

适用于Greeting 的歌:

1.”hello”Hello , hello ,hello everybody, good morning ,good morning

good morning to you, Good morning ,good

morning to you!

2. Good morning to you , good morning to you, good morning dear

teacher good morning to you!’

3.hello ,hello hello, hello , how are you, how are you, I am fine thank

you ,I am fine thank you, how do you do?

How do you do ?

4. If you are happy. If you are happy and you know clap your hands,

if you are happy and you know clap your

hands, if you are happy and you know

never be afraid to show it, if you are happy

and you know clap your hands!

5. I am so happy , I am so happy ,I am so happy ,happy all the time.

I am so sad, I am so sad , I am so sad sad all the time!

6. Good morning how are you ,I am fine thank you ,good morning how

are you ,I am fine thank you !

7,How old are you? How old are you, I am five years old!

8. Hello, mum, hello dad, hello baby one two three, mum dad baby me,

happy happy family(适用于启蒙级)

9, I am marry how are you , how are you ,I am fine how are you ? I am

fine too! I am fine too! we are fine too(适


10. Come together, say hello. It’s so good to see you!

Go away and say goodbye, we’ll meet again soon.

适合warm up 的歌曲有

1.Walking walking walking jump jump jump ,running running running

now can stop!

2.You are my sunshine ,my only sunshine ,you make me happy ,when

skys are grey, you never no idea , how much I love you ,please don’t take my sunshine away!

3.If you are happy

4.Hokey pokey

You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out, you put your right hand in, and shake it all about. Do the hokey pokey, and turn yourself around. That’s what it’s all about!

5.One little, two little, three little children, four little, five little, six little children, seven little eight little nine little children ten little children playing

6. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town.

The horn on the jeep goes beep, beep, beep. All through the town.

The police car siren goes ooo, ooo, ooo, all through the town

7.Marry has a little lamp, little lamp, little lamp, marry has a little lamp

little lamp so white.

8.Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, like a diamond in the sky


1.show me one show me two , show me three ,show me four , show

me …

2.one little two little three little children ,four little five little six little

children seven little eight little nine little children ,ten little children playing!

3.one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

4.one finger one finger turn turn turn ,turn to an ant .ant ant oh so small.

Two finger two finger turn turn turn ,turn to a rabbit jump jump jump Three fingers three fingers turn turn turn ,turn to a cat miao miao

Four fingers four fingers turn turn turn ,turn to a bird fly fly fly

Five fingers five fingers turn turn turn ,turn to a tiger ,…

5, Mosquito one, mosquito two, mosquito jumping on my shoe, mosquito three, mosquito four, mosquito jumping on the door.



1.what color is it? What color is it ? It’s red .It’s red. The marker is red

2.purple yellow green and blue green and blue ,purple yellow green and

blue green and blue, black, white, brown, red, orange, too; purple yellow green and blue, green and blue.


Head shoulder knees and toe ,knees and toe ,eye nose ear and mouth



1.lions,tigers,seals,and bears; seals and bears, seals and bears.

Lions, tigers, seals, and bears; they’re all zoo animals.

2.see the seal, see the seal. What can it do in our zoo? It can swim in the water. It can swim in the water. Swim like a seal, swim like a seal.

3.Old MacDonald has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he has a dog,E-I-E-I-O, with a bow wow here, And a bow wow here, Here a bow, there a wow. Everywhere a bow wow. Old MacDonald has a farm. E-I-E-I-O.



1.where is …

where is father where is father do you know do you know ,father is in

the kitchen ,father is in the kitchen, sing song sing.(或者把father 换成小朋友的名字)

TOT ---where is the window ,where where where ,it’s over there ,It’s over there over there! Where is the table ? where is the table …

2,I like …

I like ice-cream, I like ice-cream ,cold and sweet, cold and sweet I like ice-cream cold and sweet!

(2) I like bananas, cookies, and oranges, tomatoes, hot dogs, and sandwiches, hamburgers, lettuce, bread, and carrots. Yummy yummy I like to eat!

3.Where is the toy shop? Where is the toy shop? Do you know ,do you know? The toy shop is on Green street. The toy shop is on Green Street .thank you so. Thank you so


Oh, she is swinging on the swing in front of me. Oh, she is swinging on the swing in front of me. Oh, she is swinging on the swing , she is swinging on the swing, she’s swinging on the swing in front of me.


Do you know the salesperson, the salesperson, the salesperson? Do you

know the salesperson? She works on Brown Street.


1.Apple red, apple round, apple juice apple sweet, apple apple I love you, apple sweet I like to eat!

2.Apple, apple, pear, pear, orange, orange, peach, peach, I want an apple , you want a pear , I want an orange, you want a peach


1.Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday! 2.La la la Sunday ,la la la https://www.360docs.net/doc/7b6056745.html,lala Wednesday, Thursday ,lalala Friday ,lalala Saturday lalala


There are twelve months lala in a year, they are 一月January二月February ,三月March 四月April and 五月May,六月June 七月July 八月August,九月September十月October,十一月November 十二月December !


Polly Wolly Doodle儿歌歌词 Polly Wolly Doodle Oh, I went down South for to see my Sal, singin” Polly wolly Doodle” all the day. My sally is a spunky gal, singin” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. CHORUS Fare thee well, fare the well, fare thee well, my fairy fay. For I?m goin? to Louisiana for to see my susyanna. Singin? “Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Oh, my sal, she is a maiden fair, singin” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Well a bullfrog sitin? on a railroad track. Singin? “Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Just a-pickin? his teeth with a carpet tack, singin?” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Red River Valley儿歌歌词 Red River Valley From this valley they say you are going, I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile. For I know you are taking the sunshine. That has lighten my pathway a while. Come and sit by my side if you love me, Don?t? hasten to bid me do, But remember the Red River Valley, And the one that has loved you so true. Just remember the Red River Valley And the one who has loved you so true Sailing Medley儿歌歌词 Sailing Medley Blow the man down I?ll sing you a song, a good song of the sea. With a way! Hey! Blow the man down! And trust that you?ll join in the chorus wi th me. Give me some time to blow the man down. There was an old skipper, I don?t know his name.


用顺口溜来学习英语,至少有三大好处:一是节省了时间。死记硬背效果差不说,还费时间,而利用顺口溜,效率又高又省时;二是培养了自己的概括思维能力。把一些词语编成顺口溜,看似容易,其实也难;三是使人觉得学习英语还是饶有兴趣的。 既然顺口溜有这么多好处,那么,何乐而不为呢? 学英语的口诀 动词为纲滚雪球,难易编组抓循环 同类归纳印象深,图示介词最直观 混淆多因形音义,反义词语成对念 构词方法不可忘,习惯用语集中练 词不离句法最好,课外阅读莫间断 be 的用法口诀 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 时间名词前所用介词的速记歌 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in. 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错 at也用在明分前,说差可要用上to, 说过只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记,

莫让岁月空蹉跎 可数名词的复数变化规律[1]: 名词复数有规律,一般词尾加s; 辅音字母+y型,变y为i,es; ch,sh真有趣,s,x,es; f,fe真小气,字母v来把它替,es在后别忘记; 字母o来真神奇,有生命来es,没有生命+s. 可数名词复数特殊变化规律[2]: 中日好友来聚会, 绵羊、鹿、鱼把家回。 男士、女士a变e; 牙(齿)、脚双o变双e; 孩子们想去天安门, 原形后面r、e 、n; 老鼠本来爱大米, mice,ice和rice. 注:中Chinese,日Japanese,好友people. 绵羊sheep,鹿deer,鱼fish (这些单词单复数一样)man--men woman--women tooth--teeth foot--feet child--children mouse--mice 一般现在时态 (一)


儿歌在小学英语中的运用 儿歌是儿童口语传唱的、以押韵的语言描述事物并富有情趣的歌谣。它因篇幅短小、内容丰富、节奏明快、音韵和谐以及语言浅显等特点而深受小学生的喜爱。在小学生英语课堂中运用儿歌进行教学,既能激发学生对英语学习兴趣,又能培养学生的口语表达能力。 一、英文儿歌的语言特点 英文儿歌形式多样,包括摇篮歌、数数歌、问答歌、游戏歌和猜谜歌等,被称为“活在孩子们口头上的英语文学”英文儿歌的语言一般具有以下几个特征: 1、音韵自然和谐,具有音乐性 儿歌就像音乐一样,能满足儿童听觉上的需要。儿歌是用语言的“音律”组合成的富有节奏的“乐曲”,用语抒发感情、塑造形象。英文儿歌的节奏主要是有重读和轻读音节有规律的重复而形成的,其音乐感多依靠尾韵。例如,Rain, Rain, Go away这首儿歌: Rain, rain, go away, Come again some other day. Little Johnny wants to play, Rain, rain, go away. 2、语言儿化生动,具有形象性 儿歌的对象是儿童。因此,儿歌的选词和用词要符合儿童的理解能力和心理特点。儿语化词和拟声词的大量使用赋予了英文儿歌语言形象性的特点。英文儿歌儿语化的方式是给单词加上后缀,如-y,-ey,-ie,或表示“小”、“可爱”等前置修

饰词,如little和dear等。拟声词是语言中最比具有任意性的符号,能直接地体现语言的形象性。所以,运用拟声词能引起儿童的听觉直感,唤起他们对事物的注意、想象和理解。例如,Are You Sleeping这首儿歌中的ding,dang,dong 就是模拟钟声的拟声词. Are you sleeping, Brother Bear? Morning bells are ringing, ding,dang,dong. Are you sleeping,Little John? Morning bells are ringing, ding,dang,dong. 3、结构简单、内容重复,具有易懂性 英文儿歌的语句简单,语法结构单一,内容重复,易学易记,这些都符合儿童的思维特点,适合儿童的语言发展水平,有利于儿童接受和掌握语言,克服遗忘,加强记忆。 4、修辞丰富多彩,具有趣味性 儿歌的形式多样,内容广泛,使用的修辞手法也丰富多彩。其中,比喻、拟人和夸张是用得较多的三种修辞方式,深受儿童喜爱。例如,I Am a Bus 这首儿歌: I am a bus. I am a bus. I have seats inside. I am a bus. I am a bus. Come and take a ride. 这首儿歌运用了第一人称,把自己比喻成一辆公共汽车,富有想象力,符合小学生的心理特点。



英文儿歌大集合(三) 1. Tell me Tell me tell me what it is Tell me tell me what it is It's a book it's a book it's a book yes it's a book Tell me tell me what it is Tell me tell me what it is It's a pen it's a pen it's a pen yes it's a pen 2. Red yellow green and blue Red,yellow, green and blue, green and blue Red,yellow, green and blue, green and blue stand up, sit down, turn around. Red,yellow, green and blue, green and blue Pink, purple, orange, black and white, Pink, purple, orange, black and white, stand up, sit down, turn around. Pink, purple, orange, black and white. 3. Bingo There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! And bingo was his name, Oh! 4. Knock, knock,knock Knock knock knock who is that it's me Johonny please come in welcome welcome to my home 5. Days of the week sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday Saturday sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday Saturday 6. Little pig Oink oink little pig Oink oink oink little pig Oink oink little pig Oink oink oink little pig


1..Hello song 歌词(Lyrics) Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too. Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too 2.. Finger Family 歌词Lyrics Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Mammy finger, Mammy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? 3..《ABC song》歌词 A B C D , E F G H I J K , L M N O P Q R S , T U V W X Y Z Now I know my ABC, tell me what you think of me 4.. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 歌词 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When there's nothing he shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.


小学英语语法大全 第一章 一、定义 名词是表示人或事物名称的词。它既可以表示具体的东西,也可以是表示抽象的东西。 二、分类 1. 名词可以根据意义分为普通名词和专有名词 如:john is a student student是普通名词,john是专有名词 普通名词前可以用不定冠词a/an, 定冠词the 或不加冠词,专有名词前一般不加冠词,专有名词 的首字母要大写。 2. 普通名词又可以分为个体名词、集体名词、物质名词和抽象名词,其中个体名词与集体名词是 可数名词,物质名词和抽象名称是不可数名词。 3. 专有名词 专有名词是表示人名、地名、团体、机构、组织等的专有名词,多为独一无二的事物。 三、名词的数 1、名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词——可以数的名词 不可数名词——数不清(没有复数) drink?milk tea water orange juice coke coffee porridge food?rice bread meat fish fruit cake dumplings 2、可数名词与不定冠词a(an)连用有数数形式,不可数名词不能与不定冠词a(an)连用,没有复数形式 many+可数名词复数 much/a little+不可数名词 some, any , a lot of (lots of) 两者都可以修饰。 3、可数名词可以直接用数词来修饰 不可数名词数词 +量词 +of + 名词 对可数名词的数量提问用how many 对不可数名词的数量提问用 how much 4、不可数名词的量有以下两种表示方法: 1) some, much ,a little ,a lot of ,a bit of , plenty of 用等表示多少。 注意既可以与可数名词复数,又可以与不可数名词连用的有:plenty of ,some ,a lot of ,lots of ,most of 等。 如there is much water in the bottle .瓶中有很多水。


英语经典儿歌 1.ABCsong 2.Do- Re- Mi 3.Ten little Indians 4.Head and shoulders knees and toes 5.Apple round 6.Old Macdonal 7.Jingle bell 8.Happy New Year 9.Are you sleeping 10.Day of the Week Little Baby Ducks 12. If you are happy 13.Edelweiss(雪绒花) 14.Twinkle, twinkle, little star 15.Two Little Blackbirds 16.We Wish You A Merry Christmas 17.Mary Had a Little Lamb 18. London Bridge is Falling Down 20. I can sing a rainbow

部分歌词 1. ABC Song (字母歌) come together, come to me while I sing the ABC. A BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS and TUVW and XYZ. Now youve heard my ABC. Tell me what you think of me. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N L P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. now youve heard our ABC. Let us hear your ABC. All together sing with me. Let us try our ABC. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. now youve h eard our ANC. Let us hear your ABC. Do-Re-Mi(哆-来-咪) Doe a deer a female deer. Ray a drop of golden s un. me a name I call myself, Far a long long way to run. Sew a needle pulling thread. La a note that follow sew. Tea a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to doe, oh oh oh, Doe ra y me far sew la tea doe. Sew, doe. Day of the Week(星期之歌)


小学英语语法歌谣 谓语be的用法 我用am,你用are 除此之外的单数 包括他她还有它 统统都是用is 我们你们和他们 只要复数都用are 教冠词a, an, the a,an,the是冠词,就像帽子扣名词; 元音因素要扣an,辅音因素要扣a; an/a用来泛泛指,the是特指常牢记。 现在进行时 Look, Listen是标志,现在进行正发生; 有时now在句中现,“be+v-ing”时态成。 若问be用何形式,须看主语数、人称。 He/She is, I am.We, you, they后are紧跟。 v-ing形式更好记,三种构成要分清。 一般问句be提前,be后加not否定成! 时间介词巧记歌 年、月、季节前须用in,(如:in 2008, in September, in spring) 日期前面行不通。 遇到几号改用on,(如:on January 1) 上午、下午、晚上仍用in。(如:in the morning/afternoon/evening)若是某日上下午,也是用on才能行。 (如:on the evening of the Mid-autumn Day) 正午、夜里用at,(如:at noon, at night) 时、分用法也同理。(如:, at two, at two) 如若“差”点须加to,(如:two to two) 如若“过”点改past。(如:half past one) 多说勤练牢牢记,学好英语非儿戏。 一般现在时 肯定句的现在式。 不是三单用原形, 是三单就加s,es, 若是否定疑问句, 没有be就加个do, 碰到三单加does。 如把does加在前,


浅谈儿歌在小学英语教学中的运用 默认分类2008-11-12 13:18 阅读3 评论0 字号:大大中中小小“关注学生的学习情感”是新课程倡导的一个理念。英语课程目标把学生学习英语的情感态度放在了一个极为重要的位置。情感态度是指兴趣、动机、自信、意志和合作精神等影响学生学习过程和学习效果的相关因素。因此,保持学生积极的学习态度是英语学习成功的关键。 儿歌因其简单、易上口的内容、抑扬顿挫的语音语调,明朗的节奏,隽永的韵味而深受小学生的喜爱。在实际课堂教学中,很多老师也喜欢用儿歌来进行辅助教学,它既可以激发和保持学生学习英语的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,同时也能帮助解决一些课堂教学中的难点。比如:词汇的扩充,语法知识的巩固和掌握,语音语调的培养等等。 一、激活课堂学习气氛,引导学生进入学习状态 1、吟诵儿歌,启动学生学习热情 俗语说:良好的开端是成功的一半。课堂教学亦是如此。每一节课正式开始之前 都有两分钟的预备时间,其目的是让学生浮躁的心能渐渐平静下来,以便较好地进入到学习状态中去。如果这两分钟,教师只是让学生手放平,背坐直,两眼直视老师,等待上课的话,那多数学生还未正式上课便已感到精神上的一种紧张,对教室后面将要展开的教学造成不利的影响。 而如果教师能把这两分钟充分地利用起来,带领学生吟诵一些能和教学主题结合 的儿歌,其优美动听的语调,明朗的节奏不仅能叫有效地启发学生的学习热情,而且也能为后面顺利开展教学做好准备。 比如,牛津教材3B的Module3Unit3的主题是Seasons。在引导学生进行这个主题 的学习时,几乎每节课前两分钟我都会和孩子一起吟诵一些有关四季的儿歌,比如: What do you do in the spring, in the spring? Go to the park, listen to the birds. Look at the leaves and smell the flowers. That’s what we do in the spring, in the spring! What do you do in the summer, in the summer? Swim in the sea, play on the beach. Eat ice-creams and drink soft drink drinks. That’s what we do in the summer, in the summer. What do you do in the autumn, in the autumn? Put on warm clothes and ride our bikes. Fly the kites and read our books. That’s what we do in the autumn, in the autumn. What do you do in the winter, in the winter? Wear thick clothes and have our barbecues. Sit by the fire and eat chicken wings. That’s what we do in the winter, in the winter. 儿歌中适切优美的用词每次都让孩子们沉醉其中,学习热情及其高涨,使我能非 常顺利地开展下面的教学。 2、吟诵儿歌,调节课堂学习气氛 小学生注意力集中的时间比较短。有时碰到比较乏味的语法练习,部分学生的思


英文儿歌歌词大全 转载 1. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star(一闪,一闪,小星星) Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are! 2. ROW, ROW,ROW YOUR BOAT 划,划,划你的船 Row, Row, Row, Your Boat, Gently Down The Stream. Merrily ,Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, life Is But A Dream. 3. ROUND THE VILLAGE 绕着村落 Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, As we have done before. Go in and out the windows. Go in and out the windows. Go in and out the windows. As we have done before. Now stand and play the partner. Now stand and play the partner. Now stand and play the partner. And bow before you go.


成长系列 小学英语语法大全 第一章名词 一、定义 名词是表示人或事物名称的词。它既可以表示具体的东西,也可以是表示抽象的东西。 二、分类 1. 名词可以根据意义分为普通名词和专有名词 如:john is a student student是普通名词,john是专有名词 普通名词前可以用不定冠词a/an, 定冠词the 或不加冠词,专有名词前一般不加冠词,专有名词的首字母要大写。 2. 普通名词又可以分为个体名词、集体名词、物质名词和抽象名词,其中个体名词与集体名词是可数名词,物质名词和抽象名称是不可数名词。 3. 专有名词 专有名词是表示人名、地名、团体、机构、组织等的专有名词,多为独一无二的事物。 三、名词的数 1、名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词——可以数的名词 不可数名词——数不清(没有复数) drink?milk tea water orange juice coke coffee porridge food?rice bread meat fish fruit cake dumplings 2、可数名词与不定冠词a(an)连用有数数形式,不可数名词不能与不定冠词a(an)连用,没有复数形式 many+可数名词复数 much/a little+不可数名词 some, any , a lot of (lots of) 两者都可以修饰。 3、可数名词可以直接用数词来修饰 不可数名词数词 +量词 +of + 名词 对可数名词的数量提问用how many 对不可数名词的数量提问用 how much

4、不可数名词的量有以下两种表示方法: 1) some, much ,a little ,a lot of ,a bit of , plenty of 用等表示多少。注意既可以与可数名词复数,又可以与不可数名词连用的有:plenty of ,some ,a lot of ,lots of ,most of 等。 最好的文档,献给百度. 成长系列 如there is much water in the bottle .瓶中有很多水。 i'll tell you much good news.我要告诉你许多好消息。 we should collect some useful information我们应该收集一些有用的消息。2)用单位词表示。 用a ... of 表示。 如 a cup of (一杯......),a bottle of (一瓶......) a piece of (一张......),a pair of shoes(一双鞋) 如two cups of tea(两杯茶),five pieces of paper(五张纸) 注意单位词后的动词单复数形式往往取决于单位词的单复数形式;千、百等数词与名词加用,表示复数时,数词仍保持单数,名词变复数。 如two hundred students(200名学生) ten thousand trees(10000棵树) 测试点he caught a lot of fish他抓到了许多鱼(此处为许多条鱼,fish的复数仍为fish或fishes) =he caught a lot of fishes. the paper is about some fresh-water fishes.这篇论文是有关几种淡水鱼的。(此处fish表示不同种类的鱼,加复数词尾-es) 5、可数名词分为单数和复数。 名词单数就是该词本身,在其前面加a或an。 1)单数 如a desk(一张桌子) an old desk(一张旧书桌) 2)复数:要表示一个以上概念时,要用名词复数形式 规则变化 1)一般情况下加-s 如book--books(书) desk--desks(书桌) 2)以s ,x ,ch , sh结尾加-es 如box--boxes(盒子) bus--buses(公共汽车) 注意①以 th 结尾加-s, month--months ②stomach--stomachs 3)以辅音字母+结尾,变y为i再加- es。


小学英语儿歌教学设计 1Goodmorning教学目的(Teachingaims):通过活动会唱一些英文名曲及英语儿童歌曲,能利用熟悉的曲谱自编英文歌曲,从而提高英语学习的兴趣教学内容(Teachingcontent):学唱一首英文歌曲Goodmorning 教学准备(Preparation):同学们到各个音像书店去寻找自己需要的英语磁带或VCD,或从网络中找到了许多儿童英语歌曲教学过程(Teachingprocess):1、教学主题导入T:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.Ihaveagiftforyou.Let’slisten.教师在多媒体中播放《Goodmorning》,本堂课在美妙的歌声中展开了(这首歌曲欢快、富有童趣,渲染了欢快的课堂气氛,调动了学生学习英语歌曲的积极性同时让学生初步熟悉旋律,以便之后学习这首歌)T:Doyouhaveanysongswhichcanshare(分享)withus?S1:Ihave‘Hello!’S2:Ihave ‘Bodysong’.S3:Ihave‘Howareyou?’…学生交流搜集到的比较动听、优美的英文歌曲由于是三年级的学生,他们收集到的是比较简单的歌曲大家一起欣赏这些歌曲片段3、学唱歌曲,并且比赛T:Wehavemanybeautifulsongshere.Nowwouldyoulike tosingthesongs.Let’slearnthesong‘Goodmorning’andhaveacompetition.Ss:OK!全班同学学习,然后四人

小组练习,教师巡回指导在指导中教师要特别注意纠正学生的歌词读音以及音准问题全体学生当评委,选出三名优胜选手2Appletree教学目的(Teachingaims):通过活动会唱一些英文名曲及英语儿童歌曲,能利用熟悉的曲谱自编英文歌曲,从而提高英语学习的兴趣教学内容(Teachingcontent):学唱一首英文歌曲Appletree教学准备(Preparation):同学们到各个音像书店去寻找自己需要的英语磁带或VCD,或从网络中找到了许多儿童英语歌曲教学过程(Teachingprocess):1、教学主题导入T:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.Ihaveagiftforyou.Let’slisten.教师在多媒体中播放《Appletree》,本堂课在美妙的歌声中展开了(这首歌曲欢快、富有童趣,渲染了欢快的课堂气氛,调动了学生学习英语歌曲的积极性同时让学生初步熟悉旋律,以便之后学习这首歌)T:Doyouhaveanysongswhichcanshare(分享)withus?S1:Ihave‘Hello!’S2:Ihave ‘Bodysong’.S3:Ihave‘Howareyou?’…学生交流搜集到的比较动听、优美的英文歌曲由于是三年级的学生,他们收集到的是比较简单的歌曲大家一起欣赏这些歌曲片段3、学唱歌曲,并且比赛T:Wehavemanybeautifulsongshere.Nowwouldyoulike tosingthesongs.Let’slearnthesong‘Appletree’


因很多家长向麦麦粥铺反映,想要儿歌50首大全的歌词。我们也花了大量的时间和精力,通过手打不断把歌词完善到趋于完整。希望可以让妈妈们和孩子一起在听的同时,更增加一份教学的乐趣。 您的五分好评是我们进步的最大动力,谢谢。 精心整理,真心希望对孩子的培养能有一丝帮助。 【儿歌串烧50首】第1首:《家庭称呼》歌词 爸爸爸爸daddy daddy daddy daddy 妈妈妈妈mami mami mami mami 哥哥弟弟brother brother brother 姐姐妹妹sister sister sister 爷爷爷爷grandpa grandpa grandpa 奶奶奶奶grandma grandma grandma 伯伯叔叔和舅舅 英文全都叫uncle uncle uncle uncle 姑姑婶婶和阿姨 英文全都叫auntie auntie auntie auntie 爸爸爸爸daddy daddy daddy daddy 妈妈妈妈mami mami mami mami 哥哥弟弟brother brother brother 姐姐妹妹sister sister sister 爷爷爷爷grandpa grandpa grandpa 奶奶奶奶grandma grandma grandma 伯伯叔叔和舅舅 英文全都叫uncle uncle uncle uncle 姑姑婶婶和阿姨 英文全都叫auntie auntie auntie auntie 爸爸爸爸daddy daddy daddy daddy 妈妈妈妈mami mami mami mami 哥哥弟弟brother brother brother 姐姐妹妹sister sister sister 爷爷爷爷grandpa grandpa grandpa 奶奶奶奶grandma grandma grandma 伯伯叔叔和舅舅 英文全都叫uncle uncle uncle uncle 姑姑婶婶和阿姨 英文全都叫auntie auntie auntie auntie 【儿歌串烧50首】第2首:《家族歌》歌词 爸爸的爸爸叫什么?爸爸的爸爸叫爷爷; 爸爸的妈妈叫什么?爸爸的妈妈叫奶奶; 爸爸的哥哥叫什么?爸爸的哥哥叫伯伯; 爸爸的弟弟叫什么?爸爸的弟弟叫叔叔; 爸爸的姐妹叫什么?爸爸的姐妹叫姑姑。 妈妈的爸爸叫什么?妈妈的爸爸叫外公; 妈妈的妈妈叫什么?妈妈的妈妈叫外婆;


小学英语语法大全 第一章名词 一、定义 名词是表示人或事物名称的词。它既可以表示具体的东西,也可以是表示抽象的东西。 二、分类 1. 名词可以根据意义分为普通名词和专有名词 如:john is a student student是普通名词,john是专有名词 普通名词前可以用不定冠词a/an, 定冠词the 或不加冠词,专有名词前一般不加冠词,专有名词的首字母要大写。 2. 普通名词又可以分为个体名词、集体名词、物质名词和抽象名词,其中个体名词与集体名词是可数名词,物质名词和抽象名称是不可数名词。 3. 专有名词 专有名词是表示人名、地名、团体、机构、组织等的专有名词,多为独一无二的事物。 三、名词的数 1、名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词——可以数的名词 不可数名词——数不清(没有复数) drink?milk tea water orange juice coke coffee porridge food?rice bread meat fish fruit cake dumplings 2、可数名词与不定冠词a(an)连用有数数形式,不可数名词不能与不定冠词a(an)连用,没有复数形式 many+可数名词复数 much/a little+不可数名词 some, any , a lot of (lots of) 两者都可以修饰。 3、可数名词可以直接用数词来修饰 不可数名词数词 +量词 +of + 名词 对可数名词的数量提问用how many 对不可数名词的数量提问用 how much 4、不可数名词的量有以下两种表示方法: 1) some, much ,a little ,a lot of ,a bit of , plenty of 用等表示多少。 注意既可以与可数名词复数,又可以与不可数名词连用的有:plenty of ,some ,a lot of ,lots of ,most of 等。 如there is much water in the bottle .瓶中有很多水。 I'll tell you much good news.我要告诉你许多好消息。 we should collect some useful information我们应该收集一些有用的消息。 2)用单位词表示。 用a ... of 表示。 如 a cup of (一杯......),a bottle of (一瓶......) a piece of (一张......),a pair of shoes(一双鞋) 如two cups of tea(两杯茶),five pieces of paper(五张纸)



小学英语儿歌与英语教学 2011级英语本科学员:白光娜 学号:118150035 【摘要】:小学阶段是儿童获得语言的关键时期,是英语学习的入门阶段,英语歌曲教学作为愉快教学中强有力的一笔。英语歌曲、歌谣因其词句简单、内容生动、形式活泼、韵律优美等特点,读起来朗朗上口,深受孩子们的喜爱,正是这个阶段小学生学习英语的最有效方式。教师要发挥歌曲、歌谣的特点,运用于英语课堂中,达到最优化课堂教学的目的。 关键词:儿歌特点儿歌教学重要性儿歌教学方式优化课堂 一英语儿歌的特点。 英语儿歌的主要特点是语言浅显易懂、形象具体可感、音韵自然和谐、适于进行表演。 1.语言浅显易懂。儿童时期是学习语言的关键期,此时的孩子掌握的英语语句简单、语法结构单纯、语汇相对贫乏。因此,语言浅显的英语儿歌把正确的语法、语汇与儿童的口语结合起来,形成优美的、规范的少儿英语口语,适应了儿童语言发展的水平,能被孩子们理解和接受。英语儿歌中使用的词汇主要是名词(动物、植物、食物、日常用品、交通工具等)、动词(走、跑、跳、爬等基本动作)、形容词(颜色、形状、大小等),这些词反映的事物及其属性比较具体,契合了儿童的思维特点。同时,英语儿歌中简单句的大量使用,容易为

他们所接受和掌握。 2.形象具体可感。英语儿歌作品的语言特别强调形象性,着力于对人和事物的具体描绘,突出它的形态感、色彩感和动作感。所描绘的人、物,使幼儿念起来感到如临其境、如见其人、如闻其声、如触其物。英语儿歌中的摹声和拟人表现手法的运用,增强了儿歌的形象性。 3.音韵自然和谐。儿歌与音乐密切联系,儿歌中特有的悦耳和谐的音韵和鲜明的节奏能使幼儿产生愉悦感。有些儿歌在内容上没有多大意义,但其和谐的韵律从听觉上给人以愉悦。因而儿歌的语言不仅要求浅显、口语化,而且须有严格的韵律、明朗的节奏,或形成有规律的反复。节奏可以帮助推动情节的发展,同时带给作品内在的乐感; 反复的表现手法使同样的语言根据情节多次反复,给幼儿以深刻的印象。 4.适于进行表演。小学阶段的少年儿童主要是以具体形象性思维为主,用动作辅助儿歌教学既符合学生的这种思维方式,又顺应了学生表现欲强的心理特点。在英语儿歌作品中,富于动感的语言能有效地唤起幼儿的注意,加以动作表演更能增强他们对内容的理解,更能刺激孩子们的表现欲, 从而增强自信心。正因为英语儿歌具有这些其他英语文学形式所不能比拟的独特特点,因此在英语教学中我们提倡重视英语儿歌的教学,以此来陶冶学生的性情,开启他们的心智,从而促进他们英语听说能力的发展。 二、学习英语儿歌的重要性


英文儿歌大集合(三) 1. Tell me Tell me tell me what it is Tell me tell me what it is It's a book it's a book it's a book yes it's a book Tell me tell me what it is Tell me tell me what it is It's a pen it's a pen it's a pen yes it's a pen 2. Red yellow green and blue Red,yellow, green and blue, green and blue Red,yellow, green and blue, green and blue stand up, sit down, turn around. Red,yellow, green and blue, green and blue Pink, purple, orange, black and white, Pink, purple, orange, black and white, stand up, sit down, turn around. Pink, purple, orange, black and white. 3. Bingo There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! And bingo was his name, Oh! 4. Knock, knock,knock Knock knock knock who is that it's me Johonny please come in welcome welcome to my home 5. Days of the week sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday Saturday sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday Saturday 6. Little pig Oink oink little pig Oink oink oink little pig Oink oink little pig Oink oink oink little pig


英语语法儿歌 1)be动词的用法 be动词是妈妈生了三个胖娃娃am、is、还有are、我用am你用are,is连着她(she)、他(he)、它(it)。单数用is、复数要用are。(2)一般疑问句和否定句的变化 一般问句并不难,谓语调到主语前。大写小写有变化,句末要把问号加。第一人称常变 否定句就更简单,中间加上一not,谓语动词提到前。 (3)现在进行时很好记,结构be+动词ing。 be由主语来决定,句中常用标志词,now,look,listen! (4)一般现在时,肯定句的现在式。 不是三单用原形,是三单就加s,es,若是否定疑问句,没有be 就加个do,碰到三单加does。如把does加在前,动词就要还原形。(5)一般过去时,肯定句的过去式。 规则动词加ed,不规则的必须记。否定形式疑问句,没有be加did。如把did加在前,动词也要还原形。 (6)特殊的形容词、副词的比较级、最高级一分为二有两个,一是远来一是老。合二为一共三对,坏病两多并两好。还有一词双意含,只译少来不译小。 (7)比较等级的运用 原级用在as…as间,比较级用在than前。 and连接两个比较级,

说明“越来越怎样三者以上最高级,副词前可不加the。 still,even,和much,比较级前“更怎样”。还有alot和alittle,也常修饰比较级。 (8)宾语从句 宾语从句三要素,引导词、语序、时态。引导词分三情况,陈述句that可省略。一般疑问句if或whether。碰到特殊疑问句,疑问词来担此任。语序总体为主谓。疑问从句主语,语序不必去改变。从句时态主句定,如果主句是过去,从句相应作改变,客观真理仍现在。 (9)被动语态牢记一点, be加动词过去分词。分析句中主和谓,承受者作主语即被动。短语动词不可忘介、副词。另有不及物动词,只有主动无被动。还要注意其时态,与主动语态全相同。 be的用法 今天大家来聚会,所有人称都到齐。 一一让我来介绍,我是I,你是YOU. 还有三他(她,它)she\he\it 我们we,他们they,你们和你都是you, 人好多,心好乱。 Be动词帮你来分清。Be动词有哪些?? 兄弟三个am is are,三他她它是is 剩下的人称都用are,细琢磨,巧分辩 高高兴兴开party,我们大家真快乐!!
