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吃什么有利于头发黑 哪些食物能协助黑发 吃什么能协助黑发

























Eight foods help hair

This article review: many people simple questions such as hair, it is able to improve it through diet, what foods help hair?
What is conducive to hair what foods can help black hair what to eat to help hair

Many people today due to health and other reasons, simple scenes such as yellow, white hair, it will no doubt give a lot of people confused. So what better way to help improve it? Below we describe eight foods help hair, for us to understand.

What helps hair

Black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds is to avoid losing the best culinary information, this is because the black fat-rich hair grow strong and healthy ingredients such as lecithin, protein, vitamin e, linoleic acid, and so on. But dark hair often take the other, can also enrich the bowels.

Portulaca oleracea

Purslane is rich in protein, fats, vitamins, and amino acids, and is a rich source of trace elements of copper. Ammonia is casein bad body of copper ion main components, copper deficiency can cause reduction of melanin. Often eat purslane can be added and tyrosinase activity in skin melanocytes. Melanocytes and melanin cuts, so that the skin is light and delicate, particularly favourable for treated hair.

Black beans

Also known as black bean, Gan Xingping, into the spleen and kidney. Traditional Chinese medicine, black beans and helped anti-aging, has the special function of hospital food with the rest. Contains rich protein, fat, carbohydrate, and carotene, vitamins B1, B2, niacin, and other nutrients, hormones, and delay aging, beauty.

Shepherd's purse

Shepherd's purse is rich in various nutrients are very rich, and spleen and consumption can often facilitate the stomach, bleeding eye. Nutrient components of Shepherd's purse in a particularly high content of vitamins. And proteins, fibre, calcium, phosphorus, iron and carotene content than tomato, carrot, cabbage, beans and high content of, these are nutrients necessary for the human body. Shepherd's purse has the effect of heat-clearing and deto

xifying, cooling blood to stop bleeding, to avoid the early white hair is very favorable.


Steaks-solid. Steak is a rich source of protein, iron and zinc, zinc was more firmly linked by glands of the scalp in the hair follicles, plays a solid result. Together, most of the nutrients from the hair protein, so steaks are also high in protein can help hair health.


Almond strong hair. Research found that hair loss are more likely to lack of vitamin B6, vitamin e, iron, and zinc. Anything else, adding high fat diets will form the body hormones, resulting in hair loss. Almond is a rich source of vitamin e and zinc, can lower cholesterol, is to cure hair loss Super food.


Shellfish, promote cell regeneration. Shellfish is a rich source of zinc, can assist in cell regeneration, maintain hormone balance, which are vital to the healthy growth of hair.


Citrus promote collagen synthesis. The vitamin c in citrus fruits, helps the body absorb iron very well, together, in the growth of collagen is important, can serve to promote hair growth results.

Help black hair diet

1, Peach kernel 1000 grams sugar properly. Place the walnuts soaked in cold water for 3 days, remove peeling tip, and sugar right into the pot, to melt and pour into walnuts, stir, cool pill consumption. 2 times daily at 5 grams, even 100 days.

2 2, quail egg, polygonum multiflorum 30 grams, Radix rehmannia glutinosa 20 grams, decoction with water, cooked eggs, shelled and put it back into the soup and cook for a moment, drinking fresh eggs to spoil the soup.

3, the portions of the black sesame seeds, soybeans, peanuts, walnuts, FRY, FRY, respectively, after developing into a fine powder and mix thoroughly. Daily before going to bed and then drunk with milk, soy milk or water a teaspoon. When the diarrhea should not be used.

4, Lotus 6-10 grams, eclipta 15 grams, decoction clothing, day 1.

5, 500 grams of brown sugar into the pot, add water a When heat and torment to a thicker, then fried in black sesame seeds, walnuts, 150 g, mix thoroughly, the ceasefire. Hot-melt sugar to edible oil-coated enamel on the outside plate, slightly cold, flattening sugar, divided into small pieces with a knife, after cooling, free food.
