


I. 定语从句

1. Above the trees are the hills, _______ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.

a. where

b. of whose

c. whose

d. which 2003

2. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, _____is something we had not expected.

a. which

b. it

c. that

d. what 2003

3. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man _______ he was twenty years ago.

a. which

b. that

c. who

d. whom 2003

4. The experiment requires more money than _______.

a. have been put in

b. being put in

c. has been put in

d. to be put in 2002

5. We’ve just installed two air-conditioners in our apartment, ______should make great differences in our life next summer.

a. which

b. what

c. that

d. they 2002

6. Have you ever been in a situation _____ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him?

a. by which

b. that

c. in where

d. where 2002

7. Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff _______is needed for quality control can be substantially reduced.

a. whose

b. as

c. what

d. that 2000

8. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than ____ in the public mind today.

a. exists

b. exist

c. existing

d. to exist 1999

9. I’ve never been to Lhasa, but that’s the city _______.

a. I’d most like to visit

b. which I like to visit mostly

c. where I like to visit

d. I’d like much to visit 1999

10. After ____ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personnel manager’s office.

a. that

b. there

c. what

d. it 1999

11. She remembered several occasions in the past ____she had experienced a similar feeling.

a. which

b. before

c. that

d. when 1998

12. The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than ______.

a. is necessary

b. being necessary

c. to be necessary

d. it is necessary 1998

13. The physicist has made a discovery, _____of great importance to the progress of science and technology.

a. I think which is

b. that I think is

c. which I think is

d. which I think is 1997

14. I have never been to London, but that is the city_______.

a. where I like to visit most

b. I’d most like to visit

c. which I like to visit mostly

d. where I’d like most to visit 1997

15. This company has now introduced a policy _____pay rises have related to performance at work.

a. which

b. where

c. whether

d. what 1996

16. Only take these clothes ______really necessary.

a. as were

b. as they are

c. as they were

d. as are 1994

17. _____ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produced no concrete proposals.

a. That

b. It

c. This

d. As 1994

51. My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is no longer the man _____ he was fifteen years ago.

A. which

B. whom

C. who

D. that 2011

II. 句子成分


57. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. All his lectures were boring. C. Her few friends are all fond of dancing.

B. Half his money was gone. D. He invited many his friends to the party.

61. The following are all correct responses to "Who told the news to the teacher?" EXCEPT

A. Jim did this.

B. Jim did so.

C. Jim did that.

D. Jim did.

63. Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete " _____ everybody came"?

A. Nearly

B. Quite

C. Practically

D. Almost

64. In "How much do you think he earns?" how much is ______ of the sentence.

A. the subject

B. the adverbial

C. the object

D. the complement

65. "The man preparing the documents is the firm's lawyer" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT

A. the man who has prepared the documents...

B. the man who has been preparing the documents...

C. the man who is preparing the documents...

D. the man who willprepare the documents...


51. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates CAUSE?

A. Why don't you do it for the sake of your friends?

B. I wish I could write as well as you.

C. For all his efforts, he didn't get an A.

D. Her eyes were red from excessive reading.

56. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A. They each have two tickets.

B. They cost twenty yuan each.

C. Each they have bought the same book.

D. They were given two magazines each.

57. She seldom goes to the theatre, _____?

61. In the sentence "It's no use waiting for her", the italicized phrase is)____.

A. the object

B. an adverbial

C. a complement

D. the subject

62. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A. All his lectures are very interesting.

B. Half their savings were gone.

C. Many his friends came to the party.

D. Both his sisters are nurses.

63. Which of the following sentences has an object complement?

A. The directors appointed John manager.

B. I gave Mary a Christmas present.

C. You have done Peter a favour.

D. She is teaching children English.

64. Which of the following words can NOT be used to complete "We've seen the film ____"?

A. before

B. recently

C. lately

D. yet


51. My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is no longer the man _____ he was fifteen years ago.

A. which

B. whom

C. who

D. that

52. Which of the following sentences is a COMMAND?

A. Beg your pardon.

B. Have a good time.

C. Never do that again!

D. What noise you are making!

53. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates purpose?

A. She said it for fun, but others took her seriously.

B. For all its effort, the team didn't win the match.

C. Linda has worked for the firm for twenty years.

D. He set out for Beijing yesterday.

55. In phrases like freezing cold, burning hot, or soaking wet, the -ING participle is used _____.

A. as a command

B. as a condition

C. for concession

D. for emphasis

56. Which of the following italicized phrases is INCORRECT?

A. The city is now ten times its original size.

B. I wish I had two times his strength.

C. The seller asked for double the usual price.

D. They come here four times every year.

58. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object?

A. What do you think has happened to her?

B. Who do you think the visiting professor is?

C. How much do you think he earns every month?

D. How quickly would you say he would come?

60. Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause (主语从句)?

A. We are quite certain that we will get there in time.

B. He has to face the fact that there will be no pay rise this year.

C. She said that she had seen the man earlier that morning.

D. It is sheer luck that the miners are still alive after ten days.

64. The sentence that expresses OFFER is _____.

A. I'll get some drinks. What'll you have?

B. Does she need to book a ticket now?

C. May I know your name?

D. Can you return the book next week?

65. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates a subject-predicate relation (主谓关系)?

A. Mr. Smith's passport has been issued.

B. The visitor's arrival was reported in the news.

C. John's travel details have not been finalized.

D. The new bookstore sells children's stories.


51.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A.Twenty miles seems like a long walk to him.

B.No one except his supporters agree with him.

C.Neither Julia nor I were going to the party.

D.Few students in my class are really lazy.

52.Which of the following determiners(限定词)can be placed before both singular count nouns and plural count nouns?

A.many a B.few C.such D.the next

53.Which of the following reflexive pronouns(反身代词)is used as an appositive(同位语)?

A,He promised himself rapid progress.

B.The manager herself will interview Mary.

C.I have nothing to say for myself.

D.They quarreled themselves red in the face.

55.Which of the following sentences expresses WILLINGNESS?

A.By now she will be eating dinner.

B.I shall never do that again.

C.My brother will help you with the luggage.

D.You shall get a promotion.

56.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A.How strange feelings they are!

B.How dare you speak to me like that!

C.What noise they are making!

D. What a mess we are in!

57.which of the italicized parts functions as a subject?

A.We never doubt that her brother is honest.

B.The problem is not who will go but who will stay.

C.You must give it back to whoever it belongs to。

D.It is clear that the crime was done deliberately.

58.which of the italicized parts functions as an object?

A.He doesn’t like the idea of my speaking at the meeting.

B.It is no use your pretending not to know the matter.

C.My parents strongly object to my going out alone at night.

D.Her falling into the river was the climax of the whole trip.

59.All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT

A.She bought herself a pair of new shoes.

B.Only one problem still remains-the food.

C.My friends all understand and support me.

D.She liked her current job,teaching English.

60.Which of the following best explains the meaning of“Shall we buy the tickets first”? A.He said that we were going to buy the tickets first.

B.He requested that we buy the tickets first.

C.He suggested that we buy the tickets first.

D.He advised us to buy the tickets first.

61.Which of the following contains an adverbial clause of cause?

A.I got a job as soon as I left university.

B.As there was no answer, I wrote again.

C.You must do the exercises as I show you.

D.Wealthy as he is,Mark is not a happy man.

62.Which of the following prepositional phrases can function as an adverbial?

A.Are you sure of Simon's disappearance?

B.The man with a beard is talking to the manage.

C.Every precaution was taken against the failure of the plan.

D.Despite the rain,everyone enjoyed the trip.

64.Which of the following prepositional phrases is an adverbial of concession?

A.They used the box for keeping treasures.

B.I stepped aside for her to get in first.

C.For all that he seems to dislike me,I still like him.

D.The parents bought a birthday cake for their son.

65.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A.Poultry are very expensive in the city.

B.New machinery were introduced in the factory.

C.The police are investigating the murder case.

D.The militia were called out to rescue flood victims.


52. Xinchun returned from aboard a different man. The italicized part functions as a (n) ______.

A. appositive (同位语)

B. object

C. adverbial

D. complement.

53. Which of the following is a compound word (复合词)? ______.

A. Nonsmoker.

B. Deadline.

C. Meanness.

D. Misfit.

54. Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood? ______.

A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o’clock?

B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city metro.

C. Walk straight ahead, and don't turn till the second traffic lights.

D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday.

55. The following determiners(限定词) can be used with both plural and uncountable nouns

EXCEPT ______.

A. more

B. enough.

C. many.

D. such.

56. Which of the italicized parts indicates CONTRAST? ______.

A. She opened the door and quietly went in.

B. Victoria likes music and Sam is fond of sports.

C. Think it over again and you?ll get an answer.

D. He is somewhat arrogant, and I don't like this.

57. Which of the following CANNOT be used as a nominal substitute(名词替代词)? ______.

A. Much.

B. Neither.

C. One.

D. Quarter.

58. All the following sentences definitely indicate future time EXCEPT ______.

A. Mother is to have tea with Aunt Betty at four.

B. The President is coming to the UN next week.

C. The school pupils will be home by now.

D. He is going to email me the necessary information.

59. Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT? ______.

A. Politics are the art or science of government.

B. Ten miles seems like a long walk to me.

C. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.

D. All the furniture has arrived undamaged.

60. Which of in the following phrases indicates a subject-predicate relationship? ______.

A. The arrival of the tourists

B. The law of Newton

C. The occupation of the island

D. The plays of Oscar Wilde

61. Which of the following italicized parts serves as an appositive? ______.

A. He is not the man to draw back.

B. Tony hit back the urge to tell a lie.

C. Larry has a large family to support.

D. There is really nothing to fear.

62. Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence? ______.

A.Let me drive you home, shall I?

B.You will mind your own business!

https://www.360docs.net/doc/7a18213881.html,e and have dinner with us.

D.I wish you could stay behind. ‘

65. The following are all dynamic verbs(动态动词) EXCEPT ______.

A. remain.

B. turn.

C. write.

D. knock.


i 一、谓语动词63. In his plays Shakespeare _____ his characters live through their language. (2008)A. would make B. had made C. made D. makes 58.The committee has anticipated the problems that ____in the road construction project. (2007)A. arise B. will arise ?C. arose D. have arisen 59.The student said there were a few points in the essay he ____impossible to comprehend. (2006)A. had found B. finds C. has found D. would find (2007) 60.He would have finished his college education, but he______ to quit and find a job to support his family. (2007)A. had had B. has C. had D. would have 54. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday.(2005) A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. (2005) A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 56.Jack __ from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety. 2003 A. has been missing B. has been missed C. had been missing D. was missed 2. For some time now, world leaders ___out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction. 2002a. had been pointing b. have been pointing c. were pointing d. pointed 二、非谓语动词: 非谓语动词 – 分词 逻辑主语与从句中动词的主动与被动的关系。 64. ______ at in his way, the situation doesn't seem so desperate. (2007) A. Looking B. Looked C. Being looked D. To look 55.If not ______ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time. (2004)A. being treated B. treated C. be treated D. having been treated not counting = not including 不算 (视为固定用法) 63.There are only ten apples left in the baskets, ______ the spoilt ones. (2006)A. not counting B. not to count C. don't count D. having not counted 65. "The man preparing the documents is the firm’s lawyer" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT(2009) A. the man who has prepared the documents... B. the man who has been preparing the documents... C. the man who is preparing the documents... D. the man who will prepare the documents... 非谓语动词 – 动名词


2020届中考语法专练之定语从句讲解及配套真题专练 定语从句起了形容词的作用,在句中修饰一个名词或代词。被修饰的词叫做先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系词,他的作用一是放在先行词与定语从句中间起了连接作用,二是在从句中担当一个成分,并与先行词保持数的一致。

II. that与which, who, whom的用法区别: III. as与which的区别:

IV. 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别: 定语从句 1. The charities have helped more children with the money _______ people raise. (2019.江苏淮安) A. who B. what C. where D. which 2.Du Fuguo is a hero is known to millions of Chinese people. (2019福建) A. who B. which C. what 3. The movie ____ I have seen twice is The Wandering Earth. (2019甘肃兰州) A. who B. which C. where D. when 4. —Have you seen the film The Wandering Earth(流浪地球) ? (2019甘肃天水) —Yes. It's the best one______________ I have ever seen. A. that B. which C.what D.it 5.I prefer music_____has great lyrics(2019甘肃敦煌).


2000年 41. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people___. A. do B. hear C. do them D. hearing it 答案:A 【参考译文】敏锐的听觉使多数动物能远在人之前感觉到雷雨的来临。【试题分析】本题为语法题,考句子成份的省略与替代。【详细解答】“Acute hearing helps”是主句和before引导的从句具有相同的主语和谓语,从句中省略了该相同部分,用助动词do代替了与主句重复的信息“sense the approach of thunderstorms.”故答案为选项A。 42. This is an illness that can result in total blindness ___ left untreated. A. after B. if C. since D. unless 答案:B 【参考译文】这种病如果不加以治疗,患者会完全失明。【试题分析】本题为语法题,考查连词的用法。【详细解答】 after和since都是引导时间状语从句,since还可作“因为”讲,引导原因状语从句。if“如果”和unless“除非”都可以引导条件状语从句。但if后接过去分词短语,省略的成分为主语+系动词,该主语只有与主句的主语相同才可省略。根据句意和句子结构,选项B为正确答案。 43. The central provinces have floods in some years, and ___. A. drought in others B. droughts are others C. while other droughts D. others in drought 答案:A 【参考译文】中部省份在有些年份会遭水灾,在另一些年份会遭旱灾。【试题分析】本题为语法结构题。【详细解答】这是一个并列句,句中and是并列


定语从句高考真题2010-2017 2017年高考英语定语从句汇编 1.(2017天津)My eldest son,________ work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment. 2.(2017江苏)In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of ________ purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation. 3.(2017北京)The little problems ________ we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions. 4.(2017江苏)The publication of Great Expectations, _________was both widely reviewed and highly praised, strengthened Dickens status as a leading novelist. 5.(2017江苏卷)We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20,half of_________it used to charge. 2016年高考英语定语从句汇编 1.(2016·江苏高考)Many young people,most of ________were well-educated,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams. 2.(2016·天津高考)We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,________ the weather may be better. 3.(2016·天津高考)One day,mentally exhausted,I wrote down all the reasons ________ this problem could not be solved. 4.(2016·浙江高考)Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears,none of ________ has been proved. 5.(2016·浙江高考)I made friends with the natives,and their reaction amazed me.They gave me presents of their favorite artworks ________ they had refused to sell to tourists. 6.(2016·四川高考)One important biological factor________helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women. 7.(2016·北京高考)I live next door to a couple ________ children often make a lot of noise. 8.(2016·北京高考)So condors with high levels of lead are sent to Los Angeles Zoo,________ they are treated with calcium EDTA,a chemical that removes lead from the blood over several days. 9.(2016·全国Ⅰ)A nurse ________ understands the healing(治愈) value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures. 10.(2016·全国Ⅰ)I had one trip last year________I was caught by a hurricane in America. 2015年高考英语定语从句汇编 1.(2015·江苏高考)The number of smokers, ________ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.


定语从句(1) 1. We should learn from those ______ are always ready to help others. A. who B. whom C. they D. that 2. Mr. Herpin is one of the foreign experts who ______ in China. A. works B. is working C. are working D. has been working 3 . Tom is the only one of the students who ______ to Shanghai. A. have gone B. have been C. has been D. had gone 4. I, ______ your good friend, will try my best to help you out. A. who is B. who am C. that is D. which am 5. The old man has two sons, ______ are lawyers. A. both of them B. both of who C. both of whom D. both of they 6. He is a man of great knowledge, ______ much can be learned. A. in whom B. about whom C. from whom D. of whom 7 Do you know the man ______ just now? A. to who I nodded B. I nodded to C. whom I nodded D. Whom I nodded to him. 8. The man ______ has gone to Japan. A. whom I told you B. that I told you C. whom I told you about him D. I told you about 9. Please pass me the dictionary ______ cover is black. A. which B. its C. whose D. which of 10. The radio set ______ last week has been out of order. A. I bought B. I bought it C. which I bought it D. what I bought 11. All the apples ______ fell down from the tree were eaten up by the pigs. A. which B. / C. that D. they 12. I can tell you ______ he told me last week. A. all which B. all what C. that all D. all that 13. This is the biggest lab ______ we have ever built in our university. A. which B. what C. that D. where 14. Is oxygen the only gas ______ helps fire burn?


2000 年 41.Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people___. A. do B. hear C. do them D. hearing it 答案: A【参考译文】敏锐的听觉使多数动物能远在人之前感觉到雷雨的来临。 【试题分析】本题为语法题,考句子成份的省略与替代。【详细解答】“ Acute hearing helps”是主句和before 引导的从句具有相同的主语和谓语,从句中省略了该相同部分, 用助动词do 代替了与主句重复的信息“sense the approach of thunderstorms .”故答案为选项 A。 42.This is an illness that can result in total blindness ___ left untreated. A. after B. if C. since D. unless 答案: B【参考译文】这种病如果不加以治疗,患者会完全失明。【试题分析】本题为语法题,考查连词的用法。【详细解答】after 和 since 都是引导时间 状语从句, since 还可作“因为”讲,引导原因状语从句。if“如果”和unless“除非”都可以引导条件状语从句。但if 后接过去分词短语,省略的成分为主语+系动词,该主语只有与主句的主语相同才可省略。根据句意和句子结构,选项 B 为正确答案。43.The central provinces have floods in some years, and ___. A. drought in others B. droughts are others C. while other droughts D. others in drought 答案: A【参考译文】中部省份在有些年份会遭水灾,在另一些年份会遭旱 灾。【试题分析】本题为语法结构题。【详细解答】这是一个并列句,句中and 是并列连词,它后面连接的内容与前面的“floods in some years ”是并列成份,要求结构相同。 drought in others 中 others 指代 years。故选项 A 为正确答案。 44. Do help yourself to some fruit,___ you?


定语从句讲与练 一、定语的概念: 定语是用来修饰名词或代词的。比如: (先试试用横线划出下面短语中的定语,然后在后面的括号里注明是什么在作定语) a beautiful girl ( ) three boys ( ) a shoe factory ( ) Jim ’s father ( ) our teacher ( ) the man in the car ( ) the man standing at the door ( ) the man who is talking with Sam ( ) 二、定语从句的概念及主要特征: 1.定语从句:修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词;定语从句 一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词之后;引导定语从句的词叫关系词。 请划出下列句子中的定语从句、先行词及关系代词: The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman. 2. 定语从句的主要特征: (1)先行词要在从句中充当一定的成分; (2)what 永远不能引导定语从句; (3)翻译时先译从句,翻译成“…….的” 三、定语从句的基本用法: 定语从句 的引导词 关系代词 关系 副词 where (地点状语) when (时间状语)why (原因状语) (一)关系代词引导的定语从句 1.who 指人,在定语从句中作主语,有时也作宾语。 The boys who are playing football are from Class One. 分析:关系词who 在从句中作主语。 Those who want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morning. 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 Yesterday I helped an old man who had lost his way. 分析:关系词_________在从句中作________。 That is the teacher who teaches us physics. 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 You needn ’t talk to the people who you don ’t like talking to. 分析:关系词______在从句中作________。 2.whom 指人,在定语从句中做宾语,常可省略。 Mr Liu is the person ( whom ) you talked about on the bus. 分析:关系词_____ 在从句中作________。 Li Ming is just the boy ( whom ) I want to see. 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 The professor ( whom ) you are waiting for has come. 你正在等的教授已经来了。 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 注意:关系代词whom 在口语或非正式文体中常可用who 来代替,也可省略。 The man ( whom / who )you met just now is my old friend. 3. whose 通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语。 I visited a scientist whose name is known all over the country. 分析:关系词____在从句中作________ He has a friend whose father is a doctor. 译成汉语:_________________________________ 分析:关系词_________ 在从句中作________。 I lost the book whose cover was blue. 分析:关系词_________ 在从句中作________。 We live in a house whose windows face the south. 译成汉语:_________________________ 注意:指物时,常用下列结构来代替: The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired.=The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired. Do you like the book whose cover is yellow?=Do you like the book the cover of which is yellow? 自己总结一下:在定语从句中,whose + 名词= ___________________________ 4.which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。 Football is a game which is liked by most boys. 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 The factory which makes computers is far away from here. 分析:关系词______在从句中作________。 He likes to read books which are written by foreign writers. 译成汉语:____________________ 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 The house which is by the lake looks nice. 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 This is the pen ( which ) he bought yesterday. 译成汉语:___________________________ 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 The film ( which ) they went to see last night was not interesting at all. 他们昨晚看的电影一点意思也没有。分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 5.that 引导定语从句时,既可以指人,也可以指物。指人时,相当于who 或whom ;指物时,相当于which.。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。


英语专业四级历年语法试题 虚拟语气部分 1. If you _____ in such a hurry, you _____ sugar into the sauce instead of salt. (TEM4-1992-50) A. were not, would not put B. were, would put C. had been, would have put D. had not been, would not have put 2. _____ their help, we would not have succeeded. (TEM4-1992-55) A. Hadn’t been for B. Had not it been for C. It hadn’t been for D. Had it not been for 3. She asked that she _____ allowed to see her son in police custody. (TEM4-1993-50) A. would be B. could b C. be D. was 4. _____ your timely advice, I would never have known how to go about the work.

(TEM4-1994-53) A. Unless B. But for C. Except for D. Not for 5. It was recommended that passengers _____ smoke during the flight. (TEM4-1994-58) A.not B. need not C. could not D. would not 6. _____ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with questions. (TEM4-1994-62) A. If I realized B. Had I realized C. I realized D. As I realized 7. _____, he would not have recovered so quickly. (TEM4-1995-65) A. Hadn’t he been taken good care of B. Had he not been taken good care of C. Had not he been taken good care of D. Had he been not taken good care of 8. I _____ the party much more if there hadn’t been quite such a crowd of people


1. That was not the first time he us. I think it’s high time we _strong actions against him.(2005) A. betrayed…take B. had betrayed…took C. has betrayed…took C. has betrayed…take 答案:C 解析:根据前半句句意,我们知道“背叛”不知发生一次,尽管行为发生在过去,但由后半句句意可知,其结果是现在仍处于被“背叛”的情形,与现在仍有关系,故用现在完成时。 2. “It seems that she was there at the conference.” The sentence means that _. .(2009) A. she seems to be there at the conference. B. she seemed to be there at the conference. C. she seems to have been there at the conference. D. she seemed to being there at the conference. 答案:C 解析:本题考查半助动词It… that…结构的转换,过程中动词结构的对应如下: Sb. Seems to do/ be doing/have done It seems that sb. Does/is doing/ was doing

3.I doubt _he is the murderer because he is not on the scene at that moment. A. why B. that C. whether D. when 答案:B 解析:在肯定句中,及物动词doubt后面也可接that引导的宾语从句,但表示疑虑或”不大相信’. 4.Bit by bit, a child makes the necessary changes to make his language _. A.as other people B.as other people’s C. like other people D. like other people’s 答案:D 解析:as 和like 都可以表示“像……一样”,但as是连词,后跟从句,like是介词,后跟名词或名词性短语。 5. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _a sudden loud noise. A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there have been 答案:B 解析:该句是一个省略if的倒装的虚拟条件句,课还原为“if there should be…”,表示对将来的假设。


语法填空?(1) As a working mom with three young sons, keeping the house clean is a big challenge. ____41____ we clean the house every week, one hour later our bedrooms and bathrooms are back to their ____42____(mess) look. When ____43____(ask),my boys will help neaten (整理、整顿) their room, clear their plates from the table and pick up their school junk (废物、垃圾). But I need to remind them of it again and again. make my house look like a garbage can(垃圾罐). This is quite ____45____ change from my pre-kid years when I never ____46____(leave) any waste in the house. It seems that I cannot get these days back again at my own house. When last week I found a program called "Share a Healthy Habit" ____47____ a newspaper, I saw a great chance to engage my sons in cleaning chores(杂物、零工). Why not encourage these behaviors during the summer, while school is out and their life is ____48____(relax)? The goal for my boys is to clean their own dorm room themselves when they are free. The ____49____(reward) for clean habits start young and continue as they get ____50____(old), so I need to start my plan as soon as possible. 41、此处结合上下文,文意为“尽管我们每周清理房子,但是一个小时以后,我们的卧室 和浴室就回到了凌乱的样子”,该题考查让步状语从句和连词,且表达“虽然、尽管”的词 有“Though或Although”,所以正确答案为Though/Although。 42、分析句子可知,此处需要用一个形容词做定语修饰look,表示“他们凌乱的样子”, 所以用mess的形容词形式messy。 43、该句的完整表述应为“When they are asked”,该处考查省略,而在状语从句中,当 主、从句的主语一致且从句谓语动词为be动词时,可以省略从句中的主语及be动词。所 以正确答案为asked。



2008-2013年专四语法句子结构成分真题集 II. 句子成分 【08年】 57. Which of the following is INCORRECT? A. All his lectures were boring. C. Her few friends are all fond of dancing. B. Half his money was gone. D. He invited many his friends to the party. 61. The following are all correct responses to "Who told the news to the teacher?" EXCEPT A. Jim did this. B. Jim did so. C. Jim did that. D. Jim did. 63. Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete " _____ everybody came"? A. Nearly B. Quite C. Practically D. Almost 64. In "How much do you think he earns?" how much is ______ of the sentence. A. the subject B. the adverbial C. the object D. the complement 65. "The man preparing the documents is the firm's lawyer" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT A. the man who has prepared the documents... B. the man who has been preparing the documents... C. the man who is preparing the documents... D. the man who willprepare the documents... 57. D. 本题是今年专四试卷中出现的新题型,对英语专业同学的语法知识提出了一个更高的要求。考查的是限定词位置的用法。英语中的限定词可分为前位限定词、中位限定词和后位限定词,一个名词前的限定词只能按照前位、中位、后位的顺序出现,其中两个前位或两个中位词不能同时出现在同一个名词前。many是后位限定词,而his是中位限定词,与限定词排序规则有悖,故D为答案。A选项中all是前位,his是中位,符合规则;B中half是前位,his是中位限定词;C中her是中位,few是后位限定词。 61. A. 对Who told the news to the teacher的标准回答是Jim did,即Jim did it的省略句。此外,还可以用其他代词指代问句中出现的内容,so和that都可以指代前


1994-20XX年专四语法真题集 I. 定语从句 1. Above the trees are the hills, _______ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface. a. where b. of whose c. whose d. which 2003 2. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, _____is something we had not expected. a. which b. it c. that d. what 2003 3. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man _______ he was twenty years ago. a. which b. that c. who d. whom 2003 4. The experiment requires more money than _______. a. have been put in b. being put in c. has been put in d. to be put in 2002 5. We’ve just installed two air-conditioners in our apartment, ______should make great differences in our life next summer. a. which b. what c. that d. they 2002 6. Have you ever been in a situation _____ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him? a. by which b. that c. in where d. where 2002 7. Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff _______is needed for quality control can be substantially reduced. a. whose b. as c. what d. that 2000 8. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than ____ in the public mind today. a. exists b. exist c. existing d. to exist 1999 9. I’ve never been to Lhasa, but that’s the city _______. a. I’d most like to visit b. which I like to visit mostly c. where I like to visit d. I’d like much to visit 1999 10. After ____ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personnel manager’s office. a. that b. there c. what d. it 1999 11. She remembered several occasions in the past ____she had experienced a similar feeling. a. which b. before c. that d. when 1998 12. The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than ______. a. is necessary b. being necessary c. to be necessary d. it is necessary 1998 13. The physicist has made a discovery, _____of great importance to the progress of science and technology. a. I think which is b. that I think is c. which I think is d. which I think is 1997 14. I have never been to London, but that is the city_______. a. where I like to visit most b. I’d most like to visit c. which I like to visit mostly d. where I’d like most to visit 1997 15. This company has now introduced a policy _____pay rises have related to performance at work.
