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1. A disease in which plaques thicken and harden inside the arteries is termed as ____.

A.ischemia C. thrombosis

B.atherosclerosis D. embolism

2.Which of the following terms refers to the largest, longest, and strongest bone of human body? ____.

A.Femur C. Fibula

B.Tibia D. Humerus

3.Which of the following terms refers to an inflammation? ____.

A.Pleurisy C. Endocarditis


D. All of the above

4.The directionality of gas exchange in plants is opposite to that in animals. They use the stomata on the

undersides of leaves to ____ oxygen and ____ carbon dioxide.

A.inpire, expire C. inhale, expire

B.exhale, inhale D. inhale, inspire

5. Recurrent episodes of symptomatic bronchospasm are called____.

A.emphysema C. pneumoconiosis

B.respiratory distress syndrome D. asthma

6.An abnormality of the heart rhythm which is characterized by an extremely rapid but ineffective

beating of the heart is termed as ____.

A.arrhythmia C. mitral stenosis


D. valvular defect

7.Which of the following can be used to restore the blood circulation of a shock patient? ____.

A.Blood plasma C. Whole blood


D. All of the above

8.The projections on the surface of the small intestinal wall, which provide the greatest amount of

surface area possible for digestion and absorption is called ____.

A.cilia C. villi

B.vegetations D. mucus

9.In essential hypertension the cause of the increased pressure is idiopathic. Which word from the

following can replace the word “essential”? ____.

A.Ordinary C. Primary

B.Specific D. Secondary

10.Diagnosis of ____ is made through a lumbar puncture.


B. phlebitis

C. encephalitis

D. gastritis

11. Erythrocytes are____.

A. white blood cells C. red blood cells

B. benign tumor cells

D. also known as leukocytes

12.Which of the following terms refers to the aversion to water of rabid patients? ___.

A.Hydrophobia C. Hydrocephalus

B.Hydropsy D. Hydrocele

13. Which of the following is an infectious disease? ____.

A.Varicose veins C. Osteoporosis

B.Ulcer D. Tetanus

14.Which of the following bones is not a flat bone? ____.

A.Sternum C. Scapula

B.Rib D. Vertebra

15.An alternate name for pneumonia is ____.

A.pneumonitis C. asthma

B.pulmonitis D. both A and B

16.Scoliosis refers to ____.

A.the abnormal bending of the spinal column to one side

B.the abnormally forward bending of spinal column

C.a condition in which bones lose calcium and become more likely to break

D.none of the above

17.The wasting of tissue is termed as _____.

A.dystrophy C. atrophy

B.hypertrophy D. hypotrophy

18.Pharmacology is the study of ____.


C. drugs and medicines B.spine and joints

D. injuries and wounds arising from accidents

19. If you suffer from ____, your doctor may recommend taking sleeping tablets.

A.epilepsy C. insomnia

B.dizziness D. anorexia

20.The blood vessel carrying the blood high in oxygen back to heart from the lungs is ____.


B. vena cava

C. pulmonary artery

D. pulmonary vein

21. Which of the following terms means the study of lung disease? ____.

A.Pulmonology C. Oncology

B.Embryology D. Epidemiology

22.The plural of the term trachea is ____.

A.trachea C. trachei

B.tracheae D. traches

23. Arthritis is characterized by the abnormal conditions of the joints except ____.

A.pain C. spasm

B.swelling D. inflammation

24. The hardening of the arteries is termed as ______.

A.arteriorrhexis C. arteriosclerosis

B.aortic stenosis D. angiospasm

25. Bluish discoloration of the skin is termed as ____.

A. cyanosis C. leukosis

B. erythrosis D. edema

26. Which of the following is not a part of the upper extremity? ____.

A.The ulna C. The radius

B.The brachium D. The ankle

27. The visual examination of the stomach is termed as ____.

A.proctoscope C. sigmoidoscope
