thesis: The most helpful values I learned from my parents are the importance of family support, of hard work, and of a good education.

First supporting paragraph

Second supporting paragraph

Third supporting paragraph
