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Lesson 36 A Chance in a Million 百万之一的机会

New words and expression 生词和短语

credulous ['kredjʊləs] adj.轻信的(always believing what you are told, and therefore easily deceived)

(往往是形容人,表示一种不满的评价,也可以形容物,比如时代age.) 近义词 naïve能够看出Credulous a.轻信的,易于相信的。

She was credulous when she listened to the salesman and bought the car for too much money. credible ['kredɪb(ə)l a.可信的,可靠的(多形容物,也可形容人)。(to be able to be believed or trusted)

a credible friend 一个值得信赖的朋友但形容人更多用reliable trustworthy

the student told the teacher a credible story that she missed classes because she was sick.

gullible ['gʌlɪb(ə)l] adj.轻信的,容易上当受骗的 gullible tourists 轻信的旅游者

naive: 天真的 not having much experience of how complicated life is so that you trust people too much and believe that good things will always happen。 naive girls 天真的女孩

reliable adj. 十分可靠的

a reliable source of information 有可靠来源的信息

incredulous 怀疑的,不轻信的

incredible 难以置信

eg. An incredible story of 5 days living on a desert island

unbelievable: extremely surprising 极端令人惊讶的

fabulous: things that are mentioned in stories but do not really exist 不可思议的

dragons and other fabulous creatures 龙和其他一些不可思议的动物

improbable[ɪm'prɒbəb(ə)l] adj.不大可能的(不大可能发生的)(2、奇怪的、奇异的、荒谬的)

(需要说明possible和probable的区别,possible是客观准确的意义,完全能够实现,而probable是存在实现或发生的可能性,impossible和improbable同样道理,IMPOSSIBLE means no one can do it.it just simply can’t be done on the other hand, IMPROBABLE means that something is unlikely to happen。improbable是不大可能会发生,只是正常情况下概率小,但并没有完全杜绝,也可能发生小概率事件,灰天鹅,白犀牛)

improbably 不可能发生地

improbability 不可能性

probable 主语不能是人 possible 主语不能是人 likely 主语可用人类似certain的主语只能是物


Possible一般用于客观上有发生的可能性,但暗示这种情况的可能性较小(即说话者对事件发生的可能性不抱有太大希望)。 It is not possible to finish the task tomorrow.

Probable表示事物的可能性有充分的依据或者理由,让人有理由相信。It is probable that he has forgotten the date.

eg. It is possible for him to win the game. eg. He is likely to win the game.

the only possible solution 唯一可能的解决方式

the most probable result 最可能的结果

the most likely story 最可能发生的事

obscure [əb'skjʊə] adj.不起眼的(无名的不起眼的,默默无闻的)

1) not at all well known and not very important不起眼的,不出名的

an obscure village an obscure poet an obscure teacher

2) difficult to understand 晦涩的,难懂的,朦胧的,昏暗的(because it involves so many parts or details)

obscure legal phrases 难懂的法律词条

obscurity [əb'skjʊərɪtɪ] n. 默默无闻(鲜为人知的状态) 2、难懂性; 难懂之物

live in obscurity 默默无闻的生活注意介词in表示人处于某种状态

remain in obscurity 始终保持默默无闻

eg. Daniel Mendoza retired from boxing boring ring and died in obscurity.

dim, unclear, vague, obscure, ambiguous这组词都有“模糊”的意思,其区别是:

dim a.光线暗淡的,看不清的;记忆力模糊的;不大可能的。(暗淡,可能性低)

Don't work in dim light.不要在昏暗的光线下工作。

His changes of recovery from illness are dim.他康复的可能性十分渺茫。

unclear a.指句意、字迹不清楚,使人难以看懂;不肯定的。(不清晰,不明朗)

Unclear writing is difficult to understand.模糊的字迹使人难以辨认。

It is unclear whether the economy will get better.经济是否好转仍不明朗。

vague [veɪg] a.含混的,含糊的,不清楚的,多用于比喻意义,用来表示因逻辑关系不清、言辞笼统而导致的意义不清楚,说明不清,该词也可表示轮廓形状的不清楚和模糊。

eg. what he said is vague.

obscure a.用于表达因光线不足而使人看不清楚。该词的引申意义可以表示语法、文字、记忆等因复杂、深奥、模棱两可而使人看不懂和无法理解。

ambiguous [æm'bɪgjʊəs] a. 模棱两可的,有歧义的,指因字、词、句有歧义而使人感到模糊不清、难以理解和把握。

His ambiguous directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take. maidservant['meɪdsɜːv(ə)nt] n.女仆,女佣(中国叫婢女,丫鬟)同义词:housemaid maid n. 女仆;少女,姑娘 vt. 侍候;做新娘的女傧相 vi. 当女仆

bridesmaid 伴娘 bestman(groomsman)伴郎

servant n. 仆人,佣人;公务员(public officer);雇工

civil servant 国家公仆
