





命题教师: 朱静审核教师:苏慧琳2019.06 注意事项:

本试卷分为两大部分,答题卡上第一部分(1-65小题)为选择题,请考生将答案用2B 铅笔填涂;第二部分为非选择题,请考生将答案用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写。



Ⅰ. Listen and choose the right pictures. (听音,选择符合内容情景的图片。


1. A. B. C.

2. A. B. C.

3. A. B. C.

4. A. B. C.

5. A. B. C.

Ⅱ. Listen to some short dialogues and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.



6. What’s Mike going to do in the New Year?

A. Learn writing.

B. Learn dance.

C. Learn music.


7. What time is it now?

A. At 6:50.

B. At 7:00.

C. At 7:30.


8. What class is Jack having?

A. An English class.

B. A math class.

C. A Chinese class.


9. Where are they talking?

A. On a farm.

B. At home.

C. At a restaurant.


10. Why does Peter look upset today?

A. Because he broke a window.

B. Because he lost the ball game.

C. Because he ate something bad.

11. What does the mother ask Peter to do?

A. To learn from Mr. Green.

B. To say sorry to Mr. Green.

C. To play soccer with Mr. Green.


12. When is the woman’s flight?

A. At half past eleven.

B. At ten o’clock.

C. At twenty past ten.

13. How many times has the woman been abroad?

A. Twice

B. three times

C. It’s the first time.听第7段对话,回答第14、15小题。

14. How often does the boy play tennis?

A. On weekdays.

B. Every day.

C. On weekends.

15. What sport does the girl like best?

A. Dancing

B. Running

C. Swimming …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

III. Listen to a passage, then fill in the blanks with the right words.


Welcome to Our Fantastic Summer Camp

How long It lasts 66. days.

Where Campers will go to a small 67. .

What campers

can do

In the


The can breathe fresh air and have classes on

how to

68. and make works of art.

In the


They can ride bikes around the lake and


in the lake.

In the


They can have a party and taste some


local food.


Ⅳ. 选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

16. The film Avengers 4 is such _______big success that many people watch it.

A. a

B. an

C. the

17. Just now we were told that the room next to _______will be used as a reading room.


B. our

C. ours

18. —How do you like the App Tik Tok (抖音)?

—_______ terrible! It gets in the way of our schoolwork.

A. What

B. How

C. What a

19. Now more and more schools care for the full _______ of the students’ talents.

A. development

B. agreement

C. preparation

20. —Would you like _______ to drink?

—No, thanks.

A. everything

B. anything

C. something

21. —Sorry to say there are quite a few mistakes in your homework. You

should do it more_______.

—I will. Many thanks.

A. carefully

B. secretly

C. actively

22. He has some modern technology books on the desk, but _______ of them is

about AI.

A. all

B. none

C. neither

23. —Jack is ready to help others, and his father often works as a volunteer.

—Wow, he really _______ his father.

A. looks after

B. takes after

C. runs after

24. —Look, someone _______ the classroom.

—Well. I t wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.

A. is cleaning

B. was cleaning

C. has cleaned

25. —Why do you often see the films in Jinyi Cinema?

—It is the to my home.

A. close

B. closer

C. closest

26. —Do you often use paper napkins (纸巾)?

—Seldom, _______ they are cheap and easy to get.

A. since

B. although

C. because

27. —May I watch TV, Dad?

—When your homework is finished, you _______.

A. should

B. can

C. must

28. Hanfu is a kind of traditional clothing of the Han people _______live in China

before the Qing dynasty.

A. who

B. which

C. whom

29. Some students in Xiamen _______to perform at the opening ceremony of the

Asian Culture Carnival (亚洲文化嘉年华) every year.

A. are invited

B. were invited

C. will be invited

30. —Many people talk about “Didi”. My father wonders________.

—To order a taxi on your mobile phone as soon as possible.

A. who uses it most

B. where people use it

C. what it is used for

V. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

Mei Lanfang (1894-1961) is a grand master of Beiing Opera, a Chinese national treasure with a history of about 200 years. He was the pioneer to

31 this special Chinese culture to the world. He visited Japan in 1919 and

gave 32 there in 1924. This made Beijing Opera become increasingly

popular with people in many places. 33 , he paid a visit to the United States, pushing the cultural exchange between China and the Western countries to a new height.

34 he was staying in the States, Mei Lanfang was invited to perform in the University of Southern California and the Pomona College, and was greatly honored by the two universities. During that period, he made Beijing Opera well-known to foreigners, 35 them to a better enjoyment of Chinese art and culture. Through his 36 performances Beijing Opera became world famous. And it had much 37 on the foreign plays. He became good friends with many of the world’s famous artists, writers, singers, dancers and painters. 38 his international friends were Maxim Gorky, Charles Chaplin and Bernard Shaw.

In his lifetime, Mei Lanfang made great contributions in the field of arts. He is 39 as one of the greatest artists in the history of Beijing Opera. The performing art of the Chinese thereby Mei Lanfang is now 40 thought to be one of the three world contemporary (当代的) main systems of performing art.

31. A. give B. send C. spread

32. A. performances B. decisions C. choices

33. A. At first B. Later on C. For example

34. A. Because B. While C. Unless

35. A. advising B. ordering C. guiding

36. A. funny B. excellent C. strange

37. A. information B. pleasure C. influence

38. A. Among B. With C. Except

39. A. considered B. used C. invited

40. A. rapidly B. probably C. commonly



第一节阅读下面四篇短文, 根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答第41-60小题。



One Sunday a young father was walking through the park. He was pushing a pram. There was a very young baby in the pram and it was crying loudly. The young father said softly, “Take it easy, Martin. Keep calm, Martin. Control yourself, Martin.” The young father walked on but the child cried louder. The father stopped and took a Teddy bear out of a bag. He gave it to the child.

He said softly, “Take it easy, Martin. Keep calm, Martin. Control yourself. Martin.” The young father started to push the pram again. After a few minutes the child began to

cry. It cried louder and longer. The father put his hand into his pocket and took out some chocolate. He gave a piece to the child and said softly, “Take It easy, Martin, Keep calm, Martin. Control yourself. Martin.” The young father walked on. Three minutes later the child started to cry. It cried louder and louder and louder. The father took the baby out of the pram and held it in his arms. He said softly. “Take it easy, Martin. Keep calm, Martin. Control yourself, Martin.” The child did not stop crying. It cried louder and louder.

An old woman was watching the father. She walked across to the young father and she smiled. She said, “You are doing very well, young man. You talk to the child with a calm and quiet voice.” The old woman looked at the child and said, “What’s wrong, Martin. Why are you crying?” The father said quickly, “He is so young that he can’t say and understand what you are talking!”

41. How many times did the young father comfort (安抚) the baby?

A. Three

B. Four

C. Five

D. Six

42. Which picture can describe the underlined word “pram” in Paragraph 1?

A. B. C. D.

43. What did the father take out to comfort the baby?

A. a Teddy bear, candy

B. a bag, some chocolate

C. a Teddy bear, some chocolate

D. a bag, a Teddy bear

44. The father was when the baby was crying.

A. Angry

B. Happy

C. Sad

D. Gentle

45. The old woman said to the baby in order to _________.

A. play jokes on the baby

B. praise the father

C. give the father a hand

D. laugh at the baby


Happy Courses for Junior High School Students!

Golden Finger Club

Spend your summer holidays wisely!

* All classes start at 2 p.m.

* All classes are two thirds of the price for you two if you invite one of your friends together!

* For more information: Call 76578645.

Fun with Basketball

Friday (2 hours)

Course Fee: $ 40

☆Good coaches from

Haved School’s team

☆Understand the rules

of the games

☆Pass the ball

☆Shoot the ball inside

☆All classes at the gym

of Haved School

Speak Good English

Monday (1 hour)

Course Fee: $ 60

☆British teachers from

Whitehawk School

☆Small groups: 5

students each

☆Learn to speak


Easy Trip with Math

Wednesday (2 hours)

Course Fee: $ 50

☆Teachers from Cliff


☆Improve your

thinking skills

☆Learn to deal with

your math problems more


46. The student who may be interested in the class on Friday.

A. is too shy to speak in public

B. can’t speak English very well

C. has problems understanding others

D. wants to learn about basketball

47. When will the classes about English end?

A. After 2 p.m.

B. After 3 p.m.

C. After 4 p.m.

D. After 8 p.m.

48. If you take part in Easy Trip with Math, you may .

A. have classes on Monday

B. learn how to improve thinking skills

C. have classes at the gym of Haved School

D. learn with teachers from Whitehawk School

49. How much will they pay if Mary and her friend take part in all the classes mentioned?

A. $ 100.

B. $ 150.

C. $ 200.

D. $ 300.

50. Where is the reading material probably taken from?

A. A storybook.

B. A diary.

C. A newspaper.

D. A report.


If you were asked to recite lines of poetry that have the Chinese character “hua”—which means flower - how many could you recite?

He Liran, 13, had to tack on this challenge on a TV show aired by Shandong TV. He Liran, a student at the Harbin No 163 Middle School in Heilongjiang, competed with over 100 other students. The competitors took turns reciting lines of poetry that used the word “hua”, with He Liran replying to each one.

One competitor used the line “As if the vernal breeze had come back over night; adorning thousands of pear trees with blossoms white.” He Liran replied with “After one night of wind and showers; how many are the fallen flowers!”

At the end, He Liran won, reciting more than 60 out of the 127 lines that were recited in the competition.

Her lifelong love of reading helped her win. Her father started reading poems to her when she was just 4 years old. She has been a bookworm ever since.

Though busy with schoolwork, she spares time to study at least one poem each day. She thinks ancient poetry is still important, even in modern times.

“Once, I walked along a small path in a forest. The scenery was the same as what is described in the line ‘On the sandy path between pine-trees there is no mud’, which comes from one of Su Shi’s poems. At that moment, the line from his poem naturally came to my mind and I realized that poems can be part of our daily lives,” she said.

51. He Liran started to learn about poetry at the age of __________.

A. 4

B. 6

C. 8

D. l3

52. The underlined line in Paragraph 3 probably mans “” in Chinese.

A. 一树梨花压海棠

B. 雨打梨花深闭门

C. 千树万树梨花开

D. 梨花满地不开门

53. According to the text, the competitor will probably win the competition.

A. that likes ancient poetry best

B. that studies at least one poem each day

C. that has recited the most poems with “hua”

D. that can recite 127 lines of poems

54. Which of the following is TRUE about He Liran?

A. She competed with over 163 other students.

B. Poetry plays an important role in her life.

C. She won the competition in her school.

D. She thought of Li Bai’s poem when walking in a forest.

55. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Interest is the best teacher.

B. One tree can’t make a forest.

C. Better late than never.

D. Actions speak louder than words.


Imagine having an ear made out of an apple. It seems like a crazy idea. But it could happen in the near future.

Canadian biophysicist Andrew Pelling used an apple to grow a human ear. He thinks fruit and vegetables can be used to cheaply repair human body parts in the future.

Scientists have been trying to grow organs (器官) in labs to replace our old ones. But it’s a hard job. In the past, scientists have used man-made materials, animal parts and even dead people as scaffolds (支架). But that has proved to be difficult and expensive.

Pelling, and his team, however, found the apple to be a cheap and easy-to-use scaffold. They first cut an apple into the shape of an ear. Then they used a special way to take out the appl e’s cell (细胞) to make it a scaffold. The team then added human cells to the apple, and watched it grow. “You can implant (移植) these scaffolds into the body, and the body will send in cells and a blood supply and actually keep these things alive,”Pelling said during a Ted Talk speech.

The team put the apple scaffold inside a living mouse and the mouse’s cells slowly take over the pieces of the apple.

Now Pelling is thinking of other fruit, plants or vegetables to use.

56. Andrew Pelling is a scientist who studies .

A. Body and organs

B. Biology and organ

C. Physics and body

D. Biology and physics

57. What did Pelling and his team use as scaffolds?

A. Fruits

B. Animals

C. Dead people

D. Man-made materials

58. According to Paragraph 4, the right order is .

①Make the apple a scaffold.

②Cut an apple into the shape of an ear.

③Implant this scaffold into the human body.

④Add human cells to the apple scaffold.


B. ②①④③

C. ②①③④

D. ④①②③

59. How will the body keep the implanted scaffolds alive?

A. By repairing the scaffolds.

B. By replacing the scaffolds.

C. By taking over the scaffolds.

D. By sending in cells and a blood supply.

60. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Scaffolds and Cells.

B. Organs and Cells.

C. Organs Made of Apples.

D. Scientists and Apples.




The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe, Africa and Asia. 61. . Scientists believe people began to travel The Silk Road about 3000 years ago. By the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the world. The Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers. It went from Rome to China, which is from the West to the Far East.

More Chinese travelled along The Silk Road to carry silk, of course. They also carried and traded other things like spices (香料), cloth, jewels and gold.

62. .

It is said that Roman soldiers who lost a war through central Asia. 63. . Some of these Romans married local Chinese women and a new tribe (部落) was started.

During its busiest period, the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures

and countries to meet each other and mix. 64. ___________. It included people and trading goods from different areas. All these people traveled the Silk Road. And they shared goods, stories, languages and cultures.

65. ___________, but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horses. There is even silk route (路线) museum in Jiuquan in China. It has over 35,000 objects from all along the Silk Road. In this way, China protects the history of many countries and peoples.

A. Along and around these ancient path, has a fascinating and mysterious


B. The Silk Road allowed the sharing of valuable things and new ideas.



VII. 根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空。(每小题2分,共10分)

71. 当你听到朋友说他妈妈生病时,你可以这么说:


72. 同桌Mary夸你今天穿的裙子很漂亮,你会这样回应她:

, Mary.

73. 打通电话时,你想确认接电话的人是否是Alice,你会这样问:

74. 你想咨询店员字典的价格,可以这么问:


75. 你想问Jack介不介意把窗户打开,你可以这么询问他:

Would you mind ___________________________________________________, Jack?

VIII. 看图写话(每小题2分,满分10分)


Jack Tom

76. buy, last week 77. now, farm 78. have, for 79. allow, library 80. than

76. ______________________________________________________________________

77. ______________________________________________________________________

78. ______________________________________________________________________

79. ______________________________________________________________________

80. ______________________________________________________________________


IX. 短文填词(每小题1分,共10分)


Handwriting has 81. (become) a dying art. Now children start using keyboards as soon as they begin school. But writing things by hand may be an 82.

/?m?p??tnt/ way for us to train our brains.

Writing by hand is different from typing. Typing means choosing the whole letter by

83. (touch) a key. 84. , if we write by hand, we should use strokes (笔画) to make a letter. These finger actions make the large parts of the brain to work, to think and to remember 85. (language). Handwriting helps children learn letters and shapes, and it also improves their abilities to express ideas.

In grades 86. /tu:/, four and six, children write more and 87. (fast), and express more ideas when they are writing compositions by hand than typing on a keyboard.

The children who 88. /'pr?ktis/ writing by hand have more active brains than the children who just look at letters.

Writing things by hand is 89. for both the children and the adults. When adults learn a new language, they can remember 90. (it) characters better if they write them out by hand. It’s time for us to write by hand instead of typing all the time!

X. 短文写作(本题15分)



_________________________________________________________________________ ____

_________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____




听力1-5 BACBB 6-10 CAABA 11-15 BACBC

单选16-20 ACBAC 21-25 ABBCC 26-30 BBAAC

完形31-35 CABBC 36-40 BCAAC

阅读41-45 BACDC 46-50 DBBCC 51-55 ACCBA

56-60 DABDC 61-65 CAEBD


III. 听力填词

66. twenty/20 67. village 68. cook 69. fish 70. special

VII. 根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空。(每空2分,共10分)

71. I am sorry to hear that.

72. Thank you, Mary.

73. Is that Alice (speaking)?

74. How much is this dictionary?

75. Would you mind opening the windows?

VIII. 看图写话(每小题2分,满分10分)

76. I bought a pair of socks last week.

77. She is riding a horse on/at the farm now.

78. I have had this bike for 3 years. (时间上答案不唯一)

79. It’s not allowed to talk/speak loudly in the library.

80. Jack is taller than Tom./ Tom is shorter than Jack.

IX. 短文填词(每小题1分,共10分)

81. become 82. important 83. touching 84. However 85. languages

86. two 87. faster 88.practice 89. good 90. its

X. 短文写作

Everyone has been making an effort to realize Our Chinese Dream, and at the same time, my hometown, Fujian, has changed a lot in many ways.

First, the environment in Fujian has become better and better because of our strong sense of environmental protection and our government’s effic ient and wonderful methods. What’s more, with the development of science and technology, we can communicate more easily and conveniently than ever before. There is no doubt that we have more choices of going out, such as well-developed bus system and subway.

I am proud of these great changes of my hometown, so I am prepared to try my best to make it more beautiful. I have a strong desire to study hard and get into my dream senior high, then my ideal university. In the future, I will spare no effort to devote to my job, being a great teacher!




1. Raining days make me sad.

2. I like elephants best because they are very smart.

3. I go to school by bus every day.

4. I remember winning first prize in the school guitar competition.

5. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.




W: What’s your New Year’s plan, Mike?

M: I am going to take music lessons.


W: The meeting begins at half past seven. Let’s meet at 7:00

M: OK. See you ten minutes later.


W: Excuse me, Jack. Would you mind not doing math homework in my English class?

M: Of course not. I will do it after class, but Amy is also doing her Chinese homework now.

W: I know. I hope both of you can listen to me carefully.


M: The dishes are very delicious, especially the chicken. Hope to eat it again.

W: Thanks, do you know the chicken is from your uncle’s farm?

M: No wonder it tastes so different.


W: Peter, you look upset today. Is there anything wrong?

M: No. Mum, but…

W: Come on, son, tell me what has happened.

M: Well, what shall I do? In the afternoon, I broke a window in Mr. Green’s house with a soccer ball.

W: Oh, did you say sorry to Mr. Green?

M: Oh, I ran away. I was afraid to tell Mr. Green the truth.

W: That’s a bigger mistake.Let’s go to Mr.Green’s house together. I think you should say sorry to Mr. Green, and the sooner, the better.


W: I would like to hurry up to the airport, Sir.

M: OK. When is your flight?

W: At half past seven. But it’s ten o’clock now.

M: Don’t worry. We will be there on time. Is this the first time you travel by air?

W: Yes. And this is the first time for me to go abroad.

M: Here we are. It’s twenty past ten. You have enough time to get your boarding pass ready.

W: Thank you.

M: You are welcome.


W: Do you often exercise to keep healthy?

M: Of course. I play tennis every evening. How about you?

W: I learn to dance to keep fit.

M: What’s your favorite sport?

W: Swimming.

M: How often do you go swimming?

W: Twice a week.

M: We can go swimming together. I need lose weight and keep healthy.



The summer holiday is coming soon. What are you going to do? Come to Our Fantastic Summer Camp. You will spend twenty days with other campers in a small village far away from the city. In the morning, you can breathe fresh air and have classes on how to cook and make works of art, like kites, and paper-cuts. In the afternoon, you can ride bikes around the lake near the village and fish in the lake. If you catch fish, you can try cooking them for dinner by yourself. In the evening, you can have a party and some special local food will be served. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful summer holiday. Come and join us! Our telephone number is 8731594.
