

21. Eric is ____ best friend and he often helps me in art class.

A. my

B. your

C. its

D. her

22. ---Where do you usually have lunch?

--__ school.

A. Of

B. To

C. At

D. On

’ll have an exam tomorrow,___ I want to go to bed early.

A. so

B. or

C. but

D. for

do you have PE?

-- Three times a week.

A. How many

B. How often

C. How old

D. How much

air is getting much___ than it was a few months ago.

A. clean

B. cleaner

C. cleanest

D. the cleanest

26.—Must I hand in my paper now, ?

----No, you___. You can hand it in tomorrow.

A. needn’t

B. mustn’t

C. wouldn’t

D. shouldn’t

May I speak to Judy?

--- Sorry, she ___ a speech in the hall now.

A. makes

B. had made

C. is making

D. made

___ Beijing Opera since I was five years old.

A. learn

B. learned

C. will learn

D. have learned

29. In 2022, the Winter Olympic Games ___ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

A. hold

B. held

C. were held

D. will be held

30. --- Jack, can you tell me ___?

--- I want to study computer science.

A. what is your future plan

B. what your future plan is

C. what was your future plan

D. what your future plan was

Justin was really good at basketball and he thought it was the only way out of his school. He could run with the __31_ fast and beat any of the older boys at the court and the younger boys didn’t have a chance.

One day, some boys from another school ran up and asked to 32 with Justin. The big one in the middle said that he had heard Justin was the best and he wanted to see if it was true. Justin agreed. During the game, Justin was running all over the big boys and making his shots. Suddenly, a big boy 33 Justin. Justin went flying, fell on the ground and broke his leg. The doctor said Justin might never play again. Justin was so 34

The first six weeks, Justin just lay in bed watching TV every day and ate potato chips until the bag was empty. Justin put on too much weight. His once 35 future disappeared. When he lost himself in great hopelessness, Justin’s sister, Kiki came home from the university.

She was like sunshine, 36 exciting stories of college. Justin was attracted by the stories that Kiki told. “Justin!”She interrupted his daydream. “Let me see your progress report.”Justin was 37 . His grades had really fallen since he broke his leg. “Oh no, this won’t do, Justin.”she said, “We’re going to improve the grades.” So, while she was home on break, they studied, talked and worked together, Justin 38 better and he wasn’t so upset.

After spending those weeks with his sister, Justin realized that

he didn’t want to feel bad foe himself anymore, and he didn’t want to give up. Basketball used to be his thing, and he was good at it, but now there was only 39 , so he had to get good at that. Justin passed through all his classes. With the study skills he had learned from his sister, Justin scored a 24 on the ACT.

Every university that he applied to accepted him. When the autumn came, Justin had his 40 in colleges. He decided to go to the sunniest university in Hawaii, and nobody could say that Justin made

a bad choice.

31. A. toy B. ball C. key D. flag

32. A. play B. stand C. eat D. ride

33. A. saw B. met C. pushed D. followed

34. A. brave B. honest C. safe D. sad

35. A. busy B. quiet C. bright D. funny

36. A. changing B. receiving C. forgetting D. bringing

37. A. moved B. embarrassed C. interested D. pleased

38. A. repeated B. taught C. felt D. sounded

39. A. schoolwork B. sport C. home D. travel

40. A. fact B. choice C. record D. Event


Matt and Allie were waiting in the line to sign up(报名) for the High Flyer Competition. They carried their design and they couldn’t wait to start building the kite. The line was long and filled with kids of all ages. Two teenagers stood in front of them. Matt looked at their designs and his eyes widened. “Their kites are a lot better than ours. Look! This kite looks like an airplane, and that one looks like a spaceship, but our kite is a boring diamond(菱形)!

“what if we give it a cool-looking tail?”Allie suggested. They cheered up a little and worked together on their kite all the weekend. To make the kite look better, they added a tail with beads(珠子)and tiny mirrors.

On the day of the competition, Allie and Matt carried their kite to the starting place between the spaceship and the airplane. The rules were simple. The kite that flew the highest for the longest time won.

Round One began. Allie held the string(线)while Matt ran down

the field with the kite. He lifted it in the air. The kite shook and fell to the ground. Round One was over for them.

Matt ran back to Allie. “It’s the tail. The beads and mirrors are weighing it down.”

“But they’re so pretty,” Allie said.

“Do you want pretty or do you want to win?” Matt asked.

Allie nodded. Matt pulled off the beads ang mirrors. He finished just in time for the start of Round Two. As he ran with the kite, he could feel the wind picking it up. He let it go and ran back to help Allie. They let out the string as far as it would go, right past the spaceship and the airplane. Their kite flew the highest for the longest time.

“I guess looks don’t mean a thing in kite flying,”Allie said.

“Yeah,” Matt said. “Simple is best.”

44.Matt and Allie were waiting in the line to sign up for_____

concert club camp competition

45.To make the kite look better, Matt and Allie___

a tail a part a plane it red

46.In Round Two, Matt and Allie’s kite___

behind the other kites too heavy to fly away

the highest for the longest time and fell to the ground

47.What can we learn from this story?

A. Practice makes perfect

B. Friendship comes first

C. Looks mean a lot

D. Simple is best


Health officials in Canada are very busy these days. They are placing chickens at fixed points all along their 2,500 km border(边境)with the United States of America.

It’s not a joke, nor have the Canadians gone mad. They are using these chickens to see if the West Nile virus(病毒)is still around. The virus infects birds, so the chickens have a chance of catching the virus and fall ill. The West Nile is spread among humans. It killed seven people in New York last year.

Countries around the world are realizing that it may just be possible to stop certain kinds of people from entering their land. However, it is very difficult to stop viruses traveling from one end of the earth to another. When they travel to new places, they get used to the environment very easily and sometimes start destroying the local plant and animals life. These biological polluters are called smart polluters.

These smart polluters can be carried across borders of countries unknowingly. Just as we humans are traveling across the world more often than earlier, these biological polluters have also started journey much more. They slide into airplanes through their wheels. They dig into objects that travelers may be carrying from one country to another.

There are some good examples of how these polluters work. The water hyacinth(水葫芦) of South America is blocking lakes in China and Africa. Tree snakes from Papua New Guinea are busy eating up some birds in the country of Guam, which breaks its natural balance.

That’s why the customs(海关)officials in many foreign countries prevent people from bringing in a small plant, or an object made of wood that is in its natural form. The customs officials have the power to spread new illnesses among native plants and animals.

Biological polluters always create problems in places where they do not belong. They could be special varieties of plants, bugs or even animals.

48.Why are Canadian officials placing chickens along the border?

A. To help clean up the border.

B. To see if the virus is still around.

C. To protect the chickens from falling ill.

D. To make sure that the birds can find food.

49.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. People find it difficult to travel from one place to another.

B. Plants always create problems in places where they belong.

C. Biological polluters may destroy the local plant and animal life.

D. Viruses spend a long time getting used to the local environment.

50.Customs officials in many countries prevent people from bringing in ____.

51.What is the best title foe the passage?

A. Land Pollution

B. The West Nile Virus

C. Smart Polluters

D. The Water Hyacinth


Living next to next is the principle (原则)of a neighbor. Good neighborliness is the ideal to be aimed at. As the saying goes, no man is an island; he has to live with his neighbors. To make life easy and pleasant, he must cooperate with his neighbors.

Whether one likes it or not, one cannot do without neighbors. Normally one may think he can do without neighbors because he can manage all comforts and services, so the services or the need for a friend may not happen. However, the sympathy(同情), admiration and appreciation which a neighbors may offer will have a great humanizing influence. To share one’s view and sometimes even sadness, one needs some neighbors.

But all neighbors are not always keeping the friendly relationship. Stresses and tension(紧张)develop because of misunderstanding. Very often children may be the cause for tense

feelings. The neighbor’s son may pick a flower or a fruit from your garden and an argument may follow. Again he may throw his ball at your window breaking it. These are common cases so far as the younger one is concerned but it is for the elders to view them with calmness and make up for it. This may read easy on paper but not so in real life. But being broad-minded,one must be able to tolerate(容忍). Another reason for tension may be the animals. Your neighbor’s dog may be a real trouble or his chickens would come into your garden and eat away your plants.

In all these cases to keep up good neighborliness, some understanding between the neighbors is important. Small differences can be easily patched up or worked out. Try to be friendly and the problem will not be difficult to salve. Care can at times play a good part and help the neighbors in a small or big way. Nobody is perfect and it is better not to speak ill of your neighbors. A cheerful word, a nod or a small talk will strengthen the feeling of good neighborliness.

Neighborliness is not only for people but it is also largely important between neighboring countries. History has got a lot to teach on this. Unless countries learn to live as good neighbors, there cannot be peace on earth. So children must be taught at home

and in the school to cooperate with the neighbors and be friendly with them. The basic rule is to give and take and to develop a sense that the other man has as much right as you do, and some degree of tolerance is very necessary.

52.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. One is often needed by his family.

B. No one likes to be alone on an island.

C. Everyone has to live with his neighbors.

D. Everyone lives an easy and pleasant life.

53.Which of the following may cause misunderstanding?

A. Hobbies and habits.

B. Children and pets.

C. Sports and games.

D. Likes and dislikes.

54.What does the sentence “Small differences can be easily patched up or worked out.”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Praising others can help to be good neighbors.

B. Unimportant disagreement can be easily solved.

C. One can easily make good use of small arguments.

D. Nobody can be perfect enough to speak ill of others.

55.In the passage, the writer tries to _____

the importance of getting on with neighbors

the basic rules of behaving well at home

the reasons of learning teamwork

ways of being a better person


Chess has been around for a long .Chess is based on an even older Game from India. The chess we play today is from Europe.

Chess is a two-player game. One player uses the white pieces, the other uses the black pieces. Each piece moves in a special way. Each player has a piece called the king.

____57___ .There are a few more rules, but these are the basics. Some people think that chess is more than a game. They think that it makes the mind

. They think about what will happen next. These skills are useful in life and in chess. Chess is kind of like exercise for the mind.

There is a kind of chess with short time limits called blitz .The clock runs during each turn. If one runs out of time ,he or she will lose. Games of blitz chess are fast-paced.

Chess is not just for people. Computer have been playing chess since the first they did not play well. They made mistakes. As time went on ,they grew stronger. In 1997,a computer beat the best palyer in the world for the first time. It was a computer called Deep Blue. Deep Blue was big. It took up a whole .Chess sure has come a long way .Don’t you think so?

A Good chess players use their brains

B By 2006,a cell phone could beat the best players in the world

C In blitz chess, each player gets ten minutes for the whole game

D People have been playing chess for over 500 years

E The games ends when a player loses his or her king


Ready, Set, Jump!

For skydiver, the sky isn’t the limit. It’s just the beginning. Thousands of people

Try skydiving each year .Some only jump once, while others go on to experience lifelong adventures, flying and turning over through the air.

Skydiving is a method of leaving an airplane and returning to the earth with the help of gravity, then slowing down by using a parachute(降落伞).It may include more or less free-fall, a time during which the parachute has not been used and the body gradually accelerates(加速) to the highest speed.

There are three choices for the beginners. However, before you try skydiving, a ground course on safety is required. The first method is accelerated free-fall. You jump out of the plane while being held by two coaches, one on either side. They hold onto you until you open your parachute. The second method is called static line. After jumping

out, you will experience free-fall for a second or two. Then the

weight of your body will

pull the line tight, opening the parachute.

Tandem(串联) is the most popular because it is the and the coach are tied together ,the coach behind, with you in front .You jump out of the plane together,and the coach takes care of opening the parachute.

For each of these three methods ,the coaches give instructions in the air with band signals(信号)or a you are eager to try something challenging and would love to feel the freedom of flying, skydiving might be an adventure for knows? With risk and excitement mixed together, skydiving might just change your life.

61 Do thousands of people try skydiving each year?


62 How many choices are there for the beginners?


63 Why is tandem the most popular?


64 How do the coaches give instructions in the air?


65 What is the passage mainly about?


假如你是李华,你们学校组织下周六参观中国科技馆。你想邀请交换生Tom 参加。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他集合的时间和地点,你们在科技馆将会看到或学到什么,以及在科技馆需要注意的事情。

提示词语:exhibition(展览),robot,machine,scientific knowledge,experiment

提示问题:When and where are you going to meet?

What can you see or learn in the museum?

What is not allowed in the museum?

Dear Tom ,

I’m writing to invite you to visit China Science and Technology

Museum next

I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



提示词语:show,make tea,learn,paper cutting,help,dumplings,proud

提示问题:Why is it necessary to have classes about traditional Chinese culture?

What do you usually do in these classes?

How do you feel?

We have classes about traditional Chinese culture this


Dear Tom ,

I’m writing to invite you to visit China Science and Technology Museum next Saturday. We are going to meet at our school gate at 8 am. In the museum, we can see many exhibitions and gain scientific knowledge. We can watch robots give performances and learn how the machines work. And we can also do some experiments by ourselves. When we are in the museum, we should talk in a low voice. Besides, eating or drinking is not allowed in the exhibition halls. Please come and join us. I’m sure you will enjoy the trip.

I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


We have classes about traditional Chinese culture this term. I think it is necessary to have these classes because we can get to know more about Chinese culture. In the classes, we’ve learned a lot. The teachers show us how to make tea and tell us the history of tea. We also learn paper cutting and I can cut some beautiful paper flowers now. Making traditional Chinese food is my favorite. We are trying to make dumplings and zongzis. It’s really interesting. By having these classes, we not only have fun but also learn a lot. And I am proud of being a Chinese.


2017北京市东城初三(一模) 英语 听力理解 (共30分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项,每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 6. What does the woman want to buy? A. A skirt. B. A sweater. C. A dress. 7.What color does the woman choose? A. Pink. B. Yellow. C. Purple. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题 8.What does the man ask the woman to do? A. To go to a movie.

B. To enjoy a concert. C. To have a picnic. 9.When will they meet? A. At 5:00. B. At 5:30. C. At 7:30. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。 10.How does the boy feel at first? A. Relaxed. B. Bored. C. Surprised. 11.What can be the girl’s hobby? A. Watching TV. B. Drawing pictures. C. Playing the piano. 请听一段对话,完成第12至13小题。 12. What’s the boy’s problem? A. His friend didn’t return him the money. B. His friend didn’t lend him any money. C. His friend didn’t trust him any more. 13. What’s the girl’s advice? A. To have a talk with his friend. B. To ask other friends for help. C. To make a new friend. 请听一段对话,完成第14至15小题。 14. What can we learn from the speaker? A. The campers are free in the afternoon. B. The campers can start lunch at 12 o’clock. C. Each camper needs two pairs of sports shoes. 15. What’s the speaker doing now? A. Making a plan. B. Offering an invitation. C. Giving an introduction. 三.听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺失的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。本段对话你将听两遍。 Student Information Form ●Course: No.139 for English beginners, the ______ (16) course (12 weeks) ●Name: Maria ______ (17) ●Nationality(国籍): ______ (18) ●Address: 24 ______ (19) Road ●Telephone: ______ (20) 知识运用(共25分)


奉贤区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 (满分150分,完卷时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题卡上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30 分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分) 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分) 7. A) Running. B) Swimming, C) Dancing. D) Cycling. 8. A) In a clinic. B) At school. C).At home. D) In a shop. 9. A) Twenty dollars. B) Thirty dollars. C) Fifty dollars. D) Seventy dollars. 10. A) Teacher and student B) Pilot and passenger. C) Father and daughter. D) Policeman and driver. 11. A) By telephone. B) By e-mail. C) By WeChat. D) By letter. 12. A) Because he caught a bad cold. B) Because his left leg was broken. C) Because he had got a high fever. D) Because he was hurt in a football game. 13. A) He wants the room -to be quiet. B) He wants the woman to leave the room. C) He wants to have a talk with the woman. D) He wants to go out right now. 14. A) A trip to London. B) A football club in London. C) A university in London. D) The weather in London. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false


练中求变,能力至上 ——2010 年市一模试卷分析及高三英语复习策略 泰顺中学刘海宇 一.2010 年市一模试卷分析 1.2010 年市一模试卷评析 2010 年市一模试卷的难度适中,符合考试说明的要求,也体现了高中新课程理念和素质教育的内涵,整卷突出语篇,强调语境,注重交际,重视运用。大部分学生能够在规定的时间内答完全部试题,基础好的 学生还有一定的时间进行检查,确保了学生的英语水平得以真实的反映。因此,一模试卷对我市的高中英 语教学起到很好的导向作用。 2. 成绩分析 以泰顺中学高三段参加考试的584 人做样本进行数据统计,段平均分为88.9, 最高分为133.5,最低分为23,试卷难度值为0.59,符合高考作为选拔性考试, 需要适当的难度,整卷的难度系数控制在0.60 ±0.05 之间的标准。从下图的分数分布看,120分以上的高分偏少,只有22人,而70分以下有97人,因此,当务之急, 一模之后要面向全体, 培优补差,才能提高总体实力。 130 以上120 129.5 110 119.5 100 109.5 90-99.580-89.570-79.560-69.560 以下

本次的听力试题,语速适中,语音清晰,设问有梯度。从上表可以看出,第1、3、5、8、10、19 题失 分较多,其中1 到5小题只有念一次,许多学生在听力开始时,思想过度紧张,导致大脑一片空白,再加上追 求完美的心理,不舍得放弃,以至于一旦第一题没有听清楚后,还一直在琢磨究竟哪个是正确答案,结果就 如多米诺骨牌一样产生连锁反应,失分连连。第七段对话语速较快,很多学生没听清楚,因此第8、10 小题 基本就去蒙了,其中第8 题有47% 的学生选了 A.Atamusicparty 选项,只是因为在对话中听到了music 这个词. ②单项填空―― 基础知识是重点,强调语言实用性 a. 单选重双基,语境中活现 本卷单项选择部分考查要点突出,覆盖面广,没有刻意追求语言形式与结构的繁杂,而是强调考生在 各方面的实际运用能力;强调在注重实用性的基础上,将语法、词汇、习惯用语等语言项目的测试融入真 实的情景之中,体现了语言的交际功能。如第 3 题,把现在进行时的被动语态的考查放在机场的登机广播 中 b. 动词是重点 动词始终是单项填空的主旋律、重头戏。本卷题型中考查动词的有7题,与08、09 年高考一样占35%的分值。主要考查非谓语动词、情态动词、动词时态、语态、动词词义及词组的区别等。该题从以下几个方面考查学生的英语水平: 1. 基础语法知识 2. 对词义的正确理解 3. 相近词的辨析 4. 固定词组的搭配 5. 交际用语的灵活运用 各考查项目的分布情况如下: 第1题冠词;第2题名词辨析;第3题动词时态;第4题介词短语辨析;第5题副词辨析;第6题therebe 句型;第7题动词短语辨析;第8题疑问代词;第9题非谓语动词;第10题形容词辨析;第11 题情态动词;第12题定语从句;第13题动词短语辨析;第14题连词辨析;第15题代词;第16题情景交际;第17题非谓语动词;第18题


北京市西城区2018-2019学期初三英语一模考试试卷 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读 两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) 二、听对话,根据对话内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话 读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5.When did the man move to the new house? A.Last winter.B.Last summer. C.Last spring. 6.Why did the man move to the new house? A.His old house was far from his children’s school. B.He wanted to live near a bookshop. C.His neighbour was too noisy. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。

7.Where will the man park his car? A.Inside the building. B.Behind the building. C.In front of the building. 8.How often is the rubbish collected? A.Once a day. B.Twice a day. C.Three times a day. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第11小题。 9.What does the woman want to do? A.Have a short tour in London. B.Go to the Hyde Park Hotel. C.Find the way to the British Museum. 10.When can the woman visit London Tower? A.In the morning. B.Right after lunch. C.In the afternoon. 11.How much will the woman pay if she goes with her family? A.15 pounds. B.30 pounds. C.45 pounds. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 12.What does the woman advise the man to do? A.Wait until she’s finished the magazine. B.Buy a copy of the magazine. C.Read the magazine online. 13.From the text we know that the magazine will get ______. A.more popular B.more expensive C.more special 请听一段对话,完成第14至第16小题。 14.Where is the man from? A.Britain. B.Australia. C.Italy. 15.How many kinds of sport does Mark like? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. 16.What can we learn from the dialogue? A.Mark shares the same favorite sport with his family. B.Swimming is the most popular sport in Mark’s family. C.Mark and his family are all sport lovers. 三、听一段独白,根据所听到的内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。独白读两遍。(共8分,每 小题2 知识运用(共27分) 四、单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)


九年级英语第一次模拟考试试卷分析 一、学生得分的基本情况九年级一班共有34名学生,最高得分为109分,最低得分22分,及格人数为15人,优生人数为7人,5070之间的学生较多,这些学生的潜力还很大,通过进一步的努力达到及格分应该没有大问题,3050之间的学生由于基础太差,只能慢慢的提高,他们几乎都没有什么学习兴趣。这在以后的教学中还要积极努力。 二、试题分析1本次试题分为听力和笔试两大部分。听力五个大题,15个小题,共30分。前四题25分,单选每个一分,学生很容易选出相应的答案,得分较高,第五题为填单词题,错误的较多,今后还需加强听力的练习。 2笔试部分学生得分最多题目是单项选择和完形填空,单项选择20小题有4个错误率比较高,其他的不少题目比较简单。完形填空学生几乎都感觉出本段文章的熟悉度很高,心里恐惧度大大减低,做题自信心大大增强,几乎有60-70%的学生得分及格以上,但满分的几乎没有。 3三段阅读短文都不简单,都不是一眼能看出答案的文章,学生失分最严重,30分仅仅得到 8、 10、12分离及格还差的很远。任务型阅读学生还能摸索出两三句的答案,基本还勉强及格,词语运用一题,5分,学生得0

分的很多,分值虽不大,可学生对这类题目真是很头疼,就是找不到解题的思路。 4作文写的是假期计划问题,必须审题,人称,时态,句子结构,都要仔细考虑,根据学生的写作结果分析,能写成英文句子的不足5人,能按要求写出句子的8人左右,老师的压力很大。还需继续加强练习。 三、失分原因。 1、基础知识这方面不够牢固,运用不够准确,灵活性较差。这在听短文填空和词汇题中体现了出来。 2、基本语法概念模糊。在单项选择中体现了这一点。 3、学生的知识面狭窄,句子的基本结构把握不好,语言的综合运用能力不强。 4、学生平时做的题型少,比如说阅读理解和补全对话,学生在平时几乎没做过这方面的练习。 四、今后的工作措施 1、加强师生情感的培养。学生的学习热情,在一定的意义上取决于老师,如果老师与学生的关系相处得融洽,那么学生就对你教的学科感兴趣,对你的学科感兴趣就有可能把你所教的学科学好。 2、加大学生完词填空的训练,新的题型要经过训练学生才能掌握,否则很难得分。


邢台一模英语试卷分析 沙河五中石月敏 一.总体情况 今年英语一模在题型上与往年基本一致,稍有改变改变,单选由原来的15个改成10个,词语运用由原来的5变成10,但难度不变,连词成句不再变形. 二、题型分析 听力: 听力题目1-4和5-16题为单选,比较常规。14-16题题目较长,要画出题目关键词,16题考查推断题,要先理解,后答题。17-21题考查的是姓名,时间,电话,关键信息,其中姓氏,地址和星期都要大写,这是容易错的地方,能否书写正确,是这道题目能否得分的关键。 建议:听力题虽不是难题,但画出题目关键信息等做题技巧和模拟练习是拿下此题的保证,在做17-21题书写的部分,要注意检查时态,人称,三单,大小写和拼写等方面的问题,做到万无一失,确保送分题目能够顺利得分。 单选: 共10道题目,考到的语法有代词,介词,连词,动词时态,情态动词,动词搭配,被动语态,形容词和宾语从句。其中介词去年考的是时间介词,因此掌握时间标志词依旧是时态题得分的法宝;被动的考点和时态结合起来考,与往年一致;宾从只要按照语序时态引导词这三点就不难选择。 建议:语法考查中规中矩,特点是系统性和规律性,扎实基础才是王道,才能应对万变的考试;一模之后的查漏补缺,回归基础是应对错综复杂难点的唯一捷径。 完形: 今年完形的话题是克服困难自我突破,摘自外文原版文章,综合考查主人公感情态度,语境分析以及词义辨析。词义辨析主要是动词,名词,形容词副词和代词。 文章通过夹叙夹议来表达观点,阐述克服困难,逐步实现自我突破,收获别人尊敬的故事,属于四大话题下的个人成长类。首段开门见山,直接告诉我们发生的事情,通过对话的形式让我们体会到了这项体育运动的困难,接下来阐述第二天的活动,自己未能坚持而退出,事后爸爸帮助作者分析并给作者动力,最后作者实现目标,文章结尾作者阐述自己的感受。 文章词汇难度中等,多是考纲词汇和往年的高频词。


九年级模拟考试英语试卷分析 一、试卷基本情况分析 本次二模考试是学生中考前最后一次大型考试,试卷按中考试卷题型命题。总分120分,涵盖了听力,单选,完型,阅读和词汇,书面表达六大部分。试卷结构和难度:个人认为试卷注重基础知识、基本技能和综合语言运用能力的考查。试题选材贴近考生、贴近生活,不仅考查学生课内知识的积累,同时也考查学生对课外知识的运用。我认为本次试卷符合中考说明的要求,能够提升学生的综合能力,达到了模拟中考的效果。 二、题型分析及学生答题情况分析: (一)听力题。25道选择和5道短文填空,共30分。听力方面,听力话题以课标和考试说明为依托,材料内容贴近生活实际,试题以获取具体信息为主,体现了英语的开放性和实践性。平时听力训练所听录音语速较慢,因此导致有一部分同学对本次录音语速不太适应,没有获取关键信息。前25道题优生基本全部满分,这凸显出了综合复习的优势。但是听短文填空部分出错较多,集中体现在26题,日期表达中“日”应该用序数词,多数学生写成了基数词,说明知识点还是有盲区。30题put on有些学生只能写出put这说明学生在平时接触口语以及对学生的口语拓展较少,这说明学生对于文段的理解和信息的提炼还有提升空间。 (二)单选题。考点清晰明确符合考试说明题例,比较符合中考的出题思路和难度。共10小题,难度适中出现错误集中在33,38题。

单词词义辨析,时态的用法,出错较多。所以这就要求我们在接下来十天的备考中依然要夯实基础,扫清只是盲点。 (三)完形填空。完形填空我觉得难度适中,通过对父母与孩子的相处模式的描述引出父母和孩子应该怎么相处。本话题易于理解,贴近生活,学生对全文主要意思把握准确,但是个别题目不只是考察句意理解,对于学生来说难度较大,还是因为基础知识不扎实。 (四)阅读理解。 A篇对话形式较为简单,无论是篇章内容还是短文所要传达的寓意都较为简单,学生做的得心应手,增强了学生的信心。B篇经典成语故事,描述了毛遂自荐额全过程,虽然学生对成语故事熟烂于心,但是对于细节把握还是有偏差。56题对that的理解部分学生把握不准,其实是对整个文章整体思路理解不到位。C 篇出错较少,话题贴近生活,易于理解,且主要内容分段展现易于学生精准的找到正确答案。D篇对关于眼睛的三个误解进行了解释,60题标题的选择大部分学生选错,对于文章整体的把握不准确,总结来说还是对于全篇文章的理解有所欠缺,如何在有限的课堂内培养学生的阅读和推理能力仍然需要进一步的探讨。 (五)任务型阅读。66题正确率较高,对于学生来说较简单。67题考察非限定性定语从句,因此只能用which,所以错误率较高。69题中心句把握不准确,70题翻译不难但是学生做的较差,skills 这个单词大部分学生没有翻译出,失分较多。 (六)词语运用。共10小题。10分,在要求学生掌握单词的基础上,能够结合句意语境填出正确形式填空具有很大的综合性,这不


2017年九年级第一次模拟考英语试卷分析 初三英语组 一、总体分析: 这次英语模拟试卷的检测范围应该说内容是全面的,难易也适度,比较能如实反映出学生的实际英语知识的掌握情况。也印证了平常的教学思路“基础知识掌握了,试卷的70%就能拿下了,还有30%来源于你的理解、分析、拓展能力。” 二、试题概述: 试卷信息量大,知识涵盖面广,渗透性强,注重实际情景和具体语境中考查学生对基础知识的理解和应用,有较强的探究性和灵活性。试卷突出了语言的交际功能,力求体现课程标准精神,无偏、难怪题。试卷着重考查学生理解、运用所学知识和技能分析问题、解决问题的能力,力求体现选拔和指导教学两者并重。 三、试卷特点: 1、试卷注重基础,体现活用,难度和区分度恰当,无偏题、怪题出现。试卷注重考查学生在一定语境下对语言基础知识的掌握情况和综合运用英语的能力。语言基础知识的考查重点突出,覆盖面广,情景设置合理,避免了纯知识性的死记硬背题,词汇和语法的测试充分注意了语言的真实性、趣味性和实践性;注重语感,灵活性强,突出语言形式向语言意义的转化。 2、试题从知识立意逐渐向能力立意转变。 加大了能力考查的比重。试题突出了语言的交际性,强调在特定语境中英语知识的灵活应用。适当增加了测试词汇量,加强能力检测。 四、试卷分析: 第一部分,听力部分 听力部分,最后一题学生失分较多。选择题这题失分不很多,主要由于学生考虑不全面,学生才失分。第三部分:完型填空这部分学生失分较多,虽然是他们做过的一篇文章。第四部分:阅读理解这部分失分也不少。题目并不很难,只要仔细阅读短文,分析问题,应该能得分。但个别学生仍不能认真做题,导致高分并不多。第五部分:书面表达学生得分最低,在书面表达中所反映的问题主要有:基础不扎实,语言表达不清楚。主要表现在:语序混乱、语法结构错误、基本句型没掌握、单词拼写错误等。 五、应对措施: 通过对本次英语试卷和考试情况的分析,针对英语教学中存在的问题,英语复习教学还要在以下几个方面作进一步的努力: 1、遵循课改理念,钻研教材,夯实英语基础。英语试题改革虽然强调了由过去的比较注重知识考查向注意综合语言运用能力的考查,但是我们应该清醒地认识到能力高于基础,但必须依靠基础。考查能力,并不意味着削弱对基础知识的要求,而是要联系实际。试题主要考查新课标和教材所规定学生应掌握的英语基础知识。许多练习很多学生“一看就会,一做就错。”这种现象比较普遍,有时学生做题失误原因是对于常规用语掌握的熟练程度还不够。其根本原因就在于基础不牢,只有扎扎实实从基础做起,才能最终达到“一看就会,一做就对”。 2、确立语篇意识和综合意识,培养综合运用能力。 阅读理解试题是分值较高的试题。因此,英语阅读理解水平的高低至关重要。阅读理解试题通过不同体裁,不同题材,从文章主旨大意能找出文章中的主题,理解故事情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局,并能查找具体细节,根据上下文猜测词义,理解作者意图和


东城区2013—2014学年第二学期初三综合练习 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图 片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 二、听对话,根据对话的内容,从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择最 佳选项。每段对话你将听两遍。(共18分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5. Who is ill in hospital? A. Henry. B. Jane. C. Susan. 6. Which bus takes the shortest time to the hospital? A. No. 7. B. No. 13. C. No. 15. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 7. What is the woman worried about? A. Missing the flight. B. Breaking traffic rules. C. Being late for a meeting. 8. What time does the dialogue take place?

A. At about 8:15. B. At about 8:45. C. At about 10:15. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9. Where are the speakers? A. In a library. B. In a cinema. C. In a restaurant. 10. What do you know about Mrs. Smith’s mother? A. She is funny. B. She is poor. C. She is forgetful. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11. What are the speakers going to do in the morning? A. To go to a park. B. To visit a museum. C. To do some shopping. 12. Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon? A. The zoo is free to visitors. B. The zoo is near the museum. C. The zoo has some unusual animals. 13. What’s the relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student. 请听一段对话,完成第14至第16小题。 14. Who does the man buy a gift for? A. A friend. B. A teacher. C. A family. 15. What does the man decide to buy at last? A. A set of a pen and a pencil. B. A bigger set with four pens. C. A set of a pen and four pencils. 16. What can we learn from the conversation? A. Japanese history. B. Japanese culture. C. Japanese education. 三、听独白,根据所听到的独白内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题 卡的相应位置上。独白你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分)


2018北京市朝阳区初三毕业考试 英语2018.4 考生须知1. 本试卷分为三部分,共五道大题。 2. 本试卷满分100 分,考试时间90 分钟。 3. 开始答题前请认真填写密封线内的学校、班级、姓名和考号。 4. 所有答案均用钢笔或签字笔写在答题纸相应位置上 5. 考试结東,请将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。 知识运用(共40 分) 一、单项填空(共24 分,每小题2分) 从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. My father is a teacher. works in No. 5 Middle School. A. I B. He C. She D. You 2. We usually have the first class 8:00 in the morning. A. at B. in C. on D. for 3. —Excuse me, is the bank, please? — It's next to the supermarket. A. which B. when C. where D. what 4. Laura is than you, I think. A. tall B. taller C tallest D. the tallest 5. Li Lei is very kind. He often me with my English. A. helps B. is helping C. helped D. will help 6. —Where is Jim now? —He football on the playground. A. play B. played C. is playing D. has played 7. My mother to music when I got home yesterday. A. listens B. will listen C. has listened D. was listening 8. —What did Mr Brown do bofore he came to China? —He in a car factory. A. works B. worked C is working D. will work 9. Mr. Green, a fumous writer, our school next week. A. visited B. visits C. was visiting D. will visit 10.They will go to the park if it next Sunday. A. doesn’t rain B. won’t rian C. didn’t rain D. isn’t raining 11.The trees here two years ago . A. plant B. planted C. are planted D. were planted 12. —Do you know ? —Tomorrow morning . A. when will they come to visit us B. when did they come to visit us C. when they will come to visit us D. when they came to visit us 二、完形填空(共16 分,每小题2分)

2012 一模 英语 虹口区试卷分析

1.put off = postpone= delay 推迟 2.anything but 不是 nothing but 是 3.oil painting 油画 4.turn to sb. for help 向某人求助 5.India Sweater 50 Ordinary outstanding leave their countries 17 million career and family 6.prepare the test paper prepare for the test paper 7.他明天可能来 He is likely to come tomorrow. It’s likely that he will come tomorrow. 8.祈使句+and +一般将来时 Use your head, and you will find a way. If you use your head, you will find a

way. Using your head, you will find a way. 9.bear= stand= put up with 忍受 10.采取行动 take measures= take action measures should be taken= action should be taken 11.expose …to…暴露 人expose skin to 太阳 skin be exposed to 太阳 exposure to 12.ago 过去时 before 完成时 13.such …as 和…一样,诸如此类定 语从句 such…that 如此…以致于结果状


2013年北京东城初三英语一模 英语 四、单项填空(共13分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 22. Look! An old man is crossing the road. Let’s go and help ______. A. he B. him C. she D. her 23. Betty got many gifts from her friends ______ her fifteenth birthday. A. in B. at C. of D. on 24. ______ Anna’s parents are teachers and they work in the same school. A. Some B. Any C. Both D. All 25. Eddie is a funny boy. He often makes us ______. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughed 26. I ______ busy last night. I made a model plane with my father. A. am B. was C. will be D. have been 27. — Can you write with your left hand? — No, I ______. A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t 28. — Where is Bob? — He ______ in the library. A. reads B. is reading C. read D. was reading 29. — Let’s buy some cards for our teachers. — Why not make some ourselves? It will be much ______. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting 30. It’s windy outside. Put on your coat, ______ you may catch a cold. A. and B. but C. or D. so 31. Mr Green is not new in that company. In fact, he ______ there since 2003. A. works B. was working C. will work D. has worked 32. — ______ will it take you to finish the task? — About a week. A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How often 33. — These plans are all nice. I haven’t decided wh ich one to choose. —It’s OK. You ______ plenty of time to decide. A. gave B. were given C. will give D. will be given 34. — I hear Peter has gone to Sanya for his holiday. — How nice! Do you know ______? A. when he left B. when he was leaving C. when did he leave D. when was he leaving


初三第一次模拟英语试卷分析 贾璧学区贾璧中学 本次初三年级英语考试属于中考模拟考试。考试内容和形式贴近中考。达到了考察学生的真实水平,发挥了试卷的教育测量和教学评价作用,能引领初三英语教学的正确方向。试题结构分为选择题和非选择题两部分。 第一题听力部分 本题满分为30分,得分率为60%,是本次考试失分最多的一道题,如听力IV,听对话,选答案,共5道小题,大部分学生只能做对一、两道题,究其原因,是学生听力训练少、考试经验不足所致。 第二题:单项选择,共20个小题,所测试的内容是基础知识和基本语法。考查学生在句子层次中对语法、词汇和习惯用语的掌握情况。覆盖面比较广,涉及到交际英语、引导词、疑问词、动词搭配、词语辨析、动词时态、从句、介词、副词、语序等多种语法现象。试题的突出特点是话题和语境因素较强,侧重基础知识,强调灵活运用。除个别小题可以通过分析句子结构选出正确答案外,大多数小题均要求学生正确理解试题的语境意义,灵活运用语言知识才能选出与语境所适应的答案。这对英语教学有着良好的导向作用:有利于引导教师将话题、结构与交际功能相结合,正确指导并训练学生将语言基础知识转化为言语运用能力。 第三题:完形填空。“完形填空”题着重考查考生在阅读理解的基础上对英语语言知识的综合运用能力。所选短文是一篇记叙文,将知识性与趣味性容为一体。考查的词汇知识包括:动词、形容词、副词、连词、动词词组、搭配、文章理解。完形填空选项的设计仍以实词为主,虚词为辅。完形填空的设题立足全篇短文而不是某个句子,但考生在判断选项时,往往忽略文义的整体性与连惯性,因此所选择的答案往往只符合局部意义,而与全

文的意义相悖。有些选项需全面理解文章大意,依靠上下文或段落之间的逻辑关系,才能选出正确答案。 第四题:阅读理解。该部分旨在检测考生的阅读速度和对语篇的领悟能力,侧重提高阅读能力也是中学英语教学的主要目的。本次阅读理解部分仍然是重点考查考生输入信息的速度和对书面语篇的整体理解能力。从多个层面(整体、细节、具体、抽象、字面、深层、推理等)考查了学生对不同短文的理解情况。共有3篇短文侧重考查分析、推断和综合理解的能力。有以下特点: 1)保持较大的阅读词汇量和信息量,保持较高的阅读速度。《英语课程标准》规定,学生能以每分钟70-80个词的速度读懂不同题材的材料。 2)3篇短文都负载较高含量的信息。从语言运作的表层看,文字并不构成很大的理解困难,但是隐藏在表层结构"下面"的则是比较复杂的信息。这就要求考生具有较高层次的阅读技能:在复杂的语境条件下,把握作者的整体思路;在较高级的措辞中,探察作者的隐藏意思;在较为复杂的上下文中,推断陌生词汇的意思;探查语篇的背景条件;在读懂语言的基础上了解原来不知道的东西,而不是借助熟悉的东西去理解语言。 3)增加了生词量,加大了猜测词义能力的考查。 试卷中出现的教材、教学大纲中没有出现过的生词、由构词法构成的词汇及有新义的熟词大都集中出现在阅读理解的语篇材料中。检测考生能否利用已掌握识理解派生词、合成词及其意义,能否在较高级的措辞中,探察作者的隐藏意思;在较为复杂的上下文中,推断陌生词汇的意思。 第五题:任务型阅读,难度适宜学生答得较好。 第六题:词语运用五道题出的较好尤其是5小题考学生的及物与不及物动词的用法。 第七题:书面表达。本题10分,得分率为70%。学生失误的原因主要是没有用提示中所给的单词,不注意大小写,句型掌握不牢固,教师有必要在审题、书写、句型等方面给学生一些指导。 三、对今后教学工作的建议 1、注意培养学生学习英语的兴趣,加强对学习方法的指导。这次考试部分学生英语得分很低,这说明他们在初中阶段根本没有学好英语,这不能

2012 一模 英语 卢湾区试卷分析

1.范围在…和…之间between…and from…to range in age from 5 to 10 2.six other students= six others another six students 3.what you do matters. What matters is not…but…. 重要的不是…而是…What matters is not the result but the process. What matters is not

whether he has succeeded but how hard he is during the process. 4.at the end of 过去 by the end of 完成 5.现在完成时since 一般 过去时 It has been ten years since Iarrived in SH. 6.Internet has been the most important progress since personal computer was invented. 7.have no choice but to do

8.do nothing but do 9.can’t help but do 10.including sth sth. included 11.prove to be true 12.sign your name /signature 13.refer to 牵涉,谈到=mention 14.旅游胜地 a place of interest 15.tourist attraction 16.追溯到date back to 17.meet sb. at the station


初三英语期中考试试卷分析及总结报告书 生状况,要提高成绩,首先要端正学生思想态度,在保证课堂质量的同时,一定要确保课后的“自我消化”环节,尤其是中上层学生,只有通过练才能达到知识的巩固、才能学会灵活运用、才能发现问题,查漏补缺、才能培养独立的解题能力。结合实际,我们的具体计划: 第一、加强听力方面的练习,在有可能的情况下多给学生开展听力训练。认真用好《初三英语听说训练》,平时组织学生定期训练,真正提高学生的听力水平。 第二、强化单词的记忆,并结合目前的情况,对优生及中上等的注意培养他们对一些多义词、兼类词的实际运用能力,提高他们基础题的解题水平。 第三、抓好语法的分类复习,在此过程中,就当前所暴露出来的弱点开展进行,通过分析试题,教会学生学会归纳知识并如何把识记的内容用于实践中, 第四、完形填空及阅读理解部分,平时应加强训练同学们的答题速度及答题质量。有针对性地组织学生组织阅读训练,期中考试后,组织学生用好《初三英语读写训练》,确保每周训练1~2次。 第五、争取改变学生凭感觉做动词填空的方式。通过时态,语态,固定用法等培养学生动词填空的能力。 第六、指导学生做好短文填词这一中考题型,首字母填空是一项综合能力考查题,要求学生能读懂短文,然后选用恰当的词进行填空,我们需要对学生进行方法指导,并多做这类题目,才能真正提高学生的能力。

第七、书面表达是一个薄弱环节,主要是学生组句的能力差,语法漏洞多,不会审题的原因,所以在以后要重视对作文的评讲及优秀范文的分析。 初三英语学科期终测试试卷分析 一,总体情况 按照教育局教研室的要求,2004学年度第一学期期终考试对初三英语进行统一质量抽查,参加统考的学校有21所(除去桃李园学校,苏民学校和徐行中学,这三所学校使用了市教研室提供的"新世纪英语"的样卷),这次考试由外区教研室进行命题,测试内容情况如下: 试卷考查的内容为统编教材(一期课改教材),总体难度稍偏难,考试范围应为本学期所教的内容.但在本试卷中,本学期所教的内容几乎没有.由于明年中考试题<>将不采用一卷两分叉,所以本学期中考词汇和词组有较大变动,总体核心词汇为1678,词组为354,而这次考试内容覆盖面在此范围,许多学校尝未全部将《新世纪英语》及《牛津英语》的词汇和词组发给学生(市教研室要求分段进行),所以难度较大,难易度比为2:4:4,结果情况不太理想. 二,考试情况分析 本次考试的试卷采用中考的题型,分成听力测试;语音,词汇和语法;阅读和写作三个部分,听力部分由区教研室统一录制. 抽样试卷答题情况 题号 题型
