



1. The New York Times(纽约时报)


2. The Economist(经济学人)

The Economist是一家国际性权威经济杂志,发表着英美乃至全球的经济与商业新闻分析。它不仅提供了全球各地的经济数据和商业趋势的报道,还对国际政治、科技发展等方面进行深入的分析。经济学人以其独到的视角和专业的报道而备受推崇。

3. The Guardian(卫报)


4. Financial Times(金融时报)


5. The Times(泰晤士报)





课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson20

Lesson 20 East Versus West 东西方观念和思维的差异 classmates chime in. 同学插话。 That kind of collectivism confirms the commonly held belief that learning by organic induction is more effective than rote memorization. 这种集体主义证实了有机归纳学习比死记硬背更有效的普遍信念。 Why do you find, in a music conservatory, a lot of Asian would-be concert pianists but comparatively few Asian opera-singers-in-training? 为什么在音乐学院会有很多想成为钢琴家的亚洲人,而受训的亚洲歌剧演员却相对较少? There's a physical limit to how many hours a day a person can sing, Nisbett says, but not to how many hours one can practice sonatas. 尼斯贝特说,一个人每天唱歌的时间有生理上的限制,但练习奏鸣曲的时间没有生理上的限制。 He attributes these differences to history. 他将这些差异归因于历史。 East Asian agriculture was a communal venture in which tasks like irrigation and crop rotation had citizens acting in concert. 东亚农业是一种公共事业,其中灌溉和作物轮作等任务需要公民协同行动。 In contrast, Western food production led to more lone-operator farmers and herdsmen. 相比之下,西方食品生产导致了更多的孤独的农民和牧民。 Greek democratic philosophy emphasized the individual; the Reformation stressed a personal connection to God; the Industrial Revolution made heroes of entrepreneurs. 希腊民主哲学强调个人;宗教改革强调个人与上帝的联系;工业革命造就了企业家的英雄。 But in Asia, Confucius said virtue hinged upon appropriate behavior for specific relationships, say, among siblings, neighbors or colleagues. 但在亚洲,孔子说,美德取决于对特定关系的恰当行为,比如在兄弟姐妹、邻居或同事之间。 These tidy generalizations are not without critics. 这些整齐的概括并非没有批评。 A San Francisco State University professor who edits the Journal of Cross-Culture Psychology'', David Matsumoto, holds that while Nisbett attaches his observations to fascinating raw data, he takes some conclusions too far. 旧金山州立大学(San Francisco State University)教授、《跨文化心理学杂志》(Journal of Cross-Culture Psychology)主编大卫?松本(David Matsumoto)认为,尼斯贝特将自己的观察结果与引人入胜的原始数据结合起来,但他的一些结论有些过头了。 "In cross-cultural work researchers are too quick to come up with some deep, dark, mysterious interpretation of a difference with no data to support it," Matsumoto says. "It's difficult to draw one conclusion [from] a snippet of behavior, and that's what this work tends to do." 松本说:“在跨文化研究中,研究人员在没有数据支持的情况下,总是急于对差异

课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson 7

Lesson 7 :Cities and Suburbs Are Trading Places 远程办公 Young Singles, Other ‘Non-Families’ Taking Over Outer Areas, Study Shows 研究显示,单身青年和其他“非家庭成员”占据了周边地区 By D’Vera Cohn. A role reversal between cities and suburbs is rewriting a demographic script that has dominated American life for decades. 城市和郊区之间的角色转换正在改写几十年来主导美国生活的人口统计学脚本。Young singles, elderly widows and other such “non-family households”now outnumber married-with-children homes in the nation’s suburbs, creating changes in demand for housing, entertainment and services in the communities where most Americans live. 在美国的郊区,年轻的单身人士、年老的寡妇和其他类似的“无家庭家庭”现在的数量超过了结婚带孩子的家庭,这就改变了大多数美国人居住的社区对住房、娱乐和服务的需求。 At the same time, the married-with-children families often thought of as typically suburban are increasing in many growing cities of the South and West, according to a study based on the 2000 Census to be released today by the Brookings Institution. 与此同时,布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)今天发布的一项基于2000年人口普查的研究显示,在美国南部和西部许多发展中城市,通常被认为是典型的郊区已婚带孩子家庭的人数正在增加。 In suburbs, the demand for social services is rising even as nightclubs are springing up in shopping malls to serve affluent singles. 在郊区,对社会服务的需求正在上升,尽管为富裕单身人士服务的购物中心里的夜总会如雨后春笋般涌现。 In some cities, school buildings are crowded again, and small commercial districts are rising from the dead. 在一些城市,学校建筑再次拥挤起来,小型商业区死而复生。 In the Washington area, non-families have outnumbered married-with-children households in most of the region’s biggest suburbs for more than a decade, and the trend intensified in the 1990s, hi the region’s outer suburbs, married couples with children still dominate. 在华盛顿地区,十多年来,在该地区大部分最大的郊区,非家庭家庭的数量超过了已婚带孩子的家庭,这一趋势在20世纪90年代加剧,在该地区的远郊,已婚带孩子的家庭仍然占主导地位。 The transformation of the suburbs reflects the arrival of a more diverse population and changes in the lives of people already living there. 郊区的转变反映了人口多样化的到来,以及已经生活在那里的人们的生活发生了变化。 There is a growing singles scene of young people who want to live near suburban workplaces, an increasing number of unmarried couples buying houses, and more homes being rented to groups, including immigrants. 越来越多的年轻人想要住在郊区工作场所附近,越来越多的未婚夫妇在买房,越来越多的房子被租给团体,包括移民。

英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万lesson 5 Food and Obesity

Lesson5 Food and Obesity Being fat is be coming the norm for Americans.As it will soon be come in this country, I have seen the future, and it's extra large. By Joan Smith A friend who happens to be both American and a superb cook-his poulet de Bresse en deuil is one of the most memorable dishes I have tasted--called me a couple of days ago,enthusing about a lecture he had just at ended.The thesis,he said,was that the human body has changed irrevocably over the last quarter of a century and that the physical environment—chairs,beds, airline seats-will gradually adapt to accommodate the new shape.It is,of course,in the US, where my friend no longer lives,that this evolutionary experiment is most advanced;for years now, millions of people have been gorging themselves on vast helpings of fast food, with the consequence that about 60 percent of the population is overweight. According to Greg Critser, author of Fat Land:How Americans Became the Fattest People in the Word, none of this has happened by accident. Critser argues that the challenge to the US food industry in the 1970s was that the population was growing more slowly than the food supply, so people had to be persuaded to change their eating habits. Fast food, invented after the Second World War as an affordable way of getting families to eat together, became a means of selling surplus fat and sugar to the far-from-unwilling masses. This is a social revolution on a grand scale as scarcity, with which most human beings have had to struggle throughout history, has given way to an apparently permanent state of plenty. It may also help to explain why the magician David Blaine, suspended without food in a Perspex box beside Tower Bridge,has such a grip on people's imaginations.In an astonishingly short period of time, starvation has metamorphosed from a threat to a spectacle, and families are turning out en mass eat weekends to see how his hunger strike is going. For the fifth of the British population who are obese, and unused to doing without food for more than a few hours, the notion of someone giving it up for 44 days is unthinkable, some normal-size people have turned up to mock, throwing egg, cooking food and even trying to cut off the water supply to the hung American. Perhaps this is the point, that there are so few starving Americans in the world, which makes his self-imposed ordeal appear ludicrously self-indulgent. Yet it is possible to take Critser’s argument a stage further and suggest that millions of Americans are trapped between two industries, fast food and slimming, which enjoy a cosily symbiotic relationship. Research by a fast-food chain showed that what customers cared about was neither taster nor quality but portion size; what they have come to expect from food, and what their neighbours are beginning to want as well-obesity has increased by 158 per cent in Mexico in a decade, since fast food outlets began to replace the traditional diet-is a feeling of being stuffed to the gills. Cooking has become a spectator sport, something to watch famous people do on telly, as the populations of affluent countries rely increasingly on supermarket meals and takeaways. For many people, eating has become an addiction rather than a pleasure, and going on a diet merely replaces on morbid habit with another. In the circumstances, it is not really surprising that people are confused and


《美英报刊文章阅读》精选本第三版 周学艺 第一课: Home at last 译文 叶落归根 ----对一群美国哈佛大学工商管理学毕业生们来说,返回中国:就意味着有一次为祖国服务的机会,也就意味着有一次致富的机遇。 By brook larmer 这是一个通宵达旦的聚会,在醉意朦胧的氛围中,即将毕业的学子们互诉衷情。然而这却是一个严肃的场合:在1999年5月的一天,11位(哈佛工商大学)的同班同学,聚集在哈佛工商大学校园的一套公寓里,正在与中国之命运努力抗争。在他们的身边满眼是空空的啤酒瓶和炸薯片的包装袋,这11位同班同学与一帮来自中国大陆的朋友正在讨论他们自己的去留问题。其实,他们当中的每一位同学都收到了美国顶级公司的邀请函。但是,自从他们大多数人离开祖国以来,中国大陆在十年内也已经发生了巨大的变化。现在的中国比以往的任何时候提供了更多的个人自由和经济发展机遇,而且也急需一大批象他们一样的精英管理型人才。张微,一位活泼的29岁妇女,她的梦想就是要成为中国式的奥普拉·温弗莉,(奥普拉·温弗莉Oprah Winfrey:1954年1月29日生于美国密西西比州的科斯休斯克。19岁加入那斯威尔市的WVOL广播电台开始她的广播生涯。大学二年级转学大众传媒,并成为那斯威尔WTVF电视台第一个非洲裔美国人记者。1984年移居芝加哥主持WLS电视台的早间脱口秀节目—《芝加哥的早晨》。一个月之后,成为脱口秀节目排行榜首位。不到一年时间,节目延长到1小时,并更名为《奥普拉·温弗瑞秀》。奥普拉·温弗莉是一个什么样的人?她的物理特征:“黑人、女人、体重200磅、出身于密西西比、庸俗、粗鄙、市井和有生气的”;她的人生特征:未婚妈妈所生,9岁遭强奸,33岁成为脱口秀女皇,48岁成为亿万富翁。她的财智特征:美国最受欢迎电视人,哈泼娱乐集团公司董事长,全美50名女强人之一,20世纪最有影响力的100位名人之一,《福布斯》杂志排行榜上的亿万富翁。)而后者就是美国当代(家喻户晓)的访谈节目女主持人,她要求她的同学们返回祖国。“我们决不可为了明天而放弃现在。”她说道,“我们现在就应该着手做我们该做的事情”。 这二句话出自奥普拉·温弗莉之口,但他们印证了一个预言。大约过了几周的时间,在这所公寓里最年轻的26岁前任国际数学冠军,名叫邵亦波----草草写下一条经商建议,便卖掉家当前往上海,在那里他创建了一家中国式的国际互联网拍卖行,eBay. (易趣网,世界最大的网上交易平台,中国电子商务的旗舰网站)。在返回上海的途中,他在美国的硅谷呆了一天的时间,并且说服了一些投资人为他(的项目)投资了四十万美金。几周之后,同学谭海英在纽约一家投资银行走马上任之前,返回上海拜会了一些朋友之后,她再也没用返回美国:邵亦波劝说她(留下来)担任他公司的行政副总管。一年里,小团伙内的另外三名成员:黄逸明、任晨、herbert王也返回中国开办了几家创业公司。那么张微呢?她在(世界报业大王)罗伯特、默多克的新闻集团里谋得一份具有商业发展的美差。在北京,她仍然不分昼夜地工作以追求她的奥普拉式梦想。在北京电视台,她每周一次主持一档深受大家欢迎的访谈节目,访谈的内容主要是关于艾滋病、毒品泛滥,当然也有网上约会交友(等内容)。 当中国的学生出现在美国哈佛大学的时候,他们不仅仅是寻找出路,而且也是寻找他们日后最终回国的优势条件。经过几年为(国外)咨询公司、跨国公司和创业公司的工作经历,他们绝大多

课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson19

Lesson 19 It's a Glad, Sad, Mad World 主观幸福感 Where you live, as much a show you live, is a key influence on the feel-good factor 你住在哪里,就像你在现场表演一样,是影响你感觉良好的关键因素 By Walter Kirn It's almost impossible for most people in well-off countries to begin to understand how it feels to live in the extreme poverty of Calcutta, surviving in India's third largest city in a shack, or on the street with little access to clean water,food or health care. 对于生活在富裕国家的大多数人来说,他们几乎不可能开始理解生活在印度第三大城市加尔各答的极度贫困中是什么感觉,在一个简陋的棚子里生存,或者在没有干净的水、食物或医疗保健的街道上生存。 The filth. The crowds. The disease. 污秽、人群、疾病。 From the perspective of the comfortably housed and amply fed, these conditions sound hopeless, and the suffering they must breed seems unimaginable. 从那些住得舒舒服服、吃得饱的人的角度来看,这些条件听起来让人绝望,它们所带来的痛苦似乎难以想象。 But not as unimaginable as this: according to a researcher who employs a method of ranking human happiness on a scale of 1 to 7, poor Calcuttans score about a 4, meaning they' reslightly more happy than not. 但没有这么不可思议:根据一位研究人员使用一种方法给人类幸福打分,分值从1到7,贫穷的Calcuttans给出的了4分,表示他们的幸福程度稍微高一些。 And that's certainly happier than one might expect. The assumption behind this finding, of course, is that happiness, like Olympic figure skating, can really be scored numerically at all and that the judges who score it don't even need to come from the same countries or speak the same languages as the people they' re judging. 这当然比人们预期的要快乐。当然,这一发现背后的假设是,快乐,就像奥运会花样滑冰一样,真的可以用数字来打分,给它打分的裁判甚至不需要来自相同的国家或说相同的语言。 Robert Biswas-Diener, has worked extensively with his father, the noted University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener, to evaluate what they term the Subjective Well-Being(SWB) of people around the globe, from Masai warriors in East Africa to Inughuit hunters in Northern Greenland, inviting them to answer questions about their moods and outlook. 罗伯特?比斯瓦斯-迪纳为他的父亲做了大量的工作,指出伊利诺斯州大学的心理学家Ed Diener,评估他们的术语主观幸福感(主客观)世界各地的人们,从东非的马赛勇士极地因纽特人猎人在格陵兰岛北部,邀请他们来回答关于他们的心情和前景问题。 The results have led them to one sweeping conclusion: human beings, no matter where they live, and almost without regard to how they live, are, in the elder Diener’s words,"preset to be happy." 结果让他们得出了一个笼统的结论:人类,无论他们住在哪里,也几乎不管他们如何生活,用老迪纳的话来说,都是“预设的幸福”。


Lesson 4 VI. 1. They found those Korean-Americans isolated and helpless, and recognized the attacks as a threat to Asians as a whole. For many Asian-Americans, the riots represented as an assault on their faith in America. 2. The total population of Asian-Americans is about 7.3 million. Nearly 2.5 million arrived during the 1980s. The fastest increasing groups are Koreans and Vietnamese. About half of Asian immigrants settle on the Pacific coast while hundreds of thousands move on to New York and dozens of cities in between. 3. They were brought to the United States in the 1860s to work on continental railroads as coolies. They were ill-treated and vilified as a “population befouled with all the social vices”. In 1887, there occurred the Snake River Massacre in Oregon, in which 31 Chinese were robbed and murdered. 4. Asian families earn an average of $35,900 per year, more than the average for white families. However, as the Asian family is larger, their per capita income is actually less than that of white people. 5. They are called the “model minority” because of their superiority to other races in habits of study and work. They are said to embody the American Dream of hard work, thrift and success. Asians, however, rebel against the model-minority label as another insidious stereotype. They think that it is a subtly racist excuse not to help underprivileged Asians and to hold back even average Asians on the ground that they already have “natural” advantages. 6. Because they believe that Asian-Americans have accepted the white mainstream culture and white people love them for everything the blacks are not. 7. They are making great efforts to preserve and acquire the Asian culture by improving their original language proficiency, attacking the model minority image and Asians who forget their original culture. 8. The main obstacles are skin color and lack of English proficiency. 9. The Indo-Chinese group is most noted for street gang activities. The main cause is unemployment. 10. The ties within each small Asian group are close and family connections are strong. A key link in the system is rotating credit association. However, many Asians lack a larger sense of unity and bring ancient rivalries from native countries. Most Asian support groups are based on nationality or even smaller units. Outline I. Impact of the Los Angeles riots (1—2) 1. Korean sufferings and helpless state 2. Assault on Asian-Americans’ faith in America II. Racial bias against Asian-Americans (3—7) 1. Asian immigrants’ uglified image in the past 2. Present model-minority label and its harmful effects


英美报刊阅读精选 英美报刊阅读精选 英美报刊是了解英美社会、经济、政治等方面的重要资源,不仅可以提高我们的英语阅读能力,还可以增长我们的知识面。以下是几个值得推荐的英美报刊,供大家参考。 1. The New York Times(纽约时报) 作为美国最具影响力的报纸之一,纽约时报是许多人获取美国新闻资讯的首选。它涵盖了全球范围内的重要新闻,包括政治、经济、社会、文化等方面的报道。在纽约时报上可以了解到最新的美国社会动态、国际关系以及各种社会问题的发展。 2. The Economist(经济学人) The Economist是一家国际性权威经济杂志,发表着英美乃至全球的经济与商业新闻分析。它不仅提供了全球各地的经济数据和商业趋势的报道,还对国际政治、科技发展等方面进行深入的分析。经济学人以其独到的视角和专业的报道而备受推崇。

3. The Guardian(卫报) 作为英国的一家重要报纸,卫报以其较为自由、开放的编辑方针而广受欢迎。它关注各种社会问题,包括环境、社会不公、民权等,同时也报道全球的重大新闻事件。卫报以其深入的报道和对社会的深思熟虑而受到许多人的喜爱。 4. Financial Times(金融时报) 金融时报是全球权威的财经报纸之一,对商业和金融领域有着独到的报道和分析。它提供了全球范围内的商业新闻、金融市场动态和经济趋势,对投资者和商界人士具有很高的参考价值。金融时报的报道深入浅出,能够帮助读者更好地理解和把握金融市场。 5. The Times(泰晤士报) 泰晤士报是英国最古老的日报之一,提供了全球各地的新闻与报道。它的报道领域非常广泛,包括政治、经济、文化、体育等各个方面。泰晤士报以其权威性、客观性和深入性而在英国乃至全球范围内享有很高的声誉。

课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson18

Lesson 18 Those Rugged Individuals 美国个体主义价值观 No ideal may be held more sacred in America, or be more coveted by others, than the principle of individual freedom. 在美国,没有什么理想比个人自由原则更神圣,也没有什么理想比个人自由原则更令人垂涎。 Given the chance to pursue the heart's desires, our Utopian vision claims, each of us has the ability and the right to make our dreams come true. 我们乌托邦式的愿景宣称,只要有机会去追求内心的渴望,我们每个人都有能力和权利去实现自己的梦想。 This extraordinary individualism has prevailed as the core doctrine of the New World through four centuries, bringing with it an unrelenting pressure to prove one's self. 四个世纪以来,这种非凡的个人主义一直是新世界的核心信条,随之而来的是证明自我的无情压力。 The self-made man has been America's durable icon, whether personified by the prairie homesteader or the high-tech entrepreneur.' 白手起家的人是美国经久不衰的偶像,无论是草原上的农场主还是高科技企业家都是他们的化身。” Yet, from the beginning,the idea of a community of rugged individualists struck many as an oxymoron. In the 1830s, Alexis de Tocqueville warned that the tendency of Americans to do their own thing could very likely doom the country. 然而,从一开始,由粗犷的个人主义者组成的社会这个想法就给许多人以矛盾的感觉。19世纪30年代,亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔(Alexis de Tocqueville3)警告说,美国人自行其是的倾向很可能会让这个国家走向灭亡。 The Founding Fathers be seeched people to remain involved in community affairs. 开国元勋们鼓励人们继续参与社区事务。 And today, a chorus of critics worries that the philosophy of individualism has slipped its original moorings, threatening the well-being of the nation and, ironically, individuals themselves. 今天,许多批评家担心个人主义哲学已经失去了它最初的根基,威胁到国家的福祉,讽刺的是,也威胁到个人本身。 When the United States first came into being, most people had never even heard the word individualism. 当美国刚形成时,大多数人甚至从未听说过个人主义这个词。 "Our fathers only knew about egoism," said Tocqueville, who helped coin the term to capture the new way of life in the fledgling nation.Europe, where caste systems determined so much of one's fate, had never had much practical use for individualism. “我们的父辈只知道自我主义,”托克维尔说,他帮助创造了这个词来捕捉这个新兴国家的新生活方式。在欧洲,种姓制度在很大程度上决定了一个人的命运,个人主义在实际中从未发挥过多大作用。 Born of the Protestant Reformation,the ethos was carried across the Atlantic by the Puritans, who believed that each person received marching orders directly from God. 这种精神诞生于新教改革,并被清教徒带到了大西洋彼岸。清教徒相信,每个人都直接接受了上帝下达的行军命令。

课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson8

Lesson 8 Seeing the Back of the Car 汽车文化 “I’LL love and protect this car until death do us part,” says Toad, a 17-year-old loser whose life is briefly transformed by a “super fine” 1958 Chevy Impala in “American Graffiti”. 一名17岁的失败者,图德说,“我将会爱护这辆车并且保护它,一直到死亡把我们分开为止”,他的生活由于“美国风情画”中的一辆1958年的超精细雪佛兰羚羊而完全改变了。 The film follows him, his friends and their vehicles through a late summer night in early 1960s California: cruising the main drag, racing on the back streets and necking in back seats of machines which embody not just speed, prosperity and freedom but also adulthood, status and sex. 这部电影带着他,他的朋友们和他们的车穿越到了二十世纪六十年代加州,一个夏天的夜晚:快而平衡地穿过那里的主要街道,在破旧的街巷中飙车,在汽车后座位上拥吻,这辆车体现的不仅仅是速度,财富和自由,还有成年的宣告,社会地位和性关系的成熟。 The movie was set in an age when owning wheels was a norm deeply desired and newly achievable. 当时这部电影的制作背景是----拥有辆车的深深渴望和它代表的一种新型的成就。Since then car ownership has grown apace. 从那时起,汽车保有量是益增长。 There are now more than 1 billion cars in the world, and the number is likely to roughly double by 2020. 全世界现在的汽车数量超过了10亿辆,到2020年这个数字大概会翻一翻。They are cheaper, faster, safer and more comfortable than ever before. 相比于以前,现在的汽车更便宜,速度更快,配置更安全,而且更加舒适。 Cars are integral to modern life. They account for 70% of all journeys not made on foot in the OECD, which includes most developed countries. 汽车已成为现代生活不可或缺的一部分。 In the European Union more than 12m people work in manufacturing and services related to cars and other vehicles, around 6% of the total employed population; the equivalent figure for America is 4.5% of private-sector employment, or 8m jobs. 经合组织---包括了大部分发展国家---调查显示,非徒步旅行者中有70%的人选择了汽车出行。在欧盟,超过1200万人在汽车及其他车辆相关的制造和服务行业中工作,占了整个就业人口的6%。美国从事类似行业的人数达到了800百,占了私人企业就业率的4.5%。 They dominate household economies too:aside from rent or mortgage payments, transport costs are the single biggest weekly outlay, and most of those costs normally come from cars. 它们也是家庭经济的主要支出:除了支付房租或者抵押贷款,交通开支是家庭的周最大单一开支,而且这些开支的大部分都来自于汽车。 Nearly 60 m new cars were added to the world’s stock in 2011. 2011年,全世界股市有近6000万辆新车加入。
