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1.[聚焦句型]Let sb .do ...“让/允许/听任某人干…… [解读句型]let 为使役动词,后跟不带to 的不定式作宾补。Let\'s do≠Let us do 。Let\'s do 含有“咱们一起干”之意,包括对方在内,其反意疑问句句尾用shall we ;Let us do 是请求听者允许,意为“(你)让我们干”,不包括对方在内,其反意疑问句句尾用will you 。另外,let 往往不用在被动语态中。例如: Let\'s go swimming ,shall we ?咱们去游泳好吗? Let us have a rest ,will you ?让我们休息一会儿,好吗?

2.[聚焦句型]It\'s time to do ...“该做……了”;It\'s time for ...“是……

的时候了” [解读句型]It\'s time 后可跟不定式或 for +名词结构,有时用It\'s time for sb .to do ,即“该某人做……了”。例如: It\'s time to begin our class .我们该上课了。 It\'s time for breakfast .该吃早饭了。 His talk was over ,it was time for him to be off .他的话说完了,该离开了。

3.[聚焦句型]I\'d like /love +sth .“我想要……”;I\'d like /love to do“我想做……” [解读句型]I\'d =I should /would ,主语为第二、第三人称时用would like =love 。该句型后可跟名词或不定式作宾语。例如: I should like a word with you .我想跟你谈谈。 Miss Li would not like to speak about it before me .李小姐不想在我面前谈论这件事。

4.[聚焦句型]What about ...?“……怎么样?”或“……怎么办?” [解读句型]What about ...?=How about ...?用来征求意见或询问消息,about 后跟名词、代词或动名词。例如: Of course I\'ll come .What about next Tuesday ?我当然会来。下周二怎么样? How about /What about (our )going for a walk ?(我们)去散散步如何?

5.[聚焦句型]You\'d better (not )do ...“你最好(不要)干……” [解读句型]had better 其后直接跟动词原形,否定形式直接在其后面加上not ,有时had 可省略,主语也可以由其他人称代词担任。例如: You\'d better get some sleep .你最好休息一下。 Be tter not wait for him any longer .最好不要再等他了。 All these books had better be returned to the library on time .这些书最好按时归还给图书馆。

6.[聚焦句型]like better than ...“与……相比更喜欢……;喜欢……胜过……” [解读句型]注意比较对象要一致。例如: I like English better than any other subject .和其他任何一科相比,我更喜欢英语。 Mother likes music better than father (does ).妈妈比爸爸更喜欢音乐。

7.[聚焦句型]too +形容词/副词+to do “太……而不能干……” [解读句型]该句型本身已含有否定意义,不定式不能再用否定形式。不定式前可以有其逻辑主语“for sb .”。若谓语为系动词,too 后跟形容词;若谓语为行为动词,too 后跟副词。例如: This maths problem is too difficult for me to work out .这道数学题太难了,我解不出来。 He wal ked too slowly to catch up with the team .他走得太慢了,跟不上队伍。

8.[聚焦句型]What +名词+主语+谓语;How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语 [解读句型]此为两个常用感叹句型,若中心词为名词,用what 开头,名词前常有冠词、形容词修饰;若中心词为形容词或副词,用how 开头。例如: What fine weather it is !多好的天气呀! How lovely the girl is !这个女孩多可爱呀!

9.[聚焦句型]so +be /have /助动词/情态动词+主语“……也是如此” [解读句型]该句型表示前面所说的肯定情况也适合后者,是一种典型的倒装句。其时态和动词要与前文一致。如前面陈述句为否定句,只需将so 改为neither 或nor 即可。例如: —I like playi ng football .我喜欢踢足球。 —So do I .我也喜欢。 You didn\'t do quite well in


ish last term.Neither /Nor did M ary.上学期你在英语方面学得不好,玛丽也是这样。

10.[聚焦句型]Why not +动词原形“为什么不……” [解读句型]用于提出建议或批评,相当于Why don\'t you do...?例如: Why not go and ask Mr.Li for some advi ce?为何不去向李老师求教呢?

11.[聚焦句型]...was/weredo-ing...when...“正在进行……,忽然……” [解读句型]when在此处作连词,表示过去某个动作正在进行,突然发生另外一个动作,whe n等于and then或and at that time。主句常用过去进行时,从句常用一般过去时。例如:I was doing my homework when I heard someone crying for help outside.我正在做作业,忽然听到外面有人呼救。

12.[聚焦句型]It\'s better to do...than(to)do...“干……比干……好”。例如:It\'s better to say too little than(to)say too much.沉默寡言总比夸夸其谈好。It\' s better to do something than to do nothing.干点事总比不干好。

13.[聚焦句型]What do you m eanby...“你……是什么意思?” [解读句型]by后可以跟名词、代词或动名词,you也可换成其他人称,也可用其他时态。例如:What do you mean by coming here this morning?今天上午你来这儿是什么意思?What did h e mean by that?他那是什么意思?

14.[聚焦句型]a.主语+seem(to be)+adj./b.主语+seem+todo.../c.I t seem s +that从句[解读句型]本组句型是由seem构成的,seem为连系动词,意为“好像,似乎”,可接形容词作表语。但三个句型有区别,a、b可转换成c。句型c中,it是形式主语,真正主语是that引导的从句,it不可改用其它代词。例如:The teacher see ms to be serious.那位老师看起来很严肃。They seem to finish the work.=It seem s that they finished the work.看起来他们完成了工作。
