


With the explosive growth of information,there are a large number of unstructured and heterogeneous data on the network.These data are characterized by diverse types,large quantities,rich content,strong dynamics and large disorde,it has brought great challenges for providing users with accurate and rapid Access to hot topics in the field of discipline,development history,frontier areas and the overall knowledge structure,which may prone to cause"information loss"problem.

At present,most of the construction of hotspot knowledge maps in the field of disciplines is focused on the use of bibliometric methods to comprehensively study the development of scientific knowledge maps.It mainly describes the current status of the literature,high-yield authors,major institutions,and regions,analyzes the knowledge base in this field,and explores research hotspots and frontier issues in this field.However,the development trajectory and origin attribute relationship of hotspot knowledge in the field is of great significance for researchers to learn and understand hotspot knowledge,to sort out the development trend of hotspot knowledge,to trace the hotspots source in the field,and to find key historical figures in each subfield.Through the current literature read and research,there are no research to be found about this thesis topic research direction.Therefore,it is of great research significance and practical value to extract the origin attribute relationship of domain hotspot knowledge.In this paper,we carry out the following work on the construction of hotspot knowledge map in multi-attribute fields:

First of all,considering the popularization of documentary communication in social networks,a novel method for hot topic mining is proposed.The literature attributes are divided into the traditional and social attributes,we constructe the literature evaluation model in the social network environment,calculate literature attention,and excavate academic dissertation with the influence of social communication and frontier knowledge in the subject field;

Secondly,In order to better understand the evolutionary trends and research priorities of this discipline,and to understand and sort out the frontier hot topics in the field,we propose a method for extracting the relationship between origins and attributes of hot topics in the field.

Thirdly,this paper proposes the definition of the relationship between the origin of the domain hotspot knowledge.According to the definition,it establishes the reasoning model of the origin domain of the domain hotspot knowledge and constructs the accurate syntactic analysis mechanism for the


relationship expression of the hotspot knowledge origin in different domains and semantics,the origin feature word of hotspot knowledge concept is used to design knowledge origin attribute relationship model;

Fourthly,based on the research of the definition and reasoning model,this paper proposes the most recent syntax-dependent verb extraction method. Different method models are used to mine the origin of domain concept knowledge for different domain knowledge origin relationship models. Experiments show that this method has better experimental performance than similar relation extraction model,and can effectively find the origin attribute relations of hot domain knowledge.

Finally,we design and draw a top-level frontier hotspot knowledge map in the field of"artificial intelligence",which can effectively excavate the evolutionary system of knowledge collection under domain disciplines,identify heavy and difficult knowledge points,and clearly demonstrate the development of frontier hotspot knowledge and frontier knowledge concept in this field trajectories and movements of cutting-edge knowledge and frontier knowledge concepts in the field.The important historical figures in various sub-fields migrate to reveal the dynamic development laws in the field of knowledge,and provide practical and valuable references for subject research.

Keywords:Frontier hotspots;text classification;origin property relations;knowledge map; development track;character migration

TYPE OF DISSERTATION:Theoretical Research



1绪论 (1)

1.1研究背景 (1)

1.2研究意义 (2)

1.3国内外研究现状 (2)

1.3.1学科前沿热点挖掘研究现状 (2)

1.3.2领域前沿热点知识图谱研究现状 (4)

1.3.3分析与总结 (5)

1.4关于本论文 (6)

1.4.1研究目标 (6)

1.4.2研究内容 (6)

1.4.3研究方法 (7)

1.4.4研究重点及难点 (8)

1.4.5创新之处 (8)

1.5论文的章节安排 (8)

2领域前沿热点图谱构建相关理论及技术 (10)

2.1学科领域前沿热点挖掘 (10)

2.1.1文献计量与内容分析法 (10)

2.1.2主题模型 (11)

2.2领域前沿热点知识图谱研究 (12)

2.2.1命名实体识别研究 (13)

2.2.2关系抽取研究 (14)

2.3本章小结 (16)

3基于社会关注度的领域前沿热点挖掘 (17)

3.1概述 (17)

3.2研究框架 (18)

3.3文献热度模型构建 (19)

3.3.1数据获取 (19)

3.3.2相关性分析 (21)

3.3.3热度评价指标主题挖掘 (22)

3.3.4文献热度评价模型构建 (24)


3.4实验 (25)

3.4.1文献热度评价实验 (25)

3.4.2主题模型结果分析 (27)

3.4.3传统与社会网络媒体挖掘热点结果对比 (29)

3.4.4主题模型与共词分析挖掘热点结果对比 (30)

3.5本章小结 (31)

4领域前沿热点知识起源属性关系抽取 (33)

4.1概述 (33)

4.2领域前沿热点知识起源属性关系抽取 (33)

4.2.1领域前沿热点知识起源定义 (33)

4.2.2起源属性关系抽取框架 (34)

4.2.3领域前沿热点知识起源属性关系模式 (35)

4.2.4最近句法依赖动词抽取方法 (36)

4.2.5概率软逻辑模型挖掘方法 (37)

4.3实验 (39)

4.3.1实验设置及评估标准 (39)

4.3.2起源属性关系模式分类评价 (39)

4.3.3概率软逻辑模型特征词选择 (41)

4.3.4起源属性关系抽取结果 (42)

4.4本章小结 (45)

5多属性领域前沿热点知识图谱构建 (46)

5.1概述 (46)

5.2领域前沿热点知识图谱展示 (46)

5.3本章小结 (49)

结论 (51)

致谢 (53)

参考文献 (54)

攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文及研究成果 (60)




