语法填空之 连词小结 练习

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❖3.你和Jim都是来自中国。 B❖oth you and Jim are from Chinese.
❖4.我和他都不喜欢这首歌 ❖ Neither I nor he likes this song. ❖5.我的朋友们和我都不是老师 ❖Neither my friends nor I am a teacher. ❖6.不仅妈妈而且孩子们都生病了。
_____ he couldn’t find time to do it.
A. Although; but
B. Although; /
C. Even; /
D. if; /
②Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert
________ it will cost too much money.
it's a good idea to spend too much time on it.
【解析】 考查状语从句的从属连词。句意为:尽管因
【答案】 B
常可以通用。 ❖ ②as表示 一边……一边……,强调从句和主句
中两个动作交替进行或同步进行。. ❖ ③as表示“随着 ”
❖ before & after 在…之前或在…之后, ❖ as soon as, once 一…就… ❖ ❖ since &until 自从,直到 ❖ Until和till两者区别: ❖ 1. till不能用于句首 ❖ 2. 用在否定句中,表示“直到…才”, 这个动作直
❖二 表示选择关系的连词
❖1. either…or 要么…要么… 不是…就是… ❖(就近原则) ❖2. or 还是,或者,否则 ❖3. otherwise 否则 (可与or 互换)
❖ 三表示转折关系的连词
❖ but 但是 ❖ however 然而,但是。 ❖ 可放在句首句中或句末, 通常用逗号隔开
food tomorrow. ❖9.要么是你要么是她去参加那个会议。
E❖ither you or she attends the meeting. ❖ 10.她是一位老师还是学生呢? ❖Is she a teacher or a student? ❖11.快点,否则我们将会错过班车了。
❖Hurry up, or we will miss the bus.
❖17. I love you
you are so
sincere and thoughtful.
❖18. When they were talking and laughing, the teacher came in.
❖19.When( you are) in trouble, you can ask him for help.
了餐桌”之间是转折关系,故选 although。although引导让步
状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管”。干扰项 since 有“既然”之
❖ 1. in order that 为了,以便 (可置于句首、
句中、句末) ❖ 2. so that 为了,以便 (可置于句中、句末)
❖六,引导让步状语从句的:although, though, even though, even if
❖although, though 虽然,纵然, 不能与but 连用, ❖although 较正式 ❖though 较口语,可作副词,且放在句首
,句末,意主为“不过,可是” It is hard work, I enjoy it, though.
❖even though, even if… 即使,纵然,尽管,就算
❖even though 尽管,即使,
❖even if 即使,纵然
I do every single bit of housework ___B__ my
转折 but 、however 、 while、 yet
因果 for 、 because 、 so 、 therefore
1、时间:when, while, as, 当
before 之前, after之后, until, till直到
2、条件:if如果, unless除非, as long
❖ 引导条件状语从句的连词: if, unless, as long as
❖ if 如果,表示在某种条件下某事会发生,也 可以表虚拟或假设
❖ Unless 除非,如果不 ❖ as long as 只要

❖ 引导目的状语从句的: in order that, so that
④We had to wait half an hour ________ we had already
booked a table.
【解析】 考查连词辨析。做该类型的题目关键是看两

v when用引导时间状语从句时, 从句中可使用 延续性和非延续性动词。
v 当从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,主语和be 动词可省略
❖ While引导的时间状语从句中,谓语动词用延续 性动词,强调主从句的动作同时发生或持续。
❖ While 还可作并列连词,表转折。“然而” ❖ as ❖ ①as 引导时间状语从句时,as和when两者经
❖ Nothing is impossible as long aswe try our best.
❖ I can pass the exam as long asI work harder.
❖They took a taxi in order that they could save time.
❖I am good at swimming while he is good at running.
❖15. I stayed up last night , so I
class this morning.
❖16. He was too lazy during the work,
❖therefore he was fired by his boss.
4、让步:although, though虽然; even
though, even if 即使
Translate the sentences
❖1.我喜欢苹果和橘子。 ❖I like apples and oranges.
❖Jack and his mother are going to go on vacation next week.
for the students.
A. unless
B. since
C. although
D. when
1. He is very young, __C___ he knows a lot about computer.
A. and B. however C. but D. while
2. Excuse me for breaking in, __C___ I have some news for you.
husband Bob just does the dished now and
A. since
B. while
C. when
D. as
Mr. Hall understands that ___c_ maths has
always been easy for him, it is not easy
❖ while 然而,而 ❖ yet, 然而,可是
❖so 因此,所以 (不能与because连用) ❖therefore 因此,所以 ❖ (比so正式,常与and连用) ❖For/because 因为
❖ 用以引导名词性(主语、宾语、表语和同位语 从句)从句和状语从句(原因、目的,时间、 让步等)的连词,由从属连词所导的句子叫从 句。
பைடு நூலகம்A.so that
C.even though
D.as if
【解析】 even though在句中引导让步状语从句,意为
【答案】 C
③________ the Internet is of great help,I don't think
❖12.快点起床,否则你就要迟到了。 ❖Get up quickly,otherwiseyou will
be late for school. ❖13.我的房间很小,但是它却很舒适。 ❖My room is small, however , it’s
very comfortable. ❖14.我擅长于游泳,而他擅长于跑步.
❖什么是连词? ❖用于连接单词,短语或句子(从句,
等立连词 从属连词
并列 and、both… and…、 neither… nor既不…也不…, 两者都 不…not only… but also…(就近)、 (就远)与…一样,也
选择 or 、otherwise否则、 either…or 要 么…要么… 不是…就是…
A. so B. and
C. but D. yet
3. Some people waste a lot of food _D____ others haven’t enough to eat. A. however B. when C. as D. while
4. _B____ he had to write a history paper.
❖ 一、表并列关系的连词: ❖ 1. and 和,而且 ❖ 2. both… and… 既…也…, 两者都 ❖ 3. neither… nor 既不…也不…, 两者都
不… ❖ 4.Not only… but also…不但…而且…
(就近原则) ❖ 5. as well as… 与…一样,也,和
❖ Once you begin you must persist.
❖Jim doesn’t go to bed until/till his mother comes back.
❖26.如果你问他,他就会告诉你的。 ❖ If you ask him, he will tell you. ❖27.只要我们尽力,没有什么是不可能的
❖30.我起的很早以便能赶上第一班车。 ❖ I got up early so that I could catch
the first bus. ❖31.虽然我很丑,可是我很温柔 ❖ Though I am ugly , I am gentle. ❖32.即使他很穷,但是她依然爱着她
❖Even if he is poor, she loves him.
❖20.他们一边走路一边讲话。 ❖They talked they walked.
❖21. Turn off the lightbefore you leave.
❖22. I often play computer after finishing my homework.
❖23.我一看到她就告诉你. ❖I will tell you as soon as I see her. ❖24. 一旦你开始了,就必须要坚持下去
❖Not only the mother but also the children are ill.
❖7.他不仅洗了衣服而且还打扫了房间 ❖ He not only washed the clothes but
also cleaned the room.
❖8.不是你就是我明天去买点食物 ❖Either you or I am going to buy some